The Brussels Post, 1937-6-16, Page 4THE 1311USSFIS POST NEWS OF THE DISTRICT Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents • ETHEL Our football players went to tette ten to Play in an exhibition game with, the home teant in connectroa with. a sports program held there last Friday. Their Presence was eordielly evelconaed. Each Learn scored 2 goalie The Trowbridge United church garden party held Tuesday, June la was the ant In this territory 20r the season. (lilies a number of young People team Ethel attended, There was an exceptionally large attendance at the regular monthly meeting of Ethel last Thursday of Lemma at the home 2 c, N. 0.44 Mrs. Dennis, 4th con. Grey. About 50 adu.ts and a uumber of oldish...a: v,,ers. present. And were happily interested in the proceedings of the occasion. After routine bueinees was disposed a, a splendidly enter- taining program was presenel. This was followed by the serving, et a bounteous In connection with the evening's entertainment under the auepices of Ethel United Church Y. P. A., teen Friday. June 13.. The item softball .played on Ethel pas.:c school grounds 1)3, girls teams rep resenting Presteeerian and Unitete dwell and boys teams comprised et a group of Ethel boys and rep T- sentatives of Union United church, were well contested. Winning or losing, it was all taken In good sport, and the crowd of spectetors were not lacking in appreeiatioa the pleasure of the events. Other numbers of the program continued in the schaul room of United church giving it further opportunity for I • ELECTRIC WELDING And ACCETYLENE WELDING and all kinds of MACHINE WORK Up -to -Date Equlpmert Expert Workmanship ED. DESJARDINE Phone 106X Brussels Shop next door - Champions Garage and opposite Elliott's Garage 101111111•1 Have Your Eyes Examined AT LEAST ONCE EVERY TWO 'YEARS Prevent Serious Eye trouble by regular care of your Eyes Our Examination includes complete check up of Every Eye Function LET US CARE FOR YOUR EYES At Harrison Office Every day except Wednesday and at Brussels the second Thurs- day each Month • F. F. HOMUTH Phm. B., R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN Harirston Brussels Phone 118 Phone 26X Over Rexall Miss Maude Drug Store Bryans' Home everyone to strain in Ile benefits, Lunch was partaken of with celery. ment. Thanks are due the as -aerie Lion for the good time provided, Lee Akin Wurdlew has reetueed hie position with a Kitchener ani player Which discontinued at the close of the busy Ltheelug season last fall, Several guests from Ethel attend, ed the wedding, 00 Saturday, Smae 12 at the home of Angus and Mee Brown. Grey Twp,, of their deugh. ter Ruth to tient.Johnston also of Grey Twv, The ccrernOny was pertormed eL high noon by Rev. J W. Johnston, United church pastor. in the presence of a host of guests, Ebel W. I. Is a live and enthusias tic organization, a number of dele- gates attended the District Annum meeting held at Bluevale last week and report a very helpful and in- formutive seseiou. Much benefit is anticipated from the plentiful warm rainfall, of the last few days. Robert Docket of Grey Twp. near Ethel arrived home from the Northland wb ere ne spent the winter but unfortunately Is yet M.- Et17.e to walk except with crutches. Having a leg badly broken last winter, it is a severe handuMP. and complete recovery has not tale en place. Mre. Ainsworth of Cleveland Ohio, U.S.A., visited over the week- end with relatives to Ethel and Brussels, Mrs. Ainsworth is a daughter of T. 14. Ames of Wineinege Her stay here was necessarily as she had au immediate date with travelling companions in Termite fir the return trip home by motor. Gtherwise a much longer time would have been spent before all the relatives in this community could have been met. BLUEV ALE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mundell visited on Sunday with his parents in Blue - vale, Miss Janet Robertson spent the week -end with her mother aed brothers and took in the Presbyter- ian Anniversary at Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mothers and Doris and Helen of Hepworth spent the week -end with his father in Bluevale. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Garniss ot London visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. John Mundell and family at Bluevale, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Joanston ead Carl visited on Sunday afternoon with Mr. ad Mrs. tl-nrge Thornton and family on the boundary. Mr. Alvin Smith is cAng to Mae are. Fail on Wednesday morning to attend tite Post Masters Convn- ton. Mrs. Alex Forrest and son R.)to,, attended the Johnston and Brown wedditng in Grey on Saturday. Friends and neighbors numbering about seventy -live gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Peter S, Mac - Cent a Mile Round Trip Bargain Fares Minimum Fares: Aults 75c Children 40c) From BRUSSELS Friday, June 25th To Oshawa, Bowmanville, Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton Jet„ Belleville, Napanee Kingston, Gananoque, Brockville, Prescott, Ivlorrisburg, Cornwall Uxbridge, Lindsay,. Peterboro, Campbeilford, Newmarket, Penetang, Cottingwood, Meaford, Barrie, Oreille, Mid- land, Gravenbera, Bracebridge, Huntsvllla, Calender, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury; all towns In New Ontario on line of Tends - kerning & Northern Ontario Illy., Nipisaing Central Rly., Kepi:ekes- ins, Longlae, Nakina, Tashota, Sioux Lookout, Geralilton, Jellicoe Beardmore, Port Arthur, Sat., June 26th, to Toronto Also to Brantford, Chatham, Chesley, Clinton, Durham, Ex- eter, Fergus Goderich, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Harristou, Inger. soli, Kincardine, Kitchener, London, Lietowee, Miteliell Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palinetnton, Paris, Port Egin, St, Catharines, St Mary's, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Strathroy, Walkerton, Winton, Wingham, Woodstock, For Fares, Return Limits, Train Infermation, Teekets, consult neareet Agent. See handbills for complete list of /destinations ATTRACTIONS Toronto—Sat„ June 26— Baseball; Rochester vs. Toronto Toronto ---Sun., June 27— Canadian Corps Assoc, Annual Drumhead Service — Riverdale Park Nlagana Falls --Sat, June 26— Royal Naval Assoc. Annual Parade & Picnic Timmins Silver Jubilee & Porcupine Old Home Week June 28 & 29 CANADIAN NATIONAL Use Canadian National Express Money Order% Ewen, 21td Concession Turnberry 01 Friday night for a farewell party prior to their removal to their new home in Illiterate. All Present iolnea In a Ring song and Joseph Lovell read an address and Messrs. Hooper and Dietrnan presented the guests of honor with an electric lamp and an electric iron. Mr, and Mrs. MacEwen made a fitting reply. Music, singing and dancing were then enjoyed. The Uccasi011 Was must pleasant although regret was exPressed at the removal of these. residents from the neighborhood. Mr, and Mrs. Louis Blake Miff and daughter, Patricia, Mr. and Mrs. Gerrouel Duff and daughter, Jane, Welland, were week -end guests • with Miss Duff, Mrs. Aitkin and Miss Dorothy; Mrs, Thos. Taylor, Wawanoeh, with her mother, Mm. Susan Morrison; Mr. and Mrs, Ken- neth Mowgray and baby Joyce Luck. now, Miss B. Mundy and Gotodn Leggett, Wine:ham, with Mrand Mrs. Alex Mowbray; R, F, Gerniss. Dornoch, at his home; Mts.; Jeau Scott and Miss Martha Pereira dos. forth, with Misg Florence Fowler; Miss Marie Baker, Ethel, with her friend Mies Margaret Turvey; Mr. and Mrs. John Mundell atteded the Meendgeo-Nells wedding at Bas- tou, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. H. A, Shaw have moved into their hense in the village, recently purchased from James Kerney, Mrs, Roy Turvey, end concession Morris, was hostess on Thursday afternoon for the regular mouthle meeting of the Woman's Institute. The president, MN, Wickstead, pre- sided. After the Opening exer- cises the roll call was called and responded to by giving a genteel hint and sevearl problems relative to gardening were discussed, Tee meeting decided to again finance the cutting of the grass at the cemetery. The members gratefully accept- ed the sant of $14.41 from the treasurer et a tennis club Organ- ized some years ago. Miss Mar- garet Curtis had charge of the motto, "Aim