The Brussels Post, 1937-7-7, Page 6TESTED RECIPES
Hami ;Loaf
pound of fresh ham, ground;
ye pound of cured ham, ground, 1
cup of bread crumbs, 2 eggs, chop-
ped stuffed °elves and pimento.
Put this mixture into a baking '
dish and have ready to pour over
the top of it before placing in the
oven; ?•. cup brown sugar, mustard
for flavoring, and enough vinegar to
dins„ive the sugar.
Brown Bread
2 caps all bran. 2 cups white (lour,
2 teaspoons baking powder, ?.fl, cup
sugar, 2 cups sour milk, ee cup
,rallies. 1 teaspoon salt, 1 egg nr 2
egg yolk:, Bake slowly in a deep
-pas and slice for serving.
Aeroplane Cake
1 yup whipping coram 2 eggs, 1.
rap sugar. 1 teasp, vanilla, lea c'ep`•
Licensed Funeral Director
and Embalmer
flour, 2 teasels, baking powder, 're
teas1. salt.
Beat eggs until light, add sugar
gradually. beating all the while
Whip the cream, fold the two tu•
gether, then fold In the Roto' which
bas been prepared by sifting. mea::.
uring and adding of the salt and
baking powder, Bake is greased
pan al 350 degrees for about 30 min-
100 thlu strips, and then Into Obert
toilette, Cut the eggs into fourths,
.lengthwise, and then into alic')l,
,111ix all together, aad coat all Plecee
„nicely with salad dressing. It is a
good idea to add the celery and via
cumbers the last thing before 66r
1n in order to keep theist. crisp,
Tomato Soup Cake
1 cup gran. sugar, 2 tablespeous
butter (creamed), 1 can tomato
.soup, 2 tease, soda (stirred in soup).
2 cup flour, 'L teases• baking pow
der, 2 teazles. cinnamon, llee tea*,,s
Cleves, 1 cup nutmeats 1 cup raisin•;.
Mix la order given butter and
sugar. creamed, tomato soup, with
soda added. Dry ingredients if•ed
together and stirred in. raisins and
nutmeats added, I3aae to pan :Er
about 45 minutes at 350 degreee.
Frost this cake with. a 10 cent cake
of eream cheese, creamed with one
cup powdered sugar, flavored with
tt:a.poon nutmeg. Add this to
cake in the pan while still bur.
Leave in pan till ready to serve.
Potato Salad, Summer Style
Put into a pot twelve, medium-
sized pota(l,.-s and three fr•c-s:h
Cover with water and cook till Om
pntltoes are just tender, Drain and
allow to cool. When ready to make
the salad,remove the skins from ,
Potatoes and free the eggs from
shells, Dice the potatoes and pa .c
two fairly large cucumbers. and sli, to
titin; blanch one cup of almonds and
cut into thirds. Have the white
heart stalks of celery in ice water
for Half an hour. wipe dry and nut
The eie,)nr) (044(0 ("1(1 4r;rp (3,1(0
T 1114, I uty of flow -r is en
1 treat nand 1('1(111 7,, to 1,..ry
camera •.nor. 1 t n 111 good flower.
pi0turtw ,u•, not •a 4y to take and for
that rex400 sate s brings more
than ordinary satisfaction to the
amateur photoerephcr.
Proper lighting, a large image and
patient work with the camera are
the essentials of flower photography,
The best camera to use 14 nna with a
long-ezt'oisinn bellow.', enabling rine,
to focus close to the flower, and hav-
ing a ground glass focusing screen
on which you can see the image be-
fore snapping the shutter.
But, if you haven't suet a camera,
good work may be one with ordi-
nary folding or box cameras, pro-
vided a portrait attachment is used
to obtain a large Image. This supple
mentary lens, which comes with a
table of focusing distances, makes
It possible to work within arm's
length of the subject. Always use a
tape measure to determine exactly
the specified distance between lens
and flower. Panchromatic film gives
the best rendering of the tone con-
trasts among the colors.
Flower pictures need to be vividly
sharp; hence, a small lens opening
•should usually be used—L,16 or 2.22
—or the smallest atop on box cam.
eras a.nd'q n-ra:MAIM beona
tripod or1)'l' ctirely with a cam -
ere, clamp. C 1e. )•/,ire) should be
from 1 , to on t. ,11'1.
wind is a 111 of our .e., .1t
such r t+o'+ d1 t nares mov.ment of
the _.111 j_4 t s n1 ,, 0 dllforence.
