HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-10-9, Page 1OL. 58 NO. I7 - $2,00 per annum in advance
*seg' fig! eeeee e94i+H1 + ee feereeei. ' f eeeett•9AetH ♦•♦tH$4Ty ++ee e H Meeeee lit
The Surrounding District
eleeel .RewO,teer i i N{setHette 1`A 4. 4444194elefe tet: +94 49,geotet^seNtesees see
GORRIE ( Miss Annie Munro, St, Catharines
The Magnetic personality of Pr, spent Saturday at her home here.
t Albert ;Moore, Secretary of the 1 Friends of Mise Dorothy Robin -
United Church of Canada graced sun, Saskatoon, who visited here tais
the pulpit of the local church on ummer will be pleaserl to liver tea:
Sunday for the Anniversary scrviri- she has .been appointers Captain of
es, "Large congregations turneA outnittv
contingent of Girl Guides 'e -
morning and evening to hear the eently organized sn All Saints Hall, sionis-
gospel preached, by the tem i'rbl, a Saskatoon. a n. 111 ss RobinsonRubS
'leader, In the evening he reviewed has the honor of being the youn_est
the great union movement and the Captain in the province of easkat-
progress made by the United Church chewer,•
in former. years. The special offer-
ing exceeded the $800 objective arts- BELGRAVE
d for. The choir rendered soete
plendid musical numbers, 4houeln Mrs. Farquhar, of Clinton, was a
hey ware without the services of week -end visitor with her daughter,
heir .leader, L. Ashton, who is in- Mrs. Jos. Clegg.
posed. Coming :—On Tuesday evening
Arrangements for the annual 'owl October 22nd, a humorous play en
per on Nov, 11 aro under way, titled "The Tightwad" will be pree
ented by the A. Y. P. tA, of St,
WROXETER George's Church, Goderich, under
the auspices of Trinity Church, God-
nold Edgar and family spent nvich, in the Foresters' Hall. Watch
lay at Kincardine. out for Adv't next week.
1. and Mrs. Welk, Mitchell were On Tuesday evening, Oct. 15th,
v sitors atthe Rev.
home of J F.Samuel
Marti minister, Martin, min
is er .f
:;dt: Churchhill, will be in
Knox. (Mite.]
I. and Mrs. Forsythe, Norwood, Church, elgrave. He is popularly
visiting• their aunt, Mrs. °J. Grin- known as the man wee put the
h, Howick. church in Churchhill. A general in. •
Mrs, iSelby Dobbs and children, vitatiun is extended to those living
rotor,, are guests of the formeree in the surrounding district who with
agents D. D. and Mrs. Sanderson. to hear hint speak on Northern On -
Work on the bridge and dam tario, our great new hinterland
ructures has been rushed along meeting at 8 p. rn.
err:ng the past week the different
hiftsof men 'working day and
tight. Bethel [dies Aid
+e+Sr�em:erek. to etexto sr
n Ara Holding a
Breeding Ewes BAZAAR
FOR SALE In the A. 0. U. W. Hall
Neve Advertteemeatu
Paaaar-livax Miura)). Ora nbronlf
Bnv tet•-Itt Uel Lad ire' Aid
Breed),: Ow ea --W ,11.. Maunder))
Ping -JC Ale) Paella !Amery
Natln,•-1 x ealor, .1 lrargueson estate
Plaine mains 1 1', 131»011 tone
N Nee tel!ell ore•-Alt.Plueiodate
Notice to Oredltnr.-i' Kuala)er »»tube
'Buyeb•home--Hrne,elu linsinese hien
e'er owe, htoaoiv—King Prom,
A noble), o -Alex. Rape
Annh•nrtary-quirt, Cherub wanre
1'• nyent , t - N •th Fiu e, Nprater,,
t• 'rotor', w e, re • TOMO hip ,,i tiurrie
Per in
otrn T-.
n or tax l' 1
ev1 Bntentxt
For as le--rtoy Turvey )
l:nmb•, strayed -w. 1 Arutstrong
i,t nits fcr sal• -R 1 Uempbtll
Firs tar snit-aaxte1 4t,.venvoi1
Pius tor 1' 5icinteslt
• Ctlovoiost--Ii. Bender.on
The Womens' Institute will meet
I at the home of Mrs. Carl Preetere
i on Tuesday afternoon, Oct 150.
