The Brussels Post, 1929-11-13, Page 1VOL, 58 NQ, 22'
2.Oo per annum in advance
4Y. NOVE11113, R z3. 1929
�H-N�-••�Ht.i� N H�,-,1,�� Hf f� ° HHS N�HW HO'4�WKHHH HH 1�
r}.' :i_._i1.7.-.'5...-sT.$ M.�..s .:iJ•'$�; :. r : $ + mow+ `rM'.... e + ;. .: e .T•PM+r i'.
The Surrounding District t,
WROXETER Thos. Iioperoft and t'amily. Wood
Miss Vera Sellers was a London bridge, were recant viaitors here.
visitor oil Saturday. l Kenneth Edgar wee home fro
Atkin Rann, Windmill, spent Stratford Normal for the holiday.
Sunday with his parents here, Earl Ball left fur alu'skoka o
Wm, and Mrs. Pae, Wellesley, I Saturday where he avid enjoy sour
were recent visitors in Howlett. hunting.
Jno. Munro and Thos. Gibson,
Toronto university were home for
the week -end.
Ed. and Mrs. Jackman, Torono,
were week -end visitova with the lat-
tor's sister, s st Mrs.Thos. B
T s Brown.
Mrs. Longley, rttresionery, of
China, will give stn address at the
Sunday morning service in the Un.
ited Church, Nov. 24th,
Nese Advertteemxa*
x?tar -Ladles Ht Johan Church
„ Bazaar --Ladies 1lranneb, United Cburoh
hest or -0111+t er.nbsterian Ladles
t, Rnn.t nt Ili hrl
Aaotlo,iHale-5iltrnn rnwe
Yte Anottna$n1e-1. 1. Mol.rru,au
Atrvatrr gent £5edrns«-Rc b rt Pittriok
Fortyraid the Fludget atal tg Rtes.
Ps, ty Prise. -N 15. >rntitb
1'r'sale John Looking
nt Hound loat-P5One 95.17
Mt.for nnln-T evnx arI eban
II Pige for is -Mos taiinosne
iielo wa,uecl-tirs,H1nrnnlr
Miss Margaret Davey was portio
from Hamilton for Thanksgiving,
Miss Janet Allan; Kingston Uni-
versity visited her parents here this
'Robert and Mr
a Ballantyne,
Trus 5 e
t i sol., spent a part of last we,.k
in the village.
Alvin and Mrs. Wray, Toronto,
spent Thanksgiving with the formers
mother, Mrs, Jno. Wray. The amrual J hanitoi'min ser -
Norman and Mrs. Brandon and viae of the Mission Band of the Un-
hoties Daisy and Ruth Stocks were ited Church was held in the school-
Stocksy visitors at the home of R. room of the Church, Friday evening.
There was a largo attendance and
a splendid program presented by
the members of the band. The prin-
,c. pel features were two pageants
"The challenge,. � »
of th
Gro, and
s ,
"The Nations" a ptlntomine "Face
to Face," and a drill entitled
J. J. Weir, a former Howick bey
who has been Assistant Manager for
the Imperial Oil in Toronto o for some
thne is leaving
this week for Pitts-
burg' to take a position as Manager
for the Standard oil in that city.
Jack has many friends around Salem
it being the home of his childhood.
We are always glad to hear of our
boys making good. Congratulations
__ IN - -
Men's Shirt
10 dozen Broadcloth Shirts,
good heavy cloth and good
patterns, in colors, light and
medium. Regular $2.25
Sale price $1,59
Men's Sweater
Two dozen Heavy All -wool,
plain and fancytrim. Reg-
ular up to 56.00
Sale price 4, 80
sa se re aa
Ladies' Coats
Balance of out Fall and
Winter stock to clear at cost
and below. Prices range as
low as
Mens Overcoats
and Suits
For another week the 20 per
cent discount still holds
good. Pick out your Coat
before prices go back.
F. A. Hu:, ter
Lyl and Mrs. Gordon; of Detroit,
were home for Thanksgiving,
A commercial traveller hit the end
of the Tyerman bridge on Tuesday
night and badly damaged his car.
