The Brussels Post, 1929-10-16, Page 7•FirdrQl►i.HhP11[�4•�lAFri.+.1
• 1.
Highest market price
2 paid for your Hens 2
M. Yonlick
Place ,Your Iosurauce
T e
S. Scott
Automobile Fire - Life
Phone No. 1. Brussels.
Debts Collected
We Collect Accounts, Notes and
Judgments • anywhere and every-
where. No collection, no charge.
Write us today for particulars.
Canadian Creditors' Assn
Post Office Box 961, Owen Sound
Physician an and Surgeon
Office McKelvey Block, Brnasela
Successor to Dr. White
Phone 45.
T. T. N1' RAE
M. B„ M. O. P., ,0 S. O.
M. 0. H., Village of Brussels,
Physician, Surgeon, Accoaohenr
Office at resldenoe, opposite Nclo lite Churob
whllalu street.
Sopor graduate of the Ontario Asteria ,(..
C10=14College. > y nO night culls. OElee oppo j
and tits eyes caught the vague glimpse
of a figure gilding swiftly through the
opening, With one bound he was upon
his feet,, springing recklessly forward
The hall Was duel:, but for a patch 0i'
moonlight at the further end. Aphis(
this he caught an Instant, hitting
glimpse of the intruder. It wits a wo-
men, yet even as his eyes told hum
this, she seemed to vanish into thin
nlr—the hall was empty.
Vague and Indistinct as was that
fleeting v1si011* to the moonlight, West
felt no doubt as to the Identity of hln
visitor—the woman was Natalie Coo-
lidge. His one glimpse of her 1'nnivlr-
lug Noire assured him of this fact, and
be drew back Instantly, unwilling to
follow. Where she had gone lie neith-
W5 041. 'dwagers
Licensed Auctioneer for the County l
of Huron. Sales attended to in all
parts of the county. Satieefactio.'
Guaranteed, or no pay. Orders lei"
at The Post promptly attended to
Belgrave Post Office.
Brussels, 15-13. North Huron, 15-828
Licensed Auctioneer
For reference consult any perms..
whose sale I have officiatdat.
61 Craig Street, LONDON
Ethel, Ont.
Conveyance, Commissioner and C. L
Agent for
The Imperial Life Assurance Ca.
Ocean Accident Guarantee Corpse.,
tion, Limited
Accident Insurance, Automobile 1r
euranee, Plate Glass Insurance, ate
Phone 2225 Ethel, g•>t,,,,
Agent Howlok Mutual firm Insurance Compos
Hartford Windstorm and Tornado Nem
Money to Loan for .
;The Industrial Mortgage & Trust Camp
on First-class Farm Mortgagor
Phone 42 Sox 1 Turnbsrry Street ururs
"XS roWeig
CrAlitZPO g;ARMS isy
It Was a woman•
er knew, nor eared. She had chine t0
itis room speretly, supposing him
asleep, mud this surprising knowledge
dominated his mind. tiller could such
an act Ine11n? There was mystery
here, et 1(1151, a mystery beynud his
power of discernment, Ilowevcr, this
recognition rather hardened 111111 to his
task, then otherwise.
'Phis time he locked the outer 110111
. carefully, 11011 101' down 011 the hell,
1 wondering If there would be 1111,1' furUr
et' developments. As 1,e 11ttenlpted to
thluk, he was listening eagerly for the
slightest sound of m0v.'ment in the
111111. 'There was 00110. lie (0111,1 only
WW1, 11111 Irate' fur the next 11110.0.
Perhaps the morning 0011111 brim; full
exploitation. With this r1nceptl0n In
les Mind, his hent; sought the pinna'.
and lie lapsed Into uucouselousness.
The lung training of tunny servie-"
er'15011 \Ve41 t0 awaken early, while
the house was yet. quiet, hit with the
111,511 already red in the mist. [Ie
• 11,'13 to Hie wirelt 1', mid looka11
1,0'. caught the Outer of a white skit'',
111, 1 !11lItned instantly that, early ars
the Hour w'us, Neill IF Conlldge Was a,-
re.,dy up and about, ire wondm'0/t Ir
her presence
1111¢h1 not be an invita-
li"n Ibr him? ['erhnes she had 110-
1''"1'ately ehos 11 this early hour, Ro-
wfre the others neolce, to expialn her
strange e00111101 of the previous eve.
111110? At ielhst. here 11'Hs an npe0r-
ttn11(y to 1100 and 1.(111: with her alone.
Ile dressed swiftly, and slipped
Cream Grading
We are now prepared to Grade your Cream honestly,
gather it twice a week and deliver at our Creamery each day
we lift it. We gather with covered truck to keep sun off it.