1 Assistants Mrs. Jesse Wheeler and
Mies. Chas. Coultes. Roll call gems
of Thought. Topie "Making the most
of life by Miss Cela Coultes. airs.
' Jos. Clegg convenor of music. All
the ladies of the community are cur 1
ially invited to these meetings.
The W. M. S. of Knox United
Church held their regular meeting
In the school room of the church on •
Thursday afternoon. After the open -i
ing • h man
Y Mrs, Ja.Ad•
Jas. Anderson, the
president led in
] prayer, Scripture
lesson was taken from Psalm 72 by Mrs. H. Kirkby, Pres.
Ails. H. Wheeler, followed by prayer. Rev. W. J. Maines, Pastor.
by Mrs. Chas. Wilkinson. The De-
votional Leaflet, "He shall reign
from sea to sea" was given by the
president. The topic "World Fr'- Entered into rest :--Early Satur
ends in Canada" was in ,charge of day morning the spirit of Margaret
Mrs. Scobie and Mrs Jesse Wheeler, Janee Yuill, 'beloved wife of Peter
Afte;• singing hymn 111 Mrs. Scobie McDougall, entered into rest at
closed the meeting with prayer. Wingham Hospital. Deceased hail
had suffered a stroke a week before
9 5 HEAD of Shropshire
and Oxford cross
Breeding Ewes. Choice
quality, ranging from year-
lings to 5 -year-olds.
W. H. Maunders
Phone 12 Brussels
f eetitereseeealeseeet r+`.✓c`,tesert;;teme teeieteterees.
Players, Pianos €
Tuned and Repaired
Satisfaction Assured
J. C. Blackstone
Orders taken by
Walker & Black i7
dente of Mrs.. Fergusson.
Wednesday, October lbth
Home Made baking and -pan,
useful articles will be sold.
They are also serving a chic-
ken supper. The charge will
be 35 and 20c,
Mrs. D. Crawford, President.
All accounts owing on the a
s' books of J, Fergusson & Co.
must be paid by.Oct. 30th.
Any accounts unpaid after
that date will be given into
LI other hands for collection.
�, o
J. Fergusson Estate
r Accounts paable at resi-
�, J
9cl=twins sratat2.Dm ;mo'isvast€1mtt2r„`•t-roA
�- •.�''' : i. f.ee«W.•••M«i•sis"",«.ry..tts.ort,:,.ttse•
..rW,r8- oa4ete:r;.sa+.' Mess.
puffs United, Church
Anniversary Services will be
held on
Sunday, Oct. 20th
Rev, Prof. Johnston, of Im-
manuel College, Toronto
Services at I I a, 15. end 7.30 p. m.
Monday Evening, Oct, Est
A splendid Musieal Program
will be presented by The Har-
monic Male Quartette and Con-
cert Company, of Listowel :
L. A. Fleming, 1st Tenor ; C.
E, Blackmore, 2nd Tenor • P.
S. Hudson, Baritone; A. W.
Zurbrigg, Bass ; W. A. Hall,
Violinist ; hiss A. Purcell,
Reader ; Miss A. Hall, Ac-
Program at 8.30.
Admission rss 50 & 25c.
CRANBROOK and had been taken to the Hospitel
Anniversary services will be held for treatment. She was in her 62nd
next Sunday. Services at 11 a. in. year. The funeral was held on
and 7.30 p. m. Rev. C. H. McDonald, Monday afternoon and interrnaat
of Lucknow, will be the preacher. was made in Brussels Cemetery. A
Everybody welcome. more extended obituary will he
.. !given in the next issue.
