HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-6-2, Page 4NEWS OF THE DISTRICT
Written for the Post May Our Own Correspondents
1 ffEL
•air. and Mrs, Mtn, 1.eitelt, Ivan
xnsd fiessie, also Mee MDLarelt, of
3 orwich, visited Mr. and Vire,
=ogler Orr Sunday.
Ethel koothall 'team played trelr
J,rst Kama of the seaetta with At-
wood Leant, on Ethel grounds, when
Vele was Galled the score was 1.0 In
dexo* of Ethel.' Their second game
,ruts Mao with Atwood team which
was played of iatwood; ending In a
de, the score being 1:1,
The Brusselsellthe1 football game
al Frieelastt Tuesday ,night resulted
3n a 'win for Brussels in a 3-1 snore,
Measiers of a nr11d type are in a
law homes in the village,
Although not altogether 100%
:O.K, for strewth Mrs. John Icing is
again engaged in t+11e activities of
ince and community life.
Rev. Mr. Barnard of Ethel United
yhurch is attending church confer -
wee for London district head at
'Windsor this week.
Alex Campbell of Listowel viola -
4y, wjto lovas so severely injured a
Jew weeks ago, while using dyne -
mite in itis occupation of breaking
eft stones is convalescing at the
tame of his sister, Mrs, Robert
Cochrane at Ethel south, ,
Soo Della Me.Ginnis is ntakng re-
covery after a recently perferme1
secretion in Kitchener hospital.
31r. Ilobert Cochrane is again able
to undertake the usual work of the
1. II. Fear has had the went end
Oaf bin, at the C.N.R. yards rebuilt,
which gives: the accottnmudation
needed for coal storage.
Jas. Ballantyne who went t0 Tor-
ento for the 24th oaf May holiday to
visit his son and accomi,any him on
•2 previously planned motor trip to
Forth Bay and other points, had the
Ilea:sure of the Occasion somewhat
marred by an attack of siekhtess,
through which he was Confined to
bed for several days. He arrived
tame a few stays ago,
Harvey McClelland will reside in
etbeI again, after an absence of
ata:ny menthe. hospital to regain his
usual good he.•tivh, after a long Per-
iod of disareseing sickness.
There is quite an interest de-
veloping here in using matarcyrles
lee going plates„
iter, S. W, Hann, a former pastor
en Ethel United church circuit had
,barge of the 7.30 o'clock service In
Waited chnr•ir Irk SIZOiay' and rie-
.ivered a dis coarse s:1I 2212. tem-
peranre, very expressively and ins
Prtaaively- to ,, iaryye eteor ett stat.
lir. ilanu was cordially greeted by
irlends at the rinse or the service.
Sunday echoot at 10,30 a.m,
will be the only sevice in Ethel
Tutted cllnrch. next Sunday, as the
Pieter will be retelling conference.
Rev. Mr. Penrose and family
Went a day enjoyably, calling on
itlhel fiends during th ellolidey
gfficer'What's up?"
Man—"My hands. I .was
Will be held on
Baseball Games—By Leading *
Teams in Afternoon ,x
Football Games
In the Evening
Big Street Dance at Night *
Watch 011ie For
Further Particutare *
* * * * * * * * * 22 *
Mr. and Mrs, Eli McLaughlin of
Iona visited his sister Mrs. Thos.
Young during the past week.
Mr, Will Bolton and Miss Dorothy
Bolton, Rochester, N.Y., spent the
week -earl with the fornter's mother
Mrs. I. Bolton.
Sir. John Hahkirk of Montreal is
spending his holidays with his par-
ents, 3Ir. and firs, Earl Hahkirk,
Mr. Earl Habkirk and Mr. John
Habldi'k spent Sunday with Mr.
and :tits. A. Calder at Hickson.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Robinson and
son of London, sweet Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. S.- Shanonn of Hullett,
Visitors: Mr. and Mrs, 3i. La
Combe, Detroit, Mr. and 3lrs, Ken-
neth Rutledge and ttaugltter Evelyn.
Toronto. Jack Mager, Toronto, and
311•. and firs. R. Drager, T)ston, with
Mrs. C. Drager; Mr. turd Mr,s. Ivan
Toting_ and family, Port Huron,
with ;Firs, Joseph Campbell: Miss
Ida Dnndas. Toronto. with her par-
ents, Lir, and Mrs, George Dundas;
Miss Margaret t`un'ming, Toronto,
with their parents, Rev. and Mrs.
