HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-7-7, Page 1USE THE ADS AS YOUR SHOPPING LISTS i$ 111 ii fi tit 1•i 73rttootto Vogt • BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, WENDNESDAY, JULY 7th - 1937,,E R. J. DEACHMAN, M. P. r EVERY KINQ QF ti ti 1: g JOB PRINTING' '• .i 8 AT REASONABLE PRICES •� fi '4#;411:5;1„x.4:4:4x;�1 k��o x4,9,o!xx:4„v,,4. POST PUBLISHING HOUS1.. Ethel, Horne Saved by Firefighters About seven ceclook last Friday evening, fire started in same unac- countable manner in the house oc- cupied by Harvey MCCIelland, own- ed by Mrs; Jas, Pestel of Kirkland Lake, and would have resulted in the destruction of the entire pro- ” petty had it not been for the prompt action of J. H. and Miss Elizabeth Fear in using a chemical fire ex- tinguisher, which retarded the pro- gress of the flames, till the bucket brigade got into line, a big crowd quickly gathered and with a number of determined helpers working in smoke and heat supplied with water from neighboring wells and cisterns by the line of • volunteer workers, were successful after a time in ex- tinguishing the fire completely, The back kitchen and woodshed was practically detalished and a portion oY the main kitchen roof badly cbar- red, with some broken windol s and smoke and water damages through. out the front rooms. Insurance was carried on the property, Repairs will be under way as soon as pos- sible. DECORATION SERVICE IS HELD AT BELGRAVE Large Crowd Gathers In Brandon Cemetery; Rev, Mr. Maloney Is Speaker A large number of people gather- ed in the Brandon cemetery on Sun- day afternoon when a -memorial service wee beld. Many decorated their relatives' graves .before the service. Rev, J, B. Townend, pas- tor of Knox United Church, which was opened with all singing "0 God Our Help in Ages Past." Rev. K, MacLean, of Wingham, led in pray- er, A selection was sung by a male chorus of members of the three choirs, Rev. K. MacLean read the Scripture lesson and the hymn "Nearer My God To Thee," was sung. Rev. Mr, Maloney, rector of Trinity Anglican Church, gave a very appropriate address. A guar. tette, with Mrs. C. Wade, Mrs. Norman Geddes, Norman Keating and J. M. Coultes as members, sang a number and tbe service was closed with the use of the hymn "Abide With Me,'' Mrs, J. M. Coultes acted or organism during the ser- vice. Mr. Townend pronounced the benediction, THE UNITED CHURCH Rev. H. J. Mahoney, B. A, B, D. Minister 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—'Lanterns in Gethsemane", The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be served at this service. 7 p.m.—Evening worship conducted by the minister. Reserve July 22nd, Thursday, for our Annual Sunday School Picnic REGE THEATRE SEAFORTH —NOW PLAYING-. Joe E. Brown Marian Marsh —IN— When's Your Birthday Edgar Kennedy Fred Keating One of the best of this great come- dian's pictures with Marian Marsh for the love Interest MON., TUES., WED. Freddie Bartholomew Madeline Carroll —I Nee. Lloyds of London Added Featurette Coronation in Technicolor NEXT THURS., FRI., SAT. Charles Boyer Jean Arthur —IN— History IN—History Is Made at Night A drama If murder, love and Intrigue COMING— That Girl From Paris STATE FAIR PEOPLE WE KNOW Miss Margaret McLeod of Sea - forth is holidaying with her amain Hannah Russell, Mr. and Mrs, A, K. Zapfe and children, Toronto, were week-eud visitors with Mrs. Rohe, Thomson, Betty Lou and Murray remained for their vacation, MeV. Rose Cunningham and child- ren, Gloria and Omar, Toronto ars visiting friends here, Leslie Lowry Toronto is the guest of his mother Mrs. G. Lowry, Mixt. E. Brediu, Peter and Jane are guests of the farmer's parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. Galbraith. D. R, A$lu of Battle Creek, and Tbonras Agin of Saginaw, Mich„ simile the week-eud with relatives in Brussels