The Brussels Post, 1929-10-9, Page 5WHEN
R„ 1 U
Your savings account will soon give
you a fund for business investments,
or for an emergency, or it will pro-
vide a surplus that will help to keep
you in comfort in your old age. The
"regular saving" habit is the most
profitable one you can form.
This Bank Invites Your Savings Account.
Interest Compounded Half Yearly.
CapItal $10,000,000 Reserve $20,000,000
Total Assets over $260,000,000
J. A. MCLEOD, General Manager, Toronto
(Continued from page 4)
Salkeld, \V'm. McInnis. King of Tom-
pkins -T Salkeld, Jas. Stirling. Mann
-A. Schmidt, Jas. Stirling, Northern
.Spies -R. Thompson, 'Thos. Salkeld,
R. T. 'Greetings -J. Armstrong, J.
Carnochan. Russets - T. Salkeld, J.
Carnochan, Blenheim Pippins - J.
Stirling, R. J. 'Hover. Talman sweets
Arnts'trong, R. J, Hoover. On-
tario --J. Stirling, W. Yuill. Wealthy -
T. Salkeld,' R. J, Hoover. Alexander -
W. E. Freeborn, Clarence 'Clarke, Rib-
ston pippin J. Stirling NV. E, Brown,
Coverts-iA. Schmidt, J. Armstrong.
Roxboro !Russets - J. Stirling, J.
Carnochan. Canada Reds -A. Schmidt,
J. Stirling. Cayugas John. Agar, J.
Stirling. Fallawater \V. Yuill, J, Stir-
ling. Gravemsteins-S. Eckmeir, J.
Stirling. Maiden's ,Blush --T. Salkeld,
J. Stirling. Peewaukee-.T. C. 'Wilson,
J. Stirling. I3en Davi:-A. Schmidt,
T. Salkeld. \Vagners-a\. Schmidt,
J. McLaughlin. Duchess of Olden-
burg -Alex Murray. ,Astrachans-'A.
Schmidt, J. ,Stirling. 20 -oz, Pippins -
Stirling. Crabs -1R, J, •Hoover, J.
Stirling, +Winter apples -A, Schmidt,
T. Salkeld, Fall apples -J. Stirling,
Alex. Murray. Coll. nv+]nter apples -J.
Stirling, T. Salkeld, 'Coll. tall apples-
]. Stirling, J. Carnochan, ,Fail pears --
T. Salkeld, A. Schmidt, 'Winter pears
--.\V. McInnis, 'J', Salkeld, -Plums-
R. J, McLaughlin, T. Salkeld. 'Coll.
plums - R. Thompson, T. Salkeld.
Grapes -Mrs. Muldoon, \V. J. Dick-
son, Judge-\\'. Harty.
Root- and Vegetables -.Potatoes,
early, R. J. Hoover; late, W. E. Free-
born and R. J. 'Ho'over, Ed. ''Bryans.
Coll, p ttatoes, A. Schmidt, W. E.
Freeborn, Swede turnips, J. S, 'Arm-
strong, P. A. McArthur. A.o.v. tnrnins
-A Schmidt, \V. E. Freehorn, Field
carrots -R, J. Hoover, A. Schmidt,
Table carrots -'R, J. Hoover, A, Sch-
midt. Early'horn carrots --'\V. E. Free -
Friday and Saturday - • Oct. 11 - 12
Take a tip from Clara 1 See ! Hear !
-"The Wild Party" ! Hey -hey and
whoopee ! Gorgeous girls with the
"aye -aye" complex ! The "It" girl
kicks off the lid and the sky's the
limit ! A good -tune for all 1 The
author of "Flaming Youth" shows
you how the "younger set" lives
between sunset and sunrise. Clara
and her gang in college. In the
dormitories in negligees ! In Me
gymnasium in track suits. See
Clara and her bunch of brilliant,
eye -absorbing beauties - hand-
picked in Hollywood. Youth, ro-
mance, excitment ! Keep up with
the times -come to "The Wild
Party" !
Monday & Tuesday - Oct. 14 & 15
"ladies of the Night Cluh°
She Was the Only Thing His
Money Couldn't Buy -
So he followed her to jail to beg
her forgiveness.