C. Cumming; Mrs. B. Wilson and
family Lennon, with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Hay: Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Davidson and son Mur-
ray, Landon, with W. C, Bennett;
Horace and Fred. Rutledge, Toronto,
with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Rutledge;
Miss Aileen Ryan, Brantford, Gor-
don Ryan, London, with their par-
enrs. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan;
Jim Johnston. London, with his
parents. Mr, and Ma's. Silas John-
ston; Robinson Hamilton, London,
with his perete. Mr. and Mrs. Jo-
seph Hamilton: Mr, anti Sirs. Ken-
neth Ferg in London; Mr. and lira.
C. Sellers and son Clayton 5n Held-
elner,: Mrs, Jehn Buchanan end
Scary with SIL'. and :FTs. P. B. Gar-
diner, Toreet:ao. -
Mr, and Mrs. George ettlheek and
dueed tri' Helen 0r l s Ward,
PIaileybury, have be,•h, t,n els at, the
home of Mr. 2(12,1 Sirs_ David Smith.
Gth con. They are to attend the
graduation of t'le:r sot*, George
from Queen's ('nlverslty, Kingston.
Mr. and Mrs, Russel Currie enter-
tajiteri a gathc ringc f neigilhoar s
and friends 00 Saturday evening.
just last in honour of the seventy-fifth
birthday of Robert Currie, A very
pleasant social evening was enjoyed
a highlight being the serving of a
delicious birthday crake made by
,Mrs, R, Currie, which "Bob" tells
us he enjoyed very much.
—no extra cost
:$ Think of it These quality
rices are backed by the Goodrich
reputation which means high
mileage at no extra cost. You
avis with more mileage — more
trouble-free service when you
bay Goodtich Certified COM.
sanders, Put these big, statdy
ices on your cat toda q and ave.
Court of Revision
Township of Morris
The adjourned Court of Revision
on the Assessment Holl will he held
in the Township Hall on. Monday,
June 14, 1937, at 11 o'einek a.m.
A. MaeEweu, Clerk,
Court of Revision
The drat softball frame of the
season was played on the »shoot
park 011 Friday evening between
Bro•wu•town and 131uevale. The
home tempi carne off victorious.
Many '+will be glad to know that
Mrs. D. B, Lowry who le a patient
in -the Listowel Hospital, is nralc
Eng satisfactbt1 intproveanelnt.
Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Gallaher and
sou, Billy, visited with relatives at
Toronto and Brampton.
11r. Carl Johnston and Mr. Alvin
Smith are attending the grand
orange lodge at Owen Sound this
REV. ,,'-,l 'tit' 1 n 1'...hh .,,•e "e
tending the conferee -re of the
linked church at Windsor this
Me are glad to hear Miss Mary
&Mille got home on Saturday Crani
Clinton hospital and Nope for a
peedy recovery.
Mr, Will. Johnston Is the delegate
for Bluevale and Ebenezer United
churches. He is attending confer-
ence At Windsor this week.
Glad to hear Mrs. Walter Smillie
is getting better and slope she will
soon. be able to be out again.
-311s, Alex. Moffat spent last week
with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Fag-
gan, at Kingsville, and attended the
funeral of William Maxwell, a form
er resident of this community; 11'.s,
Donna J. Smith has resumed her
training la the Clinton Hospital
atter enjoying a three week*:' hcl1-
day with her parents. lir. and 3lrs,
Milton Smith; Miss Ruby G. Duff,
Toronto, withher sisters, ;Fuss
Duff and 3lrs, Aitken; .lir. and
Mrs. W. Mann,
Communion service was observ-
ed ie Knox Presbyterian Church
on Sunday- morning, conducted by
the pastor, Rev. J. R. Greig, Anut-
versary services will be held June
13. Dr. A. J, McG11lieta y of Guelph,
2511 be lite gnei't spaaer,
Township of Grey
The Court, of Revision of the As-
sessment Roll of the Township of
Grey for the year 1937, will be held
on Saturday, .Tune 55th, at 10 a,m., In
the Tawieehip Hall, Ethel,
J', Il, Fear, Clerk,
Court of Revision
County Councillors Feel Work On
Goderich County Building
Not Necessary
Sharp clash with Col, W. W. ben.
