HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-9-11, Page 1Vele* enetatc uetetR,ar. ;ect retec : ,. ,:eector 9 PE'-CHES Car of Peaches is due to arrive at Walton Station in about a week. Special price off car in bus. 65 hampers. to °J cs Phone you order early to 1 904 O''' qi W. G. Bennett r P i y21.11-"a1P11)1312/at 42191°aMidYdtHi t2hi2taikeRa; A Ja ar • VOL„ 58 N U. 13 ,2.00 per annum advance f * 41' L•C'Mi444, !'r0. s,4!_'i: 44 . e'. * ..44'? : ;!' 4. 0,444 .44.4Fi"$? 0s :F tH .;.4 • '= The Surrounding District tieeetaaw::eeele++.e!este!lattate0 .0'jt' i,j" 04'4.000.04+04':fetet4'4~'e e+'k+Pf$«M+.+*4etee. WINGHAM small tables were prettily .decorated One of the largest real estate in pinkand white scheme. Pretty transactions took place last weok bouquets of autumn flowers also ad- ',hen John Hanna disposed of one ded to the beauty of the room. Four of his stores to A. J. Walker furni• n'isl friends of the bride, Misses time • and undertaker. Mr. Hanna has Alyce Mym rs, Annie Inglis, Laura taken the frame building of Bar, ; McDonald, grace Dewar were wait - Walker's on the deal. The transac- :losses. Mr. and Mrs. Kemp left on '.ion becomes effective the first of BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, TVEDNESD4 Y, . SEPTEMBER xi, xOzg the afternoon train amid showers of the year. Mre Hanna has carried ani confetti for a wedding trip to Niag- ara Falls, bort Erie, acid Buffalo on I their return will be at home to their !friends at 108 Russett Ave., Toron- to. The bride travelled in an en- ' semble suit of black and sand silk crepe with accessories to match and brown fox fur, The bride received many beautiful and useful gifts. Guests were present from Toronto, Dungannon, Kincardine, Monkton, Listowel, and friends at Atwood. WROXEI'ER • Earl and Mrs. Ball returned from Toronto on Friday. Jno. and Mrs. McNaughton, Lon- don, are visiting their son Stewart, in Turnberry. , Mrs. Rasmussen and Miss Maud Milligan are among visitors to Lon- don this week. 1 Dr. W. M. B. Smalo, Chicago, was a recent visitor with his sister, Mrs. C. F. McLean. Herman Morrison, Swift Current, Sask., is the guest of his mother, Mrs. Jno. Morrison. Anderson Inglis, of the Canadian -Bank of Commerce, is enjoying a two weeks vacation. Mrs. Depew and i,nle daughter, of Toronto, are holidaying with the fornmer's parents It. and ears. Stocks. John and Mrs. Bone, of the Am- erican Soo, and former residents of this village are visiting old friends here. • CRANBROOIC The school has been shingled al the east side. L. Steiss has made great improve- ' nient at his farm. Many are attending London Fair this week. p•to•date Gents' Furnishing busi- ness in this store for a number or rears above which there is one of the finest apartments that could be Quilt which Mr. Walker and his fam- :y will occupy after disposing of leis' residence on Shuter street, she store will make one of the best .furniture stores in Western Ontario having a splendid front for display- ing furniture. ATWOOD. Kemp—. Denman :—The home of Jar, and Mrs. Denman Atwood was the scene of a pretty autumn wedding on Wednesday, Sept. 4th, 1:'39 at high noon, when their youngest daughter Winnie Henrietta, was united in marriage to James yieBride Kemp, of Toronto, Rev. C. C. Koine, of Dungannon, former patsoi• of the Atwood United Church officiated in the presence of twenty five guests. The zbride who was given in marriage by her father took her place beside the groom under= arr•h of Ivy and fern beautifully de- corated with white flowers and w.'dding bell. Miss •Carrie Hymers, of Atwood, played Lohengrins wed- ding march. The winsome young hiide looked charming in a gown of white georgette over white satin with hose and slippers to match and were a bridal wreath of orange blos- eins and carried a baguet of sweet- leart roses and baby's breath. Dut•• ing the signing of tho register Miss Geddes, of Kincardine, sang, "I lore you truly" The grooms gift to the bride was a ovautifully fitted travelling case to the pianist and ,foist, barpins. Aft,.