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The Brussels Post, 1937-6-2, Page 8
Hew Wall Paper A Good Time to Paper — — — — Recently there has been a sharp advance in the price of Wall Paper. Fortunately our large stock of paper was in the store, before this took place and we are able to supply the latest and most up-to- date patterns at the prices. Paper Now and Save Money Later en —Martin-Sencur's Porch Paint for Verandah Floors and Outside Steps Choice of 4 shades Quart Cans $1.40 Pints 80c Moth -Preventatives Dee Tee Moth Killer 39c Tins Moth Balls Red Cedar Flakes Moth Proof Garment Bags • Insecticides and Disinfectants Sprayide Bordeaux Mixture Hellebore Crude 'Carbolic Rcid Copperas Black Leaf Forty T. R. S ITI•1 ,Sear TELEPHONE NO. 62 — DRUGGIST and STATIONER TELEPHONE NO. 62 CLASSIFIED ADS, 25c� ices to four this lines, columnc cost for up in 1 every extra line. Cash mast accompany ad. Orders taken over 'Phone 35e.. FOR SALE— i House for sale. apply to Box A, The Post, FOR SALE-- 360 White Leghorn Ohlokens, week-old, apply to Jack Wheeler, phone58-24, FOR SALE - 1 Seed Partaoes, 75e per bag, also 2.yeavoid pure-bred Shorthorn Bull. apply to Harvey McCaw/lean phone 16-9, I LOST— •A key folder, with Wasaaga Beach on it, containing two keys, Finder 1 kindly leave at the Iirurarle Post. LOST— A pair of glasses with white gold I rims, with case, Finder please I leave with Miss Flo 1, iiuc•hanan— Phone 77.19, Brussels, • FOR SALE OR EXQHANGE— I Cream Separa.tur .,)r exchange on Pigs. =0=0) (0=0 O=SO) 0 SUPREME EYESIGHT SERVICE AWAITS YOU HERE — REMEMBER EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON FROM 2.00 to 5.00 R. A. REID (Stratford's Leading Optometrist) is at his Brussels Office in Miss Hingston's Store to examine Eyes and needed Expert Eyesight Service. aphis• to Floyd Campb.:41, t ,, ('on, 5, Morris Twp. 11.11, 4, lsru<�-i-, phone 15.6 LOST— . Pig, 6 w h- a'd bmween Lot 3, Cas 1:;, Gr,,y and Walton. Finder kindly n .., .fy 1'10 b't. Engle, phone 42-12. FOR SALE - 162:+ Ford Tru..k, model A, in good c.,nditic�st, apply to .phot:,- S6rlu J. T. Nicholson Ethel. FOR SALE— Gold Drop Seed Oats test 36 lbs. per bush'•l thoroughly cleaned, ger• ruination tests have been one hun- dred per cent. 85e per bushel. Phone 56X P. Ament 3 VILLAGE PROPERTY Good comfortable Frame House, right. an Main Street In Ethel, nice lawn, and good garden plot. This property belonged to the late August and Mrs. Eekmler. Cheap for quick sale. For further particulars apply to Wm. Spence, Ethel, • ZILLIAX Gift Department During the Month of June we will o I allow a special 11 1® per cent Discount off our large stock of Chinaware 0 u Glassware ° Dinnerware Coffee Brewers Now Is your opportunity to pur- chase High Quality Chinaware 0 1 at Reduced Prices He has satisfied fied hundreds right here — he cam satisfy you 91 riig' r;�.: b ,,n ." r Perfectly. Glasses at Moderate Cott fir© l i Oa it !ard viare i P L7stu;+. R'J 1 'T1:0 St,.re with the Steck" FPhone 51 for appointment �®s'u THl~ BR'USSFI•S POST WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2114, 