HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-6-30, Page 4THE BRUSSEl..S POST
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
Tre Walton Y. P. S. of Duff's
rotted Chtireh held their rlaMin
meeting for the saintlier mauiha in
tha auditorium of the church on
Sunday evening, Atha 27th,
Toe president, Betty Drager pas -
ee i
and ills m ting was oPe rad
with the Doxology and the Lerli's
Prayer repeated in unison, followed
by •the singing of hymit 581 'Tinto
the rifle 'around do 1 lift up,"
The seriptture was read by 'Stuart
Bryans and tete male quartette:
'Messrs, George Ramsay, John Ale -
Donald, George McArthur and Kea•
meth Ritchie apps, "Almost Persu-
aded:" The treasurer's report was
given. by Herbert Traviss. Atter
the singing of hymn 401, "Onward
Christian Soldiers," - a report was
given by the secretary, Beth Shan-
non. The offering was received
and an anthem "Crown I-itni' was
given by the choir, Miss Margaret
gumming offered Prayer and Rev.
Mr, Cosens of Clinton gave a Wen -
did address on the "Modern Youth"
which was much appreciated.
After a duet by Mrs, Colin ring-
inaland and Miss Margaret Hahkirk r.f
Winthrop the hymn 501, "Wel your
Sector Hold" was sung. Rev. Mr.
Cosecs closed the meeting with the
711x, Garden Party of Duff's
Churrh Walton, will be held on Mrs.
Writers lawn Wednesday evening,
July 7th.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Nichol, their
son Melvin his wife and two child-
ren of Regina. Sask., who have boon
visitors with M. and Mrs D. K.
Livingston for some time have
left on their return trip. They
motored over coming by way of
Sault Ste Marie, spending some
time with friends at North Bay and
caping to have a look at the fermate
babies, Retarned 'through the
States visiting with friends enroute.
They enjoyed their stay here vary
ouch having met many old friends
of long ago, It is almost forty
years since .they went West so nat-
urally there were many they missed
and noted (Menges everywhere.
Mrs, Nichol Sr„ and Mrs. Living-
ston are sisters.
Miss- Margaret Kelly was hostess
to the .Daly meeting of St. George,•
Guild and W.A. ' There was a l+.ge
attendance of members and friends
The guild mwwting was opened by
psrsident., firs. Starlet. The Lord'?
Prayer was said In unison and a
passage of scripture was road.
General business was transacted.
The W. A. meeting was opened by
all repeating the members' prayer.
Following general business a Feat-
ure of the atteru0on was a shower
RANGER t* „2X75
RONA,&linty,..` t:_ ,,,,,,,.2472
of gift articles, These articles wore
then auctioned off, the 1103V, J, QRZ'
Grab= making a chvable auction-
eer, Oyer X4.00 was realised from , On Sunday last Rev. Geo. 13arnar•1
alta sale. preached fled 111K farewell sermonsermonFollowing the mePUugs a bounti ,
Roe a Carted Church and will move
tut lunch was served by the hostess { this week to his new charge at Coe.
Blanding strawberries and roman, milt.
Miss Kelly was assietec in serving On the evening of Friday, July 2,
by Miss Mary Kelly and other neigh- tnaustion services tor the Rey, Her
A vote of thanks' and 00- old Snell will be 10111 In the E he;
Predation was extended to the hos.- United church. Rev. Tuwnend of
teas by Rev. Graham, Belgrave and Rev Mahoney at Brus-
The annual congregatioual Paerue sse1s will be in charge. The follow-
of 51, George's church will be held ing Sunday, July 4111, Rev. Mr. Snell
on July list at Goderich, I wilt eonlmlence Is duties on the
tl Ethel circuit. Morning service
will be held at Rae's at the usual
1 hour, 9.45, followed by Sunday
School at 10,45. The people of the
The Women's Institute win hold community are corddallY invited to
their Annual Picnic on the after• attend this service and give a wet -
noon of Thursday, July Ste la 00 come to the new pastor.
Memorial Park, Ethel. The mem- A very successful school pieot°
hers of the West Branch, Listowel, was held 00 Saturday, June 26 an
will be the guests and are preparing McDonald's bush, by S. S. No, 4,
a muetoal and literary Program. Gey and the boundary school.
These will also be a program of ' Races, football and sotlnall games
Sports and stunts, All women and added to the pleasure of the atter.
gilds in the community are invited noon,
t0 attend and enjoy a Peasant after- 4 number of parents and friends
noon on the riverside with the 1n,11- of S. S. No. 1, gatrered at the school
tate. Please bring !until. house on Friday afternoon for a
Church Garden Parties and °:tn' y" picnic and to bid farewell to Mies
reunion functions have been wear,- Clara McCall, the retiring teacher.