Threshers are still busy. ETHEL
A few from the township attend• ! W. S. and Mrs. Broadfoot, of
ed the Fair at Gorrie on Saturday. ' Tuckersmith Township, were visitors
W. S. and Airs, . BroadeonL, of i with W. H. and Mrs. Love this
Tuekersmith Township, were visitors ' week.
eStibb theCon, home of Alex Speiran, T. P. L. meets Thursday evening
at eight o'clock, bright interesting
Miss IKay Stephenson and leen- I meetings, Everyone cordially in-
neth Love, of Flint, Mich., were 'sited to attend and help this branch
week -end visitors at the former's i of work.
home, 10th con. 1 Keep in mind that the play "Apr
J. P, and Mrs. McKay, of Brant- +pie Blossom Time" will be given et
ford were calling on old friends in i the Township Hall, on Friday Even -
the Township. They were former l gOct.8th tinderauspices of
residents of the 8th line. inLibrary. The play
pees -
Chas. E. and Airs. Stone, of Cam- I ented by the Ladies Aid of Park-
nington, and Mrs. Chas. Watts, of ,view United Church, Stratford, and
Dundas, visited with Wm. and Mrs. 1 directed by Rev. DeWitt Cosens.
Hollinger, 7th con. during tltc past Mark down the date.
week. I SuThe Anniversary
a a services Last
ygreat success, the
I churcti was packed at both serviette.
MORRIS Solos were sung by Mrs. Hamilter:
Alex. Shaw attended Teeswater and Air. Hamilton, of Listowel. Miss
Fair on Wednesday. Jessie Campbell and Wm, Spence
Miss Donna Smie
h, of St. Helens,
attended the dance at Earl Seller's
Friday night.
Mrs. Robert Turvey spore; Wed-
nesday with her aunt, Mrs. T. Coul-
tes, in Bluevale.
Morris was well represented at the
Conservative convention at Wing -
ham last Thursday.
The many friends of MA. P. Mac-
lean are pleased to hear she is re-
covering from a long and serious ill -
Special Diog Dpy
1930 Fur Cat MIs
Thursday - Friday - Saturday
Oct. 10 to 12
Guaranteed Stocks Only
etatsikiro r;, sfis.A13o£t` r2rzta1141.vt9t;ar;arntFinai atnAotommi�ilS,Y, Ar t
tri "Be sure to see our Fur -trimmed Cloth Coats and the
latest New York Style Hats and Dresses.
veluento.tri,Crit:LF;tmemloglAtevestC E tot tetmcwomglC+=t@'atwor
No on roll 24 average attendance far Y, called on old friends in
r.:..... "!4.:0 4:0: 04.4,..';" 44:&4 44.4«.+. 4:07.03.744+>, #A.TiRi OltRa f 1;1. Mise Mae 54IatLeod, Toaeher, Walton last work.
e. Sidney and Mrs. Pollock and Vic
fe tor and Mrs. Houston were recent
o visitors at the home of Walter and
tMrs. Davidson.
,1 Mrs. C. Harris, who has spent the
T past scanner at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Roy Sellers, is some-
what improved in health, we are
'Abet pleased to state.
In appreciation of the help ren-
dered in remodellingalirn
g their home,
X Earl and Mrs ll
, Sellers gave a patty
+ to friends and neighbours on Friday
X evening. An enjoyable time was
t spent by all.
There was a large attendance at
., the Rally Day service at Ebenezer,
(Browntown) last Sunday. The in
;_ !fent children of Wallace and Mrs,
Agar, Oscar and Mrs. Amen., Wm.
e and Mrs. Clark, and -.John and Mrs.
Scott were baptized at Browntown
Church last Sunday by Rev. Mr.
Passed Away :-- Last Saterday
evening Agnes Helenor, only dangle -
ter of Robert J. and Mrs. Young,
6th con. passed away at the age of
10 years. The young lassie. had
been suffering from heart trouble
since birth. The funeral eyrie held
on Tuesday afternoon and inter-
ment was made in Brandon mine -
tory. She is survived by .her sorrow-
ing parents and four brother's.
The following is the report of S.
