The Brussels Post, 1929-11-13, Page 6WEDNESDAY, NOV. 18th, 1920.
With al/ the bran
of the whole wheat
You don't have to coax children to chew Shredded Wheat—
the more they chew it, the better they like it—and that means
Sound teeth and healthy gums. just the food for growing
youngsters. So delicious and SO easy to serve.
from Frame'. The Boers in South , which a 13avarlan village was the
Africa were forced to retire from scene a fevr yoare ago,
ape Colony, from Neuil and from The husband of an attractive
ti.e Tranevaal Repuleie before the; young woman had vanished in a mys-
s,eady advance of the Engliela I terious manner from his home, and
Whtn gold and diamonds were , all attempts to trace his whereabouts
forte? in the Transvaal, the Boer failed completely, Meanwhile a
War broke out in lSile followimg. neighbor who had been devoted to
g, the young wife before her marriage,
diepetes between the ntlanders,
taiesasfroauresdatotnentthie scene and paid her
04 Boer.: called the British, and tho
s se.
The British Empire might ba Win- i."*""""""""---"*"."."-""""
ed as A league Of Detietts within the
League of Nations,
Eritleh premier in his history mak- onumental
Ramey Meedereald, the lareeent
trig ititir of the United States, did
mutat, to unite even more. closely,
the two great English-speaking die-
isien Is probably ttrOvisely used, in Has a large and complete
that the British Empire and United Streak of Family Memorials
States cannot be considered as in newest designs at .very
ret.ily "divided," reasonable prioes,
v Call and see us before plao'
--_-------.... 4
REVEALED DUMB SLEEP ing your order,
R. A. SP OTT 0 N
sTouY or, CRIME) CONTAINS ORA- Phan°F.r.::rg: VVingham
wan; lerlSODES, '
Bavarien Marries Widow of Man 110
Murdered and Tell.. Story of His
Guilt During Sleep—Russian WO- 44,4 4 4 4 4,44,46 ,t, 4
,-, man's Horrible Crhne. X 1 +1*
The story of crime contains few 44
A UNITED EMPIRE ed. Canada . and India were taken more dramatic episodes than that ot
The phrase "a citizen of the Brit -
Empire:' which is in itself ex-
ereseive. eun in reality mean of
every creed, continent or color. Is
might refer to one of the Raehins
or Chins of Upper Burma. a mem-
ber of the deem; tribee of Austra'c
la, a 'Queensland -blackfellow," a
representative of the many casts
and div loon of the sunny eeas. 00
Eskiina of the far north or the Yu-
kon, and in fast mieht serve a gen-
eral description of every known
type of inhabitant on earth.
It is true that Canada. Australia,
New Zealand, Soeth Africa and the
cheeeeelante of the early Dutch set- did he press his° StolaastileWeisthflunilYa
/- in South Africa. year of his rival's disaepearance the
woman consented to marry him, and
Great Britain bas strong euarchwere united at the parish
elan; in China, which are worth i
var.) millions of dollars annually, Now comes the extraordinary se -
end to protect the Britisher s in (Mei. On the second night following
re wedding the newly -made bride
Chine ninny from the ngs
y uprisin, ureanr3frommblet? slth
e ent -
a I British battleships are kept layyawake,thereca
ing form beside her, and a moment
later the man leaned from his bed
and In a loud voice proclaimed that
he had killed the missing husband
and had buried the body in a neigh-
boring wood, This statement the
sleeper reiterated several times, nam-
ing the exact spot evhere the corpse
lay interred.
The wife, almost mad with terror,
drank in the confession, and next
morning carried the story to the po-
lice bureau. The place named by the
sleeper was searched; and, sure
enough, the body of the vanished num
was discovered there. The murderer
was at once arrested and brought to
his trial, where he was found guilty
sentenced to death. He went to the
scaffold cool and cynical, having been
sent there by his own confession,
made during sleep.
Somewhat similar In several de-
tatis was the case of an Austrian
Peasant who murdered his friend in
order that he might woo the latter's
sweetheart, a girl of unusual beauty.
