HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-12-11, Page 8WEDNESDAY, DEC, 11th, 1029, '"'fitsiStr '.� rittrMaS;'eY eitt.. tier tai' -t tate etc -4.. 4s Christmas Goods On Display UR fine new stock of Holiday Goods is now on display kl and a visit to our store just now offers many sugges- tions for Christmas Gifts, and will solve many a problem in the way of what to give. Among the many lines we have are :— TOILET SETS AND SEPARATE PIECES In Pearl on Amber Tortoise Shell, Ivory, Amber, and Eb- oay Perfumes and Toilet WaLcaaand Commute, 'Yard - hers Gift Sets of 'Toilet Pre- peautions for Ladies and Men. STOCK PATTERNS OF CHINA Including the New Bird of Paradise Pattern, rn, klso Lim- oges in)o es Patterns s in the white and gold, and Scattered Rose Design. Slimy beautiful cups and Sau.er., and other fancy piecere DUTCH SILVER is very popular this year, and there are several new pieces which we have never had be • LEATHER fore. HAND BAGS 3 BRIDGE PENCILS rad other 'Leather Novelties, COUNTERS such as Key Retainers, Shop - AND PARTY PRIZES ping Lists, etc. Z «erect f ,a ease se ; ; •;tete; t -Se 4 ., r &,»»;w reerw r e- ;»;researreatt•• X i'»y; 15* 1. Boxes of Fresh Chocolates FOR THE CHRISTMAS TRADE 4 L CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS POST CARDS :? Lots of Toys Gift Wrappings 4 fi ez3 WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PEN DESK SETS Also the Pocket Pens, many of which have matching au- tomatic Pencils, and the New Colorings are most pleasing. GIFT BOXED STATIONERY Some beautiful cabinets also Correspondence Cards and Children's. Stationery. THE MOST POPULAR OF THE SEASON'S 41 to uu va Cu NEW BOOKS and a wide choice of reprints at 85 cents each. Also Books for Girls, Books;for B^ys, The day will seem more like Christmas if there are some Toys included with the other presents. We have a fine sel- ection of Doll, Doll Car- riages, Teddy Bears, Blocks, Toys, Airaplanes. Train, ;` Horses, Games and Picture Books. .=4 4, F ytC rhe Store «a4 z Silver and Gold Paper, Holly Wrapping Paper, White and Colored Tissue Paper, Tags, Seals and Enclosure Cards, fl bonzene and Tinsel Cord, Many Beautiful Things for Decorations, Dennison';; Crepe Paper, Garland's, Red Wrea- ths, Tinsel, Hinoki Rope, Red Flowers, etc. F. R. SMITH Druggist and Stationer =, Local News Items BrusselsUnitcd Church REV, A. W. BARKER. B. D. MINISTER Sunday, Dec. 15th 11 a.m,—Public Worship. Subject i "Tuning In with the Infinite" 3 p.m.—Sunday School Session, 7 pan.—Public Worship. Theme: "Are You Insured ?" Wednesday—Prayer Service —Choir rehearsal. Tuesday Erg, Dee. 17th The annual Christmas Program of the S. S. will be held. Everybody come ! a Sunday a eV Dee, 22nd rad Special Christmas Musical Program by the Choir. See program in another col- umn. • PIANO FOR SALE—Moderate sized grand in good condition. Price $50. Phone 45. 261 - FOR SALE—Three Drivers and 3 Cutters. Apply to W. A. Lowry, Riverside Garage, Brussels. 26-J. FOR SALE—Ayrshire Heifers 1 and two years old. Herdfully accred- ited.. W. F. Beirnes, Lot 32, Con. 4, Grey, Listowel R.R. 2. 26-1 12 Pigs, 5 Weeks Old For Sale. JI A. Nichol. Phone 42-23. 25 •2 A Few Choice Cows For Sale. Jas. Perrie, Phone 25-16, Lot 11, Con. 12, Grey. 25-2 15 -Battery Delco Plant with wire and all equipment in first class working condition. Apply to Wm. Ziegler, Ethel. 