Morris and Grey. Miss Helen Baeker is in Toi'dnta where she is taking a summer , course. Miss Edna Davison has been at. tending a summer session at Guelpb 0. A. 0, Miss N. Jardine Hornsby, is vacat- ing with her sister Mrs, W. S. Scott, Mrs. John Robb has bead the guest of her daughter, airs, Albert. Jackson, Clifford, • Mrs. J, C. Scott, eon Jim, and daughter Marlon Regina are vacs - Honing with the fortner's mother Mrs. A. Strachan, Mrs. Florence Russell, and daugh- ters Catherine and Clara are holi- daying in Saginaw, Mich. Frank Thomson, Toronto, has .been visiting friends in town. W. 33, Strachan, Toronto, was a recant visitor with his mother. Miss Margaret Dawning is taking a summer ciurse in Hafilton, Miss Fanny Hogg nus returned ,from visiting in Toronto, airs. W. S. Scott suffered a Pan. , tut injury when she was accidently shot while picking berries. The .bullet struck her in the calf of the limb and penetrated to the kuee. She is in Listowel hospital whore , she is improving. Alex Anderson, accompanied by !Charles Davidson left on Tuesday on a motor trip to the Pacific coast. Misses Getrrude Ross and Carrie McCracken of Toronto teaching staff are leaving this week for a vacation trip co japan. Others be- longing M the same party are Miss Tillie Zimmer formerly of Brussels and also Dr, Viola Davidson, at one time a member of the Brussels . teaching staff. Mr. and :firs, J. W. Currie, Miss Katie Lillie°, Mrs. Alex Hall and daughter, Miss Florence Hall of Ayr, visited on the 1st of July with Miss M. Pebterson Mr, and Mrs. This. Foy, Blinders - ley, Sask., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs- David Pouter; Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair Hemingway, are on a motor trip to Vancouver. Rev. and Mrs. Wnm, Moore are vacationing at Inverhui'on, . Mr, Grover Gill of London was visiting friends in town for past few days. Miss Eden Millie and Mr. Lamly of St. Thomas and Miss Margaret Glenn of Lncknow were visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. John Simmon and Mr. and Mrs, Dave Smith over the week -end, Dr. Jamieson and family left to- day, Thursday, for a week's vaca- tion at Rintail, Mr. W, 3, Crawford, of Vancouver B:C„ is holidaying with John Sim- mone and Joe Smith, he Is Calling on old friends and acquaintances in'this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Code of Han- over, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. E, J. Pollard. , Mr. and Mrs, Charles Rintotrl, and daughters Fern and Dorothy and ',son Keith and Miss Smith al Sarnia .spent last ween -end at home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Rintotrl. Announcement.. The Post arl1' will shut clown for One Week's Holiday Wed., July 21st There will be no issue of the Post i; LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 11 Band Concert at Ethel The Brussels Band will stage a ,band concert 1n lethal next Sundt? night, Everybody welcome. --x— Engagement Announcement Mr. and Mrs, L. E. Cardiff an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Leota Adeline to Dean Fleming Davison, son of Mr. and Mrs, S. le, Davison, The marriage to take place quietly in July. - Jitney Bowling Another large crowd bowled off for the weekly jitney held every Monday night at the local bowling greens. Joe Kelly lost his title this week with A. Wood teeing first prize, R. Downing 2nd; J. Logan 3rd and W. Scott 4th, —x— Tennis News The Tennis club have secured the property across from Mrs, Long ;from the Brussels Council, A modern count of Asphalt will com- prise the playing surface. This will be one of the finest cour'te it Western Ontario and you are urged to support this worthwhile project by jiining the club or assist in a financial way. Return From Camp Members of the Seafirth company ,of the Huron -Middlesex Regiment have returned home after spending ,the past week et Militia camp at ` Tlledford. The camp is •said to be the largest in Military District No. 1, for fifteen years. Those from here who attended were: Captain e"Bobs" Campbell; Corporal, Scott Burchell. 