HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-12-18, Page 8WIDNES') 18t 20, Pi•r ha Goods 0. Display � UR fine new stock of Holiday Goods is now on display anda visit to our store Just now offers many sugges- tions for Christmas Gifts, 'and will solve many problem in tit the way of what to give. • Among the many lines we have are :— F TOILET SETS AND s; SEPARATE PIECES In Pearl on Amber Tortoise t' Shell, Ivory, Amberg and Eh - y anti; Perfumes and Toilet a Wile le, nd Coe -made Ma -d- ive (lift Seta of Toilet Pre- peratione for Ladies and Men. GiFT BOXED. STATIONERY 45i Some beautiful cabinets also Correspondence Cards :end Children's Stationery. WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PEN DESK SETS Also the Pocket Pei;s, many of which have matching au- tomatic Pen ids, and the New Colorings are most pleitsmg, s STOCK PATTERNS :tF• OF • CHINA including the New Bird of TF of i udsr• Pattern €.lso 1 rm- i2 o„e; Pattern. in the white and gold, and Scattered Rose Design. Many beautiful cup 0• and Saurr r-, and other fancy ,epieces 3 DUTCH SILVER •ee is very popular thi • year, mel • there are several new pieces at which we have never bad be 4= fore. t BRIDGE PENCILS rind other Leather Novelties, i= COUNTERS such as Key Retainers, Shop- s* AND PARTY PRIZES ping Lists, etc. s a Me+ to ett e;«;t;eleia;e;eteetie;elele;teete,i»;«;eteeett www;el . , ,»,•1 Beet -e net . Boxes of Fresh Chocolates a= FOR THE CHRISTMAS TRADE CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS POST CARDS s cal 2 LEATHER HAND BAGS THE MOST POPULAR OF THE SEASON'S NEW BOOKS and a wide choice of repi u1 at 85 cents each. Alsq Bok. ,for Girls, Books for Bops, 4 z, X Lots of Toys The day will seem more like Christmas if there are some Toys included with the other presents. We have a fine sel- ection of Dolls, Doll Car riages, Teddy Bears, Blocks, Toys, Airoplanes, Trair-a, Horses, Games and Picture Books, Gift Wrappings Silver and Gold Paper, Holly Wrapping Paper, White and Colored Tissue Paper, Tags, Seals and Enclosure Cards, Ill.dionzene and Tinsel Cord, elany Beautiful Things for Decorations, Dennison's Crepe Paper, Garland's, Red Wrea. ths, Tinsel, Hinoki Rope, Red Flowers, etc, E. R. _S1 V i i l -L .L 2ef Store hxsi¢ A Brussels United Church REV, A. W, AARKER..6r. P. M1NISTGR Sunday, Dee. 22nd Cirristmas.Jervices 11 a.m.—Publie Worship. Subject : "'The Christmas Rainbow" 3 p.m.—Sunday School Session. 7—A Christmas lYIuslea.l Service Prelude, lop to the World" Choir—Two Carols, "Come all ye Faith. fur and "The First Nowelr Solo "The Holy City" Miss Procter Choir "The Midnight Choir" Solo Mise A. Cardiff Duet "Flocks in the Field" Rev. and Mrs. Barker Male Choir Selected OFFERING Sulu "O little Town of Bethlehem" Miss Ruth Strachan Choir "The Shepherd's Vision" Solo Selected Miss Hingston Female Choir "Hark the Herald Angel Voices Sing" Solo "Silent Night" Mrs, Walker Choir "Hallelujah Chorus"' Benediction WEDDING RING Found. Owner of ring may have same by proving property. Reeve Baeker. QUANTITY of Oats for 'Sale. Phone 85.5. Quest Dobson, Ethel 27-V. WELL Bred Collie Pup For Sale; Black and tan. Apply to . Mac. McIntosh, Phone 55.6. 27 •; 1E -Battery Delco Plant with wire and all equipment in first class working Condition. Apply to Wm. Ziegler, Ethel. 24-tf t,` COMFORTABLE Frame House in a Ethel for Sale. Good new furnace garage, hard and sof* water, wired '=for hydro. Immediate possession. Apply to Wm. Ziegler, Ethel. 