The Brussels Post, 1929-12-4, Page 7T E
• Highest market price
paid for Feathers
I M. YolJiek
�'rw'a!' '1'`�•ar
Place Your insur2arice
J4'. 1S. Scott
Automobile fire - Life
Debts Collected
We Collect Accounts, Notes and
Judgments anywhere, and every
where. No collection, ilo charge
Write us today for particulars,
Canadian Creditors' Ass'a
O e
ffl e BOX Ay'
x 1, Owen Souad
Physician and Surgeon
Y Block Brussel;
Succe aso to Dr. White
Phone 45.
T. T. M' RAE
M. B.. M. c P...0 .Y, O.
M. O. IL, Village of Brunela,
Pryaloian, Ynrgeon, decoa0holcr
Office at. rea,denee, oppoalte Melville Charob.
William street.
Eimer graduate of the Ontario Veserin
College, Dar and night calla. 01E0e43ppe
;'lour kiwi, Ethel. •-..-..�
[r..1flf. SIA°&'4711'
Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron. Sales attended to in aV
parts of the county. Satiefactios
Guaranteed, or no pay. Orders letee
at The Post promptly attended So
Belgaave Post Office.
Brussels, 15-13. North Huron, 15-62%
Licensed Auctioneer'
For reference consult any pewee,
whose sale I have officiatd at
61 Craig Street, LONDON
Ethel, Ont,
Conveyance, Commissioner and C. J.
Agent for
The Imperial Life Assurance Co....of
Ocean Accident Guarantee Corpora,
tion. Limited
Accident Insurance, Automobile In-
surance, Plate Glass Insurance, etc.
Phone 2225 Ethel, Ont.
Agent Hawick Mutual fire Insurance Comp,ny
Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Insurance
Money to Loan for
De industrial Mortgage & Trust Company
on Firet-class Farm. Mortgae;os
Phone 41 Box 1 Tnrnberry Street Br (eta
anere WAS nut a manure to lose, fie
knew that he n2uat choose quickly
wbrltever course he pursued. Any !n -
stand Hol1u-t might, recover con-
seioUsness and gain :teststance by a rap
on tile door; indeed hie eonfederetes
without might not wait for the siptlai.
The silence within, the length of time
(night arouse suspicious The Only'
chance lay In immediate action. Stanch
ing on the chair West found the win
dow had been securely nttlled ante
Pince, but tills ]lad been done s0 long
ego, 1t was g111te possible for him to
n'orlc the na11s loose, yet it required
all Ills strength to press up the
warped sash sufficiently far to enable
tm to
a vie
N outside. 1
e. It•a
( a
not encouraging. Evidently he was
upon the third floor, at the roue of the
building, looking down into a clut-
tered•11p back yard. Ins eyes could
scarcely dIstingu($1t .what was below,
s tile e ooh•e
gl[ umer of light acme
from a far -distant street lamp at the
end of an alley, the faint lays creep-
ing In through holes In the 101108. Yet
one black sit,tdew seamed to promise
the sloping roof of a shell fiteec•ilt' be-
low; but ("0821 (01(11 that to trent his
fall, It Was a desperate lent).
He stared into those uncertain
depths, endollooring to measure the
dlstanee (18 831e'(I by 117e 11322 tiug
Shalom-, of went lay hidden
below. Tent. the eminent he forgot nil
that o718 hehlnd 111111, Ida W11010 171111d
COIlee11t 11111 0(1 2111 the perils of so mad
blip Into the dark, The awakening
came .soddenly, the 010(11• Jerked from
beneath ills feet, his body hurled
backward. ile fell, gripping at the
window soat, so that he was 11 ng
against the support of 11 side wail
able to ('2 )1121 his feet, but not to wholly
ward( oft n ?lotoms blow, whiru tett
hhu sn1 .afhtg. 11(113' !einem:, Wiest
leaped fe,.Nnt•ti to grepp,l' web the
7lssailem. but leas (0,, lute, !Ioban
ruel10(1 1.11r•Pr out of reach of his 1(1(115
and rapped shnrl.ip on rite dont' 1(111101.
