HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-5-11, Page 1'�rugs¢lg Vogt POST PUBLISHING' HOUSE BRUSSELS, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, MAY 11th, 1937 ...oma.., ,..rr.w Single Copies 5c Belgrave to Have Playground for Sports A meeting of all Who are Interest- ed in a Cornanunety Playground War held in the Orange Hall, tBelgravo last week. Herold Vincent acted as chairman and Kenneth Wheeler es Secretary. Atter a full discussion ot all matte's relating to the vel• t'in'e Mr. _Clarence Wade was ap- pointed Treasurer and Mr. Chas Couitee, Assistant. 'Temporary, committees were appointee to gel things started; permanent commit- tees will be appointed at a later date, The temporary committees in charge of arrangements are as follows. Grcuald Coinimititeee Mess's C, R. Coultes, C. Wade and Aloe Young. Committee for organizing. interest amongst Ladies, Misses Freda Jordan, Jean Higgins and Doris Scott. Committee ,for organiz. ing the interest of men and boys Morris Leach, Geroge Michie, Jesse Wheeler, Jack Higgins, Ken Wheeler, and Gordon Nethery. err. C. R. Goultes offered a field east on Belgreve and this offer was eepted. Two diamonds wilt be scraped by the township grader in time for the opening night on Tuesday, May 17th, Pt is lwpea that 'provision may be made for ac• tfvittes for all who may be inter- ested. • nter•ested.• Arrangements have been Made for softball and football for the opening night; other equipment will be procured as needed. The committee hopes that It ntay be able 40 finance the effort by volun. tary subscriptions of 05 per person. for the playing season with a maxi. mum of 50 cents per family where there are several menthe's* of the same family interested. COME TO THE PLAY Trouble Comes to Town to be presented by Walton Y. P. S. WALTON Friday, May 20 IN THE BASEMENT OF CHURCH at 8 p.m. Admission 25c Children 16c THE UNTIED CHURCH REV. H. J. MAHONEY, B.A., B. Minister 11 a.m,—Are Lotteries a Social Evil? Are Yon in favour of legalized sweepstakes? 3 p.m.—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—Evening worship. Sunday ;May 29th—Sunday School Anniversary. isamows Melville Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, MAY 15th— the services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. will be conducted by Rev. Scarth Macdonnell, B.A., Ottawa Sunday School at 3 p.m. All Members and Adherents Invited to Attend these Services are REGENT THEATRE SE/WORTH NOW PLAYING William Powell Annabelle The Baroness and The Butte' Henry Stephenson. Heron Westley From pantry to parliament see Powell for fun,romance and comedy MON., TUES., WED. SHIRLEY TEMPLE Rebecca of Sunnybrooke Farm Randolph Scott .. Gloria Stuart Shirley makes hey, hey, down en ..the farm as darling of the dials., NEXT THURS, FRI., SAT Tyrons PoWer Alice Faye In Old Chicago AIice Brady Ahdy Devine At last the story of Chicago and the cow that made history COMING.— Joy Of Living MATINEg tee aAT. du HOLIbAYS PEOPLE WE KNOW Bussell Zimmer of Toronto, w'as a recent visitor hare. Mies Anne Barin, R,N., .of Ki'eb- enor, visited this week with her brother Clarence Borho. Miss M1u'garot Russel, 11, N., ,•e turned froni St. Joseph's hospital Lontlou, on Sunday. Mr. W. B. Strachan of Toronto was bonne with his mother, Mrs. A. Streahan, Miss Gladys Bowland of Listowel was a visitor here with her parents Mr, and Mrs, J. Rowland, Al eternize and Archie Ballautyue of London were home for Mother's Day, Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm McLeod Seatorth spent Sunday with Mra. Russel. Dr. nod' Mrs. Ralph Robertsou of Cvlingwood were Sunday visitors with the latter's mother Mrs. Hugh McKinnon. Miss Elizabeth Dawning spent a couple of days this week with Sea - forth friends. Mr. John Pugh of Mitchell spent a few days renewing old friendships is town. Mr. and Mrs, Garf. Backer of Fort Frances are visaing relatives and friends. around .town. They spent the winter mouths in Arizona end California. Mr, and Mrs, Jacob Reichert ad daughter Miss Violet of Kitchener were guests on Sunday with their nephew Carl Oakley. Mr. and Mrs. Jacic Cotteril and daughters of Port Elgin were Sun. day visitors with her parents Mr. and Mrs, Duncan McDonald. 