HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-10-9, Page 6WEDN6SPAxr, Oct. 9th 1929• REA,TYY IN TWO MINUTES; A liOT NOURISHING BRF,,AKFAST With all the bran of the whole wheat All the body-building elements of the whole wheat, nothing added, nothing taken Away. So easy to serve and so delicious- ly nourishing. Gives new vigor and life to tired tissues. Serve with hot or cold milk or fruits. ELECTION RECORDS t, THE FOR OTT N CITY JA'.'1'r1Irn'. WAS ONCE CAPITAL OF Hlt:t`rr I# tl.rill til(:1J., After 210 fears n Volcano Destroyed This llenn.tiful Place—NOW a City of Ruin•.--ilebuiit L'ipitail In x n- othv, Vallee. Moro than four centuries ago the Spanish, under Alvarado, carate into the hills of Central America to found a capital, baying iled the moist cli- mate of the coast for the cooler air of the uplands, their rich grazing land -anie- nes sorofeempiretle soil.Abeheld length,t these p aeautiful valley, a saucertike depreeeton sur- rounded by mountain peaks and dom- inated by one mighty proportioned at Fujitama, says a eor- rt ,•d•'nt of the Christian Science Monitor, The rich verdure of elope and plain betokened greet fecundity and plantY of water. Five thousand feet of alta 1883—Liberals 48; Conservatives tude insured a climate well-nigh per - 36; Independents 2, I feet. Little oppoeitiou was offered by TREND ages -old possessor or the soil, the SHOW ONTARIO T y,NO 26 1886—Liberals 64; Conservatives • swarthy, gaily -garbed ludlans,It woe, C i then, the ideal spot, and la gratitude • 1890 --Liberals 54; onseryat iyea for its discovery Alvarado determined Review of Result of Elections 36 to build a "belly city;' a place of 1894 --,Liberals 49; Conservatives' many churches, with broad streets From Confederation 1 and ample plates. tigua, capital of Spanish Toronto, ..pt., Sept., 21. With 2. 1898 --Liberals 49; Conservatives holy city of the New World. Alvan the Ontario provincial general 1- i +^ i ado's reeolute Dinneen threw a core 42; Patron, 1. I don about the country for many actions sot for October 30 a review 1902 --Liberals 51; Conservatives leagues, to the end that there might of the composition of the legislative 1 O. i be gathered a that of laborers, assembly since the e 1 enter-, 1905—Conservatives 69;'Liberals' Indians nuds a intoi h te valeyy grew by ministers ; four by Liberal and one 29 1 The secular enrichment of the new ing. Seventeen legislatures have t 1'111—Cnnserratives 83 Liberals , city was developed about a broad come and gone in Ontario, Nem.31; Labor 1, l central avenue along which were different administrationswas have ; been ; " 1914 --Conservatives 54; Liberals plantedd psend -tresently blossom revs a which in ver - were Pea, d b wCs unionist ; thme; „5; Inde endent Liberal 1; Labor 1, headed by Conservative prime' "' p table arbor re green• There were ier, July 16, 1867 to December 19, 1919`-•t . F. 0• 44; Liberals 29;' Bower- bordered walk and curiously Conservatives 21; Labor 11; Soldier shaped stone benches, gay fpuntains Lab government was a United Farmer- . 1 ; Independent 2. and trellises bearing richly yielding Labor fusion. The standing o- 1923--Cnns,rvatires '77; Liberals vines. The homes of the leaders parties in the last legislature was flanked an avenue lovely as a boule- (14; U. F. 0. 17; Labor 3• yard of Route, In single -story houses returned in the election o£ 1926,, 1 1920—Conservatives 74; Liberals about cool patios they took up their abodes and their gardens were aumn- 27; Patrons of Industry 14; P. P. A.1 It was done, and there arose An- nlab America and THR BRUSSEL QST • was as fellers : Conservatives 71, • Liberals 17, Independent Labor `l, 17; Ilues rad pe ndependent Labor 4; Progress- Progressive 13, U. F. 0. Labor 1.. F. 0t Labor i a The standing at dissolution on September 18 was : Conservative PLEADED FOR 75, Liberal 20, Progressive 11, U• R. 0. 3, vacant 3. Following are the Ontario ad -1 ministrations since Confederation, 1.—Hon. J• S. MacDonelti, prrn- 6. -Hon, Sir J. P. Whitney, prem -1 1 1871. Unionist, 2.—Hon. E. Blake, premier, De -1 cember 20, 1871 to October 25, f 1872. Liberal. 