+- congratula- ens and best wishes the bride and enema led the way to the dinning , 'teem where a buffet lunch was sere-.' ETHEL .1. The large centre table was decor- Wilfred and Mrs. Eckmier and T=gid in white centered with the Carman, of .Stratford, spent a week three story wedding cake and four , with Christian Eekmlev recently. .A number of the Echelites motor- ; cd to Listowel on Sunday to view North Huron the fire ranging in the business sec - ,tion of that town. At a meeting of the Presbyterian Church Congregation recently it was decided to give a supper and pro- ' grime sometime in Oct. The United Farmers of North P. N. Currie has resumed duties Heron will hold a nominating con- as agent at Ethel C. N. R. station, . mien in the Town Hall Wingham, feeling surprisingly fit after his op en Friday afternoon. :Sept. 20th, at enation of only a month ago. David and Mrs. Sanders and fam- i.3n p, utto decide on placing it wish to thank their neigcandidatehbors in the field. for Y and •eavineial and federal par Dees. A friends for their sympathy expressed ':eve attendance is requested. Prom- during their misfortune. • at s teakers are expected to ad- The Y. I . League of the United s :• : the convention. IS Ch'arch enjoyed interesting contri- butions to the program from Rev. R. J. Currie, Secy. alas. and Mrs, Pearson last Thursday United Farmers CAR OF evening. Dr. Frank and Mrs. Btyans and son, Betty, of Haniltosi, were wel- come visitors at the home of Jos. and Mrs. Ames over the week end M Btyans and Mrs. Ames are bro- ther and sister. Celia Many remarks et sessive of re- gret and sympathy were heard from our citizens sunday night, upon learning that the large well filled barn of Mr. Steeves near Morkton was burning. Can be had at Clark's Black- John osed of the biacksmithi geabusinel has ssGno to Al - smith shop. lin of Listowel. Mr. Alain took pos- Orders taken at Harness shop session monday morning. Mr. Mc - J. F. Hackwell Neil has not decided yet where he will locate. We regret to hear that David Milne who has been it failing health for sometime is in rather more un- favorable condition lately. It is hop- ed that a change for the better will soon take place. Gordon H. Walker, of Tavistock, of the general o al stat/ oft e gH C. N. It. who h as 6 cn relieving agent at Ethel C. N. R. station for the past month, goes to Galt in a similar capacity, Several of the Ethel United Church people attending sunday af- ternoon service at the Presbyterian Church and listened to a splendid sermon by Rev. Mr. Williams, based .l on the theme of "Who is nay Neigh- Services i' box•". Services were withdrawn in the Ethel United Church last Sunday on ! account of the Anniversary Services; at Roes. The Services were largely j attended, the Rev. E. F. Chandler B. A. , of Fordwieb, delivered two very inspiring. messages. Rev. C. E. 1 t Taylor conducted Anniversary Ser- vices at Newbridge. A street gosgel meeting will be I held on the street at Ethel Saturday evening, Sept. 14th at Sp. in. Come and hoar A. Fields, once known as IFAS ARRIVED AT WALTON yae'st.'t',tgt�tEtEt6�H��v�:��tgt:tCc�tGtrat�t�dsg TO -DAY; IS THE DAY—for to- morrow lli to -clay will have v passed forever. A p. LACE LACE your order TO - DAY for that : Monu- ment you intend to erect or `the Engraving which you the little orphan boy, raised on the should'have had done. Sl 4th of Grey by Mrs. D. Dunbar, known asAlbert Smith. all ri oda; e i f e BBrussels Granite who have been attending the List - owel street meeting are specially in & Marble Works i vited. There will be real old fashion -1 ed ggspel end singing and Mr. Fields A. E. HhRSEY, Prop. 9 will be aceot ipanied by his 18 year- itzloirommloohmaciamott,buoi old son. Weir Advertisements "rtimiFa l(dcietec.r4 tetVir-tde`tG tgretZttebcsve% colonels Per polo - Wm J. IdebIllrlay Pig for sera homuel Uvmelon Plgofor and i tall Bet moo Por sale Picone 6a ('void' the Troth -le Et hnllch Plekltng:.1: n--Allrn's Urng Htore J'atl NH s—Itastliurea a 1 eo,ety Ta okay A E a+or.ey (scent-,) • k Elsa well Uonvea Won -North M.u•sn Permero P9 As I have disposed of my tY Blacksmith business, I would • ° tle by Oct Is' All debts not Notice . FJl ds 1 la like all indebted to me to set• School fair will be held on Mon day, September 23rd. Mark dowt the date. Lloyd and Mrs, Eckmier, Kathleen sand Jack were holiday visitors with August and Mrs. Lckasier. They re- turn to their home