The Brussels Post, 1929-10-23, Page 1cid
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VOL, 58 NO, 1gg $'2.00
er mom in advance BRUSSELS. ON7'ARJO. WEDNESDA Y. OCTOBER 23. X029
o v+Avo i e43... aW�a, �.�� 4,4,4,•t�"±•' 44 .8;40z4,i °.4. �"j+.4 •i ;ww t-4 *i,
The Surrounding Di.s'trict :_
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WROXE'TElt Franlc Earls and Ira McLean
Mrs. F, Davey was a recent visit spent Sunday in Guelph,
or in Hamilton. Mrs. S. Rasmussen has returns
Robe.. and Mrs: Stocks and Baugh- from a two weeks visit with reit:-
'ter, Elva, were melt -end visitors in tives near Brussels.
London. Austin Morrison, Prince Albert,
Sass ib spending a Week with his
motherMrs Jno. Morrison
ie ;Moffatt and son, London,
SHALLOWE'EN I and C. and Mrs. Koehler, Ayton,
1visited at the home of D. nemeses:
Pie S t! I
Under auspices of A.Y.P.A.
St. David's Church, Henfryn
Tuesday ev'g,
Oct, 29
At 8 O'clock.
fi4. .,
Harvey McGee
The well known Comedian. of Blyth
and others will supply the program
following which Pies will be sold by
Coffee Served Free
Admission 25c Ladies with Ples Free
Rev. A, H. O'Neil, Rector
this week.
M•s. I Chamberlain
i isnursing g a
at at resent as the re
very sore hand p ,
salt of n injury, part of her thumb
was amputated last week at the
Wingham Hospital.
I Services in the United Church
i here were withdrawn on Sunday ow-
ing to anniversary services being
held at Salem when the .Rev. Mr.
McKenzie, of Ripley, was the
•Pioneer Passes—One of the pion-
ears of Wingham locality passe
away on Saturday evening in the
person of Mary Jane Phippen, with
ow of the late William Finley, hi her
85th year. Some o£ her• earlier days
i were spent near Wroxeter but the
most of her life has been spent in
the vicinity of Wingham, She was
predeceased by her husband 30
years ago. Mrs. Phippen was in
possession of all her faculties and
although being very active until a
year-ago, she had only been confin-
ed to her bed for about three weeks.
She had reared a large family of
thirteen and of which twelve are
living, Robert, of Toronto ; David,
Howard, William, Alonza and Geo.
of Winghm ; Joseph, of Glenannan
and James of Woodstock ; Mrs. J.
Kemp, of Long Island, N. Y., Mrs.
_ .:
Thursday and friday Evenings of this week
%M.7!':••'+'4'•i•`k•M; COti M^.:•t,.`:...:••'.. dD'1 ..... M..., .... M_.._._M _._M ::'iME-.i'mi'9�+.
Evangelist C. T. Major
of Campbelltown, N. B., will speak at
Dunbar's Hall - Ethel
Friday Evening's subject : "The Second Coming of Christ"
New Adgert ieweutx
Na v4x11
r At tiallnoPrro ve,rflnnv(
ootoa'onlea (in,a Connell
Avotiolsets-Nesbit i
tine In ou
A1'plrawnate 71 Ann h1 Alol,,
Pin+(oriol^-'`t. t�nvtct -tar ri•'eG, iieofryn
Pnlltloal Mooting--( A ltoriernam
tilyziagelistle ldaetingx (( T. tl rljor
New arrivals -Ring tiro.,
Pt.ultayy l ooa, otc 1 (5. t;mitb
nhnin'loet--Andraw 1 o,nnnt
Ram for ante =vin ylltllrl.ea
Rul•n for ala ('5o,, 518
$oarf found 9 11 u pow,.
Moran. for loll,t •-•Ina s Armatrorg
Alga for ale lint art (' 01 rte
Florae for aa1 -`t Carter
?lice fur sale --'thus Mills.