Hone, interesting to a large number Softball and other games were en -
of adtbelites during the hast week joyed by ail and the races were es•
or more. pedally sidoy'ed by the pupils and
The Sperian family reunion plc- younger children.
nit was held at Pike Lake net:* La:-er all gathered in the sellout
Clifford, Saturday, June 26th, with house where the following address
ideal weather for the occasion, tit, was read to the teacher by Merle
day paired altogether too ifuiekly Abraham,
with enjoyable entertainment ice Dear Miss McCall:
both Dad and young. Harry and it is with deep regret the: we
Mrs. Sperian Bert and Mrs. Vod•lc•n barn of your Intention of leav,lig
were among the number from Ethel our school,
attending. We felt that we could not allow
Ethel football r. -am won the game one who has been so faithful and
played at Walton with the home efficient a worker to depart without
team last week In a 1-0 score. in sone way showing oar appreeia-
The last garde of footoall in the
league schedule in which Ethel
team will be engaged was dant
.,for Wed. June 30.
Olive Cardiff
Ross Davide()
Rose Davidson
I3etty Pennington
Shirley Lamont
Doreen. 1,,umout
Clara Mo0ai1, teacher
The following is the school report
for S.S. no, 3, Grey fur tanto end.ng
June 1937.
I•Iouours-75 Pass -60
FromJr.1 J
' 1't0 Sr. IV—
Jean MacDonald 87.11%
) Tena Armstrong 73.22
Joyoe °HMO' 6322
Front Jr. III to Sr, III—
. Ruth MacDonald 83%
i •
Marie Da incl 68,3
Jr. Ili—
Lloyd Warwick absent
lot to Jr, II—
Bobiby Johnston 33:4%
Helen Bishop 72.3
Sr. lst—
Jack Bishop
Eve Bishop
Mary Lou McFarlane
Charles Griffiths
Teacher, A. V, Turnbull
Lien of the many services rendered
by you in the past five and a half
It so often happens that those
The Garden party held last Fri'l'_• who spend their lives in the work of
night, under the auspices of Ethel teaching the school curriculum, atld
Presbyterian church was largely exerting an influence over the
attended, approximately 400 persons scholars that must tend toward the
,were waited on at the tables and uphuilding of character and heaping
shared in the enjoyment of a most them to take their place in life 111 a
excellent repast. The pros:am worthy way, are left in doubt as to
following was presented in pleasi,or whether tehir work 1s really alt -
order. A booth on the grounds was predated.
well patronized and the proceedings We know that you have worked
as a whole were much appreciated hard for us and with us, have given
and the .management is being con• freely of yourself tbat we might
.win success in the examinatieos
just over, and that you will watcu
our future careers with a kindiy in-
We hope you will accept this gift
not for its value, but for the fuc:
that it will In after years remind
you of the pleasant times we have
spent together, and the good wishes
.of all the parents and children of
S.S. No. 1, Grey.
gratulated on the success of tae
Ethel was well represented at the
social evening given by Roe's Unit-
ed church on Ethel circuit Monday
of this week, by local talent.
The numerous items contributed
consisted of vocal and instrumental
musical selections. Humorous read-
, ings, short addresses, solo and duet
numbers accompanied by various in-
trum'entals. The 4 -piece orchestra
responded generously to each re.
quest, Further vroof of the gener-
osity Of Roe's church people ,was
shown in the extra large quantity of
the treat of fresh strawberries,
cream and sugar served as lunch
with cake and coffee. The congre-
gation are to he congratulated on
cur;r splendid financial standing at
the ilose of the pastorate of Rey.
Mr. Barnard.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lucas of
Hamilton were weekend guests tt.
the Mame of their uncle Charles E.
clen per,
Y. P. A. of 1)t.liel 1'nito<rl chm<•11
meet at 011' home of Mr,. 01011 til 'in
last To.: -day and prosetnted Mrs.
(itev,r lYanal•d with x tnk-,n of ati
vt,,inlion fel* the interest eile? had
talo -11 In tacir '1'-parimcdi o]' tb e
work •,l' ihr, ett'u: i, clueing t11', •Rale•
th+•y h:,r-
to.,11 on Ethal cirenit
to bid 11c'r bo- -w"11.
M. , Brothers
A Huse on Your
Hands —
Dia you over figure out haw
•man a pdreontade of our pope•
lotion pass roux houoo whoro
?hoy could god a "To Lot" slim.
or how largo a p'eroentago rood
our vapor? Good tenants aro
not the kind that h0.o tame to
wool( In dolnt3 aravynd locking
for mere. Thor look In our
o"ant Ada,
11 von have a Sousa on your
hands, q a IOuee td twit" ad.
will brim( therm 1.0 *OV.
