HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-12-11, Page 7FEATHERSI
Highest market price
paid for Feathers
M. Yollick
Place Your Insurance
W..1S0 Scut
Automobile - fire - Life
Phone No;1. Brussels.
11, wrozismomoar
Debts Collected
We Collect Accounts, ccounta, Notes and
Judgments anywhere and every -
Where. No collection, na charge.
Write us today for particulars.
Canadian Creditors' .
Assr n
1'os'1 Office Box 951, Owen Sound
Physician and Surgeon
Office Mckelvey Block, Bruasele
Successor to Dr. White
Phone 46.
T. T. M' RAE
M. 8.. M. 0. P., d S. O.
U. 0. 8,, Village of Brussels.
Physician, Burgeon, A000nchenr
Office at residence, opposite Mely lila Ohareh
William street.
Honor graduate of the Ontario Vaterla
College. Day and night calls, Onoe oppo
Along Mill, Ethel.
W'. d,7. !r.nec t ►zi
.Licensed Auctioneer for the Counts
of Huron. Sales attended to in all
parts of the county. Satisfaction
Guaranteed, or no pay. Orders left
at The Post promptly attended so
Belgrave Post Office.
Brussels, 15-13. North Huron, 16-620
Licensed Auctioneer
:lr or reference consult any pecan
whose sale I have officiatd at.
61 'Craig Street, LONDON
Ethel, Ont.
Conveyance, Commissioner and C. J.
Agent for
The Imperial Life Assurance Co....of
Ocean Accident Guarantee Corpora.
tion, Limited
Accident Insurance, Automobile In-
slerance, Plate Glass Insurance, etc.
Phone 2225 Ethel, Ont.
hoot Hoick Mutual Fire Insurance employ
Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance
between the clenched teeth. The man
moaned, breathing heavily, but made
no other sound while West sla5lled
at the cords lashing his limbs, finally
treeing them' entirely, Not until this
had-. been accomplished did be pause
tong enough to este questions, •
"There; that's the last. Now, .who
are you—Sexton?"
"Yes, .air," weakly, and in a mere
whisper, "an' I know yer voice, sir.
Thank God, yer found me, sir."
"I was
t a bit of luck; but we'll talk
thatsover later. Now we've got to get
out of here. Can you walk?" •
"1 don't know, sir; after a fashion,
maybe, I' mighty Y u m ehty stiff and numb,
"Take it easy; work your legs up
and down like that; good, that will
restore the circulation. How long
have you been lying herer
"I don't know, sir," his voice
strengthening. "1 must !lave been hit,
the way my head aches. The first
thing 1 knew after I went into that
room with you, I was 'yin.' here In
the dark. I couldn't move or speak,
aa' it MIS so black, I kind of got
It into my head maybe I Was dead and
burled. le it hadn't been for my hear-
ing things—voices talking, and , all
that—•I guess I would have gone Near
Natty. Jtnybe 1 -didn't get everything
straight, sir, but one o' them fellows
was Hobart, wasn't he?" -
Yes; we walked right intD his trap,
The fellow who vane over to the table
and talked to us was Jim Hobart. He
knew me at first sight, and easily
guesaod What We were there for"
":•Ind was Miss Coolidge here, too,
"Yes, she Was: I had a talk with
her that has n,ixec1 nae all up, Sexton.
She seems to be hand In glove with
theee fellows. But how did you sus-
pect she was here?"
"1 heard her valve, sir; up there
somewhere, sir, soon atter 1 come to
my senses, elle and some man went
along outside. Stranded like be wns
mane her go with him. 1 con/diet
get much of whet teas said, but he
sure talked awful rough, an' she
'seemed to be ple'ndin' with him. They
wasn't there but just a minute. an'
then, s little inter, I Beard an automo-
bile start up."
"You have no idea how long ago
this was?"
