HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-7-7, Page 4Lose Weight.but Don't
Lose Energy
Bread Diet keeps up energy
—helps burn up fat!
This Diet Plan wives about
1600 Calories a day --+ the
reducing allowance of the
average woman.
1 ones fruit Juke
Small serving meat. fish or eggs
2 SLICES TOAST, 1 M. butter
1 cup coffee (clear)1 tsp. sugar
Moderatoeervbi meat, fish or
Average serving 1 green vegetable
2 SLICES BREAD, 1 sq. butter
Average serving fruit salad
1 glass milk
)4 glace fruit or tomato juice
tenor ue serving meat, fish, or
A 1serving 2 vegetably.,
Small serving simple dessert
2 SLICES BREAD, 1 sq. butter
I cup coffee or tea (clear) 1 tep.
HE Bread Diet is s. safe
1. reducing diet. It takes off
,pounds. Yet you will feel
splendidly energetic while you
reduce — not weak and irrit-
Extreme diets cut down too
much on energy foods, and
they often break down vital
tissues. Avoid the extreme
diet, unless your doctor ad-
vises it.
Everyone should know that
bread itself is not fattening, It
is not just a "starchy" food—
but a combination of energy -
giving carbohydrates and a
special form of protein that
helps burn up fat while you
are reducing.
If you want to reduce safely,
follow the Bread Diet. It gives
bread as the main part of
your energy food.
For Sale at
Rowland's Bakery
W. E. Wills, Palace Bakery
Brussels, Ont.
Wm. Elliott, titer
At the adjourned meeting of tee ; Pedlar People Steel culverts
'Court of Revision !tele on June 2eth N. Smith, crusher belt
,the appeal of J. C. Hvffron again st I Twenty six other road
*his assessment on the N. H. Lot 41.1accounts
346 2:
:Con, 1, was again eonstd,re1. A I, Connell adjourned to meet again
.reduction of 3510.1m being mala on Monday, July 26th,
'flannel' having viewed this pr0pertsA. Porterfield, Clerk.
-Since first meeting also having heard
the opinion nt a few parties relive WEIRD COLLECTION
ing to this property. SHIPPED TO C.N.E. ZOO
No further changes or alterations --
being made the Court of Revision Thee. ,, only teeing assembled in
was then closed and the assessment Georgetown, Demerara, South Amer -
roll as now revisers will ire the as-
,ica, 0 large consignment of strange
sessanent roll for 1937. Ianimals and birds for the children's
Council resumed and ordin try zoo at the Canadian National Exhi
business was then pnceerled with . bition. Native hunters and trapper:
F. Marshall and J. Johnston walled
have been engaged for months 4n
on the Connelly in reference to I
the rounding up of the c•ollecrtinn. 1:
•drainage opposite their ptrn,`'rtte' will include giant nut -sate s.
on Con. 3, The Revert. anti Coon I Jaguars. tapirs, many specimen, of
gaily plumaged birds and a wi1'
variety of reptiles.
A feature of the collection that
• drainage matter was that of Fred Premises to 'steal the chow' as far
Toll, who requested that the Toil } as 1e children are concerned is a
DraIO he repaired and cleaned out `•,shipmrnt. or they marnmeet email-
' this summer, I est or the monkey family. Th'
This request of Mr, Toll's will be j consignnrent comes in compliance
attended to later in the season. II1I with the request of William Chari,.
The following accounts were pain I Canadian rc•ppresentative of Booker
A. G. Vincent, lamb destroyed Bros. and McConnell, Limited. of
by dogs ... $ 0.01) f Georgetown, Atter the ]sxhibitt•v1
J, F. McC'allnm, sh1'ep valuer L:'' I the animate and birds will fled :t
eM, McDowell, equalizing I 'home in the Riverdale zoo.
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
Mss Eluted Williams left Sat;Ir-
eay for Toronto where she is at-
' tending sunriner school at Toronto
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Timm and
daughters, Rata and Edith from
Molesworth, Mr. C. Hamilton, Lis-
towel were visitors at the inane of
:lir, and Mrs. Jacob Fischer On SUP.
