HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-10-23, Page 5eeiteee :cal me *titan day m his ele as the It 1•inglan'ii had no li 'ahoutl1 with k was a John If, ed in b4 terentyj$ his wi. Trim, l: James 'tj cilia, Jd' two sis Haughej ther, F>, G _ you would be wead 'Think of Saving as Well as Getting Systematic saving is the foundation of prosperity. The Bank of Nova Scotia invites your Savings Account. Interest is compounded half -yearly. THE BANKOF NOVA SCOTIA BSTABLISHBD 1832 Capital $10,000,000 Reserve $20,000,000 Total Assets over $260,000,000 J. A. McLEOD, General Manager, Toronto 613 "OLD DOCTOR GROVES" RECALLS EARLY DAYS OF MEDICA.L PRACTICE Noted Fergus Practitioner Chuckles and Claims Share to Honors Accorded Lister and Pasteur - Hospital "Staff" Comes Under Fire. Saturday's Toronto Globe had the following article on Dr. Groves, who is well known in this section of the country, for his many operations. The mouth was a play in itself. Each time a rising young executive said "Summation" the routh would note it with a quirk. Each time an earnest -minded young doctor solved one more problem with one more theory the mouth would smile ten- derly. Each time those blessed words "specialization" and .'efficien- cy" turned up, the mouth remember ed something that amused it. Statistics up to a point it closed firmly upon. After the fourth page it took on an interesting and des- pairing droop, It was worth watching .that mouth. It was more worth liseerl- ing to when Dr. Abraham Groves, of. Fergus the oldest delegate to the Ontario Hospitals Association Con• vention, consented to talk. Dr. Groves will be 83 on his next birthday. He graduated from Med- ical School in Toronto when the Franco-Prussian War was raging ; when ladies wore hoopskirts and gentlemen antimacassared thin flow- ing whiskers ; when Confederation was extremely new in Canada, and there were no such things as germs in medicine. Abraham Groves started his pro- fessional career as a genera] prac- tioner in Fergus. He is still in Fer- gus, still a general practioner and very proud of both facts. Helping people into the world, fighting all sorts of enemies to keep them in it, mending from broken knuckles to broken necks -these are seine of the jobs of a general prac- titioner. "Old Doctor Groves" has clone them all and done them well, in the fifty-nine years since he first rode out from Fergus, to visit a I atient in the township of Garit- fraxa. Best Neck in Country To -day Dr. Groves is head of the Fergus Hospital. It was there that the neck was mended fourteen years ago. Dr. Groves still has the broken piece he took out. Its owner still has the neck. "The beat neck in the country ; he claims," Dr. Groves mid yesterday. Many great men have risen many great discoveries have been made in modern medicine. But the names of Lister and Pasteur are still greatest names in the science to Dr. Abraham Groves. When voranaue Groves left medi- -el school at the age of 23, things were not as now, "I remember the surgeon going from one operation to another without even washing his hands. Why should he? There wasn't any such thing as a germ. "I m told by men of good repute that T was the first surgeon who ever sterilized before an operation. That was in the year '73, on July 5" The old doctor chuckled. "Not that I knew nothing about the crerm theory. Nobody did pay any attention to him when I got my dip loma. "But there' was typhoid around, and we. were beginning to suspect Nit water that looked all rieht might have something to do with Enjoy the Thrills or the World's Series Games Be There ! In a Grandstand Seat With a NawAtwater-Kent All -Electric Screen Grid Radio In a few days the major league .title race will swing into an exciting • climax with the World Series. You'll want to be there, and you can be there with one of the new radio models. They'll bring you all the thrills, the • roar of the crowd and details of the game through the eyes of trained obse•'ver - Clearly and wonderfully . , almost vis- ually I World series . ..football games..:. and then months packed with pleasure, Coniu to -day and