The Brussels Post, 1929-7-31, Page 3TICE *RIJa$ZL$ POST
"I have to work in the score and
do my own housework, too, and I
got nervous and run.down and was in
bed nearly all summer. The least noise
would make me nervous, I was told
to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege-
table Compound and I have taken
seven bottles. It has made me strong-
er and put more color into my face.
I am looking after my store and
housework and my four children
and I am getting along nicely now."
-Mrs. J. Malin, R. R. No; 5, Barton
St. East, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
L'yidi5 . pinl:hatti .MeNtoy, lyse Ma t., p, s. t,
y. rs ".n{tQgbsurt Oetu%; pagoda.: ,
For This Week
Bible Thoughts memorized, will prove a
pricolcoa heritage in atter year..
Blessed is the man that trusteth
in the Lord, and whose hope the
Lord is. Jer. 17:7.
Jehovah your .God is gracious ant'
Dr. 1''. A. Gaby, who has been
elected as a Canadian delegate to
the Tokyo sectional session of the
world power conference with J. M.
11. Fairburn of Montreal.
, Wonders of North Island, New Zealand.
P�Oi�i~T� ' 1..tai Z l: L
TO U .,
merciful. 2 Chron, 30 : 9.
For the Lord taketh pleasure in
his peoples ; .. he will beautify the
meek with salvation. Psa. 149 4.....
In his favour is life ; weeping
may endure for a night; but joy cam'
eth in the morning. Psa. 30 : 5.
He thal,'teceivecl;seed in %he good
ground is he that heareth the word,
and understandeth it.' Matt. 13 : 23.
Lord, it is nothing with thee to
help whether with many, or with
them that have no power. 2 Chron.
14 : 11.
My God shall supply all your need,
according to his riches in glory by
Christ Jesus. Phil. 4 :19.
Canada's- total population stood at
9,796,000 on 'June 1st, 1929 accord
ing to an estimate issued or Tuesday -`
by the Dominion bureau ur'statistics.
This is an increase of approximately
1138,000 persons over the same date
last year when the estimated popula-
ton was 9,658,000. The report, cove
IApm " •
-MA 1AtA
Bring the years 1921-29, inclusive,
further showed, the Dominion papule
tion had increase by more than 1;
000,000 perhaps during that period.
In 1921 the census recorded 8,788,-
488 persons. With the exception of
Prince Ednanrcl Island and the Yukon
all of the, provinces injoyed increases
in population during that twelve
months ending June lst last. Prince
Edward's island's estimated decrease
was 300 persons. The Yukon lost
approximately 500 people of its
people. Ontario still continues by
far the most populated of the pro-
vinces, the estimates reveal, and
along with Quebec' enjoyed almost
substantial increase in population
during the period, under view.
New Things
Are "Nuys'
VERY member of every family in this co -
E tn
reunify is interested in the news of the
day, And no items are read with keener relish
than announcements of !new things to eat, to
wear or to enjoy in the home,
Yon have the goods and the desire to !sell
them, Tile readers of THE POSTihave the
money and the desire to buy. The connecting
Give the people the good news of new things
at advantageous prices. They look to youlfor
this "store news" and will respond to your
messages. Let us showyou that
" iseme
An Advertisement is an Invitation"
The Car Owner's Scrap -Book FARMEPS MUST
(By the Left Hand Monkey Wrench) CLEAN-UP T H E
Excessive carbonization in one
cylinder generally can be traced to
a bad set of piston rings, which al-
lows too much oil to pass into the
combustiop chamber. The installa-
tion 9f new rings is necessary in
such cases to remedy the trouble.
'1'he approaching lights of oncom-
ing cars are annoying, especially
when driving on at narorw road at
night. Never look directly at the
lights but keep the eyes focused on
the ground about a hundred feet
ahead of the car and near the right
side of the road. New drivers will
find it easier to trail directly behind
another car.
1Iany drivers forget to oil the
bearings of the electric starting mo-
tor and generator. Usually these in-
struments ere located in p' 'it -of -
way place, but, nevertheless, they
should receive very careful ottent-
ion. A little oil at frequent inter-
vals will sidetrack expensive repair
bills. Electrical instruments of this
kind are somewhat delicately con-
structed- and expensive.
Lubricating oil that is sold at a
eery low price cannot have the qual-
ity that great care and laborious at-
tention'atlord. Cheap oil has not the
resistance to chemical changes which
produce sulphuric acid that a more
carefully made possesses, Free sul-
phuric acid in the oil reservoir of an
engine is highly destructive to bear-
ings and finished surfaces with
which it comes in contact.
The poor riding quality of a car
lies directly in the springs. They
trust be• properly lubricated, as this
condition means that fractional
qualities will be reduced, and in do-
ing that one inevitably cuts the effic-
iency of the spring. Jack up the
body to relieve the presure on the.
springs and in this way, it will be
easy to pry the leaves apart for pro -
'per cleaning and oiling.