Mr. and Mrs. John Noble and
daughter Yvonne or Hanover were
visitors at the home of James and
Mrs. Noble on Sabi;./ and Mr.
Ralph Noble returned to Hanover
where he has accepted a position.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank Jeschke of
Detroit were week -end visitors at
the home of the former's brother,
Mr. anti Mrs. Paul Jeschke,
Preparatory service was held ir-
Knox Pr•esbyteran church lest Fri-
day evening at eight o'clock. FnI-
• lowed by Communion Service on
`Sunday morning with the pastae
'Rev. W, A, Williams conducting the
Miss Elizabeth Baker, Toronto, 10
spending her ;blamer 1 va:ion with
,her parents. Mr. and Mrs, P. Baker.
Mt. and Mrs, A. Berfeltz, Mr. and
Mrs. C. Holtzman and sten w''a
Sunday visitors at the home of fir.
and Mrs, l'aul Jeeehke.
• Ruddy will meet the interested par-
ties and arrange a satisfactory
settlement if possible. Another
police village= 7,6))
A. Pattison balance salary
Mr, and Mrs. Earl Baker,
spent Sunday with the former';
patinas Mie and Mrs. 1'. Baker.
Ivor Williams le away attending,
summer t-anrp at Iiilliail, this
a$collector 81't1' I DEER IN HURON COUNTY ARE
S. McBurney, emery as road BECOMING "CITY BROKE"
} reeler1 11- Tee de - ti:•1_
Ar,-.hrrnlran. •it, br�_ i'r. ..
- • � r .1
el to :1uf n. i t!„-
,;') Ynnnn 'i I d it If 1,, -, l f:
,• f ,11;1„ an t >n, I lr•l..- 1 c r
1..r. t. ,a ,,. Ir' ltd t., :I villi tt,i'lf•
I3, Glansher. gravel end
trucking ,..
Chas, Robinson, ' n•.lth1„
,Joe Derr, traelti6
R, Chamney gran! •1ud
of honor, in a decorated basket. by Godet•icll attending the VanNurle 1
Anna (trashy 11114 Nora Whee;r.r. Reunion,
Mr. Levu exerts ed thanks for ' Slr, and Mrs, Roland Merits aro
the gifts and geed. wishes, Lured' spending a felt' days In Oakville.
was served by the ladies uud a Misses idella Bryans and Jean
social time enjoyed, I Speiratt are visiting in Winghant.
1'Ir's, Carl Procter was Ilaslt':'s t The following is the report of the
to the members of the Dulled y'ear'(t work and final exaln111atiuu.,
Church Woman's Association when of the pupils of S. S. No. 4, Norris,
bile ladles finished piecing a quilt '!'hose who had an average of over
top, It. was decided to buy music 75% in the year's work were remota-
for the quote', The members are mended to the next class. The
asking for donations of money In two girls of the Senior 111 having a1,
.place of holding a seeder' patty, 1 average each of 82% on their year's
An Invitation to hold the next q work were recommended to pans
meeting at :the home of Mrs, H. ` into the Sr. IV, they also wrote .he
Procter was accepted, The business /fine] tests of the class,
,part o fthe meeting was colyducled Sr. III to Sr. IV—
by Mb's, Lyle Hopper, x.1001! was } Helen Speir 39,2% R
served by the hostess at the cinee Helen McOuitclieon 87.8 It
of the meeting. , Sr. III to Jr. IV—
The trustees of S.S. No. 5, East } George Bernard 64,4%
Wawanosh have engaged Mit;; 1 Jack :Hiller 64%
Eleanor McDonald, of Ripley, al Jr. III to Sr, III—
scltocl teacher, { Kenneth Nichol le 76.1%
Ilii. and Mrs, 1;d. W g11tman 1 Bsrva Mc'Cutcheon 63,8%
have returned from their honey- , Sr, II to Jr. 11i—
moon, Mrs, 1"ightman, formerly ! Laura Speir R 44.0
Miss 11'imrifrcd Rue, taught in Stuart \iollol R 75.2
Be]grat'e. Sr, II--
Visitors: Mr. and Mrs, L. Hayes Lorne McCutcheon 30.5
and fancily, Elyria, 01110, With her • Jr, II—
parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Budges: Harold McCutcheon 84
Miss Florence Netxery, Toronto 1—
with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, C. Allan Nichol 85
Netltery, Donald McCutcheon 74
Fred McCutcheon 72
, Primer—
Jack McCutcheon (very good)
Rec•ommencle dlo pass Enertanee
There was a reunion at William , 00 year's work—Annie McCutcheon,
James Sonc•h's last Sutlday In bon- Dorothy Nichol, Number on roil
our of his daughter Mrs. Jack 1I 17, average year's attendance 14.9,
Sellers and grandson, Jim Sellars, ? Teacher, Bessie M, Millen,
from Vantage. Sask. relatives were
there from Lueknow, Dungannon.