24-tf X 9 The Wingham Advance had the following personal relative to 1I Brussels Old Boy: Archie Ballan type, who has been on the staff of the Bank o£ Commerce here h:.n his removal has a sad flutter among the. fair sex, to whom his chive) rous courtesies were very apparent, and also in musical circles in which 1 a ability as a soloist were beet recognized. Christmas Mail Glazed shinny or fan• cy paper should not be used as an outside ripper when nailing Christmas Tamale, a: the stamps or customs de - t larations will not stick and the parcels may be . lost or delayedin iIiepatching. Mailing • t an early hour in the day would also assist in the speedy handling of the heavy j 'hristma: mails, and avoid the e c fu -ion that world otherwise oc- tur with a heavy volume of mail posted ted late in the afternoon. Per- on: calling at the registration wic- l:et avoid unnecessary delay if they would first buy ten -cent stamp ne- cessary to carry the registered let r and then proceed to the wicked to register the mail, Will Be Missed Druggist and Stationer been transferred to Hamilton and Local News Items Taxes Well Collected Hydro Was Off On monday, only some $500.43 Hydro blinked out For a few of taxes were unpaid when Tax minutes on Tue:.dey night, but It Collector McDowell, presented his Neon came on again. tax roll to the Council, Of this sum $200 is made up in small sums. Growing Bigger The Kincardine Review -Reporter has enlarged to eight columns pe' page, and ..appears in a new dress thereby g;viiee Editor J. J.- Hunter a great opportunity to increase the service of his splendid weekly. Rural Trustees' Elections Dec. 26 Hon, Geo. S. Henry Ontario nein' ister of highways and minister of education in the absence of Hon. G. H. Ferguson announced Inst Wednesday night that rural ratejay- ers must meet on December 26 thea year to elect their 1930 school tru- stees. The school law fixes ft c• date For the fourth Wednesday i" December which this years hap pens to be on Christmas Day. Engagement Announced Mrs. Herber* A. Sabine. "The date," London, Ontario, announ- ces the c ngttzemont of her d. igiiter, Glace Blanche, to Cameron Evans lenowl son of Mr. -and Mrs. Chas.. I,. Kneel. Galt, Ontario, the Mas iI t t-, take place the end of Dee metier. _lis Sabine has been a fre- quent 'visitor et the home of Frank Leal firs. Stretton. Funeral of the late Mr. Scott. The funeral of the lute Peter Peott sa' held on Thur0day fter- noon from the home of his on -in' 1:.w Feed ed I u1"hill. S• rt ice t the 1 ome was conducted by Jtev. F G. Fowler, 'jester of Melville Presby• trrun Church. Thr• pallbearers wore deceased's two sons. Brine and >: tart Scott, son-in-law, F. Bur- . ellen nephew, tew Norman ScottPictures Coming to Grand. The following pictures are booked brother-in-law, Will Brine, and J. for the Grand. Keep list for rotors D. WarwickInterment was mads' reference:— In Drueeels a r-metery. Among those December : from a distance who attended the December Angel : funeral were : Wm. Brine, Teron- g to• Norman Scott, Ottawa •; Cha: 28-24-25—Milton bills in `'The Lcrkie, Toronto ; H. J. Page, Mont Crash" teal ; 1lrs, Brine Scott end Miss 27-28—Capt. Lash, Jean, Toronto. 30 -31 -San. 1—Four Sons I Jan, Minor Locals. 8-4—Rough Riding Romance, roun,•il met Monday night. A Run Away Read • 11 the a'Ivertiamente, ,Saturday morning when Thos Only Tice more shopping days. of Ethe, turned his horse Chri t.nas is just"round the ear- Vodden,off the 9th con., onto the main St, ner. his steed became frightened of two One week from to -day is Christ ponies that boys were riding, and mus• upset him and breaking away from 1 These are the year's hor! :r the cutter in front of Dr. Warwick's data, The horse raced through town and Have you done your Christina. up over Tory Hill. The harness shopping? Trains was damaged. Mr. Vodden watt ns are running late from shaken up, being dragged for a the Beest. sure to give us your Christ distance. I e leas visitors. "Ruth Comes Home" { Sancti Claus will he with us be• Last Thursday evening the young fore we know it. People of the United Church pre- ; A number took in the Guelph rented the play "Ruth C'omcs ; Winter Fair last week. Home." at the Town Hall and drew *et your advts. in early fot a good crowd. During the evening The Post, This is our busy time. c well' Thank oodne.s taxes Muriel Michiel gave aIg are over -- rendered piano solo, and Miss Ruth new for the Christmas expenditure. Strachan gave a fine vocal solo. 