hear the famous Atwater-IfOlt Screen Grid Radio. Robt. Patrick Radio and Gas Service BRUSSELS THE Goad Pullets For Sale .0 White Leghorns Barred Rocks White Rocks jersey Black Giants All Good Strains Ce:1 Poultry Wanted Will pay highest market prices for all kinds of Poultry Having taken a course in Poul- try culling, I arm able to cull out your poor layers and de- mised ones. Any one wanting to sell or have their flocks culled. Phone 108xr5, Prices reasonable Jno. Rutledge typhoid. So I said to my assistant, John Wishart, that we had better be on the safe side and boil this wa- ter and every thing that was washed in it. "John used to.,laugh afterward and say that we two should share the honor of Lister and Pasteur." "Can be Carried too Far." "What do I think o fthe. tenden Iles of modern medicine? Well. I'm a general practioner, and tin individ- ualist -both out of date, perhaps. 1 think specialization and organiza- tion can be carried too far. Hospitals for instance. Ours is a private hospital. But its a great deal more public than most of the hos- pitals in this Province. Any properly qualified doctor in Ontario can treat his patients there. I'll have no 'stag' in my hospital." There was a large contempt in the old doctor's voice. "Stag 1 I call it a rascally system that permits a thing called a 'board' to say who shoji or shall not look after you or me when we're sick. Who pays the bills anyway? You or the 'board?'" Dr, Groves, of Fergus stopped and laughed. "The poor, long-suffer- ing public," he said, "they must like it or it wouldn't be done. But it seems a terrible thing to me if, in a great crisis of your life you cannot have the roan you trust to care for you because he is not on 'the staff'." District News BRUSSELS POST WEDNESDAY,' DOT, 28rd, 1029, Brussels 'Buy-atHome' Campaign Community Buying Directory and Business Guide The Merchants and Business men represented below are co-operating in an effort to !prove to the reside•'.lhs of the town and community comunity that values equal' to any of the larger towns' or cities may be procured n local stores. A series of educational "Buy -at -Home" editorials will be reproduced weekly along with an individual write-up ,of leach business. The benefit of Home Buying will be shown to the general advancement and progress of the community. Read 'tile edlforiai, take advantage of the weekly specials offered by the anerchants, and BOOST THE 'TOWN YOU CALL HOME, .y .4-4 I• ,444.-:N W �i.4»♦`♦"t i'r'e.4 i0:44H( wt : He44«;4 4♦ ♦•»s4- :.s:+44. '+ +»:. a :»: 140:' 8: 444-8 e444.1,e x44-40 � 401, f»�»i'i t 44- +»»H4 Wit . ; » 0+ i»+R+a•t., a The Canadian Bank of 'Commerce 1 3 Walker & Black MEN'S FURNISHINGSi+ Heartily endorse this Buy -at -Hare Campaign i $. AND TAILORING _+ t SUPPORT LOCAL MERCHANTS Specials in Shirts: Men's reg. 2.50 3 for $2.00; Men's collar attached reg and help our Town Grow ♦: $2 for $1.75; Boy's reg. $1.25 for $+ 3. :. Special to clear, 16 prs. Ladies Pat `eeeeel+!; ..•t »4.: 4 ka:»t+ : ;»:»k•: »e`r4«,H;«4, a ,r,.14etelietWi4,. ; tie slippers, reg $4.50 fog„$2.00, sizes 3 t FURNITURE, Men's Rubbers large sizes, reg. $7.50 t.3 RUGS and for $1.00; Ladies rubbers large sizes A GROCERIES and PROVISIONS ;' LINOLEUM low heel, reg. $1.00 for 75c. WATCH ;:�. Perrins Ginger Snaps, 2 IUs for ,25c the window in these lines. D Toilet Paper, 7 for 25c Telephone 10 £ Last week of China Sale 15% Discount .; ww•«« w««ww«;»»•, w,«ww4,•«- » Telephone 64 .> 1. eeeleeseteeee+teeleffelee•ieelee÷feekeeeee4eleloleteeel e1 144+4«. #« 4+101414.1..-4.4 » .