Richard Tennant, Owen Sound
CIV 4t3tetGT.ISCC14141 14.MG1z14ICt7. ibis
g 1 r
III ree
;Mrs. Jas, Fowler, of Wingham and Gia
Mrs. Jas.Thom she
Robertson with y`f
or 1
time of h a
tris living at the
Funeral services were conducted at
her late residence Monday afternoon t
!interment being made in the Wing
1 ham Cemetery.
p George Merkley, 20,- Waterloo,
and Walter Renwick, 20, also of
Waterloo were sentenced on Monday
in the magistrate's court to one
year in the Ont. Reformatory at
• Guelph as a result of several rob•
bevies to which they confessed.
Walter McLuhan, 22, of Stratford,
o too t part in sono of the rob-
beries, was sen ence six mon 1
the Reformatory. The trio were ar-
rested late in September. They were
implicated in the robberies at the
Moffatt Hardware store and the pri••
vate garage of Gordon Gibson.
F. A. Hunter's
Commencing Wednesday, October 16
and for 15 days only, a straight
Discount Of 20 p. c.
Will be given. We have a full stock of Fall and Winter
Merchandise and rather than carry it over on our shelves
we give the discount to clear it out. We have Bargains
too numerous to mention. Give us a call and compare
Men's Suits and
All new stock
20 per cent Off
Ladies' Coat s
IncludingNorthways and
several other reliable
20 percent off
Men's Home-
made Mitts
200 pairs, good value at
$1.00 for
Only 65c
Silk and Wool and All
Wool, balance of odd lines
light and dark shades.
Regular to $1.25
For 750
French Serge
and Santoy
Regular $1.65
Sale price $1.20
All Linen Tea
Regular 20c yard
Sale price 14c
Remember the 20 p. - c. Discount
'. A. Hunter's
Several attended the funeral of
the late Mrs. Fletcher at Seaforth
last Thursday.
A number of the ladies from
Ethel Women's Institute are attend-
ing the Joint Convention of Instit-
utes a; Teeswater this week.
The Women's Institute purpose
holding a sale of homemade baking
and will serve afternoon tea in the
Library room, on Saturday, Oct.
2Gth. Will all members please take
note of this and any donations
baking will be- appreciated.
On Thursday evening, Oct 24th,
the Ycung People will be entertain-
ed in Atwood by the Atwood So-
ciety. A debate will be a feature
of the. evening programme. You will
be cordially welcomed to any or all of
the Young People's- meetings.
Quite a number of the United
Church Young People motored to
Belgrave on Tuesday evening, 15th
' and enjoyed very much an address
delivered by Dr. Martin, Cerurchill.
Dr. Martin spoke of his missionary
activities in the Hudson Bay terri-
• On Wednesday morning,. Oct.
18th at the manse, Cranbrook by
Rev. W. A. Williams, Miss Margaret
A. Clark, eldest daughter of W. J.
' and Mrs. Clark, of Wingham, was
united in marriage to liarry Calvert
also cf Wingham. The best wishes
of Ethel friends go with their for a
happy wedded life.
A quiet wedding was solemnized
at the Parsonage, Ethel, on Tuesday,
Oct. 15th at 3.30 p. rn. when Miss
Elizabeth daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Smith, of Elma Township
was united in marriage to
Mr. Will-
Russell, son of the ?:ate Ebenez-
er and Mrs. Pistell of Elma-Town-
A 0. U. W. HALL
Monday e!'gl RI, 28
at S o'clock
W. C. Medd
Progressive U. F. 0, Candi-
date, South Huron
C. A. Robertson
Liberal Candidate, North
Ladies especially invited
"God Save
Players, Pianos
Do Lunch Served -
Foresters' Hall
Saturday, Oct, 20
Under auspices of
Knox Presbyterian Church
Fancy Work Aprons
Homemade Baking
Candy Flowers
tOrd at2t`dtrfaigr$t-DaBalt'dt`2r®dt,r't`ur°1M-Zatit,W2tt
ship. The ceremony was perform-
ed by Rev. C. Elmer Taylor.
On Thursday and Friday evenings
of this week, Evangelist C. T. Major,
of Cainpbelltown, N. B., will speak in
Dunbar's Hall. Friday evening's sub-
ject: "The Second Coming of Christ."
Everybody welcome to these meetings,
Hallowe'en Pie Social :— A Hal-
lowe'en pie social will be held in
Dunbar's Hall, Ethel, on Friday
evening, next, Oct. 29th under the
auspices of the A. Y. P. A. of St.