It is worth while to welt for a nes
nt •nt when tie. bloss.en is motion -
1, : ;rt. 113 yon find the wind too blowy,
devise a witi t hr • .alter of some sort,
hazy days, or wh'-n the sun is
shining uud=•r light clouds, makes
the ('1)114'mne for flower pictures. Di-
rect h)'llht snusltin, is hot desirable,
but if you can't wait for better condi-
tions, give your subject the prat+'°.
Bon of a cheesecloth screen, Better
results ore obtained In the early
morning or late afternoon when the
light is less harsh and comes from
the side. This is especially true frit
cup.shaped flowers. Nearby foliage,
or other blossoms net wanted, may
be tied back with String or cot
away. A. piece of stiff gray cardboard
placed behind the flower often is a
better background than the natural
Sometimes, 12 you are patient
enough to wait, a roving bee will
enter the chalice of your flower.
Click! Your patience is rewarded
with a picture that is a perfect sym-
bol of summertime,
146 Sohn van Guilder.
Dressing for Potato Salad
Mix together one teaspoon of :twit,
one teas10u0 of mustard; beat four
egg's till thick, add the salt and 1110a-
tard and two cups of vluegur. Conk
oyer water until It becomes a
smooth custard. When cold, add
one cult of whipped cream.
Q6"' -
Dry tinware well to prevent ruse
• • •
When packing a trunk of -woollens
for long storage, place in it a bottle
or chloroform with a small hole in
the cork. The fames w111 permeate
the garments and destroy tie moth:.
• * •
Do you know that if you. put your
polished silver away with a piece
of gum eampllor the silverware will
not tarnish
• * •
If your family Is small and a large
cake gets stale on you try a one egg
cake recipe in cupcake tins, frosting
the cakes several different ways fur
by Grant Fleming, M• D.
(Second Article)
We know the causes of some can-
cers, Percival Pott, the great Eng-
lish surgeon, said 10 his book pub-
lished in 1775 that be thought the
cancer of the skin from which
chimney -sweeps suffer was cause:)
by the contact of soot with the skin
in the course of their daily work.
His opinion has proved to be correct
It was shown in 1930 that cancer of
the skin may also he caused by cna-
tinued contact with coal tar, shale
oil, mineral lubricatAtg oils, etc, So
these cancers May be prevented 1,7
Prc:tectng the workers from Pro-
longed contact with these and other
111j111'ious .sa'betalt'es,
Thttr011g11 cleanliness ,s a gr=at
prl;tcetign, Three Innes a day at
l.:ost. say before each meal, 111.4
hands 'h0uld he thoroughly washed
w 1111 : nap and water and in most
rases the clothing worn at 10o1'it
s310111(1 be changed, or et
aP+ons. gloves, smocks overalls. t-tt•.
eh4.411d he rellluyerl. 'I'he weuriilg of
, protective Mottling, rubber glov'4,
• is an important way of securing
safety for the worker and the,4-,4
ways roust be found and followed to
prevent cancers developing. Fled
out rite c•attse and prevent the.
X -Rays and Radium:
The farm on w•111ci1 John L)olg re-
sides on the third concession of
Hawick township, subject of litiga-
tion in count)' court at (lodel'ich,
Is to be sold by public auction urn
,the net proceeds distributed among
the litigants, according to Lite
181108 of a consent judgment reach•
ed ou Tuesday of last week, Mr.
Dolg Is to be allowed to harvest
this year's crop before the sale takes
plane, November let being set as the
deadline, Defendants in the action
were John Andrew >a1.1s, who, it
was alleged, lived on his ewe farm
with the Doigs for five years a't,l
then picked up and left, leasing a
board bill, allegedly then treater -
ring ,the term to Darla and Andrew
McLennan of Grey township. The
action was to set the conveyance
aside. By the terms of consent, if
. the farm brings less than $1,000,
after a e100 mortgage, bark interest,
taxes and cost of sale have been
paid, Doig is to be pale $500, defen-
dants getting the balance. If tlta
sale price is more than $1,000, tile
division is to be pro rata. Each side
is to pay its own court costs.
