The Brussels Post, 1937-7-14, Page 4TINE BRUSSELS POST
Wrzittern, for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
.....,. .. -, ... T^ •..�-.,_.
soon have killed tt, bad they no
been noticed Mt It was the aalmal
leas irluch bruised and exhausted.
Servlctai will be held in the P But will he alright,
byterlan Church Ethel as f4,11,w Master Blly Zeigler la hgliduyin
Sunday School at 10.30 p,m.; Eu :r . at Norwich. '
}ng Service at 1.30 p.m. This ar
aangement to continue tee end BLUEVALE '-
of Augurt.
Stuart 'Sicilian has been et :; 'ser"e
The Bluevale Brunch et the Wo
fol In passing his examnatone' et, men's Institute enjoyed a pl'lasun
Stratford Normal Schoch Coveautu• meeting Thursday at the hoire o
setons; ' Mrs. Stanley Gallaher. The press•
The tragic coiling of the life of dent, Mrs, 1;'ickstead presided and
Jolla Storey a frerlueat, licit k7 wt,
visitor with friends in Grey Tvp, ? cotulueted a tete items of business
Rev..and Mrs, J, 13. Townend and
g daughter's left on Mondry by aunty
for arose Jaw, Sesk., where they will
—.1 visit with relatives.
I' The Belgrave branch of the,Wo
men'e Institute will 11014 the regular
monthly meeting o4 Tuesday atter•
noon, July 20, at the home of Mrs.
f 111, Anderson. The Education Com-
mittee wjll he In charge. Cony en.
era, Mrs, W. Armstrong, Alt'c, I.1
Anderson; Roll Call, A good boli: to
read; Current Events, Miss a1
Armstrong; Address, Miss Bessi.
Hillen; Reading, Miss Barbara
Sllchle; Community Singing; Lunch
l Committee, Mrs, J. Alichie; Airs, W,
Armstrong; airs, 1. McArter,
A very pleasant time was spent
Friday night when a large number
of friends and neighbors gathered at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Edgar
WIghiman in honor of their recent
marriage. When all had assembled,
Wilbert Procter read an address
in which a welcome. was extended
to Mrs Wightman and best wishes
expressed for a long and happy
married life. The happy couple
were presented with a pair of wick-
er chairs, a fernery and a beautiful
clock from the company. Several
other .shower girls were received.
The evening was spent in social
chat and dancing. Lunch was
Visitors: Miss Mary Carley, R,N„
Toronto, with friends; Rev. J. 13,
and Mrs, Townend Jennie and
Kay, left Monday on a motor trip
to; Saskatchewan where they will
spend their holidays with relatives
Miss Lille Taylor, teacher at Wea
lesley, and Miss Louise McKeIIle,
Sturgeon Falls, at their homes here;
Miss Helen MacKenzie, W'ingham,
with her brother, R. J. Ma:Kenzie
and family; Mr, and Mrs. Albert
Coulter and Clifford and J. T,
Coultes in Exeter, Mary and Irene
VanCamp returned with them for a
Zeal.]7ihe1, laza of Seatorth, w;i, r. The roll -call was glowered by nine
Irby death occurred" suddenly, Fraley ( a o
,esr�r and. two r tsr�ors giving
duly tut when the hw'se-drawn re. a desripties of their gardens
Jicle in which be was ridin; wast weed.,. Airs, C:aIlaher and air,
by an automobile whl�•,, i Starling Johnston cunduc ted an
swore interesting contest in the naming
'estimated ar travelling at about ee common weeds, no one was able
miles an hour. gave to the people of s to name eurieatly the one dozen
rhis community a goers it girt of J weeds subrnitted, A humorous read -
regretful pathos and muni w' '.he ( ing by firs. Gallaher was enjoyed.
a•xPrr ricin:. of sympathy lima .1 it: r Atter singing the National Anthem
-this sad happening, {{
Miss E;Ia liansuld will iconic ir. enjoyed a picnic lunch Merced
altar the trete,
Barker's school, S. S. No. 6, Gra.-
-Twp after summer holiday. The cengregation of Knox Pse,.
Th, open air concert give: b: by ran theme had the Ierit l ge
Brus:-ers Brass Band at 1J.-esel, Sint. ni !leering the Rev. • Alan tie :Oa
day evening was much en17,y.,,; ,
c,r to Iii•, GoPortit, un !re
the large assembly of listeners. A 1' i te'iria Mission Field. an Su.
-invitation was extended to them day morning. He gate a Ori f roes.
;•ani again soon. • m•ii tien of the country argil i:q re.
