HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-7-31, Page 8"WEDNESDAY, JUI.X 81st, 1929 'milt lIRuuScit7lf.!! PO!T. settaRlaviattegietCietICKWICA August Klenzo Shaving Cream and Pkge Gillette Bazar Blades Regular price $1 00 August Spec. 590 Poison ivy Lotion - 50c Mall SKeeter Haut 25c Triod in e Tile DPW iodine that teals and prevent; h'i,orl pnisen- ing. lam bole. with rubber cork and Wass applicator. Did Yu dhow THAT White Rit Will remove steins from White Goods, also dye from Colored Fabrics, and you eau then re -color them any shade you wish ? White Rit 15c pkgs. LARGE BEACH PLAY GROUND BALL With a Tube of KLENZO TOOTH PASTE Both for 49c A chance to get one of these V,a•y attractive Palls for the elrifdreu at very little cost. Petrofol. Russian Oil One of the lest known Rem- edies for Con .tit talon. 50c & $1.00 bots. The New Cart- ridge Hawk -Eye Cameras •fade by the Canadian Kollak Company No. 2 Size 1.25 No. 2'1. Size 2.25 Films Developed and Printed F. SMITH TAG Store Druggist and Stationer Brussels United Church REV. A. W. BARKER, B. D. MI N:STER Sunday, Aug. 4th 10 a. in. Sunday School Session, 11 a.m.--Public Worship. Rev. S, J. ALLIN, Toronto 7 p.m, Public Worship. Rev, Mr. Allin SOW and 7 Pigs, 4 Weeks Old for sale. Sam. Alcock, Phone 36.4 , 7-1. FOR SALE. -8 Good Chunks of d • York pigs, weigh around 100 lbs. Wm. Gorsalitz, Lot 29, Con. 5, Grey. 7-1 150 Single White Leghorn Bens, 1 year old, for sale. Dan. MMKin non, Phone 23-16. '7-tf BUNCH of Suckers, ready to Wean. R. McAllister, Phone 20-8. 7-1 FOR SALE. -9 Pigs, ready to wean. Gordon Knight, Lot 17, Con. 14, Grey. Phone 43-25. 7-tf. MASON & RISCH Piano, in good condition, for sale. Call Phone 13. 2-tf. FOR SALE—Master Six McLaughlin Car for sale. Cheap. This ear in best of repair. Alf. Baeker, Brus- sels. 52-tf 'afaintintes tweal+taste-M'SG-GietreXXXX 978t�t,rr' 3r.7,9rniXa' pMei3tarZsainsZtniZiats l Local News Items Held Picnic at Formosa. A. number of Drnsselites •tela a picnic to the Formosa Park last Thursday and had an enjoyable time. Passed Exams. Master Donald MI.P,ae passed his Elementary Piano exams, which he recently tried at Seaforth. Mr.; W. King is his teacher. Congratulations. Bowling. • The regular Monday evening Jit- ney sat the Bowling Club, ie. draw- ing good crow; and winners this week were: Jno. Logan, 1st, R. F. Doi ,'.ng, W. S. Scott, T. Walker, P. Stewart and Rev, Mr. Fowler. New Motor Cop. Goderich Signal.—Mc. Norman Lever, r, 'ata. of H t i ten, has been end,•t ed as traffic of r er for Boron Count :. Mr. !mem noir ever hi new dttetes 1 n t week. He and hisl.<.;.i'-, recently moved from Sam ilton to Clinton to reside. Up at Kirkland Lake The Post received a not from Jno. Brawn, who was in I'=rJ acts for a while at Allen's Drug Store, and two large bill , .;u,;rin, the ,;ales that Mr. Brawn ie holding up in the north. 11'. wished to be remembered to old friends, Melville Church Picnic The Sunday School and Congre- gation of Melville Prre. byteria I Church ars holding a pini on Jas. Armstrongs scenic farm in Morris Township this Thursday afternoon. There is a program of sports for old and young, followed by a basket lunch. Will Be a Pepresentative. Rev. David Perrie, D.D., of Wing - ham, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church of Canada, has beta appoint- ed one of the two delegate, to re- present Canada at the General As- sembly -sembly of the Presbyterian church in Edinburgh, Scotland, next Octob- er. Grand -daughter Doing Well, The Goderich Star had the follow- ing,local last week which refers to a grand -daughter of James and Mrs. Bowman: --We congratulate` Ger- trude Wheeler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wheeler, on passing her third musical examination in three years. She has just reached leer 13th birthday and such progress will soon make Gertrude a real pianist. She is a pupil of Mr. Douglas Camp- bell's studio. Died from Injuries. Cline Scott, who is visiting here from Calgary, received a telegram from Ivan Crooks, of that city, stating that Mrs. Crooks had been struck !by a car on Thtirsday and died ort Monday. Mrs, Crooks was a former Toronto girl and mar- ried 17 years ago. Besides Mr. Crooks two sons survive. More in- formation May be received next week. Old friends of Ivan extend sympathy to him and the boys. Bur- ial fs likely to take ;place in the West. 1 Dry Spells Broken. Rain accompanied by 1it,tcning and thunder fell over this section early Thursday morning last. No d:unage was done. Another ram fell on Sunday afternoon which help- ed to cool us all off. Passed Her Musical Exams. Miss Freida Pollard, youngest eau- gllt,o' of Ed. and Mrs. Pollard, re- cently wrote on her primary piano exam'and has received word that fee has pissed. M,; s Mae Wilkinson _ her timelier,. and both are to be eoi gratnh.t+-d. The First Slam- Pott lamI tt received the following i+i the inall.-in reading over the m "A Slur on Brussels" 0 cer- t :ii, party made the remark that if person on wh I wrote it would like 1.(1,,r11 t•, r . is for aneth,.r him rs hie would let him know whAtter there were any back streets 'these or em ,,, origin be in a hig;ter harry +e, r.ft awry than he th,^ I...'t time. Others ar.e of Cie m•• opinion ar+i he. might have to b p last y rl .,say." Obituary. As report -a lartt week. the funeral fo the late William S. Miller took tluer on Wednesday afternoon from his late residenee,Tarnhr-ray Street North, and eerviees were conducted b. Rev. A. W. Rotker, pastor e'•' the United '' h,a..,.:a T lt.rrrir•r t was made r finite.els rettv.itta ry. The pal- h :beret were: N. F. perry, J. Logan, W. Gillespie, T. Walker, W. H. Maunder, and P. St,,wart Among time- wiimaitend ri the Lateral from a distance were:----Erriest. and Mrs. Miller and family, St..Thotnns, Frank and Mrs. Miller, Long Bann -h Waiter and Mrs. Stiller and family, of London; Alex and Mrs. Edmiston and f .milt', of Kincardine; Jobn liar hemi, Clinton; Gee. Sanders of Bat- tle Creek, Melt.; Walter rind Mrs. Lott and Mr;. David Terrier, of Whiterhuich; Gro and Mr.. L,t'. and Levi and Mrs. Lott, Winghave; 'Wes- ley and 3ilrs. Palmer and Edward and MIs, Palmer, Wroxeter; Carl Lott, Kincardine; John and Mrs. Ross and John Joynt, Lurknow;t„Mrs. ,James Cox., Douglas and Mrs. Ed- miston and son, Dick, of Kincardine, and Will Lott, of Swift turrent, Sask. The late Mr. Miller was born in Bowmanville, Dec. 10th, 1805 and was 73 years, 7 months and 10 days old. He came to Brussels, then Ainlayville, when a child, and spent the greater part of his life here. In 1877,- Jan. 30th, he married Louisa Jane Lott, who with the following children survive:—Charles, at home; George, of Souris, with whom de- ceased had spent the past three years Ernest, of St. Thomas; Frank, of Long Branch; Mrs. Alex, Edmiston, of Kincardine; and Walter, of Lon- don. Also surviving him are three sisters and four brothers, two of whorl, Beorge Sanders, of Battle Creek, Mich;, and John Barbeau, of Clinton attended funeral, For many years deceased was emptoyed on the G.T.R. and helped open the road through to Kincardine. Mr, Miller had only been ill a week with pneu- monia. Bowlers et Mitchell. Last Friday evening two rinks motored to Mitchell to take in the Jitney there. R. Downing's rink won 2 games and lost s; R. Bow- man's rink won 1, tied 1, and lost 1. Those who attended the Jitney were: W. S. Scott, W. Kerr, D. McTavish and R. Downing; E. Gar- ton, W. E. Willis, A. Rutledge and R. Bowman. No Election in Sight Either. We will expect to hear George Spotton, M. P. take up the matter of finishing the new postoflice for Brussels, now that the Government has started. A new clock has been installed, new lock put on the front door and new boxes are expected shortly. The Department of Public 'Works must be going to have a new postoffice on the installment plan. Renewing Old Acquaintances. Rev. H. W, Avison and son, now of 1 pronto, were renewing old ac- +ivar '.uncus in Brussels and Grey last week. Mr. Avison is assuming thena'torate of High Park United church, Toronto, and in his earlier lays was a teacher at S. S. No. 8, Grey. and a prominent worker and 'clout in the Brussels SIetltodi.-t .•hurt. h. Everybody Remembered "Sweet Rosie O'Grady" With the rh an +.r of trill at the Grund Theatre Monday, local screen f:' -n wall I to ono of the n,o.<t touted pitotonlays: "5w et Ro as O'Grady," starring pretty and petite Shirley Mason. It is' a .and r production, directed by rFaak 11. Strayer and its .tory is b.,re•d on the immortal old song of thtet name. It is the story of a pert waif o.' the slums who won her way to { Park Avenue mansion an. a millionaire husband. l,anrd. I t :.ids; Shirley ' wi,ta to hunt or trap game birds, will 11a n a, the tar, the rest st. o f the cast be requirred to cagy licenses in the ho, I n seleett fL Cullen Land• form of numbered 'badges worn on is is the melt! lead. E. T'lyn Warren :he coat lapel or sleeve. inti Otto Lederer play two Jewish chnrateer part.,. Celebrate 25th Annivesrary. Ti,,,,Medicine Hai Notes 1•efers to i 25th anniversary of marriage of a former Brussels Old Boy anti Aire. Ellis' attractive home on Cambridge ,tree+, was: the Ft•pne nt' err intitretting event on Saturday ibm treat appreeitsU thewh ch the evening, when thew r elebrated the people f. •to and many kind and good twenty-fifth anniversary of their ( wedding day, The spacious rooms wishes were extended for their fu- twenty - beautifully decorated for the ila 'e happiness and usefulness., Col. oee.t._ion with a profusion of garden I. E. York acted as chairman and and hot -house flowers, among them voiced the deep regret that is felt many gorgeous bouquets from by the congregation, Following his friends, Besides these fragrant and 'address there was a short program. exeuisite tokens of lova and friend- Mr, and Mrs. Rickard were called to ship, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis were the tee- the platform and wore made the re- cipient, of a handsome engraved sil- cipients of an address and a purse of. gold, Miss Dorothy Walden made the presentation and the address was read by the Clergyman's War- den. aiden• Replying for himself and Mrs. Rickard, the rector :saki, :n part, that the nine years of his -sojourn. there were rich in memories and friendships and that their interest in the parish and in the people would continue, The charge in Waterford was a light one, and he felt'irnpelled to undertake more strenuous work in his most active years. He very much appreciated this splendid token of the people's kind regards and deep interest in himself and Ills wife and wished to thank them ain- cerely for the same. The Church Guild served refreshments and a happy time was spent, Mr, Rickard preached at both services on Sun- day, the United and Baptist churches gn ,Q it A II J. 11 .tt f. it A JL II 1 n g i ,Q it it 1.t It ft ft ft s p JtWith 51. , , 10� . y34' MITE found in processes iuental sure indietments, conal instinct regular the Canadian THE OF Q 'THE �A.a���st That Day fabled years of ancient Bgr'pt's fah.it nem and famine— the striking lessons other historic facts and natural life establish lSAVLNG among the fnnda- laws upon which Nature makes her Follow your natural per- to "lay by in store" by adding installments to a savings account in l3anic of Commerce. CAN 11-511. V BANK. V COMMERCE which aamalgamated n STANDARD BANK OF CANADA P t Personal Paragraphs 1 Rev, A. W. and Mrs. Barker are at: Kincardine Inc the holidays, Miss Macy Lippert, of ll:itchener, is the guest of Mrs, los. Quei in. Mrs. E. 0. Cunningham and child- ren are holidaying at Havelock. Burton Macdonald, nit Stratford, spent the week -end at his hr me here. J. F. Rouhan and Will Leslie, of Detroit, were week -end visitor's et the home of S. Wilton. Mrs. J. 0. McDonald, of Listowel, spentThursday afternoon with Mire. A. H. Macdonald, Turnberry st, Alex, Datk and Miss Ilene, Wing - ham, visited the former's parents, John and Mrs. Dark, on Saturday. • Jae. and Mrs. Oliver and Dan. and Mrs Peirtoil and eon, all of Detroit, were week -end visitors with John and Mrs. Oliver. W. 0. McKinnon, of the Bank of Nova Scotia, Winnipeg, Man., is visit- ing with his mother, Mrs, H. McKin- non, 111 town Miss Mary Helen Kerr made a short visit to Stratford with her aunt M1`9. A. 11, Kay, last Wednesday and re- turned on Thursday. Will. McDowell was home from To - ran t oronin for the week end. He has been getting an insight intothe account- ancy profession during the summer vacation. A W. Robinson and daughter, of Saskatoon, were calling on old friends no Thursday morning. Mrs Robin- son was formerly Mise Georgie H save, rend Art was well-known as ••'Tw• - Suikr-" in the football days of 1908 and 1904 They came east by motor, Parents of Mine," and Mt'. Jark Ellis broadcasted the same song frdfn Regina. Minor Locals The last day in July Now it's raspberry pie. Civic l oliday on Monday Wheat cutting has commenced. Were you warm enough Saturday.? Toronto fair will be open in 23 days. Council will meet on Tuesday ev- ening Monday, August 5th, will be, Civic Holiday. Mot of the hay w -as housed in good condition. The raspberry crop gives promise of a fair yield. Xw• potatoes are now on the fam- ily b ll nt' fire. These are the clays for jolly sum- mer pi air < ,and they are numerous. Planning a vacation causes about, as pouch mental worry as solving a eros -ward puzzle. During 1929, by a change in the Ontario .Fame Lw,., resident; of a numlcrr of peei"i,-d nourttces who Farewell to Rector and Wife. The members of Trinity Church, it tterford gathered In the parish room to ,pend a social evening in honor of Rev, and Mrs. Rickard, who helve ::hotly to assume theU' new work in I ruesels. An exceptionally large (attendance was evidence of ver tray and writer pitcher from the `local Isar Association, and tr graceful silver flower basket from the City !police, besides many other gifts in i stiver from friends and relatives. Assieting at the reception were Mrs, Rs C. Black who received the guests at the door, Mrs. H. H. Tweed, who was in charge of the dining room, I and Isfrs, 0. N. Elliott, Mrs. W. It , Williams, Mra. Hugh Patton, Mrs. i I. T. Scragg, Mrs. S, F. Mel:wen. and Mrs. F. W. Gorshaw, who shar- ed the honors of the tea table, which I was centred by a silver basket of pink roses flanked by pink tapers in 1 silver holders. Aides in serving the guests were: llirs, Olum, Mrs F. 1 Dunham, Mrs, L. Leveque and Misses Evah Barman, May Hill, Viola Cox, Prtseilla 13ayd and Josephine Tracy of Edmonton. Little Peggy Dunham, withdrawingChoir service and unit- was door attendant. During the Ing with te Anglicans at the even - evening Miss Norma McWafn con- g � ( tribnted two vocal numbers and Miss nig service, then Mr, Rickard left Priscilla Boyd w pianoforte solo. Miss I this week for his new charge in Jean Ellis sang "Those Wonderful � Brussels. Miss B"nnett of Blyth, is the g lest of Mies Mnuua Hamilton. Rev, and Mrs, Rickard are expect- ed to arrive in Brussels this week, Alex. and Mrs. Flemming, of Lucan, were guests of Airs. J. Fergumn. Miss Kate Deadman returned to.To- ronto after a visit with old friends in town. J, and Mrs. Pridharn and children, of Toronto, have been guests with W. and Mrs. Me:Qnarrie. Miss Viola Fox ire a visitor at the home of her uncle, Charles McCutch- entt near Wroxeter. Olive Scr.tr, of Regina, is spending Iris vacation with his parents and oth- er friends in town, Norman and Mrs, Kennedy, Clinton were visitors with Mrs. J. L. Kerr ors 11 +nday ever ing. Mrs. Robe, ton and two sons, Gor- don and. Mack were visitors with Mrs. Jas. Ballantyne. Mrs. Jr F. Rouhan and children, of Detroit, visited at the home of the fot•nrer's father, S. Wilton, Mrs, McKay and daughter, of Wind sot, are visiting the for•mer's cousin, Mrs. Jos Whit 11,1d, for a few clays. We are glad to report that Wm. Styles ie expected to set this week, He is progressing fine front:his in- jories, Mrs. It, W. Moore left for Toronto after a pleasant visit with her sister, Mrs,.1, L Kerr and expects to return to her home in Saskatoon in a few days, Mrs. (Dr) Hnssack and daughter, Miss Dorothy, of lonerkip are visiting the for tner's sister, ],las J. Brtilanly- ne, Mies Dorothy gave a,violin solo or the morning service at Melville Church Sunday morning which was match appreciated. Mrs. Robert G. Dark has gone on a two months' visit to her family at &shank and Roleau, Sask., and was accompanied by Mrs, Drink's sister, lits Fox, and bent her, Jas Dark, who Inc returning to their homes in the West after the Reunion at S. S. No, 1. Grey. 1\ 'MANI ffidifcti For Chapped Hands I Irritation frorn Sunburn, etc. Almond and Cucumber Cream Witch Hazel Cream Camphor ice Lotion Cream of Hoses Mentholated Balm Ci -Mi Face Astringent An excellent prepara- tion for the skin. AMMIllainah Protect Your Skin By Using 'Parke Davis & Co. Vanishing Cream and Cold Cream Armand Vanishing Cream and Cold Cream In Jars and Tubes mrd....tcrsraret...................w. Sheet Music ! Latest and most popular Song Hits now on hand .za; 7 tv,sh?r 1Ytaaa> ararIItpmmiisstrommiamisi5t ratathr2m , SPECIAL, In order to reduce our stock of Chinaware Weare allowing 25 a discount of • FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY p. c. Allen's Drug Store Exclusive Agent for,Nyal and Penslar Remedies Successor to James Fox a Druggist and Stationer Mrs. Clarence Anderson and young von, of 'Toronto, were week•eud visit- ors in town, Miss Mary Davidson accompanied Jos. and Mrs, Davidson, of London, on a motor trip to St. Catharines and Niagara Falls last week. W. M end Mrs, Sinclair were hi Stratford last week where they took their little granddaughter, Lucile Clark, to meet her Duddy, who motor- ed hat• hnrne to Hamilton, Mrs. Arthur Smith and sons, Nor- man i orad Donaill, of Edmonton, are spending the month of August at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton. The for trier is the youngest daughter of Mr H Bailey and this is their first trip E st for some years. Robert Anderson, of Stratford, was in town this week, John and Mrs. Engel and grand daughter, Oatheline, of Grand Rapids Mich., visited with John and Mts, Dark this week. The former is a in other to Mra. Dark. Mrs, Chas. Fox. of Riding Mount- ain, and Jas, Dark, of Ne.epawa. left Br besets on Tuesday for their homes to the West, airs. Fox will visit Ab. Fox in. Winnipeg before ietutning to her home. DIED KRIIM—rn. Grey township, on. Sunday, July :811,, Joseph Albert, youngest sal of Tho.. and Gra. Kerr, aged 5years, 7 months and 80 days. ,yty' •i„f':.7 t. °�'d$' e,'•..^ ..twr,�.,, (8M•n-r;. That You Can't afford S to Miss : Clearing Line of Dark and Light Voiles Regular to 75c Many pattfroernms to choose Clearing at 39c EXTRA QUALITY Stripe flannelette 32-36 inches wide. Several patterns to choose from 190 PURE LINEN Towelling HEAVY QUALITY Bleached Sheeting Splendid Quality. Extra Special 19c 2 yards wide 53c Motorists l I-Iere is your chance to procure a splendid SPECIAL VALUE IN Elastics Guaranted to stand the strain 6 yds. for 1 5c COTTON LINGERIE Crepe Splendid assortment of shades at 32c Auto Rug For only $2.29. We have Cushions that make motoring a pleasure Special 49c We have just Mail Order Agency for McCall Patterns 3: received the ,,i^,q, The Pattern that makes Dressmaking a pleasure. i + + , • •et + a4 '4 W«• •«t • tieleWhoeleeis esev ntgaeo•«•««4✓etee MEN'S WHY NOT BUY A PAIR OF New Way Braces 75c No Elastic to give out. It's all in the spring. WEAR Men's Fancy Cotton Socks Several patterns to choose from 5 pairs for 95c HEAVY WEIGHT MEN'S BLUE OVARALLS $1.79 Large roomy sizes, well made. Regular $1,95 ONE PRICE J. Ferguson F r, Sin &Co. ALWAYS THE ONLY PHONE 24. LOWEST