HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-6-23, Page 4NEWS OF THE DISTRICT
' irritteu for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
Peetell, Bd:1 Smith; walking race
for (nen over fifty. John Struthers,
€ Sam Smith; t rree-leiged raee, 12
years and under, Gordon Thonspne n
leiford Duncan; three•Ic:gged vac t,
Jus. Smith, -Heti SmIUi; reaty rtee
Fern liaison, Jr* Sutltit, Ken
Smith; clothes pin race. Loraine
Hartley, Joe Smith; sack race, boys,
Ken Smith; sack race, girls, Ruth
Day; banana race Elia Smith, B:1
Smith; time race, Fern Huston.
Tee youngest child present wee -
Mary Elizabeth Pesteil daugh'er ee
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Pe :tell, Meek.
lou, while Mrs, James Deng. Brants
fr,r4, was the oldest Person .pre:: -
The election of officers took place
in the evening and resulted as fel-
lowe: President. Ed. Anguiere
Brantford; secretary - treasurer.
Frank Hartley, Brantford: social
eorverer, firs. Meddler, Scotland;
social committee Mrs. Frank
Healey Brantford I. Mrs, Earl Se.
teed(Oakland), Mrs, E. Anguish
Brartford), Mrs. Albert Traoa
rieren f +d). Mrs. Dickinson (Brae,; -
f ee r, Mrs. Clarence Decker on
,nye ttferrir, Mrs. Wm. Day (Bray..
sPerts committee Frienk
Harley, Clarence Dickinson, )toy
lie.. Rein. Long.
D g the evening speeches
weoe mole by the newly -elected
eoeleeret. Ed. Anguish, Joe L'ronk,
ens eete. Bei trey and Frank Hart.
Itrantrord. and Sam Smith,
ei eleeer. Plane were made for the
lees reneese 1.4 be d -eel at the home
E:-:1 ear Oakland.
le Knee Presbyterian church
SuneeY merelee Rev. J. K. West
,, ,ee ae els tenet elat,i:ew 20:1545
Durieg the, . _rvi e, Mre. K. E. Staf-
ten say..
Sunday eters ne the member- of
he I 0. D. E., e y the. Bras3el3
type Irr,d. rear ,.e•,i tr4 .he United
, e:rurch tilere a service was held
with Rev, Gane delivering the s r -
mo:. r,: "The Mfseing Link=." Re:,
J. West, pastor of Kr.,ox Presbyter-
ian cl;urele assisted with the set --
vine. The chair con'thu'ed ore
number. After the eerie:* a hare,
concert was held in C'r::federa•lee
I Park.
Mrs. George Agar spent e few
daye with Mr. artrd lis, SVM I3 ,:rr
Also "else Fete awl Chats, A1;ar ,ar,+1
isir. and Mre. Wallace Agar ,ted
family, 2o4 line.
We are Sorry to hear Aire. It -v. '
Robb Is sick and in %%Ingham gen.
era) hospital. Ws., hulls Shy wilt
soon he bettor.
Mr. Stewart McClellan is visiting
Willi Mende at Niagara Falls a-.1
Hamilton tor a few days.
t51sS Janet Woods and 1410' e
Adella Thyme spent Sunday welt
Mr. and Mrs, S. Woods in Tern -
Sorry to hear Sar. David Patton te
not improving as fast as his maty
friends would like to see.
We are sorry Mrs, David Je'xtu 17
still very sick and ureter
doctor's care and a nota,• taker_
carry 0f her.
The Young Peepie. ,f r r 1'-1
Church presented the pat C
Time," at a garden party to W
eter on Friday nigh' 'err'
pdees of the -er ra r r'.':. >t a i.. T
players were weir r eedt T - <
play is presented under dieeneee
of Mrs, A. Attkin,
Mr. and Mrs, Peter S Me, lee
have moved int:, their 1 n e -
Village, recently pure( t.see
the Wier Musgrove estate.
Although weather confdne-see were
not the hest a large prow,' tree ;'
ere ar the garden party In reeee.e.
tion with Ebenezer I ni r l (entree.
or. Friday evening, Feelew:':e
supper, Rev. Mr. Towne -rd of 1
grave, introducers the play "-onee
Hinkley Comes To Town," pry-eer,
ed by the Young People of the Unit-
ed Church, Between ante v
and musical numbers by Mre leer -
man Geddes, Belgrave. Bruce Edger.
gingham and Ross Cardiff, Morris.
were enjoyed.