0. J. and Mrs. Gorsalitz and Mas-
ters' Delmar and Richard, of Flint,
Mich., spent the week end at the
former's home here.
E. and Mrs. Wilmer and Master
Lorne, Mrs. R. Barnes and W. Ken-
nedy, of Galt, spent Thanksgiving at
the isome of J. Gorsalitz,
'veteigi robe :ie:e lalgtegitaig ittetege
g M
Fl Will be held in g
Iia®c L ! Saturday,
f, Aprons, Pillow Cases, Towels g
to and other articles suitable "1s-
filz for Christmas. l
Farm Produce, Homemade t
cBaking, Candy, rs
t, Ice Cream and Pie
scs Ask for your Pareel In the el
Y Postoffiee 1 ,.
Something for everybody !
1 Tea Served during the Afternoon g
r,. 15e. Y
4 Presbyterian ladies' Aid egi
3:R'ilyta vigg.,?tAe'S:.hx,,I,a7`r]hs` tzzr,,x2,2,
Miss Francis Coates was a boli
day visitor at Brantford.
Bazaar t—A bazaar will be held
in Dunber's Hall, on Saturday, Nov,
23rd e
r the 1Ce
1 d at
e in mind.
`;tQt ' 1m1'tC ictalmcm,? esetCttotroc4w/
I Saturday, Nov. 16th
ea "VIN.^wRiV>taisteistaiVeeil lcela
i\'i!1 hold a
At 2 o'clock C? -in the—
, Under auspices o- W. .4 Public Library
Fano,Wo*,Aprons, Towels „1 !'tL r
Homeade aking and Candy p Saturday Ida Nov65! d
A dance will be held in Dunbar's
Hall on Friday evening of tris week.
The music will be suppiied by the
Mancrietf Merry Makers Orchestra.
See advt.
There will be \ Social Friday
evening', Nov. 15th in t'+e Presbyter-
ian Church. Program, contests and
lunch. Proceeds for the Mission
Band, Everybody welcome.
The Women's Institute will meet
on Thursday afterno in, Nov. 21st
30 at
home of Mrs. s. Dr.
Wardlaw. The topic "Row to make
hens lay in winter" will be taken by
Mrs. Joe Pearson. Roll call "A
thought for thanksgiving." Com-
munity singing. Demonstrations on
cake making in charge of Mrs.
Ames. All the ladies of the com-
munity are cordially invited to at-
Successful Services—Anniversary
services were held in the United
Church on Sunday last, Nov. 10th
and were largely attended. Rev, Jas.
Scobie, of Belgrave, delivered two
inspiring messages and the special
music rendered by the choir, was of
a high order, The fowl supper held
on Thanksgiving night wise a distinct
success and was followed by a
musical program that was enjoyed
by an audience that packed the aud-
itorium. Monday night's proceed:
amounted to over $200.
On Wednesday evening, 'Nov. 6th
a pleasant event took place in Dun -
bar's Hall when upwards of ninety
friends and neighbors gathered in
honor to the newly wedded pair,
Stanley and Mrs. Dunbar. Musical
selections on the violin were furnish-
ed by John Kreuter, followed by
dancing the Highland Fling by Or-
rna Gill and Edythe Rrauter which
was much c appreciated
ent. thosee
eat. A spelling mated! with Misses
Jessie Campbell and D. Stevens as
captains then took place which was
very evenly contested by both sides.
The following address was that,
read by Rev, W..4. Williams :
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dunbar =-
We your friends and neighbors are
are gathered here this evening to
congratulate g you on your r vent r
on the seas of matrimonial bliss. We
trust that your voyage will be a very
0elale laws-te-tet tmczteietetctt tater
Will be held in
• Erlday Ed g, Nov. lath f:
Music by Moncrleff Merry Makers ra
� cA`
te' 47e plus tax aR,
-42:51,11 i2tn .1,851WIni2:2t2t ,<e,&t2:2:2rDi-Da
of Roes Church FN
v 15c Lunch will be served
$r3 innat 2 o'clock
Pane y Goods, A tons To
lung and very lianpy oltr', You are
to be congratulated on finding a
life's companion among your people
and in your neighborhood. We have
learned to admire your many good
qualities, especially your services in
the Church and in the community.