in Winnipeg thi week. There will be no service next Sun day evening in Ethel United Church re nin owing to Anniversary P.pe services at Union, Rev, F. Cfaik, o Gorrie will be the speaker for th day. A Weiner Roast, under the auspi • es of the Young People's Society, o the Presbyterian church, will be hel in Memorial Park, Ethel, on Friday evening of this week. Everybody welcome. Come and enjoy ,a goo time. Wedding Bells : Londesboro we the scene of a very quiet bu pretty wedding on Wednesday, Sept 4th at high noon, when Mary E Wells, second daughter of Jas Well was united in marriage to 3. Situp son McCall by Rev. Mr. Forster, of Londesboro. The bride was daintily dressed in baby blue transparent vel vet with light grey hat, shoes and gloves to snatch. Mrs. McCall, siste of the bride attired in a dress of black georgette with transparent vel vet acted as bridesmaid while the groom was supported by his cousin George McCall. After the ceremony they motored to the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. McCall, where dinner was served to immediate re latives. For travelling the bride don- ned a dress of brown canton crepe with transparent velvet, brown kid shoes, gloves, and hat to match with navy coat and a brown fox stole, the gift of the groom. They left amic showers of confetti and good wishes for Chatham and other points. On their return they mill reside on the groom's farm in Morris. • 4 GORRIE Anniversary services were held is the Presbyterian Chtuch on Sunday large congregations filled the church both morning and evening. The services were ably conducted by Rev. Mr. Leadingham of Harriston, while the choir assisted nth some fine anthems of praise. The subject of the morning sermon was "youth and the Church", the speaker holding the view that thougth many thought young people were too mod- ern, fanciful, and pleasure -loving, they would be incapable of accept- ing Christian responsibility. He stres- sed the need of volunters for` Christ- ian leadership, pointing out severs young people in this district who are already training for or, giving themselves to the ministry. In the evening, the pastor of the United Church assisted in the devotional exercises, while Rev. Mr. Pritchard arrived from Hamilton in time to pronounce the benediction. BELGRAVE Annual School Fair will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 24th. L and Mrs. Hayes and Jas. Brydges of Detroit were week -end visitors at the home of J. T. Brydges. Henry and Mrs. Armstrong, of Windsor spent the week -end with W. H. and Mrs. Armstrong, Morris. Jos. -and Mrs. Clegg and Mrs. Farquhar, of Clinton, visited with Drayton and Kitchener friends last week. The dramatic club of the United Church presented the play "The Col- onel's Maid" in Gerrie on Monday evening: The Ladies' Guild or Trinity Ang• Scan church held their regular meet. ing at the home of Mrs. John Neth• er on Thursdayafternoon. Y, School has reopened after the hummer vacation and a full attend - :ince is reported, Miss McKenzie, of llelgrave, is in charge again. Misses Mary and 'Irene Van Camp who have spent the last few weeks with J '1'. and firs, dbultes, have re. turned to their house in Exeter. The annual havest Thanksgiving service will be held in Trinity Church folgrave, on Sunday, September 22ncl, at 2.30 o'clock, with Rev, John Mills, of Goderich as the special speaker. tAnniver•,xary in Knox United Un- ited n ited Clsuroh will be held on Sunday next. Sept, 15th, at 11 a. tn. Roo Mr, Agnew, president of the London Conference, will be the speaker for the day. Mr. Agnew is an old Hur- on County boy.. The regular monthly sheeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. W. Armstrong Sept. 17. iNlrs. 