HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-6-30, Page 2.CDN4SDAY, AMID
h 1037
Ace of i4earts
"1 hale him!" elle fold IlerseiP. eneheleted," seta Lorna laugbingiy. , nothing of the mystery Guy could
But she was remembering, not for reveal to bee. How blind, hew ig•
the 111rt tial,
e that had matters tak• i nomnt was her old self, A stupid
ea their expected ceuree Merle c,hitd willing to forgo all tbat makes
would have been here With lie" a true marriage,
bridegroom—Ttetothy Rochdale, She was wiser now, She heed
Lorna wee very happily married, hada revelation of the poseibiltties
and she saw the setatioa of all within beeeit. Some women
merle's difficulties in a reconeiilia married and never knew. What
tics with the lover from whom elle might have been for her remained
was eetreuged, a hidden bystery to them,
To the contented wife and mothee, 111 For glory and for &lame she loved
merle's present mood was quite ue Guy Devenish, because she was the
derstandable, Sim had been thil:k- mate Heaven had made ter him,
‘Ing at Tim, of course, That wt's "Oh, will you always haunt me
why she had stolen away alone. like this?" she whispered, hall
aloud. "You do not care. If only
her you weuid leave mei"
del But his memory was with her till
she the dawn, and all through the day
that followed Ms shadow was at her
Outwardly the hours passed tree -
"Yee, do -'I hate hint! Wey does
be Dome to disturb my Peace? 1
wish 1'd never (teen him, I hate
But wee It bete filar made et
heaven to be pi his arm:;, if only for
a little while? Wes it hate that
had made her 10og for the pressure
of his live on hers aain
She was ashamed of such pitiable
weakness, In every love episode
of 1101 girflood, even the most ser -
sous one of Timothy, she had been
mistrees of the situation giving
such favours as else chose, withhold•
ing et her will,
But Guy was her conqueror. He
carte as fancy led hila it seemed,
and played on her emottuns, took
her heart in his hand, and put it
away from him, and turned to more
engrossing affairs,
Fool that site was—weak fool—she
who had thought herself strong!
She had let him see she cared, she
had been as powerless agalnst has
practised arts as any sentimental
:whoa -girl. 011, how she despised
Ave of Hearts. Oh, yes, that des.
trilled him well. She was Just one
more girl whose kiss be had won.
And she had let hint dance with her
as no other men lead, giving herself
up to the sensuous «Pell—lie knew
so well how to weave.
It should never happen agai,l.
She would take care of that. IIe
bud taken her unawares—given her
no time to think. She hoped they
'would never meet again, but for him
space scarcely existed. He would surely betray Iter—eyes bright with
be on the other side of the Atlantic new fires, a glow and bloom that
one day, and then walking down had conte from the unreal joy of
1itcadilly or across the Place is la that night's illusion,
Concord, when one least expect'1it Again she was ashamed that this
to see him. That wan really, she
man to wham she was Piet one more
,plaything could eo ,way her whoie
being. Yet, oh, the glamour of
,tbat dance in the soft darkness, the
rapture, the pain, of love cheated
and enfulltlled!
Lnvel She hawed her prone
head as she, confessed the treih
In tete belief, Lorna exerted
,self to dispel the cloud, and
not allow Merie to suspect
guessed what was wrong.
They loitered on the terrace,
under the intlaenee of normal
panionship Merle recovered some-
what from her agftatein,
They all went been to the ball-
room and danced. They hall sneer
per and danced again, and then they
drove back to the Devens. flat.
"You're looking uarve-lents :cs-
night, Merle," said Lorna. "Pat
I'm sure you must be tired, Yon
hardly hissed a dance."
"I'm not a het fagged," declared
"Not now. But you'll need ra^t
to -morrow morning. Don't wn1'rr
about Iras's lessons, Get a gool
long sloop," advised Lorna.
It seemed to Merle the least Intel.'
thing, For this fever of hes nl'.nd
there could be no rest.
In her glass .she saw what muni
(0)111 -
tried to assure herself, the secret of
the. faecination he possessed for her
—the fact that he had done all she
and Con had dreamed of.
".Merle, ere yon her aloe' ?
we've been jnokh:g for you every-
wbere i"
It was Lorna's vni3O, and Merle, Mee, with her own heart.. Th.:+
roused from her trance of emotion, whir•h wac her shame should have'
tried to answer lightlye been her at-try—that which was her
The man with Lorna should -neve torment should have brought her
been her partner for the dance Gny • Happiness undreamed of in her me
had stolen. She bad forgotten rill awakened days, when she lead look.
about him, but she made her exeus. I ed forward. undismayed, to ma-.
es as convincingly as she could, i ridge with Timothy Rochdale.