GOderirh, Winghant, Bluevale,
Turnberry and Brussels, numberin_
about 50.
Mrs. John Young, Dungannon.
has been spending a week with her
father, Mr, William James Souch •
3rd line Morirs.
Mrs- hard Sellers and daughter
Isabeil and nephew Jim Sellers
spent the week -end in Godericll, Ler
cousin, Mrs, eVallaee Black return- ,
ed with them for a week's visit.
Mrs. W. R. Lundy and son Robert
of Westdale, Hamilton, spent last l
week with Mr, and Mrs, Albert
`slides Alma Bayne of Hamilton 1
has returned after holidaying with
Betty Mr. and Mrs. A, Bagshaw ;
and sous, Howard and Norman of
Hamilton spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Crooks, Mrs,
Bagshaw and children will remain
for a couple of weeks.
Mr, Robert Lundy of 'Westtla'e,;
Hamilton is spending his holidays ;
, with Donald Curie.
Me'. Victor Smith 1f Hamilton
svent the week -end at the home of
Russel Currie.
J, D. Forsythe, of Toronto, fernier -1,
1Y of Mroris, spent a few days with
Mr. Robert Currie.
Mr. and birs, Jas, Bryan; and
children spent last Thursday at •
Mr. and Mrs. 13111 Wagner and
Glen of Newton, Miss Mari Cook
and miss Jeannie Townend vis11e'i
. at the Manse on Thursday,
• VLsttors at the Manse on Senday
were: Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Vipond,
Mr. R. Irvine of Donegal, Miss
Anu Harvey of Kitchener, Mr. and
Mrs. J. Gallanre, Mr, and 1frs, E.
Anderson and Tom, of Atwood,
Mess Berra Yule spent tate last
week in London; Mr, and Mrs.
Peter M. Scott and daughter, Gwen,
Faleonbridge, spending the eutn-
mer vacation with Mr, and Mrs, J.
S. Scott; Mr. and Mrs. James Gor-
don, Weston, and miss Mary Coulter
visitors with relatives; Mr. and
Mrs, L. Wheeler and daughter,
Gladys, Vantluver with relatives.
They made the trip by motor; Sirs.
R. Yule spent the week -end with
friends in London,
A large number of relatives and
friends gathered at the home of
-Mr, and Mrs. Albert Vincent re-
cently in honor of their daughter,
Dorothy, and Clifford Lagan, prior
to their marriage. The gathering
was brought to order by Martin
Grasby who expressed the best
wishes of the guests to the young
•couple, A miscellaneous shower i
of gifts was presented to the guests
('rarporation Of Winghnm r`t I l'"4'r 1 1 i :
'it' l ole IS 1 lie'f e (le
16 g
A. House en Your
0)0 you evef,ndure out how
small a per0ootade of our pope.
ballon.. pees your house where
they could neo a„ 'To Lot" sign.
Cr how lardo a percentage reed
our paper? .Good tenants are
not the•hindthat leave time to
waste to going ar'wund locltrng
ear oleos. Thor -look IH our
to.iot Adm.