'McCurdy Lowry, Russel Fox, Lloyd Kernagnan, David Hast- ings, Archie Holmes, Albert lCefter and Ross Wheeler. Brussels Boy Wins Fame In London England Baseball Team "Nottingham Evening News" With the advent of baseball in .this •country, some people went se far as to herald the death of cricket, We are a long way from that stage yet, but the meteoric rise to fame iu a fortnight of a boy with Grant- ham Association, iu London baseball ,is a sporting romance that coin. mends attention. There is quite a "Dick Whitting, ton" touch in the story related to me of 22 -year-old Victor Pope of 1 Wyndham -Close Grantham, Pope has become a baseball star in tbd space of two weeks, Gic Pope arrived in this (toiletry 1from Canada only three weeks ago. He went straight to ;his parent s home at Grantham. Six foot one In his socks, 130 pounds on the scale, this strapping youth bred on the land of the great Dominion at Windsor Ontario, where he first learned baseball and ice hockey was recommended by his father, a fotaner Sherwoal man, to try and "plug in" to a "London baseball team, 'Plug in" he did. Vic set out fur London and persuaded Mr, Green, manager of the London major Buse - ball League to give him a trial. In other words ht asked for a job. Impressed by Vie's persistence Mr•, Green granted hiau a trial as centre fielder and he was so me- -,cesful that he wits vromptly signed ,up by West Ham Pirates, Then came his big chance, Vic was selected to pitch for the Pirates last game against tves.t Ham Stadium in the local "Derby." S3 .devastating was his pitching diet quite unexpectedly and to the Chagrin of the home team the Pirates beat West Haar four to three, The majority of the Pirates team are crack American' players, and it is a feather 111 Vies cap Ithat he baa gained a place on the side in such a short time, `Vic' Pope is dhe grandson of bit'. Charles Pope of town and the son of Mr. William Pope, a former Brussels matt who served in the Britislr Navy for eighteen and a half years serving at the time of the Ga'eat War. It was in the fair ''town of Brussels that Vic was rail. ed and received his schooling later movhtg to Windsor, then to London, itingland where be resides now. Cemetery Never Looked More Beautiful The effort of the Cemetery Board 110 make the Brussels cemetery one of the most beautiful cemeteries to be found in Western Ontario was brought home recently when in con- 'meteon with the Decoration Day un. der the quspices of the LO.0.F, Strolling along the winding paths bordered on either side $by statley trees or beautiful wet] -trammel evergreens one is impressed with the 'foresight, planning and labor required to bring this burying ground to its present state of beauty, The plots are well kept with grass close trimmed, whichthe citizens of the community should be proud of. Much of the credit •goes to Mr. Percy Mitchell whose t untiring efforts have made the Brus- sels Cemetery what it is to -day,. City Dairy ' Borden's Ice Cream is entirely different from others. It is sci'nti- flcally blended and frozen...smnoth- er, creamier, finer -flavoured than any other Ice Cream. Yon dont 'have to be a good Judge of Ice Cream to distinguish the differ- ence. Every bite is a thrill and mothers, City Dairy Ice Cream It so good for the youngsters, so pure, nourishing, wholesome Ice Cream, Look for the Sign Only displaying City Dairy Qual- ity Ice Cream, Ask for it by name Refuse substitutes get the hest, It ,caste no more ARCHER GREWAR Phone 5 We Deliver Bricks —Exclusive— ,� City Dairy Ice Cream Open Evenings B'L EU VALE Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Mathews and daughters of Hepworth is spending a week's holidafs with hie father and outer friends around here. \Ir, Harry Barnard spent Sundae afternoon with lir. and Mrs. Sper- ling Johnston. Sorry to hear Sir. David Patten is not improving as fast as his frier:de 'would like to see him. Sorry to hear Mrs. David Jewitt t; 'not improving but hope to hear of a speedy recovery. Master Allan Barnard. was on the sick list last week, , We are sorry to hear that Mrs. T Peter Fowler had passed away mei- ' denly on Monday, We extend our sympathy to the bereaved family. Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert. Mathers and family and Mr. Georye Maths"s spent Tuesday with friends at , Guelpb. . The service in Knox Presbyterian. ,church on Sunday was conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. R. Graig, tag- ' lug as his text, Phial, 4.32: "Chiefly they are of Caesar's household." la the absence of the organist, Mrs. ,Raymond Elliott presided at the organ. A solo was reudered by Miss Barbara Thynne, Next Sunday the congregatia'i rs ,to have the privilege of hearing Rev, Allan Reoch, successor to the late Dr. Johnathan Goforth on the Man- churia Mission Field, Weekend visitors: *Mayor Thomas „Henry and Mr's. Henry of Strat- ,.tord at the Sanderson home; Misses Ethel and Florence Beattie and .Hiss Spark, Seafonth, with Miss Olive Scott; Mr, and Mrs, Wix and Mr. Mrs, James Maces Ivan, Detroit, with Mr. and Mfrs, Alex MacEwen; Mr, and Mts. E, C. Robinson and two sons, Minneapolis, Miss Ella Patter- son, Winnipeg Mrs, C. Challicomb and son, Toronto, at the home of Mr. and Mr's, Eldred Nichol; Mr. and Mt'S, Rolph, Detroit, with Mr. and lists. Wellington Mann; Mr, and Mrs, George Patterson and sen, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs, G. 0. Thornton; Mr, and bars, Edgar Mc- Michael and daughter, Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs. William Mc- ,Mlohael; Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Elston and sans, and Mr, and Mrs, D, Ingle3, Brussels, with Mr, and Mr's. le. S. hiacldwen; 'Gordon Greta in ,Toronto; Mr, end Mrs. Wilbur Ma, ethers and daughter, Hepworth, with Geo, Mathes, Results of the High School Entrance Examinations. t _ t In the inspectorate or 'Huron East there are seven cetnres at which candidates write Viz: Clinton, Seaforth, Wingham, Blytb, Bruseele Ethel and Manley. ,Candidates secure certificates 111 ,different ways (a) The high School 'Entrance Board may grant a eeeti- ficate on the cbaracter of the school. and tbe recgmmendation of the Ma. cher on the work of the candidate during the year. (b) The candidate may write on the examination, Member of Parliament at t)ttewa, ! • The number passed under (a) for North Huron Galled on a was lett, The number who wrote number of his friends perp was 190. Of those who wrote 114 on Monday succeeded in securing certificates, 26 passed with bonours. 131eee of an candidates failed. The following are the names nI Council Holds Liar succe;-s.fu1 candidates: -- July Meeting BRUSSELS Tax Rate Set at 30 Mills; School Rate Is 2 Mills Higher for 1037 Brussels, July 5th, len The Council of tbe Village, of Brussels met in the Public Library on the above date. All members being present. The minutes of the last meet: t.; being read it was moved by W. Kerr seconded by H. Bowler that the minutes as read be adopted, Carried 'The following bills were preseated: Transfer to the School .,,, $ 150.00 H. Workman, hauling grader 5.00 R. S. Warwick, June salary 2500 G. McDowell, Jame saary , 69.00 firs. 01. Ballantyne, flowers ,.. 