3, Anderson and Mrs. Jos. Clegg assistants. Eoil all, a humorous joke. As this will be ,Grandmother's Day Mrs. J. Van Cramp will have charge of topic and Mrs. J. Taylor, s convenor for music :All the Grandmothers and ladies of the community are cordially invited to this meeting. The Dorset Horn Sheep classes at the C. N, lf. were by far the strong- est in its history with ninety -:four en- tries in all, W. M. Henry, of Bel- nsyto' paid by that dace will be hand - 1 se ed in for collection with costs a ria added. I thank my many cult a r9 omers for their patronage in el it y� the, past fourteen years and ` ask for continuance of the Same for my successor, Mr. John Allan, tv tri JOHN McNEIL f ETHEL,ONT. e - • aeies 'least;3meeereteteeeesMeatacre cataaarek L- d grave, won fourth place on ewe lamb with twenty eight in the class ; fourth on shearing ram, with fifteen d in the class ; fifth on aged ram with nine in the class ; third on pen, with s 'eight pens in the class. He is well t pleased with his success, consider- ing he was up against the best On- tario can produce, also imported s animals. , GREY Western Fair is the attractionthla _ week, Ethel School Fair atilt be held on a Monday, Sept. 23rd, Russell Kreuter of Listowel spent - the week -end at the home of Jas. and Mrs. McDonald. Grey was strongly represented at the big fire Sunday afternoon and night at Listowel. Miss Mae, Cooke, 7th con. who was engaged as teacher at Onepale, Frontenac County, left for her new duties last week, Wm. and Mrs. Hollinger, 7th con. Alex. and Mrs. Alexander Molesworth, visited with relatives at { Niagara Falls, St. Catharines and Guelph during the .pas. week. Anniversary and re -opening ser- vices of Union United Church will be held on Sunday Sept. 15th, when Rev. F. Craik, of Gorrie, will be the special speaker for the day. We are pleased to know that Al- !epee l- !onza Heath who had an ankle so severely sprained some weeks ago, has so far recovered, as to dispense with crutches which was necessary to use to get about with during the, most painful period of his trouble, and will in all probability soon be strong and well as ever. • Justice and Mrs. Lake, of Hamil' ton, and W. F. and Ms. Sanders, of Philadelphia, were recent visitors with Isaac and Mrs. Lake, 10th Con. Mr. Sanders is Mrs. Lake's brother. ;Will. and Mrs. Taman, of God erich, and Mrs. IV. Murray, cousins of C. and Mts. Hutchinson, spent 1 the week end at their home on 16th Con. Presented with Giobe :—On • Fri- day afternoon last Mrs. James Kemp, neq Henrietta Denman was presented with half a dozen tea spoons and sugar shell by the Young People's League of the United Church, in which Miss Denman had always taken an active interest, the presentation was made quite inform- ally by Misses Carrie Heiner, Maty Harvey and Mrs. Percy Greensides. Entertained S. S. Class :—On Tuesday —afternoon, August 27, Miss Henrietta Denman entertained her sunday .School class of eighteen young girls of the United Church and a pleasant time was spent in music singing and games of various kinds and lunch served. During. the afternoon the class took the oppor- tunity of presenting their teacher with gifts prior to her marriage, and on behalf of the claw Misses Lena Greensides and Margaret Ferry pres- ented her with half a dozen sherbet glasses and bowl to match. Hutchinson -Balfour :—A quiet: wedding was solemnized at the Un- ited Church parsonage, Arkona, on Monday, September 2nd, when Eva Catherine only daughter of Francis llnlfour and the late Mrs. Balfour ! was united in marriage to George William Hutchinson, only son of Cuthbert and Mrs. Hutchinson con, f,, Grey. The young couple were attended by Miss Lida B. Sperling and Will Balfour also of Grey Twp, • and the ceremony wns perforated by by D. BI. Guest, of Arkona, United Church. After a short honey moon they will reside o neon 5, Croy Twp, .Bride Elect showered with Chine gifts :— On Tuesday evening of 'eel week Miss •Janie Dennis was hostess to a china shower at her home in honor of Miss Henrietta Denman when about twenty girl mend; were present to extend to the bride elect their- best wishes. The early part of the evening was spent in - r contests, n games cont . t , n d rcadir.!"