The Brussels Post, 1929-9-18, Page 1VOL. 58 NO, '14 502,o6 per annum in advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. Ig29 . L. KERR, k•rottietor I� «w,.n:013:144444+04404444•,,✓44 .4 •dui : S .44,1�+2,d«0.I..««,.ww et% Is�etl$" ,,_.... ,A The Surrounding District ii MONCRIEFF 1 The tenth-anuiversaty of the or ; Anniversary in Icnox United ganizetion 'of the Women's Institute Church will be held Sunday Oet, in this place, was celebrated by a Gth. Rev. Mr, Anderson, . of Blyth, corn roast Tuesday evening. Owing formerly of Monkton, will be the to the inclemency of the weather speaker far the Bite.. the gathering was held at the home The Dramatic Club of the. United of Mrs. Thos. Brown instead of on Church, Belgrave, will present their . the banks of the Maitland Raver as play "The Colonel's Maid" on Fri- , had been 'previously arranged. A day evening, Sept, 20th in Moncrieff , nost enjoyable evenirrg eves spent, UnitedChurch. Under the auspieces i " V of the Ladies Aid.i CLINTON Monday's Toronto Telegram MILVERTON speaks of a visit paid by Murphy The Pfeffers Milling Company, an :L. O. L. to a Toronto Lodge : On old established firm here, has'made Saturday at the county -Orange Hall, on assignment and the mill which Murphy Orange Lodge No. 710 0l: has been running day and night for Clinton, Ont:, paid a fraternal visit to confer the Royal Blue and tee years, is sending idle. A large num- f Y n A Degree on several members of f1Ye J. her of hands were employed at the g t W. Morrow Lodge, Wor. Master plant. Nearly 50 years ago John and Louis Pfeffers, natives of Phil- Wm. Grealis of the J. D. Morrow lipsburg, Ont„ took over the flour Lodge welcomed the visitors. A mag - mills at • 141ilverton, then a very nificient altar cushion was presented small concern, and built up one of to the Clinton Lodge from the Offtc- the largest and best equipped mills ors and members of the Morrow Clin- k Western Ontario. About 10 years ton, behalf of f thes officers sof Ctncl ago. Louis Pfeffers severed his con- members of the Murphy Orange vection with the mills here, going to Lodge, presented Wor, Bro. Wm. Listowel, where he is engaged in the Grealis with a silk umbrella, The milling business. Since the death of Rev. J. D. Morrow Lodge will pay a John Pfeffers in 1928 the mill vas return visit to the Clinton Lodge in under under the management of his November. sons, Theodore G. Pfeffers and Louis r Pfeffers, jr. Q i LISTOWEL WROXETER ' On Sunday the Listowel Citizens Geo. and Mrs. Allan are holiday Band motored to Clifford and ren ing at Rochester. dered a much appreciated concert Wroxeter School fair is being held there. 'tended the New Hamburg fQuite a number from Listowell, air on a on Thursday of this week. Kenneth Edgar has gone to Strat- Saturday. Although a wet day there. ford to attend Normal school. Was 0 tremendous crowd. Robert leleKercher, of Montrgal, is spending a few weeks at his home Sunday morning about 7 p. m. the citizens here. of Listowel were aw- Pcter and tics. l\lcPvven, Fang akened by the blowing of the fire Sound ere visiting relatives in Turn- whistle. Fearing a repition of a week ago the fire men were .quickly on berry. Philip Durst left for Toronto on the scene which was a A. B. Ge - Tuesday where he has secured a pts ergo s restaurant on Main street. It was only an overheated motor which Ilion, was causing the smoke. Several Thos. Gibson, Toronto, is spend hundred citizens gathered but quick - in - few days with his mother Mrs. quick- ing ly dispersed when they found tho T. Ei. and Mrs. Jackman, Toronto, fire wasn't serious. were week -end visitors at the hone of Thos. Brown. CRANBROOK Mrs. Geo. Lackie, London was a Ethel School Fair on Monday of recent visitor with her mother, Mrs. next week. Jno. Morrison. The Ladies' Aid of Knox Churcn Misses Lily Earls and Mary Gab. intend holding a Bazaar on Oct. Fl son have returned from Muskoka 17th.. keep the date in mind. where they spent four