David's Church, Ethel. Harvey Mc-
Gee, Comedian, and others will sup -
1 the program.
the Young People's meeting
held in the United Church last Thurs
day evening. Dr. McMaster gave a
talk in "The Importance of Totat
Abstinencefrom the Physical Stand- ,
point" Rev, Mr. Taylor spoke on,
"The Importance of Total Abstin-
ence from the Spiritual standpoint."
A very interesting missionary sketch
was presented by a number of the
The Women's Institute met last
Thursday afternoon ae the home of
Mrs. W. Bremner. After the opening
exercises Mrs. Wardle* gave a
splendid paper on wholesome read-
ing for_ the Heine. Roll Call was an-
swered by "How to keep children
employed." Mrs. Jas. Pearson gave
a reading. The meeting closed with
"God Save the Sing", after which
lunch was served by Mrs. Bremner,
assisted by Mrs. 3. Pearson.
Edgar Hollinger, of Detroit, is
holidaying with friends in Grey.
Walter Broadfoot is in the Wing -
:nam Hospital where he had his ton.
sill removed.
Creek: and well should have
supply of water after the rain, the
first of the week.
Miss Winona Frain, of Exeter,
spent tine week -end at the home of
Percy and Mrs. Tyerman.
A. E. and Mrs. Westover have re-
turned to their home at Niagara
Falls. having spent the past week
with Mrs. A.E. Dane,Ethel.
lI i..
A J meeting joint nt etin • of the Progress
sive Candidate, J. W. Medd, of
South Huron and Liberal Candidate
C. A. Robertson, of North Huron,
will be held in the A. 0. U. W. Bali
Walton, on Monday evening.
Fred and Mrs. -Oxtoby returned
recently from visiting reltives in
Port Huron, Columbivillo and De-
troit and other points. They came
by motor accompanied by Alex. and
Mrs, Annett, of Detroit, who spent
the week -end.
Fatally injured ;— Oliver Turn-
bull, 15th eon received word last
week of the de :th of his nephew,
Will. Burton, which occurred on
Monday of last week following an
aeroplane' crash at Winnipeg the day
previous. The pilot of the machine,
whose home was at Burford. Ont.,
was killed instantly. Mr, Burton
who was 22 years of age, had just
recently started in the aviation ser -
vire. Isis mother is a resident of
Vancouver to which place the body
was sent for burial, His Rather died
a year and a half ago.
Passed Away :-- On Sunday af-
ternoon, Mary Stewart, daugirter of
the late Donald and Elizabeth Stew-
art, passed away at the age of 55
years, 8 months and 16 days. De-
ceased was bona en the farm on
which site died, and for the. post
year had been in poor health, though
she did not take to her bed until the
Tuesday bofore her death. She is
survived by one sister, Mrs, Blakloy,
of Moase Jaw, and two brothers,
Alexander and Donald, onthe home-
stead, The funeral was held on Tues-
day afternoon and the services were
conducted by Rev. Mr. Williams, of
Cranbrook, Interment was mads: in
Ilressek Cemetery,
Former Residents Celebrate Gol-
den Wedding se -A very interesting
event took ;place in Atwood on Tues-
day, Oct, 8th, when William and Mits.
• Bell celebrated the fifteenth anniv-
ersary of their nmrring°, Mr, Bell
• was born in the North of Ireland on
{ tfitCl{'+Ntve•p zz,... ,!C.6ffiF..K3tetcocctoa
Under auspices of
Will be given by R 4
W Graduate Detroit School R -4
of Expression and Eng. w
lisp Literature
Monday EV'g, Oct. 28
Miss Siegel comes highly re-
commended as an A 1
Admission 50 and 35 cents
teeteeermereiereo3tatete ereatemeeeeeeeiseameit
August 25th, 1856. He came to Can •
ada with his parents, the late John
and Mrs. Bell, in1863. They settled
in Mornington township, coming to
Elma in 1873. On O,ct. 8, 1870, he I
was united in marriage to Joan
Graham, eldest daughter of the late
John and Mrs. Graham, by the Rev. •
Robert Renwick, at the home of the
bride's parents on the farm now
owned by Mr. Harold Peter on the
8th con., Elma. Following the cere-
mony they went to Brantford on a
honeymoon trip. On their return
they lived in Grey township and af-
ter yearsmoved to the
t r a few
teN wtewieeekeelateemeezee:ewuv►
*The Ladies .02
Melville Presbyterian
Church - Brussels
will still a Bazaar consisting
of the fallowing booths :
Parcel Post Fancy Goods
Aprons Towels
Pillow Cases Handkerchiefs
Flannelette Knitted Goods
Homemade Baking
Candy Farm Produce
D1i '
'.l--- - --- iHH H 1• -.+H,
1Olr „� Ali
10 ro
1A carload of Hand-picked
Winter Apples.