W ek-end visitors: Mr. and Mrs.
Moore and daughter, Miss Drernr'.ty
Moore, Toronto, with Mr. and Mr:;
Robert Hutchison; Gerroud Duff,
Welland, with Miss Duff and Mr-.
Aitken; Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge and
two children, Fordwich, with Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Hollenbeck; Mr.
1Plum and son David, Mrs. Peter
McEachern and son. Malcolm. Pee
rolls.; Mr. and Mrs. Neil B. McEach-
ern, Louise and Gilbert, Mount. For-
est, with Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Gar -
ales; Robert Master and two &e.
tern, Parkhill, with Mr. and Mrs.
John Hall; Mrs. Sarah Masters a.:ri
Mrs. Gordon Gailalter, Brussel,.
with friends. Miss MaeD.ena'd.
Wtngham, with Mrs. J. R. Greig at
the manse; Fleming Black and W.
H. McKinney spent the week -end 1' -
Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. D. B, Lowry
and Adel! and Miss Muriel Meadow.:
with their parents in Britten.
Many Attend Pleasant Gathering;
Officers Elected
The annual reunion of the Smith
families was held in Confederatiyn
Park here Saturday. A program
,of sports was carried out and re-
eulted as follows: Girls, six years
and under, Ruth Bonham, Doneldr.
Smith; boys, 6 and under. Ross
Smith, Donald Whitfield; girls, 9.
Jean Sm1tb, Audrey Inman; boys,
9, Ronald Cronk, Chester Offen.
girls, 12, Fern Huston, Ruth Day;
boys 12, Homs Huston, Douglas
Whitfield; girls, 16, Fern Huston;
Eileen Huston; boys, 16. Ken Smith,
Eileen Huston, Ruth Day, Fere
Huston: single melt's race, dee
Smith, Ken Sin l.:11; married VP.
Melia race, Mrs. Atnheeon, Mee.
Bonham; married men's race, R,
.^.era Mier! lle2tOF.aa'4t
Want a Partner?
Perhaps business is
dragging for the want Gg
a helping hand,ora little
More capital. mien with
money and men with
grain§ read this paper.
You can reach thorn
through aur elasaified
Want Ads.
rw eewe. ,y, r ,wx,i1
Uecurat.it,n -e:rives weer held to
, Sunshine cemetery ort Sunday after-
noon with a large. number In at-
tendance, The service was arrang-
ed by the Sunelithe Cemetery Core
mitters and Rev. J. B. Townerd, Tare
Brussels band Iva$ In attenrdam:a
and dead fu the singing of the
hymn,.. Rev. Mr, Townend intro-
duced the three Brussels minf.'.err,
who tater took part in the service.
Rev, (graham was in charge alt'ti
lead in prayer. Rev, Mr. Maleeey
lead in prayer. Reb. Mr. 31alutley
gave the aridress and Rev. Mr.
Mahoney gave the address and Rev.
Sir. Towner& pronounced the be:te-
dantrib Mabel Coudu,s spent. 4 few
with -lir. and Mrs. R, C. ' ...
Gowan near Myth.
Congratulations to Miss W. entree
and two of her pupils, Lois M,GuIr•e
and Ralph McCrea who passers the
Entrance examination on theft
years standing during the yea':
lir. and Mrs, Ivan McArter aed
family spent the week -end with Mr,
and Mrs. Jerry Burke, Port McNir:
Belgrave and I3luevate Yeun,;
People's :•societies, played their 4,010
ballis game on
dty edge':
when Betgr•ave team tea- vielorireee
A pretty June wedding was susem-
rriztrl at the Mame. Belgrave, or
Wsdne. day. June 16, at 11A9 serer -net
when Rev, J. 13. Town<.nd united in
marrlage Loretta Mae, eldst
daughter of Mr. and tem. G P.
Greebsides of At wore) and 11%1..4e:eve
George, Brown, son of Mr. and dire.
Fred Brown of Atwood.
The Breeee ,.Ethel footbell genie
played at Brussels Friday of last
week although very evenly Cement-
ed. the :!core of 1-0 showed a wiz
for Brussels. So far in the sees -
(dee play Brussels is the only teem
that, has won over Ethel players.
It its not always that a practice
game gine as much notice and Is az
interesting as the game of softball
played last Friday night at prae
lice on Ethel public school grouade,
by teams ehosen by Elizabeth Bar-
ton and Helen Bateman as captains.