And found the choicest things
have no price 1
Friday & Saturday - Oct. 19 & 20
Dix at His Best
Dix as you 1o'e hint ! The daring
soldier ! The impetuous lover ! Fac-
ing death for the woman he loves !
Gorgeous Esther Ralston, Dix's
beautiful leading woman in "The
Lucky Devil" and "The 'Quarter-
back,captivating in a powerful
role, Brilliant settings. Danger
Another Victor Schsrtzinger 'master-
piece will) Dix 1
"The Wheel of Life"
' . The Power of the Press Clara How
'I f
Coma .
e Patriot
Charlla C
g Cholla
barn, A, Schmidt. ,Bette, long re,i-
\$'. J. 1)ielts,n, A. Scimtidt. Turnip
'�,;n•u. i srsnips--+R. J..1loover, .\.. Sch-
midt 'Winter r 'li he, -\\ I 'Free rn A. Schmidt Sugar using • Ids --
T. Salkeld, 'R J Hoover; wnleels,
Peter Stssn't, 11, J. i1,i rs'r;.ltmg teI-
li,,s, Peter Stewart,. M s TZ
yrlluss globe-- Peter Stewart, R. J.
Hoover; red globe --R. I 'Hoover, A.
Schmidt. Judge \.lac Shantz.
Vegetables, -On ;is seed, red
--\1' E. Freeborn \V. E,I r,wit; sil-
ver .,kit, \\'. if. F'reeb:,rn A. 5:11midt
vett .n; '1V, E. Freeborn, Dr, Grieve
giant Cotta ---1)r, Grieve, -Onions from
dutch et:-\\', J, Dickson, A. Sch-
midt. Quart onion set, -IA. Schmidt;
dutch ,et V's J. Dickson Dr, J.
Grieve Potato onions Peter Stewart,
11, E. Brown, Ears of cduY yet :w
Canada --A. Schmidt; white Runt T,
C. Wilson; yellow dent --'A, Schmidt.
Fodder corp - Peter 'Stewart; table
e.-,rn-1V.E. Freeborn, Dr. Grieve;
Coll, torn A. Schmidt, T. C. ;Wilson
Cabbage, drunnhead---L. Eckmier, V',
Scott; Ox'heart 3V, Scott; pickling,
red -,Robe. Thompson, R. J. EltdLauch-
!an. Cauliflower --Thos. \Talker, L,
Eckmier. Pumpkin, field -P, A. Mc-
Arthur, R. t. Hoover; mammoth -
Clarence Clarke, Squash -Dr, Grieve,
Finlay Samis, Tomatoes, large --`L,.
Eckmier, Wm. is-IcJnnis; cherry -A.
Schmidt, D: Grieve. Butter beans,
black -+12. J. 'Hoover; white 'beans -T,
C. \Alison, W. E. Freeborn; butter
beans -James Stirling, Clarence Clark;
white beans, small -James Stirling, W.
E. Freeborn; a,- .v, beans - James
Stirling, A. Schmidt, Citrons -W. J.
Dickson, .Wes. Free. Watermelons -
\1'. J. Dicleson. •Pickling cucumbers -
L, Eckmier. Ripe cucumbers -A, Sch-
midt, Dr. Grieve. /White celery -Dr,
Grieve. Sunflower -Vs', J. Dickson,
Walter Broad fou. Garcden produce -
:N. Schmidt, Dr. Grieve, Judge -Ai-
;an Shantz.
Dairy Products --.Butter, crock -W,
W. Jeffrey (\Vingham), W. J. Dick-
son, \Vin. McInnis; prints - W. W.
Jeffrey, W. J. Dickson, L. S. Parr;
rolls-.W.IW, Jeffrey, Miss McKinnon,
Wm. \McInnis. Kerr 'Special L. 5.
Parr, Judge -Mrs. Howard McCaul-
ey, IFlesherton,
D,.nmstic Manufactures - Croebet
quilt -Mrs. savage (Listowel); knit-
ted quilt -Dr. Grieve; patchwork -Dr,
Grieve; log cabin -Mrs. A. Savage,
Janes Carnochan; a,ppleque quilt -Dr.