'Get your skates sharpened up—• 'Tile Male Sextette also gave two ; indications point to a real geed numbers. Following was the east of; season ahead. characters in the play : Mrs, Wid- Heap in mind the date of the ener, Jessie Miller ; Ruth Carroll, Brussels Winter Chantauqua, Feb. Sadie Pierce ; Angeline Maloney, 21, 22, 24, 25, Leota Cardiff ; Petrack Maloney,; The Ontario Government by its Bertram Hemingway ; June' Wid- 13 per cant, tax per gallon of gas- ener, Margaret Downing ; Peter cline cleaned up $8,400,000 during Easton, Fred Glassier ; Garnet Wid- the pe..st year, ener, Jack Edgar ; Coleman Black- The schools in this vicinity will more, George Pierce ; Mrs, Lawlor, l close for the Christmas vacations Been Stephenson ; igen. Haven,' on Friday, December 20th, to open Harvey Stephenson. I on Thursday January 2nd. Winn, Second Place The finals in the oratorical con i test among Young People's So,iet ins, Huron Presbytery, were held in Wesley-W@Itis United Church Clinton. recently. Miss •NIargal e McLeod, I od, of Clinton was given first place for the young ladies and Mise Shaiekleton, of Ashfield circuit tie' sad. Mies McLeod s address un tl,c "League of Nations", was a mss terpieee and was delivered in ex cellent order,. In the young men' contest, Murray Grainger, of Bay field, won first place with the sub- ject, "Why go to Church?". George. Pierce, of Brussels, was given see end place. He delivered a fine ad- dress on "Choosing a Calling." 'l'h • winners were presented with :.ilvr r medals and the losers with bronze ones. Sills Coming in a Frank Packard Railroad Film "The Crash" is the intriguing rte well as forceful title of Milton Sills' latest First National starring Vehicle, which comes to the Grand Theatre on Monday and remain until after Christmas. It was adapt- ed from Frank Packard's widely read story of the lives of railroad end eonsfruction crews far away from the. large cities, called "The Wrecking Boss." The combination of star, story and' setting make "The Crash" one of the most pro• raising entertainments that has shown hese in some time, Thelma Todd, Willtam Demarest, Wade Boteler, Sylvia Ashton, Dewitt Jen• nings and a • number of others assist Sills in bringing life to the char- acters in Packard's story, They portray the picturesque characters that. are always he evidence when life is more or less in the "raw,' Almost the entire picture was film- ed around Truckee, California, the highest railroad junction in the world. Beside the usual comedy Felix the Gat will be seen in "Sure Lock Homes." THE BRUSSELS POST lir n.i 31, Sl It ;; 11 I Jt # it I, p# l .. 5`0.,'v,F V101 544, •Syrrt.91,'SS:rit1Yr-1ert it 1 i Jt A # I) l! fi A n �jj! 1r ( drttr. Jack is Twenty one �� TO -day. r ,y j Mats. is twenty^one today. Blit - lie has more than a man's years to his • credit: Ile lige one thousand dollars in the bank, It has grown' with tt practical mother's love, from the initial deposit of one dollar on the first Birthday twenty years ago Youth and age alike boat' witness to the' value - • or steadily building a Savings Bank Account., Your child as a depositor, will attain a higher ' standing,in,the "community, fancily, 01•, most important, in his own ostimati' ii. ()pen a sav- i.,gs Itccutlnt for the child. 'NHE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE ,r'R, w/dch,s amot9amared 'THE STANDARD BANK O1~ CANADA JI �A Crowded Out Making Recovery_ The last minute rush of advts. The Stratford Beacon Herald had have crowded out the report of tale the following personal :— Mr's, County Council for this week. It (Rev.) 0, W. Cosens leas returned will appear next week. I to her home, 76 Parkview Drive, Birthday Party. • 1 Lifter undergoing a serious opera, The annual birthdayart of the tion in Harper Hospital, T)etroi. party Her friends will be pleased to lean. "Little Stars" Mission Band of Mel- that she is making a satisfactory villa Presbyterian church will be held recovery. in the lecture room of the church• on Thursday evening of this week This Means You I at 8 o'clock. See advt. Make it a point