—Fordw'ich Recoil
A report from Ottawa say that
Mr. Bennett's health will permit
him to remain as leader of :he
Conservative party. We have the
nCssi n that the
Canadians of
all stades of pojitical opinion will
be glad that his services are not
to be lost.
A Wee:ern report says that five
million acres of Saskatchewan land
will be without a crop this year. As
against this, however, Is the fact
that another fire million acres will
have a bigger yield than usual.
New York has a society that
. would abolish all dogs in the clt/.
That does not mean anything be-
cause it would be easy to ol'gauiz,)
another society to seek the abolition
of all the members of the anti -deg
The certificates of a certain type
of airplane Have been suspended by
the government. An explanation
of how those machines were flr.t
t passed by the authorities as alr•
aortity would seem to be in order
There is alma y a movement na
.foot for a third term fur Roosevelt.
as president of the Vatted States.
we have been thinking that it w,1s
John L. Lewis who was being,
groomed fur that position,
_x --
Kitchener reports au epidenhit' Or
the forest web worm in that district
the pest stripping many of the &',a
If it isn't one thing it is sometime
—X ---
According to a graphologist the
handwriting of Joe Louis shows 11in1
This le a modern miracle, Th ora t to be a slow thinker. Apparent;y
ia. etenethillg wrong In seine °real, . however. he Is able to write "K.0 •..
of the body. We see a growt•11 quickly enough.
w'i,irlt 11101;s daugeruua.. \1'e mint —x--
ttrtr it or it wt11 destroy the pat- With a hundred thousand Shriner!
lent, Perhaps the growth can be in Detroit this would seem a go 001
removed by a skilful surgeon. \:A I time for the C,1.0. board of +ha.t'•�;
1l ronitr'rh11p>; in two years : to ,111g,• auolhet' hotel en1p11''.''"
▪ r 11'.r,. That is t11,,1 giteetiete Ai; strike.
. a1, u't 0nitable for op,•ratinl, —y—
but 111,• iv, M2 X•rays and 0;1(1111)111 Deputy-Sberrif 11. A, Burrell el
i ILzs row d ec'tetp, tl anti extenthol I Ilem11lton liars that his loon 1ii r'0'
aro! .Ir,ppt t x11 1110 1t that oar hes!
t1,ey:his r 'rt111 .,ro:t'r),
o1,i-041.7114( Iia., 1411e111 is Often the
Its,. of R.ldiunt and X -Its)•., in the
hande of 31 skillful radtoiolist, '1'11.,
to Olt” of the greatest )test Sates 111 1irc
war against (sewer,
Co -Operation:
The war against cancer is a wa,•
co-operation. 'rhe doctors taut
to tell all the peoples tile lontlnua
sr+rlka shoUt cancer, And that cion.
mon sense ht )hat cancer can u''ar-
1y always he cured if the doctor nets
a chance at it soon enough. For-
tunately theca, is usually :Male Warlt-
1ng that cancer is coning and til• -'r'
is one friend who can tell you whet
the warning means and interpret 1h.i
handwriting on the wall for yell: be-
fore 1t is 'too late and that friend (s
your doctor.
When did you have your last
Perindian1 Medical Examination
Questions concerning I-Iealth ad-
dressed to the ('anacusis .iledtcal As.
see -Intim:, 184 College Street, To.) Men, like horses, get the meet a°-
ronto, will be answered personally complished when they stop kicking
by letter. and pull together.
known ,t repeater anon prisnur•+• .
who have received 111", 11)4)1, in
other words when they aro 1()'3,101
they stay licked,
Admiral I4'31113' of the vat to 1
States navy ::uys dint llassians are
slaye4 and that sllmtld bring him n
flood of Indignant letters from tfel
•sy01p1131tiz1•10 on this side 00 U)''
watt er.
Results of Department of National
Defence Incorporated In
New Maps
Surveys conducted by officers of
the Department of National Defence
in 1935 in that portion of southern
Oirtar10 comprising parts of the.
