The Brussels Post, 1929-9-18, Page 2Wi' DNI'eSDAY, SEPT, 18th, 1929, FORCING BULBS FOR WINTER BLOOM There ase few house 'plants that reward the grower with ri IIDOr ells play of blootn insuch a 'short time i and with, :ro little tittentioai as d0 the epring-flowering bulbs when Pureed In winter, Those most commonly forced include tulips, hyaeihthe, due • fodile, anti trueeses and they cutvte in such Nuriety thee the meat ur ie lake- ly to be bcwildeeed by the lone. lists or mimes, lluwevai', a careful study •' of the bulb catalogues enables one to choose a• collection that will give a succession of bloom 'beginn ng in early December end lasting until the tulips bloom out of doors in late May. Bulbs should be potted as soon an they are received in September and October. Those intended for very early abloom may be had in Septem• her, but the main supplies are not on the market until October. A good potting soil consists of equal parts of loam, well -decay -.d row manure, leaf mould, and sand. The sire and style of pot Lased will depend to some extent on the per.onal prc'fel i once of the grower, but a six inch pot will hold six tulips, a five -inch pot takes six crocus bulbs, a four n' five inch pot may be used for a etngle hyacinth bulb and a seven or eight - inch pot will be required for five or six narcissus bulbs. In potting, leave the top of the bulbs level with the snrfeee of the soil and press: it firmly about them but do not have it too compact be- neath them since this causes henving when root growth takes place After planting, water the pots and set them in a cellar or darkened room at a temperature of 40 la 50 degrees Fahrenheit. If the pets etre plugged in sand they will require Sir Henry Thornton, whose sec less careful watering, and b'.rrying Manager of the C. N. R. is near erpi to a depth of two inches above the ment will consider an increase of sa bulbs will help to prevent heeling. Staying With Job EINEIPTAIMEMEREMMifirN Wee: k After the bulbs are well rooted and there is evidence of top growth, they may be brought to the living room te, bloom. To economize in widow space a cellar window or any north Economic Importance and winnow may be used until the plants Distribution closely approach the blooming period. Within the lase few years Streak If kept too long in a dim light the or Winter Blight, has been a very plants become tall and weak-stcmm• troublesome disease among Tomato ed if placed in too hot a place the grower., causing the loss of many buds will wither, therefore a window valuable, crops. The malady has been too close to a stove should be avoid- reported from many districts in ed. Canada as well as in the United At the Dominion Experimental States and Europe. It is a systemic Station, Rosthern. Saskatchewan, the disease that is, once a plant has be • following varieies have been found come infected, any part of it carries eatisfactory for forcing ; the infective principle. Early Single Tulips Symptoms Duke Van Tholl, Prosperpine, Streak can easily be identified by Brilliant Star, Couleur De Cardinal, its symptoms, which may be seen on Cramoisie Brilliant, Cullinan, Flame any part of the plant but most fre- Ingo, La Reine, Mon Tresor, Prince c uenti on leaves. Small dead areas of Austria, Prosperity Rose, Grie• 1 y delin, nese, Luisante, White Hawk, of various sizes and shapes appeal Yellow Prince, Fred Moore, and Ibis, on the plant shortly after infection. Early Double Tulips The entire plant, or the upper foli- Peach Blossom, Murillo and tour- age only, may be stunted. Badly in- enne d'Or. fe.cted plants may dry up and die. Darwin Tulips On the fruit, lesions cover larger Bartigon, Wm. Copeland, and Roi areas, sometimes extending a consid- D'Island. erable distance around the fruit. de - French Roman Hyacinth Dutch Hyacinths forming it unmarketable. Along Gertrude, Queen of the Pinks, La with these streak lesions n deep nut Victoire, Lady Derby, Marconi, tlang of the foliage is generally seen, L'Innocence, La Grandesse, En especially on the younger leaves. chantress, Grand Maitre, King if tho Cause Blues, and Queen of the Blues. The true cause of the disease is Narcissus or Daffodils not known as yet to anybody, Sev- Victoria, Glory of Sassenheim, eral theories have been advanced, Tresserve, Princeps, King Alfred, but instead of clearing the prublci, Sir Watkin, and Double Von Scion. they have made it more complicated Polyanthus Narcissus or Bunch No organism has ever been found Daffodil'• associated with the disease. It cam bo Paper White and Grand Soleil d'Or. transmitted easily from one plant to Crocus another by means of insect; and Purpurea grandiflora, Mont Blanc cultural methods. Experiments car - and Yellow. rind out at the Dominion Field Lab- oratory of Plant Pathology at St. Chaco Canyon is