S. No. 10 Morris for the month of
September, Sr. IV *Donald Robert-
son, 75 ; Clinton Irwin, 62 ; George
Johnston, 61 ; Howard Vantcamp,
65 ; Charlie Johnston, 62 ; Stewart
McLennan, abs. Agnes Gibbs 45 '1
Jr, IV—Stanley 68%; Joyce Edgar
66, Jr, Ini—Dorothy Wright, 75;
Isobell Mustard 71; Beorge Ross abs.
Sr. II—Olive Edgar 80; Janet Stokes
64; Goldora Dennis abs. David Gibbs
sang a duet in the afternoon. The
Rev. R. 13. Ledington, of Harriston,
preached excellent sermons which
were very much appreciated,
Ethel Presbyterian Fowl supper
held Tuesday evening drew a fine
crowd. The Brussels quartette acne-.
fitted themselves fins, also Nancy
Fowler and Marguerite Logan won
popular approval with their dainty
songs. Miss Kathleen England, of
London, was the elocutionist. The
entertainment was nisch enjoyed.
The Barrie Examiner of Sept.
26th had the following obituary
which refers to a brother of W. Ii.
Love :—One of the oldest residents
of Barrie died on Sept. 19th, 1929, -
in the person of Robert Janne, I nye
For three years he had been in fall-
ing health. Taking very much worse
two Weeks before his death he was
Victoria tr ._
e ted to the Royal r o•_a o•
o A et r
tal where his death tookre til
ni Ie) x.
Love w sb t
a ora in Perth county near
Ltstowell, 71 years ago and for the
last 45 years had resited in Barrie
For a number of 'years he carried on
a cartage business, and afterwards
employed by the Barrie 'Panning Co.
He was a man of quiet dispositi.,n,
industrious habits and strict integ-
rity. A member of St. Andrew's
Church, he was a regular att ndant
while health permitted. He is sur-
vived by his -wife, who before mar-
riage was Miss Wilmott Pomeroy,
of Fullarton, Ont. ; two daughters,
Mrs, E. H. Zeilu', of Barrie and Miss
Rota, of 1411dland ; three sone, Dal-
ton, of Port Huron, -Mich., Marshall,
of Detroit and Carroll, of 13arie.
and three brothers, Phillip, of Bar-
rie, George, of Victoria, B. C. and
William, of Ethel, Ont. A private
funeral was held on Saturday 'detr-
noon from the family residence, 121.
Sophia St., to Barrie Union Cemet-
ery. Rev. J. S, Short, took the ser-
vices, assisted by Rev. W. E. Wal-
lace. The pall -bearers were : W.
Stephenson, Norman Lincuntb, John
Partridge, Marshall Chantler, Pan -
aid McCondaeh and Zeemen Re
John Watt was in Toro"4o on
business reeently.
Mra. Neal is having the exterior
abs, Tr. TITena Mnetnrd 30; of her house painter:.
Ruby Dennis 80. Ist Charles Ire Peter B, Gln•dinger snotot'ed ea 3
win52 ,t
Hem Riley y 1, Alex Gibb London on business en Monday
abs, Pr. --Fleming Johnston, Tier- John and Mrs. bfarshttjl are set- ni e Derek. Raymond Dennie The) ed in their new home just south of
marked with an asterisk (* ) c oro 'Waiter. t
absent for one • or more examinations , Mrs. (Dr.) Armstrong, of Cal-
Fplsn :e!VC1Ctzt„lg?,aIW).")) =eewt�te rete t�;es • - aW .- ;taeetewtc
t . ,tettete ezetetet tete ett'rct+n
PlaYCe�nrn � � � l�g�Begotile
Under the auspices or the i BRUSSELS
friday Ev'g, Oct, 18 dq
The Ladies' Aid of Parkview g,
bt United Church, Stratford, I
will present
`Apple Blossomy Time
This caste comes highly A
recommended, G
4'3 Play commences at 8 o'clock
Admission 35 and 25 cents AA
.rbIt t Vral trot Figs 7Zlidt�Y .I+'y`-Dhlt,•?S'a D)oi.