24-tf COMFORTABLE Frame House in Ethel for Sale. Good new furnace garage, hard and soft water, wired for hydro. Immediate possession. Tn BRUSSELS POST Ii 0 A P�n" * A It 1 t of Good �..,,,, . i � r � Conduct Your , t i Dignity A�falrs A - ABANK. lends positor. that is and establishes should ou money say ngs your financial and enable cial affairs TATE OF H 4 'THE wi•th OF COMMEBCIJ savings neoount dignity to the transaction of the de- It identifies him with an organisation known and respeoteil in the community, a contact which is invaluable , he at any, time desire counsel or advice matter's. Open a Bank of Commerce, account. It will help you to develop resources as nothing else can, you to conduct your personal fliian- with dignity.11 CANADIAN BANK COMMERCE e' s4 ,w,feh re amalgamated n STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Y 11, 4 0 j -' 1lit Christmas Wrapped Cigars THE BEST In 5's, BO's & 25's These make a nice gift. TOBACCO 1 lb. tins. Xmas wrapped Chautauqua Here The dates set for Brussels 4 -day Cht utauqua are Feb. 21, 22, 24, and 25/' and the program will be made up from the following numbers:—Dr. ' Tehyi Hsieh, noted Chinese diploma graduate of Cambridge, known as the I "Lloyd -George" of China, will lova ture on "Inside Light of Present-day China." "The Patsy' and "Give and Take", two of the most popular stage successes, will be prods:t ed by the Martin Erwin Players of Canada, under the direction of Ralph Martin Erwin. Everett S. Cutler, well- known concert tenor, and Marguer- ite Austin, distinguished British vio linist, head the Cutler -Austin Artists a real musical feature. The Petrie Novelty Quintette and Constance Neville -Johns have been secured as the big musical attraction of the second day The Petries are instru- mentalists and singers of widespread popularity and Miss Johns is a no table colouratura soprano who comes from 'far -away Australia. Mother Passes Away A press report from New Ham- burg, refers to the death of the mother of Arthur Herr, a former resident of Brussels :— Wilmot in February. Queen St. 500 -Club Quetta On Monday evening the Q St. 500 -Club met at the home of I,ae.' and Mrs. Armstrong, and a fine time was spent by all. Gut Truck Home Last week M. Yolleck, who had been to Toronto with his truck, was stalled at Stratford, but he went down on Tuesday and brought It home. The roads were all open then. Minor Locals Cars are running again. Only 11 more shopping days Chautauqua comes 131 February. All Taxes are due on Saturday. Christmas entertainments are Dov' plentiful for the season. The Bell Telephone gang are ho- ishing up their,work in town. `Council— meets next Monday evening to wind up the year's bus- iness. Apply to Wm. Ziegler, Ethel. 24-tf Township lost an old and highly O i esteemed resident and a link with You Can Help. the pioneer days was severed with The Post asks its readers to make the death at her home on the Hut.- these urthese columns their own to the ex- , on road, on Tuesday of Hannah II - tent of contributing social and, per- lingworth, widow of the late Wil-- sonal items which are of interest. If liam Kerr. The late Mrs. Herr was you have friends visiting you, there within three months of being 90 is no nicer compliment you can pay years of age. All of her life was nests than to take the trouble spent on the Huron Road. Deceas- your g to see that their names are menth: I ed was a daughter of the late Mr ed in the paper. : and Mrs. William Illingworth, and Christmas Music., was in her usual good health unto a few days ago, when she was I I On Sunday evening, Dec. 22nd, stricken with pneumonia. Mrs. Herr the choir of Brussels United Church was a member of St. James' Ang- will render the following praise ser- lican Church, and she was always vice—"Yuletide Memories" including; willing to help in all kinds of work Praise and Glory; The Prophecy; pertaining to the Church and t'i Bethlehem; The Shepherd's Vision; the welfare of the community in The Midnight Choir; The Guiding which she lived. She leaves four Star; Room for Thee and The Has sons, William, 'Lumsden, Sask. ; lalujah Chorus. Come and enjoy the Alfred, on the homestead ; Arthur. evening of Song. . , of New Hamburg, and Walter, at A Big Show. home. She is also survived by nine. On Friday and Saturday of this grand children, Illingworth, Hazel week the Grand