The Brussels Post, 1937-6-9, Page 5THE BRUSSELS ,POST
New BREAD Diet
.educes You Safely
Does not weaken
muscles or cause
loss of'Energy
This Dlet Plan gives about 1400
Calories a day -the reducing allow-
ance of tete average woman.
1 glass fruit. juice.
Small serving meat, fish or eggs
2 SLICES TOAST, sq, butter
1 cup coffee (clear) I,tsp. sugar
Moderate serving meat, fish, or
Average serving 1 green vegetable
2 SLICES BREAD, 1 sq. butter
Average serving fruit salad
1 glass milk
js glass fruit or tomato juice
Generous serving •.meat, fish, or
Average serving .2 vegetables,
1 green
Small serving simple dessert
2 SLICES BREAD,'1 sq. butteo
1 cup coffee or tea (clear) 1 'tap.
MILE Bread ,Diet is un-
like the extreme
diets, which often break.
down vital tissues. You
should never follow an ex-
treme diet without a physi-
ciares advice.
Bread is not jiist a
"starchy" food. It com-
bines carbohydrates, for
energy, and an especially
effective form of protein
that helps to burn up fat
while you are reducing.
Everyone should know
that bread itself is not fat-
tening. You can reduce do
the Bread Diet - and be splendidly energetic all the
time, not weak, tired and irritable.
The new Bread Diet makes reducing safe and easy.
It gives you the main part of your energy food in appe-
tite -satisfying bread.
For Sale at
Rowland's Bakery
W. E. Willis, Palace Bakery
Brusssels, Ont.
Mrs. Robert Anderson attended the funeral, Mr. and Mrs,
young; Mrs. George Colvin, Mr.
Mrs. Robert Anderson passed George Colvin, Jr., .Stratford, Mr.
away et her home on Thomas street, and Mrs. Geo. Schoenbals, Milner;
Brussesl, at 9.30 o'clock on Tuesday ton; Mrs. C, Adams, Toronto.
evening following a lingering illness
of the past few years, she suffered .C.=201,
James ,Kelly
The funeral of James Kelly, a
' /dopy- esteemed' resident and one of
the last of the early pioneers of
name being Mary Elizabeth Schoen- Morris Township, whose' death oc
hats, she was the daughter o* Mr. cured at his home on the 7t11 con -
and Mrs. George Schoenhals of that cession on Thursday alter an. ilinese
,township on Dec. 36. 1869. She of there weeks at the advanced age
Jived also at one time at Shake- ref 92 yearn, took place on Saturday
•, speare One. Thirty-six years ago nmrning from his late residence to
she was united in marriage to 'sob- St. Michael's church, Blyth, which
ert Anderson of Brussels , and had was tilled far beyond its capacity,
since that time bided in this coin- The great number of spiritual
munity, Of this ^union was born tributes also testified to. the esteem
a son and daughter who survive to ; in which. the departed man was acid
Mourn the dearth of a beloved in the community. His nephew.
mother, Clarence Harold, of Toronto Rev. Father Phelan of London, was
and Mrs. Wm. Logan (Clara Chris- ' the celebrant et the solemn high
Lina) also of Toronto. Her .bus- mass assisted by Rev. Father . Sul
band predeceased her baying pass- ,liven and Rev. 1Mther Paquet of
a stroke six years ago and never re
gained her health.
The late Mrs. Anderson was born
yin North Easthope, her maiden
ed away four year's ago, 17th Sept,,
1933, Also surviving are five
brothers, Conrad Bay Port, Mich,;
Wingiham, The remains were
borne to 'their lash resting place is
St, Michael's Cemetery by his five
Henry, Bad Axe,'Mlctr,; Adam, Holt 'sons and one grandson, the last '
Mich,; Willison Hamilton, Ont.; ' rites at the grave being performed'!
