HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-9-18, Page 6"WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 18th, 1920.I r 135E $ Pool. gg�� ••�, ���•-yq-A,�REA�L •�;ENERGY-FOOD �*y�'v(�g, REAL 1,COOKED, READY+° ID -SER O' ,1.r Wath all the bran of the whole wheat Proteins and carbohydrates nicely balanced with the men,. tiai mineral sans and life-giving vitamins—crisp, flavory and appetizing—cat it with milk or cream or fruits, for any meal. MY I LADY'S COL`Y''v'">U�M46.+N.�g�pp�, 44++40 gat and leave a while before using the crew -driver, + ; BREAD BOXES • ' Line your bread and cake boxes • with brown paper and they will stay • sweat in hot, damp weather. Q f••'or, ELBOW TRIM An egg—shell white satin blouse, er for do e. ey wear, has its rounding Y neckline flanked by narrow triple t circular collars and its long tight sleeve decorated with narrow triple o flounces. 1 t FOUR -PIECE SUIT '1' A blue and white flecked tweed e suit, with tuck -in whit: blou.e makes itself into a four piece suit by the E addition of a white slip-on sweat P t WASHING WOOLENS Add a little ammonia to the wale in whieh woolens are washed, The will be fluffier and lighter, OLDISH VEGETABLES When cookingpeas, corn, for atoes or other vegetables that are no young put sugar in tete water. Thi flavors then! perceptibly. .' .. BROWN CRUSTS If your pie crusts do not brown satisfactorily, try brushing then over with a little milk and putting back in a hot oven for a few sec- onds. When serving iced beverages to many guests, be sure to have handy implements. A sharp pi'k, an ice bank to crack it in, an ire cracker and hammer are all necessary. A small expenditure of money saves much time time and temper. Pour weak coffee on the roots et your' hydrangeas and the blooms will be prettier and the plants health- ier. Ferns need a tea hath once in a wbile- 3 Has an 3'Srormoua Wealth' of Natural Reeottrees, 1 Tile, Chinese astern Railroad in ?,Xanehuria in the key which n n make avellaltle an enormous wealth of lint - prat renoutbes at present locked up beneath the soil and In the (01 Cts of Mamehtu'ia. Iron and gold are said to be present in large qututtitit•s al.hough at pres- ent these' resources remail! practical- ly untouched. There are two iron mines in Southern Manchuria, one operated 'by the South gtauciurria Railroad. In the northern region there are none. Gold is washed on the tributaries of 1110 Amur river up near the boundary of Russia, but the gold washers take only the most ac- cessible metal and then go deewhert' to do the same. There are as yet no mines of any (inportance in the whole northern region which is reached by the Chinese Eastern Railroad. Manchuria Is rich In coal, In the northern section seventy mlees are In operation, but only four of these are modern mines. The majority are very primitive workings with au annual output of only a few hundred tons. The four principal mines are operated by Russian, Japanese, and British capital, stays a Science Service bulle- tin. In Southern Manchuria, the prin- cipal coal urines are operated by the South Manchuria Railroad and bas an output of 4,900,000 tons a year, Three c -her !nines In Ills district have annual outputs of over a hun- dred thousand tons. The rest are all small workings that barely scratch he surface. Another valuable natural resource f eianehuria is the large stand of Miter. iter. Northern Manchuria contains lie great forests which were former - y reserved as hunting grounds for he Manchu princes, The largest for - :its are those along the Great Rhin- o Mountains in the northwestern part of the country, The Chinese astern Railway cuts right through hese mountains, with blue modernistic aesign wi rt 1 crow neck that tucks in, like the WORLD'S STRANGEST BAB]. waist. Mongolian Boy Created "Great lin- 10 r, 'i' SQUARE NECKLINES. Some new afternoon and evening gowns sponsor the square neck. One in fete old rose chiffon has a charm - in:; big bow of narrow bands on one shoulder. tit 00 NEW HANDKERCHIEFS It is smart this autumn to have es 0 es C - HEEL. PREPARATION* If your silk etnektnes wear out just above the heel of your shoes, thread a fine needle with matching single strands of yarn and darn the inside of new eleekings at the spot before putting OO•nn nn. They will wear twice as long without coming through as the dern tikes the wear rather than the hosiery. FAIL SHOES Medium heels win over the very high one:, in new fall tine... A rus- set colored , harkilcin twoeutton tie has a winged tip of matching calf- skin and the lower heel i5 used, BRUSHING SCREENS By August ;creerta are apt to ba filled with duet, cobwebs and when rain comes will .asst'm the windows, Tt is a good ide't to hru::h them off thoroughly once a week. DRESSER0 DRAWERS If dresser drawers stick in hot, rainy weather, plane off the side.