41 Pp
Dan. McKinnon
Phone 23-16
j. L. r ; RR, Pt* efor
Saturday, Nov. 2
At 1.30 o'clock agI'
In the Opera House
The annualATTENTconventN!ion of the
Huron Co, Educational Association
of Truetees and Ratepayers will be
held ht the town hall, Wingham, on
�Q+i ' Saturday, Nov. 2nd, cormnencing-at
Tea Served - 3,30 to 6,30 ti sharp. Addresses on live
a subject of interest to all education-
" 20 cents 3 1st:. will be given by Rev. H. W. Snell
u.; Pa of Brantford, and Mr, Wm, Morris
a of Toronto, president and secretary-
lew Mrs, J. Meadows. Mary Lamont, Ira treasurer. respectively, of the '+raa-
le Pres Ladies' Aid Secretary i tees and Ratepayers' Section of the
.4"12b918rPr2rar"iat"12tr*••"mrb'"'2l9t*a Educational membrs of arlion,
so by our members of parliament,
school inspectors, teachers and oth-
ers. Make your requirements along
educational lines known to Chas. A.
Robertson, Goderich, convenor of the
resolution committee, prior to the
convention. Kindly invite your tea-
cher and have this announcement
read in, the school. A special invita-
tion is extended to ladies.
Wm. Archibald, Pres. Huron Co.,
Educational Association.
Mrs. R. Davidson. Secy-Treas.
Huron Co. Educational Asso.
R Ontario.
memberance to accompany you to
your new home as a reminder of our
cordial good will .and sincere good
wishes for prosperity end happiness
in your new home. Your friends and
neighbors of Cranbrook and dist-
rict. Mr. Janes gave a ve ry pleas-
ing reply after which they all joined
in singing, "For they are all jolly
good fellows." A very pleasant even-
ing was spent in card playing and
Pe I
r ons Fara ra hs
� P 1
con., Elma, where they lived for i Church 'Votes
many years. Ten years ago they came
to the village to live in the
pause they now occupy. On Tues-
they were at home to their
many friends, both afternoon and
evening. The house was nicely de-
corated for the occasion in gold and
white, with carnations in the living
room and marigolds in the dining l
room. The guests were received at
the door by Mrs. Jas. Erskine, In the
(Liebe; room Mrs. W. D. August, of
Stratford, poured the tea and Mfrs.
Walter Bell, Mrs. Russel Bell, Mrs.
Graham Bell and Miss Margery Rat-
eliffe assisted in serving the guests.
During the evening a short program.
was presided over by Hui h I.:, h
mond, which included solos by MIT.
E. G. Coghlin and David Hood, vio-
lin selections by Mii es Agnew Hoed
and Irene MicCutcheon ; readings by"
Mrs. T. Hamilton Ind Dr. D. A.
Kidd ; speeches by lI sr.. A. P.,
'Perry, W. R. Er knae, Geo Lock,
head and T. G. Ratcliffe. On behalf
of some of the immediate relatives,
Messrs. Jas. MI. Erskine and Lloyd
D. Vallance presented Mr. Bell with
gold cuff links,and Mr. Bell with a
gold brooch with cameo setting. Mr.
