HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-5-11, Page 7THE BRUSSELS QST WIl 1N10S$ MAY 17th, 7938 'TELEPHONE TALKS IN TUE JACK ROBERTS and Sally have been "friends" for some time. But jack took Sally by surprise (she really hadn't expected a ring this spring) and in this case one ring naturally led to another. Sally just has to call Mother who is visiting out-of-town. "We're to be married right away," she says happily. And Sally will call some of her out-of-town friends as well, who will appreciate having the news "first". Wouldn't you? Reductions in telephone rates—local and long - distance—in 1935, '36 and '37 have effected savings to telephone users in Ontario and Quebec of nearly one million dollars yearly. a 1 T he Brussels Post FOUNDED -1873 R. W. KENNEDY — Publisher Published Every Mednesday afternoon Subscription price e1.50 Per year, paid in advance. Subscriptions in United States will please add 50c Cor postage THE 'POST' PRINT BRd?SSELS —:— CANADA Telephone 31 Brussels, Ont, WOULD BE TOO SIMPLE Word from Goderch in Huron comity is that relief will end there on the first day of May. The in- folimattOn is also offered that at present there are 26 families on ro- ller with a total etf 130 individuals. Ga(terich is a pleasant town of sone 4,500 population. There is considerable shipping activity in. Unfortunately their einem soon passes and they wilt and are thrown away. In many oases no greet harm is done as other flowers tome up to, take their place. But in the case of trillium, which bas been named as Ontarot's emblem. aeicking the flower is likely to des- troy the plant, for the leaves are taken with the flower and the plant is unable to store an food for another year. Other flowers, like the fringed gentian, which depend on producton of seeds for next Year's plants, are injured by hav- log the bloom picked. We have learned to enjoy the sight and songs of the birds without wanting to kill thew in order that we may display them as trophies, or most of us have. Why can we not learn to admire and appreciate the flowers In their natural setting, where they are most lovely? The Federation of Ontario Naturalists has, made a plea tor and in preserv- ing the beauty of Ontario by exer- cising some restraint in picking wild flowers. Of emcee° this in only one aspect season, but it is not what can pe- of the situation. A plea might also called an industrial centra During be nieule for more considerate treat - the summer season due to its lake- meta of the countryside by visitors shore position it would be busier who are enjoyug the beauties of the titan at otter dimes of the year. Bat spring, and by those who tv111 picnic Su a 'general way there will be later in the year. We have been nothing more for the members of trained not to deface, our pranks thee() 25 relief famiilies to do on or with rubbish nor to uproot flowers after the first of May than there there. 'Could we not develop the was before that date which has now sante attitude toward the c0antry- becom•e a dead line for relief. side generally? Saying that there will he no more roller after the first of May settles nothing at -ell. It the re- lied question could be dealt with by a resolution of the town council, the villa.ko council, the city council or county council then the thing would be splendidly simplified, Al( that would' be necessary would be the ,passing oe a number of reao- lutions and the welder problem would disappear, Godeluch is not the first place where suet a stand has been taken, but it can wave the distinction --it' sucoes+slful—at being the Hist place to do away with the need for relief by merely elating no more relict Is n.vruilafnle, There Is nothing said regard tg whet these 25 fawilie.% in GodorIsh are going to do. They have been getting their means? of a livelihood Vow. the municipality, and there is 110 other egency ready to stop In and, fill the lbleace, We might well tope that the report tromp Godorich had teen of greater length,, giving inllormat4oh of what People, 'were going to do when cut off releif If the steed for relief cute Mutes to exist, KEEP ONTARIO BEAUTIFUL ISOc11 spring .the will flowers an - trounce the approach of a note season of growth and life, Most of us. feel a thrill at their beauty and Iustinetively push (hent to bring le our homes something of the beauiy of the woods., LET US LOOK .AT THE PAST Non) 4r. Item R'akon ,From Mt of too Poen of Aid and SI roars Ago 50 YEARS AGO GREY 3110105 McDougall expee's' to visit Nnutllei'et Lakckl next week. * * * John Brown imported a Ihorotlgh- brei' Collie from