HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-6-30, Page 120.*****.womoroxxxx"xxxxxvcc„,_,_ pr, USE THE APS AS YOUR SHOPPING LISTS •• ettxx•xxxxxwxxxxxxw.:#.2.......*.AAA.•,#! ogt BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, WENDNESDAY, JUNE 30th 1937 „tx:cwocorxxxwxxxxoxtxxx,1007A m EVERY KIND OF X it gi. rt JOB PRINTING ,.. AT REASONABLE PRICES $ Sx.....xxxxwww.ww:+xxxxwoewf.ww:4,......' Carden Party Swarm of Bees Halts * Football Team it Well Attended • A. large crowd attended the Unit- ed Church Garden Party held at the hOMe of Mr, and Mee. Wm. Cerdlli On Tuesday night, Demate the in - element weather wIllek torced the committee in charge to thunder the concert to the church the orowd ee- cePten the change cheerfully and turned out en masse to the church. A most delightra supPer was serval on the grounds by the Woolens' Association under whose auspices the Garden Party was held. The versatile program of the licePPY Cousins Concert Company proved to be all the advance notices ad- vertised, This company Is to be congratulated on the splendid and wholeponie program and the commit- tee wish to thank heartily the friends of Belgrave who helaei make tile ball game a success and all members of the committees Whose loyal co-operation and gener- ous contributiong of supplies iron) the whole congrega.tion contribeted to a successful evening., ETHEL Mrs, Richards was the guest 01, Geo and Mrs. Menzies of Grey Twp.. over the week -end, Wm. and airs. Michel motored from Goderieh early Saturday morning and accompanied Mr. end Mrs. B. Vodden to the Sperian plc Mc at Pike Lake. Motorcycles operated by Lorne Desiardine, Wilard Michel and Roy Pearson are giving quite a thrill to • those privileged to use this mode of transportation. Relatives from Niagara Falls have been visiting for several days with Percy Stephenson and family, and Mrs. V. Dane and Will. of Con. 8, Grey Twp. • Geo. anti Mrs. Eelemier have en- joyed a recreation of almost a week's duration with friends and relatives in Stratford and vicinity, The service, for the Induction ot the newly appointed pastor to: I Ethel United Crud' will be con- ducted at United Cburch Friday night, July 2, at 8 o'clock. THE UNITED CHURCH • Rev. H. .1. Mahoney, B. A. B. D. Minister 4 10 a.m.—Sunday School , 11 a.m.—The .Mlnister 7 p.m—The Minister you and your family are cordially invited to attend these services A HAPPY TIME —with— THE HAPPY COUSINS --at— THE WALTON Garden Party WEDNESDAY, JULY 7th, 1937 Supper Served 6 to 8.30 A Band in Attendance Admission -- 35c & 20c COME — RAIN OR SHINE lairs. J. Smith, Mrs. N. Reid, Pres. See. * 4.* * * * * * * Traffic On Main Street • * We have seen various thing; * ,* including herds of cattle in- " * iterfere with tratlie on nett. * * street but on Monday about * * noon a large swarm of bees * .* took Pesseaston of the main * * street. Drivers halted their * * cars on either side Of the * * swarm, hesitating to get in * * the way of the bees, * Finally the attention of the * * queen was attracted and they * * swarmed on one of the Peony * -* bushes at the library and * * were captured, * * * * * * REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH —NOW PLAYING— . Matinee Thursday 3 P.M, George Article —IN— . Promotion Examinations Brussels Public Sohool H—Honours R—Rec omm end ed Jr. IV to Sr. IV-- Allau, Jack 13enkenGeo. (H) Bell, Harris (H) Bryau, Lorne Cardiff, Clarke Coleman, Ken. Gibson, Margaret (11) Kerr, Stuart Russell 'Clara •Speiran, Jean (H) Stephenson, ,Teatt. Stiles, Joe (II) Van Norman Josephine (11/ Sr. III to Ir. IV— Amnstrong. Helen (H) Bryans Idella Davidson Eloyce Davidson, Cleve Lawless, Ross Riley, Ferguson Riley, Oliver Sanderson, Imo Scott Graeme (H - Jr. III .10 Sr. 811 Allan, Jean. Baelter, Muc Bell Margaret (H) Gemmell Douglas (H) Gillis, Harold Jardine, Dorotby (II) Kellington, Billy Lowrie, Nora (H) Stephenson, Gordon Stiles, Annie (H) Sullivan, Billie 'Willis Jack (R) .Sr. II to Jr. Cameron, JIM (H) 7ardene, Joyce (H) Stiles, Junior (H) Turvey, Billy (H) Jr. II tea Sr. 81— )3urehill, Peter Campbell, Billie Campbell, Margaret Fischer, Gold's (H) Graham, Pat (H) Gibson, Lillian (H) 114111s, Francis (H) erliatheson, Murray Oakley, Carrie (H) Stiles, Mac (H) Thomas, Charlie (81) Van Norman, Margaret Man of Affairs The Beek Arllas as a lovable Blacksheep and a Pollsigel Diplomat iMON., TUES., WED. Claudette Colbert •MelvIn 'Douglas —I I Met Him In Paris A deornantlic •Comedy Drama NEXT THURS., FRI., SAT. Joe E. Brown Marian Marsh —lel— When's Your Birthday Edgar Kennedy Fred Keating comma— Lloyds of London Ctronation in Technicolor Sr, Sr, I ito Jr. II- -Jr. °emeriti Nancy (H) *Hopper, tbarlie Ilulley, Cora Lowrie, Shirley (H) 'Sanderson, Donald Sullivan, Phyllis (H) Thomas, Ruth (H) Walker, Kennetb. Willis, Donald (H) Wilton, Mary (H) Primer to Sr, I— Burette% jos iColenian, Donald (H) Davidson, Calvin Fischer, Ivan Ryan, Howard Stiles, Sbnart (II) Wilton, Jean (II) Work„Tean (H) Primer to Sr. Primer— Buckman, Ernest (H) Campbell, Florence Campbell, Ina Davidson, Audrey Genonell, Donna (H) Grahame Monica (H) Looking, Betty (H) ceithealuarrie. Peter Sandereon, Marjorie Roaners, George Sullivan, Reginald Stepbenson, Doreen Thtiell, Betty (H) Turvey, Jack (II) W11110, Donekla (H) DefeatsAtwood Brussels came back to life alter almost losing to Atwood last Thurs- day evening, when they whitwashed Atwood here on Tuesday night by ,the score of 2-0 at Victoria Park. They were on their toes all the way through and were never hard Press- ed and had Atwood at their mean` • On several occassions an the score should have been much larger. Lloyd Workmate started off the excitement when he almscit scored ,kloking the ball high of the goal, D. Miller wa swild on Ms shot and .inissed many ppportunity to score time after time. Atwood came back strong and W. Holman and Agar were right in a couple of times but they were way off the goal, C. Baker made a perfect pass right in front of Atwood goat but nobody was there to receive the pass, Valance was hard ereeeee ed for Atwood and made some ex. cellent stops, but Brussels broke tbrough and L. Russell scored the first goal in a scramble near the late of tlie first half. After that play continued listless to end the Bret period, Brussels 1, Atwood 0. , The second period started with .,Atwood almost scoring on a corner kick but Riley made a good atop oc Holman's shot. D. Miller almost scored but again his shot was wile of the goal. Brussels was pressing Atwood hard but were over anxious when they scored, but Referee Bullard did not allow the goal as two of the local players were o5 side. The game was inclined to slow up as both teams weer in - dined to kick tile ball out of play slowing up the game. Brussels at- tempt scored on a corner kick when D. Miller kidked a perfelt corner but Robb got the yall out of the danger zone to give Atwood a breather. In the last few minutes Brussels broe through and on bar.1 drive D. Warwick scored, ending game 2-0 for 13russele. The teamwere as follows; Atwood—Valanee, Robb, Hanna, le. Gordon, T. Holman, Valance and G. Agar. • aerussels—D. Miller, T. Rutledge, II, Pearson, IL Bowler, Le Wore. ;tam D, Warwick, L Steles, C. Riley, C. Baker, L Bryaas, W, King and G. Nichol. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 11 CARD OF THANKS Jitney Bowling We wish to thank the /edge:ben Another large erowd of bowlers and friends foe the many kindnesses held ,shown fuming the illness and dmiu their weekly eitney at the bowl- ing green on Monday evening. Joseph Kalb' came through to win the first prize, two weeks in sue - cession, while Harry Champion wee second, 1:), A. Rann third and R. J MeLauchlin fourth, The bowlers had better watch out for Joe next week or they will have to rule him off the rinks as champion. —a -- Can You Answer ' This One ? A citizen stopped us on the street one day tbis week and asked who world he responsible in ease of an acciden,t if in turning out to pass a load of hay or a truck, etc., your cal struck the furrows left on the side of (he roads by the grader in the of our late sister. They were very i much. aPPreciated. John Hislop and sistere, x . Sand Concert A large number of citizens of 11rupeels and district attended tbe band concert on Sunday evening at Victoria Park, When the band gave a varied, program of military and mired music which was enjoyed by all under the leadership of Band- insater Sadden of Wingbam. School Closes • Exams over the pupils and teach - ere at Brussels public and contemn atiin schools look forward to their summer vacation. The nine o'clock bell for the next two months wee spring when the road work is being fail to summon them to the halls of 1 done, which are obscured by the learning and instead the swimming long grass allowed to grow over pool and picnic grounds will find them, them holidayig. PEOPLE WE KNOW 164,4WWAIMAK114.41,WWWWIAVVINVW Rev. Je and Mrs. Graham and children are spending the first two weeks of July at Kintail. Mr. and Mrs. George Aubrey and ,daughters Dallas and Margaret and grand daughter Janet of Freetto, California are visiting at the hones 01 thMr aunts, Mrs. Mean and Miss- es Hohnes. Mr. John Simmons reports that he had a feed ot new potatoes for dinner on Wednesday, grown in his garden. Mrs. Nesbit Hamilton and son Jack were visiting old friends here 'on Tuesday. A. former resident of this district passed away it Alpena, Michigan .00 June 23rd in the person of Mrs, Aldrete Williameme. The late Mrs. Williamson was formerly Belie Hodgins of Grey Township. Mac McDowell is improving after being laid up for the past tv, o weeks, we are glad to report. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bevan and son Elmer and daughter Mildred of Toronto were weak -end Ohara with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ward M. Buchanan and family of Detroit, are spending p101 of their vacation at the home of Mark Buchanan. - John Kernaghan of Toronto spent sunday with his parents Jas. and Mrs. Kernaghan. Misses Aleen Gibson and Madalon ,Seeiran nurses -in -training at the 'reroute General Hospital returned to their duty eller an enjoyable vacation at their homes et Brussels. Mr. Mark Buclatenau celebrated his eightyeigth birthday on Sun- day. Imogene Sanderson had the nets- lortune eV falling off her Menlo lag Weelnesday when striking a atone, breaking three bones in her lett mem The Lady Rebeltels and their eaantlies held e picnic at the lodge room on Saturday. It Was to have .been heed at Oliver Hemingwayet —x-- .Girls Softball Team --.9.--- Churcr Notes (. Loses Exhibition Game byterian Church were on Sunday T116 services In the Melville Pres- On Monday night the local girls in I softball 'team had a workout with charge of the minister, Rey. W. eTeeswater lassies. The Brussels releore. He chose for his morning message The Round About W ay,„ girls were badly outclassed by ' better coached .Teeswater team, but Danad7.,f;ar tnhuerieznthinge. m"AornPirnogspewroours. • considering that the local team hes hip a duet was contributed by just been organized, better results s .letiss Aileen Gibson and Miss eiarie should be shown in the tournamentKing. King, "games to be held in Teeswater oa . Service in Si. John's Anglican 1st SulY. .Church were in charge of the rec- tor, Rev. John Graham, wbo took for his eubject, "Freedom,' Gal 16.17. Rev. H. Mahoney Elected President of Tennis Club At a meeting of