months. Frank and Mrs. Hunter, of Osh- f Wm. and Mrs. Rae. Wellesley, awa was calling on relatives and were week -end visitors with the friends in Cranhrook and virinity fortner's parents, D. W. Rae. over the week end. Amongst those who attended Lon The music class with Mrs. G. don Flair were Alvin Moffatt, Ira Hastie, of Wingham, as teacher is McLean, Arnold and Mrs. Edgar, taking great interest in their ,tidies Leslie Douglas, Irwin and Mrs. Finest and are making favourable progress, iiutiiiissssslihhlthhh hhhh000rerrrrrrr A meeting of all interested in the el and ales. Patterson, W. and Mrs Cranbrook Cemetery wil be held at McT,en• the cemetery on Saturday afternoon of this week at 1.30 o'clock for the ---..nccary l' i t v .a2r2t2r2t2t2t2r2r212tPt8 2x t purpose of among NorthHuron work to be done. A good attenaanee North is asked for. Appointed Tenor Soloist :--Ayr United Farmers mer MacDonald, son of Anthony Mc: Donald, a formed storekeeper herr has been appointed tenor soloist o Rosedale United Church, Toronto. He has been studying with Dr. Al The United Farmers of North Huron will hold a nominating con- vention in the Town Hall, Wingham, on Friday afternoon, Sept. 20th, ot. 1.30 o'clock to decide on plocing a candidate in the field for piovin- cialand federal purposes. A large attendance is requested. Prominent •speakers are expected to address this convention. THOMAS WILSON, Pres. R. J. CURRIE, Sec'y. �*+�a+atcute+�letetetz+�tete+�le+ete+s+cas�`c�,s Notice . 9!� of As I have disposed of my ei Blacksmith business, I would ti like all indebted to me to set- tle by Oct. lst. All debts not f3 a paid by that dare will be hand- to ed in for collection with costs ,, added. I thank my many cust- omers for their patronage in -_ the past fourteen years and A. ask for continuance of the same for my successor, Mr. Y John Allan. JOHN McNEIL ETHEL, ONT. CAR OF Cement HAS ARRIVED AT WALTON Can be had at Clark's Black- smith shop. Orders taken at Harness shop J. F. Hackwell New Advertieemeate Bog for rale a. Spore Plow for Help ->ICU r:,IIIH &loetlnt uuinhruolt cemetery Honey for sets -J 1) Warwick f)eeiunR w squat er (noor Mill Adotion $o a -alar Arm trope Auction bale-NH.111t likklollton Anetlpn yule -Walter Molina tegoonlroctora-Towf}kip of OeeY The Anniversary Services of Kno:c Church will be held on Sunday, October; 13. Lloyd and Mrs. Porter and Miss Doris took in London Pair on Thurs- day. They report a good time, The Young People are about 'starting their meetings for the coming season, their executive meeting be• ing next Saturday. r- L•IYNFRYN Mr. Mckenzie, of Hamilton, hes purchased the business and property from Roy McCreight and will get possession Sept 23.wish him prosperity. r ETHEL Sehool Fair will be held on Mon day, September 23rd. Mark down the date. John Stephenson has been on the sick list but is almost wn11 again we are pleased to state. Ida Bremner is recoverying nicely from injuries sustained in a car ac- cident some weeks ago. Rev. Mr. Jackson had charge of the services in the Presbyterian church at Ripley last Sunday. Percy Stephenson is in the em- ploy of the Thompson Bros. at Hen- fryn in the tile manufacturing plant (Services were withdrawn in Ethel United Church last Sunday owing to the re -opening and anniversary services held at Union. Whooping cough is quite preval- ent in the village at the present time not only among the children but elderly adults have it also. • Frank and Mrs. Hunter, of Osh- awa, were home to visit Mrs Hurt ter's mother Mrs. Jos. Ames who has been in poor health lately. Rev. E. Hart, of Trowbridge, will conduct the service in Ethel United Church next Sunday evening, Sept. 22nd. Come 'and join in the service of worship. Last Sunday P. N. and Mrs. Cur• rie attended the anniversary services at Union United Church, both morn- ing and evening, they were guests ot Selwyn and Mrs. Baker for the day. The Young People's League of Ethel United Church will hold their Rally