All attempts to trace the missing man If you use colored clothes bags
05005 un
would have remained a mystery toit from a patient. He went to his Loose shackle bo ts perrni y
had failed, and doubtless the affair for party dresses, other colors fore to clean a plug is 50 use a cloth
the end of time had not the criminal daytime and still othere for coats study, and going down on his knees, play between the shackles and the
fessing the crime whilst dozieg by time and nerve strain in hunting for unlocked I secret drawer In a chest
patrolling the waters of the West
Australia, the largest island in
the world, became a part of the
British Empire, not through
conquest but this was
simply because England was the
fmt to make any attempt to colon-
ize the island and later, New Zea-
l:tete Australia served many years
as the prison colony of Great Bri-
tain, and it was not until the dis-
covery of gold in large quantities,
that the Wand really became im-
The description of the formation
of the Empire may not seem any
too flattering, and it might well be
con.pared to the formation of any
of the great empires of the past ;
gatlered toeether, largely by force,
by Caesars, Han/libels and Alex-
Un'ted Kingdom from the chie anders.
parts of the empire, but so wide Up to this point, the history of
spread is this gr at modern united the Fetish Empire compares to a
organization that the expreseion, isre et extent to the earlier conquests
Tee sun never eet s on the Brit:eii c-" the world. It is from the period
Empire," ie at the least modeet. of netual conquest to the time when
Sour milk will remove rust stains
from white fabrics. Soak in the milk
then rinse in clear water before us-
ing soap.
owro 1%1AN STOPPED BlieletLIII.
Englishmen blade Warring Afghans The Car Owner's Scrap -Book
Cease Vire,
(By the Left Hand Monkey Wreaoh) '
How en unarmed Englishman wile
a Wit1t0 of the band made N1ra, r Ile
eegitens cease are and gaveled off a
Ring and his ladies from hie beleatre
ured tortr 'es was revealed when Sir
P110,1101s. Rumehrays, recently Minister
If you want to dry silk stockings
quickly stuff them with tissue paper
and hang thein up where the air
Isill get at them. The phper absorbs ladies, escorted by unarmed English-
tht moisture. • men from the Legation, went to the
waiting machines and were flown
at Kabul, presented the prizes
ShreFsbury, England, his old rachoot,
BeeeribIng it as an epic of the alt',
unparalleled in hietory, Sir ;Francis
told lioiv evilest the British' and other
European reeidents at Kabul were
hopelessle cut off from the outside
world, Airplanes flew to their rescue
from 130.g/tiled and even from pant.
A fierce battle was raging in the
neighborhood, bet never ogee did
they refuse his call,
Them was one exciting incident.
King Number Two was besieged with
a garrison of 6,000 men. He was
elven tt, 24-hour ultimatum 10 Bur -
render to the attacking army of 16,-
000, the alternative being a murder-
ous assault with sealing ladders, he
seau:rieter and general loot and meet-.
The king replied that nothing
would induce 11101 to come out unless
the safety of himself and his ladies
was undertaken by "the English-
He had no soldiers and no means
of enforcing his authority except with
his tongue, The airdrome vas situat-
ed between the two armies only 400
Thp automatic redteter front will
devastating cross -01'e He had to take 1, -
this risk, and he telegraphed for air- terminals
post so that the tightening of the
are sued, then the wire .
close roi; tl afte . parkingif the
car isheadedtowardthewind.
sight, we gave the signal to both the binding nut will tend to vast
Have the mixture enriched when
"When the machines arrived in
armies to cease fire. Frertunately for more closely rather than unwind it.
us, they obeyed. The airplanes land- WATER IN THE BATTERY the engine begins to "coukh" or
ed in silence, and the king and his
Sufficient water should be put in- there is a popping ,f the carbur-
to a battery to cover the plates. If etor.