(.,saw rm g w. atw
WlCila1V111SDA'Y, JI;Nm aotil, i037
llom Felker, Jr„ and ctiildren.I
Audrey J01 0 and Ivan of near
Aluleswotth were visitors at
Inane of Mt, and Mrs, Jacob Fischer
on Sunduy,
Mr. and airs. John loblo and 1
1 daughter Yvonne, Mr. Brum l „Nobly
of Hanover spent the week -mid et
t the home of Mr, and 3tre James
T11e Cheerios held their June
meeting at the home of 9150. C,
Keruaglian last Thursday aiternp'in
iu charge of Airs. 0, Robinson,
The pros ill
t: . opened with the
g P
singing of a hymn followed by tate
Lord'. Prayer in unison, The roil
can was answered with a verse of
Scripture, The minutes of the '
May meeting were read.
T1e Scriptureture
Lesson was
d4iss Alae Fischer. A'il's. Williams
led in prayer. After the singing of
another hymn a very interesting
story was given by Mrs, G. Switzer
The business was discussed and the
Tonic was read by the leader taken
from the study book, The meeting
closed with singing of e hymn and
repeating the Mazpah Benediction 111
Atter a social hour, lunch was
served by the hostess,
Mrs. W. A. Cunningham, of Sunny
Side farm has returned home afte• - "-"""- "
spending a pleasant two weeks in The attendance contest in the
Toronto with her cousins the Misses • hutted Church Sunday School andnb
Gledhills and also Ars. Fisher, on Sunday when total attendance
Henry and Miss Fisher her aunt, tiv was 106 the largest for the year.
ing in the city, 1 Two boys' classes were competing
S. S, No, 9, MORRIS against two girls' classes for fire
months, with the result that the
girls won by an aggregate attend•
ants of three. The coutest was
close ail the time and so provided
much interest.
The services in Knox Presby-
terian Church on Sunday were con-
ducted •by the Pastor, Rev. J, R.
,Greig, who spoke from the text,
:'What shall it profit a man, if he
gain the whole world and lose his
own soul."
Bisitors: Air, and Mrs. Milton
aleVittle, Fiin, Mdch„ Mrs, Mac-
; Kay and daughter, Jean, Toronto,
and Miss Dorothy McVtttie, Kit:h-
ener with Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
Davidson; 14Ir, and Mrs, Harold
1 Harris and son, Tillsonburg, and
• Miss Ethel Johnston, Byron, with
their parents Mr. and Mrs, Lti.
Johnston; Mies Massie Miingan has
returned from a visit to Detroit;
Mr, and Mrs. A. A. Isbaster, Pob
and Joan, Toronto, with Air. and
I Mrs, E. 13, Jenkins.
The following is the report far
School Section no, nine illorris. This
report is based on the year's work
and the final examination to June
(50% on each). Penile were exam -
Med on ati usbjeets.
60—Pass 75—Honors
Jr. IV—
Watson, Gerald 70
Elliott, Evelyn 70
Sr. IlI—
McCail, Isabel 74
McLean, Mary 72
Kelly, Alyles 72
Jr. III—
Fraser, Douglas 71
Kelly, James 68
Alcock, Helen 61
, Martin Naomi 84
Elliott, Bert 71
McLean, Donald 69
Quinn, Betty 82
Alcock, Jean. 75
Primer —
Watson Leona,
honor standing,
Bell, Wallace,
honor •tsanding
Kelly, Wilmer,
honor standing
Fraser, Donald,
Pass standing
Signed on behalf of the pupil;
Laura Ellacott
Merle Abraham
Mac Speir
Laura Ellacott presented Miss
McCa11 with a lovely case of silver
and Mac Speir presented silver salt
and pepper shakers. Taken entire -
1Y by surprise Miss McCall thanked
th''m for their gifts.
Lunch was then served by the
ladies. A pleasant afternoon was
brought to a close by the singing
of "God Save the King."
Following aro the results of the
Iroulotion hlxanlinatenus held at
S. S. No. 1, Grey, Those pupils
with a per cent tried the tests; the
nthprs were promoted on their
year's work,
Eniratce Cla.;s--
Vtrila rerdiif
, Gr.1,i ge Blake
. 11teronimeinri" i by Entrance Board)
.Jr. IV to sir, IV--
tl lizabctll Brewer 71.5'0
Howard 13118rol t. 57%
Gordon Halley 51.55,
Sr. 111 to Jr. IV-
IauetSon Mit<then
2lerle Abraham
taunt t lllacall
11111io Speir 70.8
John Blake 67,7%
.1r. 1II to Sr. III—
Donald Speir
Gordon Feweter
Gordon Blake 60.5%
Sr. II to Jr. III—,
Lillian MitchellT.