We pay a premium of 1 cent per lb. butter fat for
Specials over that of No. 1 grade, and 3 cents per ib, but-
ter -fa, for No 1 grade over that of No. 2 grade.
The basic principle of the improveanent in the quality
of Ontario butter is the elimination of second and off grade
cream. This may be accomplished by paying the producer
of good (roam a better price per pound of butter -fat team
is pair) to the producers of poor cream. We solicit your
patronage and co-operation for better market,
iv!eWe will loath you a can.
Seo our Agent, T. C, McCALI:,
or Phone 2310, Brussels.
The $eaforth Creamery
eneinelessiy downstairs, unlocking the
front door, and emerging into the fresh
Mr, Without enco0nteiing any stray
members of the household. ITe passed
beyond a vine -draped arbor before she
realised his approach, and straightened
up, weieoullug him with a little laugh,
her eyes full of demure mischief.
"I rather suspected artily discipline
lied not entirely wore oil," she said
plensantly, "11011 that you might still
prove to be an early riser."
"And sloes this expectation account
for your presence?"
"Not wholly; It has become a habit
with 1010. However, I promised to be
very frank with you, did I not? Then
I will begin now; this morning I re-
ally hoped I alight see you for a mo-
ment before the others were stirring
—we have so much to talk about."
"Iteel-fah-0y . e, ms s to he
n e,
responded honestly, yet not greatly en-
couraged by the amusement in her
eyes. "Surely you cannot expect real
service when given so blindly?"
"No, I do not. I mean to trust you
fully. It is the only way; but do you
still truly wish to serve?"
"I and enlisted. In the cause with-
out reserve," he insisted warmly,
"While T learned but little last eve-
ning, that little was enough to con•
wince me there Is something strange
under the surface. Your calling me
- to your assistance is no joke—you
actually need me."
"7 need some one on whose judg•
mens and courage I can rely," she an-
swered earnestly, "and I believe now
that you are the one. It is rather an
oriel situation. Captain West, but the
circumstances surely justify hay an -
tion. Perhaps I shall have time to
partly explalu now."
She seemingly found It difficult to
begin her story. The flush deepened
on her cheeks, and Ther lips parted.
"It really seems so ridiculou-s," she
explained at Inst desperately. "Almost
like a dream of fancy, and I hardly
know how to put the situation into
words. r11. were ten years younger 1
would almost he convinced myself
that it was all imaginary, yet every-
thing I tell you Is true. I wonder If
you will believe me?"
"Do not question' that. I realize
t:ul;y your earnestness."
"Yet I'om going to test your credal
(ty, just the same. Those people yen
met last evening have nothing to do
With the story—none of them, at least,
unless it may possibly he Percival
Coolidge. 111111 rather afraid of him;
I always have been. I believe he
knows what all this trouble means,
but T do not dare go and talk with slim
about it. That Is really what is the
matter, I suppose—there is no one 7
can talk to; they would only laugh at
"My father urns Steven Coolidge,
and was very wealthy. Ile did not
marry until late in life, and, I have
reason to believe it was a greet dis-
appointment to his brother Percival
that 11 child was born. Perhaps I
ought not to make such a statement,
but newt) has occurred to impress me
with his dislike—"
"Ile is your gtlardtan?"
"Yes; you learner) that lost night?"
"Front the colnnel ; he seemed to
enjoy talking, and unturally, I was
oorioas. Tlns Percival Coolidge
wealth of his own?"
"Only what my 'fa flier left him,
which was 11 considerable sum, and a
Melted Interest in the business. Ile
was very much dissatisfied with Itis
share, Before I MIS horn he had con-
fidently expected to inherit every-
thing,' "
"The estate then 15 not settled?"
"Not until I ant twenty-five; within
a few days noir"
"And your mother?"
"She died at my birth,"
West leaded forward eagerly. "1t
is the estate then that troubles you?"
he asked swlCtly. "You imagine It
has wasted?"
"No, not at all. They tell me It has
increased in video, Percival Coolidge
Is n good business man, but something
strange is going on behind the 5eene5.
I seem to be fighting against a ghost."
"A ghost 1"
"Yee; now don't laugh at lnel Do
you suppose 1: would ever have clone
anything as reeklpssfns adverllsing for
help 11 I had not been netaally des-
perate? Can you imagine n respect-
able girt performing so rid1cu1tu1 1111
net, es Milting her whole trust. in n
stranger 1111lI1"g 111111 to hes' 11nu1e, in-
trottucleg 'inmates her promised hits-
bend to her relatives and friends?