'Counties of Bruce, Grey, Burow,
Perth and We111ngtou have been
used as the basis la all four
new slap steels. These nlap sheets
willelt are named from towns in the
area Mapped-Goderiell, Pennons.
ton, Seafonth 11nd Wiughanl—are
part of the National Topographic
series which Mikes 111 all of 1110
southern peninsula of Ontario lying
south of a liue from Toronto west to
Goderich, The metes are drawn on a
scale of one inch to one mile alyd
are un1tbl'm in size and appearance.
Lech clap show's a area of about
275,000 acres.
7ne country covered by the Our
Malls 1: tolling land 0008 ae11Se1)'
Iure.sted 'out 40w largely 0,041'0'1
and 1111ltiyated, The Gouerich sheet
'covers alt area 00301141ag Lax.?
Ailur011, and the territory described
Is 1101 lar 0latennt Irom elle lace,
'Phe to1)'n 01 (1)0dericlt, which Is situ-
ated at the mouth of the .11u1teueu
river; Bayfield on Lake Huron, and
Canton, 1110e mites inland, are
shown ou the tluderich map. 11
union to SeafurtU, ou 1110 map in
Wet 0141110, are the villages of Dub-
lin, ateuet011, Atwood, 131 t1Sbeee,
1.11y111 and Lundesboro. The Wing.
num map shows 13luevale, Gerrie,
1 otdwicu, 'POeswittel' trod Wroxe,,ar,
as wet]. as 11Ingham, Uu the mall
named for the town et .l'alluurstwl,
were 10150 appears sirt11u1', Drayton,
llooretietd, :\count Forest, Barris(./I1
ltotha12,, l.1111urd and Conn, Utti,e
information e• •1 •
1 dl lluw'll �llC n 814
c ) e 1 d
login%ays, railways, power .litter,
telephone and telegraph lines,
schools, chinches edam bullduigs,
1• wuudeu areas, and lases alio
streams. lite claps also shun
contour 1i11es at twenty -nye tug;:
' mterya,s.
Copies of these maps as wed as
Otllel•s of. tine sera's ,for Western U,1-
teri0, may be obtained upon 111)1111119
tion .to the •Surveyor General. lie-
pat'tnleut of \lines and Re5uureu-1.
Uttatr'a, ata price of twenty-fiyz
' cents each. To encourage the stuoy
of local geography, one copy will Lr;
supplied tree by the department to
the principal or board of trust')-
of any school located in the mapped
Blyth—Miss Idelen Amen 111' Se,--
forih has been engaged Cts 3,•10,1 34
fur Room two of the pubilc school at
a salary of $nlie per annum, Ahra
Anent 1vi11 succeed Miss 10. M. God-
1t1u 101)0.0• resignation was rc'celvad
by the board.
Rev. 12, A. Brook and family 101 ;.
left, for a 1ou111's holidays to be
spent at Point ('lark.
Mr. and 31rs, Geo. I3ranton, Tor-
onto, have been guests of Mr. r,ld
.Mrs. Harvey Mason and other
friends this week. Mn Branton w;11
be the solist in the United Chun, u
Sunday morning,
Mrs. Ralph Gamlen who bus been
spending several weeks at the hilae)
of her parents, Ml',. and Airs, win,
Teeter, 111% returned to het' home ir)
the west; Mr and Mrs, 0, Ai. IY•av
and flintily left Thursday for 0211)1,1
Where they will sp,ald the nekt two
weeks tit therr 11Utagu',
111', and :NB's. Ben Walsh moved
this week to the Carter propr-1•t'
Queen street north, lately 1)1(1)1.`d
by 1111 eel Demeter y :end 10:.,
mother. r
If ('011418te11cy is a jewel, trete are
a 101 of speakers who are • runniLg
very short of jewelry.
Vegow.vaaftensvixe totoame'sCoro+ss 1
In Kansas City there Is tui iustl'u-
tinn which loans toys to children at
a small rental, The Inventor oe.
that scheme evidently hex seat''.
dhfng, if it does not test too much
to service the gadgets.
The Iransien1t who threw away
tate lunch he had been given at
Sudbury showed bad taste end
worst judgement when he picked a
policeman's lawn as the snot to get
rid of his parcel,
/2V 44
r, re. 1» tit
A House on Your
cod you ever figure out how
moll a )er•cent.go of our pope.