Seotiand In 1386 anti she hes preseetett hem Holster Dile spring with a tine liteet of :,oven 1)0110les. :u * * Augue` Lament's horns tools fright and ran away last week. —*,—*— ETHEL Mrs. John Cober went to, lies. pier last week to see her father, Av Rev, ,Mr. Jones of Brussels preached at the .Presbyterian church Last Sunday. * * * Mrs, William Spence issome- what better now. Reeve Milne went or Montreal with the C. P. R. railway delega- tion. —0-0— BLYTH Reeve Belly is,' visiting the lower Provinces these days. Messrs, Watsonsand Freeman shipped 3 carloads of Battle to Montreal, —0-0— BRUSSELS James, Stretton Jr„ arrived home this 'week from Kansas. David Armstrong is home from Sherbrooke, Quebec. O * * S. H. Laird has disposed of his barbering business to John Jewitt. 11 * * Mrs, and Miss Buchanan are visiting at Brantford. * 0 * Wan. Downing left last Monday for Goderioh, Married Whitley_Thoenson—In. Brussels on Tuesday, May SDI, at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. John Rose, B. A„ llr. Barry J. Whitley to :tins Jennie, eldest daughter of Mr. Peter Thomson, 25 YEARS AGO WEEKLY PAPERS AS GUkDES Tho lendersltip of the weeklies In "Home 'Pawn" communities is yodr glide to successful advertising! Tarte the 'Matt Streets from coast to coast in Canada, in towns fecal 1,000 to 10,000 population, Check retail sales and discover that 69 per cent or Canadian retail bueeness is transacted on these busy thole ouglifares, Investigate farther and dissever that in these markets the Weekly Newspaper stands otlt as the centre of interest, the mould. of or public opinion, and the week- by.,weelc showing guide. The power of the weekly—as n paper 'or a direct -line advertising medium—is that net's, edtoriels, entertainment and other features are localized, Y101' advettleiitg in; the weekly newspaper becomes 'faoalieed, its effee,tiveness nue 'ai- piie d, 4t Canadltan towns and villages with populations from 1,000 to 10,- 000, live 1,160,000. people, '('Ircula- tions, of Canadian weekly news pewees in these markets total 2,- 300,000. 'Phat'e coverage for you, ctem>yi:lete direct And traceable But coverage ie only half the story. The secret of real menses* being enjoyed by advertit runs using the wee1Uy newspaper lies In the foot that (Ile weekly newspaper --and only the, 'weekly newspaper ---eau offer the satire making frieedly in- tredfirllen. which builds regular deers et at pl'o(ltl0t, LEADBURY John Dennis. has, been III but is re. covering nicely from his' recent ill- ness, W. R. Stewart is • s enlarging his barn, WALTON .hiss' Jean Ferguson ,who has been in training for a nurse iu London Is hone on a visit, * * * Etuletee Day entertatument will be given Friday evening, May 23rd, in Welton Presbyterian church. BELGRAVE Thutsdny of this week Rev, lir. Ferguson preaches at Blyth Presby- terian church at the preparatory service, Rob.. Clark,. Fruit Inspector of Vancouver, B.C., has been visiting here, IIs 1s a brother of lits, Frank Wheeler. —0-0— BLUEVALE Thursday afternoon an Interest- ing event will take place when Rev. Crawford 'i'aite will be inducted in to rhe pastorale of Kuox and Etadees' church. Rev. .lir, Bell ulederster wilt .preside at the Miele- Mlon. Rem lir. MsCuliock of Crate brook will preach, Rev, 111, Mann or Breasels 11111 address the paster and Rev. 11r Perr10 of Wingham, the congregation, BRUSSELS Barrister Sinclair 11118 al Gaderieh this, week on legal busluess, .firs, (Rev, Ferguson is bark to Biwa elect an extended vii'1 in To- tonl0. ilius Ilood• of Ii13Nh wits' visiting with old friends. Isere. Mr. ll. Cunningham and 0(111 of Palmerston were visitors here with rt iati•ve am friends', * Weller 8, Seel( was a visitor at 'l'el'en111. • Alex Anderson* refereed a Bough The same law... Clubs form a valuable part of our social structure. They encourage co-operation and mutual under- standing. They promote activities that benefit our social life. Many of these clubs are granted authority by the Liquor Control Board to serve beer to their members.