the Tennis Club called last Friday evening Rev, H. Mahoney was elected president for the season. Other officers appoint- ed at the meeting, which was pre- sided over by David Parker in the Public Library rooms at 8.15, were: -vice-pres., David Parker; secetreee., Jessie Little, property committee, Jack Beaker, Harold Parker, Bill .Belonier and Hugh Pearson. Buei. ness included the setting of mem- bership fees at $1.00 and fees for visitors 25c per week. Another meeting has been ar- ranged to be held in the Library on the afternoon of Tuesday, July 61.11 at 4,39. All those interested in becoming members of the c10 are asked to attend. The main subject under discussion will be "what is to be done with the courts " Attend the meeting and offer your sugges- tion. certain it was held at the rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rose ere visiting their daughter, Mrs, Wra, Porter, In Toronto. The Ladies' Softball team played the WIngram team on Friday even- ing; the score being 18-11 for Wingleam. Mtr. and Mrs. Shine of Cadillac, Miele, were week -end guests at the home of Robt, and Mrs. Dark, aeee Mr. and Mrs. Kerwin and Kerwin Penman of Clifford were visitors with Robt, and Mrs. Dark, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Totten and daughter -were guests with Mr. and Mire. Robt. Dark. Jbhn Dark, Tranvia and Mrs. Othickshauks and little Margaret .11e -ten were Sunday visitors with Mrs, Gordon and Robert and Mrs. • Dark, Rev. and Mrs, M. C. Parr and family of Peterborough called on the .and Mrs, S. Walker, aunt of the latter on Monday when on their wee to their alienator cottage at Grand ' Bend. Mrs. Geo. Jewitt, Peterborough is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. `Walken Mr. and Mrs. George Northwood and son are holidaying at Victoria Harbor, Mr. Norman Thompson was ate (pointed Warden of district No, 9, cat recent meeting of the repreeenia- liven of the Oddrellow lodges at Wingham. . Miss Mayane IftQuerrie Spent the week -end in Toronto visiting friends and relativea, Mrs. Charles Campbell of Wing. ham was v felting . with her brether, lar, but the Weather was so un- Dr, J. D, 0.1:td Mrs. Warvlices, POST pUBLISHING HOUSE. New Teachers Are Appointed Under Truck as Head Pinned The Brussels School Board recent - 1Y Made apPoinitmente to the con- tinuation school .staff, The principal will be Mr, Orville Drummond, 13.A., (Toronto) of 'Orono, OntarloBa teacher of nine year's experience, three being as principal of it Grade A, Continuation School. The second assistant wil lbe Mr. Martin Murday, B. it., (15. W. 0.) of London, with one year's experience on the stalely staff in London and with fine athletic record at Culver- sity as well as being an tenet stu- dent, These with Miss Grace Calder. B.A., will comerise the staff for tne 1931-88 sessioa. Many Attend Earl Reunion at Gorrie Thomas Earl of Mitchell President of Family organization Again The fifth annual reunion of the Earl family was held in Gerrie. Saturday. Over one hundred regis- tered, coming from Detroit, Brig- ,the east. Both vehicles arrived at den, Mitchell, Brussels, Listowee the intersection at the same rap - Ethel, Wroxeter, Belmiire and Gor- ment. The two drivers evidently Tie. After dinner, prepared by saw each other simultaneously and the ladies, the afternoon was spe0t. applied their brakes. The machines in baseball, races and other sports. crashed, however, as the driver.; President Thomas Bari was re- fought to avoid a eollision. elected for his fourth year. Truck Rolle Over The new officers ror 1938 are as The heavy truck left the road rolling over and pinning Doherty under the cab. Lynn was timeen clear and suffered rather serious back injudes. The truck evidently left the road when the driver turn- ed the steering wheel after he 55 - Plied the