HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-5-11, Page 5Notices in this column cat
25c up to four lines; Sc for
every extra lins. Cash last
Accompany ad. Orders taken
over 'Phone 35c.
horses ar colts, to pasture for
aeascn. Price reasonable. 1-c
Phone 35-13 E, Thonvps'on
A few more head: of cattle for
pasture, some pigs ready to wean
for sale. 1-c
Phone 58-23 Thos. Pierce
ALE-Good farm, square 50 acres near
Ethel on can. 10, Twp, Grey, Lot 13
Good Buildings. 1.5
pll'one 24-r-.6 R. L. McDonald
A. bunch. of hogs about 100
phone 6 Seeker Bros.
Pigs 7 weeks old. 1.0
phone 10-14 Brussels Chas. Keating,
A. number of six week-old white
Leghorn Pullets also six weak
seed potatoes.
phone 34-16 J. Leslie Earl of -c
6 Canvas' Coal Bags with handles
stationed C. & McD.; also 1 large
slze dark blue maohlnaw windbreak-
er, with zipper front,
D. N. McDonald
-Highly recommended variety.
Grown from certified seed also a ^et
of bdbsleighs light wagon. 1p
T. C. McCall, Brussels
Good work mare well broken to
work; also three shorthorn bulls,
ready for service. 4-0
phone 35-9 Thomas Kerr, Henfryn
We will have a quantity of fere
tilizer on hand for tate remainder of
the seeding season, 2-c
Stan Alexander, Ethel
Good Barn. apply to 1-p
Mrs. BatIgley, Brussels
The May meeting o1. the Wo.
men'e 001as'tollary Society was bell
Olt May 4111 et the bottle of Mrs. J.
H014011, '3I10 meeting opened by
teinging hyena 252, atter which: 511%
Geo. Robertson gave a prayer, Tito
Seenipture reading was read by Mre.
M. Rem and the secr'e'tary called
the rolland gave a report or the
minutes of the last meetog, The
President Mrs, Vallance inglee
took charge of the badness and
Hymn eel was snag, MIS. Cunt -
ming then led in prayer following
which Mrs. J. McLean gave a re.
Pert of the convention, 50010 of the
lilelubers attended, The offering
was 'received and Mrs. Alex Swab. -
an favoured with an. inseerusthenlal.
The topic was given by Mrs.
Cumming and the ;meeting was
Mooed by tete ,singing of hyun 240
and the Lord's prayer was repeated
in unison,
'Reasonable a Buick Sedan will ex-
change tor livestock.
Box 2, Brussels P.O.
An oak sideboard in good condi-
tion, 2s'
phone 84
Huron Bruce League
Opens May 24th
" Wh to Leghorn Pullets month-
old, aiso Seed Potatoes. Zap
phone 46-13 James Nichol
W41lys Knights Sedan .c
House or reek one half of it.
apply to Mrs. Sinclair
llruseets, Ont.
has a host of Satl'sfied Customers
for the past 76 years
There's nothing flier on the market
than our Bedding Pet Plants,
Annuals and Vegetebles
All Strong Weather -seasoned
Como and See, or secure them
from the Stores that carry
our Stock
Phone Carlow 235
Clinton, Goderich, Mitchell, Blyth,
Hensall and Zurich in
North Group
League 'grouping of teams and a
schedule of games tor the 1938
season was arranged at a meeting
of the. Huron -Perth Baseball
League executive held in Hensall.
on Mon•ley night, There are two
groups arranged. The northern
group comprises the towns of Clin-
ton, Goderch and Mitchell and the
villages of Blyth, Hensall and
Zurich, The south group comprie.