on Thursday evening of this week at 8 o'clock. Special program of music. Everybody d' ll 't d t Provincial Election Cider III Wednesday, Oct, 30th At Wroxeter Will open on Monday,October lth Gibson Cider Mills Geo, and Mrs. Eckmier were hol- iday visitors last week with friends at Windsor, Detroit, London and Exeter. JH. Fear is unloading several cars Ioa dm of coal this month, and the require- ments of his many customers in that line are being supplied. S. Howlet has returned to Ethel af- ter ,an absence of several weeks as- sisting his friends with harvest work and doing some carpenter 'work. Geo. A. Dunbar. has put a Frigi- daire, in his grocery store where he will keep choice meats, butter and all perishable goods in proper condi- tion. Job L. and Mrs. King and Robt. and Mrs. McAllIster, went to Guelph on Monday of this week to attend a Bible Student Rally and take part in some Gospel Meetings. Mrs. Geo. Dunbar and son, Donald are spending the week at Goicrich at the home of the late George Fergus- on. Mrs. Dunbar is helping to pro - pare for the auction sale which is to take place, Saturday, Sept. 21st. Mrs. J. T. Nicholson, has endured owing to the illness of her father, much suffering recently and in order Robert Blair, who also makes his to bring relief more quickly, pro- home at Medicine Hat. We trust he fessional dental services were re- will soon be convalescent. quired as well as medical treatment On Friday evening September the It is hoped that the means used will 13th the friends and neighbors effect a speedy recovery. numbering about 200 gathered at i The Union Services were very the home of George and Mrs. Hut largely attended and Rev. Mr, Craik, chinson and presented them with a of Gorrie, delivered excellent ser- miscellaneous shower The evening mons. The special music .furnished was spent in games music and denc- by Union Choir was -'ery much ape ing. C. and Mrs. Hutchinson intone preciated. A Thank Offering of $'225. leaving for the West on Tuesday to was received. visit relatives. 3. B. Lake our enterprising baker ; ' has purchased the commodious re- l MORRIS sidence of John McNeil, and will i The rain last Friday will do a 101 get possession shortly. It will be very of good. convenient to Mr. Lake's place of Harold Cunningham visited in business, John Arlin will occupy London last week, the rooms vacated by the Lake fain- Belgrave School Fair will be held cos sa y invited sly on Tuesday, Sept. 24tH. to attend. While calling on relations and Thos. and Mrs. Bolger and family friends in Ethel and community, spent Thursday taking in London 1 The Presbyterian Church of Ethel Mrs. McKenzie, of Winnipeg, (nee pair, are holding their Anniversary Ser. I Mary McAllister) a former resident Andrew and Mrs. Knight andvices on Sundays October 13th. The of Grey Township, made a brief Mies Laura attended the VJeste,rn Fowl Supper will be held on Tues- visit with Mrs. Jos Ames, in their Flair on Thursday day October 8th. Watch for particu- girlhood they were playmates and Robt. Smith, Gth line had the mis tars in next week's Post. firm friends in later years, so the for to fall from the roof of his The Weiner Roast held by the pleasure of meeting was mutual. garage and break his arm.Young People last Friday night wax A Sectional meeting of the Mait- Robert and Mrs. Burgess and (art - a great success. The youngsters had land Presybterial Women's Mieeion- ily, of Wingham, visited at the a good time and even the older ones ary Society will be held in the Ethel Toronto, Sept, 16—The term of the 17th Legislature of Ontario has come to an Std and the eetguson Government will face the electors at the polls for the second time on Oct. ober 30. Premier Ferguson an- nounced the date of the election to- night following an aft,'rnoon meet- ing of the Cabinet. Nominations will take place on Saturday, October 19, reeelete • Hone FOR SALE Bring your containers and of have them filled with good Fall Honey at 5c per lit Wm. Evans took in the Western J, D. Warwick Pair on Thursday, w Phone 72 Mrs. Jas. Strachan spent Wednes mmeet 2rn-aetem:ty,g,yra, at;);;,4xr: day with her friend, Mrs. Reid. Jaanes and Mrs. McDonald and [family motored to London on Thurs• J day and took in London Fair. t T Arthur and Mrs. Nicholls and Church Notes children spent Sunday at the home h con. 1., Mrs. Clark 1 t c n of David and M s 6 • this week. f�ofMil n and Mrs. Schaefer, � o .