to look at the label on your newspaper. The date Made a Splash printed after your name is the Last Thursday's London Free time when your subscription is due cl Press contained a two-page adver ' and should be paid promptly. i tisement of Wendell Holmes Boolt Promptness in meeting the small i sl op for Christmas shopping. A sum of a subscription payment' l� picture of Mr. Holmes adorns one saves the publisher much repetition VV, of the pages. Old friends are glad of detail bookkeeping, and the sub 1 to lee him progressing: scriber the annoyance of being Father Passes Away dunned for a little account. Our We are sorry to report the death Saturday. Didist was corrected last ' c,� of Geo. Ashton, sr., father of heft • Saturday. you receive credit? reth Ashton, former teacher hers, Christmas Concert. qfotgawotgateAeowofwtfowwoo, Christmas Giftsi, qdi which occurred at the home near The 'annual Christmas entertain- , C Fordwich on Tuesday morning. ))e. ment of the United Church Sunday ceased was a prominent farmer and School was held on Tuesday even- e suffered a stroke last Thursday. `ing in the Lecture room of the Minor Locals ' 1 Followin• the program Santa Claus Church, and drew a big crowd. This is renewal time for your fav Ott orite paper. distributed the presents and cand-'� p p � les to the kiddies The program �- e c c c cAgc c c c c Yardley's Old English Lavender Gift Sets For Ladies and Gentlemen Complete assortment to choose from Waterman Fountain Pen and Pencil Sets Eclipse Fountain Pen and Pencil Sets 3. t s The Warwick Gifts Worth While Each Gift daintily boxed for presentation 3: «s ai www :«;«" �. .,;»•« .,•.r,.•,4» ..;» ; %+:•...rrAo.».:aMM :»:::?«� Christmas Stationery Christmas Cards, Etc, 0 French ivory and Pearl and Amber Products Including Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, etc. Popular Bonk Reprints • By well known authors. Fine selection to choose from. - Ladies Purses Made from genuine leather and of latest design. Moir's Chocolates A fresh supply on hand In Christmas Packages Alien's DrugStore Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies Druggist and Stationer Brussels Fb fg 1�G a o 0 PG. The cold spell didn't help the follows : Hynin, "Hark the Herald' coal bins any. I Angels Sing" ; Prayer, Mr. Barker ; Christmas makes children of int Recitation, arguerite Henderson all—or it should do so, 1 and Jack Jamieson ; Solo, Je'o December has been a real good Speiran ; The Quarantine Army by old-fashioned winter so far 1 5 Primary boys; notion song, girls Sunday's freeze-up and small of Mrs. Proctor's class; solo, Mack snow storm helped the roads after Backer; The Fairies, 4 little bids of the thaw..i Mrs. Bell's class; play, "Christmas in Carbon monoxde is no respec.or other lands, by Miss Buchanan's of persons. Open the garage doors elass ; recitation, Jean Stephenson ; after you start the engine. Y Little Christmas Dandlesrl§ by• 6 i i , g Officers Installed t recitation, Ross Nichol; duet, Glen Last Thursday evening, D. D. G. end 'Lloyd Wheeler; play, Christmas 11. T. Fortune end his installing ea Child, Mrs. Davidson's class; recite- ticers, of Wroxeter, paid the West- tion, Isabel Lowe; Reindeer chorus, ern Star, I. O. O, F. en official 10 children; piano solo, Alice Pope; id u (ices : White Christmas, Mrs. Denman'a P. N. G.— W. Bell ; class; A letter from an old friend, N. 0,-0. Hemingway 1 Mrs. Lowry's class; solo, Miss Jessie V. G. —D. Kirkconnel i Straehan; Market Maids and Groc- Rec. Sec.—W. J. McCracken tz'y Clerks, by 10 girls and 10 boys Fin. Secy.—W. A. Williamson of MS's. McDonald's class; Tee Liv- Treas.