HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-7-7, Page 5THE BRUSSEl, POST A. JULY 70, 1937 r x„lyan Smith Donald Reynolds,Bowes " Reunion Children tinder 9--13obby Smith; The second Annual Runlet' of the Rowes fatally was held at the hone o1 T1.1os, and 111r1i, Earl Mhel1Qil With 'a large lrttennanee, Oyer „arty registered, !muting from Sau- ,dus3ty, Mich. :Listowel, Atwood Moncrieff and Mitchell. The forenoon was spent in base,, ball played on the grounds vita rounding the house. After the dinner, which was served on the lawn, Relit Bowes, President rook charge of the programme which ,consisted or: speeoh of welcome, Thos. Ear); recitation, Bernice Hick- son; violin solo, Archie Mann; Re. urn song, members of the Bowes family; reading Bobbie Smith; reel- , taton, Marion Mann; tap dance, Gwen Clark; reading, Mrs, Earl Bowes; duet, Earl 'and Shirley Tucker; recitation, Betty Morey; song, Tommy Morey; waltz clog. Gwen Clark and June Morey; read- ing, Myrtle Bowes; story, Rout. Bowes; dance, Gwen Clark; song, Marion Mann; talk, M:'s. Arnold Hoff; recitation, Mrs. Agnes Miller: recitation, Ivan Smith; talk, Ed. Coates; mouth organ and violin duet, Robt. Bowes and Ed, Coates; reacting, Mrs. Byron Hickson; violin solo, Archie Mann. Community singing. The election of officers for frit'. followed: President, Robt. Bowes; See: Treas„ Myrtle E. Bowe:,: Sports Committee, Mrs. Wilfrid Smith, Mrs, Roy Morey; Program Commtt1ee, Mrs, Arnold Iioff, arra. Archie Matin, ;firs. Arthur Tucker lhs. Duncan, Mr, 1', Coates, Th,. lex; [,-union will be held at Immo of Karl and airs, 13nv-,.., Ethel, on the first Saturday of July, /1938, After the program, races we:••. held, The following are the win- ners: Children under 6—Joyce Marcy, Brothers WROXETER, ONT. BRUSSELS, Phone 53X dress by Ml's. Geo. Evans, Dear Ethel and Jim:* Jane•MoroY; lvadel Brant. , We your friends and neighbors Children under 12 --Batty ,1TorsY; are gathered together tonight to Gwen Clark; June Morey, congratulate bout or you upon ymrr Men's Rase—Roy Moray; Earl 'reeeni joint.fllve into the Unchaste: - 'Bowes; Stanley Earl, etl sea or nmtrhnony and to welcome Wrotlten'jt Race-- Edna Smith; you "Ethel" as a permanent resident Myrtle Bowes; Lorraine Switzer, of our community. Grandmother's Wanting Race -- So we thought we would gather ',AIM T. Earl; Mrs, R. Bowes; Mrs. 'round, T. Bowes, And see if anything we can do Bean Carrying ['ontdst—Group 1, a§ould prove our affection for you Peanut Scramble --Croup 2. two We hope that you will always find T1i6 land smooth and fortune 'find GREY That your troubles may be rare And none of then hard to beet' A very pleasant ploale was held 'Twere possible for us to go en Svednesday al'fmnoon of last weep and on, some offering advice gained , In eel neption with Barkers anti Uy practical experience of married Smiths school, the company aseanlh• life, others speaking front mere cling at the lettere .p)ace, as there theory, but singe you both appear is a splendid playground and excel• this mreasy sitting hero to full view of lent shade, sports and games of all assembly we shall make our kinds were enjoyed by the children, words as few as possible and come A moat bounteous lunch:was served to the main point of the address, 1by the radios and everyone enjoyed As a small token of our respect the afternoons outing, A good number of friends and ,for both of you we ask you "to ae• cent this tablecloth and lamp, May neighbors gathered at the hence of %they prove useful now and ip years Milton and Mrs, Parr, . 8th colato t to come, honour their daughter Mies Berva • In closing may we wish you both .J„ who was married the day pre.