The Mission Band of Ethel laas.'. sc.,, , spoke, of the advance• r
hyaErie church held their annual ,'ataim eanitat!•',n,
picnic Saturday afternoon in Erie] . the a••r,,v'h :,f Ciiriaiar.'ty •r•..e
I't-me grove, where they had art •.m r:-rpci._r, ara! ,i:e Vesal:F. Mr.
Jeyrible time, Reich is
most sincere and v:•:;.
Mrs. Noble McKee who has bean 1ntot-.. +
vl..itntg 11er brother Hai c. y M ' '•1- Mrs. E. Steno, left Sal u •day
land for she week returned to to , p .n:1 a temp:, of mantle: with
hati ;me in 13eamsielle, Tees/ley nee. i ,-r and ether friends at Lake
morn.,,,, via C. N. 11. 11 Mu t r a; Rev. .f, R, Greig
Sunday of a week ago Rev.. H'.,etd ; and Mrs. Gisag a' Ktntaii l r'•
anuli Preached his istradac,o-v 11r. Grigg is dean ' f the summer -
sermon in Ethel miter C 1 01' :. school vamp. 31'..,. J,•0n M'Bsrury
'There was a large congregation is attending the Y.I'.., of nrrax Fr•+s.
1)resent, bysr-rian C'hurch,
supplies from the homy. geraetes Visitors: Min. Margaret Curt!= at
such as green peas and beans, ti..w Amberloy Health; Mrs. Fred Braley
votatoes, earrots and beats 1111 a and son. Toronto, with her cousin,
big need for table use these d v; Mrs. Laura Kirton, Ross Patt ;.anon,
Although her Dad is an Orangeman Toronto, ai h. his grandpareats,
the lusty baby girl born to Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. George 0. Tito -ton;
Mrs. Cecil Bateman arrived abou., _Miss Dorothy Aitken, London, with
12 hours too late for 1437, late rd her mother, Mre. Alice Aitken, Mr.
July celebration. congratulations and Mrs. Nell B. McEacbern,
are extended Just the same Loehr- and Gilbert, Mount Freer,
A number of our young Wren, as:ng with Mr, and Mrs, R. F. Gare,...;
motorcycles, went to coderieli en Mr, and Mrs. Cameron MeeD-snaid
July hth to view th ea.sembls of and daughter, Sodbury, and Bing
American water crap. gathered MacDonald. Montreal, with Mr. and ,
there in friendly pastime on t3sit ' Mrs. P. D. King; 3Ir. and Mrs. Gerin
national holiday. Davidson, Oshawa, with lir. and
An unusual incident was rent:end
Making place in a farmer's fiell mar
Ethel one day recent!". Al ,o
i pig of about 140 1bs in w ig.:• h::,l
strayed from its home quarters into
a neighbour's put pure where a poi:
of horses. a young one and an e!dtr
one were feeding. The hers:•;
viciously attacked the pig and would
Mrs R. a. Irav,dsen; Mr, and Mrs, :
lolah, Detroit. and lir. and Mrs.
Rey Mann and family, Myth, with
Mr. and Mr,. Wellington iiann.
Miss J,,yee, Dark and Keith Fall,
TOrenti, with their grandma,neat, i
3Irs. Eliza Fell: lira. George Qulua
and son Gerden, Ingersoil, with
William Thornton.
Want to keep the youngsters from under
your feet? Just give them a playroom.
We'll transform that attic of yours into
a happy hunting ground that will keep
thein out of mischief for hours, And the
job wig be quickly done, with a mini-
uns p$ disturbance. Let us give you an
estimate. Then, if necessary, finance
under the Home Improvement Plan.
1 ,.
About 130 friends and neighbors
attended the shower given in honor
of Mr. and :firs. Les, Douglas, form-
erly Margaret Wright, in the town
hall on Friday night. The young
couple were the recipients of matin•
beautiful and useful articles, among
them being a dining -room clock
The evening was spent In dancing
and card playing,
Jas. Hembley read the address
to which the bridegroom in a few
well-chosen words replied on be-
half of his wife and himself, An
Joined in singing "For They Are
Lily Good Fellows." Dancing con-
tinued into the small hours of the
Services were held in the t'nited
Church on Sunday with Rev. C. C
Kafue, of Seaforth, in charge. Rev,
R. A, Brook, the pester, with his
family, are spending holiday; at
Point Clark, The evening service
is being withdrawn during the
molath of July.
Four girls of tho C. 0. I. T. getup
e•anille-t1 at the Guderieh Summer
School camp with the. county C.G.
I.T. Those attending were Helen
draw, Wilma Watson, Rath Brook
and Kathleen MetIiIl.
