HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-7-31, Page 4WEDNESDAY,. AM
1st, 1021
01 Vroods root
WEDNESDAY, JULY 31st, 1920
1929 JULY 1929
S M T W i T F S
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26 '27
Huron County Pension
Board Now Organized
Goderich, July • 21.—The five
members of the Huron County Coun
Cal appointed at the June lesion to
constitute the Huron Cuunty old
age pensions board have organized
and are now ready to forward ap
plications to that Government, The
county has been divided into three-
districts, each member of the board
being responsible in a measure for
information regarding applicants
from this district.
The districts are as follows l Ro-
bert Higgins, reeve of Hensall, Us-
borne, Exeter, Stephen, Hensall,
Hay and Stanley, Roland Kennedy,
reeve of Tuckersmith, McKillop,
l•Iullett •and Seaforth ; J. W. Craigie,
Reduction / JK1101 )t[ [J.1h0101I 1101[J 1 li(Jai 1 101 i(JKJ■(lsl 110101(1
I r side Garage »0
Jai )11(
0NI9�.T To B1iI)GI+. ill
0 t -'a allold customers i1(
Wet 11')17 . L) S e our )1(
re and in u)now ones, )li
Who annount'ea a general program -
:Ile, for eurtniling the military ex-
penditures of 232E United States to
the lowest point that will produce ase
adequate national defence. 1
ages was presented to the council by
A. Munroe and Co. also a bill for
damages from Harry Sanson. It was
moved by Hubbard and Leonard that
Craigie, deputy reeve of Goderich, the Clerk forward these bibs to the
Clinton, Goderich Towndhip, Godes Globe Indemnity Co, for settlement.
rich Town, Colborne and Ashfield ; Carried. The question of changing
J. W. Henderson, reeve of the crusher so as to crush all gravel
Morris, East Wawanosh, West and it was considered by the council
Wawanosh, Morris, Blyth, and fine was considered by the council
Wingham ; George Hubbard, deputy
reeve of Howick, Grey', Howick,
Turnberry and Brussels. Mr. Hen-
derson is chairman of the board. and
County Clerk G. W. Holman, sec-
Considerable Decrease is Shown
in London District An En-
' couraging Feature.
and it was moved by Hubbard and
Leonard that the council arcept the
offer made by the Dominion Road
Machinery Co. • of Goderich for to
do all the work and furnish ell the
material for the sum of 3330.00 the
work to be completed within two
weeks, Carried. It was moved by
Leonard and Taylor that By -Law
No. 11 to lay a rate on the dollar be
read the first time and passed car-
ried. It was moved by Hubbard and
Taylor that the following accounts
be paid : John, Dettman, supplies,
for Mrs. Haberlie. 26.35 ; T. A. Ro-
berts, printing bills and notices Re -
weeds 36.00 : E. H. Ball renairing-
London, July 20,—The district material for lighting plant in Wroxe-
income taxation office here is mak- ter, $10.116 ; INrac Wade part salary
ing fewer refunds to taxpayers this es school attendance officer 330.00 ;
yera than in previous years and to John Hyndman, for tile, 3109.35 ; ;
date refunds have reached a mark yrs, $6.75 ; Kenneth Hestia, sheen 1
of only 36,000, a considerable de- injured by dogs. $20.00 ; R. F. Ed- i
crease over former years. gar, salary as Road Supt. 101.20. it.'
Inspector, George Tambling views was moved by Taylor and Leonard
this feature in an optimistic man- that this rnuncil do now adfourn to
ner. "It is encouraging the way the meet again on the third Wedneedav
taxpayers have grasped the situ- in August in Beswitherlek's Roams
ation, so far as makng up returns Fordwich. Carried.
are concerned," he commented G. W. Wacker, Clerk.
"Each year we are finding that
more and more returns are being I
made out correctly, with the amount 1 Morris Twp. Council
of taxation calculated correctly."