Why, it almost proves 111e (rayed. and,
In 11 010118111'0, I 11111r1) 11110,1 be, 13111
1t Is hecause I have exhausted all or-
dinary Methods. T tun not seem to lie
"A Ghost!"
opposing anything of flesh and blood;
I am fighting against Sh11dows. I can-
not even explain lliy-l/redicament to
"You must try," he insisted firmly,
affected by her evident distress, "I
must be told everything If I ani to be
of any value. A 1181, way confidence
eau accomplish nothing."
"But it sounds so 11)011511; I am be-
ing haunted! I know that, yet that
is all I do know,"
"IIaunted lo what way?"
"I du not even know that; but by a
women I think --a woman who must
strangely resemble me. She pretends
to be me—to my friends, to lay ser-
vants, at my bank, 1 never see the
creature, but I hear of her from oth-
ers. She has actually drawn cheeks In
my name; imitating my slghutture, and
having there cashed by clerks lvho
know me well. I am constantly re-
ported OS 11e111e seenat re8tlun'ants
and hotels where 1 have not been, and
with parties I do not know. Tills has
been going on for a month now. I
have endeavored to discuss the situa-
tion with a few people, but they only
laugh at the strange idea. No one will
listen to me seriously."
"Anil you conceived the thought that
perhaps a total stranger might prove
more sympathetic?"
"Yes," She admitted, "If he was
young and adventurous; provided I
interested him at all. It would seem
10 offer me a chance; and then, if
unknown to the party impersonating
me, such a one might learn the truth
umenspeetec'3 Do you believe me, Cap-
"I have no reason to doubt what you
say. I mean to do my very best to
uncover the mystery. You have these
fraudulent checks?"
"Yes; one was returned pi me only
"I shall want them, together with
one you drew yourself. You do not
mind If I ash you one or two ratter di-
rect personal questions?"
"Assuredly not."
"What caused you to announce mil
She laughed, but from sudden em-
"It was silly, wasn't it! Really I
do not exactly know; a sudden Im-
pulse, and the words were spoken. It
occurred to me that our intimacy
could be accounted for In no other
"So I supposed, Well, there is no
harm done, but now, you understand,
we must play out the game."
"Play it out?"
"Surely; act natural, permit no sus-
picion to be aroused. Even if I should
feel impelled by duty, to hiss you, It is
my privilege."
"Why—,,411y, you cannot mean that!"
"0h, but I do, This Is no treat
that I shall insist on carrying the teat
ter to such on extreme, yet I must in-
sist on the right if it becomes neces-
1-Ier eyes fell, the breath pulsing be
tween her lips.
"I nm not afraid," she said rather
proudly. 'Yes, I will play the game."
"Good! I knew you would. And
now for the second question; why did
you come to m7* room last night?"
She stared at 11101 Incredulously.
"Yom' room! I come to your room!
Assuredly no; what eon you mean?"
"Then It must be that I have al•
really eneovntered the ghost," he de-
elnred smilingly, "For the very wen•
heliport of you certainly visited me. 1
had n clear view of her. I would have
sworn she was you.
"A woman?"
"Absolutely a Women; flesh and'
Mood, no doubt as to that"
"When was 1111s?"
"After midnight."
"It wits not I, Captain West; please
believe that—hut hush; there comes
Percival Coolidge!"
West Wins the'First Hand.
The ,lewennler stoncl 81 the edge of
Use front steps, and paused long
ennllgh to light n cigarette before de-
scending. Ills feniures were as clear
cut ns. though clone in marble, old
about 115 'expressive. icor the first
time, In the glare of the bright morn -
Mg light, West took stock of the fel-
low, and l'erlized ills time nnime. Tn-
stinctve1y he felt that here lens the
particular antagonist 110 was to be
nitind aaalflst, His companion mind
W.IEDNIPSPAY, OCT, 16th, 1929,
nave sensed the salve Met, for 5110
swiftly drew back beneath the shadow'
of the vines,
"Teti Meet .111111,1 sb0 whispered,
"alone. ' 11vould rather he did not
And us together."
She had vanished before he could'
interpose, slipping away so noiselessly,'
he was scarcely 11W11re of bel' swift
action. Coolidge strolled 011, 1110 blue
511101(0 of the elgurelte marking ids
progress. West stepped carelessly
forth from the coueca11nent of the
vines. watchful for any change of ex-
x-pre sion on the 8100 of the other,
There was none, not even a look of
surprise. or a tightening of the lip,
"Ah 10011t81n," he said easily, toss-
ing his stub aside, and drawing forth
his 51080 for another. "Olorinus air
i111s morning; the advaninge of early
rising; you indulge. I presume?"