Miring lay hauling operation: .an
-tit`= tern of Itubt. `Vlgbtnien, the
'",llie (log qi. ns,rl<'r the Will ;and
illi.•: taken up with the loader, In
trying to ext:'!,.ate the dog 11-'' ie!
1;.ghat:an K'- bit' en in 'ecru
place•; en 'be arms.
W. F. INelist•,r spent ti,e, V,,.., -it•
end in 'Toronto,
A House on Your
Did sou ever Odor* out how
amen a percentage of our popu-
lation pass tour house whew
that Could see a "To Let" alga,
or how largo a pereeotege read
our paper? Good tenants o
not the kind that hare time 4o
waste In going emend locnteg
for tiff... Thy look, !ea. °. r
Wont Ada
41 afro.* hive r' house -on your
hands: e "Noun to tot" ed.
will bring them /conga.
Bourg Countrl 'Contributed Iauitely
to alodern World Progress.
A eonlpliatlan Wee made by a Can.
atdian newspaper of some of the eon-
tiibutious to world profit, ,r„ laude by
the Dominion in eotnpal•atively rerent
year's, 'and tho following are noted:.---
Canada built and demouetrated the
first railway sleeping care,
Built and sent the first steamboat
across the Atlantic.
(lave totheworld.tbe Idea of the
all-eloetrio radio,
Origineted the idea of making par
Der from pulpwood.
First ieolatcd Imitate gas in con'
mercial quantlites.
Originated the Idea of the pano-
ramic camera.
Originated the idea of electric
Built the world's first electro
Originated Marquis and other more
recent wheats, which helped to build
up the commerce of the West.
The idea of the telephone originat-
ed Canada, an the first long-distance
trials of the instrument were made in
Ontario between Paris, Ont., and
Canada pioneered in the field of
electro -chemistry with the discovery
of calcium carbide by Tom Wilson,
of Hamilton.
Canada originated the idea of
standard timo, which has since been
adopted by every civilized country in
the world.
Canada built and demonstrated the
first submarine telegraph in the his-
tory of the world.
A Canadian physician, Dr. F. G.
Banting, of Toronto, discovered in-
sulin, a serum for the treatment at
Canada built and demonstrated the
first compound steam engine in the
history of the world, The effect of
this invention was the doom of the
sailing ship as a factor in ocean
Without Them Insects Would Soon
Transform World Into Desert Waste.
Seven years without birds, it L
said, would mean the annihilation of
the human race. Insects are manta
worst foe. There are more than 300,-
000 different sorts of insects known,
and tens of thousands more at pres-
ent unclassified. All these live upon
vegetable and animal substances.
Just one of them. the gypsy moth,
multiplies so quickly that if uncheck-
ed it would, within eight to ten years,
destr y all the vegetation !n North
The potato bug, or Colorado beetle,
increases so fast that within a single
season one pair will become sixty mil-
lions. Birds are the only creatures
that keep these two plagues in check.
Potatoes, 'which form a fifth of the
food of the white man, would cease to
exist If there were no birds.
We talk of a greedy person as hav-
awing the appetite of a pig and a dainty
one as pecking like a bird. What non-
sense! The bird has the highest tem-
perature and the fiercest appetite of
any living thing, and the amount it
eats is almost beyond belief.
A scientific man weighed a canary
and found .that itsweight was 247
grains, just over haLf an ounce. He
weighed all its food, and found that
It ate thirty-two times its weight in
a month, or rather more than its own
weight each day.
Mixed With Salt and 'Used to Destroy
Since Ralph Lane, Governor of
Virginia (about 365 years ago), in-
troduced tobacco into ]England, the
'ase of the weed has grown in popu-
larity. Now sheep in Canada have
been introduced to "My Lady Nico-
tine." A recent bulletin issued by
the Canadian Government Depart
ment of Agricuture states: "Losses
from unthriftiness due to internal
parasites in sheep may be reduced by
the feeding of tobacco to the flock
The tobacco is given with salt in the
proportion of ten pounds of salt tc
one of croehed tobacco leaf. The leaf
should be dried so that it may be
broken up in a size equal to wheat
bran. This when mixed with the
salt, slightly moistened, forms a rake
which the sheep will lick when plac-
ed before them in the field or pen.
This recommendation is made by Dr.
Lionel Stevenson.