^, and bottom, but never the top. Some times merely rubbing soap, parafin or tallow on the edges will suffice. RUSTY SCREWS When removing rusty screws or those that stick, insert a little vine- colored linen handkerchiefs with edgings and one's name written in small letters and embroidered hi white. es es 0 0 BLUE WHITE When washing white silk frockn and underthings, try bluing the water from the very first time you wash them they will never turn as yellow as they would otherwise. SHOWER CURTAIN Care :should be taken in hot wea ,ther that the shower curtain doesn't mildew, I:vc'ryone should consider it hie responsibility to spread the eurt+in out so it ran he thoroughly dried end aired after every using. .;. 0 ey BREAKFAST TRAYS .since hot day; are hard on nerves, is may a a- 1 e lege of a strain if 1 reakf,st 1, ,erV i them in their rooms. Attractive colored tier trays are cute, a flower adds much, too. Fleetepl,l,- eorneeimee attain the weir -ht of 17 or more pounds. There are 39 republics through out the world, Eighty-five per cent. of the rub- ber output of the Unterl State goer; Into .automobiles. Vegetables retain their color and are erisp and tender when a tea- spoonfui of borax te added to the water In which they are boiled, etemeeLOOK AT YOUR LABEL �I��i,��jl61IlI;�14t. 0Y0111I There are a great many ways to do a ?ob of printing ; but quality printing is only done one way—THE BEST, We do printing of all kinds, and no matter what your needs may be, from name card to booklet, we do it the quality way, P, S.—We also do it in a way to save you money, ?he Post Publishing Douse mortal White Lama." The most remarkable child In the world to -day is probably the two- year-old Mongolian boy who has been created the "Great Immortal White Lama," ibe spiritual head of millions of Asiatics, and in whom part of the soul of the god Buddha is supposed to reside, says a writer in the Sun- day Chronicle. An amazing story lies behind his elevation to the position of "living Buddha." When the former holy Lama of Tibet died the pilots believed, according to custom, that the spirit of the god living within him had been reincarnated In the soul of a baby born the same day. Seareh was at once started throughout Mongolia and Tibet for a child born with the marks upon its body which the priests held to be proof that it )std been chosen by Buddha. For months the guest went on until the present infant Lama was discovered. From now till the day of his death lee will be tree ed a taetly as a god would be. No woman is allowed to attend him; everything concerning him is directed and or- ganized by the Grand Abbot. All day a watch over him is kept by priests, who believe that at any mom nt the living Buddha may manifest through his lips. Every Item of baby prattle Is carefuilyytaken down by scribes and analyzed by the priests in the hope that it will reveal some bidden message from the god. His rattles are ornamented with skulls and bone's in ardor to score away evil spirits. Another toy is a huge drum made of human skulls. "The Great Immortal White =,oma" of Mongolia is comparable to the Da- lai lama, the most important living Buddha on earth, ltNOW'S HIS JOB. Became Tram Conductor and motor- ist 1n Order to Qualify. Berlin's UMW special court to deal with offences against the traffic regu- la;ions is presided over 1)7 a judge who took jobs ar a tram conductor and a rentor -driver to qualify-, Dr. Fritz Kroobeim Is the judge, and the mart deals with all infractions of the traallie reeelatlons, and not merely motoring offences. After :, course at a training school, Dr. Krnnh• im was gran'trd a con- ductor's license and a motor -driver's license by the municipality, and worked at loth occupations before inaugurating the new court. He is said to he the only judge in the world so qualified. The appointment will probably put an end in Aerlin to mo- torists' rvrnplain's of judicial ignnr- anre of motoring c•.nditions, and to those of conductors and motor -driv- ers that judges know nothing of their wet k. Clever and Dangerous, The centipede abroad in Eastern lands is a formidable, and often pois- onous, In'+ et, but its wisdom might well Instrus human beings of every ave and diene. Afraid, of the taran- tula (a spode,: of great spider), the centipede always takes rare to build a cactus fence round itself ere It goes to Siete). It is m051 r•'ntertalning to watch the se0I)ri'y of the emit/nodes as they Ile et ease, while their etch - 'monies cannot crawl over the cactus, which they wilt never tackle, Healthier