HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-6-9, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST
S' EVNl.'SDAY J'11 -NE nth, 1987
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
The church service and Sunday
school were wit11-drawn tale weals
on 'account of Rev, Mr: •Cumming
attending conference.
Mrs, • 1Iayball who bas been visite.
ing friends In the comununity has 1
returned to her Mame in Brampton,
Mrs, Geo. Struthers of Vancouver
byteri'au church Thursday with the
Ipresident, Mrs. Burns Moffatt Pre-
siding. After singing and prayer
by the Breeklent the treasurers of
the diff erenit groups gave the fin-
ancial atamnrents showing $71.85 to
be the amount raised this quarter.
Following a discussion it was de-
cided to hold a strawberry festive1
towards the end of June. Tine 101
lowing committee was appointed to
make full arrangements: Conveners,
Mrs, Eldred Nichol, Misys Florence
Fowler, Mrs, Roy Turvey, Mei,
Harvey Robertson, Mrs, Arch':
Messer, Mrs, J. C. Higgins, 31ie.s
Olive Scott and Miss. Hazel Mum.
deli. At the close of the meeting
the members of the Tur'nberry
group served tea.
A. D. Smith and Carl Johnston
are in Owen Sound attending the
annual conference of the Grand
Lodge of the Orange Order: Dr.
Arthur Shaw and Mrs. Shaw, te,
Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs. Arthur
Shaw; Lawrence Smalley and Mice
Shiers, Teesiwater with friends.
• has been visiting her slaer-ln-law,
tirs, Ed. Smd'0h, this last week.
Don't forget Monerae' Garden
party to be held on Friday eve.,
June 18th, The play "Rose of the
North Land" will be' given by our
young people. Supper will be serv-
ed from, a to 8 e'elock.
11l'. ant Mrs. Archie Mann and
Yamlly 'doffed the dormer's sister
Mrs. Roy MuCreighit Lucknow on
Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. anthem and
family of Newry visited with Mr,
and Aire. Wan, Harrison on Sunday.
air. Wm, Thornton spent the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
Serheet Paul at Tarte
Mrs. Earl Hislop of Barrie is
visiting with her parents and others
Mr. and Mrs, Anson Shaw are
movingin their new home in Blue.
vale tins week.
lir, Bert and Mrs, IietherIngton
of Brentford spent the week -end
with his Parents Mr. and Mrs, C.
Hetherington and family,
tilde; and Mrs. Ohas, Coultes visit-
ed on, Sunday with Mrs, Grace
Snail and his mother Mrs. Those,
isir. Robt, Shaw preatlhed in Blue -
.vale United church. on Sunday
morning in the absence of Rev.
b who was away at conference.
4VIr. and Mrs. Stanley Gallager
visited on Sunday with her parents
Mr, and Mrs, 0. Hetherington and
family on the ba-undry.
We were sorry to :bear that Miss
Nellie Elston• had passed away on
Thursday in Wingham hospital. We
extents our sympathy to the bereav-
ed family,
The monthly meeting of the W.
Id..$. et Knox Presbyterian Church
was held Thursday, the vice presi-
dent, Mrs, Gerig, presided, Mrs. El-
liott was appointed assistant sec-
retary, owing to the continued ill-
ness of Mrs, Walter Smillie. The
meeting was in charge of the youag
ladies of the congregation. Prayer
was offered by Miss Jean Robertson
and Miss Hazel Munuell read the
scripture lesson. Miss Jean Mc-
Burney read a fine account of the
work being done by Ca_e.dian Home
Missionaries and 'deaconnesses,
among the Ukranians in Toronto
and in the Canadian west, also
among the Noitth Weet Indians.
An invitation was received from
the Wi.M-S. auxiliary of St. And
rew's Church, WIngham, to ethane
the 50th anniversary of the orgau-
izing of their society Tuesday, June
Rev. A, V, Robb and Mrs. Robb
-were in Windsor attending the
Conference of the United Church of
Canada. Robert Shaw conducted
the service in the United Church un .
Rev. J. R. Grelg conducted an-
nivettsary services at Calvin church,
East Wawanosh, on Sunday, The
pulpit of Knox Presbyterian ,much
'was occupied by J, Pocock of
Service at Endes' Presbyterian
will be withdrawn next Sunday on
account of anniversary sereices ,n
Bluevale when Rev, A, J. McGilli-
vrgY, D,D„ of Guelph, will preach,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl .Heislep and
zen, of Cralghurst, spent the week-
The regular monthly meeting of
the Belgrave branch of the Women's
Institute wilt be held at the home of
Mrs. R. J. McKenzie on Tuesday
• afternoon June 15th, with the Home
Ecouom:lcs committee in charge.