% To many of them, especially Veteran and Labour Clubs, this provides useful assistance in improving the accommodation in their premises and increasing the scope of their good work. The opportunity which these clubs provide for relaxation is provided also in hotel beverage rooms to those not fortunate enough to be members of a club —but to whom relaxation is as essential. The same law provides for both. 6'a 6e686'e6.8sada 105(11000000 6.110505000500550000 The present law permitting Veterans' Clubs to sell beer to their members has been of great assistance in maintaining suitable club rooms and has enabled them to expand their efforts to assist ex -service men and overcome their economic difficulties and physical handicaps. In the past the bootlegger received a large part of this revenue, which now is used in the interests of groups of patriotic citizens bound together by their service for their King and Country. Veterans' Clubs are a great asset to any community as they stand as veritable Gibraltars of patriotism in the midst of unsettled conditions and foreign "isms." —Taos. Hones, President, Originals' Club Tonorrro oq 0J Q.90000000000000900090000500550000_000011,5. 0 * d d • This advertisement is inserted by the Brewers in the interest of a better public understanding of certain aspects of the problems of temperance and local option. Foot Ball match in Wingbana On Wednesday, yMarri d Elliott-Grainger—In Grey Twp, on flay 14th by Rev. A. J. M. Kel- vee', 11r, James T. 14. lulliott to hiss. 1:lffe, daughter of lir, and Mrs. Barry Grainger. Three Noted Bands To The C. N. E. Guy Lombardo, Benny Goodman And Tommy Dorsey Will Bring Their Orchestras This Year. of Rudy Vallee, klorace Herdt, Duke Ellington, Abe Lyman and Guy Lombardo. The Royal Artillery Band of Englund with a strength of seventy-five musicians, wilt appear afternoon and evening in the band shell throughout ehe Exhibition. This organization is a conabinato•n military band and symphony or cheotra DevO1.ee8 of the dative and meler- ers of the "big name" baud:, of stage, tie rem and radio again will be catered to by the Canadian Notional Exhibition. management this yens. The world's largest out- door donee floor w111 be coustreetcd on the wide plaza itureeddat.ely west 1 of the Bleat -teal and L'elgitleering Building, 11 will be' enclosed and oneerc'-d with dccolvtiive canvas walls and canopy. General 'Manager Elwood A. Hughr, now en route to I:ump1• to engage attractions for this 3'011l"s lexhihit on, spent several days in New York areaugiug for the ap- pearance bene thio year of three at the outstanding. betide of the: day, Guy Lambeerdo's Royal Canadian8, Benny Gcotheau's and Tommy Dorsey'+, The Ball Room in which famous bands and oa•cheatea8 have appeared for several yeol'5 w111 be deemed to the Plti'p05e of the llrteish Cover l urn. fair an exhibit symubt itainte Ent0re transportation and enmailunloattnll. Donee halide 15111611 have appear - eel lit the 1$n hbitton Maude tltoae • Think Request Enough To Turn Flair Grey Maybe there ere reasons wby editors' hair turtle grey or departs altogether. The request received by the editor o8 an exchange should do that. I•Iere'0 the request: "please sand me a few copies' of your newspaper containing the obituary of my aunt. Also, pub- lish the enclosed clipping of Cho maritime of my niece. And I wish you would mention 1,1 your local column if it doesn't cost anything, net I have two bull calrves' foe stale, and' our Church is teeing an ice cream supper, tickets 25 canoe. As my sabscriptiou is out, Please BOOP the honer, 00 1111100 are too hard to waste money on newspapers." ADVERTISING RATES NOTE AND COMMENT Port Hope's record of 31'0 de- fective cars out of 859 machines ex. =lined Loop es if the ".prettiest town in Canada" has broken the record' for the course. * * s * A German police chief has barred sewing dancing as a public menace, The goose step, then, cannot be regarded' as a sort of military swinging. * * * Gellman n0.tionses in Canada have been ordered. eo register tor military service. In their ease Germany is. preparing 8 'Sort of Old Boys' Re- union, [ • •• St. Catharines Standard says- that the 'lawn bowling season t8 Imre so the fleet Straw hat cannot be tar , behind, Right, It's in the aerie in a paper bag waiting for a change. * a * The Glebe and Mall says 111m klouse of Cennmtons cannot play tt1e ostrich act with the' ra'lnvaY prob. 1em moth longer. The ,trouble of course is. that Parliament's head is not merely in the sand, it is in tura quicksand. Card of Thanks 25c Engagement Notices 50c Birth and Death Notices .....,,. FREE In ikennot'luul 36c Classified Advts, 20a Cash (Over the Mono 36o) Ontario is 3plunnire, a delve against flay raver and that to a nlovenveilt that is not to be sneezed at, * ' • A preacher in Spell -Meld, Ver' 1110111, .ds likely to get into trouble becaat0e he sooured a suil0Ctttut9 and went -fishing on Sunday, The church tl"1statta are holdtin,g, a meet.. ing on Sunday to see what they Will db sheet it, and that opens' the One 11iiesi6don i1 it s Worse 10 holds a meolIng of ,theft sort on 'Sunday than It in fish on that day.