JE*J2 I*c*Ei31( 01 Xi
Parts and Accessories always on hand
H. y��pv, pp��, ULE JK
X01100 $01011011011010110iii
,ton, $355.55 ; R, Colley, 3458.89 ;
F. Shaw, 51.15.55 ; S. Procter, 3260.-
55 ; S. Procter, 3.60.15 ; J. H. Sel-
lers, 3272.1;8 ; d. Noble, 3132,08 ;
M. Thuell, 146.63 ; W. Craig, 3232.-
00 ; F, Bairns, 3274.91 ; G. Kelly,
$210.80 ; C. Workman, 81009.40;
C. Workman, 3352.23 ; W. McMur-
ray 367,25 W. Brown, $92.95.
Council mete at the Township Hall
on Monday, Aug. 19th, 1929.
A. MacEwen,' Clerk.
Exeter Bailiff and Huron County
Farmer Accused — In Dispute
Over Horse—Both Men out on
$5,000 Bail Until Tuesday.
Stratford, July 25.—Frank Reed-
er, prominent Huron. County farmer,
and Edward Willis, bailiff at Exeter,
pleaded not guilty when arraigned
in police court here to -day on a
charge of robbery with violence.
The case was enlarged until next
Tuesday and in the meantime both
men are out on 35,000 bail,
The specific ,charge against Reed-
er, a well-known race horse man,
Officials at the present are en-
gaged in checking over the returns
filed at the expiration date of April
30. The .process termed officially as
Council Meeting was held in the
Township Hall, Morris, on Monday,
July 15th, 1029. The members were
"valuing" or "assessing" has reveal- all present. The minutes of the last
ed, according to Inspector Tambling,f meeting were read and approved
that correct returns are made in the with the Reeve presiding. 11. B. Al -
majority of cases. Few payments cock was paid the balance of con
tract on the Peacock Drain and $10.-
00 for extra necessary work as re-
commended by the Drain Inspector.
On request of Ed. Nichol it was de -1
(tided to have the Hansa Drain re- I
paired en Lot. NL! 16 Con. 6, and,
on request of A. Shaw to have the
Robert:nn Drain cleaned out for 21
rods below the tiled part. The mo-
(ion granting Chas. Campbell's re-
quest for an award drain was res-
ind •'1. and n. nrtitinn for a muni"ip- 1
al Drain was arrepted. and the ,
have been found in default of the re-
quired amount, while the number in
which more money was paid than
was required is, also small.
While the assessing of the thous-
ands and returns forms the principal
business of the district office, etten-
tion is being paid also to delinquent
ratepayers, those who failed to make
any return whatever. They are be-
ing notified and in the majority of
insbanees are complying to the re-
quest to returns immediately.
Official notices that their accounts f't r)•: rtlrted to nntiev the en
have been paid in full are. bring I gireer and 'aerk war in truct'd to
sent to those taxpayer. hose re nr'"are debentures for the Young
turns have been checked over. Drain, for the Blackhall Drain and
e the crusher and
a of
for payment r
Hi owic �W Council n*)r,.r .nab+ner•• en50n.n0 in all. The
Gerrie, July, 17th 1929.—Council
met to -day in the township Hall pur-
suant to adjournment. *embers all
present except councillor Gamble.
The reeve in the chair. Minutes of
the last regular meeting were read
and on motion of 3lubbard and Tay-
lor were adopted. A bill for dam-
Will pay highest
hest Market pricee
for all kinds
n tY
'ndsofP Y
course rnP
try ut,
culling, I am able to cut
out your poor layers and de-
seased ones, '
Any . one wanting to se11 or
have their flocks culled. Phone 1
Prices reasonable
Jno. Rutledge;
(.nemrd a wanted 052 lnsuranen pol-
tee from the r rn .dean General 1n-
,ir•tne" Co. The Premium i' 8100,
and the company assumes full re-
spo.'lribility, with respect to neer
dents to the Public on i'iighways,
hridee'1 and gravel pits, inrincling.
operation of trams, up to 3110,000.
for any one neeirlrrnt. The rounril
passed a by -Law authorizing the
Council under 8r•r. 475. Chapter 233
of the revised statute of Ontario to
harrow 83500,00 en debenteres fol'
the payment of the (Tusher 1 old
mints were paid Ino McGill,
inspecting Hanna Drain, 51.50. Pea-
cont train, 05.00 ; R. B. Alcock,
hnlancr Prar.ork Drain C.n ntrart,
$200.00 ; Extra work $10.00 ; Thee.