Bell made a suitable r:.ply, thanking
thein and all the friends who had
come to wish them well. Those pres-
ent during the day, who were at the
ceremony 50 years nave Were : Mlrs,
Geo. Lockheed and Mr:.. W. D. Ang-
us, sisters of Mrs. Bell ; Mrs. John
Clark,of Rockville Minn., 0 cousin
of Mrs. Bell and Mrs.Robert Barr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bell have a family of
four sons, Russel, Ne alter, and t,ra-
ham, of Elnia township and Ben,
of Medicine Hat, Alta. There are
also six grandson; and one grand-
daughter. At a dine, r on. the. even-
ing of their golden wedding at
which all their sons and daughters
were present they presented their
parents with a purse of geld to mark
the memorable occasion. M r. and
Mrs. Bell received many other gifts
from their many friends ante m
: a_ges of congratulation were receiv-
ed from Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Grahnm,
Maple Creek, Sask.Mir. and Mrs
G. S. Tatham, Midland ; Mr. and
Mrs. Philniore Hamilton, Newmar-
ket ; Mr. John E, Smith, Mfr. and
Mrs. Alf Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. John
Inglis, of Stratford.
j The Athletic Association will ]told
their annual meeting on Monday
f evening, October 28th. All interested
are asked to attend.
On Monday evening, Oct 21st, a
number of neighbors and t'riends
gathered at the home. of Philip and
stirs. Janes before their departure
tb Wingham and presented them
with an electric table lamp and an
electric plate. The following address
I was read :—
Dear friends :- On learning' with
• much regret of your impending de-
parture from among us, we have as-
sembled here to -night to pay tribute
in a small way to the sterling qual-
ities which you have shown in the
many years we have known you as
friends and neighbors: You have
•• ever been ready and willing to fur-
!tiler by all means in your power,
{ whatever effort has been put for-
Iward for the welfare of the corn
munity and as neighbors a helping
hand has always been ready in time
' of need. On behalf of those present
We shall ask you to accept this re -
Mrs. A, C. Dames is visiting in Tor-'
nn tn.
Will Lowry, of London was a visit-;
or in tnwn last Friday.
\lis. N- Gerry is visiting her dough
tet', Mts. Merklinger, at Guelph
1V.J. McCracken underwent an op-
eration in Kitchener Hospital. on
Monday. •
tit Tau and Mt s. Scott and Miss Jean
of Tot on to, vete in Brussels Over the
w.'ak ands
\V H. Fwd Jlrel. (seen, rf City gr
were week•etrd vtsitnr,, with Postmas-
ter bell ttrid f+:tuily.
George and Mrs. Ferguson and chil-
,i,p,, '1pit onto, were in town fnr'a
-hti time ru 810111rday.
Arthur Ellis, editor of the Petrol] l
Adept ( 001 Tnp'0 was a 0(111111 n
(1110(1 0(1(11nte rn Walkerton.
Mts. I)1'. Smith, of Betnidgi, Mpnn.,
s Viii(( lo•rinother, Walter Will.
anrv,�n. 'Phe Dr. will come later for
a hi,lidtt,y`.
Wm. aced )l,'-. Proctor attended the'
Ilewc0lr-•.P,.•etrr wedding at \Vide -i
born ml Saturelty. Hiss Lunt Proctor
was lit nit -stood
\Tis. Annie Davi twin. of St. Cath
m10e., .pent last week wiih Mrs Jos.
Qnel'1 n, Thomas street who i5 still
under the doctor', rare.
Rev. F. (i. fowler and Dr. Jamieson
were 101 '1'','"1,01' loot Sn101 day to wlt:-
,rao8111r Mei'il- ill -Varsity Rugby gone.e
Both are old Met; ill men,
* ! •I
Mts. Cleve Braker and itli.s E1`v1
beth were visitors 7111 Toronto (1(10
week bidding good-bye to Mies. Thom-
son who left foe her lu'me in Califor-
.6 ea fi a
Sits. L. W. hckmier 0.1(11 :Tory Hwere (1\
T.n•onn.g1-1 l he
fMarner's mottle), Mts. 1) Elven, who
is leaving for California to spend the
J. A. Falcone( and dnnalr:Pr:'elts.
1$ 1-1. Palmer, of (Mirage, have been
bithlgat the him,' of have
[humid. Mts. Palmer is extending
her visit.
Miss Elizabeth L)mvnriig was in
Guelph on Ft id Ay attending the wed -
thing of Miss Bessie Penfoid, ( 110181'
principal Of Brussels C)o11tiuutilion
We are pleased to learn that Mrs,
T. H, Walker who recently Millet.
%Veltt a 801'11100 operation at E i leht'tl .'r
Hospital was able to he moved hitch
n Brussels on Aattu'day.