High," which suggest- ed same splendid ideas for Insti- tute members to follow. The meeting decided not to hold a short course this year and will endeavor to melee the local leader training course in the district a success. Miss Margaret TurveY, who was a delegate to the Girls' Conference In Guelph, gave an ex- cellent report. Miss Turvey was deeply interested in all the ses- ions and gave a clear, concise outline of teh addresses, A social time was enjoyed when. Mrs, M. Smith assisted the hostess in serv- ing delicious refreshments. Mr, J. R. Greig was hostess at the Presbyterian manse On Thurs- day afternoon for the regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. of Eadies Church. The meeting was presided over by the presi- dent, Mrs, Leslie Foetune, Mrs. Reneen Applebe read a Scripture passage from Thess., Mrs, Richard Gilkinson gave the commentary and the president offered prayer. All answered the roll with a verse of Scripture containing the wodr, -The Just" Mrs. George Day read a portion of the book, "A Gentle- man In Prison." by the late Dr, Caroline MacDonald, and hits Roy Hastings gave a synopsis of the life of Agnes Dickson. Mrs. J. It, Greig cloesd the meeting with prayer. MORRIS ou Monday evening, Jane Ith, Mende and neighbours of Anson and Mrs. shaw met at their home for farewell party before their re- moval to new home in Bluevale. The evening was spent with music am! friendly elialting. A. most Otte* ing feature Leing a violin solo from one of the oldest pioneer settlers of the community In the !.erson of George Turvey who is in his ninety- fifth yt-ar. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. 1 Shaw were presented with the fol. leaving address, accompanieti by two very beautiful mid comforeible .chairs. Tho presentation being made by James Peacock and Wm. It Moses on behalf of the neighbor. hood. To Mr. and Nils, Anson Straw Dear Friends; We, your neighbour's and friends have assembled at Your home this evening to spend a few pleasant hours together with you, beere you go 10 your new Milne in Bluevale, While we regret that you are leaving the second line of Morris, WIODNESDAY, 'PUNE loth, 1037 ' ALL T . 1 1W A 11 E FINEST FEATU SINCE you bought your present car, Chevrolet has stepped 'way out. ahead —im everything but the money it costs to buy and run! Today's Chevrolet brings you: A longer, 112% -inch wheelbase.. , . Big, attractive Unisteel Turret Top Bodies by Fisher, the safest known.... More powerful Valve -in -Head engine. . , Unequalled comfort, due to the exclusive *Knee - Action gliding ride... . Matchless safety, thanks to new Hydraulic Brakes, all -steel construction, and Safety glass through- out.... Improved Fisher No -Draft Ven- tilation. And for all its big -car size and "step p e d- up " performance, Chevrolet costs you less than ever before to operate! ... Less for gas, less for oil, less for upkeep! So you see why It's Canada's fastest -sell- ing automobile. It's the only car that brings you all the finest features at the lowest prices, and without sacrificing peak. economy! 'On Matter De Luxe Modelt. PEAK EC ES „wee 404 • • • . . , for economical transportation PRICED FROM Mader 2-Pattenger ihtlinC11 Conk delivered at lacier). arbafea. Government taxel, license and Irvin!): additional. (Pritet mbieet to change without notire), L0,1 monthly paymenir on the General Motors In.nalmen; Plan. C-1875 Orval Whitfield Champion's Garage where you have madehome. for you over twenty years, yet we are glad to know that you are not going far away,,sr. and that you will still be eble to associate withus in our com- munity social life, as in former 3e During the passing years, with true pioneer spirit, you havf built up a fine, comfortable country home and stood for a fine sample of cheer- ful neighbourliness, wita wiliiug- 1 to help, in times, when either pleasure or sorrow requirea a hella ing hand, It Is just tmeh Montes all over our fair land, that will make our nat'on great, We appreciate very much, Mr. Shaw your splendid work as trustee of our echool, for over thIrty-six years. During that time, you have taken a keen interest er