Theatre giros the j and Evelyn Perr, of Lumsden ; 01- birgest 25c worth, as a Bisthtiav i iver and Robert Herr, Huron number as the Grand opened on Dec, Rand ; Harry, JJames, Laine and Marjorie Herr, New Hamburg. Thr. 13th, 1926. The feature will be Tom funeral was held from her Iate res. Mix and Tony in "Deadwood Coacil” idence, "Maple Grove Farm," on and besides the usual comedy, an December 6th, when a private fun extra comedy "Felix the Cat to erad was held, thence to St. James' "Pollytics" will be given and for Anglican Church for service at 2.30 good measure two fishing reels will m, Interment was made in the be given, showing the fishing that Parnily plot in St. James' cemetery, Northain Ontario produces._ These Huron Road. Her rector, Rev. J. H. pictures were taken by Government Taxes Due Tho IMlunicipal taxes are due on Saturday of this week. Better pay them early. Council Meets Mondiee. To close up the ycler's business Brussels Council will meet on Monday evening next. Was Elected Councillor At the Municieal Elections at Lietowel leer week J. A, Schinbeiu was elected to the Council Board. Arm n Two Pla e Broke A m in c s White down w ctown on Saturday Mrs. P'•rielift fell and broke her arm in two place.,. The streets were slippery tht day. Her many friends wish for a speedy recov- ery. Moved to Hamilton Archie Ballantyne, who has been the pail- year at W ine:harn with the Bank of Commerce, has been moved to one of the branches at Hamilton and ]eft for that city this week H spent the week -end with his mo • then in Brussels. "Roth Comes Home" A 3 -act dramatic farce entitled "Ruth Comes Home" will be present ed in the Town Hall, Brussel-. on Thursday, Dec. 12th, at 8 o'clock, The Male Sextette will also assist on the program, See advt. Entertained Choir Friday ev s mna of lest week, t Mrs. Wm. K,lvcv and M *S Mina entertained Melville Church Choir. A most enjoyable tinte was spent by all present., c'an'e„. anti contest., were indulged in, and a hearty lunch was served by the hostess. A vote of thanks wits giv. en Mrs, M.Kelvi'y for the vera pleasant time spent by all. Top -Notch Thriller of the Movies Is "The Haunted House"' What is heralded as the top- notch thriller of the screen comes to the Grand Theatre next Monday evening in"TheHaunted House," First National Comedy picture. While it is especially a comedy, the mystery element is not burlesqued and the menace is quite real. Also the strange characters are intrigu- ing —a mad doctor, -a somnambul- istic girl, mysterious nurse, a weird caretaker and so on. 'Specially de- vised settings were prepared for this picture which Benjamin Christ• ensen directed. Secret panels, my. sterious trap doors, queer rooms all sorts of paraphernallia for the development of a plot concerned with 'the search for hidden treasure in a spooky old dwelling on a high cliff overlooking the sea. Chester Conklin Thelma Todd, Larry Kent, Flo1+a,Ir'inch and othetalave in the cast Concert and Dance Brow' -I, Farmer's Club will hold their annual concert and dance, on Jan. 17, 1530 when a play entitled, "The Dust of the Earth", will be given. Stores Will Open • The stores in Brussels will be open for the Christmas trade, W noday, December 13th, Sat• urley, Dr -'ember 21st and Mon• day and Tuesday, December 23 and 24. Can You Believe The Alarm Clock? • larm -e T.),_r other day the old a clock went off with a bang, and the hes man jumped up, dresses, end beat it to the barn, and hitch- ed till the horses. When he got to the Post Office, no postal official r 1' was there, to hand out h mai! awayhe e: to wakethe ando g up Postmaster. The Postmaster er 1u -ed in a hurry when he heard a voice sty it is "211 minutes to 7'' and will the Postmaster, didn't get all £uesed up. Back to the pert office they went and "Bid" grabbed the mail, opened the safe and put in the registered mail aria