HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-8-21, Page 1•ti VOL, 56 O. la z,00 JSer annum in advance BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, WR.DNE SDA Y, 4 UG UST 21, 1929 j. :. I R RK, Fro/ ielor Y'!•ttt::«; ;«t«t,,, �,i�H*.W+y«W�t,t. �4S�Wi+W: i'+� r�r *«�,Q'..�«� t«t,.r� W,.r«,�i"•:«�:jHS«+:g^Y� .3_ rti The Surrounding District WROXETER S wart Sanderson, of London, was a week-endvisitor et his home here. responded to by a verse of script R• B, Harris, of Tnrano, called' on dealing with the seasons. Mrs, 13 old ti ieede In the village lest week. ons closed the meeting with prayer, Able Wells, of Toronto, wash re- The Ladies Aid meeting followed and cent vieitor et the home of A. Weev i• :lg. Walter and Mrs. Have, of Parry Honnd, were guests of the fotwer's mother t his week: James Rolston, .fir. of Detroit, a'for- wer resident of, the village is renew- , g n Mends be ]e. WM. and Mrs. Greer, (.4 Pontiac, Mich., were week end visit :143 ith the latere's brother. Geo. Paulin. Mrs. Wm, Westlake rind children,of Goderieh, are visiting the formei's parents, 13. and Mrs. Wade. Mies Scott of,Blyth, spent Saturday in the village. She was s fOrIller tea. cher in the Continuation school here. The Wroxeter Spotte Committee tie raking for tenders for the re - part, Miss Tomlinson had charge of Current Events, The Roll Call was Now Aavertfsenent■ trertittze]•-•Fa,rnfer,.' club Mare Rants to ('redltors--IY Platt newts Pant J A 1ioNnuehton. Voters' list-Tewntrhtp of tarry School Opeatnp-F- R smith °entreat- W et:meter hperst t.`m,untttee Werltrd-FuetneeR Modem Hamann. for solo_,yydoer Smythe Wanted -Doss erect The Post Will Holiday Erose was thrown through the wind- shield by the impact and was picked up from under the Chevrolet ear. He died almost instantly, :Mrs, Rose sustained injuries from which she died the sante afternoon in the lio- gine General Hospital, whilst Mir lifndmarsh is suffering from a bre ken collar bone, broken ribs, cut bruises. Iiockeridye was also ser iously injured and the latter two ar still in hospital. A third ear —a for Next Week • Following our gsuual cure • tom The Post will take its 4 'holiday next week; and our ';• • next issue will be on Sept. a v 4th. Will correspondents and •• •• advertisers kindly take note • r,y • ure plan was laid £or Annivervary which takes place Oct, 20, A daintyelunch was served at the close of the meet- ing, The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Thos. Leeming J J. McGee:a-shipped two carica o fttl. a e to Toronto t ou Sa' tuuht eo•• Y G ti, eM oArUlur and J, J. McGr iu motored to Toronto on busies last week, John anti 11rs, Wright, of Winl peg. spent a few days last week wi .1 J, MfeGaviu and calling on ft•ietlde. itt this disc let, A• B. and Mrs. Bruce and sons 13" and Ronald. of Stteetevtlle, have i torned home after epea ding a plea ant week at the home of J. J. id Dr, John Anderson and wife an family of Philadelphia, have return ed to their home after. visiting with Finlay Anderson and other friends Rev. Mr. Penrose, of Varna, wit occupy 1iha pulpit of Knox United ° of this. Office will bo open • to receive jbb work an+l• sub- scriptions, .o church this coming Sunday. Rey, , de Mr..Scobie will take charge of the 'e • ,y Iv. 9 1 se MORRIS 4 services it r anniversary se cost � sena. a Council met on Monday at the �It Township Ball. old Toronto Exhibition will be the coming attraction. The farmers had a breathing spell gA with the rain as week, s. Patrolman 'Chas. Workman has c. been making a good job of the 5th line, Harold and Mrs. Currie, of