The runs tallied were perhaps mere
numerous than would have been
gained by professional players, 1•ut
everybody bad a good tante just the
Geo. A. Dunbar attended Post-
master's convention, held at Niag-
ara Falls during last week, Mre
Dunbar and children Donald aril
Georgina accompanied him and en-
joyed the trip very much.
Miss Lizzie Bishop returned home
Monday from a pleasant ten day's
reit with relatives m Guelph aed
i3all,h Rowland of Brussels seen'
the week -end in Ethel with uta
parents Ed. and Mrs. Rowland,
D,etor and Mrs. Conquboun moter-
ed to Ottawa during the week,
where the Doctor attended medical
Doctor's convention, being bald
J. H. Gear was on duty as Poe: -
master 1 nEthel iffice for several
days in the absence of 0. A. Dunbar
wile was attending Po0tmast'r's
convention at Niagara Fails.
Combining business and pleasure
Geo. Addy took a few days vacation
in a motor trip to Brantford aed
other points,
Alex Camphell who was conrel-
escing at the home of his sister,
sirs. R. Cochrane, after being se-
verely injured some time ago in an
accident while handing dynamte.
has returned to his own home nee.
Farmers who have made a s'.trt
at haying are anxiously hoping for
goorI weather conditions as it 1-•
quite a heavy crop and will tau
Date to cure properly.
Rev, lir, Barnard, pastor 1,.
T'rited Church will preach his fare.
well sermon on Ethel ebarge nes'
Sunday at 7.30, evening service.
Carl and Mrs. Ames are being
congratulated on the gift of a baby
girl which arrived at their home on
the lath of June.
Doc, Vvardlaw and son have j!1$(
completed suitable pens to accom-
modate a family of six young plink.
Unfortunately the mother mink diel
while the six were quite young,
We are glad to know that Mr;.
Barton has made a good recover.-
from an attack or measles,
P. Lamont is assisting Alex neit-
her in carpenter wore in makes!'
some alterations in the Dunbar
971101 Presbyterian Church (M" -
den Party is dated for June 25th.
SIr, Stevens who is at present
teaching in Duke's school, will coma
10 Ethel after summer holidays ay
as pess41)01 at the next jitney,
Families Gather At Bayfield For
Yearly Reunion
The :' ,)til FOrrart and Leve picnic
was he:d in ilesn..tr Werinesrla3
when 125 members of the clans we."
010,ere. Sports held in the aft •r.
teeter r•ea111t ell as U'il'ett•s;
Children, 5 yeare and under, Kett.
nerit Morley, Elaine Gill; le year;
and under, Eimer Carnrbell h d;'.1
I3lanehard; 9 years and curler, Aud-
rey 0311, Morley Love: 11 year,; and
ander, Junior 1.oVe, linnet' Guru*
11 years and under, Margaret Love,
Ruth Love; young ladies, Eelth
Love, Mary E, Forrest; young men,
I3111 Forrest, Hugh ennewan; mete
reed ladies, Emma Campbell, Edna
Love; married men, Percy Camp-
. hell, Fengs. Turnbull; suit ball
throw, Jean Love, Ellen I3lanoltarrl;
softball throw, married ladies,
Nola Taylor, Nora tore; boys' soft -
hall throw, Clarence Love, Juolo'-
Love; tossing the supper, Emma
Campbell, Nola Taysur; tie rues
Will Snow and Emma Campbell,
Carlyle Taylor and Ferre Love;
three,leggerl race, Margaret and
jean Love, Rath and Iielen. Love,
After stepper a meeting was cell-
ed by President John Love to '111-
110101 the executive for 1938, They
President, John Love; vice•presi•
The ceremony was performed en-
der an arch of pink and white
streamers, and spring flowers, Tice
hrld-e was beauttifully gowned In
pale Pink chiffon with white acres.
monies and carried a bouquet of
Premier roses, lily of the ' valley
and fern, The couple were attend.'
ed by Mr. and Mrs, J. Wexall of
Immediately following the core•
mony, the wedding party returned
to the home of the bride's parent.t
In Atwood lettere a wedding dinner
was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Brown left on Wed-
nesday afternoon for points north
and for Vancouver, B.C., where they
will reside.
lard, 1937 '
LOOKC at its bigness, its beauty, its matchleos
economy—and you'll agree that Chevrolet
certainly deserves its present success as
Canada's fastest -selling car!
