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The Brussels Post, 1929-8-21, Page 3
TUX RR41$5 L$ POST For 192 otoring conditions/ '' he DOMeNI©lw OYAL CORD Here is the 1029 tire for the 1929 car. New in design and construction. Extra thick tread has deep -cut blocks to give greater non-skid mileage. Rugged carcass is built with web cord. It has strength where 1929 motoring cone ditions demand it. Side-walls are strongly buttressed to resist rut and curb wear. For safety and long mileage, for the job your 1929 car has to do, the new Royal Cord is the one tire for you. DOMINION TIRE DEPOT O. H. Sproule, ETHEL E. L. Desjardine WALTON ,- :...... ._..»......, , ._1. S. L. Cummings l �____.a' the circulation is stopped the car, in gular exhibitor at ea•ricultural shows. n h d when the t far heavier blows before they sue- • eumb ,hut Avery time the motorist . i"i�'lce Of Wales Shipping i i drives rapidly over a sharp dearer• 1 y cion in the road or over a railroad �*r track he is administering the same typo of punishment to the tire thut the tapir in the balloon, WHEN MOTOR MISSES Moisture or grease on the surface of the distrihutoy housing is one cause of `missing" The high tension current skips •across the surface of this coating Instead of going through its regular channels. '1'o remedy this condition merely clean the surface thoroughly with a clean dry cloth, CLEAN CHASSIS WITH SOAP Loosen as much as possible of the oil, dirt grease, and mild which ae- cumulate on the chassis and the un- patts of the fenders, with clear we- I ter, Of course practically an of the muck will stick to the paera and this ! must be removed by means of a soap solution, The solution can be made by dissolving one or two 1 pounds of soap in a gallon of warm I water. Keep this solution and and it I will last for several washings, When this solution is rubbed on with a 1 clean sponge he sure to rinse the sponge frequently, and it will make a nice heavy suds which will remove all of the grease. Follow this by washing off thoroughly all of the soap. Never use the same sponge taa for this work this is used for the body of the car, as it always con- H. R. H. IS INTERESTED IN EX - tains a certain amount of grit that H1BITION; IS A REGULAR EX - will be injurious to a highly polish- HITITOR IN SHOWS IN OLD ed surface, I LAND, DANGER SIGNALS .To run the engine with a lack of London, Aug. 17—The Prince of nil or with a cooling system out of Vales' horses entered for the Cana - commission is ruinous, and the ef- dian National Exhibition, Toronto, feet in both cases is usually the same will be shipped from GIasgow on the —seared pistons and cylinders. It 141innodosa. They are being sent by W DNrc&DAY, AUGUST 21st, 1.920 d Q i is not safe to operate the car with train from the Prince's stud farm to the boiling water, and as soon as the Royal Pr' t D $ boiling point is reached the cause trice own, Devon, H. R. H,, of the trouble coilike Ris Majesty the King, is a re - The Car Owner's Scrap-.Bookshould ed found If o case should be run, nor should it (By the Left Hand Monkey Wrench) water is very down in BIG FRE)GHT BILL Automobiles shipped by rail brought a revenue of $198,798,930 to railroad in 1928, according to the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce. MISALIGNMENT OF WHEELS Wheel alignment should be tested et least twice a year. The constant road shock and vibration gradually force misalignment of the wheels, re• salting in harder steering and great- er tire wear . UNEQUAUIZ.ED BRAKES Unbalanced breaks will cause a tire to wear faster than the are on the opposite wheel. This condition cause: grabbing and the tire to skid. HARD STEERING CAUSE Hard steering is asually caused by under -inflation of tires and lack of lubrication of Icing pins and the ioints itt the tie rod connecting the front wheels. AUTO GREASE Pure lard willsoften spots made, with automobile grease so that wai'nt water will remove them. BUTTER WILL DO IT When the finish of the car be- comes flecked with tar as it often does, there is a number of special preparations that will cleanse it. Ev- en butter will do the job if it is the handiest at the moment. KEEP SAME SIZE When replacing a worn-out head - new one is of the same power. It light bulb, remember to see tnat the was fixed at the factory with the drain on the electrical system very much in mind. PICK UP NAILS Many airports in the United Stat. es use electro -magnets drawn by au- tomobiles to pick up nails and met, al from the runways, A blown air- plane tire is far more serious usual- ly than a similar accident to an auto- mobile. LIKE TOY BALLOONS Every motorist who ever has stop- ped beside the way to buy his young- ster a toy balloon knows that it tak- es only a slight blow to burst it. Tir- es, made of the same substance, take aVERY member of every family iu this ettu- amity is interested in the hews of the clay. Aad no items are read with keener relish than anu0uncentents of new things to eat, to wear or to enjoy in the home. Yon have the goods and tIle desire to sell them. The readers of TILE POST have the money and the desire to buy. The connecting link is ADVIiiIRtTISING. Give the people the good news of new things at advantageous prices. They look to you fol• this "stare news's and will respond to your messages. Let us show you that- " n hat' "An Advertisement is an Invitation" the radiator. This is objectionable in pump systems, because a leser quantity of water makes it impels- (370) and There sible to keep the engine cool, and in (370) a Two scholarships at McGill MU - the thermo-syphon system there is rersity, Montreal, covering five the added objectiin that the circul- ation practically stops as soon as the ; are minors or minor sons of em - water drops below the upperCanadian Pacific Railway this year, vection to the radiator. Lack of oil ' one to C. P. Sturdee, son of E. F. L. and cooling di/Del-titles are usually Sturdee, assistant general passen- indieated by knocks or missing,and ter agent and the other to William P, Dunlop, son o£ Jnhn Dunio of at the same time an appreciablePr loss the pension department of the rail - of power. These dangers signals way at the head office of the cam - must be overlooked ; in fact, a piny. The scholarships provide for one year's tuition in the faculty of knock of any sort is usually serious, arts followed by four years' tuition and a thorou car should be made before any at- ei;anteal or electrical engineering. tempt .is made to proceed. Only the Right Hon. Winston Churchill,best lubricant should b Bused. Chancellor of the E:;(•herpier In the late Baldwin Government in Great The life of a car ran be I trt. n a it(d in 1 to da recently greatly of theI;np Empress of au•tratia and lengthened by keeping it tightened. trade 0 tour of the country from Id dui real viol rii Ile sisited A defective or missing .spark plpg Toronto' Ii viiaha Falls,�t innipc0., .,, „ti.+.l let:amnion, Cal- ton,nary.liana, lake Louie. tiirtm- u8x, lane , n(. V t 1 to ,. i t. He wilt leavethe it to city a t!tenthe: 5arriving at ' t t t u em t.cen- ui I 1fe it t i l ea t t titan aci- fi i tiiwt y t.til et r. .,alttiti during the whole ef bis tris. Purchased ler :+. ,r.,, in excess of $ it.iart4 an oil t i. t' t i of Lind • P. t,- koro 't 1, 1 , •rg Van ra Lyek,t tt t ,,,i a Etn., ('ltarles of 1-, was c..'; t'an:titian Pa- cific Exp:,•::. �ty;•.i..._s} i•• tacit/tier gig Alontreise lel .,,ttte::.1 ._eotttly, th very spe,•:.tl 1> ....t:,ti,t^:, beim.: he gh in vestigation of the in architecture, chemical, civil, ole - remains cold after a thorough run- ning of the engine. Caution should be taken when driving off the main road into the grass, Loose sand or dirt or , bad culvert will cause en accident. Rattling floor boards may be • quieted by attaching strips of felt or rubber around the frame 'where the boards rest. • Never permit the air pressure on tired to drop down more than three pounds below the recommended amount stamped on the rubber cov- ering. In order to + give the cooling sys- tem proper care, once each week is not too often to completely drain the radiator and refill with fresh water. .Sealing the cylinder head gasket can .be effected by applying shellac to both sides of the gasket with a brush, allowing it to partly dry be- fore placing it on the cylinder block. SCHOOL PAIR DATES t Following are the dates of the vac rious school fairs to be held in