"No, I ain't sir. I been lyra' here
about half dead, I guess, en' I don't
seem to have known anything after
that until those fellows come down
here with the lantern. Were they
stunting after you?'
"Yes; I outwitted them upstairs,
and jumped from a window. But that
Is enough talk now; w'e'lt go over the
whole affair when we are safely away
from this place. Now Is it? Do you
think you can navigate?
Sexton responded by getting slowly
to his feet, Fie trembled and was so
uncertain, as he attempted to grope
forward, that '{West grasped him firm.
ly, helping him slowly toward the
foot of the steps. The two crept up
the stairs cautiously, and surveyed
tate cluttered -up yard as best they
might In the dim light of the distant
treet lamp. It appeared entirely rhe.
erted, nor wns there any, evidence
hat the building above was occupied.
No doubt lights were burning within,
0t if so the shades roust have been
rime elosely, allowing no refleetion
o escape. No better opportunity for
vading notlee could be hoped for,
nd West, alert now to every chance,
made instant decision.
Money to Loan -for •
The industrial Mortgage & Trust Company t
on First-otass Farm Mortgages
Phone i8 Boz 1 Turnberry Street, Br vr, ala b
Cream Grading
We are now prepared to Grade your Cream honesrly,
gather it twice a week and, deliver at our Creamery each day
we lift it. We gather with covered truck to keep sun off it.
We pay a premium of 1 cent per ib. butter fat for
Specials over that of No. 1 grade, and 3 cents per ib. bat-
ter -fah for No 1 grade over that of No. 2 grade.
The basic principle of the improvement in the quality
of Ontario butter Is the elimination of second and off grade
cream. This may be accomplished by paying the producer
of good tr am a better price Per pound o
f butter -fat
is paid to the produeers of poor cream. We solicit your
patronage and co-operation for better market.
lmijsr«We will loan you a can.
See our Agent, T. C. MCCALL,
or Phone 2310, Brussel.,
The Seaforth Creamery
CORYR14HT 1922 by
"They are all inside. Creep along
behind that pile of lumber to where
you see the hole in the fence, I'll be
,just behind you. That's the way."
The narrow alley was much lighter,
yet still dark enough to conceal their
movements, as they clung close to the
deeper shadows, 'Except for an old
cart it was unoccupied, tate surface
covered with ashes; so packed as 'to
leave no trace of wheels. Ahead of
them at the end of
the only street lamp visible. Sexton.
by now largely recovered from hie
late experiences, broke Into a run,
with West following from
the Mimed',
fi media
lite neighborhood unseen. Suddenly
Sexton stumbled, but arose almost in•
etnntly to his feet again, grasping
something which gleamed like sliver
in his hand.
"19otfur you?"' i t, are yo ?"asked 'Wast
"No; what's this I found?"
The other took It impatiently.
"What Is itT, Why e small pocket
knife, of course. Come on, marl.; don't
stand mooning there," He slipped the
article carelessly into his pocket.
"Where are you going?" Sexton
panted, endeavoring to keep beside
him. "Have you anything planned
"Not very much; Milwaukee avenue
first. There is sure to be an all-night
restaurant somewhere in sight. Tele-
phone for a taxi, don't dare to risk a
street car, we both look too tough."
"Suppose they will follow us?"
"Hardly; they will have no idea
which way we went, or how long we'll
'I'II Be Just Behind You."
have been gone. Once we turn off this
street, we'll be safe enough."
It was considerably past midnight
when the two men finally reached the
University club; they had lunched at
an all'night restaurant, washed and
010de themselves as presentable as
possible, yet were hardly recognizable
as they entered the club lobby. Neith-
er possessed a hat; Sexton was in his
shirt sleeves, while West's coat clung
to him in rngs. Without waiting to ex-
plain anything to the servant in
charge, except to state briefly that
Sexton would be his guest for the
night, the captain hurried lute the
Whiting elevator, and accompanied by
his companion, ascended to his apart-
ment above.
