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Emp. A.Y, NOV. 20th, 1920.
Party Prizes
Boxes of Chocolates After Dinner Mints in Glass Jars ,
zFine China—Cups and Saucers and many Odd Pieces t
Boxes of Stationery Correspondence Cards ..
Leather Novelties Bridge Pencils
Also New Designs in Tally Cards 3
Chilly winds will not injure
4 the most tender skin if
:I: French Balm is applied
morning and night.
25c and 50c bots.
Cod Liver Oil
Rich in Vitamins. Builds
up the system and tends to 'i
prevent colds. 3=
50c and 51.(10 bots. f
Birthday Cards
Congratulation Cards
"Thank You" Cards
Cards to remember a Friend
who is i11.
4 Cards of Sympathy
>t Cards of Thank for Sym-
ckpatty expressed.
Anniversary Cards
Acceptance of an Invitation.
�A Declining an Invitation and
And Combination Cream ;f,
50c. '''
All shades 50c.
Jonteel Talcum
Large size 50c
Small size 25c 3F.
7,,4e ,Stare
Druggist and Stationer
Local News Items1
L. Williamson is having a small
verandah built at his new home on
Tlizabe'th street.
Sold His Fixtures
Postmaster Bell has disposed of
ids refrigerator and other fixtures
in his old butcher shop, end they
were removed last Friday.
50o Club
The Queen St. 500 Club met at
the home of Postmaster and Mrs.
Bell on Monday evening of this
week where a very enjoyable time
was spent by all.
$10.00 and Costs
Many that were "held up" by
the Co. police a week ago received
an invitation to nay 510 and costs
for not having drivers' permits, etc:
Let the good work continue.
Will Hold Social Evening
The Young People of Melivllo'
Church will hold a social evening
nn Mendnv evening, Nov. 25th and
Rev. Mr. Elder, of Cromarty. will.
deliver an addreeee There will also
be a good program presented.
Bank Hours.
To conform to the usual bank-
ing nraeticn in other places the
local hanks in Brussels will observe
the following hours daily : 10 a. m.
to 8 p. m. exceptime Ssturdays,
9.30 a. ni. •to 12 o'clock noon.
Quietly Married
A quiet wedding took place at
Melville Presbyterian Church, on
Saturday, Nov. 9th, the Rev. F. G.
Yowler tied the Nuptial Knot be-
tween Miss Grace liernaghan,
youngest daughter of James and
Mrs. Keimaghan g an of Bxuss•els, and
Jas. T. McFarlane, eldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. . Geo. McFarlane,
north gravel. The hr st wishes ac-
company them on their trig
through life.
Russell Ferguson Passes Away
The Teeswater News, refers to
the death of Russell Ferguson, a
nephew of Robert Ferguson, of
town ; Word was received in Tees -
water on Tuesday of the death in
St. Thomas of Russell Ferguson, of
Ihe Bank of Montreal staff of that
city. Deceased was 42 years of age
and was born in Teeswater, son of
A2r. and Mrs, Dougald Ferguson.
Mr. Ferguson was stricken with
pneumonia and passed away after
a short illness. He ws married to
Miss Eva Bnllagh some years ago
and two daughters were born to
this union, both of whom survive
along with the deceased's wife. One
brother, George, of Seaforth, and
one sister, Miss Zeta, nurse of New
York, also remain to mourn his
loss. The remains were brought by
motor to Teeswater on Wednesday
at noon and interment was made in
Teeswater cemetery. Rev. Dr. A.
Forbes, of the Presbyterian church
conducted the service at the grave.
The nail bearers were :—Messrs. F.
Tlallaeih, A. Little, Jas. Reid, Latch
Thacker, M. Donahue and 3. W
Hunter. Deceased wag accountant
in the. Rank of Montreal here up to
about nine years ago.
Will Broadcast from Wingham
The Male quartette and choii of
the United Church, Listowel, under
the direction of Prof. Hoadley, and
other members including Miss Lulu
Procter, of Brussels, are broadcast
ing Sunday afternoon from Wing
See "The Tightwad"
On Thursday evening of oris
week, the members of the A. Y. P.
A. of St. George's Churcn will pre-
sent the humorous play `The
Tightwad" in the Town Hall, under
the auspices of the W omen's Aux.
iliory, of St. John's Church, The
play is clean and full of fun and
comes highly recommended
"The Beautiful" Once Moro
After a steady rain on Mon.
d'1 .Anew began to fall in the ev-
ing anti Tuce:rlay tr,orl.ing the
rened was covered, and the
l:,ealhcrman tried hard to form ice
en the pools of wager on the road -
eerie There w•as over an inch of
nowfall on the ground up around
liinardine during the afternoon.