It olroned 1m:tautly, end big 311%4.,
closely fullone, by r,C' h(l Intim
pushed forward int, the room. \\'.'g7
11'JIS trapped, he'ipless; Due Man pitted
neatest three. He harked slowly x -'•n\
brushed hark the disheveled hair from
his eyes, watching them warily.
every animal instinct elect.
Duke tool; mo' comprehensive glance
at the Scene. (2t rhe overturned ,l'it r
the half -open window, the troupe,'
man crnudling motionless a _1111,21
the further wall. The 1118111517/8 of it
all was 1111110, anri his bar -rano train -
tug gave quiet insight as to the 11:11'2
he l8as to play. Ile spoke grittily ooh
Into the clerk of tine 11111 1,8111(0 11',0
an Order to 80010 0710 (10710811 117f1 tb"rv•;
then Shut the Boar and 10.81
'vest, its head l(onn'etl like n 11.111
about to charge, \Pest nn(lcrstn•14;
he was locked in to fight It ant -three
against one. I3obart was neln•ee..
to hin, his face swollen and red, hi,
eyes tigly slits. whit teeth snarling t'1'•
tween thin tips. The fellow laughed
sneeringly, OR 0010 glaures 11101.
"Nov we'll take rare of you, Cap•
tnin," he taunted, "Kevl'r mind hl"
gums, :11110; there's not n fond Tn
Wiles. of thous. Give (he gay what he
Is looking for. (tome on, you terriers2'
But Wes( dill not watt: There was
only one el •lice, and he took 11-th
Carry the fighting to then. Tie 11m1 no.
doubt of the emptinees of its gens.
and hurled one straight at 1l0 1.'9'»
head, leaping fnrwmll (11111 the 01'1.1'
elntehed in his hand straight at Bike.
who had 8(11 reply tine In fling tip one
hand 111 defense. The thrown hawrlantl
ml•s•'rl Rs mark by e narrow hush,
Cream Grading
, Means
We are DOW prepared to Grade your Creamho r
gather It twice a week and' deliver at or Creamery each (ay
we lift it. We gather with covered truck, to keep sun off it.
We pay a prernitim of 1 cent per lb, butter fat for
Specials over that of No. 1 grade, and 3 cents per lb. but-
ter-fal for No 1 grade over that of No, t grade.
The basic principle of the improvement In the quality
of Ontario butte(" is the elimination of Seeped and ofe grade
cream. '.Chis may be accomplished by paying the producer
of good (ream a better price per pound of butter -fat teem
is paid 10 the producers of poor cream, Wel
so i u
cit your
patronage and c0 -b erale
better market.
We will loan you a can,
See but Agent, T. C. MoCALL,
or Phone 2320, Brussels.
The Seaforth Creamery
COPYR101-1T (922 txJ
striking the wall neelnnl; 11210 ratting
clattering to the floor, but the other
broke through the big saloonkeeper's
guard, and sent 111m reeling M Ms
knees, a gush of blood reddening his
hair, Again and again West struck
him,_1h9vi1g him prone to the flee'
before the other two dragged him
away, wrestled the weapon from his
hand, and ("lased with him In a des-
perste death grapple,
1191st followed he never c0N(1 1`8•
late, Ile Stab mad with fury to light,
A mere anneal defending life with
every means at hand, eating Nothing
for elther wound or hurt so that he
out In the1
e7 d. Alike o wasf
out n
It, but the two grappling him fought
litre elisions, rough bar -room fight-
ighters, resorting to any tartlrs to disable
their opponent. Yet It was this tint
saved rami. ('razed ns 110 ryas, 11111(1ly
IIs hrnlnlwh r
1 ]ed
the fie re
straggle, his lung q•abling held sue
prem0-h(1 1(710w how to fight, re-
membered inetinetiwelt' every- trick and.