Ham- ilton, are renewing old acquaintances rnovral of the old stomps itt the pond. Gavin, 20 cents per stump is being off, red O and there are about 500 of them Word was received here that Clif- Helen G, Bittereau, of Ethel, is en- in this locality. ford White, son of Neil White had joying it fPw ay's visit with her sous- M'liss Mae, Wilkinson, dth line, is heen injured in an tu'nrnnhilt aref-. Itt Jean Snell spending two weeks at Port Burwell dent aim had his collar boar phroken 1Vtis, John A. Snell was at Ethel and other points, while in Hbothe8r OIat'e c Hist -waiting on her mother, Mrs, Jos, H. A. Crooks, druggist, of Paris, their and brother .Clarence left at Ames who has been ill Burin the called Wednesday to see his 'bre- /ince t+, he with hint. g After apiolonged illness Thos. Bird past week, thee, Albert Crooks. Miss Edith Waghornc of Toronto, is spending her vacation at her un- cle's, John McArter. David Miller has returned home after spending some holidays with his cousin Stanley Wilson at Ethel. Ernest and Mrs. Morgan and dau- JAMESTOWN Wen. G1I1 has almost completed the job of painting at the hotel. Miss Myrle Wilson is at present holidaying with friends and relat- ives in London, i Mrs, .Cameron McLaren, of Chat- ' ham, and Mrs. Victor Sperling and Eleanor, of Detroit, are having a visit with their sister, Mrs. Wm. Ziegler. ,Tack and Mrs. Tuff and children, Doris, Donald and Elaine have re- turned to their home in Aylmer 'hav- ing spent some time with Jack and Mrs, Wilson. Rev. and Mrs. II. W. Jackson are back in their home at Ethel, after two months' visit to their son, Brian Jackson, near Toronto, where he has rented a furnished house for the summer• months. N. J. Dexter of Guelph, paid a visit to Ethel, and vicinity during the peat week, combining business and pleasure, staying over the week and with the Brewer family, 7th con. of Grey. The Women's Institute meet on Aug. 15th at the home of Mrs. J. Wilson. The President, Mrs, Jas. Pearson had charge of the meeting and after the opening Ode was sung all repeated the Lord's Prayer. The Secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. The Bliaevale Branch, who had come to visit the Ethel Branch end spend a social time with them, presented the . following well prepared program:—Duet, Miss- es Matheson :and Atchison; paper, "Good form in pubilc places" Mrs. Mowbray; solo, Miss Thornton; read- ing, Miss Olive Garniss; paper, "Mas• ter Musicians" Miss Scott; reading, Mrs. Thornton; piano solo, Miss M. Garniss, The meeting closed by singing the National Anthem. After the meeting closed lunch was served by the Ethel ladies and a solial time was spent. passed away Sunday night at the borne of his sister, Mrs, Mos. Jacklin, with whore he bas made hie twine for 4 GORRiE Powe years, He was 00 years of age R, J. ami, Mrs, Heeston have re - Interment will, he made in Brussels turned from their six week's visit cemetery on }Vedneedey afternoon, to the Canadian West. They made Old friends sorry to learn the trip by motor and went as far of the death of werere• (Rev.) W. E. West as Prince Albert, visiting en Kerr, which occurred last Wedses- route with the former's brother, at day afternoon. Deceased was a seelfort, Sask., whom ha has not seen for 51 years. former resident of the village when the late W. E. Kerr was pastor of the Methodist Church some 35 • BELGRAVE years ago. Mrs, McGee spent a few days in Wingham, WALTON Miss Corrine Scandrett, of Toron• Miss Margaret '1'urvey, of Brus- to, spent a week with her mother. cels is at present visiting at the Misses