+; :«`e:eitelee+0+i«44 , w»'..4eSeli f ill htoo & Gillespie HARDWARE - TINSMITHING S ORDER YOUR COAL NOW : AND BE READY FOR WINTER. TELEPHONE 68. s 4. R. W. Ferguson • FURNITURE AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS f TELEPHONES 36 and 33 ■e . err ea. �■■.. . DRUGS & STATIONER X Why do you live in Brussels? -Perhaps it is because your parents lived here be- fore you and you never thought cto move, Mare likely it is because you saw a chance to invest to good ad- vantage here, or earn a goad living, ar establish your- self at a moderate: expense where your :family and your- self could have all the advantages of a live community. You found desiral,l,e churches, schools and business interests. You realized that Brussels was a progressive com- munity and a desirable place in which to l:ve. Certainly you would not live here if you thought Hallowe'en Masks, Etc., good variety l$: that you and your family would be much better off sonic = TEN PATTERNS OF WALL to choose from. Just received a tvh re else. If you did you would be foolish, fur your c PAPER ON SALE AT GREATLY choice variety stamp goods for Be- '•A. first duty is towards your family. 3. REDUCED PRICES. zaar'and Xmas Gifts. t Brussels has progressed In the: past beotuse 1.11-' - TELEPHONE 62. - , 0 ,: ,- , .04. 400-;» 0 »».»t »»4 , merchants of thetown and other civic enterprises havei, «;«;»t»»Ht»t«:», , . , , , , , , . ,H;»4, ;„:H;H;- i= received the support of the residents. On the ranti 2H « W. F. Stretton ;3 uance of phis lmatranage depends fhe future success of ;s a age 4. the community. If the merchants .are not supported i WATCHMAKER JEWELER &. A they will retire from businesss sand your money' which S := should go to building up the town will go to other OPTICIAN ) cities to place them in front •of Brussels. You believe that the town will advance. no vow▪ Men's Work Shoes for $2.5o and TELEPHONE 20 X. i bit by buying in Brussels. Keep your doilars at hon!_. 53.50 . , , .. , , , , `.»000-4+t44+ , 000,,»+««»«. i Buy in Brussels. f ...«'44444444.4-44-0.:÷)+,144“1,:÷:•++.,0 Ht iViiissH■ •«.«: w wwt ;«w «t»t«t«,w,«; , , , , ,,, , , , ,, + , - .«'.«4244..,.: , , '.»t•. 54 ngston S. F. DAVISON Exclusive Millinery and -4 GENERAL HARDWARE, STOVES and TINWARE GROCERIES and FRUIT Gainsborough Hats. "McClary" and "Princess Pat" Quebec Cook Stoves i HEAD LETTUCE FALL HATS NOW ON DISPLAY Y "McClary" and "Good Cheer" Circulating Heaters S FOR SATURDAY Telephone 17. ' TELEPHONE 7. 2:t«a+s44 •.244 r.:.»;4i..,;«4-.4.ti.:»42;»;.,,i, ....,: 4«.,...41,...,t»+ ...............+.+»;«. Baeker Bros.: . e«« .«Hw il iS. MEAT MARKET 4. it Brussels Business Men = SERVICE AND QUALITY.. e F. R. SMITH, Druggist, is a native of the town Telephone No. 6. , After his schooling in the Brussels School and graduat- 4i. «;H;»; H:»,»:«;„;.,.,»:H:»...:H;»»,«;H:H; ;.,»; y «;. = ing from Pharmacy, he returned to B•russe.ls and pur- chased the drug business he now owns and by diligent ��0 A BVI ■ A. Burgess 3 'attention he has "made good." As a pastime Mr. • Smith takes an active !interest .in the Brussels Chamber ,4 BARBER BARBER • of Commerce, being •the Secretary -Treasurer for a num_ 3s; E -Ladies Hair Cuttingber of years. .L` a Specialty �t Tobacco always on hand. $ HAVE CONFIDENCE IN YOUR TOWN Pint Vaccum Bottle, Special Price 43 Cents. Telephone 81 Mrs, Thos. Moore WALTON Mrs. Wm. Hoy is on the sick ;est. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Herbert and Mrs. Manning and daughters, spent the week end at the home of•Mrs. Manning's brother, Elton Rozel!, "at Kitchener. Their daughter, Miss Laura, is a -so a resi- dent of that city. Union Meeting := On Monday evening, Oct. 25th, Messrs. J. W. Medd, Progressive Candidate for South Huron, and C. A. Robertson. Liberal Candidate for North Huron, will hold a joint meeting in the A. 0. U. W. Hall. Ladies are especially invited to attend this meeting. Chair taken at 8 o'clock. BLUEVALE Mrs. Roger Oke is spending a few days with relatives at Toronto. F. Black shipped a car of cattle and hogs to Toronto on Gaturday. Thomas Hemphill shipped a car- load of -split peas to the' West Indies to -day. MrMcSean, of Knox College, oc- cupied the pulpit in the Presbyteriar church on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Mann was at Lucknow on Sunday preaching anniversary services at the United Church. Quite a number from nere attend- ed the anniversary services of the United Church, Wingham, Sunday. Dlr. Farrow returned home to Guelph after spending a few days with his cousin, Mrs. Robert Mies.. grove. A very profitable meeting was held in the school room of Knox Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, October 