The reaction from the excitement
' of the evening left Sexton dull and
drowsy once he felt secure from any
possible danger. His only desire was
to Ile quiet, and forget. Stretched
out on a comfortable lounge, he fell
asleep almost Instantly, malting no ef-
fort even to remove his clothes. West
was of a different temperament, his
Mind far too active to and el0ep pos-
sible. His only desire was to think,
Plan, decide upon some future course
of action, With mind busy, forgettul
of the very presence of his companion,
he indulged In it ba th, agnlu dressed
himself, end, lighting a cigar, settled
back into an easy chair to tight the
whole nut alone with himself.
The mystery confrmtting hint
peered more dIfllettlt of solution than
ever. He was more thoroughly con-
eIncod taut ever that Percival Coo-
lidge h bad been Iron n , h
murdered; at the
act had been committed either by Hn
buff himself, or under his diteetton
Ile possessed no proof, however, nor
could he figure nut n motive for the
001010. Who was tills Jim Hobart?
Was he In any way personally Inter-
ested in the fortune Left by Stephen
Coolidge? Or did he hold ;thy special
relationship with the murdered man?
;nope Important 51111, wioit peenller
influence did the fellow exert ever
the gill? Fiera was by for the deeper
mystery, the one that troubled hili
most, The others seemed possible of
explanation, but the sudden change In
Natalia .Caolldge was beyond all tin.
Sxeept In face, form, dress, outward
appearance, also no longer seemed t0
West as being the flume woman he
had formerly known. His original in-
ter'oat in Ilei 11a11 vanished; he bard
teamed to distrust and doubt 11Pt' sin•
eerity and truth. Beyond all question
she was openly playing an Important
part In this tragedy uudel' llobaz•t's
direction, but for the life of .hlrn he
could not figure out to whet end. Still
the very mystery of It had Its fascina-
tion. While he felt no longer any spe-
cial desire to Serve het', to further risk
Ids life In her cause, yet he expert.
'enced a fierce determination to learn
What all this really meant; to un•
cover the object these conspirators
had in view. If Natalie was Involved
It could not be helped, she would have
to suffer with the rest t
e , Iia own duty..
teas clear."
Yet how could he begin action?
What clew did he passers which could
be followed? Practically none.` Be-
fore morning, that saloon on Wray
street would unquestionably be de-
serted, except perhaps by its propri•
etor, and Mike would simply deny
everything. Two to s
thlll les
the police might have some
record of the fellow, might know his
favorite haunts, even be able to lo -
ate his next
c hiding place, It
not, the only hope remaining would
seem to be Natalie Coolidge. She
would undoubtedly returu to Pair.
lawn; was probably there already,
and, by shadowing icer, the where.
abouts of Hobart would surely be re-
sealed either 500001' 01' hater.
ISnt possibly there was n quicker
way to learn their purpose than by
thus seeking to finch either. If it was
the Coolidge fortune which was at
stake, why not endeavor to learn In
whose trust It was being held, and
what steps were being taken to safe-
guard it? Ile could explain the na-
ture of his interest to on attorney,
and be advised how to pr "'mad. Deter-
mined to take all three steps the first
thing next day, West rested back com-
fortably in the chair, already halt
asleep. One hand rested in his pocket,
and as Ids fingers tumbled some object
there, he suddenly recalled the knife
Sexton had found In the alley.
He drew the article forth curiously,
and looked at it under the glow of
the electric light—it was a small
silver -handled penknife, such as a
lady might carry, a rather strange
thing to be discovered In a dirt alley
back of Wray street. The incongruity
struck hem forcibly, and he sat up,
wide awake once more, seeking for
some mark of identification on the
polished handle. There was none, not
an inscription of any kind, but be
noted that the single slender blade did
not at closely down into its place.
He opened it idly to learn the cause
—beneath appeared the white gleam
of tightly folded paper.
What the Telephone Taid.