Iso,, inspector of legal offices who
recently paid a vs it here, is expect-
ed at the June sessiin of County
Council, whtor convened on Tues-
day, Jute 1, The inspector is
said to have metered extensive al-
terations and repairs to the court-
Imuse, which council feels are net
htecesears-. The inspector is said
to have demand that suitable see•
stet- offices be provided for the
magistrate, court stenographer and
Cililthsu's Aid inspector, and that
a witness -room be provided. At
q,re watt witnesses excluded from
court trials are obliged to sit in the
eorr0101'22 and mingle with the pub-
lic. The alterations would necessi-
tate 1'2(110va1 of washrooms from the
third floor to the basement,
"The inspector of au economy
gevernmentt apparently doesn't be-
lieve in 220012 2(131," was ail that a
county officials would any about
the ,tatter, "We'll ere when It
comes up, The inspector is else
to have ordered. redecoration
of the regtAry office."
A *'.*haft of es,$mates sul:meted
at the January seesien will be
giceu a0 council` by Treasurer
ter eine, but ,the tax Arte of tour
fur muulc•ilrali&1,te in : cec0n-
riary se•.h:,ol district, will t1::2 be
31:rny of Innen C,:sna are ex -
to Visit ivnrtelit Couu.,v r2.
I1t •>i:allon plats told tit. Wilhelm;
ram on Wednesday, Juts: 8, on in-
v:Lebon, wawa Premier lieltbuta
-will be thief emetker at a hat,ttel,
Other Matters
Among the resolutions from other
000 *ties which the Huron lexi vla-
tors are asked to indorse is one
from Wentworult, asking a reduced
or special License for trunks of far-
mers ands market gardeners used
only a few months in the year.
Perth County wanes a uniform law
In Ontario for the closing of bev-
erage rooms, and suggests 10 a.m,
11 ,p.m, 'The same county asksVillage of Brussels ,Limit no rural schools be closed un -
The Court or Revision on the 181212' asked by 50 ,per recut 01 Ulm
Assessment Roll 0f the Village of ,raiteipayers, and that a school may
Brussels for bhe Year 1037 will be he reopened by the same process.
' held Monday, June 7 at 8 o'clock "Tire Wingrham Hospirial hos res
in the Public Ltbr ry. organized and le now a oammvnity
{ Clerk, 13, S. Warwick, mfttar and net a Joint stock cont,
Irony," Writes the secretary, asking
wdruf n1OSDAY, 211d, 1097
What is True Temperance?
The Brewing Industry is an old and honor-
able industry.
The oldest company book in existence is
in the possession, of Brewers' Hall, London—
the record of the brewing industry in Britain,
from 1418 to 1440 A.D.
The industry is, as it has been for many
years, an industry for profit. It buys materials,
it sells its products, gives employment, and
has a capital investment which makes it a
responsible industry.
Because the industry carries on a business
for profit, agitators in certain communities
try to make people believe that it has no
social conscience at all—that its effect is to
corrupt and debauch.
Yet true temperance is obviously the only
sensible policy which the Brewing Industry
conceivably could have!
We believe in moderation, which is true
temperance! We urge that self-control brings
greater good than external control.
We deplore intemperance, if only because
it threatens the return of prohibitory laws,
general or local.
We don't need another experiment in
prohibition to prove that words in the
statute book will not change the tastes and
preferences of men.
The history of prohibition, all over the
world has proved the contrary. It has been
shown again and again that the evils pro-
hibition caused are greater than those it
sought to correct, that its effects are the
opposite of its intentions.
No believer in temperance wants to bring
back those days, for to do so is to play into
the hands of the bootlegger..
There are still minor abuses. No people
were ever perfect.
But today the bootlegggers have been
driven back, and operate mainly in those
areas where there is local option .. .
The hypocrisy of secret drinking, the
furtiveness of drinking behind closed doors,
has been checked .. .
Respect for law and order has generally
been restored .. .
Youth is no longer faced with the tempta-
tion of illegal drinking — once considered the
"smart thing" .. .
We must not go backward!
• This advertisement is inserted by the Brewing
Industry in the interest of a better public understand-
ing of certain aspects of the problems of temperance
and local option.
council to name a representative on
the new board of directors.
The Bell Telephone Company of
Canada asks the passing of a by-
law, bringing past consents up-to-
date, which would grant the com-
pany consent, for the Bell plant
which' ie now standing and pernrIs-
a1on for future plant, It would em- ;
power a definite allele/ to enter ,
into an agreement for the appor-
tioning of costs of mooing existing
plant on account of road construe -
In the past the company 'baa
taken up individual cases as they ,
arose, but it understands that con-
sent of the municipality should be
in the form of a Ery -law which
would eliminate indlvdual try -laws
from time to tile, •
("001 Bill" in Dunnville Chrouilce
John Jones, son of Mn, and 11rs.