3 --Hon. Oliver Mowat, premier,, --0^tober 25, 1872, to July 9. 1896, Liberal. 4 —Hon. A. S. Hardy, pr' -mien, 1 July 25, 1R9n to October 17, 1899.1 Liberal. 5.—Hon. G. W. Rasp, prct tier, , October 21, 17;99 to February 7,t 1905. Liberal. 1 Results of previous provincial ren -1 ier February 5. 1905 to September 25 1911. Coneervntk'e. 7.—Hon. Sir William Hearet. ere- l mier, re - mien, Octobt r 2. 191.1 to November . 14, 1919. Conservative, R --Ilan, F., .C. Drury, premier, j Novemi,er 14, 1919 to .July 10, 1923. t,initncl Farmer, I Sir George E. Foster, told the 9 --Hon. G. H. Wee—aeon. nr.m.4nr, T., :+sue of Nations to -day that the Jule 10, 192:3 until the pre. nt Con- voice of North America was for servative. e disarmament. Previous Results. ee Result, of previous provincial gen There were 40,900 marriages elert}ans were approximately as follows: performed in Indiana during 1928, 1S67--rnionists supporters of arcarding to the U. S. Department 5nnrlfie,1 3rncdnns}e} ri; Reformers Cotnme•'•'e, This is in eontreet to 23; Independents 5, the 41,112 performed In • 192'1 1871"----Refnroore 41; Unionists Trains which carry exhibits and 32; Independents 7, demonstrations to promote health 1 R75--Iaberele, 51; Conservatives and sanitation, and impart agri 33; Independents 4. cultural knowledge, are now being 1879--L:berels 58; Conservatives run on practically all -the railways 29; Independents 1. in India. PEACE tuous in rose and bltgainvillsea and Jessamine, overflowing with plenty in orange tree and strawberry vine and banana plant. As time went on, and century yield- ed to century, the city grew rich. supplemented by treasures of art and sculpture gathered from the Old World and benefited by huge testa- mented estates. The Indians, clever at weaving and pottery and stock raising, as at agriculture, were faith- ful servitors. e So thrived Antigua for more than 250 years. The storied holy city, it was visited by pilgrims from all the far -Hung empire of Spain; and many were the tributes in song and story paid its defenders. In the latter half of the eighteenth century it was at the zenith of its glory. The 'popula- tion of the city stood at about 100,- 000 people. Ever In tranquil. dominance of this far -set city beautiful, lightly steam- ed the almost extinct volcano El Agus. Somewhere within that perfect tune in its mighty proportions the "fire god" had his abode, insisted the Indians. :Mention his name too care- lessly, and he would shake his mighty frame, they warned, and then alLthe world would tremble. Perchance, In- deed, those richly -bearing 110151405 would tear themselves apart and de- struction would stalk abroad. Yet for half a score generations peace had now reigned and there were those who believed the "fire god" was in his permanent slumber. Happiness accompanied the thought. Yet of a certainty the portentous word must have been uttered. For a day came when the earth did indeed tremble, when the very hills seemed to weave about before the terrified eyes of men, when the verdant elopes with their acres of corn and bana- nas rent themselves and brought de- struction apace. The peaceful plains upheaved, as when some huge river beast rises from slumber and shakes his giant frame so that all about him shudders. The buttreses of the churches and houses yielded, 'and their roofs, too, crashed with mighty clamor. The soil of the hills seemed to tear itself loose Crum the very ribs of the earth; arid, bringing with it mighty bowiders, it swept down like a flow of lava upon the city. A withering blast came to strip the fruit trees and to scorch the gardens of the rich and the flowers in the pa- tios. Even the curiously carved stone benches along the avenue, fair as a boulevard of Rome, were cracked and scarred, as you may note today If wanderyour to wht t was onceathe holy city you city oads tthe New World. Thus passed Antigua. Mid, dread - lug the "fire god," the 8panteh rebuilt their capital in another valley, some- what less fair, thirty mne'i distant, calling it by the, name it bears