• long lila and joy and P>osperltl'• vious, to Jno, Warwick. A mi,;cei- ; Signed on behalf of your many laneous shower was presented by friends and neighbors, . the guests, a pleasant eveniring was Mr. and Mrs, Moses made a suit - spent also lunch was served and able reply tor the gifts, following good wishes to the newly weds was which everyone gave lusty assent given for a happy wedded lire, that they were 'Jolly Good Fellows.' Mrs. Win. Bremner and daugltier Mrs. Henry RoundsDetroit miss Kathleen, tit con., left last , Mrs. Henry Dayman, San- , week for an extended trip to the forth, Sundayed with Mrs. D. G. Wert. Mrs, Bremner will visit her Clark, hr•t'ther, l}ev, Relit, Pearson au :(1 lir, and airs. Philip Ament from sl'tr•r. Mrs. Harkness andunmeruus town spent a few hours Sunday other friends, f with their old friends Mrs, David Farmers are busy this week at Ile Taylor and son Learn, hay and if goof' weather continues 1 Harold Lloyd Elder, a bumper crop will he realized• grandson tohe Mrs. W. A. Cunningham won the A large number of relatives and gold medal at the \Vaterioo ltiuslcal friends assembled at the home of Festival for a Baritone solo. Mr, and Mrs. Milton Parr, 8th cin, Grey, to extend bent wishes to their The following is the report of S. daughter, Berva, who was recently S. No. 7, Grey. Pupils were exam married to Wilfred John Warwick. ilei in all subjects. Many lovely and useful gift, were presented to the couple. The even- ' Jr V V— ing was spent in dancing and cards. " Ivor Williamsr A delightful lunch was served. Lyle Evans Jr. IV to Sr, IV— SCHOOL REPORT Gerald McEachern i Stuart Stevenson The following fa the list of names : ' Edna Cameron promoted in the various classes for Ronald Gordon S. S. No, 10, Grey. The promo- a ;Gordon Stevenson tions were based on term work and Sr III to Jr, IV— on one fluid examination. The Hellen Smalldon names are ar'r'anged in order of merit. Class A-75% to 100%; Class B 66% to 75%; Class C 60 to 65%, To Sr. IV— Ralph Machan B; John Hart C. Jr. IV— Harry Evans, Elgin S.pelran (re- main); Alice brake A; Hazel Warn A; Lois Machan A; Charlie Lake A; Dive Speiran 13. Sr. III— Murray Baker A; Margaret area heye B. ,1r. III— Aylmer Hart, Clarence Ward A; Betty Evans A; Murray Ward 13; Albert Veheye (promoted), Sr. II— Bob Cameron Jr. III to Sr. 11I— Joyce Keys (H) Mary Stevenson (H) Doris Hood Hartley Fischer inals Clarke (H) Jr. HI— . Morgan Cameron Jr, II to Sr. II— Ruth Stevenson (H) Billie Gordon (H) Clifford Querengesser Jr, 11— Kenneth Fischer Ronald Huether Kenneth Knight ' Eluned a1'illtamts, Alice J, Forrest, Janet Verheye 0; Charlie Hart C, teachers Jr, Il— I The foiliwing are the results of Barry Bremner A; Margaret the promotion examinations held at Evans A; Margaret Inglis A; S. S. No, 9, Grey. Lycille Ward A. Front Jr. to Sr, ‘Sr. 1— 'Muriel Mann 72 Ira Speiran (good) 9atr McLean 72 Jack Cox 68 Lawson Meehan 64 From Sr. IR to Jr. IV-- Cera V—Cnra Smith 78 Shirley Robinson 69 1 Harvey Smith 69 Front Jr. 111 to Sr, 111— Joe Smith 66 Elaine Steelton 61 Marjorie Brown 60 From Second to .1r. 111— Billy U, Naught 67 Teacher Na L. Drover. Last Monday evening a numbers of neighbors and friends gathered at the hone of Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Moses to honor the newly weds The evening was spent in dtr,•cing With a pleasant break at Punch time when .alts. Muses was presented with a Mee tablecloth and Mr. ;loses with an :\llx4'u lamp. to 'he accompaniment of the f„',lowIIIM a:d• About YT On The New $192" AND De INSTALLED Meta) Guarantee s ee For 00 1937 • The new HOSTESS is very reasonably priced. The HOSTESS is very economical to run. And our easy payment terms are both generous and convenient! And consider what you get! }foams keeps foodsfresher. "Controlled Humidity" preserves the moisture content of the air in the cabinet. And there's no time out for defrosting! Besides these two important exclusive HOSTESS advantages, there are many other features we'd like to show you personally! Come in tomorrow! HOSTESS keeps foods FRESHER! GET AN 85-H.P. VANE -IN - HEAD SIX for Smoothness, Performance and Unequalled Economy! OC' you had to sacrifice low run- ning costs to get the driving thrill of power, pep and "pick-up". But not since Chevrolet stepped-up the famous Valve -in -Head. economy engine to 85 smooth, eager horsepower! S Twenty- five and more miles to the gallon of gas! , , , that's the kind of economy . for economical transportation reported by this year's Chevrolet buy- ers. And they're all enthusiastic about the way Chevrolet rides, S "My *Knee - Action Chevrolet glides over the