Sem Jones, of Pleasant, Villa, be-
came the bridegroom of Miss Eliza-
beth Smith at high norm today, The
eteemony took place at the hepta of
ire groom:» parents and a full
horse was 00(11(1et1. Sir. Jones
was attended by 111'. Brown as
groomsman. As the groom up-
proached the altar t,e wits the 1Yno-
sure of ail eyes..2,. Blu:.'hint prettily
he replied to the ques,iou:s of the
clergyman 5n 10122 torus», but titin,
He was clenenb1517' clod in a three
Picea sult, consisting. of cost, vest
and pants, The coat of dark
material watt (helped about his
shoulders and tastefully gathered
tinder the tame, A pretty stony
was current among the wedding
guests slink the coat was the same
worn .by his farther and grandfather
on their wedding days, Mr,' Jones
dome not deny the truth of the senti-
mental touch. The vest was
sleeveless and mat in front, Pt
was gracefully fashioned evIth
pocke s, anat dice back held to•
gather with a strap and buckle.
Conspicuous on the front of the vest
wa,s the groom's favnrlte piece of
jewelry, a fraternity pin, and from
l,Iie upper left hand pocket was suet
vendied a lattge Ingersoll waoth, the
bride's, gilt to the groom, which
flashed and gave the needed touch
of brilliance to a costume in perfect
taste and harmony.
The groom's pants were of dark
wonsited and were suspended from
the waist, failing in a stright line
almost to the floor. The severe
1111017 of the gement was relieved
by the high; pautelette, which was
caught up about four inches by a
Boston garter worn underneath, rel-
ve01111g just the artistic glimpse et
brown holepruof above the genuine
leather shoes, laced with »,rings Of
the same color, The affect was
then' chic.
Beneath the vest the groom wore
blue galluses, atbtached fore and aft
10 the pants and passing in a grace-
ful curve over each shoulder, This
Pretty and useful part of the cos-
tume would have passed unnoticed
had net the groom muffed the ries
when the groomsman passed it to
hint. When be stooped to recover
elle errant circlet, the ceruleanblue
of the galluses 210)3 prettily reveal-
etl, His neck was encircled with
a collar characterized by a delicate
pearl tint of old-fashioned celluloid,
and around the collar a cravat was
loosely knotted exposing a collar
button of bright metal, The cravat
extended up and under the left ea:
with that etud11ec1 enrcicwsnees
which mules supreme artistry In
Mr, Brown's eeentmc wens wasp.
Bally like 111e g1110i11's, and as the
two stood at the altar :1 hush of
admiration enveloped rhe atelienee.
at elle complete and wonrieltful har-
mony of the Velment. Actually,
you could hardly have told one from
the other had It not been for 11 Patch
of count plaster warn by t'11e groom
over 111e nick in his chin made by
a safely razor, Neither Mr. Jones
nor :lir. Brown wore a hart at the
ceremony. As liaise 1714zabetll Smith
led the gre0111 front the nuptials, it
was noted Ghat she wore the con-
ventional yell and orange blossoms,
1314 anyone ever find any meat
on "the hone of contention''?
Duke of Windsor to Wei on
June 3rd
1Ieh'hneu Rogers, spokesman for
the Duke of Windsor, amlotuviced
today that the Duke and :Flirt., Wallis
Werfieldl, would be married in a re,
littious eerenl0np' in addition to the
French civil ceremony,
The religious, rites 2^111 follow
Immediately after t'ae civil o01'e-
amort in the 'audio roam of the
Chateau De Cando, Rogers said.
Rev. R. Anderson Jardine, Vicar of
Estate Agent, Conveyancer St, Maul`s, 'Ditriington, Englun11, will
read the service, The Vicar the
rived al the Chateau this morning
and Commissioner
General Insurance
°face and Rogers' announcement followed
Main $11reet, + Ethel, Ontm'ia soon after.
The official auatouncem1ent said:
"The marriage of IIat.11. the
Duke of Wind n' and Mis, -Wilks e
W.lhdiel11 wltl,. as thready announced
take place at 11,30 11,m, -(0.30
IIJ).'1'J 'rllure dry, Jail; 3, With a
clef! ceremony to the lawn of
"This ceremony will be followed.
by the marriage service of the
Church of England, It will be con•
dueled by Rehorend R. Anderson
Jardine, Vicar of ,5t, 0au1's at