13.55 for street Street Lighting Town Hall Lighting Jno. Wright, express Huron Expositor. office books Passed without writing: Frances A. Burchill, Allan J. Relies, Donald 0, walker, George Blake, Viola Cardiff, Irvine Dunn, Murray Huether, Alice Huether, Annie -licCutcheon, Dorothy Nichol, Norman Dodds, Evelyn Dundas, Hit.. da Fisher, Edith Backwell (Hon.); e Lois Blackwell (Hon,); Leo Biel- ,nell,. Elmer Kleber, Rita McIver, George McNiehol (Hen.); Jack E. McSpadden, Billy Morris (Icon.); Beatrice Osborn(Hon.); Della Oa- • born (I-lon.); Toleda Pushelberg,. Arma Somerville, Passed under regulation 10 (5); Sylvia Bennewies, Annie Eckert. SE'AFORTH Passed without writing: Jack Elliott, Audrey Fotser, Dor- othy Gallop, Margaret Hudson, Lorne Ibbotson, Jean Milk, Isabel McKellar, Evelyn Rivers, Wylda Rosa, ',Vinniired Russel, Johr: Sproule, Mildred Swan, Lois ;Jim Jamieson, Kenneth Clarence - Hazel Anderson, Kenneth Forbes, Dorothy McClure, Rosamond Apple - ,by, Roma Chandler, Billie Sproat. Preston J Deltas, Haze] I. Dilli.ig. .Hazel E. Stilson, Clair Haney, Maei McNaughton, Mary Stewart, Petr: ,Townsend, Margaret Wurnr, Bruch 'T, Hodgert, Kenneth McLean, Ger- ald Barry, Mary Duncan, N vi1'.• McMillan, James Roach, Anna 11 Clare Van Camp, Norma VanCamp, Thatnpson, Kenneth Thompat,t Norman Young, Doris Armstrong, I Audrey McGavin, Mildred Aitchesee, Jno. Pierce, W. W: Adams, Lloyd , Anderson Bell. Armstrong. I Passed on written examinatinu Passed on written examination: (, Charles R, Case, Kenneth E. Cut - Leila Agar, Marr -Alcock, Edward ; ting, Esther C. Dayman, Helen V_ Cassidy, William Coleman, Verla !,i Devereaux, Mary Ii, Devereaux, Reg - Fischer, Mary Fox, Mildred Griffith. mall all S. Dolmage, D. Thelma Dot Mabel Harman (Hon.); Georgi + mage, Elma M. Elliott, Scott A, Hart, Marguerite Henderson (Hon.) I Herr, Keith MacLean,. Ruth ef, Olive McIntosh, Doris Potter, Gil- Nairn, Elizabeth G. Mathews (Hon. Bert Riley, Evelyn Turvey, Wilfred Peter M. Nigh (Hon.); Mervin L Warwick, Gibson Willis (Hon.); Nott, M. John O'Neil, John A. Pat- Elma Young, Mary Yuill. rick, James B. Southgate, 3. Ken- nett' Southgate, Dorothy R, Tamar, ETHEL Alice M, Townsend, W. Roger V -r. - net•, Audrey Walters, Robert M. 10.00 1 Passed without writing: Watson Ilion.); Clarence we teett, 'Sae Leslie Desjarcline, Jim Dunbar, Thomas Wilbee, Mary L. Stood, .tl Elmer Sleigbtholm, Neil Campbell, Morely B. weight. Irvine Dtinn, Murray Huether, Alice Passed under regulation 10 ltie• 22.555 r Huether. Elwin Hall. Alexander T. Baker, Patrick 1ie- D. C. Warwick, Insurance ,,,, 17.00 • Ed. Henderson, cutting weeds R. Bowman, expenses re i setting up books Relief for the month Passed on written examination: Billy Bremner, Jack Mills, Helen. Grath, Earl Mongomery. a n v.v.,Pearson, Ray Ward. WINGHAM Passed without writing; CLINTON 10.00 Jean Breen, Edythe t_ampocit;, 25.56 Passed w•itllont writing:— Harnid Cantelon Bertha Casemore Moved by W. Willis, seconded by Wen. Little that the accounts a, read be paid. Carried. Moved by W. Willis, seconded by W. Kerr that By -Law No. 3 be read the third time and finally Passed and that Wm. Little be appointed super- visor. —Carried Moved by H. Bowler secondel by W. Kerr that Mr. Drummond be appointed to tbe Library Board to succeed Mr. Roszell who has re- signed, —Carried. Moved by W, Willis, seconded by H. Bowler that the tax rate for the Village of Brussels for be as follows. For School Purposes For County purposes For L000l purposes Homer Andrews. Eleanor Casette, Betty Gannett, Clarence Hamilton Gerald Fremlin. Harold Fremlin, Edna Hogg, Norman Mundy, Louie-_ ,Lloyd Fulford, Eva Holland, FannyReid, Frances Robinson, Reatho. Laois, James Lockwood, Hurry Sic• t Sinneanon, Charlie Procter, Mildre:;] Exvan, Dorothy Mcintyre, Helen Mil- Henning, Lois M. Appleby, Jack . Mowbray, Alba Sh, an Hastings, Jean Underwood, Lloyd. nis, Margaret Glausher, Ralph Mo- - 'Elliott, Helen Walker, Bernice Der- . Seodtt, Melvyn Bruestlen, Clifford Crea, Lois McGuire, ShirleyfellNormCham. Saundercock, Jack Webster, Phyllis hey, Isabel Scott, Ruth Thompson, Manning, rst'uce