Conveners, Mrs. J. Wheeler, Mrs. R.
J. :4LuKenzie; Motto, "It's not the
house that makes the home," Airs.
J. Michie; Roll Cali, Stain remov-
ers; Current Events, Mrs, J. Wheel.
er; Address, "Sidestepping dangers
i at home," Mrs, C. R. Coultes;
music, Mrs. Montgomery; solo, Afiss
.Lane; Contest—; Lunch Committee,
Mrs. J. Wheeler, :sirs. H. Wheeler,
Mrs. 0, Procter.
A cordial invitation is extended to
the ladies to be present.
Art the invitation of the local Wo-
men's Institute a meeting was held
in the hoarse of Mr. Norman Keeting
on Monday night last to discuss the
possibility of holding a Memorial
Service on the Cemetery Grounds
sometime during the summer. Rep-
resentatives were present from the
three churches, the Women's Insti-
tute and the Cemetery Board. Af-
ter full discussion it was decided to
hold .the service on Sunday, July
4th at 3,00 o'clock In the afternoon.
The Minislters of the local churches
s will be invited to conduct the ser-
vice, one of them giving the address
another conducting the meeting and
.Evans on Chinese Work lu Canada.
The report of the Presbyterial
Whitechurch was given by Airs,
M, Ertgel scud a very interssUng
story was given by Ma. Peeler. 'rho
meeting closed with singing Jaen;
a 190 and Mrs. H. Keys repeating the
benetiietiou, Atter a soclal hour
(lunch was served by the hostess.
the third leading the devotions.
Committees were appointed as folty possession of his Caret last fall.
The Ethel -Winthrop game of foot-
ball played at Winthrop last Friday,
Program Committee; Traffic Con- resulted in a win for Ethel by a 4-2
mittee to direct the orderly parking score. It will perhaps be interest -
of Cars; Music to arrange for pro- ng to know that the two players
curing a musical instrument to a who registered two goals eaen in
lead the singing, ,count for Ethel are dull blooded
The aim of those responsible for cousins 111 family relationship, but
the arrangements will be to snake brothers all, relative to team cow -
the service one of quiet devotion bination effort. The entire team,
and worship—a memorial servis: in through their manager, Percy
,the fullest settee of the word. Ne Stephenson is being congratulated
formal decoration of grebes wilt be on the creditable way the game was
observed. Any decoration that is played throughout•
done will be voluntary in its
;11r. Thos, Gati"nsy. Stratford, '.1Ir.
and Mrs, Tines, Donnelly, Mitchell,
Miss Vera lsche, Monkton; Miss
loIadielyoi Connolly Detroit, Mich.;
Mr. and lairs, George Love and
Master George Love of Seaforth
were visitors with Mr. and Mrs,
, Fergus Connolly this week.
The many friends of Mrs Juhn
McNabb will be sorry to hear that
she is not enjoying her usual good
health and is under the ductor's
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Tolle and Mr,
and ;firs, Hodge of McKillop spent
Sunday with the Evans family
.Miss Helen McNabb, Drayton,
spent the week -end at her home: on
the 14111 Grey.
Quite a number of people from
Grey township attended the I, 0. 0.
F. Decoration service at Brussels
cemetery on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Alex Edgar, Gerrie
spent the week -end visiting friends
In Brussels, Grey and Elma.
Airs. David G. Clark has return-
ed home six weebs ago, after spend-
ing most of the whiter with her
friend Miss Isabella Walker, Brus•
Mr. John Ryan Sr. and John Ryan
Jr., of London called on friends in
the village on Saturday. They
were attendng the funeral of Mr,
Ryan's uncle Mr, Jas. Keely er
Miss lean Drager of Toronto is
spending her holidays with her
mother, Mrs, C, Drager.
Mr. Walter MoClary of Toronto
Bible Society preached in the Angli-
can church en Sunday, he gave an
excellent address and there was a
good attendance.