As the result of negotiations be-
etween Emile Reuillnn and R
Blanrheton, of Paris, leranre. w'ti
atewart Bros., of the Montreal LIvr
Stock Exchange, borers are now be.
irate shipped from Canada destined for
'ho horse -meat trade of Fran en
While several shipments of Alberti
'verses were matte to. Belgium fly,
'rears atm. this is the first move/tee.,
to France, where horse-me;rt Ireot h'
neon an article of iterrnc fr• d.
to its fr'. lntn from the- ri`•nrer
reherr+,tltsis aryl ft:: ehan;•re,::0. Il'•r>r,
'''rata lei ti eXte,,civoh+
:O F4;rc.Lr- _. t.'I,l,. !!:rt+n .i.• r:.',
.re enol,.Ioniser sarv14 .1,
Oasts at tre,
Thr t• are sl rr;
'1 ter iced 1 -ire, -1 ,•,•,ter the use::
P K. 1. lel-eat...! i1 rl ase 5I A.1),
se:me ie the quality o: ties ill
tiro.! 1 by I r: , +,
r.,I as iy r,,rw 571 ir,ty pries,',•,.:1 •
:,r.rrd:e, thea deriee t'a.• 1•'.t' b'
a, t: Kett. • en : e,n,nl • n-1 1r n.
'nds 'J the •'t 'lea.. to ,.r, ie p,„
d to the lied., : : torr•. , a h ,r, ,,
Tho prop 7,reee,'', ft t,;,1 tient•.
arty Peered- ' 1 %hes ) ,; ; r c•1 to t
acre. It Is ir'• 1 for hetes,.•el: t.
^d hnwitn ",re, t, •1 "4err•4,r , •
re+ry t,,.at. tort. is r. 1::irrd. 'TM, 1,,
eia11,:i is produced iv Prince Eiv,,,.
KEW BILI-N5i1'ICK'S 111:1111'1Nt;.
New Timm wick in by far the 9a:
est Producer er of t nokcd beet.:
among (1, fah .dla`i provinces. 'i .
'orb ate offine quality,---------
A i3ritt:-h army regulation t •
contains about 60 big nails wail
ere !table to fall out with wen'
Bence read' near big military ser
:errs are net papular with metier, t,.>
and cycllste.
MI DNI:SDAY, JULY lath, 1037
The Selling and Buying Centre for Farmers, Drovers and Packers for Western Ontario
M. P. P.
and every Thursday thereafter this market will be open to sell by public auction all kinds
Young Calves, Veal Calves, Milch Cows, Pigs, Sows, Sheep and Horses
A number of Pure Bred Jerseys, Fresh and Springers, also Yearlings, will be offered
for sale
Farmers and Live Stock Dealers
Bring Your Live Stock Of All Kinds To
Listowel Live Stock sales
Opposite C. N. R Station, Listowel
off® 0 ' 0=0 0 c
It is better to be loved and lost
than to have loved promiscuously,
and makes less work for the courts.
There will always he those who
think they know your duty better
than you know it.
Charity often means that we are
willing to pass the bat if other
people will 911 it.
can Buzzard is the fastest tieing
Barrister, Solicitor, Etc.
Phone 20x. —x— Brussels, Ont
Rocky Mountain Holidays
The busiest tourist season in
years is in store for the Cana-
dian Rockies. Banff Springs Hotel
and Chateau Lake Louise, recent-
ly opened for the year, aro enjoy-
ing mid-season popularity, while
increasing numbers of visitors are
planning holidays at the beauti-
ful chalet -bungalow camps at
Moraine Lake, Lake O'Hara, Lake
Wapta, Yoho Valley, and Radium
Rot Springs. r
Attractions stroll as golf on the
sporty championship course at
Banff, riding and hiking over
spectacular mountain trails, ten-
nis on splendid courts, boating on
glacial lakes, and other sports
under ideal conditions make the
Canadian Rockies Canada's lead-
ing summer playground: Add to
this scenery unexcelled In the
world, excellent fishing, and end-
less Opportunities f for camera
hunting of big game and the re-
sult is Banff, Lake Loniso, or any
of half a dozen Canadian Pacific
bungalow camps set in valleys or
by lakes of outstanding beauty,
Each year in the Realties sev-
eral feature events are held in
addition to the day-by-day amuse-
ments, Among them are the Cal-
gary Stampede, July 5 to 10; In-
dian Days at Banff, July 28 to 25;
outing of the Trail hiders of the
Canadian Rockies to Mount As-
slnlbolne, July 80 to Auguet 8:
outing of Trail linters of Cana.
dlan Rockies 10 Moraine Lake
district, August 6 to 9; Bafltf golf
week, August 28 to 28; and 3140140
Valley reunion camp of tho Alpine
Club of Canada frons July 17 to 81.
0..,,.atn:v0 Sauau....,Ow>iw