Grieve, James Carnochan; knotted anti
tufted quilt• --•Finlay Santis, Dr, Grieve.
Bedspread -Mrs, •McKelne. Hooked
mat \V, W. Jeffry, Miss D. MoGavin;
article made from factory cotton -
Mrs. Savage, W. J, 'Dickson. "Braided
mat-Th'os. Walker, W. J. Dickson,
Woolen nits -M. 'Livingston ('Blyth),
J. A. Hone. Men's working shirts -Dr.
Grieve, M. Livingston, Wool sox, fine,
\\'. -E. Freeborn, O. Hemingway; sox,
coarse, Dr. Grieve, W. E. 'Freeborn;
maple sugar, A. Schmidt; maple syr-
up, W, T. ,Dickson, C. Clarke; honey
in comb, anti extracted honey, J S.
Armstrong, T. Salkeld; small dark
fruit and small light fruit, Wm. Mc-
Innis, T. C. Wilson; tomato catsup, R.
T. 11clnughlin, 1. Carnochan; cucum-
ber pickles, J. Carnochan, R. T. Mc-
Laughlin; mustard pickles, A. C. ,Bae-
ker, J. Carnochan; chile sauce, Dr.
Grieve, Peter Stewart; peaches and
pears, W. McInnis, A. C. Baeker;
raspberries and strawberries, Alex.
Murray, W. McInnis; orange marma-
lade, Ro'bt. T'homson, ,T. A. Hone; ap-
ple jelly, J. A. Hone, W. E, Freeborn;
grape Jelly, R. Thompson, Alex. Mur-
ray: raspberry jelly, Alex. Murray, 1V.
J. Dickson; canned Dorn, Fiplay Sam -
is, W. J. Dickson; canted beans, :\V, J.
Dickson, J. Carnochan; canned toma-
toes, W. J. Dickson F. Samis; pinned
chicken, Roy Cunningham, T, C, ,Wil-
son: pressed meat, Wes. Free, T. C.
Wilson; homemade soap, W. J. Dick-
son, Ed. Bryans; best eight articles of
food for a working man's supper, W.
Jeffrey, W. T. Dickson, J Carnochan.
Mrs. H. A.lfdCauley, Judge.
.Baking-5White'bread, Wes. Free,
W. E. Freeborn; brown .bread, Jas.
Carnochan, W. Jeffery; currant bread,
P. A. McArthur, Alex, Murray; buns,
Wes. Free, S, F. Davison; tea biscuits,
A. C. Baeker, J. H Bryans, dark fruit
cake, J. H. Bryans, Mrs. Muldoon;
light layer cake, Wes. Free, L. Eck-
mier; dark layer cake, A, C. Baeker,
\Nes, Free; sponge cake, R. Thomp-
son, 'Mrs. Gnlh'raith; angel cake, R. J.
McLaughlin, \Vee Free; oatmeal cook-
ies, J. A. Hone, P. A. McArthur;
white cookies, I'. A. McArthur, Ed,
Bryans; d-•uglntuts, Dr. Grieve, 'Miss
1). McGat'in; scones, firs, J. Shaw,
T, A. Hone; nut loaf, \V. E. Freeborn,
Mrs, :Muldoon; tlnp cakes, J. Canto -
ellen, A, C. Baeker; muffins. 'W. J.
Dickson, j. A. Hone: short 'bread, P.
\. \lr',\rthmr, A. C. Backer; apple pie,
A. C. Backer, P. A. \ToArthur; pump-
kin pie, Mrs. Sahty, W. Scott; lemon
tile, T. H. Bry'tns, 'Wes Free; tarts,
W. E. Freeborn, J. H. Bryans; maple
cream candy and colli candy, HFRiDL
cream candy, R. Cunningham, T. C.
Wilson; cull, candy, T. C. Wilson, R.
Cunningham; variety of baking, W. E.
Freeborn J. Carnochan, W. Jeffrey.
A. C. Backer special, Wes Free,
Thompson special, P. A. McArthur;
J. L, Kerr 'special, L. Eckmier, E. J.
1-I„Ilyman, Judge.