I1f,ar repairing. Hanna Drain,
3 50 Wm.,fir
i Board,
,22. 0 $
]h dogs,^s V
stabs killer V
Standard, advertising, 81.00 ; Thos,
Miller, freight on scarifier,$1.40 ;
rrment, 322.10 ; cement, 4.55 ;Mak-
ing tiln 321,00 Kitchener -Waterloo
Hospital 3101.00, Dr, Harry 1'I.
Ilenegarde, Kitchener, 340.00, Miss
Wisdom, nurse, $34.00, De. R. G.
Ratz, Hitehener, 325.00. Patrolmen
C. (1. Campbell, $384.20 ; 1": Jobe.
and the bailiff reads "that they did
rob John M., Litt, of Fullerton Tow1
ship, of a black mare, and immediat•
ely before such robbery used person.
e.11 violence to the said John M. Litt.'
I The alleged robbery with violence
took place at Litt's farm in 'Fullar•
Iten on Tuesday. The horse, which
is considered a valuable racer, in
reality is said to belong to Reeder.
I The latter, however, is said to be in
debt to the extent of over 31,000 to
Gideon Litt, of Goderich, a nephew
of the elder Litt. The Goderich man
according ,to police took the, horse
and placed it on his uncle's farm un-
til such time as themoney owed him
was paid.
On Tuesday Reeder and Willis
went to,the Litt farm and attempted
to take the horse and when Litt in-
terposed, it is alleged that they
shook the old man and pushed him
aside, then taking the horse. The
latter immediately communicated
with the police and a warrant was is-
sued for the arrest of Reeder and
Both Are Acquitted.
Magistrate Makins, of Stratford,
acquitted both on charge of robbery
and violence, but called action 'of
men high-handed. Men denied guilt.
Friday & Saturday - August 1 & 2
"The Awacning
o f Love
A V ctor Fleming Production by Frances Marion
The roomier of sere et Courtship ; the gaiety of country ,
o,trnival ; the thunder cold turmoil of tour ; he sl ern
al 01119, of (01n rondo hates Elul heal taches ; elite, (din.
meet to wrtken you to the 1121 1, tei and tears of all true
SEE ! THRILL ! Awake to Great Romance 1
Monday & Tuesday - Aug. 5 & 6
A Romance that I3•egins in Gingham
and Ends in Silks and Satins
Shirley Mason in
"heat Rase O'Grady"
MINI a Imy of (he "1+'our Hundred" loves a girl of the
"rem' Million" Iherr+•' plenty of eetinn ahead R., manes,
intrigue, ,a'medy. thrills ru1E1111111. That's what: you'll tinct
Th" Inv. story ref a hay with It haus ewes rating anti at gill
wain een't even listed in 1h (lit eel'n•y, An E t'.I (14p
rnlmuera 01111. begins in 1.1t;'+and winds up in iiches, Yung'
ropy tihirlor ),attain'+ Irairdtirir farm Bowery (o(nhoy to
society ladle,
•Oharle Oha lin
p "Vagabond"
Friday and Saturday - Aug. 9 10
e FlyLkutenant"
Tom 1Wix and Tony "Rose of Picardy''
"Abie's Irish Rose" "Charlie Chaplin Specials"
11ORA C PAYNE tlom, fol' which is billed to speak the ySeveral families, us a rule, shaae 12
j'] E �;i first day ifi is in eossipll.— >7lilfiam communal llitohoal 111 w Meal Choy dv
LOSTLIFE ON Review, their cooking in Tvloscoay.