to -day, Guatemala City And Antigua was left to the Indians and to the few ethers who would not abandon it feud who returned„ as the years went on, to 1•eetnre in some small measure their city in the shadow of El Agua. But they were forgotten of the world, for Aaligu.t was no longer holy city, or capital, or chart of trade. It ,vas only a en:et ph" e in a deep vat - ley, a city where e there was only a quirt plane 1n a deet, valley, a c.Tty w;,er, there were far more mine than bil'0) ah,rlra where the grass grew haw, • 111' atrr'icobblese irregular eets.IL ts a 10001! of tranquflr ity, of deep peace; of a (teepee peace, indeed, than can ever have reigned In the days of Antigua's glory, 1'rnyinrfttt Parks for Alberta, WINGHAM Monumental "" V`1ORKS Has a large and complete stook of Family memorials in newest designs at very reasonable prides, Gall and see us before plac- ing your order. R, A, SPOTTON PhanOQfRcottot.s©s� ,1s Win harn There area great many ways to do a ?ob of printing ; but quality printing is only done one way—THE BEST. We do printing of all kinds; and no matter what your needs may be, from name card to booklet, we do it the quality way. P. S,—We also do it in a way to save you money, 7 he Post Publishing .louse tt , it •i 1N LINE FOR CHIEF JUSTICEE, Hon, Lucien Cannon, solicitor - general in the King ministry, who according to rumors circulated in Liberal circles, is in line for chief justice -ship of . the province of (hue- :fFal.Fir.n(rt•�,.,,l'3cro hoe, • T',,. -ens San Chambers of merr'e WW1 lo, re heed n t;Iilt. 1) te'1r at tve>tern c•anallct has rt 1terat, rl its 1r eviou5!,tund or ,,t11 eon - VP of 'assisted 11,10tation of F. -Meted r)r itish settlers of a desir- n','e tyre A rsrort nI the na 1i10101 cone:letter on Imntigtat�un; ureter the chaitm:lushlp of George er Atten. K r., of Winnipeg W010.0 hes made an exh:utsttee survey of the anbiect. has been presented and accepted. Expressine the firm conviction that ("henmi was drrlrnus of netain- In„ foreign ccpitel and that it heli •,n sympathy for Mol:hevism, T50111 +'hi. one of the c hinese delegates n, the rece:a Doe -national Postal Congress at Geneva, reached Rue - bac recently on S.S. Empress of Scotland, on route for Shanghai. Beck from a six weeks' inspec- tion trip in the United States and western Canada, W R. Mac1nnes, Vice -President, and George Ste- phen, TO reicht Traffic Manager„ Cnnaaian Pacific Railway, said that tourist traffic to Vancouver, Vic- toria and the Rockies showed very satisfactory increases this yen r. They emphasieed that there wee no replier of pessimism In the Prairie Provinces. ■ sweeleseeinistaimeeleartedesinewleneiswenainerwwweesenwateweetwineweimieriseweineasialeweeami It is expected that liis Majesty Kine Genrwe, or ness the Prince of Stales, will un- veil the Pimy War Memorial in 1932. stated Brtgndier-General.T. H. linehes. of Victoria, chief engineer of the Canadian Battlefields Memo- rial Commission in Trance and Bel- The fear of the Lord is the be glum, interviewed oa S.S. Mont- ginning of wisdom. Prov. 9 10. royal on his arrival in Canada re- cently. His Royal HIgh- BIBLE THOUGHTS rem For This Week sem Bible 0,ougbtn momerhed, will prove n pncaloau heritage in after yearn. SUNDAY, Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, .whose sin is covered. Pita. 32 : 1. t L t MONDAY. ! The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein for ever. Psa. 37:29. 1 TUESDAY. I will not leave you comfortless ; ( will come to you. John 14 : 18. The Car Owner's Scrap -Book 1 (By the Left Band Monkey Wrench) CONDITIONING THE NEW CAR To keep the plates covered w Carefully watch the water in the distilled water is the most impot'ta radiator and the' oil in the crankcase factor in prolonging the life of when driving the new ear, When an battery. engine is new and stiff it heats up more rapidly than "when it is than, High curbs play havoc with hub oughly broken in, caps, and ibumpers. Try to avoid driving the ear too close to these AN EMERGENCY FUSE. obstructions, When it is impossible to replace a ' now fuse for the