1937 u per or Stores QUALITY - SERVICE 000.00000.0•000, PIE CHERRIES 12 oz. tins each -10 Raspberry or Strawberry Jam per jar 24c 1Oc 10c 10c 2 tins • ' • 23c 27c 17c 14c Muffets per pkg Puffed Wheat in Cellophane Puffed Rice in Cellophane Standard Quality Peas Hillcrest Shortening 2 lb , Spring Blossom Biscuits per lb Derby Cheese per 1-2 lb pkg Chick Oatmeal on hand Fresh Magic Baking Soda 1-2 lb Free with Magic Baking Powder 1 lb 28c Pat a Pan Pastry Flour 24 lb 89c Campbell's Pcrk Beans Jumbo • • 2 for 25c Soap Chips 3 lb 25c Mangold and Turnip Seed on hand Special Black Tea per lb 39c French Drip Coffee per lb 39c Heinz Spaghetti 2 tins 25c Fresh New Cabbage by the pound Bermuda Onions • • • • 3 lb 25c Peanut Butter in bulk per lb 13c Brussels i7'hursdery 6a W1 Eckrnier\e>aaty Phone 64 Saturday sl�f;, ttii�j'w rr04 w �,'�,•t =nit Hala—"Isn't Mayboile's eening gown a perfect song Sue --"See, sweet an dlow!" But if cod liver oil builds up the brain, why is the cod fish sucker enough to take the hook. Leghorn Baby Chicks $7. per hundred THESE CHICKS ARE SIRED BY MALE. BIRDS BRED FROM HIGH .RECORD TRAP NESTED HENS. Waltei Rose Lila's Beauty Shoppe ALL LINES OF BEAUTY CULTURE $2.50 Special Pineapple Wave Friday and Saturday and all next week 'PERMANEN WAVING' • • • •A SPECIALTY ChiIdren's Hair Cuts 15c Evenings By Appointment Located in The Queen's Hotel — Hours—from 9 to 6 ': Phone 5447. Private Entrance ,; ;i', :e o:?;y:AAAAA:A:e:o::o;:e::o o::o::eo;o"e::e,:a ,o n::e ao:A:o;: AA.AW.A:a::e:AAKs o:A AA o:o 44:QLDEIE'P'i..v'..L:,EIL:aL:N4JI,..1WLilt:3l.MTt :EEIEL_Il- L�E r ?r f L L:^a E2,.-._E.,.r_.i .EEEEE,`L-ll, T77.1a 1 D _ 1t 1 11 1; � "��`\�%,1 i D n� }, C'^�i`7 �� ✓_.� �--r �' } 7 r 44c` l G C' ,t T ,ALS FDR '` *'�r�*r_it ii i"7%sii. a1� r FiF,l� RD \ . r l,:t �L.,s ..,,� P>etu) I" �.1>,.., 11 al .:. .�.. St..'c.Md . y FlFl/^ a 7 [!:,1 ,� tern r, d! '. r ; 1,,:'•7 a It h � �, g is t, � -,� h � `v ..r,.�N.�l 1, (r '� •. � c�a' 4�sr .t t � ., 17/A..';5� . i� $F t1 � !_1 ���.„. /� m�'j f (� pfd �1 �7 rs a,ii. reg;, f '�/Jj n t ib{.I r rill CaE l ea l'u,L��U� N '. li1, �ll R V,rM [la it 1 l•a� •�t �;� C."K' t�.a F n. n t: • ir,i 2 3 11 Showboat Coffee per lb 31c Tip Tots Tomato Juice • • • 2 tins 23c IPFancy Free Dessert • ... 3 pkgs 25c Campbe lis Port & Beans • • • 21 oz• • • • • 10c El Ltuhus Jelly PowdStrawberry, Nilers - rawy, Heinz Cooked Spaghetti • • • • 2 tins - • . • • 25c IN Raspberry, Lemon, Lime, Wild Cherry and Orange, flavors 3 pkgs 25c Choke ,Blue Rase Rice • • • . 3 1b 23c Pure Loose Lard 2 lbs 29c Aylmer Sliced Peaches per tin 19c Heinz assorted Vinegars 15c Lilly Chicken Haddie 2 for 29c The New Easy Svc -epler Your friends have paid twice the money for machines that cannot cut perform this machine This Is New Come In And See It Call fora demonstration price Complete with all attachments 'a,;:i ■ 1 c°.E ¢• al Shcppe Brussels, Ont. if a r n v (LT:_, u"6"( t' l_+19 n .t ''jj n T�v.; <� C jj"t:S ta_.�1wLf+�ll ..