„ Miss Gss : Dennis then read a humorous ad- dress which form ' thch was written It in the 1 of the Ten Commandments and the bride elect was presented with tt beautifully decorated basket in pink • and white containing gifts of china The presentation beingmade by Miss Lillian Bender, of Listowel. Although taken eompletely by sur• prise the bride elect made a fitting• reply thanking her many friends fol their kind rememberance. A dainty luncheon was then served by Mrs, and Miss Dennis. J. L. KI:RR, Proprietor nipeg,( Philadelphia, Hamilton, Strat ford, Atwood, Forciwh'h, Jamestown, and Cranbrook, A vert pleasant time was spent in racial chat, baseball, 'throwing •quoits, the -of -War and other games. Just before lunch keine photos were taken, After a short !sing -song. the time of denstrture canto all too soon. Plans were made for e stint' tr r,,uniolt en a larger scale for next year. Addison 'and Mrs. ".Taylor were re•• rent visitors with friends at Grand Valley. Mrs. Wilson and family, 10th con were week end visitors with friends at Palmerston. Carl Hemingway, son of W. J. Hemingway will attend Stratford Normal this Fall. Thos. and Mrs. McCall have been visiting at the home of their daugh• ter, Mrs. Nelson, at Peterboro. Mrs. Geo. McFarlane and Mrs. Geo Taylor spent the past week visiting et the home of Jas. and Mrs. Turn- bull, London. Laura Ballantyne bas retsfcnted to Toronto, after spending her vacation at the home of her grandparents, Jae and Mrs. Ballantyne, 10th con. The anniversary services of Union United Church will be held on Sun- day, Sept. 15th with Rev:• -Mr. Craik of Gorrie,-conc)acting the services morning and evening at 1 a. in. and 7.30 p.m. A special thankoffering is asked for. Last Thursday afternoon while pressing straw at the farm of Chas. Lamont, 8th con,. the presser caught fire and it was totally destroyed: Fire spread all over the field, and also destroyed the storage house that Mr. Lamont had some 800 bushels of wheat stored in, following the thresh- ing in the fields. What wheat wa.s saved will only be good for feed now. It means quite a loss for Mr. Lamont. The August meeting of the W. M. S. and Ladies' Aid of Union church was held at the home of Mrs. Sharpe. Meeting opened with a hymn, fol- lowed with Lord's Prayer in unison. Roll Call was responded to by verses of Scripture. Minutes were read and adopted. The Scripture reading and Devotional Leaflet by Pearl Car- nochan and Mrs. Brown. A splendid paper was given by Mrs. Dougherty on Missions. Meetin closed with hymn and prayer. Tuesday of last we -dc about 1 o'clock p. m. fire kindling on the C. N. It roadway and spreading to the fields on the farm of Stanley Dunbar neccessitated a hurry ell for helpers which was responded to by a good- ly number who by strrseotis and de termind effort. after a fight of some duration despite the stiff breeze and the extremely dry condition of grass and other material, w ere successful in gaining control - of the blaze, thereby preventing further damage which other wise would have been inevitable. While threshing was in ,progress on a farm on the ninth con. ' operated by Garf. Babes a heated boxing of the separator issuing a vol- ume of smoke was noticed just in the nick of time to avert a blaze. Some anxiety was aroused at such a near rl isoster. WINTHROP. Thos. Broome. south of the village lost his house by fire last Thursday afternoon. Neighbors soon gathered 'and saved most of the furniture, the doors and windows, before the house rueS destroyed. Fortunately the wind was blowing away from the barn, or it might leave gone to. JAMESTOWN' W. R. Moses and Miss Bessie Moses spent Sunday at Lucknow. A number of people from this lo- cality visited the scene of the fire at Listowel Sunday night. Miss Jessie Struo'han, Mrs. E. Moses and Miss Bessie Moses were holidaying in Godericn last weak. Mrs. Ed. (Bates and son, Jack, hays returned to Toronto after spending the summer with Mise Alice Fralick. Jim Youmans has returned to his hone in Detroit after spending the summer with his uncle, Dougaisi Strachan. The family of Louis Mintier at.. tended the Eckinier family picnic at Ethel grove last Saturday and report a good tante. John A. and Mrs. Snell and Cane iron and Mts. Adepts accompanied by D. and Mrs. McDougal, of Morris and •Cecil Bateman. of Ethel, motor- od to Toronto Wednesday of last week and took in the day and night programer at the C. N. E. Arriving 'tome in the early hours on Thursday , morning. They were unanimous in claanvna that the twenty-four hour ur o trip was well worth while, Eckmier Reunion :---Saturday af- ; ternoon, Sept. 7th, the descendants of the late Daniel Eckmier held a re- union in the Memorial Park, Ethel, Being ideal weather about 70 at. tended including