You have always been ready to help
all good causes Your response to
every call has been generous. eYou
have endeared yourselves to us
by your upright characters and your
smiling faces. May your future be
bright and your host happy. As a
sign of our appreciation and as an
evidence of our gond will to you,
we present you with there two rock -
ng chairs and hone they will be of
service to you for many years,
(Signed on behalf of friends and
)neighbors, Earl Bowes, and Glenn
Eckmier. Mr. Dunbar made a suit-
able reply thanking everyone on
behalf of his wife and himself for
their kindly and genrous gift. A
few witty stories were then told by
Dr. McMaster and Rev. Williams
followed by a short speech by R.
L. McDonald. Lunch was served and
the company dispersed feeling they
had spent a very plea:'ant evening.
Council meets to -day at the Town_!
ship Hall.
Walter Forrest returned last
'Thursday from Clinton HospitaL
Mrs. W. K. Whaley, of Goderich,
is visiting friends on the 5th line. '
Rev. F. L. Lewin, of Parkhill,
visited with friends in Morris this
Miss ss Carrie
Agar, f
o Wingham,
was a holiday visitor et her home I
on the 2nd.
Miss Mildred Pasantnr"c, of Stev-i
ensville, was a Thanksgiving visitor,
nt her home.
Mrs. N. McCauley was called to
Listowel on account of illness of i
t both r
e William Pollard.
Fred and Mrs, John=Yon and fain-:
By, o
f Toronto,were y,, r� h '
e holiday visit -i
ors at the -homof Anson Shaw. !
Herbert Hawkins and Howard;
Claris visited in Clinton last Sunday
taking in the soldier'! parade.
Roht. and Mrs. Burgess and fam-I
ily of Winghani, spent Thanksgiving:
at the home of C. and Mrs. Pollard.
Stanley Rutledge, Ith con, had u'
Mute 'ssful sale of cattle and pigs last
"e nes ay. D. M. Scott, Auctioneer,
cleaned up everything. -
Jack Morris and his niece, Miss
Ferne Wright, of London, spent
Thanksgiving at the, home of Win.
and Mrs. Wilkinson, lth line.
.Luther Pepper, of Wiggins,
Sask. has been visiting Chas. For-
rest. It is 25 years since he left
these parts when he resided on the
Calbick farm,
Morley and Mire. Sepage and two
children, of Toronto, told Sam. and
Mrs. Carter, Streets•, ilio, were VW -
tors with Alex. and Mrs. Cloakley
for Thanksgiving.
it jog
4 ., tf3'® atkNnt P �.i
S, -s. r •.Full win
Re -Read our Bi.gBudget
Bill Sent You
Then come and Buy your Winter
Wearabies where the choice is large and prices the keenest
ellett!rte,tettreetiaiceeigteda ttegletgtearatakeelelet tttG ttitelatatnetatatatatatatatw
or Scores of "Good Buys"
in Ever.
King Bros., Wingham
p wels
Handkerehlefs, Farm Produce
R Homemade Baking and Candy
will be on Sale
A Cordial invitation to Everybody
5 Elizabeth Dwaine, Mrs, H. McKinnon
1 Secretary, President.
istr2tOMI Dttsa:5:a,87ei2rrM10001dailt
The recent ce rain have t bee
n a gree
boon to the tiller of the soil, wh
found it hard to plow, We expec
that snow will be the next on th
weather program.
Voter's List Court '— Judge
Lewis will hold a Votr,s's List court
for 1929, on Saturday, Nov. 16th,
at the Forester's Hall, Bluevale, at
10.30 a,m.
j, L. KERR, Proprietor
4St4'df t4'at(%mPatf'ttite;t9Se+tPatcatGIC.tR'IG' tmciatpw
TILI Tightwad
f1 �
g Will be presented by the A. 1', dl
P. A. of St. George's Chut'ch
Goderich, in the
ssei rV
Under the auspices of the
° Woman's Auxiliary of St.