Casper Fleet has been handicap-
ped in the completion of spring
seeding in his farm near the vitlage
by the loss of a useful, much needed
work horse. Mr. Fleet has been
rather unfortunate as this is his
second lose in horses, .since taking
nature and may be done before or A horse, the property of Bert
'after the service. This effort Is Lake, took sick a few weeks ago
somewhat of an experimelt; It it is and despite skilled efforts to eject
successful this year it is likely to recovery, died. I1 is said by ,ane
became an annual event. who claimto know horses, that this
particular hose was as good a one
as any person could ever need to
CRANBROOK have, the loss of which will be more
..�. noticeable and regretab,e, auti can.
Mae and Mrs. Hermon Hintz and not easily be replaced,
son Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Wortle and sons Mervin and Gordon g
Logan, were visitors at the home uE was held last Saturday at the Ethel
Mr, and Mrs, Jacob Fischer on Sun_ deco e
day. The property of Alrs. C. Raynard,
Mts. Alvin Pride who Had .he C deceased is for sale ur to rent.
miafuntune of breaking a limb is ].r Miss Anent principal in Ethel
Listowel hospital• Ilei many friends l)ubllc school ylll disdontinua tcaoh-
wish her a speedy recovery. :ing Meer atter midsummer vucatiot.
Itev. W. A. Williams, paster of • Sotbball and football practiced are
in order, regularly at the park,,
Ethel United church Y.P.A. are
sponsoring a social evening, dated
' for Friday, June 11, To which
Ethel i resbytreian church 11:oplu
, The W. M. S. of Knox Presby- (and Union United have been luvl�ed
terian church met at the home of t Softball games in early evening will
Mrs. Wm. Smalldon, June 3, with be followed by a varied program to
Mus. (Rev.) Williasrirs, presiding in be given in the school room of
the chair. The Meeting opened United church, Every onewelcome..
with a hymn and the repeating of Lunch will be served. Collection
th-e Lord's Prayer, Mrs, el. Engle +taken up•
read the minutes of the previous The 14th con, of Grey ,supplies
,meeting, Business was then dis- t;bhe bride who 1s Well and popularly
cussed, The roll call was answer- kuown In Ethel, for a June wedding,
ed by a large number with a verse Saturday of this week. A Wilted
of scripture. After the sing:ng of .C11urc1r pastor will officiate,
hymn no 401, the scripture lesson By the final draft of London con
was read by Mrs. A. Cameron. Mrs. gei.sr
Grey Township Council mettle
end It Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Shaw; Robert Hogg and Mr, and Knox Presbyterian church, left last
Mrs, Thos. Diokecn, Seadortb, and i week fur Windsor, Nova Scotia,
their son, Charles Dickson, Lon- • where he will spend a few days
.don, with their cousins, Mr, and wi.h his son Maldwyn.
Mss. et, F. Gerais% Mr, and Mrs.
George Donaldson and Mrs Mary
Sanderson, Toronto, at their home;
Ii. L, Bosman has returned home
atter spending some time with his
daughter, Mrs. 11. H. Lloyd, Wing -
hear. Mr. Beeman is mubh im-
proved in hearth,
The 2ent7quarterly meeting of the
Ladies' Aid was held in Knox Pres -
Tier ll4iunicipal Council at the
Twp, o;f Morris are asking for tend-
tha to palet the Abram Bridge, In
Con. 1, ileitis, The lowest of 1107
tender not 'netsessat'lly accepted.
Tender ,to be coneidered at the Twp.
Ilan oi3 vtonddY,, htie 14tH at 2 p.m,
Alex MacEwen,.. Clerk.
(Kay.) W, A. Williams, lead 1n pray- ed 0huroh stationing
y Comandeteo, ,we learn that Rev, Mr,
er, The current events were read ,Barnard is placed. at Corinth, Rev,
by Mre. R, Campbell and IVIrs, D. H. Sne11 at Ethel and a farmer
Ethel Pastor, Rev. J. W. Johneton at
TIM Miele was given by Mrs. G.
Tesis* by car owners
in 14 cities proved
*Tests conducted by
Ross Federal Research Corp:
95% of the motorists who
tested Blue Sunoco against 54
other well known gasolines, in U.S.,
stated that Blue Sunoco improved
the performance of their cars.
Harry Champion's Garage
Phone 8 Brussels, Ont.
Fords ich,
C. R. Dunbar has a quantity of
oats available for feed, at his chop-
' plug mill.
The weigh scales located near the
chopping mill have been accurately
adjusted recentlb,. under tee Proper
Several persons who admire good
horses were interested a few days
ago in seeing Ed Gill's recetn'y
purchased fine typt brood mare
weighed, the nearest guess hazard-
ed came within Len pounds of what
the scales showed. Her weight
being 1800 lbs, less ten pounds.