11r. and Mrs. Ed. Matthews and son Raymond of Forest with Mrd. Alfred Lowry. tela•, and Mite. Chas. Bell and Mr. and Mrs. A. Bailey of Blyth were Sunday visitors with. Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Procter. The ladies ar'i sisters, 5frh, Robt. Henderson spent tete week -end with her son, William HTendersttn, druggist, Senithviile, Ont Robert McKinnon, and family et Btuevalc at Alex Armstrog, 7th Vitt ot Grey. Sirs. David Walker is visiting her brother Judge McFadden in Chat- ham. terns Emylene Pringle hes re.. turned home after a very pleasant Asa with friends in Denver, Conte ado, 1Word was received of the death of Donald McNeil, Flint, Mich., tie lived for a number of years on the 14th concession of Grey. He will be sadly missed by a ]urge number of friends and neighbors. Mr. And1•ew Tennant celebrated itis 02nd birthday last Wedneselea. along with Mrs, Robt. Dario and 1'Irs. Thos'. Miller, whose birthday were on the sante day, Mrs. Dark is a niece and Mrs, Miller a dangle ter -In-law, The birthday cake was decorated with 92 candles'. +Mw++H+•wsa DOTTY AND DAFFY A Lively Laughable Farce will be presented by Ethel Presbyterian Choir In Township Hall, Ethel FRIDAY, MAY 13th commencing at 8,15 p.m. Caste of Characters Hilda Johnston, Swedish maid Agnes Dundee Alfred Hopkins, English butler Ross Cunningham Molly O'MUllIgan, Irish Cook Ruth Dunbar Dorothy Travers, Phyllis older daughter, Myrle Bowes Daphne Travers, Phyll:s' younger daughter Jimmie Rand, In love with Dotty Calvin Kreuter Freddie Rand, In love with Daffy George Elliott Mrs. Phyllis Travers, an impetu- ous widow, Eizabeth Fear Paxton Belmont, a rich (?) widower Cliff Dunbar Jack Belmont, his son, Glen Eckmier Aunt' Hester Harley, who hates men, Viola Turnbull Hugh Rand, uncle to Jimmie and Freddie, Len 'Sinclair Admission -25c Children 15c If you can't laugh•.-.00n't come LOCAL. NEWS ITEIVIS Winners of Congoleum Rugs 51 . Nanton Thompson won the eongoleunr rug given away at 10 J' 1'IrTai'ish and flies Ethel Fox West the winner of the rug et D. A. Rann•s furniture store. Blyth 'Standard' Changes Hands "The Standard," Metclt has been Blyth's local newspaper for many years, changed hands last week, be- ing taken over by, Mr. F, Whitmore of Clinton, A. W. Robinson, who has 'been edtror for several years', 1s veering. Business men and rest - den's in general welcome Mr, Whit- r0re to town and hope for the sue - cess of his paper, —*—*— Coming To Brussels Madam Le Masurier permanent waving specalist of Toronto will be at the Queen's Hotel Brussels on Wednesday May nth for the pur- pose of permanent waving. Make your appointments early, phone 04 or 29. Ale the latest methods with or without electricity. Try our latest creation manbinel"ss wave open for business 9 a.m. One day" only. Annual Convention The Fourteenth Annual Conven- tion of the Huron Presbytery fur the Young People's Union will be held at the United Church Brum.