brakes. The doctor's car did not leave the road although it was badly smashed. Coroner Dr. Gillies of Teeswater It Turned Over Stanley .Doherty BictIm of Crash; ' Donald Lynn and Dr. William • Fowler injured MEET IAT INTERSECTION Lucknow, June .05. --Stanley herty of Myth, 80 years of age, was almost instantly killed when bit gravel truok rolled over and pinned his head under the cab after a crash with a. doctor's ear at the cross- roade near Kineoligh, eight miles north of Lucknow on. Thursday, Donald Lynn, also of Myth, was riding in the truck with Doherty and suffered severe back injureee. He is in Luaknow. The driver of the other car, De William Fowler of Lucknow, taped with broken ribs and a severe shaking up, although his ear was badly wrecked In the crash with the heavy gravel track. Doherty and L3 -nn were leading gravel to the northern gravel road iaort bet Imeknow. They were going north and wben they arrived at the intersection near ICInlough, Dr. Fowler's car approached them from It was a good game to watch and „follows: President, Thos. J. Earl ithe local girls can produce good Mitchell; see-treas., Martie opposition for any team. They do , Bowes, Brigden; shorts commiite°, need support so let's all get behind Bad and ellyele Bowes Ethel. Stan- thern and boost the softball. ley Earl and Marguerite Squire, —x--- refresbment cofmittee '— Radio Broadcast Harry and Emmeline obway, Wrox- eter, Harry and Ruby Hastie Gor- On Monday of this week "The rie; grounds committee— Anson Crurch of the Air" broadcast 1 from CLNK, Winghana was under the direction of Rev. Harry Mahoney, Minister of Brussels United Church. He was assisited by a quartette composed of Mrs; Rowland, So- prano; Alice Pope, Alto; Jack Bates, Tenor; Tom &radian, Bass. Dur- ing the program Mrs. Rowland and Alice Pope sang two duets and Jack Bates contributed two splendid vocal solos. The Minister presIdel at the organ. Melville Ladies' Aid The "Travel Tea" held under the direction of the Ladies' Aid of the Melville Presbyterian Miura, on Thursday afternoon, proved a very enjoyable function, with Ideal weather condirtfon.s, many guests were entertained et the three homes loaned for the occasiott by the host- esses, Miss M. Lantont, Mrs. F. Burchill and Mrs. W. Moore. The different homes were all beautiful , with peonies and roses. Assiat- fag Miss Mary Lamont were the following Mrs. B. G. Walker, 'Mrs. G. Northwood, Mrs, T. McDosald, Mrs. Jack Yuill, Mrs, J. 8, Arm- strong and Mrs. Chas. Davis. Mrs, Tno Meadows, the president of the society, had charge of the contrilm. tion basket. Mrs. Fred Burchill was assisted by Mrs. Juo Galbraith, Mrs, W. S. Scott, Mrs. W. C. King, errs. R. Thomson, Mrs, C. Matheson, Mrs. 111, Ballantyne, Miss Viola Will. son and Miss Frances Assisting at the manse were Mrs. Dr. W. 13, S. Jamieson, Mrs. H. • Bowler Ma's, J. C. &hiker, Mrs, Alex Brewer and Mrs. W. Little, The general committee in charge were Mies Grace Stewart (convener), .‘• Mrs. M. Ballantyne, Mrs, Walter Seoth and Mrs. Adrian. MeTaggare Thornton, Ross Eari, Robert teth- ers, Chas. Finley Wm. Cathers. was summoned and empanelled a It was decided to hold the next ;jury, Members of the jury viewed reunion at Gerrie on the third Satthe remains of the dead man and ,urday in June, 193S. • adjourned until Monday when a. inquest was held. Provincial Traffic Officer Me- Caevie of Walkerton is investigat- ing. The dead truck driver is survived by his widow in Blyth his mother and three brothers, Lyle, London; Howard, Grey Township, and Rus- sell of Blyth. In the sports the following were wniners: Children under 5, Audrey Male, Jean Moffatt Kathleen Cathers; peanut race, Thos. Ear), 'Stanley Earl Earl Bowes; children 5-9 SElirley Tucker, Calvin Moffatt, Dorothy Earl Doran Thornton; boys 9-12, Everett Catters, Earl Tucker, R. Wood; girls 9-12, Joyce Jardine, Beets, Morey, Wilma Gum mow; Young men, E. Pritchard C. Earl, E. Cathers; young women, le. Callers, R. Cathers M. Squire . couples, E. Gathers and E. Bowes, It Cathers and S, Earl, M. Coup- ' land and A. Moffatt; 3 -legged race, 31. 