Jump from Bridge
The Toronto Globe, Moliday had
the following item which refer: to
a nephew of R. Patrick, Llussels,
who was born in Howiek Twp :--
despondent for the pat three
months, Wilbur P. Doig, aged 27,
(.ho lived at 31 llundonaiie Street,
was instantly killed at 10.45 Sat-
,trvlay night when he jumped froin
the new Glen Road bridge, Two
men were reported to have witnes
reed Deig's plunge from the bridge.
They notified police of No. 5 Sta-
tion, who drove to the raeine and
f 1n
1 the lifeless
body. It was not
until rtd Sunday moiling identification
was made at the Morgue Doig
was married He is nurvvl d hy his
widow and one :on Decca cd was
on the temporary teaching :,tali' of
Ricrdale Technical School: The
funeral was held • on Tuesday.
Interment was made in Wroxeter
Cemetery. Chief Coronet Dr. M.
M. Crawford decided not to hold
00 inquest,
Well -Known to Brussels
The Daily Press on ,Saturday re•
ported the sudden death of Ex.
Codductor, Alfred Ireland, who
ran on this line for many years :
While reading a report of the an-
nual meeting of the P.aptiet Churrh
'fere last night, Alfred Ireland, col-
lapsed and was dead when picked
up by other members of the con-
gregation. He was one of Hincard.
due's best known residents, and was
formerly a passenger conductor on
She Canadian National Railways.
Mr. Ireland had just begun to ad-
dress the meeting_ when he falter-
ed, and then kill to the floor of the
platform. He died immediatey He
bad lived here for over twenty
years, and five years ago was sup-
orannua,ted after long service with
the Grand. Trunk and later the
Canadian National Railways. He
was highly esteemed in the town
and Was a prominent churchman.
Ms widow, two sons and one
miaughter survive.
Brussels Elided Church
Sunday, Nov. 24th
11 a,m.--Public Worship.
Subject :
"Walking in Galilee"
3 p.m.—Sunday School Session.
AU are invited.
7 p.m.—Public Worship,
"The Laws of Happiness"
Tuesday—Y, P. Society.
Wednesday—Prayer Service
-Choir rehearsal.
cOR SALE -1 Driving Heavy Horse
suitable for mail carrier or doctor.
W. R. Moses, Phone 58-7. 23-1
5 Pigs, 6 Weeks Old For Salem Lot
29, Con. 9, Morris, Phone 199.
Gilbert McCallum. 23-1 i
L0 Chunks, York Pigs For Sale. Isaac
Clark, Lot 30, on. 5, Grey, Phone
41-24. 23-tf. i
Pigs, 6 Weeks Old, For Sale; also!
2 chunks. Mrs. J. McIntosh, Lot
16, Con. 17, Grey. Fhone 46-4.
POR SALE -1 Brood Sow, due to
farrow Dec. 19th; also Brown
Leghorn and Barred Rock Cock-
erels, Rocks are from hens with
200 egg strain and over; also,a
number of Pearl Gunineas. W.
Grant, Phone 25-6. 23-1
RANGE For Sale—Six Cover Range
in first class condition. Phone 45.
LOST—Black and Tan Hound. Any
one holding the dog will be pros-
ecuted after this notice, Milton
Huffman, Phone 47-5. 23-1
i"OR SALE -2, year old, brown hei-
fers; 2 young farrow cowe.. R. A.
Bennett, Lot 31, Con. 6, Grey,
Phone 41-4. 23-1
FOR SALE -9 Little Pigs, 7 Weeks
old. R. C. Campbell, Phone 43-
13. 23-1
IITRAYED—A red Heifer, witIJ spot
on face, has been at Lot 13, Con.
9, Grey, for past 2 weeks. Owner
may have same by proving pro-
perty and paying expenses. Robt.