safely to Iedia." this is neglected the result is that
the battery is operating at about Ordinary mud, when allowed to
"There was no doubt whatever,"
half its capacity. In ether words, all dry, will dim the leetre of the best
added Sir Francis, "that the R.A.F
on this occasion by their gallantr§ of the duties are concentrated upon finish. Rinse it off gently before it
not only saved The city and foreign those parts of the rens which are becomes dry.
legations from a terrible fate, but uncovered not only functioning,
probably saved Britain from another
but are deteriorating materially so When parking in a storm, always
that even when they are covered point the car %away from the direc-
war." ,
OLIVER CROMWELL'S SKULL. [ with water again they will not be tion of the downnour of rain. nix
will prevent the ignition from get -
as efficient as originally. ting. wet. Heat almost at the boiling point
Lying In Century -Old Chest In Suf-
the milk that is added to mashed pa TIRE UNIFORMITY IMPORTANT
falces and fluffiness ewill result. folk Rectory.
Every lump should be mashed out Oliver Cromwell once England's Lord skid'tire on one veer wheel and
What is reputed to be the head of I It is not advisable to use a non. ; •
a closed car by driving with each of
Door squeaks may be located in a
Protector, is lying in a century -old plain tread tire in the other rear
the four alternately opened. When
oaken chest in a secret drawer o wheel. The plain -treed tire 'will e
the noise disappeaes, that is the of -
Suffolk rector's study. Its owner is
Rev. Horace Ricardo Wilkinson, rec- forced to do the skidding, and will
fending door.
tor of of Woodbridge, near Ipswich. wear out much faster. It is best to
Mr Wilkinson readily assented to o ells both rear wheels with the Cold gasoline need3 a hot spark
yards apart and was raked with a
Consider bine and expense may 11 is folly to place anti -freeze sol -
bo avoid if o duplicate key or two Utions in the cooling system before
Should the or, the car has been mane ready for the
change from summer to winter =-
is made fOr the car,
iginal one be lost, it nee,
essary to dissemble the )oek to de- ditions. Rust and scale should be re-
iteettimuiiiineed.the :type and sine of the key ihnnotvesdr,einnottheonityvetferroelin etitneoterattiti,eantonrd,
, the cyliniiers and otlur parts of the
system. It le very important
Demountable rims should be in that all, parts pf the cooling system,
stalled carefully. That is to say, the such as hose eonnsetions, gasket,
wedges should be uniformly tighten- pump, packings, fittines on the wa-
oa so that the rim will be centred ter pump And draincoeks, are tight
With the hub. In this manner each end ithat the =dieter has no leaks.
Ittenecidgten hs rim rculnp tis.un,e1.0 oTrht e tchaeusleoaodi
Always shift to a lower gear be-
e "wobbly" wheel may often be fore he engine begins to labor on
/N. An engine operetse more efficient.
ATTACHING WIRES TO TERMIN- if spark plugs are changed every
It is far better to use metal ter- 10000 mil"'
minals. on battery wires than to .
Sudden starting raid stopping is
merely wind the burled wire ends
not onl , hard on r.r. but 't isbad
around the binding posts. The spec- for the whole ear,.":' 1
ital terminals hold better, look bet-
te • and give better contaet If no
An excellent dessert for the first
cola days is hot gingerbread served
with whipped cream. Children love
it especially if there are raisins in
the gingerbread.
with a fork before the milk is a -
ed, bowever.
In shipping flowers, cut them at
night, plunge their heads in water how the head of the Protector which fame in order to o'ataln uniform tire and because of We condition the
and let stand until morning. By this came into the possession of his great -
battery, ignition cables and spark -
method they absorb enough water to grandfather, Dr. Wilkinson, more wear. If one levee tire and ono
o He described small one are used, a different ac • plug§ should be in efficient order
cam them on their journey anti
they will arrive fresh.
1155.1 155 how, after the Restoration, the head lion is set up, whit causes needless
for the winter months.
was Impaled on Westminster Hall for
twenty-five years, One windy night wwietaerete 00 it. Tbheeut,ieresstnonne tehtzee.rear
Scrape the points of a spark plug,
it blew down, and was picked up by
but 001 the porcelain, us this is lik-
e sentry. It passed through various
til Dr. Wilkinson received NOISE FROM SPRING ENDS .