"An artily habit, I mean to do away
with later. Thanks. I suppose break-
fast is not ready?"
"hardly yet," glancing about In-
quiringly. "My mere is 2sfmlly out
hely- at this hour, which accounts for
my venturing forth. She Is not here?"
"Nat now, although there are ext.
donees that she hes ben," Indieattng
the gloves and pruning shears visible
beside the walk, "IS'e rnlhst have 111"
'ived ton late."
"So it seems. You are aware of who
I ani, I presume? the position I hold
relative to her property?"
"Certainly; you are her unele and
guardian, Under the terms of the
}cin you remain 1n 11111 control until
site is twenty.t1ve, now nlinn51 et hand,
except for an annual income. payable
to her monthly, Is not that the situn-
"You have apparently made very
careful inquiry," he commented with a
perceptible sneer. Nn doubt title was
a matter of deep interest to you."
"Of some Interest, I ennfess," tie -
knowledge(' West, enntrllling Ids tem-
per. "Although my information has
not come from inquiry. Miss Natalie
was kind enough to talk to me about
her affairs, presupposing my interest
In then). My family is far from pov-
erty stricken, and I have a ver,- gond
profession. It Is quite tight you should
know this."
"What profession, may' I ask?"
"Civil engineer."
"But not established, I imagine?"
"I had very gond enmlertions before
the war. Since returning from France,
C have made no effort to ren,w these,
or seek others. I, of 8011r5e. expect
to do so later, and shu11 he In no wavy
dependent upon Miss Coolidge's for-
"Although quite willing to share it.
I presume?"
"I think you have insinuated that
often enough." returned West, fully
aroused by the Insolent words and
manner of the other. "Perhaps it
may be well for us to have n plain
understanding without further delay,
Kir. Percival Coolidge. As I under-
stand matters, you are her guardian
under the special provisions of your
brother's nen?"
"You are perfectly right, sir, and I
should have been consulted previous
b, this englhgement," Coolidge said
with dignity. "Even now 1t is sub -
Leet to my approval."
"I think not. Your guardianship
5.15 merely a sueciat provision of the
rill, with reference to the estate. So
I understand, at least. At twenty-one,
she became mistress of her own per-
snna[ affairs, and ao longer needed to
consult you." •
"I controlled her income."
"Only the surplus; a certain sum
was to be paid her each mouth until
she was twenty-five; then the entire
estate came into her possession. Be-
yond this you exercised no leglil
"You seem well posted."
"The lady herself Informed me as to
these facts."
Coolidge gave utterance to an oath,
which burst from his lips before It
could be wholly restrained.
"D—n you: just what Is your
game?" the exclaimed roughly, forget-
"1 Controlled Her income."
ting his pose. "Are you tryhlg to get
your nose Into my affairs?"
"Most certainly not," returned ;Vest
-coolly, yet facing the other with it
steady eye, "Taut I may he led to in-
vestigate those of Miss Coolidge, If
the should so request. It seems she
p1155e5se8 110 one to represent her at
present—tint even the tamely lawyer."
(Gnnttnued Next Ween).
1.o, the people of the earth do me homage.
1 am the herald of success for men, merchants,
manufacturers, municipalities and nations.
I go forth to tell the world the message of
service and sound merchandise. And the world lis-
tens when i speak,
There was a day long ago, when by sheer
weight of superior merit, a business could rise above
the common level without me, but that day has
passed into oblivion.
For those who have used me as their servant
I have gathered lsntold millions into their coffers.
Sell Mon rileraandise
per dollar of salary paid me than any other sales-
man on the face of the earth. The fabled lamp of
Aladdin never called to the service of its master
genii half so rich and powerful as I am, to the man
Who keeps me constantly on his payroll.
1 Hold the Business
of the seasons in the hollow of my hand, I com-
mand the legions of fashion, mold the styles and
lead the world whiahersoever I go. I drive unprin-
cipled business to cover, and sound the death -knell
of inferior merchandiie. Frauds are afraid of me be-
cause 1 march in the broad light of day.
hoever Makes Me
Their 8 'want
for life takes no chances on drawing down dividends
from my untold treasures bestowed with a lavish
. 1 have awakened and inspired nations, set mit-
lions of men to fight the battles 'of freedom beyond
the seas and raised billions of dollars to foot the
bills. Nations land kings pay me homage and the
business world bows at my feet.
i sow broad fields for you to reap a golden
Am Master Saleamar] at Your Service
,r kvertiGin
Waiting Your Command