situated in the Catharines have shown that healthy northwesteran part of New Mexico tomato plants could be infected with It covers 20,269 acres of prehistoric streak by inoculating them with ruins hued cliffs and gay -colored different straight and combined plant sands, juices. It has definitely been proved The ex -Kaiser and his wife- Prtn- that the virus from streak infected ceas Hermione, has lost x,000 each potato and tobacco plants when in- to a "magician" and confidence man jetted into healthy tomatoes pro - who promieed to work an ecohomic dares tomato streak. The Same ,is ond term as President and General ration, will continue, The Govern- Iary, now $75,000 per year. Tomato Streak revolution to the former monarch's , true with a combination of juices benefit, from mosaic potato and experiments Sir Horace Plunkett, veteran Trish show the necessity of eradirai:ina statesman, a bachelor is learning to mosaic infected or streak infected so flq at the age of 75, lanaceous plants, whenever these ap- pear in the neighbourhood of a crop of tomatoes. Varietal Resistance All varieties of tomatoes are sue- ceotihle to the trouble although cer- tain varieties, such as Chalk's Jewel and Earliana, have shown sump re- sistance in certain expertrnents car- ried out at the Field Laboratory at t St. Catharines. Hut these results, like many others obtained by work- ers on virus diseases, Ari' not ennsist- ent, Seed Transmission Whc,tt,,r :'real; ie trove/hied ' shied (through seed, we have n" + loe proof as yet. However,' we have reasons for believing. that a rertain phone Of eco 12o amount 0f virus is rarrird in the seed mouse 2Ge W'ingham secdlines grown from. seed taken ,,,,,„,,,,,� e eeeeee1 from streak infected plants when de- i INGHAM Monumental ''WORKS Has a large and complete stock of Family Memorials in newest designs at very reasonable prices, Gall and see us before plan- ing your order. R. A. SPOTTON veloping under favourable condtrons have produced a certain percentage of streak plants. Control Measures. TIZ SIROS$41.3 Po HEROINE OP COTTONFIF3LDS genuine,. t'ookman College Started 17rrotagit the Isltfo1 t$ of (Adored.Lady. There was once a little Negress who ,oiled in the cottonfeicis, She went barefoot and wore -ragged clothes like the rent, and like them, she lived In it ramshackle cabin. Dnt she wart unlike thorn in that she re- belled against a life of sordidness. She lead hada taste of education a little mission school, and she Mingo:ea for more. Not only for her- sn)f but for all her rape 500'wautecl the better life that education brings. And she aohieved it. This poor llt;le cotton worker, one of a family of 17, and member of a race despised by tlic white people of the south, is now head of a great co- education college at Daytona Beach, Mary Bethune won her battle alone. This le how 0. was dune: For many years she toiled as a servant, saving money to pay for her owe education. Then she opened a school for five little girls. Her school was lust a shack on a dump heap. amid old tins and broken beds and such like rub- bish. She found that site lead a real genius for teacbing, but no money to build a proper school. Only the white people had money, and in the South few white people believed to educating Negroes. Al- though the State of Florida guaran- tees equal educational opportunity to all its , 'leant jn 1$r Ave mt111oneitlzensdolisteitsponrt the educ27foationty- of white people and only two and a half million on black, although there is one Negro child to every two white children in Florida. The result of this system is Glut white people In the South have to send to the North foe Negro servants; the Negroes of the South know nothing about the ways of a decent household, Mary Bethune determined to mend that, and at last she found a way to get money. She had a magnificent voice, which had been trained at the mission schoai. When visitors came to Daytona hotels In the season she gave concerts at which she and her scholars sang the great songs of her race, the songs all London has crowd- ed to hear Paul Robeson sing in the Albert Hall this year. By this means she got money enough to buy the dump ground, a bit of waste land which went cheap. Now 1t is covered with flower -beds and fourteen line school buildings, worth $1,000,000. So successful was her school for girls that a large boys' school asked to be merged with it, and the Be- thune-Cookman College began Its ca- reer, Some 500 students are now tak- ing a four-year course there. )tilts of the United kingdom. The of 1.—Use clean seed which you They work In laundry and kitchen feet of inspection is to establish know has come from mosaic -free and as well as library and laboratory. streak -free plants. They go out to teach domestic sei- confidence in the mind of the buyer 2.