bumps like a $1500 car;" say many. Others, safety -minded, put Chevrolet's perfected Hydraulic Brakes first in the list of quality extras. All enjoy the added roominess, beauty and protec- tion roteation of the exclusive Unisteel Bodies by Fisher. S You get the only complete low-priced ear when you buy a Chevro- let. And you save money every day, and mile you drive! *On Master De Lime Models. C-1675 Above Left—Chevrolet Master De Luxe Sedan with Trunk. Above Right—Chevrolet Master Coach with Trunk. HEYROLE PRICED $74 FROM Master 2.Passenger Saunas! Coupe dely- 5 e,ed et factory, Oshawa. Government taxes, freenre and freight additional. (Prices snbjeato change lei:boas notice.) • Monthly payments to tufo your Purse on the General Moto,', Inttaiment Plan. Agent Orval Whitfield_Champion'sGarage Neil Reisberry 62 Dorothy Schuett 61 Evaline Brown 59 Jim Mann 59 Greta Sfith 57 Ivan Meehan 56 From 1st to Second Jean Bray 82 Bruce McLean 79 Jack Boyd 66 Keith Machan 64 Audrey Brown 52 'From Sr. Primer to 1st fora[ Clayton _Meehan S0 Eleanor Hodge 75 Doreen Smith 70 Jim Boyd 70 Lorraine Quipp 65 Winnifred Wheeler 65 Front Jr. to Sr, Primer— :Belva Smith Doreen Schuett Willard Reisberry La Verne Schambers Jim Baillie Bill Boyd Floyd Brown Franele Schnutbers Dona Baillie Lawrence Quipp ! All those having attained an av- erage v.etage per cent of 55 or under are promoted conditionally, Blairnore Shaw, teacher. A picnic was held at School No, 3, Grey township, Tuesday, when a large crowd of patents and pupils gathered to enjoy the games. Mn, and lits. John McCall, Aber- netby, Sask„ are visiting the for- mer's skater Mrs, CUas, McQuart•ie. The fallowing are the results •>1 the Final Examinations held at E.S. No. 6, Grey. Pupils were examined in all subjects, Honours -75% Pass-60es r From Jr, IV to Sr, IV— Florence Pearson 75 Marjorie Jackliu 60 Carley Lake absent ( recommended From Sr, III to Jr. IV— Stuart Cochrane 72 Roy a'ilhee 70 Frcnr Jr, Ili to Sr, III— Donald Dunbar absent (recommended) From II to Jr. III— Jean Cochrane 77 Ian Wilbee 67 Wtlbett Somers 42 From I to II — Dor'is Cochrane 52 From Sr, Primer to Sr. I— Doris Somers promoted IFrom Jr. Printer to I — Della JacklIn promoted with Honor standing Sr, Primer— Jack Lake Jr, Primer— Jewett Hall Teacher, K. L. Kreuter. .BL YT H In United ('.hutch on Sunday Mr, Champion, of Toronto, a repre- sentative of the Ontario Federation Union, .gave a very interesting and ; instructive address. George Bran-`, ton, solist in Trinity United Church, ,1 oronto, contributed solos at the 1 morning service most acceptably. The Sunday school conducted an open session when a temperance ,program was presented. Mr, Cham prion gave an address; a chorus was sung by the pupile of Miss Hamil- ton's class and readings were given 'by Annie Philips and Ivan Hil- born, Miss Alberta Richmond Pre- ' sided. The choir of United Church pias. ned to enjoy their annual picnic at Bayfield on Friday evening, but owing to the heavy rain all day, they repaired to the schoolroom of the church where a sumptuous sup- per was enjoyed. Progressive crokinole was played, the winners being: Ladies, Kathleen Logan; men, G. D. Leith; consolation priz- es, A. E. Cook and Miss Hamilton. The Brussels Post is open every Wednesday and Saturday evening, and would appreciate it if yon have any visitors over ,the week -end or any news you would care to have published, to just drop in and tell us, or phone 31- 1936 Master and Standard Chevrolets Replete with New Features New Master and Standard Chevrolets for 1986 show marked advances 60 appearance and in engineering. Perfected hydraulic brakes, high - compression engines with full-length water jackets, and balanced car- uretion are among the mechanical improvements, The solid steel Turret op Fisher body is now used on the Standard as well as the Master models. The ilkstrations show: Top,left, the Master Six special sedan, with built% in trunk; top right, the re -styled, deeply motdded radiator grille, used on all models; lower left, the simple arrangement of Chevrolet's perfected hydraulic brakes, all models; and, lower right, a Standard sedan, ArtA �4,