John's Cu
h reh
Thursday, u
� dad,Nov.o�. 21st
At 8,15 p.m. ig
This play is clean and full of
y g
• Fun and highly g Hon J. A. Robb, Minister of Fir -
recommended. n anee for Canada, who died on Mori-
Y Toronto.
Admission 350 and 25e
Mrs. E. A. Gallonage, President
va'vt3tne reeelliseietererBrat�taiir+3ferstaiMai,�treD,
it •
Personal Paragraphs
Miss Hattie Downing, of Toronto,
was home for the holiday.
Miss Carrie McCracken, of Tor-
onto, was home over the holiday.
Leslie Campbell of Windsor, spent
the Thanksgiving holiday in town.
Miss Jean Messer, of Toronto,
spent Thanksgiving -with her mother.
e Co. Treasurer Gordon Young, of
Goderich, was in town on Saturday.
s Rev, W. A. and Mrs. Barker were
visitors with friends in Seaforth last
d Dunc. McKinnon spent the week
end at Brantford at the home of his
as uncle.
s Bert Gammage, of the C. N. R.
staff at Kitchener, was home for the
, week end.
, Miss Margaret Strachan, of Tor-
onto, was,a Thanksgiving visitor at
e her home here.
master a, Donald nald Sco t
t of Hamilton
was a holiday
o y visitor with his grand-
parents, P. and Mrs. Scott.
d Miss Edna Edwards. of Toronto,
- spent Thanksgiving with her grand-
- mother, Mrs. Geo. Edwards.
Miss Muriel Sparling of Niagara
-Falls, spent Thanksgiving with her
mother, Mrs. Geo. Sparling.
3 of liamili.rn, spent
th_ week
en w' his
d with
the home of Miss Budd, John S.
G. N. and Mrs. Edward and fans- I
ily, of London, spent Thanksgiving
with lira, (seas F,ltrnt'da, min et.
'Geo. Manning oval in Hamilton
for the holiday and talked "turkey"
with his sister, Mrs, E. F. Ruokelh
Wedding bells are ringing on tb
14th con.
Miss Berva Cardiff, St. Thomas, i
a visitor among old friends.
Miss Mary Kreuter, of Toronto
spent Thanksgiving with Jas. an
Mrs. McDonald.
Miss Beth Hoover, 9th con. h
been a visitor with Guelph 'friend
during the past week,
Sinclair Hemingway, of Toronto
was a visitor at the parental home
on the 9th over the ,n'ek-end.
Wm. and Mrs. Engel and littl
son Billie, , of Stratford, t 5P ensth
with relatives ative
1 a on the
Miss Margaret Smith, Strat for
Normal, ate her Thanksgiving dirt
nor• at the home of her parents, 0
and Mrs. Smith.
Mr, Anderson of Peterborough
has been a visitor nt the
home of
her sister,Mrs. R ht. Wagon,104
con. daring
this week.
Carl Hemingway returned to bis
)borne on Thursday last, from Strat-
ford Normal. His ninny friends
hope he will soon he able to return.
'ss laatoloen T c :`,son anti
K. R. Love, of Fiint, Stich„ were
vis:' , s with W. C and Mrs. Stev-
ensap, 10 con, over the week -end.
Mrs. Stevenson returning. with them
for 3 ronhle of weeks.
A play entitled "Cyclone Sally,"
will be presented in the Union un-
ited Church. on friday evening,
Nov. 29111, under the auspices. of the
Ladios' Aid. The May will be pres-
ented by the Young People's Society
of the Parkview United Church,
Stratford, directed by Rev. DeWitt
Cosens, pastor of the Parkview Un-
ited Church. There will also be mus-
ical numbers between acts, -
Card of Thanks:— Mrs. Thomas
Clark and family desire to express
their deep appreciation of the many
acts of kindness anti 4vmnathy shown
by their friends in their recent
Edward Rowland tart with a-
y accident
while canting
with Clr 'L a •r
alar saw. In some way
the log slipped and hie lit hand
carne in contact with tete saw which
gashed his thumb and finger badly.
