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Enjoy tea at its best
Strawberries in the Menu
Take advantage of strawberries
-while they are In season, These
delicious berries are here for too
short a time for us to neglect the
opportunity they afford ue—au
opportunity to make dozens of tight,
)tea}tthful desserts, Here are two
ogigless rennet -custard recipee--'tu
baking or boiling—that are certain -
3Y 'worth trying:
1 rennet tablet
1 tablespoon cold water
1 Pint milk
a,¢ cup whipping cream
7 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon strawberry flavoring
with few drops of Raspberry HOUSEHOLD USES FOR LEMONS
Red Food Color
4 strawberries To Replace Vinegar: Lemon juice
Make relntet-custard according tomay be substituted for vinegar in
directions on package using straw-, any recipe that eel's for the latte.,
berry flavoring in place of vat.illa except Pickling,
and adding fool cuter with 3 table-
spoons sugar and flavoring. Chilli To sour Milk:Lemon juice added
in refrigerator. When ready to to sweet milk will sour it suitably
serve, whip the cream and juar, be- for cooking.
fore it is stiff. add :1 talriespuuns o:
the sugar aud a few drops of the For Stewing Dried Fruits: Add a
food color. Mix thoroughly together.; small amount of lemon juice and
Put on top of eacb dish of rennet grated lemon rind In stewing such
custard and garnish with nil dried ts as prunes figs. peaches.
1 and so on.strawberries.
FRESH STRA`i'BER.RY In Cooking Meats: Tough meats
I CE CREAM will be made tender by adding a
teaspoon of lemon juice to water in
which they are boiled.
(Intended for last week.)
Following is the report Of S.S.
No. 1, Grey for the moans of April
and e11ay, PIUrirs examined in
Heading, Spolliug, Waiting, i.itera,
tura, Composition, Geography, He
tory, Arithmetic, Grammar, and 81
Arithmetic, Se IN Class had their
teat examinations for Entrance Pro-
Jr. 1V—
l;lizabeth Bremer 65.6
Howard Eiiaoott 56,2
Gordon. Mulley 43.8
Lloyd Nichol 41. '1"
Sr. III—
Alerle Abraham 83.5
Emerson Mitchell 82,6
Laura Ellacott 73
John Blake 66,3
Billie Speir 59.1
Jr. 115—
Doneld Speir 77
Gordon Fewater 74.7
Gordon Blake 67.5
Sr. II—
Graham Lamlont 77
Lillian Mitchell 75,3
Sr. I—
Vera Cardiff 69
Arnold Nichol 72
Bobbie Pennington 71
Billie Pennington 39
Sr. Pr,—
Mac Speir (excellent)
Jr. Pr.—
Ross Davidson
Roy Davidson
Alive Cardiff
Betty Pennington
Shirley Lamont
Doreen Lamont
Those who were absent for e:catn-
inarlons are marked with au aster -
Ise. Those who were always punc-
tual and had perfect attendance
were Viola Cardiff, Gordon Blaka,
Lillian Mitchell, Shirley Lamont and
Doreen Lamont.
Clara McCall, teceher.
7 cups (3 lb.) eusar
14; bottle fruit Peet'', about 2
To prepare fruit, cut
quart fully ripe berries in quar-
Measure sugar, and prepared
fruit, solidly peeked into large ket-
tle, mix well and bring to a full
roll over hottest fire. Stir constantly
before and while boiling. Boil hard
3 minutes, Remove form fire and
stir in bottled fruit pectin. Then
stir and skim by turns for just 1
minutes to tool slightly, to prevent
floating fruit. Pour quickly. Paratna
hot jam at once. Makes about 10
• glasses (6 fluid ounces each),
1 rennet tablet
1 tablespoon cold water
2 cusps milk
1 cup heavy cream
CUP sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Po cups sweetened fresh crush-
ed strawberries
Dissolve rennet tablet in cold
water. Warn] milks, cream, and
sugar to LUKEWARM—not hot.
hot, stirring constantly. Renieve
from stove. Be sure the sugar is
dissolved. Add the dissolved tab-
let. stir a few seconds, pour im-
mediately into freezer can, and iet
set at room temperature until Item
and roof. Freeze in ice and salt
mixture 1 parts ice to 1 part ire
eream salt 1, Turn freezer until
tate mixture becomes a soft mu€h.
Add lemon juice and sweet trod
crushed strawberries. r'i::ish
freezing. Remove dasher and then
repack with ire and salt and let set
until ready to serve,
4 cups 13 lbs.l berry juide
2 tablespoons lemon juice
8 cups (V3 lbs.. sugar
1 bottle fruit Pectin
To prevare juice. crush thorougt-
about 3 quarts fatly 1y ri
berries. Place fruit in jelly cloth or
bag and squeeze out Juice. Squeeze
and strain juice from 1 medium
Measure sugar and fruit juice;
into large saucepan and mix. Bring
to a boil over hottest fire and at
once added bottled fruit peet.in.
stirring constantly, Then bring to a
lull rolling boll and boil hard
minute. Remove from fire, kcal,
pour quickly. Paraffin hot jelly at
once. Makes about 12 glasses t e
fluid ounces each,
4't cups (2 lbs.) prepared fruit.