the child. ren' activities, and every child in the Section knows 'Mr, Shaw” and they will long remember the many good times you have planned for tbem. Perhaps the thoughis we wish to convey to you can best be ex -pressed in these few lines: 'Wherever you in 1101 whatever y011 do Always finding them, the faith - fel few Who stiCk, when the others are tired and gone, The little handful who earry en. As a token of our Minima friend - :drip we ask you to acemthis arm chair and rocking elute' and wish for you both many happy Years in your new home, Signed on behalf of the, cemenun. ity. Wesley Jermyn William Moes James Peaceek David Joniaten Mr. and and Mrd. 2,, W, Pollare and Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Cole Wei. ford and daughter Lea and Muriel were Sunder visit :6 with N, and Mtn. McCauley, Walton Visitors, ,Tohn Ran, Sr., John Ryan, Jr., London, called on friends; D. eileColl, Vielerla, B. C., with Mr. and Mrs. A. McColl; Mrs, Boy, Mrs, IrYde, Stratford, with Mr. and eine. Fred Ennis; Mr. and Mrs. it. Last, Windsor, with Mrs. It Hoy; Miss Alive Love, Toronto, with her mother, Mrs, amen Uwe; Dr, Kenneth Jackson, Oayuga, at his Immo in the village; Mr, and Mrs, Frank Sellers, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Turvey, Bittevale, with Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Sellers; Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Plank, Stratford, Mr, and Mrs, Roy Plank, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ennis; Miss Jean Drager, Toronto, with her mOther, MrS, C, Drager; Mrs. Hoerle and daugbtere, Ruth and Mildred, Hee dleburg, with Mr. and Mrs. C, SeII- ens; Mrs. L. Adnams, Grimsby, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Livingstone; Mrs. Ida McTaggart has returned home after visiting with her sister in Toronto; Mrs, Robert Livingstone, who has been visiting in Toronto for some time has returned home; Robert Patter - ;son, Alex Patterson, Geo, Kirkby motored to Chicago Friday owing ;to the sudden death of the former's brother, Wm. Patterson, The May meeting of the W. M. S. and W. A. of Duff's United Church was bled in the }easement of the church Wednesday afternoon, Ar. rangements were made for a gar- den party. tan. In many cases the results are ilttle short of diaaetraer. Normal and apparently healhty per. sons may be made seriously ill by inordinate exposure to sunlight A sunburn of considerable extent it simply a burn like any burn caused by exposure to fire. It is exquisite ly Painful. There may be prostra tion, high ;fever and evidence ot kidney derangement, Every sum mer sees a best of self-eleetel martyrs to the sines raye. Blonds and redheads are among the chief sufferers in this respect "Pair Skinned persons have little Pig- ment In their :skins. They lark this natural protection against the sua's rays. BUN] persona do not tan as dark-skinned ones do. A two wirelte holiday is frequently spoiled by a sunburn acquired during a singit week -end. Everyone seeking a coat of tan should have the sunlight applied SUN TAN very gradually and never over a ' wide area at the body. This is es - SUN WORSHIP reaches back to Peale:ay true of 'blonds and Mile prehistoric times. Each race had children. its own sun god. The Greeks call. df unfortunately, one gets a sun.: ed on Appetit); the Persians to Mithras and the ancient Egyptians to Tta. The instinct of ancient Peoples in regard to the health value of the .su moss universal. There is no doubt the beneficence of the sun's rays when properly used, but these rays may be a two-edged sword. One feels mare cheerful on a sun. ny day than if the sky is overcast Or the rain falling in torrents. Sur,. Eget is essential to vegetation. 