The Late Lewis McDonald,— On
the evening of-Oatobar 14th he was
driving from PontiacMichigan, to
Detroit, to company with another
engineer and two nut e,. when, al-
though he laid this right of way, he
was side swiped by another car, and
over ra
tt trod lir was t:rknn immedi-
ately to the hospital in Pontiac, but
was so seriously injured that he died
an hour lat(i, The ober occupants
of the car were not .se'-ously injur-
ed. The funeral was hard an Mon-
day, October.2Sth, from St. Minh-
ni'l's Church, Pontine, interment be-
ing made to Mount Olivet Cemetery,
Detroit, The pallbearer's were as-
sociate engineers, Mr MacDonald
was a son of tit' late l.ewds McDon-
nld, and was .horn ie, Walton 473
ears ago. After graduating from
oaforth Colli ia5.e inn! the School
f Scionen Toronto, he engaged as
an engineer in railroad construction,
During the war he went overseas
with the C, P. R. Erigineera. For
several years he has Leen engaged
in engineering work in Pontanc
'and was County Engineer for the
County of Oakland, Michigan, at
his death. He is survived by five sis-
tors, Mrs. P. Dill, of Dublin ; Mrs.
Sparling, of Hamilton ; Mrs. Gordon
O'Leary, of Port William ; Mrs.
Anglin Flannigan, of Toronto, and
Miss Vera McDonald, of Detroit,
and also by two brothers, John Mc-
Donald of \Vindsor and Gordon Me -
Donald of 'Now Liakeard.
John and arr,. Morrison of De-
troit spent a • few dary.•' visiting re-
latives in Walton.
Miss Dorothy tanager had the mis-
fortune of breaking a bone in her
foot an HaIlowe'en. She is getting
along nicely.
Dr. D. M. Hackwell, of Holland,
New York was called home recently
owing to the illness of his mother,
Mrs. William Rockwell.
There passed away suddenly on
Friday in Listowel a lifelong resi.
dent of this vicinity in the Jerson of
Thomas A. Clark. Mr. Clark left
Walton only a short time ago and at
the time of his death was at the
home of his brother, John•
Clark. He
boot in ther
17th con. of Grey
Gil years ago and was the eldest of a
fancily of thirteen. I3c w 1t ilia son of
the late George and Mrs Clark A-
hout 37 years ago he was united in
marriage to Miss Flora McNeil who
is left to mourn his loss, along with
two sons, George of Listowel, and
Wesley, of Stratford and one dau-
ghter, Mrs A. Sohier, of Walton. He
is survived also by three sisters, 1',It•s.
Jake Ziegler, of Grey Township and
Mrs. John Williamson, of Walton,
and Mrs. Metz, of New Hamburg,
and- seven brothers, Archie. William,
Robert and Harry, of Walton, Ed-
ward and John of Listowel, and Jos•
eph of the West. Mr. Clark was en-
gaged in farming before coming to
Walton several years ago, Here he l
had boon engaged in blacksnsithingi
until about a year ago, when he was i
forced to retire owing to ill health.
The funeral was lhld on Monday
Frond the residence of his son, Geo.
Clark, in Listowel, and from there
to Duff's 'United Churrlt, Walton
where he had been a faithful mem-
ber. The funeral was very largely
attended showing the high esteem
in which, the deceased was hold in
this community. The pallbearers,.
'wore his six brothers: Archie, Wil-
liam, Robert, Harry, John and Ed-
ward Clark. r The services was con,
ducted by Rev. W. J. Maines pastor
of Duff's church, Walton and Rev.
sTr. Armstrong, of Listowel. Inter-
ment was trade in Brussels Comes
lies, F, G. gnw6•r was in Toronto
u Sunday,
L. Levis, of Clinton was a visitor in
town on Tuesday,
Mack Ferguson. of Toronto, was
home for Thanksgiving.
W. M. Sinclair made a business call
at Stratford lost Friday,
lan McDenaid, 05'lorn,ita Univers-
e)", was home for the holiday.
Miss Nora McDowell was a holiday
visitor with friends at Kitchener.