W. Roy, Eunice H, Gibson Armstrong, Walter E. Dun - Roy, Edward East, Norman Elliott. lain. Passed on the written examine- Passed on written examination:! tion:— ' Leslie Adair, Mabel Campbell„ der, Austin lediger, Donald Perdue Wilma, Radford. Shirley Sutter, Don- ald Crich, Mildred Ashton, Ruth Cer- nochan, Gerald Clayton, Kenneth the year 1937 Frederick Anderson, Audrey But Elmer Deyell, Louise Dore, Dorotlr; .ler, Clayton Campbell, Melbourne Elliott (Hon.); Nora Finley, Nor - 14 nulls Carter (Hon,); Phyllis Corbett, man Fry, Margaret Raines, Helen 4 mills Frank Falconer (Hon.); Edna Ford, Hammond, 'William Harris, William 12 milts 'Donald Gibbs, Lois Hanley, Gordon Hastings (Hon.); •Georg J hn on That the total tax rate be 30 mills As compared to last year the School rate is up 3 mills; the Cotut- ty rate down 1 mill; the Local rate down 3 mills, a decrease on last year of 2 mills, FORMER RESIDENT OF BLYTH PASSES James Barr Burried Monday; Harry F. Bowen Passes In Village The funeral of Jas. Barr, a former resident of Blykh, was held Monday afternoon from the United Church where the remains neve =taken from the noon O.P.R. train. He is sur- vived by five daugbtens, Kate, Lillie, Mary, Martha and ,Sophia all of whom reside in the West, else one son, William, Detroit. Interment took place in Union cemetery, The death ocouren Saturday af- ternoon of Harry Frederick Bowen, at his residence, Qiteen street north, after an illnase fallowing a stroke of paralysis a couple of weeks ago. Mr, Bowen was born in London, Eng- land, and was a tinsmith by trade, He is survived by his wife ad fou' sones, Wesley, Riyal Oak, Mich. Fred, Goderich; Albert, Grand Bend, and Wallace, at bore. He was a Member of the United Church. The funeral was held on Monday after- boob. fternoon to Union cemetery, .Herman, Helen Hoggart, Lawrence Jamieson, Anna Mae Johnston, e David Johnston, .Maurice Maguire, Erma Mair (Hort.); Doris Mann (Hon.); Patricia Morrison (Hon.); Donna. Pickett, Roy Pickett, Mary Rozell, Raymond Snell Mom): Kenneth Steeps, Kenneth Stewart, Keith Tyndall BLYTH Passed w•itlriut writing:— Phyllis Bray, Percy Harrington. Jack Heal, Doris Moody, Maureen ;Merritt, Garth Morritt, Carmel Merrill, Rhea Shaw, Maxine Batl, Helen Marsh, Reid H, Sheppard, Vivien E, Straughan, Donald McCool Kathleen Patterson, Gerald Phelan, William J. Raitltby, Eileen E. Taylor ,Ruth Leggebt, Helen M. Hewett, Dorothy I. Taman; Mary M. Taman. ,Passed on written examination: - Lydia E. Bel] Elizabeth D. Craig, Bill Gavier, Bob H, Gooier, Janet Hllam (Hon.); William Hoary (Hon.); Marjorie MCVittie ([ion.); Roy McVittie, Lloyd Taylor, Norma ,.Taylor. Ronald Taylor, MANLEY Passed without writing: Cyril Jettison, Thomas Murray, Dorothy Scberbarth, Doris Flana- gan, Anna Krauskoff, Ordelia May- er, Margaret Rock, Passed on written examination: Robert Beuenmann, Frank Casson, Rfha Coyne, Grace Dennis (Hon.) Kenneth Johnston, Fleming John- ston Mon.); Douglas Kerr, Luther Kerr, Hem Lee, John Lee, Louise Lloyd, Jean McCallum, Dorothy Mellor, Joseph Moir, Ross Orvis, De. light Reid, Evelyn Scott, Marth',: Smith Rita Stapleton, Dorothy. Stewart (Hon.); Arnold Stoakiey,. Irene Taylor, Mary Tervit, Maxine Thompson, Ann Venwyck, Howard? J. Walker, Pearl Walker, Lenorse Wellings. BELL 1S REMOVED FROM GREY TOWNSHIP SCH'OOL The school bel) has been taken. aft School No. 3 in Grey Township... It is not known whether it has been: taken as a joke, or In the mad rusbe these days for old metals. NOTICE— There are a number of outstana- Ing accounts owing. The Poet would? appreciate a settlement at your earliest convenienice. These adver- tising accounts are small and sow would ask for your co-operation,.. Ito gee that they are settled. •mat DANCE. x 1, DANCE IN 4 Bl LGRAVE: FRIDAY, JULY- 9th• li Ernest's Six Piece Orchesistrtt ADMISSION • -- •- 254 1 +i,.