�, '] 1$ O 't once U 1nray Ormsseh3 Offic pCi] L.Vis3 Maude J6yafs Home and @kw and evening The r. ie 1 t Red Band White Jar Rubbers 4 pkgs ••• 25c Egg -o Baking Powder 28c To examine Eyes and fit Glasses Old Hickory Sodas 25c H. Horne's Dutch 'Coc'oa 15c Fresh Bananas, Lettuce, Celery Carrots, where necessary Cabbage and Tomatoes at their best BEST PRICE ON TURNIP SEED 10c F. F. �� H iii ■ ■ R.O. Maple Leaf no. 4 Peas •••• • • 2 tins 25c O. K. Laundry Soap 3 bars ■ ■ •'�"'"� """ i Harriston Phone 118—Brussels Phone 26x LEWIS A. RUSSELL, BRUSSELS immiummilimunimir man niumi nun■mnnmnnmum■lmmannnn■■nninnnnnnamtuanni W000'S GENERAL STORE Commencing Sat., June 5th To Our Customers : We have been able to secure the franchise for John Maddocks & Sons Ltd., celebrated first quality English Dinnerware in the following exclusive designs --- the beautiful Embassy •Pattern and the deliihtful NEW Kingsley Pattern—Clear China Finish— Especially manufactured combination Oven and Dinnerware Service. We are extending you the privilege of your choice of these two exclusive patterns, both of -which are sure to please you• SPECIAL—One Bread and Butter Plate of your selection and Coupons will be given absolutely free to the first one hundred customers making a purchase of $1.00 or more. Coupons given free with every pur- chase of 25c or multiple therof• BE SURE AND RECEIVE YOUR COUPONS. A DISPLAY OF BOTH PATTERNS WILL BE ON EXHIBITION AT OUR STORE AT ALL TIMES. START SAVING COUPONS TODAY TELL YOUR FRIENDS Ladies White Skirts in flannel or crepe Ladies All Wool Bathing Suits Ladies White Gloves in Chamoisette or string Curtain Materials & Draperies MEN'S WEAR Dress Shirts, all sizes and colours Light Caps for summer wear Balbriggan Underwear, Shirts and Shorts A. WOOD Brussels, Ontario 'Phone 24. - The annual Garden Party of Knox Presbyterian Church, Cranbrook, will be held on Friday, June 17th, Keep the date open. Read the Ads. SPRING IS HERE Timothy & Clover Lawn Grass Mangel, Turnip & Garden Seeds of all kinds for sale at W. J. McCracken Phone 43 r 27 lis IrraI PHONE 61 tore 0000.0...,0000000000,00000 Come to the Brussels General Store and Get Your Share- of outstanding Value in Seasonable Merchandise Children's 2-i:ipece Print Dresses for little tots size 2 to 6 yrs `MESSES `Lor Misses extra quality Print in sites 8 to 14 yr• Print Pique Lace and Crepe Dresses La. the Ladies All Sizes un to 512, I t'c^tes enc! Chi'c'::.'CotIon Lin€lew,.:ar — An Sizes We st.FAI have a Locil a asorixnent of Curtains and Curtain 11 t .sal by L . , ci r 1 for your spring i� y c'naning Bed S"±.east„ in kiinl. a ltsum.spana and Rayon Mons Cotton Wcrit Sox at • • • • 15; 20c and 25c Mens Dress Shirts collar attached and with 2 separate collars Wiens 8 oz Denim Overalls and Smocks at $1.50 a garment Boys Cotton Jerseys, all sizes at 25c each Save Your Coupons and Come in and get a Premium Just to hoed a Full Supply of Premiums GROCERY SPECIALS Large Bottle Catsup 18c Ginger Snans • • 10c Ib 1 lb can Baking Powder • • • 19c Jelly Powder • • 5c pkt E. J. McTAVISH GENERAL STORE First Door South of American Hotel Fa B. Et cr Ly Th exl NE Sh He Ft CO WINNE