Italian plena your house whore
they could see a "Ta Let aldn.
or 1101v large . pereentado reed
OM. eloper. Seed taoonts are
aot the hind that have limo to
snide In doing ar000d looking
for elgoa. Thep look to on r
Want Ada.
A It YOU h8.e ,i hon.. en Y•rwr
Wends. " ttoa.. to Let" .d.
will taring them to pots.
'Si"1:DNHS 11A•'t'r J11..'2' 701, 1037
Canada's Favourite Tea
Summer Camp of Hamilton Synod
To Be Operated All This Month
Kintall Camp, the PresbyterLaa
summer camp 23.13 the synod of Ham-
ilton and Loudon, will open this
week with the boys' camp ruuutug
from July 3 d0 12, followed in order
'by the summer school, the
camp tor girls and the ,irinftset'ial
camp. Every day will open and
close with a worship period, The
morning and evening will feature
leoturee in church problems and the
remainder of the day will be devot•
ed to sports.
The boys will have as registrar
Rev, William. Young of Honsall,
Bible study, nature study and or-
ganized sports are to be the throe
pllal ee of camp lite which will be
sO'essed at the first session.
, Rey. J. R. Grieg of Bluevale, who
with a committee Appointed by the
'synod of liamalton and London, or-
ganized the camp, will be dean of
the young people's summer schuu!
.from July 12 to 19, Rev, Gordon
R. Taylor of Kincardine will be
the registrar, Leadership training,
Bible study, church history and
missions will be the study topics.
The girls will be in camp 11'010
.July 10 to 26 and Miss Violet Ten-
nant of Toronto, girls' work setie-
tary for Can•lda, will be dean, and
11ir, Taylor registrar, Miss Nellie
. Mal
tglm is camp moiher. For n11r-
tisterial study and fellowship mi,.
• Inters will meet at the camp July
26, and remain until July 31. Rev,
, Mr. (irteg will again be registrar
and dean,
Premier Hepburn Las repeated his
statement that +there will be no elect'
tion until 1038. That always plenty
of dime for an entirely new set of
issues to develop.
d'apa11030 are now rePorted to be
4making artificial gasoline. That is
a story ebee, should be 013 interest to
,the Stan(1ard 011 Company,
Read the Ads.
Earns High Post
R. G. Mc\eillie, widely known
a popular o alar Can
Railway official, who on Tune 30
sueeed5 C. 13, Foster as passen-
ger traffic manager of the Com-
pany 1ar with headquarters afoot -
real. Mr, Foster retires under the
pension regulations after 46
years of service. Announcement
of Mr. Poster's retirement and
Mr. MoNeillie's Promotion was
made by George Stephen, traffic
vice-president of the Company.
/111•111M. Own me
O Vary your diet with
the healthful, appetizing
goodness of Canadian
FishandShcllfsh. Serve
Fish Foods more often during
the week. Whatever form is
most available to you...fresh,
frozen, canned, smoked, pic-
kled or dried . , , you will find
it an easily digested food .. 1.
rich in proteins, vitamins,
minerals, iodine and other
health -giving elements.
1 You'll find its variety of
's. 1 flavour adaptable to count-
` `l ' I less simple and delicious
Write 1 recipes. And you'll find
\ that Canadian Fish and
; Shellfish give you full value
Doparinl.ntot Fisheries 1 in sound nourishment for
Please 1 ev cent spent.
Please Bead' ray
yarn irea 52yage P
boo "My Day o Fish Da , 000- 1 DEPARTMENT of FISHERIES
aRedms over leo delightful Flab i OTTAWA
8 seta
1 1.16.Hien p.ekege..alt 6.11 [rmo[ b000kanedlm• cod or other Can.
ddrat - 1
'/e aro of hot water 2 bardale led agar
CW,2 //a yip, of pap(oS 1 tip of drr moeaa<d
Tnbo freheecd 6511 leto of hot
TWO three -h fish r top of ed,
over 11water 54, which
hhas been paced ow
platftr or shallow dish. Sizend e
will teaspoon po
o'n 231 dry mustard cad
ha11 teaspoon of C3o
l,ara.baned tap Wet fiYt and dot
=Tay with buttes. Saw wish
ANY. DA.V A F.1S 1-/ DA -Y'