—Do not plant immediately in euro, or bet clerks and accountants, as to the actual quality of the pro- soil school teachers, or duct. Last year considerably more soil from which plants attached by chemists, or to follow some indus- mosaic or streak have been taken trial profession. Nevermore will they than a million pounds of honey dest- out be content with rag and dirt and ined for the European markets was 3.—Do not use too much nitrogen -sordid cabins, inspected by the Department. The ons fertilizer such as sodium nitrate.CALE1tTDAR REVISED. honey was classified as Water White, 4.—Attend to proper ventilation of 41,520 pounds white, 215,820 the greenhouse. (,'ewer Holidays In China Under ;New pounds ; Golden, 256,860 pounds ; 5.—Keep the temperature and Version. Light Amber, 312,140 pounds ; moisture constant, thereby helping The Chinese calendar, which had Dark Amber, 218,720 ; Dark 69,280 the plants to make an even growth. threatened to contain more red letter pounds ; Dark 69,80 pounds, while P days than black, 10 the detriment of some 6.—Keep aphids away, especially business interests, has been purged 65,000 pounds were held off other solanaceous plants are grow- by order of the State Council at Nan- the market for reason of low quality. ing nearby. king, which announces the public The honey for export and indeed for • 7.—Rogue all plants showing syn•• holidays to be observed in future, any good trade must be put in fine I Christmas day is not one of them, condition. In the course of the proms of mosaic or streak. though China has adopted New Year ; ____,_.t, holidays In conformity with western sP 1 Ideas. 'Heads Canadian National independence day comes on October 10, with the birthday of Chamber of Commerce Sun Yat -Sen on November 12. All T "After having an operation, 1 was very miserable, weak, nervous and very near unfit to work. I saw Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound advertised and tried it and believe it helped me wonderfully. 1 have no weak spells any more, the pains have left me and my nerves are much bet. ter. 1 feel safe in saying Lydia E. Pinkham's medicines have helped me wonderfully."—Mrs. Wm. H. Beechtelle, Box r43, Pott Colborne, Ontario, t��la . Et Piak�am's" .I[e liable ;compound r• }cal E.'1'Inkham Mee` co.� L, n Mne, u. a•. .ga e,bouil:e,l,rio, Can,d.. Honey For Export In order to build up a profitable export trade in honey it has been considered necessary by the Depart- ment of Agriculture at Ottawa to give some attention to the matter of inspecting the honey on its way out of the country. In the latest Report of the Dominion Apiarist, published by the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa, Canadian honey, it is' stat ed, is commencing to hold a promin- ent position particularly in the MAI` J. H. Woods, of Calgary, for many years an outstanding figure in the newspaper life of the Dominion, to -day was unanimously chosen as president of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce at the 1929 conven- tion, wnich concluded to -day. Col. Woods whose name was the only one submitted, succeeded William M. Birks, of Montreal, in the presi- dential chair, P 11 the oils of the lungs were spread out flat they would form a surface of .180 square feet. The pigmy camel belongs to e species found only in western Per' sia. It is only five feet high and iii snowy white. Jack pine is now used more than any other speries for titer in Canada Its adaptability to crcasote treat- ment and its natural strength have made of thio species a valuable mat - crud for this purpose. i ! Monument to Pizarro. The village of Trujillo, a halting ;Nue for motorists on their way from Madrid to Seville, Spain, and one of the most delightful, cleanest little n Sundays throughout the year are to be observed. The feature of the new list is that China's famous "humilia- tion days" --anniversaries of subjec- tion to foreign indignities, such as the Japanese, presentation of the twenty- one demands—are missing. Consider- able criticism has in times past been made that China observed more days of humiliation than of jubilation, The State Council has corrected that matter. While October 10 is na- tional independence day, January 1 is recognized as the anniversary of the establishment of the republic. Ton In it Match Box. The enormous density of certain stars, was the theme of an address recently gtvea before the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, In London, by Prof. A. S. Eddington. "There are two or three stars known to us which are believed to possess marvellous density. The best-known of these is the companion of Sirius. The dens- ity is found to be 60,000 times that of water. A ton of its material would go Inside a match -box.' Who's to Be Boss? The ambf,ion of many young girls