and George o1 llilverion and three by Rev, Father Phelan and the '
sisters Mrs, E. Warning (Gertrude) otflciating pnieeiti3,
Edmonton; Mrs. McClockin (Mild- I Mr. Kelly was born In Tipperary,
red) Durham; Mrs. Adams (Caro- • Irelan.d, and on coming to Canada
line) Toronto and one grandson, settled in Bytown, now the city of
Bobby Anderson of Toronto. 0 Ottawa. He was marired 67 years
The long illness of •sue deceased '\ ago to Miss Ellen Phelan, who pre -
was deeply regretlted by her irony deceased him, by two and one-half
friends and 'a'cquatntahces who years, Sir. Kelly teas a devout
her' as a gentle kindly woman, member of •the Catholic church,
a good friend and neighbour. !norms- 1 also of the Holy Name Society and -
eriy identified wit !tithe Methodist ,the Catholic Mutual Benefit Assoc'.
church, later with the Presbyterian ellen. Five sons and one daugh
she was before her illness active in "-ter survive: T. J. Kealy and Albert
the work and also in the W. C. T. U. ; 'Kelly, Mortis Township; Thomas
For the pant few years, she was at. I{ally, Blyth; William and Leo on
Seottona:tedy cared for by Mrs. Wm.. ' 'the old homestead, and Mrs, Milani
Palmer. Devereaux, Seatorth.
The funeral which was private ! Among those from a distance at -
was held from her late bents on tending the funeral were: Mr, and
Thomas street on Friday, June 5th, Alm, T. B, MciGrath and daughter,
at 2 o'clock, Rev. Wm. Moore of , Gertrude and Joseph, Oarpenter,
Molvttie Presbyiterlar, church of. ' Dubbin; John Ryan and son, Lon -
&crated. Interment took place in cion; Lorne, Lesarge, Ottawa; Mr.
Bruseels cemetery pallbearer's were: f and Mrs, Jas, Morgln and Mr.
r fl
Mi .. 1►' /tS
O11+t N of the hest things about Chevrolet
1.quality is the way it eaves you money
on gas, oil and upkeep -and assures you
of higher "trade-in" value later on.
For instance, the quality design of Chev-
rolet's Valve•in-Head Engine saves you as
much as 10°% on operating costs! Knee.
Action, on Master De Luxe models, saves
you dollars on "tighteieing,up"-because it
cushions the ear, as well as the passengers,
against the pounding of mush roads, The
Unisteel Turret Top Bodies by Fisher are
solidly built to "stand up", without develop-
ing annoying rattles and squeaks. ^'
From perfected Hydraulic Brakes to gen-
uine fisher No -Draft Ventilation, Chevrolet
is every inch a quality product -famous for
dependability; See it and drive it yourself
, listen to what owners say ... and you'll
never be satisfied with less!
Marten 2 -Passenger Btanet%
Coope delivered at factory.
Oshawa. Government:axes,
license and freightadditionaf
(Prices subject to change
.without notice), Low month.
ly payments on the Genera
Meters Instalment Plan.
Agent Orval Whitfield - - H, Champion's Garage
Wm. McQuarrie, George Scheonhals, McLachlan, Luoan; Mr. and Mrs.
John Logan, Walter Rose, Wm. , Arnold Blake, Detroit; Joseph Car -
Young and George Colvin, lin and Jeselllt Murphy, St. Colum-
Flowers were lovely 'and spoke of ban; Mr, and Mas. W. Devet'eaux,
the esteem, in which •the •deceased Mr. and Mis, W, Duncan, St. Joseph,
was held and elle sympathy extend- 3, B. Belly, Gocierieh; W. Dorsey,
ed the bereaved family and hMatuct- wine, Joseph Irate, St. Ooiumban;
'ed: Family Wreath; spray, neigh- Miss Mary Blake and Mrs, C. Shan.
hours; spray, Mr. and Mrs, Wm,
Logan; spray, Mr, and Mrs. Wins.
MoQuaa7.le; spray, Mire, Adams,
Toronto; corsage, grandson, Bobby
Anderson; stray, Mrs. Palm-
er and James; spray, Mr, and Mrs,
.Shibtey, Toronto; wreath, Central
when, Clinton! Mrs, D. J. MaCafpey,
Detroit; Mrs, D. Cleary, Mr. and
Mee. J. J'. Cleary, Sylvester Kelly,
Mr, and Mrs, 'Lionise Devereaux,
Antihur and Miee. 0. Leary, Joseph
Dorsey, Mau, W, Lane, Mr, and Mrs.