April world copper output 196,- w
000 port tons ; a new high record. i NOti(i a to Creditors
g1.Yoar•Old Youth Bad Been Spend,
ing Day With Friends at Bayfield
--Ho Was Not a Swimmer and
Water was Quits Rough and tilt
Unfortunate Youth Was Caught in
Horace Payne, 21 years old, ialon-
crieit, was carried to his death at
Mayfield Sunday afternoon when
caught in:tho undertow of the rough
waters of Lake Huron. The unfort-
unate youth, member of a small pic-
nic party, had just waded into the
water , when he toppled, over by e
huge wave. and swept aay before
rescuers could reach him. The water
was unusually rough and Payne was
a non -swimmer,
The drowning accident occurred
et 3 o'clock but the body was not
recovered until nearly five hours
later. Following the drowning sev-
eral boats equipped withi grappling
irons started the search which con-
tinued until almost dark. The re
mains wore recovered by Herbert
and Willard Sturgeon, Hayfield fish-
ermen, about ten feet from the spot
where Payne was seen go down.
Coroner Dr. J. W. Shaw, of Clivi
ton, has not yet stated whether an
inquest will be held, The youth's
body was removed to his home Son -
day night.
Payne motored to the resort at.
Bayfield Sunday with a chum, Joe
Hayward, and three youpg lady com-
panions. The young picnickers had
enjoyed their lunch when they de-
cided to get into their bathing suits.
Nether Payne nor Hayward coup,
swim but they ventured into the wa-
ter on the beach below Jowett's
Grove. Payne had waded out scarce-
ly ten feet, when a monstrous wave
broke over hien. He was knocked
down and the strong undertow, run-
ning at the time, swept him away.
Hayward was only a•few feet away
from him at the time but a rescue
was impossible. The girls were on
the beach when young Payne was
carried away.
The dead youth was the son of
Harry Payne, a farmer near Mon'
Crieff. Mr. Payne and the youth's
step -mother and uncle were sum-
moned to the scene of the fatality
shortly after it occurred. Besides
his father and step mother the youth
is survived by one brother, John at
Now Travelling
in The States
Miss Agnes Macphail, M. P., left
Canadian shores on Tuesday, not to
return until fall. She has commenc-
ed a three weeks' engagment with
Chautauqua Company, touring Unit -
e(1 States, and at the termination of
this sails
on the
15th of August
from New York, for Prague, Aust-
ria to attend the Women's interna-
tional League for Peace and Free -
SBALEED TICND80!1, addressed to the On
deraignnd mid ladened 'Tenders for
Dredging, Gado,tcll. Out ;' will be received
until 12 O'nlook noon (daylight saving), Nrldny
Augnat nth, 1525
Tenders. will not
wt . he by the Dope
unless tn,erttondo
ml tars forma suppled o the 3(l ns setufand.
therein. an0u with the SondltdOna ept forth
tient head spoolaeotioaa (21ld.form of tender
11(02 Its obtainedon apullantiou to the wider -
signed also at the oft1,e of the Dlstrlot En-
gineer, customs Hund u,s, London. Ont
ce.e 1r,1 must inn,udo the townie of the
Want 10 and from the work,.
The dredge nod other r e on! Wor0 whicharenee ❑t,
tended 1 L housed it
r. ll7n eda the wrllti.hetheeofbeen
int registered in Canada n the ( 1 a titeo(tthe
II anise with the t. ,
filing of t e v Ia 117ter 21 Ism
htvel n built In ,
shall 1 been Gnmulantt(rtheain
of the l a odor
its h lander on ch coot chartered
by an
10000 Her on she n nister of hunk payable
f1or 5 order of theiho Minister of prbt(n lint no
far 5 nsr 0spl.nf 1hnn01Ytrnft pries; lint na
oargnn to hn for less than 010000 Monde of
the D: Yuininn of (1nnnda or bontla'•1 the Can.
futon National - 10111tvay ('m,ueony wi11 00 no.
fleeted via sociality, tie lends nae n 011WWide)?
repotted to 1(2112(11)>' an add amount,
}i1 order,
11 1J 0'131211117.
nepnrtrn0nt01'Polilts war7,2, be0rotnry.