is to gain the mastery oyer the men they marry. In Sweden, the bride tries to see hslc groom drat, and puts )ter right foot in front of his during the ceremony. She also takes care that she sands so 01ose to him that nothing can aqueess between—not even a ray 03 llglitl In this way she thinks she solves the problem of which one shall be "masterful" In the home. Sunday School Lesson BY QHARLES G, T1 UMBUi.i. ' (editor ol'Tho eundaby School Tlmce). i MALACHI FORTELLS A NEW may 'be moat in Mille been; and yc e PAY prove 1110 now herewith, Banti the ':' Lord of Hosts, if 1 will riot epee you 1 the window of Heaven, and .pour to 4 : 6. out A blbssing,• that there shrill not be room enough to receive it" (Mel, 4 Golden Text $ £ 16). Behold, 1 will sena 'ray rrresengeri 75o we believe it? Do w etlare to and (Mal, sll prepare thy tray before take God at His word? Those who Me; 9 i 1.) i:e' do, in full faith in hide, have never been disappointed. He will not, Ile We never know the stere as we eaenot break Hilo word, "You can- should until weea have mastered boolts as wholes, reading a book st�aight not break His word, "You cannot through at a sitting, and tie and it beat God giving, , The question is through getting its outline anis ire often discussed as to whether title-' message and 'being able' to close the big is a Christian duty in this nge of 13iblo and think the book geed tine:mil grace,. The Scriptures make it plain from memory, We have a gleed op- that it is not, in any such sent.° as portun)ty to do this in' the present .it was in the dispensation of law. lesson which includes the entire Pira give freely of oar money and prophecy of Malachi, the last book of 'til else to God as a privilege, But it the Old ,Testament, of only four has often been suggestively faked, brief chanteys. There are only 55 should the Christian standard be verses in the entire boos, lower, under grace, than the Jews' A simple outline is able : suggested )e standard was under law? If we are the Scofield Reference Bible : 1, The on a higher plane under grace than love of God of Israel, 1 : 1-5 ; The we could be under law should our sins of the priests therebuked, 1 : 0 to standards be lower? And the urine 2 :9 ; 3, The sins of the people The ciple of Malachi. 3 : 10 is found in both the Gospels and the Epistles. sins 8f the,people rebuked, 2 i 10 d,o Our Lord said, "Gave and it shall .be 18 ; 4, The day of the lord, given unto you ; good measure, pres- 4 : 1-G, We do not always realize that the sed down, and shaken together, and books of Ezra and Nehemiah, which running over shall men give into come early in the Old Testament, your bosom. For with the same t times - and ahead of even Job and the ure that ye mete withal shall it be Psalms, record facts so late in the measured unto you again" (Luke history of Israel. Malachi prophesied 6 38) And Paul wrote by inspire - history or shortly after Nehemiah's time, tion. "But this I say, he which sow - "a hundred and more years after eth sparingly shall reap sparingly ; the captivity, when the first anthem- and he which soweth bountifully iasm of the return from Babylon lad shall reap also bountifullh. Every spent itself. The people bad grown man according as he purposeth an careless and indifferent, and they his heart, so let him give : not needed a strong word to arouse grudgingly, or of necessity. ,or God them from their lethargy." This loveth a cheerful giver",(II. eeor. book, then the last mord of the Old 9 :6.7). Testament, is in the historical se- Malachi, as we do other Old Test- quence we }lave been studying. ament prophets, looked down thro- God had severe words to speak to ugh the ages by revelation and saw His people by His prophet Malachi. both advents of Messiah blended in They deserved this severity and con•• one horizon, but did not see the se- dentnation from God and more. Yet Parating intervals in Mathew 13 the prophecy begins : "I have loved consequent upon the rejection of the you, saith the. Lord." And God goes Ring (Matt, 13 :16, 17) ' "'hat is. on to show His arbitrary, unicserv- Malachi saw the future coming of ed, sovereign, and never failing love Christ to the earth, both His first for Israel. coming in humiliation and His sec - This brings out their sins in spar, and coming in glory. John the Sap- per, blacker relief. The priests of tint was predicted in the prophecy, the people, with their tremendous Behold, I will send Mk messenger, and sacred responsibility to represent and he shall prepare the way before God and the people faithfully, have Me" (Mal. 3 :1). Our Lord Him - sinned grossly. They have offered self verified this prophecy in Mathew lame and sick animals for sacrifice, 11 ; 10. instead of healthy, unblemished ani- The second coming of Christ in mals offered in sacrifices