Mary and Irene Van Camp home of her grand father, Thos. of Exeter, are visiting with J. T. and Archibald. . Mrs. Coupes. A, B. Bruce and two sons, Begin- M'rs, Whet. Hopper has returned ala and Ronald, of Streetsville visit- home after spending about a year friends here recently -before contin- in Algoma. uing on a trip to the Thousand Is- J.T. and Mrs. Coultes and Albert lands. Coultes spent Sunday with re - Miss Ruth Wheeler, of Spokane, latives at Exeter. Wash., and Miss Ruth Fulton, of Mrs. Ferguson, of Winnipeg, vis Toronto who have been visiting re- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Stonehous latives in this community for some for a few days. time left: for Toronto on Thurs. J. A. and Mrs. Brandon spent day, few days with friends eft Londe Mrs. Robert 3, Naylor and Miss Windsor and Detroit. Lois E. Naylor, of Rochester, New Mrs. Cecil Mines and baby dau Yorlc'are at present visiting relatives ghter, of Akron, Ohio, are' visitin here. with J, and Mrs, McGuire, The regular 'monthly meeting of Mrs. Fourney and Mrs. Stone an the W. M. S, of Dunes Ilnitnti little son, of Chicago, spent a fe Church was held at the home of clays with W. J, and Mrs. Geddes. Mrs. Robt. Reid. There were forty- Miss Marion McCauley has re five ladies present, thirty seven turned home after a holiday wit members and a number of visitors, friends at London and St, Marys. Mrs E. Bryans presided and after Miss M. Kennedy who has bee the repeating of the Lord's Prayer visiting friends here returned to he in unision Mrs. Jno. Leeming gave home in Ottawa the last of, th the scripture readin;r, Mrs. McGavin week, then read the Oth chapter from the Miss Louise McKenzie has return study book on "Healing Leaves"". ed home after spending some tin Mrs, Leonard Leeming also took in Toronto where she attended Sum mer school. it e • Adam and Mrs. Scott, Clinton; Themes and Mrs. McMichael and a Miss Evyline, Seaforth, were visitors rt at the home of Jno. and Mrs. Mc- Ar'ter, 5th line. Died From Injuries- 'On Sunday g evening, while changing a tire on the roadside, George Jordon, of Edmon- d ton, was struck by another car and ghter Eleanor, of Westdale, Hamil- ton, were recent visitors with Albert and Mrs. :Crooks. Robert and Mrs. Burgess and family, of Wingham, spent Sunday at the homes of Thos. and Mrs. Bol- ger o1 ger andChas. and Mrs: Pollard, G. W. and Mrs. Pollard, and Fred and Mrs. Cole and. Miss Lois of Stratford, and Mrs. Wills of Thedfoi•rl, spent •Sunday at the homes of N and ars. McCauley and Ed, and Mrs. Pollard's ' Wm. Pollard, Wallace land Miss Gladys Armstrong, Lloyd. McCauley and Mrs. Nichol, of Listowel visited with N. and Mrs. McCauley and E. J. and. Mrs. Pollard, on Sunday. Mrs. William Lundy and son, Rob- ert, of Hamilton, are spending this week with Albert and Mrs. Crooks. w died from injuries. Deceased was a son of Duke end Mrs. Jordan, u'th _ line. He was married and besides le his widow is survived by one daugh- ter and his family in Morris Twp. n ' Mr. Jordan was employed in the ✓ Bank of Nova Scotia, Brussels, when e war broke out, and enlisted. In 11910 he went West and was engage ed in the optical business. Mrs. D. Jordan and .Miss Velma loft for the West on Monday to attend the funeral. Further particulars will be given in our next issue. h e ETHEL Ethel Community Park is clear of 1 debt. g Some of the sports took in the on races at .Seaforth last Wednesday. • I A special council meeting will be held in the Clerk's_ office on Friday evening of this week. Geo. Speiran has added many im- provements to the BeIrnes property 1 since coming 'into posession. Workmen are busy at the home of ; yq lir:, Coats, Hain street west, putting on new siding and rebuilding the verandah. 'These progressive move.- c ments are commendable. Mfrs, Jo;. Ames is again critically o ill with the reoceurI': nce of a very 1 • severe attack of her old trouble gall stones..It is to be hoped that im e :roved conditions i1 i I will soon prevail. b Upon the return cf the pastor, rte r ---• Miss Stella Nethery is here from the West spending a holiday wit r hers parents,! John - am dlI • endo Mrs. Nether the: relatives. nt e. s The Ladies' Aid of Knox Unite( !Church, held their regular meetin tin the basement of the Church Wednesday afternoon. The rain which fell on Tuesda night, the first for weeks was ver welcome as the pastures and cro were in bad need of it, For Your wheat Two cars coming About August 23 farmers' Club Mara C reit atg et6 a diel • et . °y � , r.ti Lttt�„>tg-taaetgt62gt�ta;' Phone 46 BRUSSELS' P 4 Contract T s' For Removal of Stumps ,: in Wroxeter Pond t3 Y' GREY Jaynes Pearson and son were visi- tors et Listowel. The Township is having a big yetis with their drain:;, Austin and Mae Baynard were visitors with 1Turnberry friends on Sunday. A special meeting of the Town- ship Council on Friday evening of • this week at 8 o'clock. Miss Kay Stephenson hes return- ed to Flint, Mieh. after an enjoyable holiday at her home en the 10 con. - Hcuve,:Lice and th,e.hing tine In:' fill' awing these Bays. Stook threah- ing is becoming rue popular meth 'd in the township. The recent R l I have !L n. • al 1 a made possible 7Ie P 11 1 the cloning and cuttivatinr; of the ; land and tn.tny farmer, are pi opal lig leer fields and a large acreage of fall wheat ant he Rows. NIPS 1:, Brewar and het' Ieietld Nt11'- 1 luno. J. Drexter, of (1nclp1 , wet r tion - day vieitoin with Wrn, and Mrs.; Atnett rntte. 't'ite ladies t'»,icter.,. ereleeetatarieVatat ae reale (itateterata g+ t. b Fa oney ° FOR SALE 4 I T tib Finest Quality No. 1 Honey v�' c1150 b ; r� ,s. 6 Comb Honey J. D. Warwick r g Phone 72 • Brussels Hugh Cunningham and children, awrence and Mrs. Rosemond, and Mrs. Dorey ,pent last week with VIrs: Jas. Pearson et the home. of Roy Cunningham. Harry and Mrs. Cornpene and hildren, of Detroit, and Andrew Iittleholtz, of Kitchener wen' visit- rs with Thos. and Mrs. Stephenson, 0th con. Grey Township has five differ- nt parcels of land being adtierti.ed y the Co. Treasurer for back fees. Sale will be held in Gede.rie•h on I^I 6 The Sports Committee of - the Village of Wroxeter of- fer 2uc per stump, large and =' small, approximately 500, to be sawn off 1 foot from the fig ground. Work to start im- mediately. Apply to ARNOLD EDGAR, 4 Wroxeter. 1r2ar atmretaratha nDff aittOtrmutatrraietaesi t aatIttravrtnihrMY.1latRirYa2: tir0A kr9t$t8t3t�7 Poultry Wanted HIGHEST PRICES' PAID FOR ALL KINDS OF POULTRY. R. Thomson east Huron Produce Emporium f Ret•. Mir. Taylor, the services of Ethel {, United church, which have been can- I celled during the vacation period, e twill be resumed Sunday, Aug. 25th. 1 C Monday October 21st, Miss Olive F,, Bolger has return - d home after finishing Part II °terse in Household Science at :yarn Ames is spew mg two weeks !I holidays at Oshawa with his broth- h er Carl and sister, Mrs. Frank Hun s ter, 11 Had a Big Crowd :—The pro- gram ;arranged by the Park Coni- ! to ntittee drew a big crowd and over ' 0 000 paid admission at the gate. n ' Milverton football team refused to ; t coma amt Brussels teams helped out ! J and succeeded in defeating the Kin- Ito burn team 4 to 0• Major Savage of It Listowel, was master of ceremonies for the next part of the program and Frank Cudsnore, of 'Seaforth, b was referee, ee, Tlt(' Boxing o n bout b - c kT tween Chuck Woolley, of St. Thorn- t as and Del Raby, of London, Y. M. i C. A. was declined a draw ; the next h bout between N: Thompson and A. ce IMcCracken was also a draw. The de 1vreeetling match between Peter ea Laing, of London, and Bns, Loucks, M of Windsor, was also a draw. Piper cu Mann stirred the blood of all with so his bag pipe selections. A dancing S pavilion drew a big crowd, a th '•Committee are well pleased with Ithe M 'success and are able to clear off all zf indebtness on the Park. at Iammtilton. V.'e eon -ratulate het' on er success in passing. She also pent a week holidaying with friends n Toronto. Killed in Oar Accident :--The fol - wing refers to a former resident f Grey Township, Robert Rose, who vas a son of late Jno, Rose, ('th con., vho 3s also a ccusi•1 of airs, Jos. ackiin, 2nd line :1 fhe inquest in - the deaths' of Robert and Mrs, ose, Carlyle, who were killed in an automobile •tecident last outside Re- gina last Thursday afternoon, has sen postponed coed until August 15th, pg p his e - been taken st has bt n t, kc 1 owingto he condition of the five other ict- ms of the accident who are still in ospital suffering from injuries re- ined. Shortly afternoon last Thuts- er a crash between a *Med touring ✓ driven by Wm. Hockeridge, of anor, and a 'Chevrolet sedan, oc- rrec! about one and a half miles uth of Campion College on the outh Albert highway, Regina. In e Ford car were also Robert and rs. Rose, of Carlyle, and Miss Ma- e Hindmarsh, of Manor, a nurse 1 the Grey Nuns Hospital, Regina. THE GREAT DECISION Now is the time seriously minded young people are making the great decision as to their life work. In nl choosing an occupation we wish to ' present the great possibilities through a u business education. Doing this we - cannot eo better then ask ambitious e young people to write us; we will �l send you the names of scores of gra- '. from your district who are filling leading positions in Canadian r- and American cities. Ask them, Y !They know. We will stand or fall • . on their testimony, sedan driven toward Regina by C, Davidson, of Belle Plain, ran 11 t to the Chevrolet and was slightly it jured. Mr. Davidson iuunediatel s way to the R. C.Mi.P headquarters and made a statemen as the only witness of t • l� he Ln l LSla He saw the Ford touring ear cont ing towards hitn at tut estimate speed of 45 miles nor hour and whe there was about 100 feet betwee the two cars the Chevrolet sed- ur passed him. The Chevrolet cut it front and reached the right side o the road when the Ford apparentl became oat of control and swaye across the road to the east side, an collided with the Chevrolet. Davldso declared that he was going 20 mile per hour .but due to the proxilnit of the Chevrolet in front could no stop in time. He applied his brake but slid into the Chevrolet. However in his opinion his car did not hay any effect on the two cars aimed smashed. He estimated the speed o the Chevrolet at approximately 3 miles per hour. In Mr. Davidson' opinion the accident was caused by the driver of the Ford touring ca losing control or some sudden faul occurring in the steering mechanism of the Ford. He declarer that there were two men in the front seat of the Ford touring car and two women in the rear seat. In the Chevrole the four passengers were similarly seated. A .statement was given to the R. C. M. P. by Dr. J. P. O'Shea, of Fife Cake, who arrived up- on the scene fifteen minutes after the accident. He examined the body of Robert Bose, which was 'under the Chevrolet car, and found him to be dead. He had lived for about five minutes after the crash. Dr, O'Shea also intimated that Mrs, Rose had been in critical condition and did not expect her to survive the injuries received. Others injured in the crash are : Mr. and Mrs. Gus, Berkey, of Archive, Sask., George Berkey, of Archive, Sask., and Mfrs. A. 0. Peterson, of Moose Jaw, The remains of Mir. and Mfrs. Roes were brought to Carlyle for interment on Saturday's train and were moved to the Church where they rested un- til the funeral service which took place the same afternoon, (. large crowd of sympathizing friends fil- led tate church and, resting on the two casket. were a number of beautiful floral tributes. ken. '1•, H. Sendall eonductt:d the service. About 80 ears followed the remains to the Glen Morris •Ceuhetcry where int. :meat was made. Thos. E. Bird, a former resident of the lith con., of Grey , died at the home of 1l s brotlrer-in-jaw, ('hoe, Jacklin, Wroxeter, on Monday. He was born in Dl,mshard Township ('9 year aro and moved to Grey with his father, the late James Bird what a lad. He spent all hi life here with the ewe of e few y n trs ill aiet'- ris Township and the last two years with hi se t(r in Wroxeter. HP never married. Surviving are two brothers, James of Grey Township and William of Morris Township; and one .ester, Mrs, , Thoe. Jacklin, of Wroxeter, The remains are being brought to Brussels for interment on Wednesday rif'ternoon. t Every graduate of the past year ]1. went direct Ct t° a Oe situation. a on. last ladyt a e The gradulate was ac • a placed t (1 Twenty Five Dollars per week n (Thirteen hundred per year) with n an advance of One Dollar per week 1 every three months. h It is freely admitted that no Com- ! mercial School in Canada can excel Y the success of Wingham Business d College graduates. We can .prove d this from our records. To those who n wish to live in the city we commend s our Canada Business College, popu. Y larly known as Toronto's Greatest t School of Business. s A position is positively guaranteed , leach graduate. The business world e !is calling loudly for well trained Y ; young men of character. You may f learn while you earn through the 5 • Spot/ton Correspondence Schools, 274 s I College Street, Toronto. i Write today for particulars and r list of graduates from your territory t during the past thirty years to Wing- lianr Business College, Wingham, Ontario, or Canada Business College,' College and Spadina, Toronto. It t! i Presentation :— Ott the eve of her departure from her old home on the 11th, for her house in St. Aug- u.etine, Mrs. Wnt. Djnke was pres- ented by her neighbors with the following address accompanied by a gas lamp .and pure, :-.Dear Mrs. Brake and family :—Your decision to leave your present hone and take ftp 1e rdenee in another community has cast a shadow over our neiglt- bourltood, Wer mourn the dispensa- tim or r tint causedthis-sore sudden udde break in our social al aerie, but tt•u n that when your family complete their t school course we shall have the pleasure of seeing you all back here en the farm. We ask you to accept this gas lamp and puns:., not for its material warth, hut as a feeble ex-' pression of out r'et'ard for a friend and neighbor, who in addition to faithfulness in domestic duties, :las ever striven by wise counsel rand timely deed to forward every move- ment believed to be for the better- ment of humanity. le saying good