Ottnws, Ju'y :0 1 u0,
Turbulent streams of Lake Erie
and Lake •St. Clair are still menacing In the matter of he Estate of
thousands of acres in ]'.{elft and Es- Martha E. aponco, late of the VII.
sex eounties. Pelee Island is threat- lag° of Ethel, in the County of
Huron, Widow, p000aeed,
Huron, Notion 1e hereby given, pursuant to,81)0110n
_ 55, Chapter 151, of the Revised 32(210000 of
—._...._ ._.. -(h.torlo, that ailpereonshaoiagMinnie ,ignlne2
Mortgage Sale
Valuable Hotel Property
Under and by virtue of the vow-
el's Contained in acertain mortgage
which will be produced at the time of
sale, therewill be offered for sale
by Public Auction, subject to re-
served •bid, on Saturday, the third
day of August, A.D., 1929, at the
hour of 3.30 o'clock, in the after-
noon on the premises, being the
Queen's Hotel, Brussels, Ontario, by
Thomas Fells, Auctioneer, the fol-
lowing property, namely, "All and
singular those certain parcels or
tracts of land and premises situate,
lying and being in the Village of
Brussels in the County of Huron and
Province of Ontario; being compos-
ed of parts of Village lots numbers
Twelve (12), Thirteen (13), Tweilty
nine (29) and Thirty (80) in the a-
foresaid Village of Brussels, more
particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the North East angle
of Village Lot number twelve, thence
westerly along the northerly bound-
ary of said Lot twelve to the rear
thereof,, thence southerly along the.
westerly boundary of lots twelve
and thirteen, one hundred and thirty
five feet to a point, thence easterly
and parallel with the northerly boun-
dary, thirty-five feet and six inches
to a point, thence northerly and par-
allel with the 'westerly boundary of
lot thirteen, forty-eight feet •to a
point, thence easterly and parallel
with the northerly boundary of lot
twelve, nineteen feet to a point,
thence northerly and parallel with
the westerly boundary of lot thirteen
fourteen feet and six inches to, a
point, thence Northerly and parallel
with Turnberry street, two feet and
six inches to a point, being the centre
of the brick wall between the Stret-
ton Block and the Queen's Hotel,
thence Easterly along the said cen-
tre line of the said brick wall to the
easterly boundary of lot twelve,
thence northerly seventy feet to the
place of beginning. Secondly: —
Commeneing at the North-east angle
of Village lot number twenty-nine,
thence westerly along the northerly
boundary, of said lot twenty-nine,
ten feet and six inches to a point,
thence Southerly parallel with Turn-
berry street one hundred and thirty-
five feet, thence easterly and paral-
lel with Thomas street, ten feet and
six inches to the easterly boundary
of Lot thirty, thence northerly along
the Easterly boundary of Lots twen-
ty-nine and thirty to the place of be-
The building on the said premises
consists of W three storey, forty -
roomed solid brick Hotel of "L"
shape having a frontage of 70 feet
and a dept hof 110 feet and is lo-
cated on the Main street in the cen-
tral part. of the village.
TERMS—Twenty nor cent of the
purchase money to be paid down at
the time of sale and the balance to
be paid within thirty days thereafter.
For further particulars apply to the
undersigned, J. W. Bushfield,
Solicitor for the Mortgagee
Dated at Wingham this 19th day of
buly, A. D., 1929.
Notice to Contractors
The Connell of the Township or prey are
askingfor tenders for the completion 62 the
work to be done. of the Pontes Drain. Plans
and specifications at the Clerk's office.