16th when Dr. Margaret. O'Hara the veteran missionary from 'laidia addressed the meeting. The siresident, Mrs. leleEwen, presid• cd and after singing hymn 270, Mr, Hutton lead in prayer followed by scripture reading which was taken by Miss Olive Scott. The speaker was thea introduced and gave a most in- teresting address on the different mission fields in India and their needs. The hospital work and some of her personal experience. Dr. O'Hara has spent 36 years in India doing medical missionary work. Several ladies from tee Eadie cen- grogation were present and enjoyed the meeting. BLYTH - Quite a serious accident 'ocetnled one night last week about a mile Reath of Londesboro when bir. wee Mrs. Thomas 1-I, Taylor and family and Stanley Find Mrs. ;-tibthorpe and baby were returning from Clinton where their car was sideswiped by a car driven by Mrs. . (Dr.) T1amUley, of I.oi:(lon, The Sibrhorpe cam wee badly damaged and Mrs, Silithorpe received severe ants necessitating; stitches in her neck and face. Irene Taylor also received a cut on the face requiring stitches, All were GIFT AND VARIETY STORE Smith's R exall = Drug Store BOOTS & SHOES OUR MOTTO BAKER and CONFECTIONER Any Cookies (our own make) 2 Doz. for 25c, TELEPHONE 32X C. F. Lockwood Ladies' and Childrens' Tonsoual 3 = Work a Specialty 04444.0.44 .. 8-1,4444- ..+«;„": 44•• +4 :• 4�«w♦ 4o'•+'rr•. *r .... . . ....... « .. , .»•8»; 4•,».„. ; , , ..... 2 = ,„. , ; rs, .•+:� »2.::.w4•; ,»+ ..~,~*H; :«; �+, 11RUS,SEL:S farmers' Go -Operative o trek A. C. Baeker iGraili Theatre = RADIOS, BATTERIES, AND THE BEST ACCESSORIES FLOUR, FEED, SEEDS MOVING PICTURES i Cat' of Salt @ 45e per cwt.; ear of SPECIAL PRICE ON EVERYTHING i' Oilcalee M; Car of Feeding Mol - MONDAY &. TUESDAYS ; asses, forealOctober. Order now. IN SHOP. z FRIDAY & SATURDAYS +_ TELEPHONE 5. � TELEPHONE 46. »:-4..0...00-0 ..: ; t `'• ,0 �»t»:40 ve+ 404 :+.4 4-4 4 ow »»42 »i2'. -•:H: , . , . ;» s.4.5.3,t« ,; r«+..• H � +.+:H; p+p't«42t»;H, . .1«r:«:H:«tHt»«4,W«:»� 4-tit+:,+t«4'4';..;»4„+M ;H40 Cunningham's Garage = G. B. cI T E 3Riverside CHEVROLET GARAGE- NEW .CARS ~ Garage � age A `,. . USED CARS SEE AND HEAR OUR NEW TALK- _ x,=- ING MACHINES =. • Telephone 9X Philco and Rogers Batteryless Radios Telephone 72 X O. H. SPROULE - Repairs on all makes of cars. - Battery Charging ... ... . . . .... Tires & Accessories. shaken up besides receiving small cuts from glass. Honored on Golden Anniversary : .---Mr. and Mrs. Charles Campbell celebrated their golden wedding an- niversary on Tuesday of last week. Their daughter, bit's. James Wight-' man, entcrtaiod a number of friend:; •in their honor. bit' Campbell, who is a native of Dmnffries Township, •came le Huron County in his early youth, and in .1870 he married An- nie Ree,rrofft, a daughter of the late John and leers. lieecrofi't pioneer, of East Wewanosh, For the entire fifty years M. and Mrs. Campbell lived ea their farm en the banks of the Maitland, at hlannoclt, and there they reared their family of three sons and three daughters. Four surviving children are : Herbert cif Wingham, Mrs. M'tburn McDowell, of Millbrook, John of Aylmer and Mrs. James Wightmen, of Belgravc. DA•, and Mrs. Campbell now reside in Bolgrave, and on the occasion of T1•y their golden wedding received kind- ly renmemberances from v. large i number of friends. BELE~RAVE The Oetober meeting of the Bel- gt•ave Branch of the Women's In- stltut,' was held at the home of Mrs. Carl Procter and was well attended ; The !'resident, Mrs Carl Procter was in the chair, Several items 01 business were discusse:i after which Miss Cela Coulter gave a splendid paper dealing with the subject "Making the most of Life" which was much appreciated. At the clo:ae of: the meeting lunch was served by Law the hostess assisted by Mrs. Jesse Wheeler and Mrs. Chas. R. Coulter The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. G. W. Procter in No , ranmUer. The Post with Your Next Order of Job Printing Prompt Service sultry Wanted HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF POULTRY. R. Thorns , n East Huron Produce E1�' porierrlm