'Ladies' •Work -Coll, fancy work,
Mrs. .A. Savage, .R. J. McLaughlin, M.
Livingston; coll. of five articles, Mrs,
Muldoon, R. J. McLaughlin, embroid-
ered teat cloth, Mrs, Muldoon, Mrs, A.
Savage; filet croc'he't lunch cloth, Mrs.
Muldoon, M, Livingston; drawanwork
cloth, Mrs. Savage, 'M. Livingston;
tray eath---'TL 3. McLaughlin. Mrs.
5avngo. Linen celnre-Mrs. Snvagt',
\V, W. Jeffrey, Embroidered centre-
piece, cotton --"Mrs. Savage, R. Thom-
son: dark linen -WW. W. Jeffrey, \f.'
.ivingst,nt. '['able set -Mrs, 'Muldoon,
\ire, A. !Savage. ('loth and 4 serviettes
--Finlay Samis, R. J,' \fdLaugh!in.
11 stint Mclliok work -XL Livingston,
Mrs. Savage. i-Tchedo--ilfrs, Savage,
Hardanger -- :R 7 ' 3rcI,tttghlin, 11,
1 ivine•.•t int \\'nllacltttin--\t Savage,
R 1 \f
R. cL au *ithn cross t, ttttt,...tirt
Savage; french or olid•- \T Tdving-
ston, P. Samis. Rraidwork SM. Liv-
ingston :Mrs. Savage. Italian cut'
t'k Mrs, 'Muldoon. M Livingston.
Trish crochet -Mrs. Savage„ \f. Liv-
ingston. Knitting in c,atton, Mrs, Sw-
age, Mrs. Muldoon. Crochet work, in
cottn. Mr,. \ Savage, \i, L!c!n •-
st m; in wool--wDr, Griee, Ni. Living-
ston. Child's dress, \I, Livingston, R,
J 'McLaughlin. Apron -J, A. 'Hone,
W. \t', Jctirey, Tatting -M. Living-
WRDNIllSDAY, Oct. MI 1-24,
Brasfei4 ‘Buyo,c •tiewHom Q.ampaign
community Buying Directory and Business Guide
The Merchants and Business men represented heiow aro co-operating in an 1fioa't io rove to the 'sside' ' ';
surrounding community 'that values equal to stay of 4111:' larger towns of c'id7es may. -be rucurd(1 :Il. localstores. elle town and
educational "Buy -a1 -Hoe." editorials will b: reproduced W1„kl)' along with 10 ind'ividu'al write-u'l o'f,eachG iusin ap series e
benefit of Horne Buying, will be shown to the ;general a;ivancenlenit and progress of the community' 'Read 11;110 l'l1 n,rial: the
advantage of the weekly specials offered 'hv the mt'rthant_, TOWN a tit it ri+tl take
�J - and 13()US'1• 1'111. l"UV�riV � UtJ - CALL l HOMit, •
, ♦ • .«.;»;1 . - H♦+.;H;» .♦9'. : s♦ 1 •:.-", »1H; 4.-0 H tt-
4+ 1 ww:H 4 r e fen i 8.i" H 4.•+f f , ♦ 1 h^ a i:♦4+44-4♦ 1 i ! .1 1 fH rH; f :.14,40 t tT�:42.4aw»»., »ft T »8 .8. f1.4.4 :"4 �1..;.,;,
14..«.14„ » « ;
R.W. Ferguson 1 The Canadian Bank of Commerce
AND TAILORING ,i 'Heor+lily endorse this Buy -at -Home Campaign ,s
Specials in Shirts: Men's reg. 2 GO ' SUPPORT LOCAL MERCHANTS .0t:«
for $2.00; Men's collar attached reg. and helpour Taw, Grow FUNERAL DIRECTORS
$2 for $1,75; Boy's reg. $1 25 for $i ,, n 3
Special to clear, 15 pts, Ladies Pat t s,»,a:•+:»w » :. :.`� 14:14;»;» ; , ,» ; ;«w;»,»;,,, v ,+1,,.,:w«: +:H: