HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-12-11, Page 1telestech$etel;tel.:eetetatelateleleteeteelal: t
�tt�,t$t�.ctG:k'!, Trt'r£,'F;•:G'tRr�ttT, t.,A,•N'Gt2t4�tQtGt�,r3
Stores Open
For the Christmas trade
Wednesday, Dec. 18
Saturday' Dec. 21
Monday, Dec. 23
and tP Christmas Eve
Chamber of Commerce
VOL,, 58 ,4 VO, z 6
zoo Per soman in advance
The Surrounding District
$EAFORTH Jas, A Edgar, Wirtgham, and
At the anual meeting of the
Alvin ad ar,
Sheaforth Tui Association, hold rn visitorstora attla tomo of ArnoldAl
couneil chamber the following gar.
officers were elected i President, ' Mrs.. Wm, Weir loft for Ot.tatv..
George R. McOar'tney ; vice -prose last week where she will spend the
dent, Russell H. Sproat ; secretary winter with her daughter, Mrs. Jae.
treasurer,• A. D, Sutherland , lir- Hartley.
eaters, J. Shannahan, Jas. Dick, J. Under• the auspices of the Women's
NI. Cardno, William Cudnnore, •J, Association, a aueceeeful. bazaar was
If. Daly, Alex. McLennan, C. Duns hold in the United Chirell on Frilly
gey, Samuel' Cudmoxo ; auditors, !afternoon,
Robert J. Beatty and 11, B, Goren John McNaughton, London, is
lock, The association staged two spending a few days at the home of
meets last year both of which his son, Stewart cNaug
ion in
were successful
and well attended,, Turnberry, having been called here
Considerable improvements were sluing to the delath of his brother,
made to the grounds and buildings. 'Duncan. McNaughton, Turnberre,
!lie association will co-operate vitb whose funeral took place here Satut
other leeai sporting clubs to eeleb- ,day afternoon.
rate Dominion Day here 1930: 1
WROXETER The annual Sunday School Cluist•
mas entertainment will be held .in
Mrs. R. Stocks is spending a week Knox Church, Crenbrook, on Fri-
in London. day, December, 20th.
Harry Allan, Brussels, was a San- The annual meeting of the W. if
day visitor at his home here. S, was held et the Manse on Wed
Miss Florence Hall has retuned nesday, Dee. 4th, with the President
from Kitcbener where she spent the Mrs. Williams, in the chair. The,
last six weeks. Scripture reading was given by Mrs
Geo. Evans. Mrs. D. Huether gave
irMaigisocteteletet€ttstclt et 01ftlei a reading and Mrs, Gordon Beek.,
" a� took the story from the Study Book,
The Annual se The following officers were elected
for the coming year: President, Mrs.
(Rev.) Williams ;1st Vice President
Mrs. H. Keys; 2nd Vice President,
Mrs. Jno. McNabb; Secretary, Mra,
Gordon Knight; Treasurer, Mrs, R.
Campbell; Supply Cam r
p pp Y Sec eta ty, Mrs. Id
Cameron; Horne Helper's Secretary,
Mrs. W. SmalIdon; Glad Tidings Sr.
cretary, Miss Jean 'Smalldon. A
and Entertainment hymn was sung and Mrs. Williams
closed the meeting with prayer.