visitors from Win - MORRIS Many are attending London Fair this week. Council meets on the 23rd at thu Township Hall. Patrolman Workman did a fine job at 13elgrave hill, Bel rave School Fair will be held on Tuesday, Sept. t. 24th. Mrs. CharlesPoclard is visiting friends in Stratford and Toronto this week• Bert Kelly is homs from the West. Geo. Kelly, of she stls line,. is ' visiting friends in Detroit. George Kelly, Sth.line, returned last week from Detroit, where he enjoyed a visit with hie son, Glen. • Henry and Mrs. Armstrong and Mrs. Manning and son of Windsor, were visitors at W. 1i. Armstrongs, 5th line. Miss Beatrice and Lawson Kear- ney accompanied by Frank Little and Mrs. Little have been Laking in the .Exhibition at Toronto. Misses Tena McCallum and Isabel- la Ritchie took in the Ex. at Toronto, Mac •Scott has been holidaying with friends on the 8th line. Henry and Mrs. Pollard, of Benton Harbor, Mich., and John Wasmann, of Walkerville, have been visiting at the home of C. and Mrs. Pollard, South gravel. Card of Thanks. ---The !undersign- ed wishes to thank the many neigh- bors and friends for their kind and thoughtful deeds, during sickness and death of wife and mother, and also for the many beautiful floral tributes. Cecil Wheeler and family. Ebenezer Anniversary and Thank - offering services which was held on Sunclay was a decided success. Rev. . Mr. Manta, Pastor preached two very appropriate eermons. Both the mix- ed choir and the mate choir of Bel - grave united church iendered excel- lent music for the occasion '' .nd great praise has and must be given them for most generous service. The Late John Scott;—There passe ed into rest on Saturday last another of the life-long residents of the com- munity in the person of John Scott, of Morris Township, after an illness of brief duration. De had been a sufferer from stomach trouble for scare time, but it was only recently that it took an acute form. On Mon- day, Aug. 26th, he was taken to the Wince am hospital where he under- went a surgical operation, but this did net alleviate the trouble, and he passed away. The late Joint Scott was born on what is now the Bt id- neclt farm on the lst con, of East Wawanosh, 07 years ago. He way married in 1899 to Miss Hannah Fraser who died in April 1927. A- bout 25 years ago :sir. Scott purchas- ed the north half of lot 3 in !the Kb concession of the Township of Mor- tis and there he remained until his death. A man of quiet and unassum- ing disposition, the was much respect- ed by .all who know hint. He is sur- vived by one brother, William Scott, ltudyard, Mich., and 4 sisters, Mrs. Wm. Radford, East \'4 aw anosh! Mrs, Rnbt. Coeketeine, Londesboro; Mrs. Hugh Tucker, Wingham; and Mrs. Traquair, Wellwyn, Sesk, The funer- ;el took place on Tuesday afternoon from his late residence, the service being conducted by Rev. T. W. Good- will, pastor of Old St. Andrew's Pres- byterian church, followed by inter• ment in the Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were: Messrs. John Yeo, Alex. Smith, Wnt. Pollock. William Merritt, John Craig and Jas. Rich• i mond. !Tisdale's Earliest Settler •Passes;— A western paper pact the following l obituary of a former resident of Morris Township:— Peter Jackson, one of Tisdale's earliest settlers pass- ed away in his home itt Slyvania- en Sunday last. Coming from Town- ; 's' ship li ria. Ontario,9 5 o in 1. 0. he firs I p settledi t the s t t Sylvania district. hot !many years his home was the well !known centre of social activities for utiles around. The news of his death was a sad blow to hundreds of his friends in Tisdale and the surround-- ing communities. Hy his first wife, who predeceased him nine years ago, he leaves eight sone end two dau- ghters. Seven sons, Roy, Lyle, Ross, : Norman, James, Alvin and Percy live in the Tisdale district, while David !now resides at Los Angeles. One daughter, Mts. J. MsNab lives at Tisdale., and the other daughter, Mrs. Preston ,Laycock, now resides near Melfort. in 1922 deceased married ,firs, Capes who survives him. Short- ly after his •'coni marricaprr• Mr. Jackson and Mrs. Jackson returned from Tisdale. where he had lived for a number of years, to his old farm at Sylvania, Mr. Jackson, although lig years of age, had the appearance and enjoyed the health of a man of 50. A coldo c ntractcd about three weeks ago developed into pneennonia and the end came suddenly. The funeral, which took place on Tues- day afternoon, was largely attended from all parts of the district. A, short service was held at the family residence at Sylvania, .after whieb l Personal Paragraphs 1 Mars. D. C. Ross is visiting in Tor- onto. Fred and Mrs. Burchill took in the at Toronto last week. ..