- field on Saturday, May 14th. Rev, H. J, Mahoney will have charge- of the Commission Group and his terse wil lbs 'What is Sunday fore'' TI'-!; tree of the Sabbath. All young people are cordially invited to at tend the convention, "Mel-0-ro l" Borden's MelOrol is entirely dif- ferent from any other ice cream. Its made 10 a new way, packed 0 new way, even served u new way. 1: Is made in 1•irh individual pot Hons. All of a generous size, automatically wrapped right at the freezer. Tile epec:ial wrapper gives the utmost sanitary protece tion, reserving for you all its purity and satin -smooth texture. Sold at Grewar's exclusively in Brtlsitels. Insist on Borden's. Gas Stolen We are still receiving complaints about gas being stolen teem cats Mrs, G. Hartley, who has been visiting wth her mother, Mrs. W. 51 Sinclair, last week found one morning that the tank of her Packard car had been drained of 2t: gallons of gas. Apparently the thief was one who was aw'ar'e of tae tact that the car had been parked outside for the night. The guilty party is warned that punisbment is going to be swift and severe if the offense is repeated. No Judical Probe Into Quints' Guardianship Premier Mitchell Hepburn has an. flounced no judical investigation into tho guardianship of the fenious laionne quintuplets would be held, nor would there be any change of guardians. Oliva Dionne again loses bis fight for possession of his dau- ghters and control of their 3600,000 fortune. The announcement also stated that the edeleatiwn of the quints will be placed under the bi- lingual (l nglisherretkcltl section el' the deportment of education, and that Dr, Allan. Roy Defoe will re.. main as "supreme authority in all platters agertig the health at lee quintuplets," Atso the allowance to the Monte family of .3100 a Huron County Council to Meet '1•§r nest meeting of Iluran ('0urfy Cou11(11 will be held in the ('0unel (tenth ere. Court 11:1 Ilse, od en rxuunneneing Tured.ty. May 31st, 1936 et 2 p.m. All accounts, notices• of depute- ticus' and other business requring nttentlon should he iu the linnds ec ibo roomy clerk by May 2711i, J, :ll, Roberts, County Clerk, coloi'IPlt, Ont To Build' Grandst..nd Teeswater Agile ell eta l Society plans to build an olpen Permaalent grandstand eo acem:nmodate ap— proximetely 000 people, • The Soci- ety has a1aa arranged to have Iron, Ale, Dewan, Minister 01 Agricul- ture, open the 1938 fair, C. G. I• T. The Canadian Girls' in Training niet on the 'eyeing of May 10th in the basement of the Brussels United church. They opened with the president incharge by repeatin; the purpose. A very interesting talk on "First Aid" was then given by Nurse Russel, We closed with the singing of tap. ' Moon Eclipse May 14 A total eclipse of the moon will be vieeb1e on May 14tH aver the North and South Americas, Aus- tralia and the Pacific Ocean, accord. leg to advices published recently. The eclipse first, since July, 1935, will continue for 50 minutes, beg; t- ntng et. 3.13 a.m. E.S.T., according to calculation at Perkins Observa- tory, Ohio Wesleyan University. Paying Ex -Kaiser's Bills Adolf Hitler is paying the bills of former Kaiser Wilhelm, of Germany and an accountant goes to Doorn, Holland, where the ex -ruler is in ex- ile and checks all bills every week. All the kaiser awns in Germany is sand waste and forest land from which there is very little income. he has to be su.bsized for his house. hold expenses, CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neigllboi•5 for their many kindnesses shown and sympathy expressed at the time of tate illness and subse einem death 0f Mrs. Sharpe. Also Rev, W. A. Williams, L. W. LcktnIee for the solo ' "City Four Square' sang at the funeral, the flower bearers and for the many beautiful floral tribtttes, ai1 of which was much appreciated, Walter Sharp Mies Rebecca Sherrie NOW IS THE TIME To get your Pinapples this. week and next they will be at their best, Buy then at Grower's, jou in with your neighborhood buy a case, all the pines Grower's will have will be cltoic'e quality. Buy your Bananas, Oranges, Leptons, New Cabbage, New talents, Leaf Lettuce at Grower's and you will be satiated because you have bought the batt e con buy. Cklsh and Carry. phw'one 5 A. Grewar We Sell For Less Consult Consul General Re Holland Bulbs Purchasers of Rower bulbs who may be desirous of seeming their bulbs direct from Holland are ad- vised to consttlt Consul General of the Netherlands, Room. 1103 Cl sale Buiklieg, 141(1 Stanley Street, Mann real. before acting upon any adver- tisc'anetit, es a few unreliable pe )pie in the Netherlands (Holland. 