HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-10-9, Page 8WEDNESDAY, Oct. 9th 1929, The X t tEtettfMittalatdaatatGtrtut Store Vapure A Wonderful Inhalant for Colds A few drops of Vapure on handkerchief or gauze', snuffed or inhaled deeply, gives good results and will often stop an oncoming cold, Vapure 50c. Sots. U%a The New Toilet Goods Line In the retty red distinctive packages and per - film' <I with the refreshing; and fragrant odor of )1,4a Perfume, A c,lmptete line of Tail+t Preparations, includ- ing- Dhaka. Soap, Fi;untfatiun Creern, Cleansing Cre rn. Face Powdr..r, "Talcum Powder, Brillian- tine, Kith Salts, Compacts, &c. If You have Papering to do this Fall See Our samples to suit different rooms in the house. We' also have several patterns which we are clearing nut Dow at Greatly Reduced Price s, NOWIS A GOOD TIME to have W r some extra Prints made from Negatives of your favorite Pictures taken dur- ing the Summer. F. R. SMITH Ay; A/X5 .I Store Druggist and Statione late THE BRUSS ELS POST Brussels 'hilted Church REV, A, W, BARKER, B, 0, MINISTER Sunday, Oct. 13th 11 a.m.—Public Worship, Subjeet "The Flying Cross" There will he an object lesson fur the:girls and boys. 3 p.m.—Sunday School Session. Everybody Come The evening service is withdrawn—Thanks• giving+ Services in St. John's Church, Tuesday—Y, P. Society. Wednesday—Prayer Service Friday—Choir Rehearsal Sunday, October 20th Anniversary Sunday. Rev. W. P. Lane 13 A., of Seatorth, will preach morning and evening. A Thank -offering will be received. Monday Evening, Oct. 21st A Concert will be given in the Church by the Lyric Quartette, of Listowel, as- sisted by other talent, .Tickets 35c, I l A 7121,tarsDek2t2tuDart2e,MMDark t--XXX2r2r;n1i9r2rk;rar2rar3t3r=b,at ?+3r7i,tDt7tyD1 1 Local News .Mems 1 Moved to Fordwjch Ross and eIrs. Coates and have moved to Fordwirh, Moved. I fine, Full list on another page, •! Went to Gorrie family 1 A number from Brussels attended •1 the Howick Fair at Gorrie on ;eater - 1 day last. The outside exhibits were It, and Mrs. Dark /lave ta;en t1, I linage of M. Smith. John str:et, f,.n , Two Aeroplanes Here. the winter. I Last Wed ne s day two m odern vet'- , a)1tn+, floated over the town andTho First Snow t n t nerd the rust of the week talc - Snow fell on Fair nay, Frier::, I in O up many passengers on law Oct 4th. It tan do anything nn 1 d..y. Br', r h Fair Day. But: fortunately °Coming Back to Brussels. it didn't last last lone, T::,-, Essex x Fre, Press lied tate Will Hold a Convention, following local last week aeeeteta. The U, F. 0. haver lied a : seen 1 ' C'emiewho hes been employed .n naminrtrna rnnv',nlion for Oe' 1tet, the employ of the Naylor Osborne at 1.30 p.m. at Wingham to rorn1n- r o. the past couple of years, i, giv- ale rrrndidrrtrs for both Preemie it inw up his position there and with end Dominion houses, his family will move back to B -'us - J the month. Made Shipment to Bermuda. The Witter Itoeti Poultry Fcrm made a big shipment of their well- known fowl to Bermuda last Friday You can't keep a :road thing off the market. Married Last Thursday. At. the United Chureh Pareonag. lust Thursday by Ilev. A. W. Barker, B. n Vas I4vehe Willis R. N., the young( -t daughter of Mrs, Inst Willis of giro els, wits united in marriage to Rug, Kerslake, of Seafolth. The young couple spentcnt their honeymoon up North. They will reside in Sent forth. Minor Locals. • Packing a Bale The Women Instittrte are •acic- iil t hell, to rnnsist 1.4 clothing for children, school books, or any ue.fel articles, which wilt be 'sent t) a nerdy section in Northern 0/1.l 36) Will thovr interested kindly levee their parcels at the Library before November 1st. Will Give a Recital Miss Theresa M, Siegel, a cradti- I ate of Detroit School of Expression and English !ish Ltt tato e will give a dramatic reciter in he Tow Ilea on Monday evening, October 28th, under the auspices of the Women'. Institute, She was here onme year. This is Fire Prevention week. ago and comes again more highly Fairs are over for another year. recommended than ever. Wttttn Ior Cheer up, Christmas will soon be further -notice in the next issue. here. Revision of Voters' Lists For the purpose of the forthcom- ing elections, the latest municipal - voters' lists will be used as the basin Schools have a holiday Thursdan and Friday owing to Teachers Cor. ventien at Seaforth. The odd night of frost is onrush- for the new lists. Leery men eec1 ling the trees to put on their gar. women, British subject, 21 vein of lanris of :autumn glory, Brussels was well represented at age and over, bonafide resinente of the. Conservative Committee at the municipality for not a ni than three months and net )cis than t'ns•ty Wingham last Thursday. ' days' in the riding in whi. h thoy North NHuron live, are entitled to vote. To exer- cise their franchise, they must -e • A mooting of those interested in I that their names are registered. the rause of prohibition are called gtstration can be made only on the to meet in the Community Hal!, Blyth, on Thursday afternoon, Ort 1.7th at 2 o'clock. Dr, J. R. Forester, of Stratford, will be the special speaker, and there will also be short. ,addresses by local Co. speaker's. A dates fixed by the revision hoard, Successful Convention The fifth annual convent'oa of the Y. P. S. of Huron Presbytery held in Brucefield United Church, Fridaty, Sept. 27th proved to be large representation of men, women 1 very practical and inspiring. The and young people is expected. devotional periods were conducted United Church Concert Talent. by Y. P, societies of Walton, liip- pen and James St., Exciter. Rev. 4. Following will constitute 11,a test M. Coiling very ably conducted 'no exit which will take part in the am ' discuilsion on committee reports, tiivers:ny concert in Brussels lJn'°•ed Parallel discussion groups were pro - Church on Monday evening, Oct. 21. , fitably led by Rev. G, Butt, of Vie• The Lyric Melo 'Quartette composed terra St. Goderich, Rev. G. Weir of of Messrs. A. Pegeegnat, basso; W. ; 5t. Andrew's United Church, Blyth, Karges, lytic tenor; Dr. R. F. 'Vny• Rev. W. P. Lane, of Seaforth, mid log, second tenor; and Dr. Spence, Rev. R. 13, Cumming, of Benmiller, baritone, (These men are broad "tet. Enjoyable sing songs were condurt- ere over CKGW, Toronto). Another by Rev. H. G, Whitfield, of St. artist is IVfiss Dorothy Sproule, A, T, Helens, and Be‚vR. B. Cumming. r. 112 MAN'S Kid Glove Lost in Brussels on Saturday. Finder please leave at The Post. 17-1 1 10 Good York Pigs, 7 Weeks Old for Sale. J. P. McIntosh, Lot 21, Con 12, Grey, Phone 556. 17-tf. FOR SALE—One York'Sow with 11 little pigs, 2 weeks old. esaxtar Stevenson, Phone 42-26. 17-tf. FOR SALE—A Good Percheron gelding 3 years old, grey color, A good worker. Apply Cecil Bate- man, Phone 85.18. 17-1 FOR SALE -A Few Pure Bred Ox- ford Down Ram lambs. R. C. Campbell, Phoen 43-13. 17-11 PAIR of Ewe Lambs, strayed front Lot 5, Con. 6, Morris, about Oct. 1st. Finder please notify W. H. Armstrong, Phone 15-18. 17•1f. FOR SALE — 20 Young Oxford Breeding Ewes, 10 head of Dur- ham cattle rising 2 and 3 ye old. Cash or note accepted. R Turvey, Phone 11-16. 17 - Lost a Green Leather Hand B.1 containing a cum of money, the 17th of Grey or 8th of Morr Suits::sle reward. Mrs. G. Jackson, Walton 1', o. Pho 18-23, Brussels. 17 FOR SALE—Choice Fall Honey, bout half clover honey, 4 cents without t co t' n arose Georgi Bone, Phone 126, 10-2 FOR SALE—A second hand Baby Grand ear, engine thoroughly over hauled, tires good. In good runn- ing order. Would make a service- able strong truck. Price 350.00. Phone Duncan Johnston, Walton, 16_2. FOR SALE—Moncrieff store build- ing. For further particular., ap- ply to Phone 38-6. 