Menary. 234
I"IGS FOR SALE About 25 Choice
weaners, price reasonable. Rus-
sell Knight, Lot 17, Con. 15, Grey
Phone 28-16. 23-1
STRAYED from Lot 21, Con. 4,
Morris, about Oct. 15, a two year
old steer, about 800 lbs, round
punch hole thro left ear. Reward
for information leading to re-
covery. M. Black, Brussels.. 20-11
GOOD Strong Driving Horse, 6 years
old, for sale. Apply to S. Carter,
Brussels, Phone 8x ring 4. 19-tf
Train Time
Passengers leaving Toronto for
Brussels on evening train will now
leave the city at 4.40 and arrive in
Brussels at 9.25. Tile train time at
Brussels now is :— morning train,
7.00 a. m. ; noon train, 12.35 ;p.
m. ; afternoon train, 3.10 p. m. ;
evening train, 9.26 p, m.
v s
O r eas Mail
Parcels and other mail for de-
livery in European countries be-
fore Christmas should be mailed
within the next ten days, postal
oficiale warn the mailing public,
and at the very latest should con-
nect with SS. "Duchess of Atholl",
sailing from Saint John December
A Sudden Call
P,ruseels and vicinity were hie
deed shocked on Tuesday morning
to learn that Mrs. Peter Scott, had
passed away late Monday evening.
Deceased had been about the house
as usual all that day anti evrming
and was in apparently her usual
health when about 10 o'clock was,
stricken and never recovered, The
late Mrs, Seott, whose maiden name
was Margaret M. Brine, was the
doughtier of the late Mr. arid Mrs,
Jos. Brine, of Harpurhl•y, and was
married to her now bereft partner,
47 years ago on the 13th of Nov-
ovember, coming to Brussels then and
has continued to resile here ever
-since, holding the friends she made
in those days and her many deride'
of kindness and her pleasant man-
ner always. Mrs. Scott took an ae-
Live interest in the Red Cross work 1
during the Great War and a heavy
blow was laid on her when her
youngest son, Frank, paid the su-
preme sacrifice. Besides her hus-
band, a family of 'three sons and
one daughter survive to hold in
loving memory a good and kind
mother: Brine, of Toronto; Stewart
of Hamilton; Cline, of Calgary;
and Mrs• Fred Burchill of town ;
and also •two sisters, Frank and
Jennie Brine, of Seafortli and one
brother, Will, of Toronto. Mrs.
Scott was a faithful member of
Melville Presbyterian church. The
funeral will be held on Thursday
afternoon from the f'Imily residence
and will be strictly private. A wide
circle of relatives and friends will
symtpathise very sincerely with the
bereaved and lament the demise of
one so universally beloved.
x611.40/Aa u
Buying on the
1.1 -Commerce
a- eb3 Installment Plan
�DU11CNASING commodities by paying "a
dollar (town and a dollar a week lass
grown foto great popularity. Often the object
purchased is worn out before it le paid for, and
the purebaser continues to pay,• Buy yourself a
fortune on the installment plan by plaeu.ig reg -
tiler installments of your earning: in a Bank of
savings tumult, '.file money is al -
ways available for use it required and there id
no depreciation, but accruing interest as thus
gaee by,
.u[r/ which <s "malgarna[ed
Wili Meet at Bluevale I Had A Holiday
The Presbytery of Huron, the Owing to Fred E,.khrens, of the
United Church of Canada will meet ' Continuation Stan', having a touch
in .the United Church, Bluevale, on of tonsilitis, his room was closed
Tuesday, December 8, at 9.30 a. • for the week,
rn, ( Mark Golden Wedding
A Good Offer 1 1'he Post extends hearty con -
The Post will be sent to any ad- gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Petty -
dress in Canada to new subscribers piece, of Forest, who celebrated
from now to the end of 1929 for their 50th anniversary on Sunday.
$2.01, Subscribe at once and get Mr. Pettypiece is editor of the Free
the full term. This make:: a good Press and was a personal friend of
Christmas present. the late W. H. Herr away back in
Huron Crops their young days at Amherst'burg.
G. A. McCa ue District May they live to see their diamond
g ,Agri -wedding. z
cultural Representative of Huron,
says : "There may be a slight de- Bazaar, Saturday
crease in the fall wheat acreage, The Ladies of the United
but in most cases the wheat is Church, Brussels, will hold a baza-
looking well with the exception of ar in the Public Library on Sat -
lighter land, which shows the ef- urday, Nov. 23rd, commencing at
feet of drought." , 2 o'clock. Various ,iooths with a
Charlie Murray full line of fancy goods, aprons,
Has a Great Play handlcerehiefs. home-made baking
If experience is agreat and candy will be in operation. Af-
P teacher, ter noon tea. will be served and
Charlie Murray, First National cone also a hot supper. See Adv't.
edy star should hold a record. He
has been a circus clown, s repor- I Was a Success
toire stock actor, a vaudeville head The Bazaar held in the Town
liner and ,the star of traveling Ball, on the afternoon of Nov. 2nd,
shows. And of late years he has by the Ladies Aid of Melville Pres -
been a picture star. In his very byterian Church, netted 5609.50.