11'1 ng, ander various assumed 11511108 to advertise hoover bulbs iu Canadian papers, Those who previonsiy sent remittances to Hol- land have not received' their bulbs from theee mtreliable advertisers. Melville W. M. S. The May meeting of the W,M.S, of 5101v111,' (1111 fell Was held F t•htay a itern°on, with a good attondnnc,'. The Pres. ells. H. Parker presided, The Srriptere orals reed by Mas', A 11, lluritotlald and prayer was or. forted by .Hiss el, Hislop, ;Fuss 11rn.e Showell gave a splendid tenter 011 the Near Easi, Miss Gsruiss sang a solo which \'Ida much cujoytd The current, events were taken by Nies K, SIenzies, The ntoetup,• tensed by all repetC.. ing the ellepah llenedictioit, READ IT OR NOT 1 All blue-eyed flats ere deaf, brit all drat eats are not blue-eyed, he Farmers are Busy Seeding' May You En joyA Bum perCrop Obituary William H. Armstrong The funeral of the late William H. Arnlgtrong was held 011 Saturday afternoon from his' late residence when a large nuanber of friends and relatives gatehered. to pay their last respects, Mr, Armstrong who was in hes 713th year, was highly respect- ed by all who knew him and will be greatly missed, His wife prede- ceaser hiln by nineteen months, He is survived by three daugbters and four sons—Martha at Home; Mrs. Walter _ilesser, Palmerston and Gertrude to 'Windsor; Willard at home; Lawrence, Henry and Roy, all of Windsor, Many beautiful floral tributes bespoke their message of sympathy. The service was eon - duetted, at the home and cemetery by Rev. J. B. Townend of Knox United church, Belgrave. The pall -bearers were Gordon Walsh, Joe Holmes, James Michie, Edwin Armstrong, Oran Russell and Clar- ence Martin. Interment took place in Brussels cemetery. Robert Hamish After a two day Illness there pass- ed away at Listowel Hospital, May 4th, 1938, Robert Hamish (Bubhyt infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter MacFarlane, age 3 weeks' and 2 days. Besides his sorrowing par- ents, one sister Janet survives to mourn their loss. The funeral was held from tee hone of his garndparents, Mr, and Mrs'. Austin Raynerd, Service was conducted by Rev. J. H. Snell, Ethel, May Sth. Interment in Brussels cemetery. Pallbearers were Archie Jackiin, Glen Fraser, Bruce Helbein, Henry Ceiling. Like a wee tame birdie Flown from its neat Our child has entered The fold of the Blest With Christ his dear saviour Forever to be who said Stiffer little children To come unto me, Grey Twp. Council Minutes of Council meebing held May 7th, 1938, Minutes of last meeting weer read and approved en motion of Thos. Dougherty, second- ed by Leslie NIc'Hay. Moved by T. C. Wilson seconde•1 by Alex Alexander, that the assess. ment roll for 1938 be provisionally adopted anti that June 4th be.. Court of Revision on same. —Carried. Moved' by Leslie McKay seconded by T. C, Wilson, that all approved accounts be paid. —Carried, Moved by T. C. Wilson seconded by Thos. Dougherty that we do now adjourn to meet again on June 4t1, or at the call of the reeve. —'Carried, The following accounts were paid Wan. Elliott, sheep killed 18.00 Dept. of Health, lnsuliu 1,51 Clerk's Fees, Dickson Award, 3.00 3. II Fear, Mune Drains ,,....,,29,00 Dr. J, D. Colgnitoun, M.0.H, 