14-tf. FOR SALE—House, Stable and 1 acre of land in Walton. Apply to W. J. Woods, Phone 19-7. 5-t1 The Most Liquid Investment ASAVIVGS Bank Account is primarily 1111 investment. But it is the only invest- ment yielding a fair rate of interest, that is avgtlable for your AM at a moment's natio'', Emergencies can be immediately mot by 11 e bank account that bits been cow -latent y 'db- vuloped• Yuur investment -ns a bank /tent/tint yields constant satisfaction and peace. 01 wind ill the fact that it is always ready for °thee tines without the trouble of eon vertinginto cash, THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE wrrh whrch is amnryernerea THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA Advertise Your Sale The auction sale season is commencing and it is well to rem ber that there is no medium of p licity so productive of result as advertisement in the columns of T Post. at reaches all prospect buyers. Going Out of Date THE LINEN CLOSET ow Paint the inside of the linen clue. t nl• ub_ et or drawers holding linens wah an dark blue enamel. This will prevent ho the linens from turning yellow and the is much less trouble than wrapping them in blue paper. Some people seem to think that newspaper should puff up their b iness to the top notch, but just the publisher solicit some paid a vertising and at once a coldness thrown over the meeting and th have no use for newspapers, their editors. The "without mon and without price" idea has be madeto do duty 'where it was rev menet to. This is true, not only vel ndividuals but with advertising age cies. The "puffing" business h been so much overdone in many i stances as to completely destroy i effect. a us- Information from a painter : It e let new paint brush is placed bristica d up and a spoonful of clear varnisi ,s ey is poured into the bristles, it will or prevent the bristles from shedding ey during painting. Keep the brush an n the upright position until the vara er ish dries. th It- 1 FRESH STAINS as n- Fresh tea, coffee, chocolate, aim is fruit stains may be easily removed from table linen by placing the stained part while still wet over a le bowl and pouring boiling water over se i it. When nearly dry, press with an agiron and you can go on using the ie al . e PREVENTS SHEDDING Obituary There passed suddenly at her hon in Brussels, Friday, Sept, 27th Mi Angeline Pipe. Her passing was gi eat &hock to the crnlmullity as el had al patently been in her usu health, Hetieirrg as usual, about Orro'clock she awakened her 0005111 with whom she was sleeping, saying she I selt very sick, A Dr. wee hastily suut- ars maned but ina few minutes she had 1 oY passed away from a hent t attack. She i tr• had attended the field spot is being g, held in the Park the afternoon before. on In the evening she assisted at the Church paeparin for the Presbyter Sy ial 111 the Qniteci Ohut ch the next day, lac The ladies of the ohm eh weie tet via g 1 manor turd tea. She had intended helping but God hrd other plans for a 1 et. She hoe always I•eerl a very acl- 1 lye (11 ember of t Ile church since cont• lire to 13 uur.eln 83 yenta ago The church tut.t rowrnunuy .(till miss her kindly toiui,taauoo�, for tvhet ecer 111P1 a meta $01.10W 11' tt ouble, or need of comfort tat tl help! oilmen, she was bete. fry the hoeire ttl•rn her lr,ss in deeply felt. she wits el ways se cheery and bright and her ger.erons hnrpital• ity rued,- all those who came in q n. Lunt aa it her feel at borne. Toe fl,,ral ttibutee from the uelghhu,s and friends nate lovely, tt'so is, in the W. 0.1.