HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-11-20, Page 4WIbDNESDAY, NOV. 2Qth,1920, THE BROSS LS ,PAST H. A.LOFFREE JOHN FERGUSON & Co. ;THURSDAY FRIDAY .S\A,,TURDAY SUCCESSOR TO BRUSSELS, ONT. manufacturer's Sale These Fur Coats will be on display at our store Fur Coats All Fur Coats Guaranteed For Two Years An Event That Should Bring Welcome News to Every Lover of Fur Coats 1 I By special arrangement with the Alaska Fur; Manufacturing Co., of Toronto, we are afforded the opportunity of offering to the public these Unparallelled Values in Distinguished Coats in the New Season's Styles. A Rare Op- portunity to secure a Genuine Fur Coat at a Fraction More Than a Cloth One A trt T orraw - Thvrdy Only the Finest of Selected Pelts and Very best Workmanship in Phase Coats, Tailor ed Leopard Coats, Hudson Seal, Caracul, Persian Lamb, Mink C oats, Silver Muskrats, and Canadian Coon Coats. ONLY THE VERY NEWEST STYLES OFFERED And every Coat at Prices Such as You Have Never Seen Before YOU ARE INVITED TO VISIT OUR STORE AND INSPECT AT YOUR LEISURE THESE FINE FUR COATS tecelo e;'e;Yeekile?;ZEtE Wn'F,i 'e+r„te1Elffietecta't5teteleteleletegiffiggigwtet°, HUDSON SEAL COATS One of the Most Favored of All Fur Coats Fashioned of Finest Quality Fur—Tailored on Newest Fashioned Trends—Exquisitely Silk Lined. Each and every Coat Absolutely Guaranteed. This is a feature offering. The Low Price will amaze you. CARACUL COATS Stylish for the young- er Miss —fancy silk -lined, gorgeous quality. Smart - 1 1' Fashioned. PERSIAN UM CONS Jost about the Loveliest of Fur Cosi One of the most phenomenal values ever offered in genuine Persian Lamb Coats. Fashioned of extra selected quality pelts. Trimmings s of Alaska Sable, Grey Squirrel or self material. MUSKRAT COATS Only the very finest of "Far North" Skins used in the perfect matching of these Coats. a s. BEAUTIFUL 5EIL COONS Silver Muskrat & Coon Coats A smart new model,, lt,vly quality silk 11,'ir4d, Collars and cuffs of Alaska Sable and Grey or Brown Squirrel. Coasts subtle ;n line, of fine quality furs. Supetibly tailored. Popular for the School Mtiss. '•i.«bq«ii'A'�A�«"•4�f":.�J«�»�»�«�w4t«r �•q«H»�,:. Me»i«'i A Special Represenfat ive of the Alaska Fur Company, Ltd., of Toronto ,.stw FUR COATS For Women of Large Proportions Sp'zcinl Orders wnriii be given our prompt attention Attention 1 Stoat Women : Just srleet the Coat and :tyle you de- ,irr from this stock of Fur Coats and we will gladly matte to your order a fraction above the cost of. regular Sitti,S. SapAtanfRaeiganianfErnstiefaiiirgentegYrenernmantrai Will be at our Stare for 3 Days for ;This Extraordinary Sale of Canada's Finest R COATS This man will, with the help of our own staff, extend you every courtesy and service. Ask his opinion of anything you desire to know. This man is an expert on Furs. His professional knowledge is free for the asking. Suitable Allowance made for Old Fur Coats. Deferred Payments niay be arranged on request. Just Listen . and you'll want no other set Atwater. Kent Screen -Grid R adio TIIIS new Screen -Grid Atwater Befit het gives .you everything yon possibly oou d want in a Radio—at a moderate price. Tine 1 'There is no difference between listening to this set and listening at the broadcasting studio. Power 1 Distance seems to make no difference. Local stations and stations far away come rolling in as easily and clearly as though they were just outside your door. Select the station you want—and there it is, Make it louder, make it softer, as you please. If the music or speech should stop for a moment, the setie so quiet that you couldn't tellh ether it was on or off—if it weren't for the light in the diel. Just listen here to a few bars of music, and you'll say (as most people do), "That's the set I want I That's what 1 call a radio I" Robt. Patrick Radio and Gaf; Servi'-e BRUS*t:I,S Interesting News of the SEAFORTH The funeral of the late John G. Grieve, for many years a prominent resident of McKillop Township, whose remains were brought here from Detroit, where his death occur- red, for interment in the Maitland - hank cemetery, took mace on Tues- day afternoon from First Presbyter- ian Church, Seaforth. The large at- tendance testified to the esteem do which the deceased was held. The service was conducted by Rev. Irv- ing B. Keehe, assisted by Rev. T, H. Brown, of St. Thomas Church, and Rev. W. P. Lane, of Northside (Inked Church. The deceased was born on the old homestead a mile and a quarter north of Seaforth, 82 years ago. Practically the whoa of his life was sae,: in the same town- ship. He was twice married. Upon the death of his second wife, form- erly, Miss Scarlet, of McKillop, three years ago, he left the farm and came to reside in Seaforth, fre- cruently visiting his son. W. T. Grieve, of Detroit. Mr. Grieve was a valued member of Cavan United Church, Winthrop, and had been a member of the board of manage- ment, and at one time a member of the county council. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Thos. Beat- tie, of Seaforth and one son, W. T. Grieve, es Tletrntt. The pallbearers :were : Stanley Garnum, Jas. Shol- dice. W. McCulla, George Kelly, R. Scarlett and J. M. Govenlock. BLUEVALE R. Aitcheson moved into J. Ker. aey's house. hour as the case may be. you are violating a law of the province el Ontario. Several other weeklies are now making a nominal charge of $100. tor publishing the official minutes of the council, meetings, The Post has always given extended reports of these meetings free of charge. EGECUTORS' SALE, Of Valuable Farm Lands in the Township of Grey in the County of Huron, The Executors of the estate of George Johnston, deceased,- will, of- fer for sale by Public Auction at the American Hotel in the Village of Brussels on Saturday, the 7th day of December, A. D., 1929, at 3 o'leock, in the afternoon the following val- uable farm property, namely: 'rhe south halves of lots numbers 18, 19 and 20 in the First Concession in the said Township of Grey, con- taining 150 acres of land more or less, except the portion .sold off the southwest corner of Lot 20 for a school site. This property is situated on a good gravel road about six miles from the .Village, of Wroxeter and seven; miles from .the Village of Brussels; about one and one-quarter miles from a church, and the school is situated on the property. There are on the premises a frame house bout 24 ft. by 15 ft. with kit- chen about 25 ft by 18 ft; a bank barn with stone .foundation, 60 ft. by 70ft.; and a bank barn with stone foundation 30 ft. by 50 ft; about 15 acres of bush and 2 acres of good orchard. The farm is of good clay loam and District in a good state of cultivation. There is also a good gravel pit on the farm. The pro.herty will be offered sub- ject to a reserved bid. TERMS OF SALE—Ten per cent. of the purchase money on the day of sale and the balance wthin thirty days thereafter The purchaser will be entitled to possession on the 1st of March next. Further particulars and conditions of sale will be made known on the day of sale or may he had on appli- cation 1... the undersigned. R. Vanstone, Wingham, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. Dated the 18th day of Novrmber, A. D., 1929. F. Black received a carload of Western cattle. F. Black made a business trip to Toronto this week. Miss Cora Gannett, of Wingham, has home over Sunday. Airs. (Rev.) Mann is at present visiting friends att Brantford. Miss Margaret Turney spent a few days with friends at Ethel, Miss Ethel Mathors, of Brussels, spent the week -end . at her home here. Joseph and Mrs. Sm'th spent Sunday with J. B. and Mrs. Ker- ney. 'Quit a number from here took in the fowl supper at Gerrie on Mon- day night. Johnston and Black shipped a carload of hogs to Toronto, on Saturday. James and Mrs. Meeting visited Thome and Robert Watson, of Mitchell nn Sunday. ?lies AT Peefnund. of Wingham, was a 7.h . 1"s"lt'ing visitor Avith 'Jr,. ?line ?'r" -en. Cordon nnd Mrs. Hall and fam- ily snr.et Wednesday at the home of William Elliott at Wroxeter. Mr. Maybee, of Frankfort, and f. and Mrs. Maybe*. of Toronto anent few days with L. W. and Mrs. Ruttan, Stewaut and Mn. Lan less and "lid Mrs, riht, of t+}velar . ++•are ThanksafvineWvisitors n ith Robert and Mrs. Aitfheson. Herbert and Mrs. Seott and son, 'r, nnernn. of Xino'cville, anent Vhankeeivinrr day calling on Blue vale friends. LOCAL NEWS Home Brew Permits Heavy in Ontario Residents of Ontario hold 110,- 472 permits for the manufacture o1' hone brew beer, Sir Henry Drayton, chairman of the Ontario liquor com- mission, announced to -day. In alt 134,426 permits have been issued at Ottawa. Canadian Nationals Canadians can now distinguish themselves from residents in other parts of the British Empire when they apply for passports to travel abroad. According to a recent rul- ing of the passport ofnce, applicants c::n describe themselves as "Canad- ian Nationals" rather than as rBri• ti:ah subjects." New Matron at Children's Shelter Mrs. Thomas Elliott has resigned her position of matron of the Chil- dren's Shelter of the County and Mrs. John Tigert, of Port Albert, has been appointed and Mr. and Mrs. Tigert have taken up resid- ence at the Shelter, Mrs. Tigert as- suming her position on Monday last. A Serious Waste As one .perambulates about the county he cannot help observing that there is a good deal of careless- ness in regard to the housing of ex- pensive farm machinery. Leaving machinery which has to be used next season, standing in the field or fence corner, exposed to the elem- ents all winter, is not good business. The efficiency of the machine is re- duced, not to speak of the actual loss through exposure. It's like burning money not to provide a winter home for farm implements, No Quail Shooting To Be Permitted in Province this year