.T9bm Nolan and Frank C. Eckert,
,Police iGarage, Toronto; spray,Mr, and Mrs, 3, L, Devereaux, Mrs,
.peau Louis Shop, Toronto, D, Saltueaten and Mrs, Leo For-
Stolatfves .from 0101 of town who tune, Seaterith.
Continued from Page 1
lowing amounts were set: General
purposes $36,328.79; highways, x75,,
261; provincial highways, $16,494.880,
Bylaws were passed authorizing
the borrowing of 2150,000 for high-
way purposes and $110,000 for gen-
eral account, and $42,360 for -school
A bylaw was.passed authorizing
consent to the Bell Telephone Com-
pany for all the plant which is now
standing granting permission for
future plant and empowerng a
definite official to assign locations
and to supervise the construction;
to permit tree trimming with the
consent of the adjoining landowners
under the supervsion of an official '
to empower an official to enter into
an agreement for apportioning the
corns of moving plant on account of
road construction.
To Police Village
'A grant of $50 towards policing
the village of Grand Bend during
the summer months was defeated
on division by 21 to 7; and a grant
of $50 was given to .the Huron Edu-
cational Association after consider- I
able discussion by a vote of 22 to '
Council endorsed the nation of
Reeves Htiekins and Turner that
Cambria road, Goderich, be taken
over by tate county and added to
the county road system. A bylaw
was also passed making the fol.
lowing additions to the county read
system: From Saltford to Londes-
boro; Ashfield, Con. 8 and 9; Tuck
er'ssatth, Con. 8 and 9 east into
Perth county.
Considerable discussion followed
an appeal made personally by Mr.
Shepherd of the Base Line, Hulett,
for sone compensation for the loss
of a horse veued at $180 which
was drowned when he went to the
rescue or a car in which were a
woman and two chida'en when a ,
dant broke in the vicinity of his
home. IGany considered It au ere
rand of mercy; others that the
county was not liable and that the
insurance company was. Finally it
was, recommended to the road coin -
mission that the cl'ainibe taken up
with the insurance company to seek
an adivatntent,
Arrange .For Picnic
R, Turner, the clerk, terasurer,
warden, J. Hackies, Geo, Feagan,
Wilmot Hanle were appointed to
arrange for the annual county coun-
cil picnic.
Reeve Macke gave a compre-
hensive report of 1 o agricultural
advisory cornmiNtes and received
a vote of thanks,
Committee Reports
The report of the property cola.
mettee was adopted as fotolws;
That the tenders, of W. A, Wit,
1laluson of Brussels be accepted for
the corridor of the Court House.
of •tile Court House the sheriff's
office, the office of the clerk of the
county court and the law library,
it being the loweift tender: main
A meeting was held in Toronto
during February, where trucks and
equipment were examined. Ses-
sions of the Ontario Good Roads
corridor, $128.10; sheriff's office, ,Assootation were attended, and
$25.35; clerk's office, $24,45; law many Instruotive4 addresses were
•On March 17, Mr. Sell, one of
our workmen, suffered a severe ac-
cident, from which he is .recovering
Some time later we mere advised
by the auditor of the Department
that no subsidy would be paid on
compensation for this accident, or
others, as thud been the case in
former years. We were advised
the corirdor of the Court House.r that coverage must be taken with
That a curb be put In the street in the Workmen's Compensation Board
and if application for such coverage
was refused, that subsidy would be
paid on a premum paid to an tame-
ance codpany carrying the risk. The
That the county engineer and the L Workmen's Compensation Board
chairman of the propeaty commit- I will take the risk only 1 all employ-
teebe1 ees of the county are included. Con -
ow er appointed pd eito interview the aidering this as a rejection of the
Con -
owner of the property defined in
the engineer's repose, with a view appieaton, it would appear advisable
of purchasing at a' :reasonable price to procure a policy from au insur-
the ,two acres of land referred to. ance company to cover the rise to
''Etat the pen sketch of Dr. Dun- secure the government groat on fu -
lop presented to .the county by tore payments.