latest first National picture, "Do Owing to a few articles left over
your Duty" which comes to thv 1 from the bazaar have been dispos-
Grand Theatre next Friday, Char- i ad of by private sale, the amounts
lie is s funny as ever yet, in his taken at the different booths are as
role he has much of that lovable. follows. Fancy goods, ;.115.50 ;
characterization which has always Flannelettes and woollens, 595.15 ;
made a little different than the Farmer's booth, 593.50 ; pillow
overage comedian. "Do Your ruses and towels, 536.50 ; Aprons,
Duty", directed by William Beau. • 554.65 ;Post Office, 538,9E ; Tea
dine, is the story of a police ser-' room, 833.2q ; Handkerchie£s,$31.
¢cant framed by a crook and def 95 ; candy, 29.85 ; Pie and ice
rooted after being made a lieuten_ cream, 520.70 ; plants, 56.25. In
ant. How he gets even by capturing
addition to this $71.11 was collect
the crook_^ and exonerating himself, ed at Bazaar teas which went to
fors a picture full of fun and defray expenses.
r:xciternient. Pretty; Doris Dawson Married 50 years
is leading woman in an ingenue A very hapny event took place
role. on Monday, November 18th when
Minor Locals i Mr. and Mre. Joseph Querin celeb-
More rain. '. rated their fiftieth. wedding annir
Only 29 shopping days left. ' versary at their home here, At high
Start your Christmas baying. noon a very sumptuous repast was
Coal is being delivered around served to about 30 relatives and
town. friends. The table was decorated
Short crop of apples in the U. with gold leaves. yellow tapers and
!i. A. will not affect the output of fifty yellow rotes, and beautiful
;Ipple-sauce. golden chrysanthemums in dining
e.The next things to be tackled from and living room. Many
are the municipal elections and friends called on the bride and
p •room during the afternoon to of -
Christmas shopping. for congratulations. The relatives
Dont forget to see "The Tight from a distance were C. and Mrs.
toad at the Town Hall on Thurs- Otterbein and Mies Otterbein,
day evening of this week, Woodstock ; Mrs. Musser, Water.
Let us show you our Personal loo ; Mr. and
C Mrs. G. Israel, IL t
Greeting cards for Christmas. Our ehener ; Mrs, A. Otterbein. St Ca -
1 rices will be found reasonable. : therines ; H. and Mrs. Kirkby and
It won't be long until every Miss Betty, London ; Conrad, Hen-
ttore window will impress upon us re and Jacob Otterbein and Mrs.
the necessity of doing Christina! ' Whipple, Michigan. During the clay
shooing early. ! telegrams of congratulations were
Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, will received from Chicago, Seattle and
he held November 20th to 2Rth and Toronto. Many useful and beauti-
the Guelph Winter Fair, Decemberful gifts were received by the hap -
9th to 12th. ...' py couple.
(rte 7ee.Y,n,•.,. mq,,,•.nk1.
tiR �tfl•7tyjr ..4.t„t4Ji `i ir,r wtri } lint. 4HWtrOf•r i ri4 i4 4, +ae 4,4.1.8+4. r1
1,4,,4, Hr f, rW f r,»f a, i ci 1 s t +?Nir,�.. + 1 4�
,t, =R
Old English Lavender
lf!iHt F....K.,4 1 +•H444-4 1,084 , Nr irHTHir1;Nt4-1 }. 1"{ , t f»f .?r } f f,-.84.
We have a complete stock of this well known
English line such as <:
Yardley's Old Yardley's Laven-
English Lavender der Blossoms
Gift Sets Per pkge. 25c
An excellent assortment
to choose from.
Perfume and
Toilet Water
These may be had
four different sizes.
Shampoo Powder
Per pkge. 60c
Yardley's face and Talcum Powder
. Cold Creams Face Creams
and Compacts
Shaving Bowls
See them
rW?1�Iflltet$t$R;,! af4P+ff',tGtEti.1G'1£l�.�FIEtP,�t�12�E�IP��l,'.�tii$�IP,t�I&tU1fi1C
Smiles 'n Chuckles Candies
Every box contains a
guarantee of absolute
Boxed in 5 Assortments
Price 60e lb:
rieraabai tarasMattt21a1;3121Prasata tlaaratat71ar3r�t2�raiMadidat iDali�r3raznb
Allen's Drug Store
Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies
Druggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox
Engagement announced
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scrimgeour,
of Blyth, wish to announce the
marriage of their second daughter,
Verna Marie to Mr. John Camer-
on, of Windsor. The ceremony was
,performed by Rev, H. M. Paulen,
in St. Andrew's Church, Windsor,
on Tuesday afternoon at 4.30
o'clock. The happy couple will re -
aide in Windsor.