21 you have a house. on year
bands, sI " blouse to Let" ad.
will brim( them toyea.
a lmae. a, it W. Y.c.", •
'13ee" , ✓r'1' :;: eeee
n, A fleet' la ,.I'll ar'., tl'+fin , ., in•'
frrnl try" hand:
1)01111 four in i 1`,1.
t11ar ,•, t,1'
WAY. ith t. [01.116
C11 -.r ids• ', t t1r T fnrg;c dt116
tali,; 1,1 a herd at his t:dins.' 0•6o,
to ihn north or town. i1, rr ares lrr
piquing 01011. plentiful !Iwo tau--
1l111tbe, residents say.
And. speaking of radio..chestren
who have been horn enuring the
past eight years will probably re
member to the end of their days
the antics of Amos 'n' Antsy, The
fanlotts pair have jinn announced
the end of their long [association
with the Pepaodent Company to
-take place New Year's Day. Right
now, they are Bekhlg for a new
Mrs. L, Ralph spent the weelc-end
visiting friends in Walton.
Haying is in progress in this local-
ity, i11 general the crop is heavy,
and with amount oa moisture in the
ground since the recent rains, 1t
win be a longer job than usual,
Extra help to handle the crop, is
not readily procured.
Earl Bowes has engaged 'tied
Miller of Stratford to help through
Although there has been a plenti-
ful supply of strawberries prices are
now advancing.
Gordon Sleightholln and. Stewart
McGinnis Have gone to Guelph to
take a required special study course
which w111 take several week's tuna.
Miss V. Turnbull of Ethel and
Miss Williams of Cranbrook will he
at Toronto for the same period in
their special course.
Quite a number of Ethelites at-
tended a function held Friday night
at the home of Milt and Mr•s, Parr,
Sth con., Grey, With Mr, and Mrs,
Jack 'Warwick who were recently
married as the guests of honor. 'etre,
Warwick is a daughter of Mr, and
Mrs, Parr.
A C. G. I. T. group from United
Church, Atwood have been in camp
Sport Fishermen Ready for Season
"gyp xyi Nett a $
Canadian fishermen, bored to
tears after telling each other
all winter about the big ones that
got away, will soon be able to
make a fresh start,' Spring brings
the opening of fishing seasons
throughout Canada, and indica-
tions from inquiries from sports-
men and information from guides
pouring into the offices of A. 0.
Seymour, general tourist agTint,
Canadian Pacifica Railway, (f/Lont-
real, are that game fish are going
to have tabard time of it,
More people are planning early
vacations to take advantage Of the
fishing while it is at its best.
ROporta from Canadian Pacific
Railway hotels in the Maritimes
and Quebec, the Devil's Gap and
breach River Bungalow Camps
in Ontario, and bungalow camps
and hotels in the Canadian Rock -
lee, as well as favored fishing
centres on Canadian Pacific linea
indicate that sportsmen are on
the move again. Tho number of
Canadians travelling within Can-
ada and of Americans visiting
this country especially for fishing
will run into many thousands, Tal
a country the size of Canada, and
wit) its variety of fish and condi-
tidos, opening seasons vary wide-
ly in the different provinces, a
tact shown In fishing booklets ob-
tainable from all Canadian Pa'•
cite Railway agents,
Cent a ,Mile
WEDN•l:SDA1', JULY 7111, 1.037 er
.-nese-��• r,-,;�„
Round Trip Bargain Fares
Fares: Amite 72c children 409)
JULY 16 ONLY --To All Tow11$ on Ilnes of Temiskaning & North
ern Ontario Rly. - Niplssing Central RR,-,••Kaplakasln0,
July 16 and 17
To Oshawa, BolvrnanviUt, Port Rope, Cobourg, 'Trenton Jet,,
Belioville, Napanoe Kingston, Gananoquo, Brockville, Prescott,
Morrisburg, Cornwall Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peiorboro, Cani1bellford,
Newmarket, Panetang, C'ollingwood, Meaford, Barrie, Orillia,
land, Gravenirur'et, Bracebridge, Huntsville, Calendar, North Bay,
Parry Sound, Sudbury; all 1015118 in Now Ontario o11 line of Temis-
kaming & Northern Olvtat•lo Ray., Nipissing Central 11.1y., Kaplsloes'
ing, Lorngle°, Nakina, Tas9tota, Sioux Lookout, Geraldton, Jellicoe
Beardmore, P01't Arthur,
,Sat., July 17, to Toror to
Also to Brantford, C11uibham, Ohesley, Clinton, Hartman, Ex-
eter, Fergus Grodoriah, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Hat -Aston, Inger-
ngersoll, !Kincardine, Kitchener, London, Listoive4, Mitchell Niagara
Falls, Owen Sound, Paislley, Palmeneton, Paris, Port 11lgln, St.