Charles Asquith, 'be suitably Several accident claims have
been referred to the company car-
rying ous liability insurance, and
settlement was made by them, A
County Roads Commission horse, owned by Mr. Shepherd of
The County Roans Commission i the Base Line, Hallett, was lost in
reported: j. a flood, and the company could see
The continuous rains of January ' no liability on the part of the county
caused the roads of the county to Mr. Shepherd appealed to your com-
beconme satamted with water which mi,ttee for further consideration, but
later froze. The long, cold spring ;, in view of the fact that the inaur-
delayed the melting of this ice and I ance company, that is responsible
kept ,the roads in a soft condition, t fir such payments, refused to admit
witch resulted In a great deal or liability, we did not feel warranted
damage, and many sections of road
were inips.ssible for traffic fur a
A considerable ,mileage of the
.system has been examined and at
present the roads are in good eon -
clition for dry yeathet' traffic, In-
sipection shows that u,•ach work la
needed in replacing bridges and
cuivents, in draining and grading
and other works .of a permaii nt
character, but It is ,telt that the
most service .to the traffic ca•1 be
gfveii, with Leh limited funds in sti'uetion - Culvert, providing all all weather tops ou our tt lop boundary, $500, other culverts
main roads by constructing low cost $1,000, Construction Carlow north,
bituminous sul3aees. -Carried, $6,004, tical, $7,500; nachinel'Y--
Your commission has examned ' new, $3,500 ;repairs, $7,000, total,
the 'requested additions to the 210,500; urban rebate $5,000; county
county road system, and we recons- i bridges $500; superintendents, 24, -
mend that the road from Sallford ' '500,
via Beumiller to Londesboro; the Nen-subsidy expenditure: Traffic
road between Concessions 8 and 9, officer, 22,000; legal costs, $100;
Ashfield Township, and the road be- road liability inauranee $5001 cnm-
tween •Concesion 8 asd 9, Tucker- , ,pensation and ipremiusn, 21,400;
smith from county road No. 32, east- lights, 250; interest charges, $5.500;
erly to Perth County, be assemed committee laky lists 2000; total $1-
-Carried. 260^
The road is in the village of Man- 41,R2611elts Levy -1.7 Mills, $75 •
chesterr from Taylor's. store to the 260,99; sundry reoeiifts, $600: h•ae-
Base ' Line is close to other county
road nod and we recommend that no
action be stilton on this road• --Cur•
Your corrtmis,4'on called for ten-
ders. and exchanged tawo trucks for
diwo neon Ford dump tamales, and
the engineer's car for a new one:-
library, 52d,90; total, $199.80.
That the tender o1 Fred Hunt for
removal of radiator in the law lib-
rary be accepted at ,the sum of 520.
That the tender of Geo, W.
Schaefer for linoleum on the floor
of the magistrate's office be ac-
cepted, 551.95.
' ;That a photograph, suitably
framed, of Wm. Lane be placed in
front of the registry office.
That the two back rooms of the
registry office and the wash room
be given two coaxes of paint,
framed, and hung in the corridor of
the county buildings,
in leaking any payment.
Estimate Expenditures
The estimated expendituree for
the year 1937 are as follows: Man-
tenance-Weeds, 53,000; grading
53,000; ragging, $8,000; culverts
51,000 bridge 51,000; resurfacing
and tarring 559,510.90; snow, 53,000;
calcium chliride, 53,000; drans, $4,-
000, signs, 5600; guard fence, 51,-
000, total of $105,110.99; Road con -
fie fines, 5500; subsidy, 565,000;
total $1411 260,99,
Iiegarding road liability insur-
ance, three ,tenders leve been re-
seved, and we recommend that the
lowest tender, 'that of Thos. H, Wil.
son, representing Lloyds of Eng-
land at a premum of 5513.37 for
Letters To The Editor
Blyth, Ont. .get the beer drinking habit instil -
June 7th, 1937 led into thousands, alniost millions,The Brussels Post: of the young men who de not at
Dear Sir: Present know the taste of beer,"
In, answer to your request re -old Your article says that' true tem..
Bibles. I have 3 Bibles all older penance is obviously ;the only .sen.
than the Bible of which you made sable policy which the Brewing In-
referenme to in your paper of May dustry conceivably ' ootild have.,
19th, One Bible is 2.11. years old, Well we need go no further than
I have many other old curios includ- ,the streets of Brussesl 'any' Satur-
ing a piece of Saok Cloth brought day night to witness a victim of the
Brewing Industry's .True Temper.'