guard, Again and 8g11h, his elenehe(2
fist reeked Its mark, and slowly he
broke away from elm -thing hands, and
regainer] his feet. It ens a terrific
struggle, het lurk, as well as skill,
was with him. The next he knew, out
0f the red ruck, was that he had IIo•
hart by the throat, jammed ,tgal11111
the nail, with fingers clenched In the
throat. Then he sate the ether rose-
Ing, a dins 811111010es thing, that he
klekorl fit viciously. The boot mast
have landed, Any he was suddenly free
to 80(1310 the purple feet. fronting him,
and 111ng the helpless rocking body 3n
a huddled moss on the floor.
le (tens over with; he had won
breathing space, a chance to see what
was about 111m. Yet tint NITS all; The
fellow he had Melted was, already up,
(io113)10l from the p711n of the h10W,
but with load ryes glaring at him, Ho•
hart line struggled to his knees, curse
lair fiercely as he swept the blond out
of his eyes. They ((•01(1(1 both he on
hint again In a minute, more, desper-
ate 111811 ever, and the door was forked
-there was no chance thele. The
windol'! Ay! there was the window.
Relit P11111er Way, yet a chance; end
he was mel enough to take It. He
lenprd on tihe chair, and clambered
tip; Ile heard Emhart swear, and felt
the grip of a hand on his (iatngling
les; kicking himself free, and was ou
the leder. Hp never rooked below, or
took time to poise for the leap. Fleed-
less, despernte, scarcely realizing what
h0 was doing, be flung his body out
over th0 edge, and fell.
Under Cover.
J. sh"n roof 10129 below, and he
struck It. fortunately feet first, but
the sharp sleet of the b0ard5 sent
hum !turtling fnrl\ard over the edge
into n nlisrt'llaneuus pill, of boxes be
nettle his holly Snitlle (Term, of 1110
hard grimed. 110 Iny (hero dazed, the
breath knnrked ('wh001( out or hint
brrtisee. and western- mends whet -hes
he (('2124 dead or (Mee. tem. 1111 mo
nicht, 110 seolnarl 'p 31111e 1081 all roti
what had neenrred in that ttpperroonl,
or to tontprehend the necessity of Im-
mediate flight. All abort him was in-
tense sleekness, end, after the crash
of his fall, no sound broke the silence.
He (meld sec nothing, hear nothing
to mouse 3215 fltcultirs; his flesh quiv-
ered with intim, although he felt SUN'
nn hones were fractured, for he eoul4
wore both mels and legs freely,
while aft,r the first shock, his mini
returned to netivity, donllnnted by the
single ennviction that he must get
away from there before thou. men
('(u1d get down stairs,
lie eedenvnred to rise. 10111ng per -
tinily over In the effort, which failed.
but the movement, slight as It was,
left (111e hand dangling over an excava-
tion nt its right. llis finger's explored
the edge of this opening cautiously,
revealing a cellar (any lelttling down
into the basement The opening (las
Melt, sheet, mystellols, yet It was
hiding i iter• 111 0
1 e. I h' rel 1 1
_, 1 L c t( manage to
roll dn(\nl'h21.4
e i steps 8 Into those
depths below, he might bide there un•
keen, 1111111 he regained slleng331, until
the fit:cl effort of imranit had been
nhnntloned. Then' there might he a
(choice for 080(2310.
West grasl)ed the Iden ofent•ly
enough, Those fellows would he there
swiftly. of they 'forma 11101 gone they
would have no doubt hilt whet he
landed safely, anal had. made n get-
away. They would speech, of cn1rac,
pealt8p$ out Into the a11ey, hoping R . ho
might1 have been Injured, hitt it lvna
1111 11/11) probl1h1e (he) 100(11(1 1111014 to
,explons the rete , Even it they dirt,
he could snl•n2y creep 11141 801111 (1111'12
corner where he blight escape 11)-
R011117ttlOn, Anyw'ne, et'111111et1 Ry' 110
(vas, 11118 00110d 1110 000 end only
chance, Ile could not argue and de-
bate: 110 meet net.