Want a Partner?
Perhaps business f9
dragging for the want of
a helping hand, ora little
more capital. Men with
money and men with
brains read this paper.
You oan reach them
through our Classified
Want Ade.
Ethel Ties Clinton Team With One
Goal In Last Minute of .
Play; Score Was 2-2
The football season opened here
on Thursday evening with an exhi-
bition game between the loom
eleven and a visiting team from
Ethel and the score knotted 2-2.
Snyder of the visiting forward 1ine
dIew down first scoring honors
when after five minutes of play be
Placed the pigskin under the bar
oiti of reach of G:talkeeper McInnis.
evened the count at 12
minutes and before the half-time
whistle blew Dale put the locals in
the lead. The second frame was
within one minute of closing when
Snyder took the ball from a ^_orner
kick seramgie and with a well detec-
ted kick slipped it under the bar
fairly between the goal posts. The
goal was disputed. Fans on the
band stand quite 0Iase and those
standing near claimed that the bar.
went over the top. However, the
goal umpire ruled It a goal, The
teams were evenly matched and the
score pretty accurately indi^ate
the play throughout.
The line-ups:
Ethel—Poal, Hunter; full hacks,
GM, Bowman; hal Meeks, Mahan,
Dobson, Bowes; forwards, Amo
Snyder, Dunbar, Turnbull, Pear.. m;
sub". Cole, Kreuter; goat ump`•re.
Clinton -- Goal, Melnnis; full
harks, Bateman, E. Layton; half
banks. C'olquhoun, Pepper, J. Lay
toll: forwards, Ross, Garrett. Wil
son Meleay, Deb.; subs, Patel,
Lindsay. Cornish, Goal umpire,
Referee, Percy Stepheeson,
The locals wore their regulaf?oa
(Intended for last week.)
The following Ls the report for
S. 5. No. 9, Morris for the month of
Sr. IV—
(Confiedential Entrance
Jr. IV—
Evelyn Elliott 73
Gerald Watson 72
Sr. IlI—
Myles Kelly 72
Mary McLean 71
Isabel McCall 79
Jr. III—
James Kelly 69
Douglas Fraser 66
Helen Alcock 64 ,
Naomi Martin 73
Donald McLean 65
Bert Elliott 64
Beatty Quinn 78
Jean Alcock 76
Leona Watson good
Wallace Bell good
Wilmer Kelly good
Donald Fraser fair
Dorothy Bird fair
Jr. Primer—
Fanny McLean good
Donad Hart good
Jack Quinn good
Mr, G. C. Grainger, teacher.
There was a time when Ontario
was pretty much all forest. Now
we have less forest than sante old
countries in Europe, We have 26
counties with less than 9 per rent of
forest. We. have 135 townships
with less than $ per cent of forest,
widen Prof. Zavitz c•onstders dan-
g ro tsly low. France and other
countries have from 1' 50 20 per
cent In forest. We should have as
Just now from Grey, Bruce and
Buren there is more timber going
out than for 39 years past, but, as a
uniforms 05 black and red for the rule, this does not mean that bush
first time. They were donµated by lag are being mowed down, but that
Orval Noble and are attractive, The valued single trees are being sold.
Grey township lads wore blue and , Prot, Zazrtz feels that swamps were
white, 1 mistakenly regarded as nuisancee
that should he removed, and now
we find that they should, if possible,
be restored. New forests, we iota -
gine, cannot be grown soon enough
to do the Job that will prevent
'tootle, We shall have to build great
thane 'ira4. But Ontario after hav-
ing trees and slaughtering thein
without mercy, must go back to the
growing of them. —Toronto Star.
Bayii eld
1 Seatotlth
Sept, 10 and 11
Sept. 17 and 18
Sept, 20 add 21
..,,Sept. 21 and 22
Sept, 22 and 23
Sept, 23 and 24
Sept. 30and Oct, 1
Sept. 23 and 24
Sept, 2h and 28
Tests* by car owners
in 14 cities proved
*Tests conducted by
Ross Federal Research Corp:
95% of the motorists who
tested Blue Sunoco against 54
other well known gasolines, in U.S.,
stated that Blue Sunoco improved
the performance of their cars.
Harry Champion's Garage
Brugse/s, Ont.
Phone 8
1 'Whrghant .................... Sept. 29 and 30 (;cetrhen�
What did you da
Genres Oot y and 2
when Harry Johnson kissed you,l'
Khieton C1at, 5 and 8 Wilnnifred—'Salt on him, of
Dungannon Odt. 7 and 1 g 000180."
by Grant Fleming, M. D.
o C.sO
t ern idea. It cannot do any harm
and cannot very well he p doing
good, Its success defends on you.