•..• vert n, and Chris. and Mrs. Witt, of { r Graham Stewart,�•af Toronto, hats United Church. Stratford, spent Sunday with aIle, been spending some holidays at the and Mrs. Muir. Rev. Dr. Savage, of Pontiac, Mich. parental Oscar and Mrs. Huehm and small the well-known radio preacher win home. < w sons Stewart and Donald spent the speak on the evening of Frialay Sept, ! Mies Mary Gierke, of Goderich, was week end with the latter's parents, 27th. IMi s old acquaintances of God ie Bross Louis and Mrs. Steiss. Personal Paragraphs A1. C. Dames spent the week end at Cegent°. te Miss Nora McDowellspent Sunday in Kitchener, D. M. Stott, of London, was in town this week. , Mrs. Crich returned last week from her visit at Gerrie. Mr. Loffree spent the week end at his home in Toronto. es e. r Gerald Hamilton, of Bayfield was week end visitors in town. Miss Myrtle Hunter. of Toronto, is. renewing old acquaintances in Reue- 1 sell. Miss Marguerite Bolger is visiting at the hone of H. and Mrs. Walker A meeting of the rate -payers of 5. S. No. 1, Grey, will be held he the schoolhouse on Friday evening, Sept. 20 at eight o'clock ; to }tear the and (tors report and discuss what they are going to do with the surplus from the Re -union on July 9th. Everybody be there. Mrs. T.C. Kirkconnel of Medicine Hat. Alta., who was a visitor with Mrs. E. Icirkconnell, of the 16th, had intended calling on other relatives and friends, ,but wus called }'ome excelled themselves in pole vault- ing under the direction of Dr. Mo. ,' Master. Owing to unfavorable weather 1 conditions the Weiner Roast under f , •the auspices of the Y. P. C. 17, of 1 the Presbyterian Church was held in the Church shed. A varied pro- gramme of sports was carried through and everybody had a good GREY 'time. Miss Alice Fralick has been visit - 1 Having disposed of his business ing Mrs. Parkes. and property in Henfryn, Roy Mc- Wm. Sholdice, south gravel, tools Creight, of that place, will come to in Loudon Ilai Ethel having leased the house 'b bent ream, atory of Music. Mr. MacDonald was successful in obtaining. a scholar- ship in Dramatic Art at the Conserv- atory of Music and took a leading part in the Italian play staged by the Conservatory in the early sum- mer. Old friends are glad to hear of Aylmer's success. ROMANCE MYSTERY AND THRILLS The Case and The Girl By PANDALL PARRISH A IsIEW DETECTIVE STORY of breathless interest in which an amateur investigator solves a baffling problem in a unique manner. Bursting with action, incident and adventure—a typical Ran- dall Parrish tale of leand-to- hand (battles between strong men, blood -quickening exploits and the romance of heroism and love. COMMENCES NEXT ISSUE OF THE POST home of C. and Mrs. Pollard on Sun - Presbyterian Church on Wednesday, day. Sept. 25th, beginning at 2.30 o'clock. Chicken thieves are on the ram - This includes the Auxiliaries of page. One farmer has been visited Brussels, Molesworth, Gerrie, (.'ran- 1 three times, but he has been' keeping brook and Ethel. All the ladies of the door locked, hence no chicken:} these congregations are invited to have been taken yet, attend this meeting. Henry and Mrs:, Pollard, of Ben- • ---.