Catharines, St Mary's, Sarnia, Southampton, Strabford, Strat111'oy,
'Walkerton, Wiarton, Wiugham, Woodstock,
For Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tickets, consult
nearest Agent.
See handbills for complete list of destinations
Use Canadian National Express Money Orders.
life at Ethel grove for the past ten
days and enjoyed the experience
very much,
United Church Sunday School had
an increased attendance, tart San -
day at morning session at 10.31
when 21 visitors were present.
C. R, Dunbar who motored to Tint -
mins on, a holiday visit to his beet11-
er Itoy arrived home earl' Saturd'ty
morning. Making the homeward
trip of approximately 500 mile: in
one continuous drive. It was kind
of thought that he would not be cant-
ing hone alone. But he did,
A large congregation was preeeu:
at the service held In Dulled March
Friday, July 2nd at 8 p.m. for 1.1e
Induction of Rev. Harold Snell as
pastor of Ethel circuit United
Dort; Gill is again on duty in
Ethel Post Office atter a two week'e
vacation, spent with her parents-
in London, Ont., and relatives and
friends at other places.
The Ideal weather conditions for a
lawn social and the lure of at1w-
berries and ice cream and the antic-
ipation of a good vt'ogram, attracted
big crowd, Monday nignr. to Union
United Chruch social held at Stan.
Meehan's, 12th con., Grey T,vp,
Ethel contingent was glad to have
been in attendance.
Word was received by Mrs, T.
Vodden of the death of her brother-
in-law Mr, Joshua Flood, who passed
away in the General Hospital, Mac.
Ieod, Alberta, Monday, June 201h.
The funeral service was hehl from
Trinity United Church on Friday,
July 2n(1.
The deceased was 77 years of age,
and his wife is a sister of Mrs. Vold-
den, her maiden name being Martial
Next Saturday. July 11, the 3'res-
bmy.eriau Mission Band is holding a
picnic fu the Grove. Everybody
come and ehlp give the children a
good time.
The following .is a repul't of the
promotion examinations of 'Ethel
Public School.
Jr. IV to Sr.1Y'--
Honour 75'7 Pass 00%
Kenneth Thompson 79
Doreen Hallenbeck 64
Elsie Frankiin 62
Elizabeth McDonald 60
Bruer. Bateman 61
Ronald .Love 51 (recommended)
Muriel Engler (absent)
Sr. III to Jr, Il'—
Billy Ziegler S6
Billy Dobson 76
Lorene Engler 72
Doris Hackwell 66
Alex Mt -Honied 64
Bruce Heihein 47
J'r. III to br.
Merlin Love 84
Marjorie Holleuheck 76
Maurice Speiran 72
Iiob Cunningham 66
Bruce Fleet 61
, Muriel Heiblen 5.4
Second (']toss to Jr, 10• --
Shirley Thompson 84
Dorothy Lake 14
Lawrence Dobson 76
Beatrice McDonald 74
Muriel Kreuter 71
Rata Earl 61
Lorne Engler 60
Laverne Cuenca On
Wailer Ito'OIt 5 leeee11111ended
lh Anent and Ie. F'ur, teach',..3
Want to keep the youngsters from under
your feet? Just give them a playroom,
We'll transform that attic of yours into
a happy hunting ground that will keep
them out of mischief for hours. And the
job will be quickly done, with a mini-
mum tum of disturbance. Let us give you an
estimate. Then, if necessary, finance
under the Home Improvement Plan.