111i rolled, over, ,al1U lowered itutunru
down 1»to the opening, locating the
half-dozen broken and rotted steps
with bis teat Ile made no attempt to
stand, but simply slid down, ftudlpg u
par daily eroded dear at the bottom,
the passngc way blocked by n litter,
the exalt stature of which could not
be det01onus's' In the darkness, With
soiue d1(lleulty, anti more then ever
conselous of his ntakeess, and the
pain of bruises, hr manu„ed to crawl,
over this plies 01' debris, and crogeh
down flintily in the ietense hlnc'kne5a
within. lie felt like 11 trammel rut
still gasping for breath, his body
quivering from exertion.
Yet his retreat had been hone too
rnpl1. The silence above was broken
by the creak or an opening door, the
sound of excited voices, and a 80(1002
gleamof light finding entrance
through the open eellar-way. West,
startled, crept back sero n corner,
every nerve µleek at approaching peril,
,�j1 1(1/4 f'1!lflif�(1IIfr
He Recognize-( Hc11r.'s Voice.
He. recognized Hobart's voice, as the
fellow plunged down the stops from
the flet floor out 11110 the yard.
' "'I'o h-], of ,oars0 he's Isere:" he
stunned. "fly (1-d, 11811, he dived
out bend Met; I sew hint. He'11 be
dead as a door mail now. Come on
Met that lantern, '1'ulsler. Where In
thunder Is the lathier --does any one
"You think he Iles on the roof?"
"l\'hy not? 'That's where he must
have struck, ain't it, Shorty? I don't
know, though; 1t is so steep he'd
most likely roll off. Here, you, let
me take that gllm. There's nothing,
]sere in these emcee, Ah, threes the
ladder; cli(0b up, Shorty, end see if
the guy Is stuck anywhere on the roof.
Go on! What are you afraid of; if
he's ttlpl'P, he's a stiff all right, be-
lieve nae."
Turner's voice, hoarse and rumbling,
enure back from above.
'There ain't (sonde' r -p here, Jim.
D -n ale, if I don't believe the cuss
got Glenn new,. Gee, but .11e was sure
n nervy jay. all right."
"Nosey? Crazy, you mean. But he
net•er took tint fall without hosting
snoetlling. The bird is lying about
here somewhere. You make sure he
ain't up there, Shorty."
"Well, he ain't; I kin see every inch
0' this roof. Perhaps he fell In be-
tween them barrels down there."
The two evidently searched three
0nghly, the rays of the lantern danc-
ing wildly shout, while H0111101 8111"
0ged3y nursed his enmpnnlnn, and re-
iterated his belief that no man could
take ileo phutge, and es0npe unhurt.
"It enmhle't be (1011(1, T tell you;
restyles lie veldt! ern\Il, Mit that would
be ell. \;'hy he went town head first;
1 01150 hint go out 01111 w1nd0w, and
Holt drop would d1180 8 Cat. S1ty,
Shorty, ntny1)8 the stiff dropped down
1.120 this rellarvrny. Let's take a
The light streamed in tbrowgh the
narrow opening, and Hobert Scram-
bled cautiously down the rotted steps,
West, drawing himself secueely buck
belied the pretectln» of his barrel,
sale the lantern thrust forward, and
a face behind It peering 1n the shad -
0508. The fellow did not advance.
into the room, but Hobart ilii, press-
ing his way roughly past. and stand-
ing there full in the glow of light,
staring (Mont Into the din shadows.
Ile evidently saw nothing to arouse
SUspleion, for tris voice \vas angry
with disgust,
"Not a (l -n sign here,` Shorty. It
100125 Bite the follow tnttyhe did get
away. But It heats Ise 110\x, There
ain't 210 place now for us to 10ok but
the alley."
"An' If he ain't there?"