• ely to cause a short. A better way
moistened with gatoline,
signed his own death-warraat by con- and sports things, you will be saved I opened a door of a large cabinet. He spring ends which at times, causes
ami drew out a heavy oak box. He rattling noises. If tightening the
whet you want in a hurry. TCH1TCHERIN STILL ILL
bit he described the incidents of the [ unlocked this box with another key bolts effects no amireciable im-
the fire In a friend's cottage. Bit bY
In the annals of history, the form. tee eequisitions gamed Individual terrible affair, stating that he had
ation and endurance of the Britielt importance that is the eerier feature destroyed his victim's body by fire.
!empire will always hold their place of the empire. History shows that Horrified by this awful confession,
of feseination. People outside the as term as the iron rein which hold the friend immediately went out and
snoduetitilittle3tern:igni.s,ntcgarte,son;houritthee mcodn;
ererire doubtless have difficulty in the onpir,,,, of the past together
understandins: how Caneria, Aust. were relaxed, the empires broke ue was then arrested and his cottage
nein, New Zieeited, South .kfteen, ,T.,,,te, searehA. Some garments and a
tlm United leir.gdona and othere tan re. ilr,t..;'n Feneire is fortunately watch belonging to the deceased be -
be independent. ,e-lf.g,4v4.:rnMe., end ere. leveed tortether by anything as lug found there, his guilt was con-
„. seemed half preyed; and when placed
yet a part re (tee Ya,t. x. n. Ind,"1 ve el'. fie ;tryniee. of occupation, In the dock he made a full confession,
India, that ta.4t ierd of tngn,1 -,t,-1)1,it wevesi liter:illy hold the un- repeating, in fact, what he had said
and lilY4terie is :el'rel,' ,c4f,g.:9"111- ee- •tee!...111..r. Tue present etiene..3
iNZ ---it. prir,!es rule their own :,r.' ,..,._ tan.',.1.,. •fteee'.:en of netiof.s,
principalit:es and ye.: an. 1.0;,•:11 tO 1:. ;!,,,.. tt4 101, farehted Bei, i-li
and proud to 1: -lone• ti the Brit:Z."1 ' ,,tet-eeem, who as elle 41nnlinifIttS
ETUT:ir, Ti famed rezimeseIe re ' ., ,.1.17 an,1 t,arn.A :tee and lees re -
Indian flatly:, wetii their feafee.-e,; ' ,t,.,,,t. ,t.,,,,, accorded sref-govern-
there:Pei did InaTil to weaken the tu,.nt„
morale of the Germen troops on t!e' (7.,q•e:Y1,, mak..•i4 it.F. own decisions,
We stern Fr7';', In th::, •-t,..• wro^ ho„ it,; 07,1 reere,entatives in the
day. when ar wee fur fretre ter!ele ., 1...,gtee of Nat!Orl..-;, mak., its own
SuLjects ef 'The fir ;n Wlehe : eree`C.J., with the United Statr,e and,
Wee” throagho,..a.• tile Emele.,. in 'lot-', do,..; anything' that core
sometimes wonder abeet the r1! ,,,1 r, 07, deminien alone and does
nor in which thc, 1,:mpr.l. Nva.,,, forli- 11,),.. affeet 111e empire as a whole.
,-;-..---,.,...............-............,.-...e.-........,.....-:.-e..e.-,...........-e. ---- •---
There are a great many ways to do a :lob of
printing ; but quality printing is only done one
way—THE BEST. We do printing of all kinds,
and no matter what your needs may be, from
name card to booklet, we do it the quality way.
P, S,—We also do It in a way to save you money.
1 he Post
Publishing Rouse
during his slumber. The scoundre
was sentenced to death, and was
eventually executed amid the execra-
tions of the populate. who had assem-
bled to witness his end..