All West's indifference vanished In-
stantly. Re had to pry the paper out,
SO closely had it been wedged in be.
neath the closed blade, and it re-
quired a moment In which to straight-
traighten It out so that the writing was dis-
cernible. Even taro the marks were
SO faint, and minute, he could not
really decipher them until he made
use of a magnifYlrtg glass lying on
the desk. A woman's hand, using a
pencil, had bastily inscribed the
words on a scrap of common paper,
apparently torn from some book—the
Inspiration of an instant, perhaps a
sudden hope born of desperation.' He
fairly had to dig the words out, letter
by letter, copying therm on an old en-
velope until he had the message corm
plete: "Please notify police to search
Semloole quick."
West read this over, word by word,
again and again. What did It mean?
Did it mean anything? Had it any
possible connection with the case in
whch he was interested? There was
no signature, nothing to guide hint;
yet in some way the plea sounded
real, was a cry of distress. an appeal
for help. It could be given no other
meaning, yet how long had It been
lying there In the alley? Not any
great length of tine surely, for the
polished silver was far too conspicu-
oars to escape notice. It must have
been dropped during the night, within
a very short time of its discovery. But
what did the words signify? "Notify
police" was cheer enough, but "search
Seminole" meant nbsotutely nothing,
What 1008 "Seminole"—an apartnlent
house? A hotel? A saloon? Perhaps
the pollee would know; evidently the
writer so believed, or she would never
have used the name with such confi-
dence. A familiar Name to her, she
assumed that the pollee would have
no difficulty in instantly locating the
place meant. The haste with which
the message lad npparently been writ-
ten, Its short, sharp words, .bespoke
urgent need, the rnnscluusness of ins
mhrent peril, Plainly the writer had
used the only means at band in a hut,
pied desperate en'ort to gain assist•-
'The police," The request had been
o h. pollee r Why 1' Meld
for the 1mtil 511 la
1 ; then } not alPcttl
pollee? to thenot e7 Why n 1 take the note
now die l etly to ht ndgnnrters, and let
their help solve its mystery? At first
West besii'ated, yet a, •moment's
thnteght e.onviric0d 111111 this would be
Lite. logical cnuree to pursue, Ills ep•
peeling to the police need not: nee,
l!99aPlly hrvolve any disclosure rela-
tive to ,the Coolidge matter, Tie had
found this note accidentally to an al'
ReY M nartn*est f ektlod' r!
city; his being there need require IIE
special explanatien; he dill not tin..
dorstend Its monolog, and eansequent•
ly he placed It In their hands, Tilat,all
sounded natural enough, '
11e looked at Sexton, w'ho was sleep.
tug sabndly, and decided not to
OtYalten .the lienjust
had no • 1150
for his services est now ; the Qlty
halt was only a few blocks away, rind
he might not be out more than an
llnlm' himself, lie would leave a note
so that If by any chance he should be
delayed, Sexton 1voaid mnderstaud
what 11(1(1 occurl'ed. Ile scratched
this off hastily, Placed it 111 a eonsple-
nous place, and swiftly det)arted, tit
ter extinguishing the light. He was
no iang,er conscious of fatigue, or the
nein of bruises, his mind eager to
learn the meaning of this new die.
1t had been a quiet night at the City
Rail station, and West encountered
no difficulty In reaching the presence
of the lieutenant in charge. The officer
who had opened the door to the inner
office said rather doubtfully: '
"'This guy wants to see you person.
1111)', sir; he wouldn't talk to no one
"All right, Slavin; shut the door,
and rll hear what he has to say, What
Is it, my man?"
West explained swiftly and clearly,
his manner of speech, as well as his
its to who he was, evidently
making a favorable impression on his
listener. He took the note, spread 1t
out on the desk, and studied it care
Looks genuine enough," he con)•
mented at last, "but not very clear.