of the v
6th there
On December Gth there passed
SUNDAY SCHOOL �y peacefully away, Mrs. P. C. Scott in
A her 76th year, She had been ailing ,
BRUSSELS for some time, •but the end mane,
, very suddenly at last. Mrs. Scott
Will be held on was the eldest daughter of the late '
Peter and Matilda Stewart, end was
r Q�+ gg p k born in North Gower, County of
! Ultt7 pr ��1 �, Dec. 11 C rleton; on May 2nd, 1854. teal
she was about 6 months old her fem-
ily moved west to what nets .hen
known as the Queens Bush and set-'
tled on a farm !about 4 miles wess •
of Listowel on the boundary be- I
tween Wallace and Etna, Shortly
Is being prepared consist- Pe softer her marriage in 1873 to thr. ;
Ing of Choruses, Dialogues e5 date Peter C. Scott, they moved out
Drills, ete. to Manitoba and settled on a far'
'close to the town of Neepawa. After
EVERYBODY WELCOME ° i tpioneering in the West for eleven
teiv A.dvertldensenfi
Veno or sera -Phone 45
Gaiters for sale—W. IP. 1Belrnes
Gorses o Pale -W A cwt-
o atr Lowry
(ut re -P' r ' o•
Iris e 1 e ,-rucks h rot
t to G h
U r xtrialonctrt Du a school1
reslpe !',elkar Beer,
Stores easo—Cion, et or
Chrlxtmas(onoiemr,—tultnoe scilicet e
Tree—Who ited
Christmas treentueaelsUti
f�(vletiona(onmert Vermeil—Union united Grey
(Arial/mt., gond It 4notti
tntrlatutne tint -•411.1.'r Or se More
(lln•18'111143 ericea--ging tiros.
Christmas—W. A. Giewer
Notlue to Oredlters—W in, nnttery' estate
ed away four yeers ago. Mrs. Scott
vees the mother of seven children of
whom only four remain: Reber-, of
Brussels; Mrs. Jno. Simpson 21 -
Sask.; Mrs, Jno. Fraser o`
Grey; nd Miss
Ethel at hone. Rev,
Mr, Hart, of the United Ohtani),
conducted the service and interment.
was made in the Molesworth come-
tery on Sunday afternoon.
The many friends in this district
of John F. Andrew, of thel2tlt
concession of Ashfield, will be
pleased to learn of his promotion
to the office of assistant deput:X
minister of agriculture for Alberta.
Mr. Andrew hes been lecturer on
animal husbandry and farm man
'agement in the Agricultural Col,
lege at Vermillion, Alberta, and
e official appointment, when the
lieutenant -governor and the min
ister of agriculture visited Vermil-
lion. Mr. Andrew will assume nls
new duties as soon as a succeesol
to him in the college can be secur-
ed. The appointment will necessit
!ate his removal to Edmonton. Mrs
Andrew is a Dungannon o w
young a
ratan, being a daughter of Mrs. Tre-
leraven and the late Samuel Tre-
-leaven, of Ashfield. Prior to hi*
going West, Mr. Andrew was dist-
; riot agricultural representative for
I.the County of Halton and later a
• lecturer in the 0. A. C. at Guelph
Miss Jean Clark is visiting with
her aunt, Mrs. James Mowbray, of
Miss Annie Ferguson, of Seaforth,;
spent the week end with friends in
Mrs. Thomas Clark, of Listowel is
visiting with her daughter, Mrs. A.
Mrs- Frank Neal of Peterboro is
visiting at the home of Mrs. Wil-
tiam Neai.
Miss Mary a y E, Mowbray visited
with Mrs. George Dickson of Sen- '
`forth recently.
Joseph and Mrs, Carter were
called to London on Sunday owing'
to the illness of their daughter.
Mrs. Dora. Holmes, teacher of the
junior department of Public School.
'spent the week end at her home in
Mrs. James Dennison, of Preston
spent a few days with her sister,
Mrs. George Dundas, of the late
concession of McKillop.
The Guild of St. George's Church
held their annual bazaar and supper'
in the A. 0. U. W. hall on Wednes
day afternoon of last week. 'l'he
hall was splendidly arranged for the'
occassion. The large display of
inncy work and home-m..de cooking
was most complimentary to the zeal
'and ability of the workers. A de-
licious and abundant supper was
serveda,from 4 to S p.nt. Although,
Considering the condition of the
`i eiat16tYSttevoisteteisnotsieteiel@t,:,tt+,tRl&tP.idr
THE 3 -ACT ys
Will' be presented by the Y.
P. S. of Brussels United
Church in the
�p )
At 8 O'clock.fil
Will assist in the program
Admission 35c and 15e
Rev, A, W. Barker, Geo. Pierce,
Pastor Y.P.S. Pres,
rurarar3tsraratmraT:3*21- rht21361012i
meseet4tetetetele.g 2y.e•Ztclet ientee
The Annaat
hristmas Concert R.