'Cathers and A. Moffatt, M. Squire and D. Jardine, E. Cathers and M. Dane; wheelbarrow race, E. and 81. Cathers, C. Earl and M. ,Holliday, 8. Thornton and M. Dane; slipper race, M. Squire and E. Bowes, E. Gathers, and S. Earl; chariot race, group 1, group 2; eat race, group 1, group 3; stringing peanuts, group 2 and group3. Group 2 won the most points, ,Youngest child present, Donna Coupland, age two months. •••••......••••••••*•••=sw•mket BELGRAVE Arrangements have been completed for the Memorial service to be bald in the Brandon Cemetery on Sun- day atternoon, July 4, at 3 pm. The service will be in charge of Rev, J. B. Townend of Knox 'Melee.] Church, Rev. Maloney of tbe Anglican Church will glee the address. It Is expected the minister having eharge at the Ser. vice in the Presbyterian •Churoli will also take part, Decorating of Personal defeat overtook the op - the graves will be done before the position chief, Col. Gordon S. Aar- •serviete. Traffic officers will be eington, ln his home riding 01 Cape .04.441.,1W41....../...44.0••••••••• in Halifax South. All eight ridings in Cape Breton Island fell to the Liberals. On the mainland, only the double ridings Colchester and Cumberland and .the single -seated Queens eonstitu- ency returned Conservatives. In. Cumberland, the opposition party gained one seat from the govern- ment—their only advance. Lone deviation from the two- party fight, Celia Breton East rant- ed Labor, 'candidate Rev. W. T. Mercer behind Literal L. D. Curiae but well ahead of Conservative Rod Herr, Currie gained 4,233 ballots. Mercer 3,380 and Kerr 2,908. All Are Returned Every member of the MacDonald Cabinet seeking re-election went • NOVA SCOTIA .VOTES back with an increased majority RETURN LIBERALS with the exception of ittoney-Gen- : WITH ,MORE SEATS eral J. H. McQuarrie in Pietou. The Attoruey-General and his run - Majority In House Increased By ning mate W. G. Munro, were elect- . Three For Premier Angus L. Mac- ed in the double riding county with Donlad's Government; Result decreased anajorities. Conceded In Two Hours After . One feature of the election was• Polling Booths ,Closed that not a single candidate lost his deposit, , WIN 25 OUT OF 30 SEATS Premier MacDonald was re -elect - id in Halifax South with a major- . Helifax, June 3o.—Nove Scotia ity of 1,148 votes, almost double his Liberal government under Angus le majority when he first became MacDonald *Dated a second term of ,Premier in 1933. Gape Breton Snitth, office today, lis majority oe the last eeteeeeng OPeosetion, Leader Her - "Sour years swelled in a general rington, elected George M. Morrison eleotion. •by 435 ballots. , A wave of ballots carried 25 01 "The overwhelming support that the Legislatures' 30 seats to the bas been given to the Liberal patty • Liberal column in the voting yester. in this election can only be inter- day—four more than the greveen- pretzel as an expression 01 sates- ment panty had at diesolution--and faction with the work which we swept the Conservative OPPosltion have accomplished Miring the peat Leader out of the House as Ms four years, and with the program. party sank to its loweet representio we have in mind for the cutarth's tion in more than a decade. said Prettier MacDonald, • "The government will go ell With ;the work it has steeted, It will Con- tinue tp strive with all its • taight present to (Urea the Parking of Breton South while the d6 -year-old for the advancetnent of the interests cars. Premier was holding /Ile own neat of Nova Seltia an dits people."