• ance. Beside ,this sordid and
disgraceful spectacle our merchants
are denied their rightful due be-
cause funds are spent in the her-
erage rooms which should have
Brussels, Ont., June 7th, 1031 been spent on food for the family.
I Frequently our merchants are asked
to charge such accounts' end thus
;, they become victims of this nefar-
Dear Sir; , ions business. Added to this abuse
I was greatly perturbed when I is the danger some foolish inebriate -
from Sere -seism in 1192.
Yours respegttnlly,
Mrs. M. Miller Cumming,
R. R. no. 1, Blyth
To the Editor
Brussels Post
read in last week's issue of the
73tussels Posit on Page 4 an article
entitled, "What is True Temper-
ance." I feel confident that you
inserted the advertisment without
reading it or your policy regarding
such matters bas radically changed lice it to say that I can furnish. ar-
from the founder of your honorable guments and facts more authora-
paper. This is a serious reflection ; tiv.e than the Brewing Inddistry with
upon your good name and I draw it ,Its shameful travesty on the mean-
to your attention only because ing of true temperance. The
you have tgnoredthe ban onliquor ing lndustty is to make profits
advertisements in the Province of and .1011 stop et no price even
Ontario, Doubtless you are aware though it means the debaucherir
of the clause in The Liquor Control and corruptness of our ybuith, The
. public will do well to "'node that
your arecle frankly admits.' 'its in-
terest in profits. It candles at its
head a figure suwpposed to repre-
sent Justice with the balances in
one hand and the 'slwoi'dof nen_
.geance in the other. It Is well that
ebe figure's eyes are bandaged so
that it cannot see the t'ofdent o'f
your advertisement a nit would rise
in righteous indignation and use its
sword against such insiddons educe.
It is high time ,the good citizens
of Brussels should band themselves
together and fight this p3rni-
eious eT1 the citizens
oaf Goderichvil.
deem it a good stroke:
of 'business to banish the beverage
rooms the merooBl•nsseta
will w.leke 0» one ofhanits theef days 'but
it may be too late, Let us mike our
fair village so beautiful with Its
picturesque settng 01 trees, gard-
ens, lawns and homes, clean and
wholesome for our bays and girls
I; and 511 loyal citizens. Thanking
you fate this valuable spiitoe in vane
paper I ani,
Yours for a better comnnunity,
I Harry S.. Mahoney,.
will attempt to driibe his car home
imperilling the lives c1 innocent ab-
I haven't space in this article to
set forth denials or Much of the.
content of your advertisenient suf-
Ace respecting the forbidding of ad-
vencising. 'There can be only one
Itrterltion black of this advertise-
ment and that is to weaken the
aims of the Liquor Control Act and
extend the liquor business.
I would remind all fair minded
citizens that this is a subtle and
conspicuous piece of beer propa-
ganda. This campaign is sponsor-
ed by the Brewing Industry which
has abundant finance to extend the
liquor educational drive, It has
similar aims to the campaign
launched in Great Britain some
time ago, In connection with which
Sir Edger Sanders said, 'We want to
540,000 coverage, be accepted.-
Re motion of Messrs Turner and
Mogridge that insurance en traf-
fic officer be considered we re-
commend this insurance -be consid-
ered and placed when such insur-
ance of other empolyse is settled,
Re letter from F. Fingland, Clin-
ton, re bylaws of Clinton and Tuck-
ersanith, closing certain streets in
the tonvn. of Clinton, we cannot see
,that any other municipality Is in-
terested stud recommended the pass-
lng rim of the -confirming bylaw. car. I ,Tames. McFadzeati
Re mtotioe or Mesons. Bryan and Howick Mutual. Fire Insurance t
Grain, regtte5ting the addition of I-A1e0--
'the Turnberry4Hotvicjk townlite --Hartford Windstorm !"
south of Road No. 12 we mom. -Tornado Insurance
mend thee your commission look .--Automdbit u
e Ins nonce
over the roadbefore making decls- Brussels,• :- '''entailo
ion. Carried.. ..ensu..'Phone 42. Box 1, rung erl""�t 111,