,Balloon' tires need a correct am.
Bunt of air pressure just as engines
need a sufficient quality of gasoline,
oil and inflation of two or three
pounds will cut hundreds Of miles
from n balloon tire's period of ser-
vice, Properly inflated balloon tires
will travel approximately as far as
tires ten pounds over the recommen-
ed figure. On an under -inflation
test, it _was found that as little as
six pounds under the correct pres-
sure reduced comparative mileage
about 25 per cent.
Check the following when the car
begins to lose its usual snap and ap•
pears sluggish :
Dragging brakes,
Manifold gasket leaks,
improper valve clearance.
Early or late ignition timing.
Fouled or improper gapped spark
Worn or improper spaced breaker
Shortage of fuel due to clogged
line or screens.
Faulty carburetors adjustment
high or low float level.
Never choke the carburetor when
the car is climbing a hill.
Because of their soft alloy, radia-
tor ornaments will not stand hard
Dust the casing with powdered
soapstone to reduce friction from
prolong life of tubes.
Lyse brakes sparingly when driv-
ing over rough roads and springs
will be less likely to break.
Glare from the t :r rienv mirror
at night is due to dust on the rear
,window as well as on the mirror.
Looseness is the real cause of
noisy and screechy brakes, and, when
in this condition, it is dangerous to
drive the car.
The right of trial by jury was enc
of the fundamental rights wrested by
the .'English people from King John
in 1215.
A 54 -machine lace mill in Ihnin-
ster, Somerset, which has been closed
for five years, has been reopened,
and the industry is expected to ab-
sorb the local unemployment in six
The bulbs of some daffodils ex-
hibited at the Hortleuttural Hall
London, are valued at from $100 to
$150 each.
Petrol burned in the United States
lase year would #Ill a round hake
five miles in diameter and four feet
Public Supports Ontario War on
Field Pests, Officials Say.
Besides losing his field of grain
Victor Bloch of Brooke township,
Lambton county must pay the cost
of the expedition headed by town-
ship Weed Inspector Milton which
on Thursday, raided his farm and
cut down a field of grain infested
with sow thistles.
Under the weed control act of
1927, according to officials of the
provincial department of agriculture,
persons who have refused to remove
weeds on their 'premises must pay
the cost of removal by the township
In the event of the bill not bs'mg
paid, it will be charged against the
property on the taxpolls.
The raid on Black's farm was
purely a municipal matter under-
taken by the township, 'Queen's park
officials say. They add, however,
that to their knowledge it was an ex-
treme measure employed after every
other means of discipline had been
exercised without avail.
Public opinion is demanding the
war-to-tileeknife campaign which the
government and the townships are
waging against noxious weeds, ac-
cording to executives oil the depart-
Weeds got a good start in On-
tario this spring owing to the wet-
ness of May, declared a, A. Carroll,
who as head off the co-operative and
marketing branch, has charge of
weed control. Every effort is being
made to overcome this handicap, he
said, in order to save this year's crop
and lessen the inevitable spread of
Weeds next year..,
In the Lambton district where the
"raid" was made, this was the first
appearance of sow thistle and offici-
als consequently were on the alert
to stop it. Sow thistle spreads, itis
computed at the rate of 20 miles per
year. According to Mr, Carroll there
are many men living in areas now
badly infested who can remember
clearly when the first growth appear
ed. •
Once apathetic in regard to weeds,
farmers now are becoming watchful
Mr. Carroll stated.
During the summer he receives
on an average of 100 letters a week
from farmers and others • complain-
ing of bad seed beds, These prove
of groat assistance `to the four' dist-
rict inspectors appointing under the
Sunday School .Les von
BY OHARI.ES (+i. TRU1Wt31J.L1.
(Cdltor of The Sunday School Ti moa)
(Temperance Lesson.)
.iunday, August. 4 --Daniel, 5:81,
Golden Text
Be not drunk with wine, wherein
is excess, (Eph, 6 : 18).
Belshazzar's story ought to be
,,ublished: verbatim, in large type,' In
every newspaper .and magazine of
the world to -day. For if there is any
Bible story the world needs peculiar-
ly to -day, it is Beishazzar"s. It
reads as though it were written just
for our generation. This very fact
is an evidence of the undying char-
acter and inspiration of the Bible,
for the story was .timely and needed
two and a half .millenniums ago, and
It. is - timely and needed to -day ;
human nature has not changed, Goti
has not changed, the Word of God
has not changed, and it is always up
to -date.