Measure the wheelbase! ... Chevrolet gives
you a long, 1121A -inch wheelbase—for extra
room inside, balanced weight, easier riding.
Compare the appearance! ... Chevrolet is the
only lowest•pniced car with Unisteel Turret
Top Bodies by Fisher—not only the best -
looking bodies, but the sturdiest and safest as
well. Compare the economy! .. Chevrolet
costs you Iess for gas, less for oil, less for up-
keep --because it's the only car in its class with
the famous Valve -in -Head quality engine.
Many owners report more than 25 miles to the
Compare the features! ... Chevrolet is The
Only Complete Low -Priced Car. See and drive
it today and you'll never be satisfied with less!
. , for economical transportation
FISHER , , , with solid
steel Turret Top and Uni•
steel Construction , . .
wider and roomier
Safety Glass in every
West, smoothest,
le most dependable
ever pet on a lowest -
priced car.
ING RIDE , , on ell
Master De Luxe Models
for the riding corn.
fort only Knee -Action can
ENdINE... the famous
design that gives more
power, more acceleration,
with unequalled economy.
eliminates drafts, smoke
end windshield clouding.
Manor 2 -Patten er 60tinert
Gonne delivered as factory,
Orbawa. Government ram,
license and freight additional.
(Pricer rrrbjccr•to change with.
ort 011Mo). Monthly payment:
10 felt year Pnrte an the
General Motor: fnrtalment
Orval Whitfield -- Champion's Garage
dent, Ross Love; secretary-, Hugh
Love; press secretary, Mary E.
Forrest; refreshment comma'tee,
Mrs. W. H. Love, Mrs. C. K: Love,
Mrs, John Love, Mrs. J. _Mustard;
finance committee, John B. Forrest,
Tom Love; sports comfittee, Rosa
Love, Bill Forrest, W, H. Love,
Hugh Love; historian, Rev. Keith
The 1935 picnic will be held at
Grand Bend on June 9th,
.Miss Clara McCall trio has been
a most successful teacher at Shines
School for a few years, has resign-
ed and is leaving at the end of the
term. Miss Nellie Armstrong.
daughter of Riobard Armstror.g.
Sth con., has been chosen by the
trustees as Miss McCall's successor
and comes highly recommended.
Mr. and lits, Will, Smith and.
children were visitors last week at
Fergus at the home of Mrs. Smith';
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Burnett,
A social evening was .held at
T'nlon United Church on the even•
Ing of June 7th with a large num-
ber of young people present, Tire
first part of the evening was spent
in a hath game.
Readings, solos and games then
took place after which Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Neabel were presented
with several pieces of silver plate
hollow ware,
The following address was rea,1
by Jean Machan;
Dear Gladys and Art:—
We have gathered here tonight to
extend our hest wishes 10 you acyl
to enjoy a social OVetting.
Gladys, you have always taken a
keen interest in every branch of lite
Murcbt In the Sunday School, in
the Choir stud In the Young People's
S'wir"y. TO you Art, we exten,1 n
hearty welcome and hope You will
become just as interested In 1111.3
work as Gladys,
As <t small token of our apprecia-
tion, we ask you both to accept
these gifts from 'Phe Young People
of Union United Church.
Mr. and Mr's. Neabel made very
suitable replies after 'which lunch
was Served.
leer. and Mrs, Arthur Neabel wish
So take this oppotruntty of thanktafi
their friends and neighbors for the
many useful gifts received at tile{
home of Mr, and Mrs, John Herd 011
Monday evening, Tune 14311, They
Were very much avpreelated.
Signed by Mrs. Arthur Neabel,
S, S. No, 2, are bolding a Menlo at
Wolter Broadfoots on Saturday.
Come and bang your baskets,
Messrs Alvin McDonald, Jack and
9111 Turnbull were at Bayfield last
Tbursday taking part in the judging
James Armstrong. 9th Con„ Grey,
was injured this week while remov-
ing an old fence post- In prying it
up the post brkoe off, hitting him on
the side of the face. While no
bones were broken he has a hadl3'
bruised face.
The Union picnic of School , Sec-
tion no. 6 and S. S. no, 3. Grey will
be on the S. S. No. 3 school grouads
on Wednesday, June 30th. Eeery-
hody is cordially invited and are
asked to bring their lunch baskets,
Mr. Jas. R. Turnbull, Torent,l,
spent the week -end with his par-
ents, Mr, and ,etre. Oliver Turnbull.
Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Humphries
and family spent Sunday with M^.
and Mrs. Frank Haekwell of Ethel.
i%Ir, Gordon Murray, Miss Elsie
Dennis, Porter Dennis and -lire, I
Henry Dennis are visiting friends ,
in 'Mulligan,
'Mr, Wilfred Dennis has gone to ,
visit his brother Sir. Lorne Dennis 1
in Sask.
Mss Mildred Sellars spent the
week -end with friends In Kitchener
Miss Bully spent tate week -end
with her •friend Miss Fiorerce
Even Dial of Town Clock to Be
Painted; Council Authorizes
Wholesale Redecorations
Ooderich, June 21. ---There is 1
veritable epidemic of painting le
this town in preparation for 0111
Heine Week, with the munie1patity
showing the way,
The town hall, municipal skating'
rink, bandstands and Daher par,(
buildings, bathing beach house, the
dial of the town clock, are all to be
dressed up in bright, fresh cobra,
The town hall is to be roofed, new
lawns and curbing are to be laid out
rut the municipal pumping station
and the exhibition grounds' 111t;n
board fence is to be repaired. All
this work and more has been attth-
orized by the council, Many len
rate owners are planning to paint
their properties.
That other drivers operate their
ears for their pleasure and convene
encs and they expecte the same
courtesy front ecru that you expert
from them
Recent guests at the hone of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jardine ware
.lir. and Mrs. Will Gamble, Gorrle.
Mrs. Bob McIntosh and Mrs. Fred
ltclntosb, Bladsttell, Saskatchewan, i
M1'. and .lies. Russel Quinn and Mr. '
Maid McFarlane, Detroit, Mr. and
Mrs, Robt. Cathers, Gerrie.
That it's the
which cause most
minor mistaken
of the major ac -
Probably few people ever give a
thought 11 the elaborate facilities
available to them for the satisfac-
tionof tbelr needs in the wety of
hooks. All except the newest bonke
can be bought very cheaply auy..
wheer, and through the pnhlie
libraries and cheap private lending
libraries, any book that any one
wanks to read, can be bought or
loaned with very little effort or ex-•
,pense. The literature of the world
is accessible and practically' free to
every person elm can read.
Until Louts Braille invented his
system of embossed type about a
hundred years ago, no blind person
could read. Their dedc.lency in title
respect was an almost inusrmurmt.
able barrier to their prigress in the
intellectual and social world, That
is why Braille's invention 1s rewire -
ed as the greatest contribution ledge
by any individual to the welfare of
the blind.
Now, no normal person gnatlnutes
from the various schools for the
blind without being proficient In
rea-(lirtg, and a great many people
who have lost their sight after the
age when their schooling was over
have been able to master Braille to
the extent that its reading 1500,1s,
them a great Beal of pleasure.
Of the nine thousand blind per-
sons In Canada, there are approxi.
mately fifteen hundred who read
"Braille" and depend on it almost
solely for their acquaintance with
the errand of bloke. Keeping these
readers supplied with books is one
of the most highly appreciated of
the services undertaken by The
Cana titan National Institute for
thei311ud. From hie Natioanl 1,1.
brary at the head office in Toronto,
where thees are over eighteen thou.
sand volumes, and froth tine Mary
Mcinkyr'e Memorial LlbrarY in Win-
nipeg, which carries some three
thousand volumes, books are Bente
without charge of any khid to blind
readers everywhere in the Do.
The selection of titles Is varied.
All the old classic standbys of Eng.
lash literature are available and any
worthwhile work which managed to
hold its popularity for a few m0nth3
is "done" into Braille. Fiction,
history, biography, travel, science,
religion and poetry are in -eluded In
the field covered by the list of C.
N. I. le library books,
"The Readers' Digest," "Punch,'
and several other magazines prat-
ed in Braille, are loaned by r'te
library and "The Braille Courier,'
a magazine of general interest, and
the only one printed In Canada, is
puhlisltetl by the C. N. 1. 13, in Tor-
onto and distributed without eherge
to blind readers everywhere in the
The Home Improvement
Plan is a grand opportunity
to modernize the wiring in
your home. End the peril of
frayed insulation: put in
plenty of convenient wall
and baseboard outlets:
have smart, modern
switches: new fixtures. We
will gladly furnish estimates
as the basis for your nego-
tiations with your bank
New wiring means new
comfort, new convenience,
new safety,