` U , L. Aid, W. .el S testitv.t.g to the est a, 111 111 which she ea belts. She teas 110111 11.111' Acr 73 yea10 a a, ana' or tt family 0f eight, 11, • 1- -urviv ed by one tit -tet, Vias S tenth Pipe, of Galt, and t. wit tonus., wine) ahao+,l the haute with her, :11,.. Skt•h.on and Mas. The bond way tt very close cue 10 she held cared fee throe ftnrn their child hood tip 1itt flun•ral wan largely at - ended. A private Herelee for the fon ily at .tin' h0u•e ,tad n phhli0 ant' at the elm: ch whish she hits e01vr'd an long and faithfully. the P:t+tar, Rev. A. W. Barker, preaching Fero the text "Nell done than gond and faith fu1 servant." A solo by 31ts Hal ker, "One sweetly y en1r nut thought." added to the irnptessivecess of the service. She was bud to rest in the BI u.sels Cemetery. y The pall beaters were R. J. Hcover, W. J. SIrCrncken, J. W. monotone, John etrerar, T. McCall, H. ,McFadzeun. Many friends from a distance attended the lunerah O American tourists this season will spend 3300,000,000 in Canada, ac- cording to a 'Canadian hank fore - Pictures Coming to Grand. The following pictures are booked fur the Grand. Keep list for future reference:— October: rfr rence:October: 11 12 --Wild Party 14-16—Ladies of the Night Club 1S-i9—Wheel of Life :.)1-22—Domestic Meddlers 25-2n—The Patriot tot 28 -2.l --_.The Ione Wolfs Daughter. Reply Envelopes In order to facilitate_ the handling of large mailings, the post office de• pertinent has decided to try out a ,stem whereby firms sending out letters, inquires:, eta, to the C,'tad- ran public may enclose an addressed reply envelon. This will bear the in - •Y seription. "Business reply envelop three cents' postage will be paid b together with the name and aa dr se of the firm. The return post age will be paid by the addeeseee, The new syetem will he tried out et v[ontreel errs Toronto at once the eurrrtnt poet office bulletin anttou noes. _ east. Doha - t3fOWN.—In 8t. Luul+, lttssouht, an Sept 18, to Mr. and :gra Ohrroro brown, a 80n - ',meta cblruru. New Issue of Stamps Attractive. E. yen new stamps were issued by tr e prstafflre department and Inc' new on sale to collectors and other4 desiring special sets. These st•unns are issued by the department to re- plan the old issue which is at prenen ,n tee. Of the. now heap, the highest tell c is the one dollar, whit'1 is ol,crgaeen in color anti depicts Caro-(elide legislative building of Ottrevn. The blue fifty cant a ;tamp shows a fishing schooner, off the bemire of Newfoundland. The twenty rent is pink,fn color and deplete a thresh- ing scene. Next in order is the twelve cent. gray, on which le shon the Quebec bridge. The next three of the set issued, the eight, five and three emit stamps, show a portrait of Xing George, and are dark blue, rple and red, respectively, in c dor'. e issue has been acclaimed by toi- lers and others who have seen the ance plates as the most beautiful ever issued by this country and of the hest issues, as far as col - ions of colored stamps are con- ned, in the world, Each has a e amount of scroll work around pietures, DIED MaU0UtJA LL.—In Wrnglrarn Hospital, on Saturday, nes. Sth, btarefiret Jet be Ynfd, beloved wife of Peter Menougall, of Mar.rle township, '1n her anal year. YOUNG.,—InPlume township, un SBturdny, O0t Stir. Agnea Ile Boor, only daughter of Ito'art,1, and airs Young, aged to) earn, t If months andr8 days. Th lee e pianist; Mr. Dave Savage en • 0, D. Daniels, the special speaker, adv tertainer, The United church choir proved splendidly inspiring. He set of Brussols, and duets by Miss youth to live up to their beat, to give one Sproule and Mr, Bender, also seine themselves wholly to Christ, onri to lect by members of the choir. This help bringnfis Kingdom amon-i, men ser Quartette will be there ,on Sunday by making best use of present els- Torg evening of the Anniversary, , portunities of service for the Master, the Tenders