Some years ago a common lodging
house at Liverpool, Eng., was the
scene of a sleeping criminal's confes-
sion. The room was occupied by him-
self and one other—st young sailor—
tette was almost penniless for want of
a ship. While the sailor was lying
awake, contemplating his dire posi-
tion, he suddenly heard a curious and
ghastly laugh issue from his room-
cumpanion's lips. The laugh was fol-
lowed by a long and rambling de-
ecriptIon of a murder he bad com-
mitted in a suburb of Liverpool, and
so horrible were the details uttered
by the unconscious tongue that the
sailor almost fainted with terror.
However he mastered his emotion;
and, dressing, crept downstairs and
Informed the landlord of what had
occurred. The latter at ouce fetched
a polleernan, who accompanied him
to the, bedroom, where the constable
immedimely recognized the sleeper
as the man "wanted" for the crime
In question. He was, of course, ar-
rested; and at the trial which fol-
lowed he was found guilty and sen-
tenced to death.
A Russian woman, whilst asleep in
a shepherd's hut, wbere she had
taken refuge from a heavy suow-,
storm, confeseed to having killed,no
fewer titan seven infante entrusted
to her charge. The 13hopherd's wife
overheard the terrible admission and
caused the woman to be detatned.
Investigations proved beyond all
doubt that her uncoescious lips had
spoken absolute truth, and she was
sent,to penal servitude for life.
Perhaps one of the most extra-
ordinary cartes of a crime revealed
during sleep was that af n Polish
Pedlar who bad killed a merchant
on the road to Odessa and robbed
him of a liege sum. The confeesion
was made wettest the criminal was on
a sledge, and was overheard by the
driver The barrenness of the snow -
, and removed a large black cloth. provement, the plaeing of one or
FOILING GREASE i Then he carefully drew aside the red more shims, or strips of metal, be -
Cover grease spots on wood 01 silk covering, and there was the head
stone with flour or powdered chalk', of the Cromwell, most romantic tween spring and shackle will elim-
which wilt absorb the grease. pour_ i 0 pointedgute itn England's history. He inate the play. Do not allow mud
goht tienaht.onng-tntrtehde spiledriv- to accumulate, as smell, hard par-
ins-. cold water on it as soon as it ite n throutitles from it are lil eiy to find their
spilled will harden it and the great- , showed the hole over the eye skull,heere
it' part may then be scraped off, ; Cromwell's famous wart had been. way in between the working ;pares
i "I have the documents to prove and rause excessive wear. Keep the
LIGHT EFFECTS my claim and how it came into mY shackle bolts well hibeicated. i
great-graudfather's posses:dolt " Mr.
If you have a dark room or hall- Wilkinson said. It will never 'go outATTENTION TO MUFFLER I
The muffler deserves careful con -
per and see the way it emulates
was, finish it in yellow paint or pa- ofethe possession of my famile."
sunshine. Somewhat the same effect Epsom Downs. , the operator cares 'retch for efficien-
ederation every once in a while, if
can be induced if you use bright Rpsom Downs, which draws such a cy and economical operation. The;
curteins at the window of a dark vast multitude of visitors from all
MAI. parts of the world to witness the exhaust silencer has a. large number
clad landscape and the speed at
whieh the sledge isms travelling, add- hold duties to attend should have a
ed 16 the weirdneas of the coufession; few cents raise in pay. tf you give
and as a result of investigations John 15 cents a week instead of 10
Which followed it, the pedlar was
convicted and conderdtted to lifelong for his labors, he will be twice as
imerisonment. attentative and industrious and it
....,+,......-.*0-...........- is only fair that, the lerger they
japan kas about 14 national holt. glow the more allowance they
days. shtuld receive.
thewnoreldest'sre7teneBnnensissind of very. small openinga on the inside
eDowns, and long beTore' they became ged with soot and carbon from the
were n
- of the chamber whieh become clog -
Make out your shopping list oa connected with the turf seem to have
the outside of an envelop and 113- terenruanssriat„efd with pedestrian races cylinders. The depose: collects very
tartaeiins- rapidly, especially Veen the grade
side put samples of everything to leg forntlII puereptotenoc heir in% the oil is poor or too much oil is us -
lee the shopping trip and end much grass finer than Persian carpets, and ed. It also results when the carbur- George Tcherin, sonunissar for
tee matched. It will certainly system Dia thee:: noble Downs, cov,red with
perfumed with wild thyme and juni- eta? is adjusted to give too rich a foreign affairs, who lies been 111 in.