one which has A car should be 'conditioned after blown out, wrap a p}ete of tinfoil a long, hard tour, just as 0 had ground the blown out member, 11 ,been put in condition before the will work : that.. way for a while-, trip. but get new fuse as soon• as possible, A package of cigarets, a bar of rho- A bent axle, bent steering }:nue- enlato, or a .cake of yeast will fur- kle, broken spring, bent spindle, nish the tinfoil. dragging brake, 01' loose wheel Will cause uneven tire wear, WORTH REMEMBERING A car squipped with four-wheel An ordinary leather belt can be brakes will stop better if it is not used to remove a tight radiator 009 tumor' o17 to tite right or 10(11 The if thestrap is wrapped around it braking system is designed, so that and pulled up against the buckle, the outer front wheel brake releases when the car goes around it curve. The situation is the same if the driver cuts the wheels to theright or left when stopping, only three brakes being on the job under such conditions, 1—t 1 WEDNlaSDAY. The effectual fervent prayer of A righteous man availeth much. Jas. 5 : 16. 'I'IIUItSDAY As he which called you holy, so he ye holy. 1 Peter 1 : 15. FRIIDAY. Thou shalt love thy neighbor u.. thyself. Lev. 19 : 18. I G-•� SATURDAY. "We ' manufacture 15 million pieces of toffee per day in Great Britain, but not enough of It comes into Canada and we are serinttsty considering the opening of a Cana- dian factory to enter direct to the Canadian people." said Str Harry 91arKintosh. head of the fantails British candy firm of the `t. Filming is the Tax rate for name. interviewed nn his arrival aboard S.S. Duchess of Medford at Under federal ruling Edward W. slues being contained in the sand 1liorris Township for 1929 :— aboard Quebec recently. and dirt picked ep off the road 11 Rate g,4 Mills on $. Bok's annual iven )0 Philadelphia the dirt is softened first with witch, County One of the mast beautiful and civic avhard, given to the resident the abrasives are not , so apt to be Township Rate ... , 7 rosily displays In the recent Ex - who performed the most useful ser -General , ... 3,1 hilHtion at Taranto was the ex- vice Burin the preceding year, is hard enough to cut, but nave eve1.- } f the Int- g 1 they cannot be ignored, Never S. S. era a' School 1.5 HIS GIFT TAXED CLEAN GAS, TANK ,AND THE FUEL LINE Dirt, where the filter have no ef- fect, settles in the vacuum tank and in the main gas tank. Ther"' should be drained occasionally ..�itl�ii the gas- oline conies out clean. Even though it may not be much, the little felt, there may clog up the fuel feed line, and check the whole supply system With these- tanks drained the fuel feed line should be blown out. Par- ticles of greasy dirt passing through the line might stick. to "t00 'sides and, after collecting one on another, cause the whole line to be clogged. The carburetor, too, should be drain- ed clean the same way with kero- sene. CARE Or; LACQUER FINISH Doing the right thing at the right time will preserve the body and its finish, but doing the wrong thing at any time will ruin it very quickly. Even though it it possible to wipe air the lacquer while dry, it is much better to wash the finish with clean water and and a sponge, especially if there is grit in the much or dirt, The main thing is to avoid the min- ute scratches which are the first steps in the destruction of the fin- ish. These are due to rubbing abra- sives across the finish, these abra- ? 'a 4 , '4V <:d k rc`` 5'.'.f+.t44,1,+.4, 1.1 BEHIND REVOLUTION Dismissed from the Nationalist party to adhere ofChina lathe furan letesor his il of e Its leaders. Marshal Feng Yu-Hisano, known as the "Christian General", Is suspected of being at the bottom of the new revolution in the land of the joss and dragons, just at time when national unity against the Russians is essential. n TAX RATES FOR 1929tt quisite diamond replica n" 1e - less r••t Canadian Patric Hotel, the subject to income tax, The ondawn•. use the same sponge for the body S. S. No. 3'. 