Sunday,October 1th
Cy 11 a.m.and7p.m,
Special Preacher
g, Rev. P. L. Lewin, Parkhill
Fowl Supper
Monday Night, Oct. 14
Supper served in the basement
lar of the Church from 5 to 8
Program in the Town Hall
• Consisting at Vocal and instrumental
Music, Readings, etc., assisted by
the Lewin um F
el Adults 50c Children under 12, 35c.
Rev. F. G. Rickard. Rector,
H. McCutchew:tie, rdens
ppp�,p, H. J. Bryans, J
..taarea,X2, 2tri DiPatc,',id,_"x` ,9t NIttila9tattiiefJ
Miss Edna Reid, of Benmiller,
spent the week -end at her home on
the south gravel road. to Port Colborne after spending the
' The Misses Annie and Maud Fer- past couple of weeks with relatives
guson, of Seaforth, were recent rise- here.
itors with Mrs. Wm. Neal.
j, L. KERR. Frop9ie(or
Fq t,u
The Ladies of Knox Church
nP Or'atnbroo4� r.
PAre holding a Bazaar of Sew -
In K
r .°
i # .•n
g dH
om rin
e ads
t Bakingsa
0 I, �4
4A Friday, Oct. 18th
t. Hot Supper Served 25e & 15e
Followed by a program.
Rev. W. A \X illiems • Rime' Ls
tet, ,eieeet i � 9 e' M.:: S r:'+ia':"9getti :e teete ty,
Miss Laura Hoy won tate prize in •'
the popular contest th t vas held by
the Brown Company which plays 1 Brussels Fair
in Walton last week. �y
Joseph and Mrs. Davidson and Has Big Crowd
•son, Murray, Thomas and Mrs. Wat-
son, of London, were visitors at the
home of Joseph and Mrs. Bennett ' WEATHER MAN GIVES US A
i Rev. Mrs. Anderson, of Blytb FINE DAY—BIG LIST OF FX -
conducted the services morning and
evening •while Rev. W. J. Maines HIBITORS — GOOD RACES.
took the service in Blyth.
Duncan and Mrs. Johnstone ar•d
Miss Annie Johnstone have returnee Brussels Fair has now passed into
home after spending a week with re- history, and although the weather
latives in Stevensville on Sunday. was somewhat cool, it did not keep
William and Mrs. Humphries and the crowd away.
family were guests at the home of The "Pa}ace" was well filled ant
Robert and Mrs. Campbell of the
1 9th concession, of McKillop on Stitt- earl many visitors on Thursday
' day evening as well as all afternoon Fe'-
Rhere were large congragationc day. The outside exhibits of live
on Sunday at the anniversaga ger- stock were also well up to the high
vices held in Cavan United Chore!, standard usual at this fair, and the
Winthrop. Rev. Mr. Malcom, of various classes were well filled an l
Egmondville was the speaker for the competition keen.
day. Friday's proeceding opened when
J. 5.ilicGavin shipped two car headed by the Blyth Brass Band. the
loads of cattle to Toronto on Satnr- School children marched to tete fate
day. He and Gordon and Willie grounds-
Dundass and Graham Stewart mot- On Thursday evening then•-' vier, '
ored to the city on Monday mar-:- many .entries for the special prize
ing in time for the market, iven by l r. T. T. McRae for ; II1s^
Mrs. Herbert Kirkby who h r..cit ne "'In Flander'a Fields" and
been suffering for sone time witr, a Mie; I'dna Davison won 1st prize•
sore -thumb from the effects of h e ,:1 .Alai rt t Turvey, 2nd; and Mina
poisoning underwent an operation n Bry ins 3rd.
in Clinton Hospital on Monthly art For the Essay's, prizes being den
had the thumb amputated at the ated by Dr. Jameann on "How tee
first joint. could improve our Town in appe er-
Thomas Legg and son, Willard, of once and Health" open to B. C. S.
Stratford, and Alex, and Mrs. -c- pupil,, Miss Edna McCalI ;von 1s. .