bye, the earnestly hope you and your family 'may enjoy • long life and prosperity. Signed on behalf of your neighbors, Archie Engel, Ed. Higgins and W. 3. Armstrong. The tenth ennoal Re -union of the He i n aS _I' rtl n families Q naa held on Wednesday, Aui;u t 7th at Mohawk Park, Brantford. Guests numbering one hundred sat down to well laden tables to which every- one did ample justice. The Presi- dent, Oliver Hemingway then took charge of the gathering and the fol- lowing officers were elected for the coating year :--Pres., Oliver Hem- inway, Brussels ; Sco'y Treas., Howe and Whytock, Teeswater ; John Pritchard, Nor'tvieh was appointed n convenor of sports. Table commit- `,e: -.Stanley and Mnr. Carey, lig- i Miss Helen Beaker is visiting at Burford, ]Hiss Mildred Sperling, London, is at home for h•er vacation. MIN Millie Gt'ewtir is visiting Grand Bend fora few days. at Mrs, Thos, Bone, of Toronto, is. the guest of MISS Mary Lott, Ivan Johnston, •+• Toronto, was 'a • visitor in town on Tuesday. re re se Mrs, Chas, McKay is in Toronto visiting with her son, Roy ,Mcl{ay, re 9 Miss Muriel (Sperling• spent last week at Deer Lodge Park, Bayfield, • 4 4- o, Miss Elaine Dc nnisen, of Waterloo is visiting with -Miss Nora McDowell. 9 re ,. Miss Nancy Jane Fowler is 'holi- daying with Miss Jean Scott at Tor- onto, 4. 4' y. 4, Mrs. W. P. Rennie, of Listowel spent a week with 13. G. and Mrs. Walker, S. F. and Mrs. Davison and Misses Edna and Mary spent the week end in Toronto. 9 9 94 C. W. Collett, Niagara Falls, was a visitor at the home of Mrs. Mary Sperling this week, . a 4 Reeve and Mrs. Blacker and family were recent visitors at Burford, Paris and other pointe. se 9 re Mrs. E. Floody and Mira Olive Moody, of Toronto, called on Mrs._ J L Kerr on Tuesday. McDonald, Fred and Miss Rozena~ 9'Shepherd. An afternoon of social itis Lillian Dark, of ton, is intercourse and sports werethee- visitingJohn and Mrs. Dark, Mill street. with her parents, oughly enjoyed by all. Prizes being q, •} e given for same. Extra prizes were I R. W. and Miss I yl Brown, of given to Edward Jull, Norwich, for Toronto, were visitors this week with being the oldest person present, to their sister, Mrs. J. L. Kerr. little Joyce Pottruff, Paris, aged 7 ; 4 ♦e years for being the youngest and : Edward and Mrs. Corney and child Miss Marian Hemingway, R. N., ren of Toronto, were guests with C. New York, for conning the longest and Mrs. McKay on Sunday. distance. Guests were present from 9 4 ,I Hamilton, Brantford, Neta fork 1 Brian and Mrs. Scott of Toronto, 'Silverwood, Miele, San. Antonia, came up for the week end and Miss Texas Ingersol, Paris, Curries, Wa- Jean accompanied then back home. terdown, Burgesville, Caledonia, 4, to Noarwieh Scotland, Kelsin Burford, 1 Jack and Mrs. Shanahan, of Cline Victoria, Acton, and Brussels. It ton, were visitors for a short time was decided to hold the next re -un- on Sunday with J. L. and Mrs. Herr. ion at Soper Park, Galt on the first • Wednesday in August, 1930, I N_ L. Procter, of London, spent a day last week at hie parental home ' W- J. and airs. Procter, Turnberry Personal Paragraphs street Mr. and airs :.13.1iiott and Mrs. bit's, Churchill arid 'Serene, of prudes of Goderieh, ilnre visitors Stratford, are in town. with W, J. and Mfrs. Pr ester one day '• •: last week. • aIrs. A. Schinbein, of Listowel, c- + P. w t. a visitor with old friends in town Wm. •and Mrs. P'tiiiips, and 1;stn• la t Friday. and Mrs. Martin ant three children, of Goderieh anent Sunday with Chas DeWitt Hoboes• ,•ef�•Tor•onto, spent and Mr- Mlckrty. Thursday