ee the villages of Allsa Craig,
Leman, Crediton, Lleuly and, Cen-
Following is. the north group
schedule: May 24, Godettch at Mit-
chell, 10 am.; Zurich at Blyth 3
p.ni.i Hensall at Clinton, 10 a.m.;
May 27, Clinton at Goderich, Mit-
chell at Zurich; May 30, Goderich at
Hensall; May 31st, Blyth at Clin-
ton; Hensall at Mteheil; June 1,
Blyth at Goderich; June 2, Zurich
a.t Goderich; June 3, Clinton at
Hensall; Zurich at Mitchell; June
9, Hensall at Zurich June 10,
Mitchell at Blyth; Goderich at Clia
ton; Sane 13, Zurlcb at Hensall;
June 14, M1.toltell at Goderich; June
16, Clinton at Zurich; June 15,
Hensall . at Blyth; June 20, Hensall
at Goderich; Clinton 'at Mitchell;
June 34, Mitchell at Hensall; Gode-
rich at Blyth; June 27, Zurich at
Clinton; June 29, Blyth at Mitchell;
Suly 4, Mtchell et Clinton, Blyth. tee
Zurich; July 7, Goderich at Zurich;
July 3, Blyth at Hensall.
1 Durham Cow dole to freshen ie
May oleo Duok Eggs for hatchling;
a quantlty of Iiay; quantity of No -
barb Barley and Tiinothy 'Seed.
A quantity o•f Timothy and Al.
atke mixture,
phone 42426 Baxter Stevenson
White Leghorn% Barred Rocks;
Baby Chicks; Sexed Chicles; Four
week Pullets.
Coln Finglentl,
Phone 904..5 Walton
Rugs,, Stock of tato importer, in-
cludes Wlltons, Broadlooms and
Orientals, extremely low prices
while stock lasts, w111 able mail
orders promptly, write for price list
Traders and Importers,
54 Wallington St, West, T•orouto
Sealed Tenders addressed to the
undersigned and endorsed "Tenders
for Coal," will be received until 12
o'clock noon (daylight saving),
Monday, ,Tune 6, 1938, for the sup•
ply of coal and coke tor the Domin•
ion Buildings throughout the Prov.
ince, of Ontario,
Forms of tender with specified..
tions and Conditions attached can be
obtained- from th0 Purchasing Agent
Department of Public , Works, Ot.
tawa; and the Supervising Archi-
tect, 36 Adelaide St., East, Toronto.
Tenders should be matte on the
forms supplied by the Department
and la ' accordauce with deport•
mental s'pecifoations nn<i conat-
tions attached thereto,
When the amount of a tender ex
coeds the sum of $5,000.00 -whether
it be fat' one building Only or more
-the tenderers• must attach to their
tender a eor'tilied cheque on a
chartered bank In Canada, made
Payable to the order of the Honour-
able the Minister or Public Works,
metal to 10 per cent of thee:moue(
of the tender, or Roarer Bonds or
the Dominion of Canada or of the
Canadian National latilwby Ce,,
and rte constituent companies, un-
conditionally guaranteed as to prin-
cipal and Interest by Dominion of
Canada, or aforementioned bonds
and a certified cheque, it required
to matte op an odd amount.
The DePerement also reserves
rho *eight to demand from sly
surreesful tenderer a security de-
poeillon in forst or certified elle ue
or Bond as above, equal to 10%
of the amount of Ills 11ld, to guarin-
lee th0 proper fulfilment or the cell -
By order,
T. M, Somerville,
Department of Public \Yorks,
Ottawa, May 6, 1038
The '"I, C. Rleharde, Blockt> on
Turnbeory street, consisting of 3
Worest 2 apartments, all occupied.
apply Mrs, R. Ganmminge,
145 Lake pt,, St, Ca'tltttrinestt
Vote Against
Victoria Day
On May 23rd
Two City Councils Fall to Endorse
Move For Long Weekend
Toronto, May 10
A movement gaining headway in
some seotious of Ontaro .o cele-
brate Victoria Day May 23 instead
of on the traditi0ual. "24th,'' was
checked in two centres today.