Information conoernlnle seine from any,
member of the Connell The loweet or ony
tender not n e0essnri ly a on rpt ed ,
Tenders will be opened at the rogulnr
Councilmeeting on Snturdny, Angina 10th,
et 4 O'olook p. m.
J. 13. FEAR, Clerk,
Notice to Creditors
In'the matter of the Estate of
William Blake, late of the Town-
ship of Grey, In the County of Hur-
on, Farmer,Deceased.
Notice is (rer5bv given, pursuant to flection
50 Chap122 of taro Revised statute)) of On.
tar that ' it persons having io, h to p0 ,o Invl 1t n, Baa against
the estate f the void William Blake, t o e s I Nin nal 0, who
diad m, or about the Ninth day of duly,
102u, are r, qutrod to send by poet, prepaid,
or deliver to Mary Bloke, the Adudlilstrn.
11.111 the said deceased. on or before the 10tH
div of Almost, A. 1). 10(0. their (10 1(ee nod
addresses %V{lh full pnrttonlars in Writs
ine of their chime and the nature of those.
nnrltdes, (If eny),lleld by them duly vorifle0
by a statutory rdieolarntlon.
And further tithenotlno that after the said
10th day 0f August. 1020 the Ailminls(rlt0rlx
will proceed to distribute the 08402. of
oIie 0616. 00(525 among the parties entitled
thereto, having reKnrd only to 111(1 81111194 of
whin!) she shell Llan hays lend notice, and
said Adminlstrabrix 01,011 not he liable for the
said manta or any part th areal t5 4('7 paras.,
of whose a(olm elle shall not then leve re
eel ved 1,00152,
Dstod the 20th flay of ,I111y, A. D. 1920.W. M. SINOLAIlt,
Sollohtor for E1113 Admtofslrntrlx.
Weed Control
To ther and Residents
Farms s
ofGre s i
Y 7"ownh p
land Or (P
swum'elend -"Every 1, the
enE of t
b v5
9 {
the 1 Id 1 nor, shall 1)0•
l e ap l is ornamented, 11 r uw
Stray all weds ten III
ever nyosr s by tae
regiclient to tolons, no often to every 02 2 (1001e `teethe.
Iowboripenngl 1)0 dvnOdd
shell ins domed
Mit 1-11adde Campion,
meaning (')1tt{ of the
ties, White
, 60001n, WII40 Daley. Clarinda nw
Thistle, whits eed, (l, eon1) Oats, l
weeds Matta woad. (' 'l'hl ll Docks, flag -
weed, teed�t. 01114, 2x(,1 •+Thistle, WIIr Seed,
ythikweed. 01nan0rd wild Carrot �d alar.
toy, Cinquefoils,. Bnrdoaks, Hnwkwe0{l»,
Field Peppergrn00, Wild Lett oar.
.1. H. PEAR,
Inopeotor, Grey Two,
the eabete u1 the anld Martha 91 Spence, de -
01,11180(1, who Oita on or about the Third
da,,{7' of dui,. A D 1020, are required nn or
heto'e the WM2,11,101 or Augu-t, A. 0, 111:0,
00 0eild Uy •peat prepaid or deliver to web
Ilan) T. lipn1)00,. 100001 P. 0„ Ontario, the Ex'
00utor of the last %n1 illi testament o1
tho 00(1) deceased, their (lbristlen and
0urnnrn00, and addressee, with full portal•
Wars In writing 0f their chilies and the note);$
of their seeurities(if any) held by them.
And further tit ko no210e that after such. Inst
nr0ntlo18d into 2320 snfd 1xeoutor will pro•
ooe4 to dfetributo tke 0soato 0f 2110 de,,wi o4
amongst the persona entitled thereto, havens
regard only to the 'elating o1 which he shall
then have notion and the 001d atxeoulor will
not be liable to any person or persons for
Ohs 851,1 119e0E8 or any part thereof of
whose claim notloe shall notdlivs been receive
ed by 11118 14 '.he thne of such distribution,
Dated Mile 1000 day of July, A D 1020.