Cn. Engineer Patterson and Mts.
Patterson and children and \\'m.
Lane, former Co. Treasurer and clerk,
"f Huron County, were remelt Visitors
with Reeve aril Aire, Bneket.
]sire. George 'Thomson who hag
"pent a very pleasant simmer with
her dau(hter, Mts. (Neve Ricker has
gone to '2,1(1ltitn to he with her son
foe a week Wore *Meaning 111 Long
0ear11, (cal, She is to he accompan•
led by Mrs. 1) Illven.
P. 1t1. and Mrs. Wilmot and Ma4tee
Cherles relm'ned Flom their motor
tie p, as far an 11aileyhnrv, then back
thtntgh the Ottawa Valley and home
by No. 2 Highway. They 00015 ac
ennntanied home by 'Bre, \Vilmot's
another, and Mies M. Martin, of Mar.
tinville, While on the Ferguson high-
way they saw a hear and a will', but
both soon disappeared off the nigh -
St. Johns Church,
The third Sunday in October each
year, is, by canon of the General
Synod designated Children's Day and
it is expected that on this Sunday the
educational work of the church 'as
outlined by the General Board of Re-
ligious Education be set before the
people. The special Children's Pay
service was used on Sunday morning.
There was a large attendance and the
service much appreciated. Miss
Florence Gannmage, sang very nicely
as an offertory solo "Teach Me to
Pray' by Geo. Geer jr. Three little
obey, Junior Wilton t p;,tistone Stiles,
Kenneth Ml,Crae Stile: and Audr'in •
Joan Alcock were made mem-
bers of the church in Holy Baptism.
Servis each Sunda,—Sunday school
at 10 a.m.; Morning Prayer at 11 a.m.
and Evening Prayer at 7 p.m.
United Church
The Anniversary service's in the
United Church on Sunday, Oct. 20th
were a derided sucCess. Both services
were well attended and the choir as-
sisted by friends from Listowel added
much to the spirit of worship. Rev.
W. P. Lane, B,A., of Seafnrth ,who
was the speaker of the day, gate two
very helpful sermene. The theme for
the morning "Religion Worib While"
0005 besed on the hit Daniel
Then said the e men, we •.hall not
find ant o(Castnn t ti,i
except we find it against nim concern-
the law of his God." The evening
subjr:,'t "The Spirituel Determining
the Material." Exodus 17-11: "And
it came to pass when Moses held up
his hand that Israel r.revailed; and
when he let down his hand Amelek
prevailed." The supr•emaey of the •
spiritual over the material wee the
point the speaker stressed. illustra-
tions from the home, the church, and
the community woes 1151(1 to emphas-
ize thio point. Adults by their way of
living often lard those in their charge
to think that the material is more
important than the spiritual. We must
he earefnl of the influence which we
exert on those around us. A plea was
made for tester ee-operatoin be-
tween ministers s and their people, The
minister cannot lift the standards of
tete community u111e10 the people by
. their lives and actions show that they
are trying to hole bine keep the spirit-
ual in its proper plats, above the
material. The morning music, an an-
them "Sing Aloud auto God" by the
' choir and fl duet "Jesus Lover of My
Soul" by Miss Lulu Procter and Mr.
Gihsmi of Listowel, was well received.
The mu01( al numbers at the evening
eetviee consisted of "Praise the Lori]"
an anthem by the choir; "One Fleet-
• ing Hour" Miss lulu Proctor; "Con-
spier and Hear Me" A. Pequegnet;
"Those Evening Bells" the Lyric Male
Quartette of Listowel, These numbers •
were 011 well given and much enjoyed.
A first class concert was given Mon-
day evening in the church when • the •
Lyric 'Quartette of Li(itowel, assisted
by other talent -gave the program. The ._
rain kept -many from attending tiro
era, \ n
r t, n f Vn dsanelt, Hotel
Inspretor, paid Brussels a visit ]net
week, He ryes nrr.nmpanied by 0.05-
terbein, glen of Wendst.nek, end a bee,
j'ther oi' M re, ,Toe. Roerin, of town, •