The Toronto city council lye`
Monday night voted 11-6 against a
resolution proposing the one-dav
advancement of the holiday to pre -
vide a three-day week -end. The
council at St. Ctuthaelnes h ecintle'i
its resolution urging the Monday
date be recognized.
The council here also tame l
down the suggestion of Alderman
Wiliam Croft that in future all of-
ficial holidays be celebrated on. ltt3
Monday of the week in which they
However, council of New Toren•
to, suburban centre, endorsed a rul-
ing Victoria Day be celebrated May
23. It will be for tete forthcoming
holittay only although most mens.
hers favored the plan of holding all
official holidays• on Mondays.
Before the Toronto council over-
ruled the May 23rd idea Mayor,
Ralph C Day seat a message R.
Prime Minister W, L McKenze
King seeking co-operation of the
federal authorities In ptoclnienig
the holiday on May 23rd. He said
local business houses wanted that
date 'recognized in order that ens
ployees might obtain the centtee-
ous week -end holiday.
1ug of the day.
'140': and MIS. W. Smith or Lon,
tide were visitors with Ilr, end lite.
W. J. Cole..
East Huron W. I,
Executive Meets
Arrangements Made for 'District
Annual June 3 -.-Blyth
W. 1. Elects
The district executive or tlta
West Huron Women's Institutes
Met with tile branch presidents.
secretaries and district directors' ac
the hurtle at the district president.
Mia. Fred Oster; there was a record
attendance which was evidence of
the splendid work done by the die
trict president among the branches.
The co-operative program for
1938-39 was discussed, also com-
plete alwangetnente -were made for
the program of the District -Annual
to be held in Blyth, June 3rd,
Miss Hopkins of the Dept. of Ag-
riculture and Mrs. Crozier of Wae-
lterton will be present at the DIA.
(riot Minuet.
The annual meeting of the Blyt'l
Women's Institute cas held Werl-
nesday afternoon at the. home nr
Mrs, Lorne Scrimgeour, 1100, Otter
gave current events ,also read ere
of Rudyard Ktpding's poems.
The co-operative program ruse
discusser] and choices made for Ole-
triet work.
Financial Statement Gratifying.
The finanoial stlitement for time
year was very gratifying. Our ex
pensee have included contribution=
for relief, Christmas baskets, lay
ette for a baby and necessities for
the mother, Sympathy cards sem
.:Mother's Day was observed in
Knox United Church on Sunday in
both Sunday School and chureu
services. The program for the day
was rollowetl in the Sunday School.
A reading was given by Anna Gras -
by and an address taken by Normae
Keatng the superintendent. A tow-
ering plant -vas preeen;'ed to airs.
C. R. Coultes the mother who at-
tended Sunday School the most Sun-
days during the past year.
Art the church service a choir of
mothers led the singing and two
anthems. The theme of the s'ermon
by Rev, Townenil was also 1n keep -
Why let all
that space in
your basement go to waste?
Let us show you how little it
costs to turn it into a gamo
room offering fun and relaxa-
tion for young and old. We'll
do the job quickly and with-
out disturbance to the house-
hold routine. And, best of
all, it's another of those jobs
you can finance, if necessary,
ander the Home Improve-
ment Plan.
Wl;D1DAY, MAT filth, 10118
Ralund Trip Bargain Fares
Fri. & Sat., May 13th & 14th
To Qaltatva, Bowmanvtlle, pont Hovve, Cobtnur, Trenton, At.,
Belleville, Napenee Eingston, Ganailoque, Braekviso, Preegott,
Mort'debung, Coirts'all Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterbone, Oampbellford,
Newmarket, Pe1Ptaulg, t;ollengwood, Mea1.ord, Balxia, Oriliia, Mid
land, Gravi>ulturst, Sraeebridgo, Huntsville, Calendar, North Bay,
Party Sound, S0dtbdty; all towns In New °Manic on line of Temis-
kamdig & Nerthern Ontario lily„ Nipiesin'g Central TOY., I{aplskeRe
Ing, Lough%, Nalrine, riashota, Sioux Lookout, Geraideen, JellIcoe
Beardmore, Pont Arthur, Meofat'd, Barrie CIMINO., Medford,
Gravenhur 1, Bracebrid'ge,
Sat. May 14 to TORONTO
Also to Beantlord, Chatham, Chesdey, Clinton, Durham, Ex-
eter, Pergue Godorle34 Guelph, HamiOiton, Hanover, Ilarniston, Lager
Goll, Kincardine, Ki•tebener, London, Ltstowsd, Mitchell Niagara
Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Petits, Port legit', St.