12 is almost essential to health. ; The ultraeaelet rays of the loin have a profound effect or. Retttly fOOLle. Thus fats and oils, which, either artific- ially or through nature have best activated by stanlight, protect the tiger against the disease known as rickets. The exposure of the skin to sunlight or, to the ultra violet light of proper wave length acts on the ergosterol in onee skin and pre. vents the waste of calcium and phosphorous that might otherwise occur. The preservation of these sletnenttt 02 bone Formation aids in the prevention of rickets. The ase of cod-liver oil has a simile)effeet because eod.liver is really bottled sunshine, Some of the bone antl skin results of teiberettioeis are Unproved by the ultra violet rays of the atm if these are porperly epplied. Within recent years young men and women havesought' a trauma ski. One sees them at bathing beeches and elee•Where expoeitrg large areas of the surface of the body In the effort io obtain s rapid burn, there is nothing better for It . than elle application of towel eatua • ated in a solution of Epsom salts, By John W. S. McCullough DPH1 EAST WAWANOSH COUNCIL Council met on cone 711, as a Court of Revision on the assessment roll with all the members Present. Having been duly constituted as a Court the fallowing appeals were dealt with as follows. J. C. Mel:Cron claimed he was as- sessed too high on the N. IL Lot 41. Cou. 1. As none if the members 1 seemed to be C'ellrelltallt with this particular lot, C1)1111(11 a,4 a body will view this property and report on same at next meeting. of Court to be held on .Pune 2511,. John M. Taylor claimed he 1051.5. asSeSSed too high on I,of .10, Con. IL Council however thought otherwise and this assessment Netts VerlfirMeel. WM, and Luella Gow were assessed as tenants of parts Lets as & 39 Con. 2 The Court was thee adjourn. ed to meet again on. el , Julie 28th at one o'clook. Council resumed and ordinary business Proceeded with. 'Minutes of last meeting were read and appi't,vett Communications from the town- ship solicitor regarding. tnstallotg of Street lights in Belgrave and from the Dopt, of Agricultura Ing nonce of a mes-,ing or weed in- oPedtators anti township officialsI Clanton on June 14th race.ved and read. A statement of receipts anti expenditures in wheel/lion With Brandon's Cemetery was presented for consideration. On motion of Blask and Redmond $10.00 was then votz.,d as a donation in aid of this cemetery. D. Hallahan requested that the Council sell him a side conveyor, formerly in use on tee stone crush- er, which at present was not being used. A bargain was made with Mr. Hallehan wherein.. for the auto of $25.00 he will beeeme the owner of this equiPment. The following accounts were paid: M. McDowell, salary as assessor, $70.00; J. A. Brandm grant in aid nf Brandon's Cometere $theite Jas. T. Wilson, sheep claim. $17.00: MvGee, sheet, valuer, $1.60; Joe Kerr, trucking geivel, $489.,911; Chas, Robinson. cruslon,-; gravel, 5291.56; Twp. West Wawanose rent of Imw- er grader. 364.80; Pureon, oper- ating power grader, $12.00, Sawyer - Massey Co., repel, i for crusher, $195,47; The Dom, Road Machete Cm, $1.33; Win. Helot., tile $23 $0 S. Mellurney, sal, as road supt., $60.90; Sixteen other road accounts $136.30. Council. adjourned to meet again on Monday, June 2etu, BELGRAVE The Sunshine Cemetery Commit- tee met in the home of Mr. Thos. Clark on Wednesday night of last week with all members present. The Memorial Service having prov- en such 11 success last year it was decided to hold another this year. It will be hekl on Sunday, Jerre 20515, beginning at 3.00 pan, with the Brussels ministers in charge of tha service, Rev's. Graham, :Mahoney and Moore. Messrs Jus. Clarke and Thos. Clarke were aPPointed a committee to procure the necessary musicat leadership for the singing Decoration of tite graves will be vol- untary in nature and the committee sugges.e that it be done before the ireeViee begins; it may however be done ittter the service if so desired. A Bee for the cleaning or the grounds will be held on the Wednes- .daY preeeeding. A good beginning 1. was made last year and it is hoped finish the euttleg down of all .bettell on the grounds this year. The Sunshine cemetery et all that re. mains to mark the place where a progperotta hamlet once etood with it 2(1 was well tilled with a congregation of washiPping people on the Sabbath day. The CollneiterY 35 situated on rising ,ground and itis hoped 10 'make it one or the beauty spots in the neighEourhood In the course of a few years,