Motoring. To reduce the amount of carbon monoxide breathed In towns, motor- car exhausts should he MI top Of care inetead of near the ground, says a doctor, If this gas were expelled above the heads of pedestrians it would erm- tinue to rise and cause 11 tie trouble, because It 1s slightly lighter than air. Wine 1,4110 rears Old. The oldest wine In the World is on exhibition al; Spryer, Germany. It is Tcoman wine, recently dug tap, and 1a estimated to be 1,600 yeare old. It Is partly soltdi/ied. for Romans put honey in their Wine, NAMED AS DELEGATE Major W. A. Steele, of the Can- adian Department of National De- fense, who is one of the three delegates appointed to represent the Dominion at the Intorno/Ronal Technical Radio Committee's meeting at The Hague, F.lolland, this -month. SCHOOL FAIR DATES Following are the dates of the star. nous school fairs to be held in Bur on County this year: Sept, 19th—Wroxeter, Sept. 20th—Howick Township. Sept. 23rd—Ethel. Sept. 24th—Belgrave, Sept. 2Sth—Goderich Township. Sept 27th—Blyth. Oct. 3rd—Clinton Rural, Oct. 4th—Clinton Town. DO YOU KNOW? A Bible from the Russian Impe ial Palace of Tsarskoye Selo, its cover encrusted with diamonds and emer- alds, was recently offered for sale in England. Josephine, one time empress of France, at one time owned between 7$0 and 800 gowns 500 chemise 850 pairs of shoes and slippers, and more than 600 pairs of silk hose. The province of Saskatchewan, which produces about one-half of the total wheat of Canada, is also the third largest producer of dairy products and of eggs and poultry among Canada's nine provinces. It took 5000 years to discover why the Chinese aged the clay from which pottery was made To -day by the vacuum process more air is removed from the clay in two sec ands than if it had stood pilead. quietly for 100 years. The Calgary Fish and Game As sociat)`on is to release more pheas• ants in southern Alberta. ]n the past five years thousands of cin -necked pheasants have been distributed in the pruvince. 1t has been found that. these birds thrive in southern AL berta even in the winter months and are multiplying rabidly. A record shipment of 150,000 pounds of River St. Lawrence sal- mon was shipped recently from Que- bec to the British Isles, This salmon is frozen by a new process that does not affect the flavor of the fish in any way. It is expected that weekly shipments of about 100,000 pounds of this salmon will be made to the British markets. A new provincial park 1,200 :Hiles in area is shortly to be opened by the Quebec government in the Mount Tremblant district of the Laurentian: mountains ,eighty miles north of Montreal. The new park contains several lakes which con- tain a variety of fish and which have never been fished. It will be a sanct- uary for all wild animals. (Grain elevators owned and oper- ated by the Saskatchewan Wheat Pool Elevators Limited, a farmers' co-operative oganizations handled 137,850,05E bushels of grain from August 1, 1028 to June 30, 1929, the first eleven months of the crop year. This was en increase of about 39,000,000 bushels over the corre- sponding period in the previous year, CANADIAN PRODUCTS APPRECIATED ABROAD; Before leaving Great Britain to study conditions in which farm pre - duets are raised in 'Canada five stu- dents of. the Institute of Certified Grocers were addressed by Major 111t(Ltetn of the Empire Marketing. Board, Major MacLean credited Canada with giving the lead in the direction of encouraging fnod dis- tributors to acquire first nand know- ledge of the products of the Domin- ion. "Canada", he stated, ,glad every thing to gain and nothing to lose by the people of Great Britain being better informed of the excellent con - Mons in which 'Canadian foodstuffs are produced and sent abroad." Referring to Canadian apples Ma- jor MacLean told the students that they will probably be amazed at the at the vast extent: of the Canadian orchards and the army of people en- gaged in spraying the trees, gather- ing the fruit and packing and send- ing it to some other country in ships specially fitted with refrigerator apace to insurethefruit being plac- ed on the English breakfast table in excellent condition. d' ! BIBLE THOUGHTS � For This Week � Dills Thou his emo,1,.d, will nrovp . pr1,el ,, ho,0,,ge an .frac yens,. SUNDAY. /God is not a man that he should lie. Num. 23 : 19. MONDAY. They shall not hurt nor destroy r- in all my holy mountain ; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters crown the sea. Isaiah 11 :9. • TUESDAY. Letterheads Envelopes Billheads And all kinds of Business Stationery printed at The Post Publishing House. We will do a job that will do credit to your business. Look over your stock of Office Stationery and it it requires replenishing call us by telephone 81. The Post Publishing Nouse But ever Follow that which is good, both among yourselves and to all men. Thee. 5 :15. CI WEDNESDAY. For the Lord God will help me ; therefore shall I not be counfound• ed. Iso. 50 :7. r'=.7 THURSDAY Fear thou not, for 1: am with thee be not dismayed ; for I am thy God. Isa. 41:10. G-7 • FRIDAY, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men ; and he will dwell with kY, 7 ✓(1 .