•.a. '1 Reeve A C. Backer was a visitor sit Toronto Fab; lust week. Dune McKinnon •Swas a visitor in Clinton last Friday evening, • o Miss Helen Backer spent last week in Toronto, visiting With relatives. o es Mrs. W. Ii, Kerr has been confined to herr ho ne owing 1; 1 a severe cold. .;. o g.., Nesbit and Mrs, Hamilton were at Toronto Fair for a day or so last 'week. Mrs. Wm. Dodds, of *Toronto, ie, the guest of her sister, Mrs, A. Mc- Guire. o .•. 0' Walter !and Mrs. Williamson were visitors at Toronto for' a few days last week. Percy Mitc'hell and his another, Mrs, Richard Mitchell left for the West least week. W. Palmer returned last week from Trenton where he has been working all summer. Mrs. John Crerar •has returned from Toronto where she was having her tonsils removed at the Lockwood Clinic. ee -- w,. Miss Marjorie Campbell left for Seaforth this week and has taken a position at W. Crich's bakery and restaurant. 0 0. 0.-ee . Miss Lillian Dark, who has been holidaying with her parents, John and Mrs. Dark, returned to her posi- tion in Hamilton en Monday. s Mrs. Arthur Smith and son Master Donald, left last Saturday for their home in Lethbridge, after an enjoy- able visit in Brussels and other points. ee ee weeMkas Mary Helen err spent the end wEb Bliss KMarjory Wigg, at Seaforth and helped celebrate Marjory's 11th birthday on Satur- day. Jack Oliver, jr., arrived home from Toronto last Saturday for a week's holidays before leaving for a course at Pharmacy, which opens on September 17th. Rev. and Mrs. F. G. Rickard mot- ored to London on Monday. Mr. itirk:aid will attend the ee5s10ns Of the Huron College Alumni Associat- ion at. Huron College ae a guest of She College Council. J. end Mr_. Godwin and daugh- ters of Brantford, and Alvin and Mrs. Badgley. and children, of De- troit, spent the Labor Day week emd with their another, Mrs. D. Badgley. Rev. A W. and Mrs Barker were at Kincardine, on Tuesday attending a reunion of thePollock family. of which the latter is a member. Friends were present from Belleville, Cob- ourg and other points. 11,4 the funeral service was held in the Presbyterian church at Tisdale. Rev. Andrew Walker officiated. Both at the residence and at tlse church hun- dreds paid their last respects to their departed friend. Great banks of bowers covered the casket, which in itself was a silent tribute to the re- spect in which the deceased was held. The pallbearers were for the most part old timers of the district in the persons of Wm, Lutes, D. J. Schell, J. F. MacKenzie, Robert Clay. John Playford and F. Brooks, Flowers Were sent by: His sorrowing wife and Lula; the family; Sylvania Ladies' .Aid; W. C. and Mra. Buckle; United Farmers of Canada; H. and Mrs, Box all; Mr, and Mrs. Whitbread; St. An- drew's congregation; Mr. and Mre. Rogers; Mr. and • Mss. Lyons and family; Mr. and Mrs. L. Topham* Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson; Mr. •md Mrs.. Bridges and family; J' and firs, Play ford; Dr. and Mrs. Mackay; -D. J. Schell and family; .1. F. MacKenzie; Frank and 111 Silver; St. Andrew's Paa •byterian Ladles' Aid; R. 3. and Mrs, Reid; E. and Mss. Brooks; Mrs. Stevens; Henderson and Reid; Geo. and Dave, Angus and Campbell. Tho commitment service tool: place alt the. Tisdale cemetery. WALTON William and Mrs. Irony, of Bruce - field, spent Sunday with J. J. and Mrs. McGavin. J. J, and Mrs. McGavin and. Gor- don motored to Toronto end spent a couple of days at the Exhibition Inst week. Dr. Frank Neal, of Teterboro, wild has been visiting with his mother,. Mts. William Neal was called to his home in Peterboro owing to the illness of his son Allen. Mrs, Neal aceompaniocl him as far as Preston where she is at present visiting roe lativos. ('Continued on Page 'S )