I don't know any place In this town
called. Seminole, Wnit a minute
though; perhaps one of the boys may
MVO an idea,"
He pressed a button on top of the
desk, and 1n response to the summons
a side door opened, and a man In
plain clothes entered.
"Yon rang, slrr
"Tes, McAdams; this gentleman
"Captain West, as I am a sinner 1"
he exclaimed. "Oee 1 but I am Mad to
see you, again, old man: Say. By
Gad: you don't remember ria."
"011, but I certainly do, Mac," and
West grasped the extended hand
heartily. "It's a devil of a surprise,
that's all. Saw you last at Brest, the
day you sailed for home. So this was
your job, sergeant?"
"Been with the department ever
since I was a kid. Pru me in grain
zlothes since I came back. Lieutenant,
this is Captain West, officer across the
pond with, the engineers; we were
buddies for about two months, What
was wanted, sir?"
"well, Captain West has just been
telling me a rather peculiar story, and
wanted some information I thought
perhaps you could give; you know the
old town right better than I do. First
0! all, do you recall any crook by the
name of Hobart—Sim Hobart?"
"Hobart'? Hobart? No, not orf hand,
1 don't. How old a man is he, Cap -
"Middle -aged, anyway; an active fel-
low enough, but his hair is quite gray."
"Do you know where he hangs out?"
"The last I saw of him was In a
saloon known as Mike's place over on
Wray street."
"Off Milwaukee; yes, I know. Mike is
a big Pole, but has never had any seri-
ous trouble so far as I know. How-
ever, being there Is no special rec-
ommendation to a guy, but I don't he-
lleve this man Hobart has been pulled
since I've been on the force."
"Look him up in the Index, Mac."
McAdams drew out a thick volume
front a nearby cabinet, and ran his
fingers awiftly down a long column
of names, Indexed under the letter
"I1." Suddenly he stopped, with an
"The lad is here all right—govern-
ment offense, fifteen years ago, third
"Tho Lad Is Here, Alf Right."
arrest ; snugged number 23113. Let's
look him up, and see if he is the
same man. Come over here, Captain."
"Is that the fellow?" he asked.
West studied the face seriously.
"Yes, 1 believe it is, Mac," he said
at length. "lie looks much older now,
hut those are his fentnres all right.
What was his game?"
"'Con: mostly, according to the rec-
ord; only one conviction though, two
Years In Detroit for using the malls
to defraud. Oh, yes, herr. is something
different, 'assault with intent to hill'—
sole dinned Next Wete,1A
the Master
Lo, the people of the earth do inc 'idornage.
am the herald of success for men, merchants,
manufacturers, municipalities and nations,
1 go forth to tell the world the message of
service and sound merchandise. And the world lis-
tens when 1 speak.
There was a day long ago, when by sheer
weight of superior merit, a business could rise above
the common level without me, but that day has
passed into oblivion.
For those who have used me as their servant
I have gathered untold m,iilions into their coffers.
1 Sell More Merchandise
per dollar of salary paid me than any other sales-
man on the face of the earth. The falbled lamp of
Aladdin never called to the service of its master
genii half so rich and powerful as 1 am, to the man
Who keeps me constantly on his payroll.
1 Hold the Business
of the seasons in the hollow of my hand, I com-
mand the legions of fashion, mold the styles and
lead the world Whithersoever 1 go. 1 drive unprin-
cipled business to cover, and sound the death -knell
of inferior mercllandie. Frauds are afraid of me be.
cause I march in the broad tight of day.
Whoever Makes Me
Their Servant
for life takes no chances on drawing down dividends
from my untold treasures bestowed with a lavish
1 have awakened and inspired nations, set
lions of men to fight the battles of freedom beyond
the seas and raised billions of dollars to foot the
bills. Nation's and kings pay me homage and the
business world bows at my feet.
I sow broad fields for you to reap a golden
Am Master Salesman at Your Service
1 Am Athertising
Waiting Your Command
The Post