The Brussels Post, 1937-5-11, Page 4on 19 CANADA -I93 1, MPERIAL 7PBAc4Q'.S i INSPIRING PROGRAM FRIDAY 10 P.M, E,S.T. STATION -- CBL Prospects Not Too Good For Permanent Work on Blue Water Highway This Year According to .las. Ballantyne, M,P,- P., South Huron, who was in town this week. there may be little ap- propriation for Huron County roads this year, Work will be slack, patreimen thing allowed only three days per week. "1 am tiyiig to get five or six miles of permanent constrneti•en on highway No. 21 between Bayfield anti, Uodet'ich, but I don't feel any too sure about it," said Mr. Bal- lantyne• Leo Baker, of Goderieh, has been named to operate a large power grader between Mtchell and Elgin - field, Russeldale and Grand Bend. Court of Revision A Court of Revision on. the As- sessanent Roll for the Village of Brussels 1938, will held in the Public Library on. Monday, June 6th, 1933 at 8 o'clock pin. Parties having complaints to make please attend this meeting. L, R. S, Warwiek, Clerk Court of Revision A Court of Revision on the Assess- ment Roll for Morris 1938, will be held in the Township Hall on Mon- day, May 16th, 1938 at 11 o'cock a'm. PP.rties having complaints to make Please attend this meeting. A. MacEwen, °lark. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm, Stock and Impii- mente, at Lot 10, Oon. 14, McKillop, 8% miles east of Walton, on 'Fri- day, May 13th, at 1 o'clock. Horses--IRorae rising five years; horse rising six years Cattle --,Derham. Grade. Cow eight years bred November ,20th; cow five years; bred Jan. llth cow, eight years, fresh; oow, seven years, fresh; caw four years, fresh; cow, three years•, fresh; 3 two-year- old sheers, half fat; 1 two-year-old heifer, half fat; 6 steers, 1 year old; 1 heifer 1 year old; 6 calves. Pigs -9 pigs eight weeks old; 2 pigs' 150 lbs. Implements—Massey Harris bind- er 6 ft. cut; McCormick Deering mower 6 hoot cut, nearly new; Mc- Cbrmidk Deering side rake, nearly new; Frost & Wood hay loader; 10 ft, Frost & Wood dump rake; land; roller; Peter Hamilton culti- vator; 2.:furrow riding plow; 1 - furrow Verity riding plow 21 Fleury Walking plow; 5 section Diamond harrows; Ooeksbutt fertilizer drill; hay rack with shift, 1 set of sling ropes, fanning mill, .set 2000 ib, scales; wagon with box and stock raov set ,sleighs, top buggy, cutter, Renfrew oream separator, nearly nenv; Daisy ehurn No. 3 Buckeye brooder stove; stone boat, 1 set breeching harness; set harness; a member .of collars; set of light harness nearly new• A quantity of mixed grain, A yuanttty of hay, Forks; shovels, chains and numer- ous, other articles. The Farm—d.,ot 10, Con. 14, Mo- Ioillop, 88 acres, well drained and fenced, Brick house, bank barn, drive Shed, buildings all in good re- pair. +Never failing well and wind mild. Lanl.in good state of culti- vation, Will be sold subject to a reserve bid. If Farm 16' not gold there le 20 acres of first cut for hay and 14 acres' of mixed barley and oats sowed which will be offered for sale, and will take a feiw, head of cattle to pasture. Terms—On livestock and chattels, mil. Terms on farm made known on day of sale. Proprietor is giv- ing up darning owing to poor health. Robert J. Dougherty, Proprietor George H, Elllatt, 4uotioneer, THE BRUSSELS POST NEWS OF THE DISTRICT Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents ETHEL The plentiful rainfall in the fores part of the week put a stop again on farm and garden seeding for a time. The usual group of associates of Ethel nomanurtity young people at tended 'a dance held at Belgrave Friday night of last week, Mr. McLeod of Southampton was a guest of Ethel friend% over the weeleend, Harold Vodden and family and Lorne of Blyth spent Sunday with Beet and. Mrs. Lake and other friends in she vicinity. Mr. Campbell recently of Listowel is continuing the blacksmithdng business in the shop in Ethel lately vacated by G. H. Edwards who has retired from active work, The patronage given to Listowel Saturday night shows by Ethel rep, resentatives ison the increase. The enforced layoff of farmers from working on the land on ac- count of too much moisture gave an extra busty day, Monday, at C. R, Dunbar's chopping mill. C. N. R. workmen have arrived at Ethel station to complete the