Graham Lamont
Sr, I to Jr. 11—
Vera Cardiff (excellent)
Bobbie Peninngton (Good)
Billie Pennington (Remains)
Sr, Primer to Sr, I—
,Mac Spoir (Very Good)
with 20,000 Visited O. A. O.
promoted with
promoted with
promoted with
Bird, Dorothy, promoted with pass
Jr, Prifer—
, McLean, Fanny, promoted
Quinn, Jack promo,ed
Hart, Donald, promoted
Teacher, Mr. G. C. Grainger,
Total attendance at farm end
home week at the Ontario Agricul-
tural College, in Guelph last week
while not quite as large as was an-
ticipated, reached nearly 20,000
people, The event was the most
I Important Notice
i Accounts, Notes, Judgements
oun e nt
Our collecting department is a
result of years of successful expert.
ence 10 collecting local or out-of-
town accounts.
No collection, no charge, Mail
Burkes Collecting Agency
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Fischer of (License 176)
Kitchener, Mr. and Airs. William Head Office, Seaforth Ont
Felker, Sr. and Mr, and Mrs, .Wit- Box 498
The Paris Ladies' Shoppe, Brussels branch, wish to
announce that their store will be .open on Wednesday and
$a.urday only, beginning with Wednesday, June ;30th• The
: 8 and
store will be open Monday and Tuesday, June2 29,
afternoons only and after that date from 9 a•m. to Closing
Time at night every Wednesday and $aturday for the pur-
pose of offering to the friends in the Brussels district the ut-
most in value in the Ladies' Wear line.
We intend to have a fresh stock of Misses and Women's
dresses, millinery, hosiery, lingerie, etc., on display at
clearance prices. We guarantee to save you a great deal,
of money on every purchase by buying at either our
Brussels or our Listowel store,
Every dress will be decidedly marked down in price.
All transactions after this will be on a strictly cash basis.
No Charges. No Returns. Yours for Value.
Paris Ladies' Shoppe
Brussees, Ont.
• a ,i`" '1.4,2!11 t 1'1•.i, t..
successful held at the college In
many years. The entire program
was well presented and • greatly eta
predated. Meals were served daily
in the large college dining room, it
being found necessary ea occasions
to serve the people outside who
could not be accommodate' la the
dining room, due to the fangs
Want to keep the youngsters from under
your feet? Just give them a playroom.
We'll transform that attic of yours into
a happy hunting ground that will keep
them out of mischief for hours. And the
job will be quickly done, with a mini -
(um of disturbance. Let us give you an
estimate. Then, if necessary, finance
under the Home Improvement Plan,
Statesmen who inaugurated the Union of British Provinces in North America.
1, 1I, Bernard, Secretary,
8, W. A. Henry, Nova Scotia.
8. is. Palmer, Prince Edward Island,
4, W. FI. Stooves, Now Brunswick,
6 C. trlaher, New Brunswick.
6. 117..Whelan, Prince Edward Island,
7. Col, T. H. Gray, Pr, Edward Island
II. G. Cbloa Prince Edward Island.
I. L. 'Tilly, Neer Brunswick.
10. 8'. 13, I, Carter, Newfoundland,
11. A. Shea, Newfoundland.
12. J. Chapala, Canada East.
12. E, 13. Chandler, New Brunswick.
14, A, Campbell, Canada.
I5. A, C. Archibald, Nova Scotia,
id. Sur E. Langovin, Canada East,
17. Sir John d Maodanald, Canada W.
18. lllr 0, E. Cartier, Canada goat,
19, Slr E, P. Taehe, Canada Nast,
29. Ron, George ,Brown, Canada West.
91, T. 18. Ilevlland, Pr. Edward Island.
9B. A. Gait, Canada Wont
98. P. Mitchell, New 13runewfok,
84. Pion. Oliver Mowat, Canada West.
M6. J. Cockburn, Canada Weak.
DI It Nova Scotia.
Sir charism Tupper, Nova Scotia.
Col. J. 11. Gray New Brunswick.
W. Ti. Pope, Prince Edward Island.
W. McDougall, Canada West. a
1', D'Arcy Maden, Canada.
A. A. McDonald, Pr, 2llwerd Island,
J. McCully, Nova Scotia,
d. Ii. Johnston, New Brunswick, /