Mrs, M. Yolleek, and family, of TO.:-
routo, were up for the week -end,
8. and Mrs. Walker spout Thanks.,
giving with relatives at Kincardine's
Mrs. W. M, Sinclair returned home
her visit at Hawlhon on Monday.
Lawson Clouse, of Windsor, spent
Thanksgiving at the parental home,
Dr. Jamieson and sister, Mins Jam
Maim spent the week -end at Brant -
1'r td,
Brian and Mrs, Scott, and Miss
J, -at,, of Toronto, were hrwe for the.
\Yea. and Nits. Alntstrong and,
children, of Toronto, were 09 to spend,
Dr. Vernnn Roos, of London, spent;
1't,aakanivi,:g with his ptuenta, D. {i..
anYdieMsrrss. . RJ,u:o
Logan, 0 Walker. er
'Michell and Archie McDonald wade
0 motor trip to Ottawa,
Russell and Mrs. Zimmer and'farn-
iiy, of Toronto, spent the holiday
e ti, A. C. and Mts. Darnel.
Miss Wilma Galbraith, of 'Toronto
Cetlaervat,ty of M,tsie, was hone for
the Thanksgiving holidays
r i Scott Miss MAIM.,e of
Rnheart, on, are visitint, the formet's
Ina ent..ra�
J tttd i[is Boxtn"Ua.
Mi f) Qaet in and 1i, s Lyia am?
hc: fano'. fain [ ora , w tele vial•
t nt rhe h, me of Jos. acid ,1136.
Mantra ntr 'd,rr+dnv.
latank oral 571,.. 'l'essdal e, of Col) -
,,.rd, and 111irs Ida Couper Toronto,
„ere holiday visitors with Miss Nellie
Jardine, Alholt Rt,
Lotus and 51' o. Pringle, and Max-
well and Alias Margaret, anti Mtg. Her -
soy, all of Toronto, were holiday vigi-
nrs with Harry nod Mrs, Champion.
Fl, H. and Mrs. Sullivan 717,0 master
Billy, of 3lnunt Hnpe, anti 'i',ance null
\its. Sanderson and Miss Betty, of
W31ti'. ngiri.•r hani\Vi, spliis.ent the Mail). with
R. W. Brown, Miss Lyl Prawn and
Mrs. G. E. Ferguson, of Toronto
were in town this week to see their
sister, Mrs. J. L. Kerr, who has been
confined to her bed for the last 10
Mrs. D. Badgley left on Monday
for Brantford, where she may spend
the winter.
P. A. Rickard, of Toronto, spent
tite week end with his parents at
the Restore,.
Mrs. J. A. Falconer, of Chicago,
ds visiting rtrn with he
>; r, Mrs. inter,
M Dun-
can MacDonald.
F. and Mrs. Bowes and daughter,
of London WPril at the Rea -
eery on Saturday owning,
Jas. and Mrs. Oliver and Frani:
nod STrs. Oliver, of Detroit, and Jack
Oliver, of Toronto, were holiday via-
iters with Jno. and Mrs. Oliver, in
'I otttl.
Mrs, A. McGuire spent the thanks-
giving holidays with her brother,
Geo. R. Rankin, at Elora, and also
attended the unveiling ceremonies
of tt monument erected to the mem-
ory of fallen soldiers in that town.
Tavistock Gazette Sold
L,. W, Appel, fur the past 15 -
years, editor and publisher of the
Tavistock Gaz(.tie, has disposed of
the newspaper to George K. Brown,
until recently ently publisher of the Tees -
water News, who assontcs possession
. rventber 15. 50'. Appel" who ia,
widely known In Western Ontario
eliciting circles, has not yet made.
definite plans for the future..
A Change in Train Timb,
Commencing next Sunday the C:.
N. R. are making several changes in
trains, etc., but the only change for
Brussels, is that passengers are to
'cave Toronto earlier in the evening
and arrive in :Brussels about half an
hour later. Our train will now stop•
t all the stations between Toronto
and Brussels. The correct time will
not be announced until after The
Post is outer
tery. Tire sincere sympathy of the
community is extended to the ber-
eaved ones.