last renewin„ old acquaint- I • •• .;• •' sores itt tatvtr. I Tae. Laird, Frank Laird and M'Ire. . ; Annie coward, or Detroit, were visit - Ken and Mrs, Wetson of Oshawa cls for a few Bae. last week with are spending the week with hiss; =firs. D. ;•;wan. I Hudd, John erect, . j V. 3. mid the ;tq' McCracken F. li . and Mrs. Wigg e' and boys, of were at Port Elgin last4Sunday and Se Ito th, were visitors in tetra on left Misr Carrie tea, with friends 'Wt 1 sday evening last. for two 1leaks holtdays, Mfrs, A. K. 7.alfe••;I d children n I \It's. Earl Holmes and children, ] n c ar n . nd r , tree, Robt. Thomson are .;pf;n,iing a Been and Buddy, of Toronto, were feu weeks at (:rend Pend. recent vi..iiors with alt's. D. Ewart and eth(t friends in town. r 4 v 0;. 0. for Medicine Het. -Y She was ticket- ,lies, lt, :M• •9111`'W" '11"-'1"•'d hal" ed by H, L. Jackson, C.P.R. agent. ' ti:achy feem a \SIC -with 1.latives 'l.t "7d t, wore enc, Mlles Myth Mies Alice Gofer^..:t♦tind Mims Smniait trnm,.�:ri,.d I:er home, Pearl .4, 4e 4, blakhns, of Stratford. Lve•re nl_itoc Mrs. Forth,•, of Grit, is :•islttng •ti. tha home of B. G, and bit' ,Wal Mre. Jas, Grant for n few dal •. Miro, ker. Fowler wag. :r lit . Calder sister re of the late Tae:. Calder, Grey. 1 Alderman Bert McIntyre and airs. 9 •? - McIntyre were at Kitchener Hospital G"o, Edward ' Jr•., of T.,nden, who on h1ionday and had their tansiIs re- en ber'n to T r t rn iinrt moved. of the I:meet e e 11' d home ,• owing to the !Ileac, nf his father. Will Long, cif the • + Bank of \ova Mi•• 0''ll bleKi^ 1 ft on Mon9av . . •1- Semite :north Bay, was a vieiter with Mrs. ,T, H. Garb••"'t 1 and sons and his mother and sister, Mee. Long and lir Jos Bowmen, .' waannnanied by Mate Winnie, Mrs. P1. Wheeler, t; God,rich, are 0.0. •:' visit n:; with ;1It". (r•.) Seott at Bob - Dr, R. S. and ail. Hamilton and c tytn.'on, Gonion and Mrs. Gallaher spent 4• at Sunday with Walter Rose and family D T. A. and lire. Me N attghton at their hien t le Ihohnn-, tad Hiss Meagher i,,,,riled le et Fri- •. o . d ty from Beet' 1 t t 'on trip to the F, M. and Mrs•Wilnt'ot and Char- l'+astern protirc•e:a• i"'e'y hn'1 a de" les, accompanied by Mr,. J. I'ergus- lightfnl visit. on, Kenneth end Donald, Spent last �� : "' Sunday with Kitchen:re friends, Miss Lulu Proel• :n,'nt .anday ,..,. at Lietowel and , tributed a solo Postmaster Bell has ;leen troubled at the inion e r . 1 s. held in the with a .-woollen face the past week, Um ted C?lurch con,lt :•ted by Rev, Vit .'ih n and hads.' t ( el f lett e Frn • e•'• several teeth b t.t e t th entre of thee A t unrte tte was well rendered e try and remedy the eau, a of 1 y by trouble. lit Gibson, Mee. Sheppard, Miss :• •► Prneter end it•. iihacktnare. Miss Mrs, W. II. •Kerr and 3. L. Kerr Procter and Mr. GI; sang a plena. were at Oakville last Friday attend- tog' duet at the' evenithp Servica, ing the funeral of the lata Mrs. 4 4• 4 (Rev.) W..13. Kerr. They called at Mfrs. Arthur Smith and eons, of the Kay .home in Dundas for a few Edmonton, who have herrn visiting minutes, at the home of Dr. Hamilton were ;t ''' in Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Tort A. R. and Mrs. McKay, of Toronto onto last week, Norman has an ex - were week end visitors with the for- amination on the 29th and so he eor's parents, 'Chas, and Mrs. Mc- leaves here for Edmonton the end Kay, Miss Helen, Who has been visit of the week but Mrs Smith and ng with her grandparents returned Donald will extend -their visit for a home with them. couple of weeks, In and Mrs. Leasing, Ton, and Mrs.