"Egypt is a witch, and Merle is I That was when she liad known
quily enough. In spite of Lorna's
desire to spare her fatigue she took
bas's lessons a rusual and was buss,
over the little duties he had made
her own in the Bevan 11000101d,
But she elected to stay at home
when, in the cool of the evening,
Lorna took Ora for a drive,
Merle had wished for quiet, and
she, gat by the window looking out
on the courtyard, and tried to fix
her n11ud on the suit site was knit-
ting for Inas— a dainty white silk
she wondered where Guy was
now, and was too restless to work.
Site had risen to go out into the
curtyard when a servant appeared.
"A gentleman to see miss."
Her thoughts flew to Guy in the
fleeting moments before We visitor
He was Timothy Rochdale!
The Lie
saki, bet,lntiing to recover hemthe
"1 can't tell you what a relief 1t
woe le keew you have been with s
fairs, Bevan all this While,"
"I woen''t," $p1'ang to the tip of
her tongue, .bat the words renlalnel
unspoken. 1t e0u101)1111 matter to
Tim that »lie bad been through a
very difficult time before aneetlae
Hs sat before her, and she Wal
marvelling wt her 01(1 sell. 1t did.
nit seem Possible, now, that she had
,thought of bins as her future bee.
Not that elle found him, viewing
ham quite impartially after sepal'a.
tion, in any way repellent,
He was good-tuoking, well groom.
ed, agreeable in an everyday men.
net, That other lade of his dis-
position Nhioh had betrayed itself in
their last interviews', was not in eye
Bence now,
A presentable man, altogether,i
with many traits of the "good hus-
band." So he would be, tor some
other girl, but not now for her. DM
,she had been fond of him, and site .
was anxious to be friends for the
sake of that old affection.
"There was no Peed for you 10
worry, Tim," elle said. "I'm not a
helpless sort of person, You know•
I'm not friendless either, and I can
earn my own living."
"But hang it all, Merle, that's not
the thing- You broke olT our en-
gagement, and went off in one of
,Your tempers, but you never thougat
of my poettion:"
"1 don't understand you," site
,answered. "I couidn',t stay at the
Court after the way Aunt Grace
spoke to me and I couldn't marry
you either."
"I was willing to marry you," he
said, with a grand air. "It wasn't
pleasant for tie—you getting Your-
self talked about, but of course I
knew I had no real cause to donor
,"I'm glad that's how you feel," saki
Merle. "You spoke differently."
"Wasn't it enough to make me?
But you were going to be my wife in
•less than a month. We should have
been married by now."
"11 wasn't very kind to me, was
it, to let People think I'd thrown
you over because of that scandal
His attitude of mind came to her
in a flash. .Always he must be the
magnaufnlous benefactor elle the
recipient of his favours. He liked
to Pose as the generous hero.
"I hadn't thought of it in 'ha'
way;' she said. "And I shouldn't
suppose anyone else would. I'
was perfectly simple. \1'e discover
He ads the last person whom
Merle had expected or desired to
see. She sat gazing at him to
But Tim came towards her as if
.he felt sure of a welcome. He said—
"I know you're surprised to see
,me, Merle,"
"Ye''," elle managed to answer.
"I had to conte as soon as I knew
where you were. I've been so
anxious about you --disappearing as
you d1t1." he. went on,
"I've been all right, Tim," she
Rocky Mountain Rol days
The busiest tourist season in
years is in store for tbe Cana-
dian Reckless Banff Springs Hotel
and Chateau Lake Louise, recent-
ly opened for the year, are enjoy-
ing mid-season popularity, while
inoreasing numbers of visitors are
,planning llolldaye at the beauti-
ful chalet -bungalow camps at
Moraine Lake, Lake O'Hara, Lake
Wapta, `Y'obo Valley, and Radium
Hot Springs.
Attractiote ouch as golf oa the
sporty chaenigmshlp course at
Banff, riding and hiking over
spectacular mountain trails, ten-
nis on splendid courts, boating on
glacial lakes, and other sports
under ideal conditions make the
Canadian Rockies Canada's lead -
Mg summer playground. Add to
this scenery unexcelled in the
world, excellent fishing, and end -
lees opportunities for camera
hutting of big game and the re -
(mit is Banff, Lake Louise, or any
of half a dozen Canadian Pacific
bungalow camps set in valleys or
by lakes of outstanding beauty,
Each year in tbe Rockies sev-
eral feature events are bald In
addition to the day-by-day amuse-
ments. Among them are the Cal-
gary Stampede, July 5 to 10; In-
dian Days at Banff, July 23 to 25;
outing of the Trail Riders of the
Canadian Rockies to Mount As-
slniboine, 101y 30 to August 3;
outing of Trail Hikers of Cana-
dian Rockies in Moraine Lake
district, Anglia 8 to $; Barer golf
week, August 23 to 23; and 'Yoko
Valley reunion camp of the Alpine
Club of Canada trona July 17 to 31.
est ata aldn''t leek at th1ABs freer, the
00010 atlgle and we decided to trap.
Tlla<t's all there was t0 1t.'