—_.6 longing to John A. Wilson, known as the Job. King property. He will still be in the employment of. tee C. 1 N. R. He and his family will be wel come to this community. Although there is considerable harvest in the fields yet, the recent showers of rain were welcomed by farmers and others especially by cattle men, ,as pastures had become extremely dried out and the supply of water was very limited. Many Ethel School Fair will be held 0n Monday, Sept. 23rd. Robert and 14Irs. Cockrane and Miss Ida attended London Fair. Miss Winona Frain, of Exeter, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. P. Tyertnan. Wiliam and Mrs. Zimmer. of Bres- lau, spent Sunday with their cousin, Louis 'and family. Alex. and Mrs. Steiss visited with friends in Hamilton and Buffalo over the week -end. Geo. and Mrs. Blake also John ton Harbor, and John 1. Wasmann, of Walkerville, left for their homes on Tuesday after visiting at the home of C, and Mrs. Pollard and other friends in Grey. A BELGRAVE C. R. 'Coultes spent the weetc-enc in Toronto. Annual School Fair will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 24th. Quite a number from here attend ed the London Fair last week. David and Mrs. Scobie and son were guests of Rev. James and :Mrs. Scobie on Sunday. Stanley and Mrs. Smell and daugh- ter are visiting -with relatiies in Lon• don and Brantford. l wells and streams were completely Miss Annie Scott, R. N., of Sarnia exhausted. end Mrs. Alcock spent a while e• is spending a holiday with her per - 1 The heavy gale Monday night up- London Fair last week. eats, P, W. and Mrs. Scott in Iva• tooted a sturdy apple tree, heavily Tames Colwell and wife, of Lon- wanosh. laden with fruit, which has stood as dolt, spent the week -end at the home Miss Ruth Cole left on Monday for Lotdon where she entered the training school for nurses in Vic• toric Hospital. The annual harvest Thanksgiving service will be held in Trinity Church Belgrave, on Sunday,September 22nd, at 2.30 o'clock, with Rev. John Mills, of Goderich as the special speaker. Very successful anniversary ser- vices were held in Knox United Church Sunday. The church which was nicely decorated with flowers and foilege of the season was filled by very large congregators both at the 'morn* and evening services. Rev. a landmark on the property now of (antes McCutrheon. owned by Jos. Ames, associated with The rain last Friday will help a lot. pioneer days of nearly three quarters . A few from the Township look in of a century ago and will now of Stratford Fair this week• course have to be removed. Willie Parks along with his mother spent undo at dgrandmother s e S whoh been con- anY Mrs. Jos. Ames as p fined to her home through illness Willie McCutcheon's in Atwood. for some time enjoyed an 'outing on , Isaac and Mrs. Lake left on mon. Wednesday of last week and attend- 1 day on a holiday trip to Port Huron ed a meeting of the Women's Inti- Bay City and other points. They will tute held at the home of Mrs. J. he away some weeks. • J. Pearson, 4th con., of Grey. Fred and Mrs. I•lollenbeck and Through the kindly thoughtfulness family, of Detroit, were recent vis - of Dr. and Mrs, McMaster, the trip iters at the hone of the former's was made in the Dr's. new comfort- 1 parents, Win. and Mrs. Hollinger, able speedy car filled to capacity 9th con Anniversary Services will be heldrenewing on Sunday, Oct. 20th when Re.v. W. leis last Friday. P. Lane, B. A. of Seaforth, will be �• �� •P r the special preacher for the day. Miss Mona Campbell, of Toronto, On Friday, Sept, 27th, the section- has been visiting with her conga al meeting of the W. M. S. of the Mrs. Robe, Pierson, ea es te Huron Presbytery will convene in Mrs. J. Long has returned hon the United Church. Sessions, Morn - after spending a few weeks with W ing and afternoon. Full programme and Mrs. Long at North Bay. is published on page 4 of thio issue. � ,.- _:• •: Melville Presbyterian Church MIs. Walter Williamson had h A Sectional meeting of the Malt - last removed at Kitchener Hospital land Presybterial Women's Mission - in week. Mrs. R. F. Downing w ary Society will be held in the Ethel in I itchener with her sister. Presbyterian 'Church on Wednesday, •' Sept. 25th beginning at 2,30 o'clock. D. and tiles. 