W, eieteneeirt.
Solicitor for the Executor..
Enrollment No. 2205. Form '1
Clydesdale Stallion
Royal Buchlyvie
will stand at his own stable, Lot 18,
Con. 10, Grey Township, for service
for the season of 1929.
Will make appointments with part-
ies a distance away.
Royal Buchlyvie, registered in the
Canadian Clydesdale Stud Book as
No, 25246, owned by, Robert L. Mc-
Donald, of Brussels, R. R. 3; foaled
in 1924, has been enrolled under the
Ontario Stallion Act. Inspected on
the 14th day of July 1927 and pass-
TERMS—To insure mare in foal
$12.00 payable Feb. lst, 1930.
Mares must be regularly returned to
stud, or owners will be charged
whether mare is in foal or not.
Robt, L. McDonald,
Enrollment No. 1954. Form I
Knight Music
Registered in the Canadian Stan
dard Bred Stud Book as No. 3593.
Owned by Thomas T. McRae, of
Brussels. Foaled in 1920, has been
enrolled under the Ontario Stallion
Act. Inspected on the 28th day
of October, 1926 and passed.
The Ontario Stallion Enrollment
Robt. ldcEwen, R. W. Wade,
Chairman. Secretary.
This handsome Stallion is jet black
in color. He is a direct descendent
of Electioneer, Binger and Peter the
Great, three of the best producers
ever lived. Knight Music will stand
for service for the season 1929 on
the farm of Chester Rintoul, one
mile west of Brussels.
All mares must be returned to the
horse regularly, otherwise they will
be charged whether the mare is in
foal or not. Accounts colle(table
'March 1st.
Chester Rintoul, Manager.
Enrolment No. 850. Form A. 1
The Imported Clydesdale Stallion
No, 23218. Premium No. 44
MONDAY—Will leave his own
stable, Lot 10, Con. 11, Hullett, and
proceed North by Brigham's sideroad
to Thomas Laidlaw's, Morris, for
noon; thence East on 8th con. to Wm
Sholdice's, Grey, for night,
TUESDAY—Will proceed West on
9th con, and thence South' to his own
stable for night.
WEDNESDAY—Will be at home
and nicet mares by appointment.
This route . will be continued
throughout the season, health and
weather permitting.
The stock of this horse has, won
many prizes at the Whiter Fair,
Guelph in 1927 and 1928, including
the champion gelding, owned by 'Neil
bf Intoshof E
McIntosh, cobra in 19..2
Teflns—$16.00 payable Feb. 1st,
1930, all accidents at the risk of the
owners of stares.
Ethel Delco Lighting
System for Sale
igen watts ; 110 Volta. .Almost new, with
poles, with and nil equipment For further
pnrtloul,rs apply .to Dai. A. 19.111oMA:1T1tR,
Secretory Village Trustee Board, Ethel
Property, in Ethel for Sale
aorta 5r' and, good frame
house,and barn 60410l
toot. Hydro power hon
bean istalled in. 110111111110111111and oeutant81 01791k
runs past property. For further part o7ht re
spply to J. A. WILSON,
1.142 Phone 854 Ethel P. 0
Farm for Sale
Form known ns 2320 Dilworth Farm, corn
3200(1prisingtante1naris nal tsenrod.xn ' In n
cod nin of'cultivation, 01 is 5P was I and
within n 1 of t Mutton, mal to Ethel
i h to Ethel a B e
Village. 11 c nund for r uiok
V i Will t prlood
sulo,� For further pxrt(culars• ymnpl)'t on
premises to J, 1E, ROW LAND.
..�- IE0he1,
Farm for Sale
A very desirable stook farm. of 150 00500,4
mile from Brhosels Gond buildings. an
Equi Plasms, Early toms to suit pltrehnser
Nor further particulars apply to
A, a,SIA.ObONArd7,