waited for Mr. Busman to come hack from getting some passeng- ers on Tory Hill. The Busman saute back and said the people an on Tory Hill told him it wasn't 6 yet, And there you are —Every -1 nody up and no place to go, as the train goes out at 7 o'clock. Gets a Promotion The Aylmer Express refers to the promotion of W. E. Hanley,, Manager of the Royal Bank of that town, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Hanley, of Brussels, who has been promoted to Chatham, :—Much of the regret of the business men of } Aylmer and to this community at large, W. E. Hanley, the popular 1 and efficient manager of the Royal Bank, Aylmer, has received notice of his transfer to the managership of the Royal Bank at Chatham. This of course is a promotion, but the many customers of the bank will regret his removal. "Service" has been his motto, and the inter. ests of the Bank patron's always received prompt atttentielm Mr. Hanley assumed the management of the Aylmer Branch nearly ten years ago, corning to Aylmer from Rodney. He will be greatly missed a on the bowling green for he was • very enthusiastic bowler for the years has been. secretary -treasurer of the Aylmer Stanley Club. Mrs. ' Hanley will also be missed by a ' 'large circle of friends, and as a member of St. Paul's United Choir. Mr.I Hanley's successor will be B. 3.,Leach, of Grand Valley. Tho transfer is to be made 'in the near future, picture men and shows the camp o Scott Anent up near Hudson me Sioux 0 ]oak ut. Be sura . and make a point to be at the Grand either Fre day or Saturday night. Peter Scott ,Answers The Call. Early Tuesday morning Peter Scott passed to the Great Beyond after being bedfast for the past three weeks at the home of his dau- ghter, sirs. Fred Burchell. A little over three weeks ago Mrs. f-cott passed away suddenly. Deceased was born at liiu•purhey nearly 79 years ago and was the son of the late '411 and Mrs. Donald Scott, later residents of Brussels Inc many years. He learned the black- smith,ng with the late Sandy Stewart at Seaforth and somewhere Weald". 50 years ago came to Brus- sels anti started a blackernith shop, continuing same until some nine 1 years ago when he disposed of his shop. For many years be was also •associated with J. D. Warwick with horses and until this year was never without a race horse and last year had his famous trot- ter, "Battlegrace" at the Toronto Exhibition, In politics he was a staunch Liberal, and no one was in doubt for long when he stood on the political issues of the day. Some 47 years ago he was united in marriage to Margaret Brine, also of. Harpurhey and they at once carne to Brussels to reside and in the passing years was respected by all. A family orf three sons, (Brian, Toronto ; Stewart, Hamilton ; Cline Calgary;) and and one daughter, (Mrs. Fred. Burchell, of town) survive to hold .in loving memory a tether whose word was his bond and who held the respect of all. Mr. Scott is the last of his family The funeral will be held on Thurs- day afternoon from the home of his son-in-law, Fred Burchell at 2.30. A service will be conducted at 2 p. m., and interment will be made in the family plot in Brus- sels Cemetery. Pogson, had charge of the services. A Real Christmas Gift. The Post will be sent to any ad- dress in Canada to new subscribers from now to the end of 1930 for $2.00. Subscribe now nd get the• benedt of this ttolith. at would make a real Christmas gift for ab sent members of the family and one that would be appreciated through- out the whole year. • David Moore Passes Away The Rainy River Record had the following obituary of a former rgs• ident of Brussels : A former res- ident of Rainy River, in the person of David H. Moore, passsed away in the Regina Hospital. He was in his 47th year. The late Mr. Moore was born in Morris Twp. and came to Rainy River in 1908. During his four