'Hume, of T crow This includes the Auxiliaries of and Jas. and Mrs. Elliott and Mi Brussels, Molesworth, Gerrie, Crate Ruth, of Atwood, spent Sunday vvi brook and Ethel. All the .adies of Mrs. J. Long and Miss Winnifred. these congregations are invited to ' • o,. n, to Will her with members of the Society. Such Thursday of last week while J A Agnew of Kingsville President pleasant ooeurences are very touch Lorne Little, son of Ale d AIof the e on on on w to t, appreciated. McCrackin, Boundary, was playing special minister fol these services Christian Ecicmier who has been in the barn where his father was and gave two splendid sermons that living alone in his house 011 Mill St. working, met with a very painful were listened to with close attention. was stricken on Saturday night or accident. The little lad was playing In the morning the choir sang two early Sunday morning with some. with a chain suspended from a pole, appropriate anthems and a quartets thing that caused complete disability and it is believed a hook on the end Norman Keating, Mary Wigh man for several hours, when he rallied of the chain caught inside of his Cela `Coultes and John Coultes, also sufficiently to get to his brother, mouth causing him to fall tearing a gave a number. The male choir of Augusts home on Main street. The gash through his cheek abort an the church was in charge .of the doctor was Galled in and Mrs, Irwin 'inch and a half long Dr. McLeod, music for the evening services and of Jamestown was communicated Wroxeter, was called and it was Ile- gave two splendid anthems and also with and Mr. Eckniire was removed cessary to put three stitches in to a selection thy a quarette, Carl Proc- to his daughter's home at Jaineatown dose the wound, Lorne is doing as ' ter Norman Treating, John Coultes h h 111 b 11 taken Bare of 11 an b e acted and Herb, Wheeler. e. , an h L d' C llr c �' wus the Dr. Harold Robinson and Miss Laura were in Detroit over the week -end attending the wedding of his college chum, Di. Smith. Congratulations are in order for Miss Jean Scebie, daughter of Rev. and Miss Scobie, on her high stand- ing in he rreeent examinations. Jean attended High School in Wingham and with one year in the Upper School obtained nine first class hon- ors and two seconds, She was suc- cessful in winning the Prince of Wales Scholarship in Physics said as to, ss th attend this meeting. Frank and Mrs. Bryans and son Th, sou ratuent of the Loi d's Si, pper Billy, of Hamilton, have been epend- w,,s eb,eired in Melville Church last ing their holidays with relatives and Sundae morning when the pastor, friends in and around Brussels. Rev F. G. Fowler preached front the text Luke 28 :40 "Why sleep y"? Itise I. C. and Mrs Richards, of Glen - and pray lest ye eater into tempta- dale, 'Cali., and son, Charles Richards tion", Dui ing Christ's struggle in the of Toronto, were visitors in town garden of Gethsemane the disciples this week. Old friends were glad to slept. It is possible if they hadte- see them• moaned awake they origin, have Stade q..:..;..+ it a iltt e easier for Christ in his snf- Mrs. Alf. Williamson, of Alpena, feri"g. The Preslryterinn Chnreh h- Mich., and Frank and Mrs. WtLhye, O>u,ada he, peesed through a (+etof Prescott, Mich., were week end semane and is not yet out of the sir ug- visitors with Geo. R. and Mrs. Mul•' e tl.o,V of its leaders have given t f loon. their life in the struggle. Are we •r• a r,• .a crutch doing one part or are we sleep- " nag. Signs of indifference are shown Mr. and Mrs. Stephesnon of Hyde in the church set vices which are not Park; Ben and Mrs. Rathwell and as well tu.teuded es they aright he ; le Bobby, of Varna; and Mrs. Ray Fear the Sabbath School where the attend- were Sunday visitors at the hone of name is not what it should be ; in the ;Iles. Mary Sperling. Mall utteudat ce at L5titger meeting and the )7 P. S rlie responsibility Miss Doris McDonald has returned fur this rests with the parents +eltu should see that. their