Per," possess many amenities en- mixture. When thee- small open- Germany for more 11,101 U frantic searching of handbags forenn a year, is
last samples. noticed by ordinary raeegoers, which ings become clogg'erl . I' re exhaust gas ' stin unable without rite to resume
appealed to such prosaic personages gas cannot escape readily anti, net- his duties at Moeeove says. a medical
PAINTED POTS as„WillMm Cobbett, who rarely prais-
Your flower pots can themselves ed land that did not grow wheat, and
be as gay as posies if you paint jrInd 1‘;ialletntigyi7frir 'niter de -
them. Ferns. in a gaudy orange and the diarist, here withered ea Psil'gPKet..
blare pot, 80111P ivy in a biege, green "pleasant and innereene as ever / sp:w
and peacock blue one, or a bit of in my life," a little by reading the
Bible to his father, a patriarchial
oxalis in a flamingo or chartreuse
not. all are colorful. shepherd. Pepys promptly rewarded
both of them for furnishing him with
MAHOGANY RED a novel experience.
One of Chanel's new sport suits
is of rich, mahogany red. The plain,
crew neck is collarless and the tuck -
in blouse has cut ruby and thine -
:done buttons up one aide from the
belt line to the shoulder. The skirt
is old high shoe length,
A. statician should be employed to
count the hours women spend in
looking for their pocketbooks. If a
place is kept for this important ar-
ticle and the purse is always re-
turned to 11 after using, a habit will
soots be formed that will prove it
veritable joy.
Each fall when vacations are
over, children who have little house -
Dewar on "Ade ertising.e
Lord Dewar made a number of
charaeloristle reneselee 00 advertising
ntiy, '1 1.1 otemed *he seleuth
annual exhibition of 11.. Lundell mad
eeleetecern Reilway's strutters at the
N eat. 111 siert Cutleries, sessoneon,"
Ird. 1,11111' wonderful ad-
1sing wh,n ho took two
ent,r,itv edlotsitis•
y 1 1 s:Alze. A trude
A. He tenet lee r Leee er adver-
ies" -The ;trowel wit heel honor Is
ette wh s dor $ net know now to ad-
vertlee," "Some people are always
looking for a new kind of mistake to
maitre" "Success is merely 1 to,Ltter
of your exporienre cheap and
8,41ing R. 51 11 preitt." "We are grad-
ually and surely movints along to bet -
1(1 times. If we will say 'hats off to .
the east acid emits off to Inc future,'
and act up to it all will come right,"
urally cylinder of (be engine Is not bulletin pu . TIle b 11 tin is
clean .at the exhaut stroke. Result : signed by four profeeeoes who are
It is impossible to 1 -ring in a full treating him at Wte
take stroke. There is not a full Oyeterscannotllive water con-
eylinder -of new gas on the next in-
--'-eharge to explode and this means a tabling less than 37 parts of salt to
loss of power to' the engine. every thousand of water.
A Slip Coach.
Ity means of a slip coach attached
to the end •af ft tra10, Ilritirh trains
travelling a mile 11 minute can dis-
sharps passengers without stopitIng.
The coach 15 detached and sidetenek-
ed into the station, where It is
brought to a stop by its own brakes,
tees.' etese se -es " -est
4 444.,# 4.42112NEMitaltaa‘
Want d
We pay Highest Cash Price for
Cream. 1 cent per ib. Butter Fat
extra paid for all Cream delivered
at our Creamery.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Brussels Creamery Co.
Phone 22 Lhnited