Catharines, St Mary's, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Strattroy,
Walkerton, Wiartoii, Wingham, Woodivtaok.
For Fares, Return Limits, Train Information, Tiokete, consult
nearest Agent.
See handbills for complete list of destinations
rhe i11 and bereaved, and almoet
610,00 to the Ontario Society fa
Crippled Children to help to non-
tinue the work of nursing those
crippled in last year's epidemic or
'•Matra:' The following °revere
were elected for 1938-39: President,
birs. Russell Richmond; 1st vice
president, Mrs, A. Colelough; 2nd
vice -+president, .Mrs. H. Fiddes; sec.
treas., Mrs. Larne 1I. Serimgeonr:
District Director, Mss. A, Barr;
13t Inch hrectors, Mrs. W. Thutll,
.mfrs. A. Fawcett, :Miss A. 0411espf0
Mrs, A. Taylor; Convenors cf
Standing Committees, Education,
Mrs. A. Fawcett; Home Economics'.
Mrs, A. 'Coklough; Health and
Child Weldare, Mrs. 0, H. btarray,
Legislation, Mrs. F. Oster; Histori-
cal Research and Current Events,
Miss Cillespie; Coni'munity Active.
ties and Relief, Mrs. A, Taylor;
Canacllianization, Mrs. H. Gilley:
Peace Education and Internattoal
Relatives, Mrs. 3, McGill.
Plans were made for the dinner
to be served at the District Annual
to be helm here on June 3rd,
Illuurated-S•Fatrenser Mauer De Glad
Coach with trunk.
... � r k ^.ti>r,c:a •zea .., .
"HE BEST CA 11 my tnuot'y ryes'
Tbought ... You'll agree with int when
Isay that about Chevrolet. And rifling
ease sold me!
"At any speed, on any road, Chevrolet
rides straight as an anow-doesn't lurch,
pitch or sway --doesn't `heel over' when
you round the corners. You feel the car
has its own tnterrirt; sense of direction ...
that you don't have to be constantly int
the alert to keep from wandering over
ort the shoulders of the road or the other
fello'w's right of way. And those Knee.
Action wheels on the Aliteter 1)e Luxe just
step over every bump and bounce. My
wife says riding in the back teat is as
contfortnblt• as up itt front."
Only Chevrolet in the lowest price
field offers you genuine Knee.Aotion*.. .
along with roomier, mote luxurious All -
Steel, A11•Silent Fisher Bodies ... health-
ful Fisher No -Draft Ventilation ... and
an 85-H.P. Valve -in -Head Engine for
smooth, restful cruising speeds that never
tire yon out. Try the ride for yourself,
today. Relax! Compare! And you, too,
will choose Chevrolet for riding and
handling ease.
' On Master De Luxe Models.
PRICED O f7 -Pass. Master
FROM Business Coupe?
Master De Luxe Models from $892. Delivered nt factory,
Oshawa, Ont. Govcsnment tax, freight and license extra.
Couvc,uent terms may be arranged through the General
Motors Instalment Plan.
,;,PERFEryTED t a�E
tt',HYDRA I �oC 'y
' i.
Orval Whitfield -Champion's Garage
l, 1`
fBl:Tft:RL)"Y DAMP, M.P....Transatlantic Broadcast front London, England ...
Ev : ry Tuesday Evening Over Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Network.