Huts on County this year: Sept. l lth---Hensall, Sept 12th—Zurich, Sept. 13th --Grand Bend. Sept 18th Colborne CPownship. Sept, 17th Ashfield Township. Sept. 18th--- St. Helens. Sept. 19th—Wroxeter. . Sept. 20th—Howick Township. Sept, 23rd --Ethel, Sept. 14th--I3elgrave, Sept. 28th—Goderich Township. Sept 27111 ---Blyth. Oct. 3rd—Clinton Rural. Oct, 4th --Clinton Town. The population of the United States increase at the rate of about 1,000,090 persons a year. lie does not get more than his share of prizes and when he does win he is unaffectedly pleased. He remarked the other day in a speech to Leices- tershire farmers that he does not find stock breeding a very paying proposition and it is great eneour•, agement when prize come his way. Though the Prince is a keen sup_ porter of agricultural shows and is a regular exhibitor, his entries are a mainly Shorthorns end other cattle, i s He has not interested himself in bar- ites in any way and it may be taken ; to as a compliment that he 1 ,1 Poultry Wanted HIGHEST PRICES PAIi.) FOR ALL KINDS OF POULTRY. R. hO SO ProduceEast Emporium another ulimbiug shrub, nightshade or bittersweet, bearing clusters of shining green, yellow or ripe scarlet bilin •. Are/their species, the biaei, nightshade, is a smaller bushy plant appearing in gardens. The bled fruit is sometimes eaten with im• punity, and the plants has been im- proved into the wonderberr f Y ogar• della, but at other times has distill•• clay poisonous properties Poison ivy has also white flesh fruits, which are not however ap to be eaten without discomfort b certain persons, Most other pole ouous plants have dry fruits thedo not tempt the novice. Any Higi School botany contains description by which the above named plants may be recognized. About a quarter of a million sea- going passengers arrive and depart Dom London in a year. This number is about one-third more than it was a few years ago, The United States Geological Sur- vey estimates the developed water power of the world at 454,000,000 orsepower, Machinery is being used more and mechanical invention is an appli- nce which plucks chickens in a few econds. France produced 892,410,000 gai- ns of wine S n1928. mg! Gold hoardings in India are such rab that no one can accurately estimate ie the amount. The common estimate, It , however sets it at about 25,000,01i0- tithee 000, t t y lI i WHERE THE TAN BEGINS s ; "What color bathing suit did Ruby have on?" "I couldn't see, she was reading • a book." two horses as far afield. Tsen he A stallion Aldedbaran was foaled 1919 by Dn'arka out of Amida. is a chesnut horse with four w h points and having been bred by Prince himself he takes special prize among stallions in London, in 1923 and second prize the following year, It also won second prize in the rid- ing section. Its dam: Amida won first prize as a brood mare in Lon- don, 1924. 7'he Clydesdale colt Crusader was bought for the Prince by Professor 1.7, L. Carlyle. It was born May 15, 1928, and was bred by David H. Williamon at Kirkndbright. Its sire was Brunstance Reward and its dam Valerie. It has not yet won a prize at any show but it is very well bred. its sire was Montgomery stud horse of 1927. The sire of its dant was Dunure Diamond, the Kirkcudbright Premium horse and the sire of the grand dam was At•nte, a tory good horse that wt:. exported to Canada, becoming the property of T. B. Ma- cauley of the Sun Insurance Com- pany. POISONOUS WILD FRUITS Contrary to an impression that is ther generally held that a number the berries and other fleshy fruits owing in our woods and field; at are poisonous is not large. The sitancy that is ordinarily frit out parking of any but the most miliar of then is judicious, but teal warrant Ss not that so many tigers lurk in that Quarter, hut t we do not know hoc, to rcrog- e them. If we tiould only learn to tinguish tht'tt between the safe d the tousle We might dispel a of needles :ane 7 -mess, :1 glance at the list of the poison - plants under ino(stigation ough the .curvet, of the Division Botany, Dominion Experimental RTI, Ottawa, show, that scarcely f a dozen wild fruit, of eastern min need to be considered deng- ue. To become familiar with that Iter ie 110 intpnseible task. In iv of the fact that young children not so deseriminating about t they eat as their elders, it is ed a duty owed to them, first to h and warn them, and :seemed to ave the danger as far as pos. he woodland plants with fleshy is that should be regarded as nous or highly suspicious, are aneberrios, differing little, ex- p t in red and white round shinny 1; blue Cohosh, bluish both as to nage and fruit; tnonsced, also with blue fruit, and unlike the others n climbing plant ; and may apple or mandrane with larger oval fruit. nearly an inch long, borne singly in the Crotch of the two umbrella -like leaves. May apple is found chiefly d Ontario, monseed from West - Quebec to Manitoba end other. ' generally in eastern Canada. ong fence -rows anywhere itt Do and eastward, may be seen 1111 01). t , , t . .•:u , y. It W11:4 x,tt,.;tt by:!1.T, N�. : t a' pr„nti- netit bushless ica.., • v Nano:vai. fa its t ,Innetcitl file crop in the da province of Nota (r,5(.t lht.< year 0111 total shoot 1,''+ ,�, Carrels, 'Om uhotlt 420,00,, Ir,r,.ei, tit, n than niz last year. The stns is ,,.q, is c.,- aa, Omitted at t t',uua i, !t? 10,- 0tw1 barrels over 1!, '1'111, 1 ri i It an ('olutnbia crop is tit r�1 at 1,- lot 100' boxer;, about Is per than last year. 'rhe raspberry crap otic is reported good ;ill over the Do- minion. thr --- of As a result of experiments cola- rat dneted over several years past, of- fieiats of the (0111,1: -en 1 ( legal Ile- hal pertinent of Agriculture feel assur- I Cnn e3 that two or three vari,1tes of et•o wheat have been at last dead:mod that will resist rust. rill nacres mitt have yet �een glvvu ilte new facie- tic flea and it will l,o tt-w or tures ore years before they ran he produced tvha In sufficient clnantittea for seed dis- tributitm. •Snde tea` Hans Anelcrsen, his wife, two rent daughters tend two 80115, etre the first settlers 10 arrive for the now sihle Danish 1'ol"uy in llanfs t,•outtty', T Nova code, which is being pm- friti mntad by the Canadian Nettie railway% ColonIn lion and Develop- poise ment ].repotinte11. They have gone he. b to the Walton district where they purchased a farm and will fro into rout dairying and hog raising on a. large scale, Since 1921 the total turbine 1n• atallation in the Dominion has in- creased frmn 2,754,000 horse -poem • to 5,350,000, more than 500,000 horse -power having been installed in 1028. Developments now near- ing completion or in active pros- peets wltl, on Completion, add e ton' - in of thor two million horse -Power with- ern in the next few years, in the P ci- fain Tie Provinces the develnned hnr.+,. power has nearly trebled sines AI 1921. Omit HAVE TO BE Boy (reading epitaph) : "Here lies a lawyer and an honest man. What does that mean dad?" Fa- ther : "Two men in one grave." Read This One, Too He had choked her — I She was dead --`here could be no doubt about that. He bad listened to her dying gasp. Now she was cold ---cold as the hand of death. Yet in his anger he has not con- vinced. Furiously he kicked her. To his amazement she gasped, sputtered and began to hum softly. "Just a little patience is all it tak- es. John," remarked his wife from the rear seat. y� ----- 1_,ABOR 4,17 Get Mg". . Mew gets Of Col ,. • ��'S< Gunt-1312,:,1 i. Sive LABOR Day—the last three-day week -end for the season—enjoy it to the utmost on Firestone Gutn-Dip, cd tires. Firestone tires will take you there and bring you back. Matwfacturing features such as the patented Gum -Dipping process by which every fibre is insulated with rubber to elimin- ate internal friction, mean complete freedom frorrr tire troubles. Before the holiday rush starts, drive around to your nearest Firestone Dealer and have hills equip your car with a new set of Fi.'est-ones. You, like thousands of =' others, will find that they give the utmost in mileage, safety and economy. Time in "The re/,e, of I.ire,el„tie” Even/ .7L,n,l,ti Night, 7 p.m. ho,rtern Slanh,,d Time 42 S1alion.r—A'J1t. ,Velwo,k Made in Hamilton, Canada, by FiRESTO.IN`B TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY OP CANADA, LTD. MOST &MMES PER DOLLAR f +' /w tin-+ Build. the Only CaltiIVwIftttR'W:PP*wsD G. B. Mc1NTYRE DEALER --- —, BRUSSELS