75.00 Jelin Kreuter, assessor 125.00 Lewis Russell, relief ace. 1.77 13, E. P. C, office 6.59 Twp. Road Accounts 231,36 J. H. Fear, clerk, It Pays To Use The "Want Ads" Column Too many buyers, was the only conl1tleint a recent user of the Post "want ads" column had to say se to results the little 86c ad brought hint, ertywarde to live hundred husbe.ls of grail were sold, with buyers so npmerous that the adaertisea•'s only complent was he couldn't get itis Spring seeding done, for attending to she bneiness this little ad stirred Try an ad in The Pose, and be convinced that if you have some- thing saleable to seil it oil de the We realize these ,past few weeks have been busy ones, And many have been unable to get to town to reneav ,Wleer Brussels Post. We want you to favour this office and renew your Brussels Post during the next two week. YRu may Min a bag of sugar, bag of flour or a set of dishes, This is your last op- Po1•tunityl Prizes will 'be drawn on Saturday night at 9 P.M., May 21st, 'Be at Brussels for the draw. Names of prize winners will be announced in Brussels Post, The label on your paper will tell You when your subsnription expired, THE BRUSSELS POST Your Local Newspaper with all the News of the People You Know $1.50 PER YEAR Renew Your Subscription Today Ladies Softball Forms Executive Teeswater, May 9 Th -e first meeting of the South Bruce Ladies Soft Ball Association met in Teeswater with a representa- tive from the five teams present._ The following officers for t`e,eee„ were elected. Presdevi:—,112r- Merles Thornton Ripley Vice Pres.—Miss Marjory Ferris Tiverton Sec.-Treas.--Mise Vera Fox Brussels RepresentatIves:— Teeswater—Nan Ballagh Wingham Dorothy Templeman Rep1ey—Lillian Pension Tiverton—Noreue Caanlplbell Brussels—Rilzabetb Baeker Another meeting will be called in the near future to decide If other teams such as Wroxeter, Mildmay and Lucknow will be allowed to compete. If they are then the group will be Gelded into two sec- tions, Get behind your ream and cheer them to victory, WALTON Mr Joseph and Lorne Burns spent Sunda"y with friends' at Dublin, Ma's. Thos. Young has gone to Itve teeth her daughter Mrs, W. Dundas of 1lcKillop, Mrs, R. Harriston et Verdun Quebec is vlfeiting her sister Mrs. Earl Habkirk, of MOKillo,p, Mr. and Mrs. C. Meanie of Toron- to spent the week -end with the lattter's mother, Mrs. R. Livingston. Mr. and Mrs. D. Johnston, 4. S, Bnche.nan and Mrs'. S. IMcVittie visited the formers. seater at Stev- enelvllle, they also called on friends in New, York state. 'Miss 11,Pa.rgaret Habkirk who has been visiting in Verdun Queben bas returned' home. 'lir. and M's,' Shannon spent Sun- day with friends in Stratford, • The May meeting of the U. F. W. A. oil be held at the, home of Mrs. Wali, Leming on Wednesday, May 13th at 2 pm. -he Topic 'Rook Gardens and: Per. molal Borders'' to be taken by Mrs, Andrew 'Coutte and Mes, Joseph Campbell. Roil call to be answer- ed by "Verse od Nature's poetry:' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hendry from • Woodbridge and .Mr, and Mrs. James Hendry from Ooncood spent a ferny days with •M'r. and Mrs', Fred Rutledge recxantly. Vtstto'rs out of the village for the week -end Were: Mr. and Men Chas. Sellers and 1C9ay`.on with Mrs, Heorle, Heidelberg; bin', and Mrs. Fred Rutledge and son Leslie and Mos. Chas. Drager with tela- tives in Toronto, LAST CALL— Kindly send your Royal Yeast Cake Box fronts not later than May 25 and get tic each every one means, 10 votes. Roselle Burns, Walton. GREY Mr, M, Huffman, Mr, and Mss. R. Huffman and son Le Ray of 'Stmt. fore and Mrs. Austin Rayitard, Gree c;tteuded ahe Lunette' of their uncle% the late Henry Huffman, north III trick. Teeetvatef' til >\landay of tills week. tl