1,7 Royal York, to Tnrontn To build meat Must pay 334,36`2, used for the running gear and the S. S. No. 4 3 n . - � 1.9 d de of the fenders. These more tide unique medal -ere which was S. S,No.5 valued at over $3ntless underside 3,5 than 15,000 Ellis faultless quality • The Phillpine Islands" one of the parts should be flooded with water S. S. No. 6 diamonds were utilized. These smallest possessions of the United and after most o£ the mud is soaked S. S. No. 7 2.2 were mounted on a framawork at States has a motor veltir}r. re ^istra- 2 satin wood covered with the finest A otf, warm soapsuds made with good S. S. No• 8 2 1.7 WAX. The miniature was drape ion of more than 28,425. bodywill tale off the remain- S. S. No. 9 About 8,000,000 wood shafts, " soapwn 2.4 " tr ' nhnixld be S. S. Na. 10 to thea high by 12 inches broad. mostly made of hickory, ue to scale and measured 15 1 der, After 1.115 the warts - will be used • flushed ori' with the clear water, U. S. S. No, 8 21 " " The farm of :lames H. walker, et for tool handles and golf clubs t1}a t When washing the top , be sure U. S. S. No, 4 4 ,� Raymond, Alberta, of which 70 real• ( that all the lacquer and bright work U. S. & No. 8 3.7 ,r acres were nowt] in Kharkov wheat, III on the car is fairly wet first. That 13. S. S. Na. 11 6:3 tfe}ded ire. bushels of 40 bushels 1.6 ', to the acre, says the Lethbridce I will prevent the dirt from staining U. S. S. 12 11 11 U. S. S. No. 17 , 3 Herald. This particular crap was the outer parts of the car. Brussels Div. 10.5 rr produced nit a summer tallow field, u The farm is diversified do w and rota'- The most economical driving Blyth Div. 7 Sugar bents cin well sheep to b there 0 a flnc'b of - r ` npeecl is about thirty miles an hour. help eq keep It In shape, IS RECOVERING amegetemeeleloseellteletelaelleilll ti In a snmmnry of the wheat sit- ualinn the )[nnitnha Pros Pros' pnints nut that wheat 15 .'r"1105 =n high this year as to arra"f to a ennsiderable davre0 rho- chnrto••e in the Crura "We.tnrn Cnm,a',r, whnnL' 11 0514• "hay 0"5' "•., 1•,4 on hi"h in mono yearn ' The urn. rein rnntnnt of a•>mnina 5n tar eher'•n,1 ,rrnrin 1710 hinhnet th,,, 'hn Waal ban lrnnron 511105 the n-a,.t tan rat ^^,i0.. tor• protein was 11110g0 - rated." More money is being spent to -day in the United States for beauty aids than for bread. Six million persons were reported baying merchandise in England on the instalment plan June 1, 1928, au increase. of more than 1,000,000 ecco::nts over 1921. Alhe"rte is to,, initiate a system of provincial parks, and the aequisttten of some 17 acres at Gull Lake, near Lacombe, with a lake frontage, of 550 feet, is announced. Other property 1s being uc`quired in different paras of the province, the idea beteg to pro- vide a chain of park resorts for the re'at. and re'reation of visitors and the people of Alberta. Poultry WANTED Will pas, highest market prices for all kinds of Poultry having taken a course in Poul- try nulling, 1 am able to cull out your poor layers and de- ceased ones. Any one wanting to sell or have their flocks culled. Phone 108x15. Prices reasonable Jno. Rutledge Potatoes were first seen by Euro - The rear wheels take the greater peons in Peru about 1531. part of the braking load even on the The. albumen of the egg ,white is cars with tour -wheel brakes. used largely as a varnish for cards A bucking engine is sometime, and paintintr- in photographs, and due to improper adjustment of in calico printing. sparlt-plugs at breaker -point gsps, A low estimate puts the value of at Great Britain's royal jewelry Because of vibration and constant $30,000,000. The king weaYs the roadshocks, wheel alignment shopld crown only a few minutes during be tested at least every six months. the coronation ceremony. 137 t `Ti i, Ignace Padorwald, famous pinnist and statesman is resting well after a hurried operation at Lausanne. Switzerland, lei. Paderewski, is ex- pected to make a normal recovery, Lv:f reg;,m Wanted We pay Highest Cash Price for Cream, 1 cent per lb. Butter Fat extra paid for all Cream delivered at our Creamery Satisfaction Guaranteed Brussels Creamery Co. Phone 22 b Limited