years residence in Rainy River he was employed as clerk with Mr. McQuarrie and Grimshaw in the Busy Corner store. For the past 1i years he hs been a resident of Rou- leau, Moose Jaw and Regina and at the time of his death was a bra ker for Sun Line Scales Corpora- tion. Funeral services were held on Monday afternoon from Westminis- ter United Church to Regina Cem- etery, Itev. A. D. McKenzie officiat' ing. The Co?runercial Travellers As- sociation and Brother Masons also took part in the funeral services. Deceased is survived by his widov; and one son, Maxwell. Two broth- ers; Robert, of Clairmont, Peace River. and James, of New Wesmin sisters, Mrs ister,B. C. and two s a Dr. . W. Knechtel, Souris, Man. and Mrs. D. A. McQuarrie, Rain. River, also survive. Mrs. McQuay rie, who attended the fun.arai at Regina returned home on Tuesday. • ,i .: oe .s la'( ., tna, , a 'scion: - glitgaiWiWAVAVAIOWAVAVOte,pktAlf," f'0 („' hris t a s Gifts e=e1Cliarfr 44, Yardley's Old English Lavender Gift Sets is For Ladies and Gentlemen o Complete assortment to .choose from ' Waterman s fountain Pen end Pencli Sets gldi. Eclipse fountain Pen and Pencil Sets ,=r t4,W » H4 t re.�..4 . , . + , 44.. S .4,i.,� 4 t4 ,� :H� 04:4 4 t _ .4 '! t The Marwick Gifts Orth While t t ._. , Each Gift daintily boxed for presentation ;f 3 ♦��� 4 i 44 3 HW H4,4H �4HMH♦,�W4��H H�MHr� v,�4�N�41IN Hi i4�H4`+i � �w �l.4H4>�4 f�f'�'R�f�h4.4.44 44•'4.4.4.� 4.?.4. 4.♦ ♦';h+ Christmas Stationery Christmas Cards, Etc. imw French Ivory and Pearl and Amber Products Including Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, etc. 17 b 1, p Popular Book Reprints By well known authors, Fine selection to choose from. b • 6 Ladies Purses Made from genuine leather and of latest design, Moir's Chocolates A fresh supply on hand In Christmas Packages Allen's Drug Store lirExclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies Druggist and Stationer l �B3ruussseelss tiV 1 Annual Christmas Entertainment, The annual Christmas entertain- ment of the `United Sunday School will be held next Tuesday evening, Dec. 17th in the school room. A very fine program is being prepared by the children. DIAD 25°14ARY —In Grey township. on wednesdny December 411, 1929, Robert hlennry, aged. 8, years, 1 month and 1 (ley. ROdtry 11' oentber 0th �aWllllam'Reip, bertson, in hie Uoth Year. BCOTT —In Brussels on Tne,day,;Deoember 1011'. Peter Scutt. in his 79th rear. a`:OTT —In Moll..worth on Friday, Deo. Oth, 1929, Catherine Eliza etownrt, widow of the late Peter eI Scott. ;raged 76 years, 7 ,nontlle and 4 days. Auction Sale. TI:URSDAY, DEC 1261,.—berm Stook, Im- p emento, oto., at Lot 0, Con, 4, Grey. Sale uureaorved et 1 o'clock. George C. Johnston, Proprietor; D Dl. Scott, Ana. IN HIDMORIAM TICRMIER,—In loving memory of our dear mother who passed [way 6 years ago— Dec. 4th, 1924, Jmpt when her life was happiest, 41uvt whop bar hopes were best, Qod crueller') rent.from these 'the loved To eternal rest. Friends may think we have forgotten When at times they sea us smite. But they little know the heartache whioh our smile hides all the while. sadly mle wrLFaed byRED AND Gin.10E W BIT1TIELD —In loving memory or Tens dole Whitfield, who passed away Demo. ember 14111,1927. Dearest father, bow we mise you, How our hearts ere filled with paint Oh, this world would ben Heaven Could wehear your voice again. Yon are gone but not forgotten, yenra rum never ansa the porn In the 11' -arta or those t -is, iota you Tln,thr day we ,Deet. again —Mao. W elIrrwLo AND FAMILY, zciwowmc,wwcwoiwawmcwmowoo,,:i C/irisimas Priccs - `' Exclusive q Caats t€'dt Vb Hudson Seal Persian Lamb ' tit Canad6ian Muskrat French Seal Save - $20.00 to $50.00 0c) on your purchase this Friday or Saturday. It will buy more Christmas Gifts. ' All Misses' and Women's Fur Trim- med Cloth Coats at Big Reductions Be sure to