C S. S. No. . 8,re
E'A Will be held In
s¢ a�
t' Fulton's School
1 r�
Tuesday ev g, 111
VI Goocl program of Dialogues Aa
en g
Drills, etc. , g
Admission 10e 1,1
Ladies please bring Baskets e+
the wee ma,' hours when the party
dispersed leaving with the bride asci
groom their best wishes.
• Council winds up its year's bus.
iness on Monday next.
Reeve Henderson was attending
was attending County; Council at
Goderich last week.
The annual Sunday School Christ.
mas tree and entertainment will be
1 held at Ebenezer (Browntown) on
Friday evening, Dec. 20th. A fin,
program has been prepared and e
short play "Mix Well and Take."
See advt,
The pupils of S. S. No. 4, are
holding their annual
o gChristmas
entertainment on Friday, December
13th. A good program is being pry
pared by-thech a the
s cars Ke
w n
date in mind.
Death of William Robertson. --
On Monday morning about seven
o'clock the spirit of William Robert
son, a well-known resident of the.
1st line of Morris, took its flight,
after Iying in a semi-conscious
condition for two weeks following
a parsdytic stroke. Deceased was
born in E1ma Township almost 60
years ago and was the eldest son
of Mrs. Robertson and the late
David Robertson,of that township. •
ty- year -ago he was unit-
ed in marriage to Janet Menzies, of
Howick township, when he, moved
to Morris where he has since resid-
ed. Besides his 'wife he is survived
by three sons and three daughters, '
viz. ;--Harvey, Campbell and Don
aid, Morris ; Janet, Brussels, Gert.
rude, Guelph, and Elizabeth, at.
home. Another daughter, Agnes,
died in the fall of 1918. The furter
al takes place on Wednesdayr•ti'ter
noon and will be conducted by
Rev. Dr. Perri,, of Wingham. In•
tetra ent will be made in Blue -vale
Cemetery. ` 1
C. R. Coultes spent the week end
in Toronto.
:lir. and Mrs. Ketchebaw, of Galt,
visited with D. and Mrs, Scott.
Mrs, S. Cox, of Goderich, wee r
recent visitor with Mrs. 1trnnrl:et
Mrs. R. McRae of Londeelsoro'
spent the weekend with relative
Jim Brydges •of Detroit is visiting
with his parents, J. T. and Mrs.
Maitland Henry is at Guelph thio
week where he is -exhibiting s rwrp at •
the Fair,
' Mrs. Burke, of Toronto spent the'
week end with her parents, 3. and
Mrs. Anderson.
Mrs. Stewart Procter has return
ed home after spending awhile with
her sister in Detroit.
Mrs. Julia Scandrett is spending a
few weeks in Totronto with her
'daughter, Miss Corinne.
Mrs, R, C. McGowan of Blyth I
spent a couple of weekv With her
daughter, elm. C. R. Coultes. ( i
ew spent e
Stewart Procter nt a few dart'
in Toronto last week, attending the
United - Farmers' Convention.
' The banaar held by the L idles
Guild of Trinity church, Belgrave,
on Saturday afternoon was a fine
The I. h held h .d.
J'h 0. h I a euchre 1't
dance in the Foresters' Hall on Fri •
day evening. The prizes for most
games were captured by Miss Esther
isrydries and Harvey Black,
The regular meeting of the W.
M. S. of Knox 1Urtited Church rva s
held in the school room lrf the churcl,
on Thursday afternoon, Dee. Stn.
The meeting opened by sit .tor'
Hymn 304 followed- by the Ln+tl•.+
it unison. Aft r bur , ease
Prayer am,
and election of of ser, Mrs. James
Anderson led with prayer.Th stets,
of the Birth of Jesus w t• told by
'irs, Scelale after which Mies M
Wii,htmarn sang, Silent Night,Holy
Night"; Scripture 1 •s
J ht c son was taken
from Math-. 16, 18-20,by Mrs. 3.A. I
Geddes; devotional mnsaage wi. it.
'charge of Mrs, Jno.Coulte Sr.:
Study Leaflet "Oversteps News wore
'riven by the C. G. I. T. group fol.
lowed by
n rd t• et- by Mrs. Vincent•
Mrs. J's Wi ttmand Cate
M a. , ngl nn Mr
Proeter rendered a duet. Mrs
Wilkinson closed the meeting by .
prayer. Officers for the coming year
are: i 1i.
Han. President Mrs. C
C A -I
WSlklnso +Pre Iden A4a a
t t s. Ja
Berson; 1st Vice, Mrs. (Rev.) Scottie
2nd Vice, Mrs. Jno Coultes, Si.;
Secretary, Mrs, Jesse Wheeler; Tre-
asurer,Mrs. o Mill •
Jos. et- Mispiora
Monthly Secretary, Mrs.�Robt• Stone
house ; C. 5, and Finance, Mrs. If.
ee•etette steteleleseterte" r
line between Morris and Turnberry.
After selling the farm about six
years ago they retired to the village
ofMolesworth where Mr. Scott pees -
years, they came back to Ontario
rand purchased a farm about 3 miles
east of Bluevale on the boundary
Christmas Tree M 1 h
and Entertainment
Union - United - Church
Wednesday, Dec. 18th
at 8.15 p. m.
A splendid program consist-
onsisting of a short play, Dialogues,
Drills, Recitations and 'Music-
al Numbers.
Admission 25 & 10 cents.
A Hearty Welcome
Extended to All J
alor372t3ra'ton=:FJr natrai;7; r rl:; i misentena,eses
Will hold its annnal
Christmas Tree
and Entertainment
In Dunbar's Hail
Tuesday y Eu'rt Dec, lith
91 �
Good Program- of Dialogues
Drills, Songs, Ete.
ap Admission 25c
t-.''dYo/ra-9ratO1rOtOtR tallaratRi2ta01-3r31 OARDIM2t..
Players, Pianos
Tuned and Repaired
Satisfaction Assured
J. C. Blackstone
orders taken by
Walker & 131ack
hrist m as
Pud ding
•, t+s
Make sure of your
Suet by securing
your supply early.
Baeker rose
. t rrazataretremt l„tr t tr•e„tetca(;tgra.
Aa �
4 7i'
L Mas,
The Pupils of
Wtli hold their Annual Enter-
tainment on
friday CV llcc.l3th
at the Sehool .
A fine Program hos bees prepared
Admission 25. and 15c S
t �
h The Annual Christmas Enter-
tainment v 11 be held in RcaG
Duke's School I
S. S. No. 5, Grey I
Tuesday, Dec. 17 a i
at 8 p. m.
Come and hear the - Li
Old Fashioned Program pe
Admission 25e
be E
:ago raserSGar2;ee:; 2rsr3tY^tpcatsr2eertentsetsral
Christmas 5
Tho Sunday School of
• United Church
Will hold their Annual Christ-
mas Tree and Entertainment
• Friday ev'g, Dec. 2Ot
A good program is being pre-
pconsisting� musical
pared a m i al.
selections,dialogues, l
a so
a short play entitled.
Admission 25 and 15 cents
siteinti deeietenne eteeeseseeteeztezezeAR7tbtl
roads and the weather the patron}.ga'
was exceptionally good, the receipts
amounting to over
still a number of suitable Christmas
gift articles left unsold. These may
be seen at the home of Mrs. Smith
and Mrs. Humphries. The annual.
o f -
cerin wee held the following
m g
ternoon when the officers and work-
ers were deservedly .complimented
for their success of the past year,
appreciation was expressed fol ell'
those who in any way assisted to-
wards that success and the officers
were all re-elected to office.
A number of citizens are taking ,
in the Winter Fair at Guelph the, 1
The United Church Sunday 1
School entertainment will be hell I
on Thursday December 19th,
Mrs. M. Kreuter is able to be
out around again after being on
the sick Iist dor .the past seven
G. L. Kreuter, teller in the Banic
of Montreal, Haliburton, Ont„ has
returned after spending a while at
the home of his parents, M, and
Mrs. Kreuter, 1th con. He also cal •
led on friends in Hamilton and
No stir in municipal matters. f
The final council meeting of
1929 will be held on Monday, next ,
at Ethel.
Reecve Keys and Deputy Reeve1
Collins were at Goderich last week-
attending County Council.
The many friends of Mrs. Edd
wird Armstrong, a well-known 'es•
'ident of the 14th con. are sorry to I
hear of her serious illness.
The usual Christmas entertain'
nlent at Union United Church will -
he hell on Wednesday evening, Dec.
18th. See full program in' this is-
Next Tuesday evening, Dec. 17th'
Duke's School, No. 5, will hold
!their annual Christmas Concert,
Colne and hear the old fashioned ,
S. S. No. 5 are holding their an- j
nual Christmas Tree Concert int
Fulton s School house on
evening, Dec, 17th. A good pro-
gram is being preptared,
'rhe Post is sorry to report that
litter. James Houston, a well knows
resident of the lbtlt. con., took •1
y a
stroke1 of paralysis on Tuesday y
now lies in a critical condition.
S. S. No. 6, is holding its animas
Christmas enteatelin hent on Wed,
nesd.ay evening Dec. 18th. Ile idea
the usual progiitn a 2 -stet play "0
Didn't it Raft will be presented
t issue.
• civ his
See a t. in
Robert Mems!', it well-known re'
•rodent of the ninth concessi.tn, Lor
' tpw'erds of 36 years, passed away
last Wednesday afternoon in his 35th
year, He had been failing in health
for the past year, although dale to
bre +about until two days prior to h;s
death. Besides his wife, he is sut-
vived by three sons and two '(au••
editors, The funeral took place from
leis late home to Brussels cemetery
, en Friday afternoon,
On Friday evening, Dec. Gth, a-
bout 50 people gethered at the hone
of Mrs. Chess. A. McDonald when the
choir of Union United church
pre -
rented Mr. Stanley Wherry nee
witha miecelnn-
nus shower, Mr. and Mrs. Wherry
were requested to occupy two chairs,
while Mrs. Stanley Meehan and Mrs,
Alex. Speiran presented them with
ken. At e
a well filledclothes bas
the gopened were o ened and the cues
read out, Mrs. Wherry thanked the
montbors.of the choir for their kind-
ness ness in remembering and ex-
presing the wish that all would come
i'new her in their home,is
.iibeing far distant, t, All joined in
singing ".For She's a Jolly Good Fel
lone," The evening was pleasantly
spent in music; games, deemingtingg
'dards. •
t. Iter lunch was served, Lite
dancing and cards were resumed till
iieiiSelections -by S. 5, No. 8
under Miss Brodie.
r Drills, 1. r ill,
b • S. S. N . 10
J y o
1 r d
Wednesday, Acct 1gth
at 8 p, m. sharp
Prey "Santa's Toy Shop' S. eel
S. No, 10, under Miss D.
Da Play, "Mix Well and Stir" 1 el
Act Comedy, time 1 hr.
' 9X 1:liAR4_(.'•rPd4S 6A
9 P111 G, ant Stanley Spatrnr da
Jane Brant yr. Wm. Speira
BryceI 000,4y e `itaulep efxcttat Gu
Lola Ke, nedy kir Stanley Ip..1mm• ,gyp
tr Dir Peter Doake line. Dilworth A
• Mia Peter Ceske Mrs, Stan. nia^hxn !assn
Alice Witllama lora, Anda Lavery
Jitn Daalce WI,, �pai,
Pernn Alt
`X aria, ttlna Dara. (Sordon 4 pelrar,
5 - 01101, Diek Gerdgo Speiran
dos Leslie D1eDonala
Heid in Auditorium
• Admission 25e and 15e
4953`d, etiYretm7r"si3tih�i$?mrF-a`�i't`ui,d"tz7`iHteTndrzta"el
Wheeler; Supply Secretary, Mrs.
Chas. Campbell; Mission Band Sept
Mrs. Carl Procter; Baby B. Pr•'si •
• dent, Mrs. A. Vincent; Lit. end Lib-
rary Secretary, Mrs, Jas. Wightmr.n;
Press reporter, et- Mrs. Jos.
Associate Helper, per, Mrs. J. E. NIe('al-
rum; organist, Mrs. Jas. Wigh men;
•itssistant organist, Mrs. Jai Michie;
Auditors, Mrs. Jno, Coultes, Sr., Mrs
Inn, Stewart.
Miss Gertrude Armstrong of Wind
sor, is visiting with her parents, W.
11. and Mrs. Armstrong.
The Belgrave branch of the Wo-
men's Institute held their regular
meeting at the horn, of Mrs. Geo.
Procter. The meeting which was
well attended was in charge of the
President, Mrs. Carl Procter. Sever-
al ilctrls or business were dealt witn.
it was decided to put the Cook Book
in the hands of the printer at once
and they will be svnilable the middle
of the month it is expected. This
meeting concluded the copper con-
teet and the side captained by Mrs.
R. McRae, who gathered the small
coppers were the winners. A splen•
did paper was given by Mrs, W, Van
Calnp on the subject, "Music," A
report of the convention held at
Teesweter was given by the delegate
3lrs. C, Procter, was enjoyed by all.;
Luneh was seined by the hostess,
assisted -by Mrs. T. Taylor, Mrs. .T
Grigg and Mrs. W. VanCantp.
The Belgrave Farmers' Club held
a very enjoyable social evening at
the home of the president, A. Prod,
er, when there ',vas a good attend-
ance present. A short progrran tva.
given and consisted of instrumental
numbers on the piano by Mies Sera
Cole, it short address by the chair-
man, Carl Procter, solo by Miss Cela
Coulter, address by R. J. Scott, vio-
lin selection by John M. Coupes,
reading; by Mrs. Wright, Bojo by Jirs
Winters inters
n byMrs. 0. G.
Anderson, At the conclusion of the
program ogram the men held a short bust -
noes meeting. Ladies present decid•
ed to organize a U. -F. W. club and
the following officers were 'nioctt•11:
president, 13re, 0. Anderson; vice-
president, Mrs. C. R. Coultes; secre
KERR, Proprietor
:waitfor This One
Anon,! Christman Concert
S. Grey
Will be held in the School,
Wednesday eq, Dec, 18th F
� 4
A 2 -act play, "0 ,Didn't It
Rain" will be presented along
with an excellent program,
�°, Admission 25 cents
B Personal Paragraphs
Archie Balilantyne was home for
the week -ends.'"
D. M. Scott, of London, was in.
uowr1 fast week.
Mac Ferguson, of Toronto, was,
home for the week -end.
Mrs. Carrie Dunbar, of Milver-
ton, vias home for the week -end.
Rev. A. W. Barker was confined
to the house lest week with a heavy
se O
Alex. Coleman was in Toronto last
week combining business and plea-
se .• ' se
Reeve A. C. Becker attended the
County Council at Goderich. last .
Miss Int. Cunningham, R. N., is'
bt London nursin_ a friend follow-
ing an operation.
Harry Querin, of Toronto, wee a
; recent visitor at the home of Ins
parents on Thomas Street.
Miss Florence enc'McIntyre,g rof List-
owel, was a visitor at the home et
her brother, Councillor McIntyre
, last week.
Mrs. A. Strachan returned lase
Saturday from Calgary where she•
had been visiting her daughter, Mrs,
Cline Scott.
toy, :firs. S. Procter: committee,
llt J s. Michie. 1 uneh noes served
end a sot lel time enjoyed.
When fie hand caught in n. belt
in the meehinery at the Centralia
nriil on hiaturdey afternoon, Ken -
help S1mon aged 16 .
Srnt o
Centralia,ufered the loss
of ire
right arm et the Shoulder. The int•
jured lad was rushed to St. Jos-
eph's Hospital hare, where hie con
clition is reported as extremely crit..
-oil. When fellow -workmen eaw the
plight of the boy, they rushed to
his sistance, ind turned off the
power, but not before the army nasi
been torn from the socket. He wet
un,un.scious when renroerd to tits:
hospital. B, •ides the loss of pts
light arm, he sire ._uffcrrd
•cuts ;shout the body, head and left
shoulder. It is also feared thl,t. h
is suffering front internal injurius
3. and Mrs, Pepper from Seek-
atchewnn are at presetrt visiting
with old friends around here.
ens Mrs. Campbell, of T nn•
berry, visited with John Rutter.
We are pleased to report 14It. Hut-
ton is again gaining and hope he
will soon be around again, '
Roy • Sit tee . on returned home
with his sot- on Monday afternoon
afternoon having had him operated
on in London for a serious ear of
fection. Ho is now getting along
nicely '
James Elliott celebrated. his 94th
'birthday 'a few days ago. He is ens
joying fairly good health for a man
of his age, He was one of the env
1 settlers in these parts. D He is a
present visiting with his daughter',
Mts, A, E. McTavish, at Corrie.
Mies Cle. Co titer, hors T. Gear and
se se se
N. F. Gerry was a visitor at
Guelph with his daughter, Mrs.
Itierklinger, end also took in the -
Winter Fair.
Mrs, J. B. Nelson, returned to her
home at Peterboro last week after a
two week. vieit at the hone of no -
parents, T. C. end Mrs, McCall.
The meeting of the Huror, Pres-
bytery was held in the United
Church here on Tuesde.y afternoon
The ladies of the W. M. S. served
a hot fowl dinner but owing to the
bad condition of the roads then:
was nota very large attenclancp.
Duncan McNaughton of the 13
.Line passed away at his home Fri-
day morning. Deceased has not
i,een enjo-ring good health far
some time. He w .s about 68 year•,
of age and is survived by one dam.
ghter, :tics. Oliver Campbell an.t
two sons. Kenneth and Donald, of
The Ladies Aid and W. M. S. of
Knox a eai
y lrrian hitrc
held their
regular monthly meeting nn Thursday
at the home of Mrs. R. le Gamble
1 with a good etttendanee. The finan-
1 sial statement for the Ladies Aid
showed a good balance on hand of
rivet '��, 1, The officers for 1920 were
returned h
p argil:.n tt.in
u, The W. M.
5. gave a splendid report flit- the year
having held twelve regular meetingsi
white; were fall of interest, besides
:,pedal pl'rver Ineetirtgs. 7111, alloca-
tion of $110 was raised by free will of-
ferings, This year a "Home Holsters" '
Manch wits ergauized which gave a
good report. ()Meet for 1030 are:
President, ems, P. s. SlcIwen ; lab
vire prrsideut, Mrs P. D King; sec-
ond- vire pi Trident, this, (`•. Adams ;
secretary Mrs. l4ldrid Nichol ; as-
sistatit. secretary. Mts. . James Niel1-
ol ; treneuret, etre. 0. 3, Falconer ;
glad tidings secretary. Alias Hazel
Mundell ; home helperssectetery, Mee.
Jas. I?•llintl ; welcome and welfare,
Mrs, D. 1, if'alconer and Mrs, A. H.
Coombe supply seerrtalF MPs. Jno.
Mundell; press secretary, Miss Olive
Sent t ; organist, hliee Margaret thorn
Why Change Every Year
7, il•Iercen• Denholm, editor of the
• t lenheim Trebuto, believes that elm
, y stern of changing license plate on
automobiles chch year is unneees-
eery and redly, and adv ra
tes that.
the Department adopt the system in
vogue on the continent, where each
car is given t,: license plata wheat
turned out from the manufacturers
and thattubu
er remains n tains th
o lama
as long as it is in use. The fact that.
the tennual license 'has been paid ler
shown i rho n bY small discs.
tion bas a good deal to commend iti
ars it would eliminate the big coot
each year of issuing new plates