—S. Wilton ing Christmas Tree (exercise) ; pan. Chaplain ---N. Chapman j tomine, Helen McAllister ; dialogue Warden—S. Wilton Hiring a servant, Mrs. Roses' Cease ; Conductor—R, Bowman ' Men's chorus, Mr. Barker's clase ; 1,, --idc Guard—W. Little Pantomine, Crowning the Queen visit and installed the following of- levtation Clye Campbell; play, GREY The following is the report of 5, S. No. 2, Grey for the fell term Classes examined in all subjects: -- Fifth Class—Alvin McDonald 72.2 ee. Jr. Fourth Class—Jack Turn• Lull '71.5%. Sr. II—Jean McDonald 81.1%; Bill Turnbull 61,1x/. Jr-. Primer—Helen Turnbull, very good. —Miss Elva J. Hemingway, Teacher. nowt Huron Co. Plowmen ANNUAL MEETING TIT Annual Meeting of Huron County Plow. ell will be held In the Town Egli. Brnapels, on Saturday, nt2 80 o pxiness Dofsetehmbar 21tst, will the electlon of organic, r. e meetthg Secretary's reort. �c Everybody cordiallyinvited tattend NM. SPEII President. L E. CARDIFF, tiearetarr. CAMPBELL.—In Brussels South, en Satnr• day, December 14th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell. a daughter. • DIED Mc\IICHAL(L—rn Moose Jaw Hospital, nu. Sunday, Dao, 8th, George McMichael, 10 his 80th SICIU4TON.—yornur. Grey township, on Saturday, December 1411,, Isabella Douglas, widow of the late James Houston, aged 70 years, 10 months and 11 levo. a1NT0II1..—In Morris township, on Sntur day, December 1411,. entre Elisabeth Stein widow of the Into Charles J. Hinton!, 111 be- 71st year. Farm for Sale The underelvned offers for sale that vole. able farm of150 acres known as the estate of the Tate John Sanders, being composed of Lots 22 and 28 In the70Eh Concession of Grey, ant1situated on n County Bichway, Farm In arat•clnes cultivation• well drained and all cleared except 7 "ores of hush e, mile front Ethel railway ,'tnWon : 11 • ntlIea from the vii. lags or Ethel, and 6 miler Aron, tn:1811 ls. Int. ntedla40 uaeseaefoo. P- oseeetl ve purchasers will entomuniente with It Pnn+tene, Barrister, Wingham, or Box No. 80, Ethel P 0. Outside: Guard—Jas. Thue11 Mrs. Parker's class ; recitation Lyle I°107alaln eatlee;Ielteeeleleeeltakeletelaietelec iffieleceeeitzetec'•w R. S. N. G.—R. Henderson . Hacks. I,. S. N. G.—W. Backer R. S. V. G.—R. J. Hoover L. S.V. G.-13, McIntyre R. S. S.—W. Clouse L. S. S —M. Lowe After a few short speeches, lunch was served. fi CRANBROOIC Chas, E. Raddatz and wif", of Detroit laevo gone to West Palm Beech, 020 Main St., Florida, for a the winter. Mr. Raddatz is an o'•1 Cranbrook boy. ...,.f,'.er✓"t1:4P4Cir.,,r ' X R Neilson's In i lb., si See We pipes They 'ft. e gs CIGARETTES ` .. 5`0.,'v,F V101 544, •Syrrt.91,'SS:rit1Yr-1ert a . n t of Good IN stn. v- 4 2. F t"s `Y, x .. 1Q Things Chocolates Almost at ':errYcot4,,t. i''5 5 'a -r-' i v+las Y9T Bulk Prices /]Rt � VI The /tome and Willard's JUST 1 lb. and 2 Ib. boxes our Bulk Candy SPECIAL • at 30c lb Pipes have some 'bargains la and a nice assortment, make a nice Christmas Christmas Wrapped Cigars THE BEST In 5's, 10's ez 25's These make a nice gift. In Christmas Wrapper TOBACCO • 1 lb. tins. Xmas wrapped ". All kinds of Fruits and Nuts All fresh Special City Bricks A 2 lb. Box Assorted Chocolates. See this 4 1.00 Dairy For Bridge, Afternoon Tea, Dinner or Evening Party, and as a Delight - ful Refreshment at 'all times. Tempting plain and (fancy flavors. W. A. GREWAR t4 11 till 5 Wishing All a joyous Christmas -tatztvextc-+etZ�:r astgmztenv Shopping days till Christmas are only 5 — a very short time in which to choose suitable gifts for those to be remembered. BUT LOOK ! This is the year to give "Things to Wear" and never before have we shown such an elaborate choice. GZiglr'.d`ule,m,.'^tPtv...e+6tgtgk'rt mvoc-; tet.'.lfftrnk l tdtE 'tEtHlr*tr'.7.drfaz 51 Suitable Gifts for the Whole Family and all Friends besides IOC'i`fi'd1 fF'q`,1`zSNOI3£xD1EtZlEtEi3"ia`o"h7 EYEIX°dt`d12t tt` I Stn•Y21'xttErE111"2411 i1101'21•dt2i.91G rb+a See our Display of Beautiful Fur Coats Dresses, Coats and Dressing Gowns Parasols, Purses Hosiery, Lingerie Gloves, Scarfs Handkerchiefs and Beautiful Linens Late Ship- ments of Men's Pine Overcoats' Boys Navy Stripe Suits (Nothing nicer for Xmas) Socks, Stockings Ties Scarfs Forsyth Shirts and' Neckwear New Silk Underwear For Men that, Everybody wants KING BROS. WINGHAM ONTARIO ,Aritsalla 7hbt2tl7oolta2tbt2rbtaiz alot3 tar larbmegomanlir taahrdieownitio t9arnatamaa n rri