see our Fine Christmas Display throughout the store. KING 13RO - WI NGhIAM ONTARIO S v� , ,.. of Good re, � � i:m r'i. Things AT nigs The home Neilson's and Willard's Chocolates JUST IN In :5 lb., 1 Ib. and 2 lb' boxes • Almost at Bulk Prices See our Bulk Candy SPECIAL at 30c lb. Pipes 1 We have some bargains it pipes and a nice assortment. They make a nice Christmas gift. CIGARETTES ' In Christmas Wrapper Christmas Wrapped Cigars THE BEST In 5's, BO's & 25's These make a nice gift. TOBACCO 1 lb. tins. Xmas wrapped All kinds of Fruits and Nuts All fresh A 2a lbBox Assorted QL • Special Chocolates.. See this? 1 ®® cityDairy For Bridge, Afternoon Tea, Dinner L y or Evening Party, and as a Delight - fill Refreshment at all times. Brinks Tempting plain and. 'fancy flavors. W. A, GREWAR glitgaiWiWAVAVAIOWAVAVOte,pktAlf," f'0 („' hris t a s Gifts e=e1Cliarfr 44, Yardley's Old English Lavender Gift Sets is For Ladies and Gentlemen o Complete assortment to .choose from ' Waterman s fountain Pen end Pencli Sets gldi. Eclipse fountain Pen and Pencil Sets ,=r t4,W » H4 t re.�..4 . , . + , 44.. S .4,i.,� 4 t4 ,� :H� 04:4 4 t _ .4 '! t The Marwick Gifts Orth While t t ._. , Each Gift daintily boxed for presentation ;f 3 ♦��� 4 i 44 3 HW H4,4H �4HMH♦,�W4��H H�MHr� v,�4�N�41IN Hi i4�H4`+i � �w �l.4H4>�4 f�f'�'R�f�h4.4.44 44•'4.4.4.� 4.?.4. 4.♦ ♦';h+ Christmas Stationery Christmas Cards, Etc. imw French Ivory and Pearl and Amber Products Including Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, etc. 17 b 1, p Popular Book Reprints By well known authors, Fine selection to choose from. b • 6 Ladies Purses Made from genuine leather and of latest design, Moir's Chocolates A fresh supply on hand In Christmas Packages Allen's Drug Store lirExclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies Druggist and Stationer l �B3ruussseelss tiV 1 Annual Christmas Entertainment, The annual Christmas entertain- ment of the `United Sunday School will be held next Tuesday evening, Dec. 17th in the school room. A very fine program is being prepared by the children. DIAD 25°14ARY —In Grey township. on wednesdny December 411, 1929, Robert hlennry, aged. 8, years, 1 month and 1 (ley. ROdtry 11' oentber 0th �aWllllam'Reip, bertson, in hie Uoth Year. BCOTT —In Brussels on Tne,day,;Deoember 1011'. Peter Scutt. in his 79th rear. a`:OTT —In Moll..worth on Friday, Deo. Oth, 1929, Catherine Eliza etownrt, widow of the late Peter eI Scott. ;raged 76 years, 7 ,nontlle and 4 days. Auction Sale. TI:URSDAY, DEC 1261,.—berm Stook, Im- p emento, oto., at Lot 0, Con, 4, Grey. Sale uureaorved et 1 o'clock. George C. Johnston, Proprietor; D Dl. Scott, Ana. IN HIDMORIAM TICRMIER,—In loving memory of our dear mother who passed [way 6 years ago— Dec. 4th, 1924, Jmpt when her life was happiest, 41uvt whop bar hopes were best, Qod crueller') rent.from these 'the loved To eternal rest. Friends may think we have forgotten When at times they sea us smite. But they little know the heartache whioh our smile hides all the while. sadly mle wrLFaed byRED AND Gin.10E W BIT1TIELD —In loving memory or Tens dole Whitfield, who passed away Demo. ember 14111,1927. Dearest father, bow we mise you, How our hearts ere filled with paint Oh, this world would ben Heaven Could wehear your voice again. Yon are gone but not forgotten, yenra rum never ansa the porn In the 11' -arta or those t -is, iota you Tln,thr day we ,Deet. again —Mao. W elIrrwLo AND FAMILY, zciwowmc,wwcwoiwawmcwmowoo,,:i C/irisimas Priccs - `' Exclusive q Caats t€'dt Vb Hudson Seal Persian Lamb ' tit Canad6ian Muskrat French Seal Save - $20.00 to $50.00 0c) on your purchase this Friday or Saturday. It will buy more Christmas Gifts. ' All Misses' and Women's Fur Trim- med Cloth Coats at Big Reductions Be sure to see our Fine Christmas Display throughout the store. KING 13RO - WI NGhIAM ONTARIO S v� , ,..