"1 don't agree," he returned, tvlth.
seine heM,
"Tharp just it -,we doe't agree,
13at tow is it yru are here ' 1n1?"
elle asked „i'a1 really glad to ser
you -'l don't wont yea to Dere 11,11
wrong idea about wrier llappsned--
but hely did you 111111 ottt where 1
"Betty I,yeeemd told me," Ile re
�irlled, 'She heard from quo of .111•x,
Bevap's Irieuds. 5o 1 came. YOU
it110w, 'my deal', it's sally going eo
like •bhta. I was upset, and you flan
off at a tuugent. Let's forget el.
about it."
He minae and leaned over her, put.
Ling his arm round her shoulder,
and frydug to draw her towards him.
But she did not yteei,
"1'n1 sorry Tem. You've come
MI this way and it's best we shoul,l
meet agalu and understand each
other, but I can't go back to where
1 was. I've changed,"
"Merle, You can't mean li!" be
protested, "You used to be 00
fund of me. Aud 1 think I've prow
ed how much I care for you," Again
the generous hero note,
"Yee, I know, but 1Cs no use."
"Oh It's that iiyiug chap, then!"
he cried.
"No," she protested. "I told you ---
he's nothing to me,"
"Then what is 1t " Tim persisted.
"Just what I've told you," $ire
answered. "Oh, Tim, why won't you
see what I mean, You and I war)
never meant to marry. Let's be good
friends and don't ask for more."
"Well, if you feel like that," said
Tim. "But now I'nm here I sup'
Pose I can stay, After all, eve were
coming here for our honeymoon."
"We must both forget that,'' said
Merle, "But of course there's no
,reason why you shuuldll't stay, it
you like."
"And we're friends," he question-
ed pleadingly.
"If you only knew how much I
want to be good friends," she ans.
wered, "I could never forget your
loyalty, Tim dear, when I needed
Wends the most. It hurt to think
we had quarrelled:"
"You're a dear, Merle," he said,
and she was touched as she saw
how he was moved. "well, I mu':
be content with your friendship for
the present then. Arid you'll Iet
me come and see you while I'm
She hesitated,
"You'll understand it isn't only
for the present," she said. "1
couldn't give you more titan friend.
ship. Something happened—that
PROTECTION. Choose the
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F.R.SMITH Phone 62
day we parted. Notieleg could ever
be the ean10 again,"
"Well, leave It at trust," He pre•
tended to ag'r'ee. "ilIos me, and
don't let's bother abort What's over
and done with; r
"Only frlemes," she stipulated,
holding away Trent biro,
"Good friends," lie returned.
She gave the 'kiss he asked for.
It meant Po more then kissing
Lorna. She would not listen .to the
warning in her heart. Sbe 2008
honestly glad to be on friendly
terms with Tim again.
She had been candid with 1tim.
Rt be chose to May in Cairo she
could not object, even though elle
knew it would be better for ben to
(To be Continued)
Earns Promotion
Arthur B. Smith, above, will
become general superintendent,
Sleeping, Dining, Parlor Car and
News Service, eastern lines, Cana-
dian Pacifie Railway, with head-
quarters at Toronto on July 1.
After joining the Company as
office boy at Montreal in 1903, he
served he posts of increasing res-
ponsibility at eerinnipeg, Banff,
and Toronto, where he became
assistant superintendent in 1913
and superintendent in 1928.
These low fares enable you to turn
the calendar ahead ... from Winter
right into a Summer vacation ... in
glorious California.
Play golf beside the blue Pacific,
motor through orange groves and
along inviting highways, enjoy 1
glamorous nights in gay Hollywood.
Your choice of routes.., include the . I
picturesque Canadian Rockies,
charming Vancouver and Victoria
at no extra cost.
Full information as to Round Trip
On eppiication to any Agent.
WjiUam Street,
Brussels, Onterit,
'Phene 65
Day 90 Night Galls
Embalmer and Funeral
L. E. •Dancey, K.C, & P. J. Boleby
Brussels, Ont. 'Phone 64X
Batilster, Solicitor, Etc.
Phone 20x, —x— Brussels, Ont.
James McFadzean
Howlok Mutual Fire Insurance
-Hartford Windstorm
—Tornado Insurance
—Automobile Insurance
Brussels, Ontario
'Phone 42. Box 1, Turnberry 51.
License Auctlonne'r for ties Gaunt)
of Huron. Sales attended to in a+eg
parts of the country, Satlatawtio.
Guaranteed or no pay, Orders Isle
at The Post promptly attended to.
Belgravo Pose Office.
Brussels 14-9.
Estate Agent, Conveyancer
and Commissioner
General Insurance
Main Street, •-- Ethel, Ontario
Important Notice
Accounts, Notes, Judgements
Our collecting department is a
result of years of successful experi-
ence in collecting local or out -of.
town accounts.
No collection, no charge. Mall
Bakes Collecting Agency
(License 17 9)
Head Office, Seaforth Ont
Box 498
Brussels, Ont.
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Daily Star .... • ................. $7.00{
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