�`• p.i it ,�, a ;.,. + .zo . Wanted We pay Highest Cash Price for Cream. 1 cent per ib. Butter Fat extra paid for all Cream delivered at our Creamery. Satisfaction G`ua.ranteed Brussels Creamery Phone 22 Limited them. Rev. 21 : 8. SATURDAY. He loveth righteousness and judg- ment ; the earth is full of the good- ness of the Lord. Pse: 38 :5. INVITED TO PARLEY The Arabian leader, Musa Kazim, has been invited by the British authorities to enter into a confer- ence with a view to checking the outrages of his countrymen against the Jews in Palestine, Not So Slow Great Britain has tucked away the air speed records along with the mo- tor championship. When Flying Officer H. R. D. Waghorn set t}te re- nnarkable average speed of 328,63 miles per hour for a distance of 217.49 miles or 350 kilometers, to win the Schneider Cup, he was whiz- zing through the air at an approx- imate rate of five and one-half miles per minute. To travel 217 miles in less than 40 minutes is difficult to imagine. It means that it would take just a little over half an hour to go Prom Wdndsor to Hamilton. Major Segrave hurtled his automobile over the Daytona sands last spring at the rate of 231.36 miles per hour. That is the ifastest speed ever made on land. There are some tvho delight to refer to The British as being slow and leisurely, Surely the achieve- ments of Waghorn and Segrave in- dicate the British can hold their heads high in test of speed. 0 Most of the bacon imported into England comes from Denmark, with the Irish Free State and Canada next on the list. Frank P. Paris, 32, former hard- ware peddler has made million. and now tours the Great Lakes in his pri- vate yacht. Detroit interests are behind a scheme to outfit a new rum syndi- (cate which contemplates operations around the northeastern end of Lake Orntalio, "The World's irie Oyster," Said Falstaff EMPRESS of ALW" TIER 4.1 ri MrN4 YaRrG i .� 4JARNE5.E 09NOs cued_ 'Why, then the world's mine oyster which I with sword will open," said a famous character of Shakespeare, but the modern vers- ion relates to going around the world in a big and comfortable steamship with no sot: d to open the oyster. 4. These are days of peace and world travelers now planning their tours will le in- terested to know that one globe - girdling liner will call at ports hitherto omitted from her itin- erary—porta rarely tenet+ed by cruising. steamers, The c'Em',101s of Australia," a 21,800 ern s tun vessel, long a favorite with 11e e trotters, will sail from 'het t ere. December 1, 1929, on to a '•"'•' 1 n..aaal Canadian Pacific 1 4c'i., -Cid----�-- PAZ) NEPTUNE COMAS ABogI$9 Cruise. Besides making her regular visits to the highlights of the hfediterranear , to Indra, Japarr, {thins, Hawaii and other fascinat- ing places, her itinerary this time; has been extended to include Athens in Greece, Pal, nam and Bangkok in Siam with further; calls at Nee/tine for Tailtette inl Fat masa. eIre ill le }ofe 1271 days, Vlriting 81 ports and I.)ttce;, 1n 24 coeetrise. Athens is really three takers in one--•tl e tttirttd late; of tin,; Athens that , ne reme then s Turkish llo) e 1 efese tic C, r Ic i pontoons or piles on the river's i edge, but nowadays well-planned roads and streets radiate from the 1 city in all directions, beautiful Buddist temples are scattered all over the town, and the Royal Palace is one of the show places of Banaltok. Keeling, the chief port of the Island of Formosa, is a hive of in - dm try. Forme: a is half the size of Ireland and is governed by the lag .:mese, in its northern fast- nc er, still largely unexplored, to the headhunters, The I ane; e campnirn of subjugation, lo er, in. all but wiped out f „ ' creus peo,.,le, The seat or ,,over ri r t at Formesa is Il el.u, Hier c, Coots of jinrikishas, ).ed l cr h .; tr tneport the :tee. . a .nu,1 au town, one of terretelone of which 15 ,:,ver • garden 1':1 . , 11 o:.t besutifu •, , 1f; '3(011c Bear of i., care 014" 141.0!1.1 I atraigi i r•t; cis ,rr .ocs'••t , capital and ('1 1, i; rt:' ' eluett•ring seend 1 , reprrrenttn rel r , ' 1 Greece ] r a. 1 11 tl•,, moot rnt.",.r. ,•. ,,., a s•t c t , ,;-,. • u l'• 1 1 ( ., • t t• , 'au • t (. vt..• Jt.;tee; 5 A I