wanted The Muelctpat Council al the Townehlp of Morrie brooking for tenders for the opnalruo• tion of the Little Drain. Plane rind epeorllca• Howl (All lee Herm nt the (Bark's reeitletrae, Tenttera win ba opened fit the Townehlp Hail on Monday, Oatolrer Ilan at 8 o'clock, A. MAc1tWEll, Clerk. North Huron- United Farmers The 'United Farmers of North Huron will hold a nominating con- vention in the Town Ilall, Wingham, on Monday, October 14th, at 1.80 p: m. A large attendance is expected. Candidi,tes will be nominated for bath the Provincial and Dominion Houses, THOMAS WILSON, Pres. { R, J. CURRIE' Sec's', table linen if not otherwise soileu. CAREFULLY FOLDED If you are going on a week -end trip and wish to carry an over -night bag, you can save your dresses from getting mussed if you will cut a 1 6-r ilyAtin- r I .+ait!'i.4A4'', .141.44.1 1.-eaalie eel ste,teeet at i tee t taeleeie tato1.-ee +i' ee s lee Parke - Davis Standardized Cod Liver Oil AN EXCELLENT BUILDER AND TONIC Price Parke -Davis SOLUBLE GELATIN CAPSULES Cod Elver Oil Standardized Convenient method of taking Cod Liver Oil $1.25 Box loo Capsules 1pi.25 k, 4tc stctatew-tea@ta imam tatatztelatct tc em acletay CREA PHA S Recommended for stubborn, deep-seated Coughs, Bronchitis, Etc. eamt2a mazatatalr9 otternt at'3tataimm..! Bottle Parke -Davis Co. Analgesic Balm GIVES PROMPT RELIEF Catarrhal Balm For relief of CATARRH COLD IN HEAD HAY FEVER, Etc. Allen's Drug Store Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penslar Remedies Druggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox piece of pastebord for each dress the sire that will fit nto your bag. One of the pasteboards that comes home from the laundry in hubby's start will answer nicely. Place the board inside the -dress and arrange co'iitr and sleeves carefully around the board. Then place in your bag and it will require no pressing at your destination ,tr' , t• Bargains L' -AT -- F. Hunter's Practically all our Fall Merchandise is now on hand and for this week, starting Thursday, Friday and Saturday we offer Special Prices on a number of lines. - Come in and get some of the Bargains. Men's Overcoats and Suits 20 p. c. Reduction For early gales. Men's Heavy HibHed Underwear Good heavy quality, all wool Regular 2.5o for 2.00 tcx Overalls & Smocks Regular 2.25 for 1.95 Regular 2 5o for 2,20 These include all Blacks, Blues and Stripes. illSuit traesdaYExPants5Free a n 16 V$1550 A gift from the great Skill Craft organization to introduce their complete range of new Fall Fabrics. Extra Pants free with every regular $25.50 Skill Craft Suit. 5. Renault, Skill Craft Representative, will be present to measure you. Velvets -are Fashionable Special -83 incl.] Silk Velvet, all range of r,ahades. Regular 825 for 2.75 Special -86 inch Worre's Fast Dye and good close Pile. Regular 1.85 ft'r,....,.,, 1.49 Frilled Curtains l am carrying too heavy a stock and in or- der to clear all go in one lot. Reg. up to 2.00 for 1.35 Men's Sweater Coats 2 dos nil wool, good tltn'k shades. Regular 8.00 For 2.25 Men's Rubber Coats Heavy quality Mole. Back guaranteed not to crack. Regular 11.00 for $8,50 Men's Homemade Mitts 150 pairs on hand. Your choice for 65c. Spec. Huy in ladies' Silk Hosiery Poplar up to 2,00, including all dark shades for Fall, full fashioned and good heavy qual- ity of. Pure Silk, Reduced price 1,50 t Dress Silks All the newest shades, including Cantons, Crepe Satins, etc. Regular to 8.25 ptr yd. Fall Fair Special 2.85 Fine Wool Dress Goods Beautiful shades and finish. hegular up to 1 75 for 1.20 G!NGHAMS To clear up balance of etocli, all Gingbams regular up to 80e per yard for.•....,., 20e I" -These are only a few of the specials. Give us a call and look them over when you are in town. Phone 6t F. A. HUNTER BRUSSELS X101 i m i