This means you, who are reading
this article. The contest will be
open to all rural areas in the Do nin-
ion of Canada which have a full Lime
health service. The trbiettt of the
is to encourage and Pro•
1 mote the development of god,
1 practical, s1U.isfaetol•y Public Health
Rural Services and keep all the Some time ago representaitves
C7C—] ; people well all the time. It is evi- of Bc;lgrave, Iirtcx, tirnwutown tmd
RURAL PUBLIC 1 to awakent inform.-
— —ense
—farmers, manuitaeturers, business CELEBRATED 70th BIRTHDAY'
men. The teacher will bele. The Mr. Haney Johltson, of town, tor-
the Women's
will help. T will snarly of Morris Township, eerebrat-
Women's Institutes. The olergy ed his 70th bintltday Ott Saturday,
and the doctoteT will help, if every -
All the family were home tor the
body helps, we shall succeed, 15 occasion, Mr. and Airs. Murray
everybody helps -^why not you? Johnson and family; Mr, and Mrs.
__ ----e— _ Bradburn and 4'amdly; Mr. and Mrs.
BELLD A V L Brydges and children, also ,lir,
nil Y G Brydges' mother, 'Miss. Jerry Brydg
• r - lir. Johnson received congratula-
tions dram many friends, some from
a distance,—Wingimm Advance -
interest, spread uevale United Church Youtrg
HEALTH CONTEST tion, and develop enthusiasm alt i People's Societies met and arrang-
* support fur such services --to know til a series of softball games,
1 what they can do and how they can While they dill not cull it a league
Rural Pubic health hes never re- do it. Prize and awards—perhapsWhile
was to he somewhat of that
velvet enough consideration in Can. ' trophies—will be given W tate win. nature. Tip a the end at last week
ada, Some provinces have done bet neve, faire. 'r had been played and sk
ter than ethers. Most Quebec the Conn , P118 work will Le under the gevi• elcsely are the teams matched that
Tres ,, the Province of i'njls have • eral direction of the Canadian Pu e ' all or them had won one game and
P ovintc health unite. To Iia IlcalIh Association's Committee lost one. A good deal of interest
timeer Medical
O these are alts and
liedicttl Cfflcers at Health and on Rival Health Conservation. Fur- has heel crna.tecl and good crowds
bow can we hope to have good rob- Ober inrformation may be el:Wesel are turning nut to see the games.
Iic Health work without good Pub- by writing to the Secretary of .his No charge is matte but a collection
lie Health workers? The salaries ("atladian Public health Assoctt1i m, lis la,kelt tip to defray expenses in-
to fell -time or part.ltime mea. 155 Bond Street, Toronto, The first curved by the groups. 1111e remuht•
teal Officers of Health are nothing Contest le to he held in the spring der of the schedule 13 as follotvst
to be proud of, either. of 1938 and tell whole matter will be
I fully discussed at the Annual meet -
However„ the 'Canadian Public ing of the Canadian Miele health
.I•Iealth Association, which is "living Association at Ottawa June 17.19,
and doing weld" is not forgetting 1931,
about the importance of Rural
Public Hedge, It baa arranged The success of such a Conies! dc.
In co-operation with tta nearest In-
terational neighbor, the American
Public Health Aseociati0n, to err
gan#ze an Annual Rural Health
pend on the c0 -operation of every-
body concerned perhaps roost of all Monday, June Mt—
on the Local Lay committee, ']'hat I3luevate
Committee should be an outstanding
* .
Concert Presented BY Hawick AgtI-
cultural Society Draw's
Packed House , ,
The amateur 1115111 concert pre-
sented by Howiok Agricultural Soc-
iety drew a packed house with door
receipts of 393, eibA program, of 21
entries, consisted of singing, danc-
ing 80 1115101001 numbers, and was
divided into three ddvisione, . the
i'rlday, June 18411-- winners being as follows: , e1dulLs,
Bluevate at Brawntorvn John Neilson, Fordwich; `. Arnold
Monday, Juno 21st— Earl, Hebei; ll, Sperling, Gerrie;
1 Bs
owntown at D
rick juniors, Madeline Spence, Listowel; l
Wilma tles, Forciwic; Donald
Friday, ,lune 25th-- + Kidd, Atwaodi Mincing, R. Hobbs,
13olgrav0 at Brnevale 'Gerrie; Faye Hickson, Goderich;
Molly Johnston, Listowel.
C rvation Contest in Canada. one. There are "Key then' 'and Friday, July 3rd--
at Book
This seems a.good idea, It is a mod, "Key -women,' In every rural district Browntowu at BolgraYe
Moat girls are riddles to us but we
hate to give them up.—Brandon Sea