Jas. Ballantyne is with Jas. Stev-
enson sawmill outfit at Durham, in
the camp provision department for
The shone at Listowel was the
of attraction for a big crowd from
Ethel Saturday night.
Arnold Earl received second prize
certificate and silver medal, for
Playing violin solo on April 17 at
Strabford Festival,
On Friday evening, June 11, a
so8tba.]l game will be played be-
tween Ethel United and Ethel Pres.
byiterian girls. Also a game be-
tween Ethel tboye and Union, After
the games a goodprogramme will
be given in the basement of tlte-
United Church, consisting of num-
bers from Roes, Unier„ Presbyter-
ian and United church, Everybody
The Associate Helpers' Meeting
Ethel site W. M. S. of Unted
Church was held on Thursday alter.
noon, June 3rd, in the Sunday
School Auditorium. The Presi•lent
conducted the meeting and 24 ladies
were present.
The Call to Worship, hymn 800, •
.was read by the Pres„ after which
Mrs. Wim, Bremner offered prayer,
Then followed the Scripture Read-
ing taken from Luke 'Chap. 18 Sc 19,
after which hymn 488 was sung,
The minutes of the lest meeting
were read and approved and tate
roll call answered with a tavarlte
verse, It was decided to send our
"tea money' to the China famine
Mrs. Q, Dobson read cine Dev.
Leaflet "Jesus et Heine in Canada,'
Miss Jean Pearson anti Miss Jessie
Pearson then favoured us with a
vocal duet, "Brighten the Corner
where you are." Mrs, Jos. Pearson
read an interesting article trete
the Hearst Hospital telling of their
work there, and Miss E. Pearson
read a similar article telling of the
work in Matheson Memorial Hama
tal, Mies. L, Lake sang the solo,
"Bridge the Road to Hee.ven with a
Smile," which was much enjoyed,
• As mark of our regard for her
and oar appreciation of what she
Ices done for our society, Mrs. Bar-
nard was then presented with a
small gift, for which elle thanked
the society,
The meeting closed with hymn
etee and the Benediction. Tea was
served and a social hour spent
Miss Magaret Struthers, who has
been visiting Mrs. A. McLeod for
, the past week elft on Sunday for
her home la Toronto. ' • • -
Mr, and Mrs, Lawrence Moffatt
and sons or London were weekend
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin. Mr,
John McBurney spent a. short time
with his daughter Mrs. Martin one
' day last week.
Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Hetherington
visited wth Mr. and Mrs, M. Sellers
over the week -end.
Mrs, T. 0, Hemphill, Miss 111,
Masa Goodfellow were in
London on Friday.
'The Ladies Guild meeting will be
held ut the bonne of Mrs. Agnes
Earle on Thursday, The June
meeting of the W.M.S. will be held
at the Manse on Thursday after-
noon when Mrs. Wearring will give
her report of the Convention at
Chatham which site attended.
iMr, C. Stewart of the Banat of
Commerce Is n,ow having a vacation,
Mr. Riehartleon is relieving teller.
Flower Sunday will be observed
in both United and Anglican pimclr
next Sunday. Children are re-
quested tobring their flowers to
r this service, These flowers will be
given to the sick and shot -ins,
Dr, and Mrs, T. C. (Mean and >1d•
ward, K. 11, :Gibson and wife of
Hamilton spent Sunday with' their
mother, Mr.e Thomas G11abn, who
is very ill.
The Women's Association are
serving dinner to the Insurance
men who are attending a meeting
here on Wednesday of this week.
Body of Platinum Blond ,actress
Will Not Lie In State
Los Angeles—Jean Harlow, author
of the platinum blunt vogue and
central figure of marital trapedy,
will be buried with simplicity sharp-
y ly In contrast with or eat Holly-
wood's Post spectacular careers,
• The 20.year-old movie star died
unexpectedly Monday oC uremic
Iler death, at the height cf her
success, was remindful of that
of Barbara La Mar, Wallace Reid,
and Rudolph Valentino,
But her another, Mrs. Jen Bello,
and her stepfather, Marino Bello,
sought 't0 .fot'eatall dtenioneti•atlone
by the cuirous.
, Miss Harliw wit lltot lie in state.
The coffin will be closed when Pri-
vate services .were held today at the
Wee Kirk o' The Heather In Glen.
L. E,•Danoey, K,C. & R J. Boleby
Brussels, Ont. 'Phone 64X