Gavin, and daughter Leas, of Sm- and Mies Vila Fox, 2nd. These two
forth, and Geo. and Mrs. Badly end papers will published in a latter ie -
Miss Jean, of Hanover, were San• ase of the Post.
day visitors at the home of 3. J. and , Always the concert on the closing'
T.lrs, McGavin' night of the Fair, held in the Town
`� Hall, isa success; and the one given
BLUEVALE by the lonie Quartet, of Toronto,
F. Black shipped a car of hogs to was no exception. The- various ertn-
'Toronto on Saturday, bets were well received and .the
John Undezwodd spent Sunda; whole entertainment was high el'icr,
with his parents here. and clean and varied. The hall was
Urs. Fair, . of Brantford, is eel:- will filled.
ing with relatives here. The Horse Races.
Quite a number from here took in i Despite the fat:t that the track.
the Gerrie • ti
r Fair on Saturday. da-.
was not m thebest est of condition, tee -
Raymond Ut n
]' t
E lot reeeived
1a ear
in t
g no n to trig the n v
h dirt d n
load of lumber for his new barn, the horses certain y went around +t
Janes Masters has return, d to a merry cep. Several heats woad
Motor after a two weeks' vacatic.n, h.me been around the 2.1E ,nark nn
Chester Stewart, of - Winghar.a, a fast track. The summary of :' o
spent Saturday with Robert Master•,. •r.
Airs, Leonard Elliott spent Sgun• 30 Trot or Pace:
d,tv with her husband at Brampton. Hal Roy (Irwin, Ripley 1 1. 1
Chas. and Mrs. Coultes, of Listow Penny Worthy (Ripley t,) 1 2 2
el, spent Sunday with relatives here. Della Brine (Colvin) 3 3 3
George Mathers is having his Time 2.19 s ; 2,14) TA ^'�
home. and barn wired for hydro this t, 2•r a•
week. 2.18 Trot or Pace:
Jos. and Mrs. Smith, of MOMS Mack Togo (Cudmore) 1 1 1 -
spent the week -end with Jas. and Martha \apolenn, (Smith) 2 " 2
Mrs. Pearney. Patch McGregor (Chittick) , .3 3 8
Dorothy Aitkin and Mi'. at:,an 11181TGikswood, (Goiviu) .1 4 1'
Garnss attended field day spurt. at Tigre: 2,1811; 2.17T,j 2.1Ar;
A.rtlmr on Friday, Local Trot or Pace:
Herold and Airs. Holmes, of Pee Billie McGregor, Chitteck 1. 1 1
trait, spent the week -end at the Tony B., Oster 4 2 2
]romp of A• Holmes. T"green, Hcfleron, 2 3 3
H. T. and Mrs. Thompson, of Murray Grattan, Colvin 3 4 4
Wingham spent Sunday at the he.uno
or their son George. le Mile Running Race:
le. Chester who wee relieving him Bryans 1st; Stewart 2nd; llnmil-
has gone to Camiaehie to perform ton, 3rd; Agar 4th. Time 1.05.
a similar duty there. Pony Race:
The W. M. S. will hold a social
evening in the United Church on
Friday evening, Oct. 11515,
leobt, and Mrs. Masten: end
children, of Toronto, are spenclenp;
their 'vacation with relatives around -
This district received a good ram
Sunray night which will mike the
plowing better as the land is very
rand and dry.
Rally day services were held in
the United Church Sunday tnornmg
twits. Rev, Mr, Mann gave a splendid
alk on the picture which was ahewn
on the h rally day leaflet,
.Jas. Aitchison and daughter, Mrs.
Jae, Cleghorn, have returned home
Time '2.311x; 2.31; 230.
Jackie Lowry 1st; R. Agar end.
Wtn. Govenlock, of Seaforth wee
:tartar, and got the lir, ,'s away, in
good style; A. C. _Barker and Dr.
Henze, of Mitchell, wore judges and
Fred Burchill was time keeper.
The Blyth Band were stinr,'y with
their music at the grounds, no doirid
the cold wind affected the horns.
More attractions should be on tete
The weatherman certainly shut qtr
tate usual water supply, but kept the
weather cool.
It takes a horse race to draw the
A small grand stand would sloe
pay for itself.
The Directors meet on Saturday.
Oct 12th and the Treasurer will be
prepared to pay all prizes on Friday
Oct. 13th.
