HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-7-7, Page 8Summer Time Pictures M,v . USE KODAK t- VERICHROME FILM It Gets Results When )rdinary Film Sometimes Fails Films Developed and Printed SEE THE SIX -16 BROWNIE CAMERA $45 With the Larger View Finders—Price • • • . . Visitors to Town Try Our Store for— High Grade Toilet Requisites Magazines and Books Stationery for Your Correspondence Picture Post Cards of the Town Gifts To Take Home Fine China, Leather "Jasmin of Southern France" Candy, Toys, Etc. Poison Ivy Lotion , • • 50c Camomile Shampoo • 1Oc Lavender Wave Set • 35c Wildroot Wave Powder 15c Mentholine 'Balm • • • • 25c Noxema 27c & 54c Cold Cream Almond Bloom Cream , Rexall Corn Solvent - • 25c E R. SMITH ,Stora rLEPHONE NO. 62 DRUGGIST and STATIONER TELEPHONE NO. 62 TIDE BRUSSELS POST CLASSIFIED ADS, 1 iWEDDIATG IWALTOIV Notices in this column cost Grose—StrachanMr. and Mrs. Id,I,aeonthu and 25c up to four lines; 5c for On p'rlday, July 2nd, 1937, at St, t Aflss 1'Vinnitred Drager, er Detroit and lti • Betty every extra line. Cash pnust accompany ad. Orders taken over 'Phone 35c, tI1.;44t; :>.,4 ROOMERS WANTED— of Mrs. Thomas Strachan, Brussels, 1 WALTON PUBLIC SCHOOL Iigih School girls, home priviit:g- to Dr. Lloyd Murray Grose, son of I PROMOTION et. Terms reasonable, Mrs, Grose and the late Mr, Thomas sr. IV-- Apply to Mrs. Walter Wilbee, 'Plwne 77.10 Paul's, Avenue Itoa4 ratted Church :vl10. Charles Drage Toronto by Rev, or, lltruld ,' Dru'gor spent the week -end wile 'Young, Margaret Ab(ra11, daughter relatives in Toronto and Galt. WANTED— lMrs, W. M. Sinclair would lilte a twiddle aged woman as housekeeper , on 'Thursday afternoon, July 1 ' Leslie Rutledge 64 about middle of July, write to 63 when Berva J. Parr, daughter of Viola Marks 61 Kensington Ave„ South, Hamilton. ldr, and Mrs. Milton Parr, Sth Cou- I Carl Coutts 60 cession Grey, became the bride of Sr, iV— Wilfred John Warwick, sots of Mr, " Carol Stoddart 71% e. and Mrs. George Warwick, 6th Donald Murray 63 Concession Grey Township. The ,Sr, III— ceremony was performed by Rev. Mary McDonald 52% Wm. Moore, The bride, who was Ross Bird 78 unattended, looked charming in a' 'Clayton Sellers 75 gown of white crepe with white Donald Bennett 67 accessories. The wedding dinner Herb Stoddart 63 was served at the home of the Lawrence Marks 63 bride, The happy couple will make Jhn Kelly 47 (Arith., Total] their home on the 20t1 Concession John Steins 33 (Spell, Arith„ Morris Township, Lit. Geog., Hist., Total) �1= Sr. II— Lott—Cladding Marian Steiss 64 A beautiful wedding mas eaten Nelson Marks (,3 sized Saturday afternoon at Park• r'Yr, II— viem 'United Church Stratford, 1 In order of merit Ontario when Alfredo Glad- Elva Sholdice i German Rollers; good singers. ding and Albert Lott, I3 A., both' priced at $3,00. aPply to Mrs. Alex Rutledge, Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE— Baby Perambulator in gond condi- tion, Maroon color. Phone ea r Grose, Drayton, Betty Sntalidon 74% <-=J4 Jean Farquharson 73 'tVarwlok—Parr Alice Stoddart 70 A quiet wedding was solemnized Ruth Cummings 68 guar Melville Clutch Manse, Brussels, Roselle, Burnes 64 WANTE0— Wanted to rent in a private hone in Brussels, two or three rooms for light housekeeping. apply at 'l'he Post, LOST— A Truck License Plate hetv:eeu 1 Brussels and Ethel. Finder kindly leave at George Pillard's or at Post. 'Phone 56-13 1 FOR SALE— 6 ft, Massey Barris Binder, Tinclt & Sheaf Carrier complete, in guntl condition, apply to Ed. Bryans, 'Phcae i7-10 I CANARIES FOR SALE - 0 1=01=== ALE O1=01=== =O) (01:=01=2.01=01====f 0 0 p 11 Know The Truth About Your Eyes. Have Them Examined NOW by 0 R. ,A. REID R.O. (Stratford's Leading !Optometrist) is at his Brussels Office in Miss Hingston's Store EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON FROM 2.00 to O Phone 51 for appointment OF30) 5.00 PULLETS—PULLETS of Toronto, were united in marriage ;by Rev, Duncan E. Foster, assisted by Rev. w, J. Pelly, To the strains of the 'Wedding March from Loh• ongrin, the bride entered the ,chnrc•h on the arae of Mr. H, C. Treneer, who gave herr away, She looked charming in a dainty gown of white silk crepe and carried a • bouquet of white Killarney roses Barred Rack;, five weeks old 40 and lily of the valley, The bride each. was attended by her sister, ,hiss S. C. WhiteLeghorns, four week. II Winifred Galddb„ who wore blue 30c each. These ars frog, 1 flowered chiffon and by :Mss Lor - our very best stock. Walter Rose, 'photo 96 rose taffeta. Both bridesmaids had bouquets of delphiniums and carnations. The bridegroom was assisted by his brother Mr. Kenneth Lott as best plan During Ole sign - JULY SALE OF TWEEDLE CHICKS— Never before could you buy so many Tweddle chicks for so little money. DAY OLD, Oracle A. Leghorns • $6,45; Barred Rocks $6.95; New t Hampshire Reds, White Rocks $7,95. _ i PULLETS, Barred Rocks $0.9!"!: New Hampshire Reds, White hocks II $10,95; Leghorns $1.3.45. or� C'O'CKEIRELS, Leghorns $1.25: CI Barred Rocks 55.93; New Homo - 0 shier Reds, Whits, Rocks 56.45. 2 \VISEK OLD, Barred Rock mixer] $12.93; Barred Rock cockerel. $11.95. PULLETS, Barrer] Rocks, $15.95: O1 New Hampshire Reds, White Rocks a $16,95; Leghorns $19,45. C 3 WEEK OLD PULLETS, Barred Rocks, 019.93; White Rocks, New Hampshire Reds 620.95; Leghorns $'33.45. 4 WEEK OLD PULLETS, Barred 0 Rocks, $24.95; Leghorns $25.45. U ' SPECIAL MATING-•1t/,c per chick more, Terms -10% with irder, Balance C. 0. D, TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERY, LIMITED Branch -5 Ontario St„ y Stratford, Phone 1395, W 0 According to a graphologist the handwriting of Joe Louis shows him to be a slow thinker. Apparently. however, he is able to write "K.0.'• quickly enough, 0 0=0=2 01=[0'0170 ==== 0=0 Read the Ads. 11111111111111M111111 1111111MEMEIMMIEMIIIMMIlf i ■ �t ■ ED ■ ■ ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ •■ a ■ Butternut Peanut Butter 24 oz 25c CKellogg's Corn Flakes 3 pkgs , • • 25c Red Band Plum Jam 32 oz .. . , • Sultana Raisins 2 lbs • ■ • • ■ • i;airnaua$luIu■■■■I ®!1)AffiQ�ffiA■■■�■B■!Iffiffi■1■ffi■�1® 114! PE ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Red Band Rubber Jar Rings ■ IM 12 cut, 4 pkgs 25c Extra Heavy Zinc Rings per doz • • • • • . • 25c AND STORE Phone SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Torfiato Catsup Garden City llc Coronation Tomatoes 26 oz • • •••• 2 for • • 25c Cascade Pink Salnon 2-1 lb. tins 27c Red Rose Coffee 1 lb , , 39c %z lb 21c FRESH TOIVIATOES, CARROTS, CABBAGE, APPLES & BANANAS AT ALL TIMES Lucille Burns Kenneth McDonald Pat Burns Jim Cummings First— Doreen Coutts Isabel Davidson Pauline Stoddart David Stoddart Prim er— t'stelle Burns Shirley Bennett Marie Bennett Donald McDonald Chas, S. Sellers. teacher, MONCRIEFF ing of the register, Mrs. Percy Cook sang most appropriately "Love's 1• Coronation." This was followed by the playing of the hymn "0 Per- fect Love." by Miss Dorothy Willis, the accompanist Mr, Horace Clad- ding and Mr. Percy Cook acted as u bet's, The wedding party later returned to the church where about forty guests were waiting for them in the primary department. Here a very informal and delightful re- ception was held. This, along with the dainty and appetizing Pala was a friendly gesture to the bride. in recognition of cheerful and efficient services in the choir and Sunday school, while a member there, ,Among guests from out of town were: Mrs. Alfred Cladding, Tor- onto, the bride's mother; Miss Edith Lott of Wingham and Mr. and Mrs. Clay -ton Lott of Detroit, relatives of the bridegroom; Mr. George and Misses Routledge and Mr. Murton Vaudrick of Listowel, and Mrs, Oran Westell of Kincardine. The bridegroom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. George Lott, Wingham, and is well-known in Huron county, Before moving to Toronto two years ago the bride resided with her mother and sister in Kin= tdine and Stratford. The happy party 2.30.11 by motor for Kincardine and ' other points in Wetsren Ontario On their return they will reside in Toronto, Presentation On Monday evening June 19th a have gathered here tonight to ntalce hours assembled in the Moncriril' Community Hall to extend best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Roh- in.eon. The following address was read by Glenn Dilworth, To Laura and Cecil: We your friends and neighbor, have gatheerd here tonight to n:ak,• merry and to congratulate you. Cecil, on your good fortune in gain- ing so winsome a bride, and to wish you, Laura, the very best of gond wishes and to wish you a long and joyous married life. Since it 1s 1 so difficult to find words to express our appreciation of your presence with us and our affection for you. we ask you to accept this China Cabinet and hope it may remind you of all the friends who take this op- portunity of saying, ".Best Wishes to Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Robinso.t," Signed on behalf of neighbors and firends, Mr. Robinson made a suitable re- ply and the rest of the evening was spent in dancing, tW 351)NESDA'Y, J01x 711t, 10$' uperior teres. QUALITY - - SERVICE FRY'S COCOA 1-2 Ib. tins each 19 Kova Health Salts per tin , Pride of Valley White Corn per tin Campbell's Tomato Soup • • « • .. 3 tins • , , , 25c. Our Toddy Deal is Real Value at 40c Happyvale Catsup per bottle • • • • 100 Crisco, A Real Shortening per tin 23c Peerless Wheat Puffs 2 bags . • • • • • 21c Golden Wax Beans 2 tins • • ••• • • , • • 19c • Golden Area Apricots , • • • 2 tins • .. 