neees- ary finishings In painting and decor- ating part of the Interior. A sipledid drove of cattle was de• livered for shipment from Ethel C. N, R. station last week -end by Quest Dobson, Their condt'lnt, showed that Quest knows bow to Baron's Sandy 24031 Leaves Lot 15, Con. 5, Monday, May 16th; goes' south to the 7th line Morris, East to Phillip Ament's barns for noon; then to 14th con., Grey, to Jno, Alcock's for night, then to 12th con. Grey; then West to the 6th line Morris, to Dave Smith's for noon and home for night. North to 3rd line Morris, West to Jno, Garnienes' for noon, to Gilbert Nethery's for night; South through Hoptper'e sideroad, to Jas. Michie's for noon. Home for night. Saturday morning, goes east to Ezra Welshes, Brussels for noon, then home till following Monday morning. Description Barone Sandy 24031, bay, four white legs, long star in face, bred by W. H. Groat, Holstein, Ontario is a. horse of good size combined with show ghality with eutra clean legs. Pedigree Baron Sandy .4031—Copernicus 14054 (17000), The Comet, 9665 (13224) Solway Saphire 29215 (31.6- 96) Ideal 4002 (1057) Glithero Nettie 2nd, 18426 (17097) Guinea Gold 781 (13020) Diamond (19111) Prince of Carruchan (8151) Mary Glenturky 4924 (12545) Prince Stephen 7993 (9383) Glithero Nettle 7194 (11036) Marceidus 4.683 (11110) Calaway Mary 13957 (16730) Mac- gregor 4486 (1487) Darling Erskine (30586) Prince of Wales(673) Duchess of Challock (4180- Top ,Kpot 3438 (6660) Nancy Lee 4925 .(2696) Pantagenet 4334 (6142) Anita 3174 (7369) Garnet Croa (16- 62) Haddjak 7196 (5204- Hiawatha 3430 (10067) Merry Sunshine 5973 (13963) Macgregor 4486 (1487) Mabel of Kerrlanrae 12737 (11465) Darnley 4491 (222) Sally 5794 (60) Darling, Rosie Frame 26811 (28831) Cin- iquevalli 7258 (11011) Rosie of Scoup (28809) Montrave Mac 3087 (9958) Mary Miller 1178 (19150) Rosedale 3548 (8194) Jess 2nd of 'Corhille (28808) Macgregor 4486 ,(14147) Montrave Maud 3219 (117- 36) Skeenorlie 2902 (4027) Bell Stering Macl.olan Alias Newlon- airds (4564) Mary of Femingland 3935 (7441) Jess Darnley 4491 (222) Sally 5794 (60) Prince of Wales (673) Miss Rose (6203) Top Gal- lant (1850) Bel of Boreland (2092) Young Duke of Hamilton Bell Royal Charlie (728) Maggie of Fleming. land (2447) Terms , To insure a foal rzo.0o payable, when mare proves to be in foal, Parl:ies ddaposing of their snares be- fore foaling time or not returning them regularly to the horse, will be charged insurance, whether In feat or not. All accidents to mares at owner's, risk, Thos. Clarke, Prop, • feed cattle for gaan, contr'ibu'ted an anthem and Milo Mrs. Quest Dobson had the A, Thoroton sang a solo, °there take Pleasure of entertaining as a week- ing punt were Mise Irene Taylor end guest, her girlhood friend Mrs', McCauley of Southampton, 'Known to her intila•te friends' es ;buzz. H`kere was a large attendance at Ethel United church Suuday School last Sunday, May 8th, when the order of service for Mother's Day was given In full, With Miss 1911a Pearson as convener of the com- mittee in charge of ,rehearsals, It was apparent that each .part had been carefully prepared for presen- taton. Ed. and Mrs. Rowland have re- moved to their farm home on Lot 26, eon. 7, Grey. Their village property is' for sale. A large eongregatlon was present in Ethel United chhroh at 7.30 p,m, services Sunday, May 811i. Mothers' Day theme was stressed by the pastor, Rev. Mr, Snell, Baptismal service was conducted during Ike service hour. Floral tokens for Mother's Day were many. Mrs. Dootor Colquhoun contributed a vocal solo seleotion which was much appreciated. The play, "Dotty and Daffy" un- der the auspices of Ethel Presby - tartan church was, dated for May 13th to be presented in Grey Twp. Hall. The pool ,tables from W. Mit- chell's rooms in Dunbar's hall have been installed In the Royal Hotel. The regular monthly meeting of the W, M. S. of Ethel United chusoh was held on Thursday after. noon May 5th at the home of the president, Ma's, Wm, Bremnsr. Nineteen ladies attended. The meeting was opened will hymn 259 after whioh The Lord's Prayer was repeated In unison. The minutes were read and approved and .the Roll Call answered with a favourite verse. Following the bust ness' period hymn 258 was sung. The Dev, Leaflet "World Prayer" was taken up by Mrs. Jos. Pearson, The Srn•ipture Lesson was read by Miss E. Pearson and Mrs, Snell and _Mrs, Maguire led in payer, Splendid re. ports of the Huron Presbyterial were given by Mrs. Snell and Mrs. Jos. Pearson. An article on Africa for the Watch Tower was read by Miss E. Pearson. The society then honoured the', - senior member Mrs. Maguire by presenting her with a Life Member- ship Certificate and pin, Mrs, lila. guire expressed her thanks saying that she had always loved and eu- Joyed the work. The meeting was closed with the Benedicton. After the meeting a s:lendid lnu. cheon was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs, Jo. Pearson anti Mrs. Jas. Pearson, BLUEVALE Mr. and Mrs. 3, .Masters and daughters of Parkhill spent Sunday with her parents Mr, and 'Mrs. John Hall at Bluevale, Miss Janet Robertson of Brus- sels spent .the week -end with her mother and brothers, Mr, and Mrs, 'Wilbert Mashers and Doris, and Belem spent the week -end with his father also Mrs Rudd. Ma•. and Mrs, Jas. Peacock and Will spent Sunday ell rnoon with Mr. Geo, Matchers. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Whitfield of Corrie and Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Whitfield visited on Sunday after- noon with Mr. and Mrs. Ed, John- ston and Carl, 1st line. Mrs, 'Sperling Johnston and baby returned home on Sunday afternoon front Wingham hospital. Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Woods and Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Woods of Kdt.hener vistaed on Sunday after- noon with Mr, and ,Mrs, Melville M8thers, Mr. and Mrs; Hugh Berry also Miss Elsie Smith of Bruceflold vsited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin :Smith, On Sunday morning the Mother's Day service was held in the United church wth the pastor Rev. A. V. Robb In charge. Beginning with a processlonal of the choir and with the Sunday school In attendance in a body, the service centred around the theme of the home life of the Wesley family, Mr. Robb described the re- ligious work of John Wesley and George Hetherington fold the story of Susannah Wesley. The choly and' George Johnston. The rite of baptism was ad• ministered to the infant daughter of Mr. and Mas. William McGee, Mr, •Ohasnpian, Toronto, reprs- Sending the Ontario Temperance Federation had charge of the ser, vice in Knox Presbyterian church on Sunday horning and at lMadle's• church in the afternoon pointing out. the object of the Federation and made an appeal for the pr:eyera. of the people, their influence and flit ancal support. Mother's Day programme will be carried out next •Sunday. Visitors:—Miss Elsie Smith emit her sister Genevieve of Brucefield with their uncle A. D. and Mrs, Smith; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wett• Muter and son, Kenneth of Maple- wood and Miss 'Marie Wa'ttleufe Blyth with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Wettlaufer; 'Mr. and Mrs. Meadows, Maplewood, with their nedoe, Mrs, D. B. Lowry; Mr. and Mrs. George Donaldson, Tor- onto and Mr. Donaldson's slater from Glasgow, 'Scotland. at their home here; Miss Elizabeth Robert- son, Toronto, with her mother, Mrs, Williams Robertson; Miss Cora Gan- nett, Wingham, with Mr. and Mrs George Gannett; Mr. and Mrs, P, D. King have returned home after spending the winter in Toronto, Mgrs. Mary Moffatt celebrated her eightieth birthday On Sunday and s.peat part of the day with her sisterin-law, Mrs, Robert Mitchell at Wingham; Miss Florence Fow- ler, with frends at Seaforth; Miss Hazel Mundell is attending tate Girl's Conference at Guelph this week, a delegate from the Biuevale branch of the Women's Institute; Mr. and. Mrs, Harry White, Kitchen- 5er and Mrs. Reed and daughter Audrey, Wingham, with Mr. and Mrs. Peter S. McEwen; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hetherington, Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs. C. Hetherington; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur blathers and two daughters, Hepworth, with Mr. George Matirers. GREY Mr. and Mrs- Simmons prom the wich locality are at present living in the former Griffith farms, 4th con. Grey. Mrs. Elizabeth Kelley, Langdon, N.D., was a vietor at the home of her cousin P. A. McArthur and also at the homes of her nephews Dun- can A, and Thos. L. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Elliott, who has disposed of their farm on the 6th con„ have taken up residence in Brussels. Tilos. L. and Mrs. McDonald anal two daughters' Jean and Ruth were week -end visitors in Toronto. On Friday evening of last week a large number of friends and mem- bers •of the Orange Lodge gathered in the orange hall to spend a social evening with Mr, and Mrs. John Locking. .Dancing ses enjoyed' until lunch was served. Mr. Henderson than gave a few words of welcome and Mr, Joselph Kelly read the following address;— Mr. and Mrs. Locking: We your friends .gathered here tonight to acknowledge your recent marriage wish to extend to you our 14nelere congratulations+ audl trust that You may enjoy health, haPpl• ness and proserlty in your wedded Life, Life brings, Claude' and shadows to all of us, but where there is love, faith and hope the clouda, will always pass and the sun will shine again. As. a token of our best wishes we ask you to accept this gift, We hope you may find it a source of happiness and usefulness in your new home and In years atter may this remind you of the friends, and of the happy days epent among us.' Signed on behalf of your friends and member's of the L. 0, L. Mr, Henderson then presented the young married couple with woollen blankets and towels, after which Mr. Locating thanked the gathering for the gifts In a few well chosen words. The gathering then sang ",For they are Jolly Good. Fellows." Dancing was then started by the Wedded waltz, Ail reported having a very enjoy able time, WEDNESDAY, AY 11th, 198 HaveYourEyes Examined! Are you between the ages of 38 & 52? This is a very Vital Period in our Lives. A period in which your EYES should have SPECIAL CARE We have done a great t'' al of research work on the care of the EYES during tails IMPORTANT Period. That is why we often carry ou Patients along from 2 to 5 years longer without the use of cal Glasses. Let us care for YOUR Et LS. 1 expect to be at My Brussels Office in Miss Bryan's Home 9 a.m. till 9 p'mt. Thursday, May 12th to Examine Eyes and Fit Glasses where necessary. F. F. Homuth, Phm.B., 11.0. HARRiSTON, BRUSSELS Phone 118 Phone 26X BLYTH Visitors n town over the week- end were. Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Ross, Baden, with Mrs, Neil Taylor; Mrs. Albert Bender and son Edwin, London, with Mr. and Mrs. RObt. Wightlman; Gordon Lyon, London, with his parents Mr, and Mrs. W. J, Lyon; Garth Dobbyn with his parente, Mr, and Mrs. C. T, Dob- byn; Harold Jenkins, Windsor. with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Jenkins; Hazel Pet'ts, Lon- don, with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Pettis. Rev, and Mrs, Harry Stirling, who spent the week with the Int- ter's aunts, Mrs, A. Cele aud Miss Hood, left on Sunday morning by motor for Bellrite, Manitoba, 400 miles from Winnipeg, where they will engage in misslon work, Mrs, Stirldg was formerly Eleanor Jackson of town, Mrs. Robt. Johnston attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Litt in Mitchell on Sunday. :hiss Annie Barr spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Barr, Read the Ads. Screening On Hand Dry Corn • . Loose Mengel Seed Purina Chin Starter , . Shur Gain Pig Grower A GOOD STOCK OF SEED AND FERTILIZER STILL ON HAND Farmers Store $1.45 cwt. $1.65 cwt 20c per tfi $3.10 cwt. $2.00 cwt. Phone 46 Save Your Eyes YOU'LL NEVER HAVE ANY MORE AT THE FIRST SIGN OF TROUBLE CONSULT R. A. REID. IF GLASSES ARE NECESSARY THEY CAN BE HAD FOR VERY LITTLE COST TO YOU. "See Reid (rid See Right" R. A. Rei .d Stratford's Leading Optometrist For Nearly 20 Years AT BRUSSELS OFFICE —MISS HINGSTON'S STORE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2.00 to 5.00 'Phone 51 for Appointment G000 USED CAR BAQGAINS 1937 Ford V-8 Tudor, low mileage, good tires equipped with factory radio 1936 Ford V-8 Tudor, exceptionally fine finish & interior 1932 For V-8 Tudor, mechanically perfect 1932 Essex Special Sedan — Good Shape 1927 Buick, Tudor — privately owned, a Bargain 1927 Ford Model T Coupe — at your own price ALL ABOVE CARS —• GOOD MECHANICAL SHAPE COMPLETE WITH LICENSE HuronMotor Sales WIIVGHAM, ONT. t—