1 The Fair was one of the Kist in
the history of the society.
Walker W & Black made de fie dis-
playa n
i furniture
at the Palace, .and
E.C. •Cunatinghant made it more
home -like with his radio exhibit 'n
the same section.
There were many hot dog stands,
and amusement stands, but a mid-
, way was not on the program, and
, the small children missed the merry.
go -round.
• A new wire fence was put ons the
Oast side of the track which kept the
I crowd from wandering all over the
' A small track should be laid out
•for the foot races, so that this fea-
•ture of the program could go on
without interrupting the horse ra;ee
land it would also keep the track
Not in many years has the weather
man been so kind to Brussels.
Following is the prize lint, subject
to correction:
(Continued on Page 4)
Personal Paragraphs
Leslie Turnbull, of Londcn, was a
week end vicit.or in town.
Mies Ina Bryans, of Torreto, ie+
the guest of Mrs. Dan Denman,
Allain Cockrane, of Waterloo, wt.s
rip to visit the Fair and old friend'.
Ken Curtis, of Milverton, was
calling on old friends in town tens
Miss Fuss, of Toronto, w•as the
guest of Wm. and Mee. Sinclair la•tt
"Mike"• Cook, of •Clinton, trey,
'The Post a call last Wednesday at.
Riwin and Mrs. Pickett. and son.
visite:1 Fred and Mrs. Stephenson on
Miss Jennie Budd spent Sunday
with Walter and Mrs. Forest, 2n,3
line, Morris.
Goderich Star :--Pouglas CI'trl .e
has returned to Toronto to ecntinue
his course in Forestry.
Mrs. Thos. Strachen, and eon.
Cameron, of Thorndale, were visit.
one in town last week.
Robert and Mrs. Masters, of Tor
onto, were week end visitors with
Gordon and Mrs. Gallaher.
The Misses Fulton have returned
from a two weeks' visit with friends
:it Burford and other points.
Geo, McLauchlin of Winnipeg,
was a visitor over the week -end with
relative: and old friends in town.
Mrs. McGuire is attending tlei
Provincial Convention of the W. C.
7', U
,at Windsor '
Stade tis week.
Lorne • A e e m
r an Mre. d Tutt d a
and m .
ter, Billie, of i3lyt,h were visiturs itt
town last Wednesday dnesday evening.
Adam and Mrs. Glauzier and Her-
ald visited Fred and Ales. Stephen -
sem and Mrs. Wm. Stephenson.
J. P. and Mrs. McKay, of Bran• -
tforcl, have been the guests of the
former's sister, Mrs. Hugh AleTeln-
Chas L. and Mrs. Stone, of Can.
ntngton and Ars. Thos. Waite, of
Dundas, were visitors in Brussels
and 'vicinity last. week,
Geo. R. and Mrs. Rankin and
daughter, end Wm, and Mrs. Brown
all of Elora, spent the wneek-enc?
with Mrs. A McGuire.
trr'ymnn and Mrs. Sperling of Long -
don, after spending their helideys
at the foie -ilex's parental home, re
turned to London on Tuesday,
Pr. Whitely, of Goderieh Conser-
vative Candidate, for • North Union,
at the coning election, was n visit
or at Brussels Fair on Friday last.
Mr. A. A, Affeck, 13. A. and Mrs.
Afi'eek of London, Ont., and E, H.
and Airs. Mathews, of Forest, Ont.,
were. Sunday visitors with Mr's. Me
Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, of Furdwich •
Mrs. (Dr•, ) Armstrong, of C alc+,••sr'y;,;
and Will and Mrs, Pearson, of Ham-
ilton, spent the week end with T).
rind Mrs. Denman,
Robt. Smart, of Attwood, was ae
visitor in town on Monday. It is 43
s end
nlysth oldee reresidents lrwill remorn-
hel' the Stuart family,
Mrs, Jos, Querin arrived hrnn,e;
last week from Woodstock hosp'tal,I
whets she had been since the autoi
accident a week previous. Sie.: i+.,
still confined to her bed but imprt,vi.
ing nicely we are pleased to state,