"Then w'e'll hop this clump mighty
nide n I'm telling you. With
e,tn e It won't 1
t health for
M 1 m
hanging around Ilene"
"ire ain't gat the goods on you, has
"No, he nln't got tits scones, but he
Is dead wises to sortie things, and he
111dn't got oat of that shindy upst(lre
without getih1g 1)3181. He'll be sore
83! right, bud will 11711131( 1111 the h -I
h,' ren, It's safer lo 320831 out of the
"An' Mutt chant that other heel:,
lTr I}
f 1( won't 1.1
have hint
licked up, 1f this gi» gena the beefless
hail. to 31(lcpe a Took around bore,
'not ain't has style, Shorty; he
won't spiel nneelting to the eons ahoot
this row. 1To's en ex-80111ier, a r:tp-
3,1111, and hr's 111tt8 an the girl. Tint's
why he dipped Into thin lees••-•-tl;vlug
to x7100 )er-err? 5..11tyhe he won't he
421 ;cru newafter the Rana clad (lama
elle .gatvo 1415rWtiiltb'a, r5i. hall I
dined to think the gulp will drop out.
entirely, II -11 glad to get orf allve,
now he belleves she is as rotten AO
the rest or us, But I .eln't sure -may,
be be is do kind that sticks, That's
why I don't take any chances just
now. Things ain't quite ripe for a
.;et array -•-see?"
"Sure; she gave Mtn same straight
88t81.17.18 il
stsa'rs,iteeb yertg"
aoodiy 11k;ns,heI'st assomsemorwt
don't strike Me this guy is going to
bother her any more. I'11) figuring
that he's Out of It"
"But his partner?"
00h, • we'll leave 111m eomewhere
propped up against a door. Likely
bell never know what happened to
Moe or where. Ho 11111't notating to
he afraid of -just a butler with a
readied head, It's the other guy who
has got the brains. Come 0(1 let's
take a look out in the alley."
Their shadows vanlehed up the
stales, the glow of light disappearing,
and leaving the cellar In Impenetrable
darkness. West did not venture to
move, however, content to welt until
thoroughly nseured the way for es-
cape 181)8 Clear, Re had not learned
much from this conversation, except
to increase his convictions that a seri-
ens crime' was being consummated.
The full nature of this ennspiraey w11S
as obscure as ever; rendered even
more doubtful Indeed, by the fictive
pnrtteipatlon of Natalie Coolidge.
This was what puzzled and confused
hint the most. He could no longer
question her direct interest inh
atrair, or heir willingness to seeder
In overcooling his ef?orts. Leen with-
out the free testimony of the men
this fact was 5(11H010ntly clear. She
had deliberately lied to him. attempted
deceit, and then, when he refueed to
yield ld to her efforts, had so reported
to Hobart, and left hint to his fate.
It MIR manifestly impossible for him
to believe in her any longer. Yet what
could It all meats? holy could she hope
to benefit by Bach an assm'tuttort?
Why Could she thus shield the mur-
derers of Percival Coolidge? What
possible object ronld there be in the
eommtssinn of this cringe, except to
possession of her 01011 forta+e?
It ((1t.+ all mystery to Ilia 12(211(1, ,l ..,•,r
unanswerable question arising wher-
ever he looked.
What strange Iniluenee could this
elan Hobart exercise over the girl?
To West's judgment he was in no
way the sort of elan to appeal to Na.
tone Coolidge. Fle wax of a low, run-
ning order, with some degree of o11t-
ward polish, to be sure. yet inherently
tough, end exhibiting mitres of a
birthright which inlelth)y stamped
him of a social class far below her
own. Surely, she could not love the
fellow, yet unquestl0nahly he pos.
sessed a mysterious power over her,
difficult to explain through any other
hypothesis. If West had not known
the young woman under different con.
dltl0ns, he might have accepted this.
theory, and dismissed the W11010 Mat.
ter from mind. But it teas the buunt
Mg memory of that earlier Natalie
Coolidge, the mistress of Fairlawn,
which would not permit hls complete
surrender. She had seemed all the
his dream of womanhood carol for.
unconsciously, he had given her his
heart, and he could not tent. the re-
membrance from mind. There (vas
something wrong, terribly wrong;
wilat it was he had nn means of know-
ing, yet, there in the dark, he deter-
mined he (('odd know, winsid never be
content until he learned the whole
truth. All his hope, all his future, de-
pended on the answer.
Hobart and Turner were absent for
some little while; the sound of their
voicest•eased, hut the distant dicker
of the, lantern enabled }fest et trace
their progress up the Miey, end then
heck again. They returefel In 1121
plensnnt humor. mewl/ cell tint thele
expected victim had eaeape(1 sufoly.
hat made no further effort to 50nreh
the yard. West, ennfliient at tact that
the way leas clear. wriggled out from
his pinoe of 800001211neet behind the
berrel, and stood erect. lie fest
strou,rer now, and In less rain, ens-
vinetd that his injuries were in no 1
deeree serious. The devisees.. was so
cense he had to grope his way for -
4(21, anxious to make no noise which
light betray his presence.
In the intensity of the gloom, his
geese of direction failed, ticking him
somewhat further bath before Ile
itnnlly located the exact position of
those outer steps. Then ns he turned
abruptly, his foot came in contact
with an obstacle on the floor. L`or Inn
Instant he could not determine what
it was; then, with a thrill of horror,
he realized the presencee of a human
body. There was no sound, no move-
ment, and West drew hnc•it from con-
tnrt with the object, A riel:leg in
horror, Then he gripped himself
sternly -whoever, wbatever this was,
he nest know: Alive or dead he must
determine the truth, kin bent over,
f ilI
ng tient hands to the darkness
The flesh
was warner\v ,
it afi nn cold
corpse 11
l e r tnurhed but a living 1111 Mall
Being 2» ! lied like a mummy, un-
eble to move hand or foot, Tilem, es
Soddenly, his groping flingers, eager
now, discovered the cense of
eneh('l.-•4110 heron was gagged, cruelly
cogged, helpless to utter a 50nad.
The situation once realized, West
worked rep3dly. le this bound mita
was 8oxton, the quicker he enubl be
released the better. Hobart had al-
ready revenietT h!
sfans and p n 1 m[ght
appear at any moment for tine pur-
pose of executing them If escape was
In be achieved, tt tenet be (tecnm-
enshed at once. le the flarkerss hls
engem c0011 do nothing with the
!runt, 11(11 the sharp Made of n knife
'middy severed the twisted (210th, and
the knit was Instantly removed from
lOrmittausa Next Weal",
Lo, the people of the earth do me homage.
I am the herald of success for men, merchant*„
manufacturers, municipalities and nations.
I go forth to tell the world the message of
service and sound merchandise. And the world lis-
tens when I speak.
There was a day long ago, when by sheer
weight of superior merit, a business could rise above
the common level without me, but that day has
passed into oblivion.
For those who have used me as their servant
I have gathered untold millions into their coffers.
1 Sell More Merchandise
per dollar of salary paid me than any other sales-
man on the face of the earth. The fabled lamp of
Aladdin never called to the service of its master
genii half so rich and powerful as 1 am, to the man
who keeps me constantly on his payroll.
1 Hold the Business
of the seasons in the hollow of my hand, I com-
mand the legions of fashion, , mold the styles and
lead the world whithersoever I go. I drive unprin-
cipled business to cover, and sound the death -knell
of inferior merc'handlie. Frauds are afraso of me be-
cause I march in the broad light of day.
hoever Makes Me
Their Serva t
for life takes no chances on drawing down dividends
from my untold treasures bestowed with a lavish
1 have awakened and inspired nations, set mil-
lions of men to fight the battles of freedom beyond
the seas and raised billions of dollars to foot the
bills. Nation's and kings pay me homage and the
business world bows at my feet.
I sow broad fields for you to reap a golden
i Am Master Salesman at Your Service
1 Am 'vrUsiiig
Waiting Your Command