"Sally In Our Alley"
Promises Varied Entertainment
Comedy, pathos, dramatic thrills,
and an appealing love story are
promised movie patrons in Sally
In Our Alley," Columbia promised
,creep romance which comes to tho
Grand Theatre on Monday. A ten-
ement Cinderella is the heroine of
the tale. She is. an Irish orphan,
who is adopted by a trio of foster -
fathers— a Seotchnvm, an Italian
and a Jew. A young plumber lad is
her sweetheart. When her wealthy
aunt opens the door of riches for
her, she is expected to forget her
humble friends. Her reaction to
this new phase of life is the mote
vation for the events that lead up
to the stirring climax. It also
paves the way for an original
twist ending to the story. "Sally
in Our Alley" has the added at-
traction of 'Shirley Mason was
chosen for this Part by Columbia
her married
officials because of
mccess in "Sweet Rosie O'Grady,"
one of this this community's hits
of last season. Miss Mason has
played. a wide variety of roles
time her debut as an actress at the
age of two, but she excel, in the
types that mingle the gamin wit].
the wistful. She is considered one
of the best delineators of East Side
characters, and plays the Bowery
maid and the up -town debutante
with equal case. Richard Arlen,.
who bas become one of the out-
standing younger leading men of
the screen, through his playing of
John Shreve in "The Blood Ship",
• a Columbia picture, was loaned to
this company by Paramount Fam-
ous Lasky to play opposite Miss
11 Mason.
BRADSPA W. -1n Grey township,on Tues
day, Nov. 12th, to Mr. and Mlrs.Rnsaeli
Nrndehaw, a eon.
WILLIE —1a aruerele, en Nov.:eth, 50 hSr.
MCI Mrs. W. 15. While n inn.
DALY--MAxwln:.'.--A't HnlyTrtni'y Church
w•sinning,n en •Fun -day Ort 15th. by (no-
r -' urrntb er.,. Merlin R 5fexw ell. of
wino.s-ep r", vrly of Morris township,
Manlntonll Daly, of r.loydmin-
Mat Al(i ANN'.- FRKNAc3H AN --At the Pre,
h.q.r tun Mang Fi e'.sIs, on November
Mb by Rev F r, Irnw1.'r tale (#race P,
•.nee,••'dan,'h•,r of Mr. and Miss .fame's
Kern'ghnn, of R•u a -Is to Mr. George.
M, Pe• -,we (irne ten n„him,
110tt3:-1nTorontn on Saturday. November
❑ieh, Whiner P. huh; Nnn of Mr. nod'•Mra,
w•l Jun Duly. Hnwlek township, In his
8R1i(,Usf+N -ln the hiema'inl Pospitnl.'t.
T'•emnw. on Monday, November 1101,
Thcanaa amend I Foremen], +on et Mit lute
Mr end Mrs {Unpaid Ferr(use,i, of Tee,.
venter, to 51e41e, your
SCOTT, --1n "nI,-, a' Mondnv, November
'aft, hiargnret n'. urine helo,ed wife of
Peter m'eDIT, in her 011th year.
7n'caf1928..RR—lnluring memory of dear moth.
nr. who departed this life November 20th,
We often think of the drys gone hy
when we wn together;
But,, ahndoworo'er our lila la coat,
A deer one's gone forever.
Sud ly missed by
DArapmaa AND SoNs
p rh
7 aysO
F yy
. Y
For King Bros.' November Buying
Women's and Misses' Cloth Coats
Less 10, 20 and 30 p. c.
20 smart Bresses at 513.50
25 Odd Garments $2.98—Separate
Skirts, Raincoats, etc., reg. to $14
14 Misses' Coats at $12.75 10 Fur Trimmed Coats at $5.00 10 Only Kiddies Coats $4.98
Persian Lamb, Hudson Seal, Natural Coon & Muskrat Fur Coats
Boys' 3 -piece Suits at $8,96 Young Men's New Overcoats at Close Prices 40c and 45c Pajama Cloths 32c
200 yd. Cotton Spools 5c $13.50 Scotch Wool Blankets $11.75
Men's lined Mitts:49c, 69c, 98c.
Heaps of other Big Bargains
Throughout the store.
60c Grain Bags 42c. Sterling. Factory Yarn 95c
KING BROS., Wingham