No quail shooting will be permit - tell in Ontario this year, according to an announcement made by Hon, Charles McCrea, minister of mines and fi,heries, Reports from those Sections of Western Ontario in which irds are found in fatale, Mr. McCrea stated, that the interests of Conservation can beet be served by net opening a gunning season for them. A closed season en this bird , was legislated some years ego, but the Government by arder-in-council can establish periods of shooting I when, in its opini)n, 'circumstances I warrant. Speed L_ait at Crossings With all the discussion of level crossings and .:leans o` impelling motorists to exercise the maximum precaution in approaching such cros- sings, it is doubtful if the general motoring public is aware of a regu- lation embodied in the Highway Traffic Act which reads as follows "No motor vehicle shall be driven at a level crossing where the driver of the vehicle has net a e]ear view of the approachingtraffic at s greater renter rate of speed than ten miles per hour in a city, town or v.illape, or fifteen miles an hour outside a city, town or village. In other words, when you speed over one of the crossings at a rate of over ten or fifteen miles an EX -MODERATOR PASSES Dr. W. T. Herridge, one of the best known Presbyterian ministers in Canada and former moderator, who died suddendly in,tondon Eng- land in Ilia 78rd year. Voters' List Court TOWNSHIP OF GREY Take notion that Tuesday, the Ord day of Drnm'ber.. 19:0 at 01, hour o1 ? 99 n'olook p m ? et the To,vo' hip Ball, Ethel. has awn npp'dn,ed by E. N. Lentil .Tudor of the. , County+ -.a art of the County of Soren. for be1d1n0 n Court to hear and determlee the o' -vont, errors and omissions In the Voters' for tka 'daub:Apatite of the Township of Grey for1929. J. H FvAll" Township Clerk Property for Sale Brick house and halt acre of land iothe'M- ingo of Ethel, property of the late Christian Beguiler, For, particulars apply to 1) C1. Scott, 01 Craig et., London, orW alter 8. i.cott Brussels. 21.8 Notice to Creditors Notice Is hereby given that all persons hnr ❑tg alnims against the estate of 61ARY BLACK, late of 11,0pTownchlp of alorrl, u, the Oonnty o! Huron aid Provlooe of pntnr. le, Spinster, who diedon or about the twenty- seventh day of September,. A. D",1929, lire re• quired to the undersigneforwardd,lon or beforr e the duly proven, of Deormber, A. I) 1020. And .notice Is further given tint after the said date, the Executors will proceed to dig. tribute the estate, linving regard wily to such claims no they shallthen have had. notion, Dated at the Village of Brussels, In the Conntr of Huron and Province of Ontario, this First day of November, A.1) 1929. Al BLACK and T T. AloRAE, Executors, Notice to Creditors In'the matter of the Estate of Christopher Raynare, late of tho VII• logo of Ethel, In tho County of Huron, Gentleman, Deceased. 68,Chap_il 10 ofthnllievie d StstutesSof On Lurie, that all persons havingelnivtsagainst the estate at the said Christopher o005 Raynnrd, who Men n. e or lrednooutt ss Nth dos of October or deliver ere rtgtx Har to a 62, by obst, , 1(01 81 or e,to Harvey a Dotson, mthe- Po9tuatee, Ontario, one of the Emma - torn of the last will and testament of the said deceased, on•or'betor, the Twenty'thlyd day of November, A. D. 1920, their names and addresses with 1u11 particulars ht writ- ing of their Claims sad the .nature of the se• ourlties,(If any), held by them duly verified by a statutory declaration, And further take notice that afterthe Bald 211rd.day of November, 1920, tine-nld Breen tors will proceed to distribute the ns is of the mild estate among the pertie ntitled thereto, having regard only to the Mhos of Which they shall then have had notice, and the said Exeentorai shall not be 1la1le for the said assets or nny part thereof to tiny person Of whose claim they shall not then have re. set ved n0tice. Dated the20th_ day 00 91NOLATA D. 1020. Solicitor for Joseph 62, Raynnrd and Harvey M. Dobson, the Executors of deceased, Property for Sale Property and general repel] shop of the late George Edwnrdg, Also the machinery consisting of turninglntho, with tools for turning, emery Wheels and 2 saws, with Ramo- line engine In good rspltlr; forge and anvil and saw sling equipment, and n good sot of etrpenter'o tools. All will be offered ata reneonable price, Apply to GEO. N. EDWARDS, . 298 Wharneliffo Road, London. Farm for Sale Perm known ns the Dilworth Perm, Com prisingd88nerss mostly 011 Cleared and Ina geed state of cultivation, lots of tvn ter and within lmilo of Ethel Station„y ,rile to Ethel Village. Will be Weed renaonnbly for gulch sale. For further para:Mars, 'windy on premises to J, E. ROW t,A 80, Ethel, Farm for Sale A very desirable stook farm of 160 aurae,14 Mile from Brussels, Geed linitdh+r, an 0gatpmeitis, ltaey 'tome. t0 miltpnrohaser IPer �urther pnrttotllnrs apply to A, H, AIACDONA 1.D, Erne lass,