29c Tip -Top Pineapple Jam per jar 330 Fresh Tomatoes, Carrots and Cabbages Nonsuch Silver Polish per jar • • • . • 23c Cameo Complexion Soap 6 cakes .. , , • ••••• 25c A few Brooms left Each • • • • .. • • ••••• 25c Salted Peanuts per lb • • • • , .o... • , . . , • 15c Dad's Cookies per doz 12o' Capo Shoe Polish Black per tin , . • 10c Hemphill's Wheat Berries per bag 29c Heavy White Jar Rubbers 2 doz 13c Aeroxon Fly Coils 4 for 100 •, 18c 9c Brussels Phone 64 31 Thursday., L WI Eckimer filday Saturday LAND OF "NEVER, NEVER" —s— .-- a In England, the creator of "Peter Pan" has just taken the last journey into the land of "never, never." Sir .-James Barrie is dead but, wherever Christmas is observed and there are .children, his memory will be lc.'p• 112 a little place apart from 011 the other artists of his day, "Peter Pan" ranks along with "Cyrano" and "Hansel and Gretel" of the child- ren's Christmas musical world. It is interesting to know that children, whenever ntey go to see their favorites, Peter and Wendy, will be helping others of • their kind, Some years ago, Barrie !gave the rights to Peter Pan to the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children, in Loudon, England. Read it or not—Amsterdam, II.=1• Mand, has more than 300 bridges. Admiral Leahy of the Unitea States navy says that Russians are slaves and that should bring him a flood of indignant letters from Red ,sympathizers on this side of the, .■IEMBI ffi■amHlLIMMmill■®■®Q!■II■■■■■■■■■■■Ql+ilIES ■ NI ITE FiT m ■■ ■ " f' 1eSTD,,•■ ■ .. ■ ■ ■ •■ • HAVE YOUR EYES • 1 1 •PROPERLY CARED FOR ■ It costs no more to have your ■ • • •Eyes Examined 1 II ■ • by our Scientific 25 -Point ExaminationIN ■ ■ than by the old fashioned 6 or 8 point 1 • 1 1 (Guess System) ■ IMM . I will be at my Brussels Office in • • r Miss •Maude Bryans Home ■ w ■ all day and evening • ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ Thursday, July 8th C ■ • • : to give Expert Eye Service • • • Frederick F. Homuth,Phm, B,, B. 0. ; Coco Costile Soap 10 bars Loose Soap Chips 3 Ib • • • Aeroxon Fly Coils 4 for 25c „25c 10c 24c ( Lemon Oil , . •....'.. •.23c 25c Canada Dry Ginger Alo, Cold per qt. 20c Big Bath Toilet Soap 5c Super Suds ••• .. ,. • „ 19c w Harriston Brussels, • i � First Door South of American Hotel LEWIS A. RUSSELL, BRUSSELS ; Phone•118 Phone 26X �r��i1111■■���wt■■1if■,II�o111■■14Wi� 1o1i.$.u■■lulUU■■■1*PIlM11l1U■111■11■111■R11 iG arcs HARDWARE LI STOV�/EL Tesfore with Mesi5ock Brussels General Store PHONE 61 1 Now Showing Georgette, Sheen and Crepe In Floral Designs in Dress Lengths .. 98c yd. Ladies Print House Dresses 69c and $1.00 Misses Print Dresses • • .. .. 75c and $1.00 Ladies Celanese Slips • • • • .. • • • • .. 59c Ladies and Children's Cotton Hose • • .. • • •••• • • • • .. • • • • • 15c Ladies Silk Hose all sizes , , 25c Linen, Lace and Rayon Table Cloths Circle Bar Silk Hose in Standard and 'Knee-length MEN'S WEAR Men's Polo and Outing, Shirts at 89c and $1.00 Men's Sailor Hats for worm weather $1.00 Fine Sox at .. • • • • .. 15c a pair or 7 pair for $1.00 Boy's Jerseys and Polo Shirts Men's Strand Shirts with Separate Collar and Collar Attached GROCERY SPECIALS , Old Cheese 25c Ib Corn Flakes ••,.••••.. Gold Medal Coffee %z 1b Large Bottle Catsup 3 for 25c 25c 1 8 c E. J. McTAVISH GENERAL STORE