was a type judgment, is predicted in Malachi of Christ, the sinless son of God and 3 :2-6 and 4 :1-6. Lamb of God, we realize the erorm- The return of ""Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord" was pre- dicted by Malachi (4 ;5). Many be- lieve this is referred to in Revela- tion 11 :3-12, Elijah being one of the two witnesses come to eatth to testify both before the Lord's return in judgment. Sunday, Sept, 22—Malachi 1 : inspection honeywas graded down ity of the sin of carelessness and in - for reasons of poor -straining, low difference in offering blemished sac - density, damaged containers, foreigu rifices. material in the honey, liquid condi • Unsparingly the exposure and con - tion, and for very coarse grannie demnation of the priests continue tion. After Harvest Cultivation Ploughing hay and pasture sod in the late summer or early fall follow- ed by frequent working of the lane with the disk harrow until late in the fall will germinate the seeds an- nual weed seedlings. If perennial wneds like couch grass are present the ploughing of the sod should In about 5 inches in depth and this op- eration should be'followed' immedi- ately by a light disking to prevent the soil baking. Two or three disk- ings at one week intervals should be made thereafter to break up the sod. After the sod is rotted the cultivator preferably one with stiff teeth, should be used at week or ten day intervals until late fall. If the land to be cleared is grain stubble, it may not be'necessary to plough the land after the grain is )uirvested, but the disk oe cultivator may be started at once, ane the soil worked frequently during the ,'l- ance of the growing season. A late fall ploughing ehoatld be given to the land to which these af- ter harvest cultivations are applied, and the land should be left rough over winter. If possible, a cultisated crop should be planted in the fol- lowing spring, and this should be sots in Extremadura, has suddenly )rept thoroughly worked in order to roamed tnto prominence. A menu- destroy the weeds which are left, meet to Pizarro, conqueror of Peru, , The weather which prevails during the gift of an Amerieat; woman, Mrs. p e g Ramsey, has been unveiled with pomp the late summer and fall will be a and ceremony, determining factor in' te success Slee t0 Be Ttazed which after harvest cultivation has The Minna between least Houatoe on weed destruction. If the season and Canal streets, New York, have is not too wet good results should at - ben condemned, and will be razed, 'tend thew soil cultural operations. In place of the old tenements there , will rise model apartments, financed by phllantlu•npists whose aim Is to ` Premier Gold just paid its second provide omen:•teem anti sanitary liv- uartnr six per eclat dividend making for nrkera at art aver - ing quarters o w age rental not t0 exceed 510 a month over 813,500,000 this mine has paid` a 1•00111. - shareholders. then then the pronouncement of sure judgment upon them. The people may have enjoyed hear ing the priests condemned ; we us- ually enjoy hearing the sins of others set forth. But now the people's turn came Malachi, at God's direction, showed that they were sinning as grossly as the priests, only in other ways. They were profaning the marriage relationship, and inditer- ent and insincere in their religious profession. They were col -hive God It is interesting to note that the last words of the last chapter of this last book of the 001 Testament, when men were under the law, are a warning `lest I some and smite the earth with a curse" And the last words of the last chanter of the last book of the New Testament, telling of God's grace through the Lord Jesus Christ, are a benediction : financially. "Surely I come ooickly Amen. How? they asked. "In tithes and l vrn so. come, Lord Jesus, The offerings," came the answer. They grace of our Lord Jeans Christ bs knew perfectly well that God was with you all. Amen." entitled to certain tithes, and they +a Were withholdingthese, necessarily A commercial fertiliser plant to bringing down a curse upon theta- cost $7,000,000, 's to be built at Trail selves. Rritirh Columbia. Then came a wonderful verse, Alaska ' is now exporting 500,000 often quoted : "Bring ye all the tit- pounds of shrimps annually valued hes into the storehouse, that there at about $200,000. MAKE NO MISTAKE One of the best habits one can cultivate is reading the small "Buy and Sell" ads, on the back page of THE POST card - fully and regularly each week, There is always something of interest to be found in them and buyers and sellers who are anxious to get in touch with each other in the quickest and most sat- isfactory way can snake no mistakes in using this column. .1' 11 hi I0 et e, le 0 u 0 ti tr a h d 51 f ,d 11 0 c d t 1 s h a s t a t s I