chirdren told home after hey recent operation in they them:•elyes attend the church the Kitchener -Waterloo Hospital, services. This indifference is caused and is progreesng favorably, we ars by indifferent hove to (Artist and calls pleased to report. fee a recnnserrat1 ,51 -of every member •. •: ea at this C..uvuunion service, Sab- Harty McArter and son, Jim, of batt[ evening the Postai• took as hie Burford are visiting dila week at the text Matt. 18:'25 "Whuseevet cell) hones of A. C. and Mrs. Backer; R. lose his life fur my sake shall find it," W. and Mrs. Ferguson end the Misses speaking on the subject r•f "melting Fulton. The latter two expect to re - most of ourselves." Christ here stated turn to Burford for a couple of wink of tete fundamental principales weeks to visit with their Sister, Mrs. of the Christian life. "Among the McArter• reasons for failure to mike the most of ourselves rue (11 laziness (2) having rmuvent lora ideals of lie (8) bad env[ , The requirements of making the most of ourselves are 11) 10 di+cover oursel. yes (2) self deveiopurent tin oath ver vice. °heist could only save himself by eiving his life for nthers, (8) the (iod- ic tion of ourselves to C111 tat. This is the sect et of the accomplishments 1 of all gt eat men. The Presbytery of Maitland Presby- ' teriau ()hutch hr Canada [net in Mel- , vine Church, Brussels, Tnesdav fo noun of last week and at the sante time the Executive of the Presbyter ial met. In the afternoon the rutntutl (Jonvention of the Y. P. S was hold 1. in Melville Clruteh. Addresses were given by Rev. J. Pritchard, of Mole, - I worth, and Rev. W. A. Williedus, of (ranbrnnk. The report of the Young People's Work taken at. Knox College Summer Schrol was given by lel s• = Verna tlicLltuchlin 01 \V ioghaui and a paper was given by Mise Annie Be, , of Ripley, on solving the fivanri a problems of a Young People's ale. ti ,. ciety. , Rev. '1'. I) 11r.(tullnnuh, of ' P Kincardine, had charge 33f the Que t. v n n at ion hrnvver. At the e e l (,sees tnr r 1 address was given by Rev. It. G. Mo- . Kay, ciT Walk eiton, (trrrceenor of the Synods Committee on Young People's work. Solos were tendered at the af- ternoon Session by Miss demi Fergus. nn, of Brussels, rind a member of the Kinlough Society. At the evening -508)3111 the elude of Wingham Pres- byterian Church rendered a number of selections. Chemistry, offered by Queen's Uni- versity to Upper r S aol student from any collegiate or high shool in the Province o'f °util}o, who ob taines the highest in these two sub- jects. Jean enters Queen's University this September with the best wishes of her class mates and malty friends. Charles Coultes was in Toronto over the week end. ::lisp Annie McDowell is attending Dusinees College in Clinton. C. It• Coultes shipped two car loads of cattle to Toronto on Sat- urday, Howard and .IIIc.. Wilkinson and son of Wingham, were visitors with relatives ,s here. The School Fair officials held a meeting during the past week when final arrangements were made for the school fair and concert to be. held on Sept. 24, BLUEVALC Miss Margaret Garniss wax a' guest at the Tobertsou-Currie wed- ding in Wingham on Saturday. Peter and Mrs. McI':wan, of Parry Sound and James Aitcheson, of Fort Colborne are visiting friettds in Bluevale and Wroxeter. The regular meeting of the We men's Institute was bold Thursday afternoon at the home of Mau, John Mundell. There ems a good attendance, 23 ladies being present. After the regular business "'c c Mies Olive Scott gave a wiper. "De- corative De••corative arrangement of Flowers in the Home" and as illustrations she had pictures showing tite proper sr rangenient of flowers for different places. The roll call was answered by "Desserts and Methods of Mak- ing." There were several into the discussion Miss Jeffery, of Beltnore,, favored the ladies -with a humorous. reading. The hostess assisted by Mrs.. (toy Barrett and Miss Pearl Mathers served refreshments.