Babylonia had ever been the great
ust empire this world has,ever known
It literally ruled the whole world
under Nebuchadnezzar. Some twen-
ty-five years after Nebuchnezzar's
time it was ruled by Belshazzar's
reigning or under his father, Naboni-
dus, a victorious general; Belshaz-
car seems to have been the grand -
.son of Nebuchadnezzar, though cony'
mentators differ as to this.
At the height of his glory and.
power, living in supreme selfishness,
Belshazzar made feast ror 1000 men
of high rank. It was an occasion of
lust and drunkenness. As a final.
touch of arrogant pride and insolent
blasphemy he sent for the golden
vessels looted from the temple at
Jereusalem when Nebuchadnezzar
took that city ; these sacred vessels
were filled with wine, and men and
women at the feast drank•from them
while they lauded their pagan "gods
of gold, and of silver, end of brass,,
of iron, of wood, and of stone."
Self-sufficient man was snapping
his fingers in the face of God and
proclaimng his own sufficiency.
Then something happened. The fin-
ger of a man's band appeared on the
banqueting room in the King's pal-
ace and, wrote strange letter:. As
king saw it, he dropped in spirit
like a plummet from his self-made
heaven to a God -made hell. His
"countenance was changed," his
strength gone, "his knees smote
against one another." Worst of all,
he could not read' the writing, nor
could any ono else.
He sent for his astrologers and
soothsayers and offered royal re•
wards to any interpreter, with pro-
motion to the rank of third ruler in
the kingdom, They were all as baff-
led as the king. Then ' the queen
came into the banquet hall and re.
minded Belshazzar of Daniel. He
had greatly helped Ring Nebuchad-
nezzar ; he had an excellent spirit
and understanding interpreting of
dreams, and ,hewing of hard sent-
ences, and disolving of doubts," and
in him was "the spirit of the holy
gods." They had better send for
They did so Belshazzar questioned
lain, paid him high compliments, and
offered hint the promised promotion
in the 'kingdom if he would read tate
writing and make known the inter-
nterpretation. Apparently the words of
the mysterious writing could not
even be read, much less their inter-
Daniel modestly disclaimed any re-
ward, then he went straight to the
buiiness for which be hoe summon-
ed, but in an amazing way.,
' He preached a sermon to the king
in the presence of the thousand lords
and nobles and the beautiful womtn.
What a picture it makes to one's
imagination t The vast banqueting
listuning fn condemnation and few
lo evea;y*word.
I)aniei reminded Belshazzar QC
had absolute power over toe wholer
world, even of life and dearth, I3ut,
when his heart was lifted up in pride
he was deposed from his throne, Brix
en from men, lived like a wild beast
in the fields, and this continued
"till he knew that the most high Gott
ruled in the kingdom of men, and
that he . appointeth over it whonso-
over He will" Nebuchadnezzar had
learned that lesson, and was permit-
ted to conte back to his throne, and
then he publicly worsnlpped and
honored God,
Belshazzar knew all this, and, in
the face of it had rejecceu God, de-
filed God, lived as though God were
itot, worshipped god of silver and
gold, wood and stone, which cannot
see or hear, or know, "and the God
in whose hand thy ' breath is, and
whose are all thy ways, haat thou
not glorified."
Belshazzar .had: had his chalice,
and: had flung it frons him. His.
Kingdom therefore, was to be taken
from him and his life,
The words written on the wall by
the mysterious hand, which he could
not even read, were : "Mene, Mene,
'i ekel, Upharsin."
"Mene : God hath, numbered thy
kingdom and finished it."
"Tekel : Thou art weighed in the
balances, and art found wanting."
"Peres : Thy kingdom is divided
and given to the Medea and Per-
Belshazzar kept his promise and
Promoted Daniel.
God kept his promise and 'demoted
The chapter ends in that terse,
graphic eloquence which the Bible
alone has among all the books of the
word. ''In that night was Belshaz-
zar the King of the Chaldeans slain.
And Darius the Median took the
Kingdom, being about three score
and two years old."
A century and three-quarters be-
fore this, one of God's inspired pro-
phets had predicted the .downfall of
I3abylon which Belshazzar precipi-
tated. The prophecy is found is
Isaiah 21 :1-9.
Taking The Crop
Without the Bee's
The method of taking off the
crop, now developed by the beekeep-
ers, disorganizes as Iittle es possible
this obviates robbing and will not in-
terrupt the :bees in their work ; fur-
thermore, it makes the work of re-
moving the crop a great deal more
pleasant because if carefully done,
the bees need not be greatly disturb -
This method is by using bee es-
capeboards. These boards consist of
wooden frames that just fit on top
of a super or hivebody. At two op-
posite corners on this frame work
are inserted bee escapes. These bee
escapes allow the bees to pasta
through but, owing to the construe-
onstruetion of the escape, they cannot re'-
T to remainder of the 'escape
board should be wire screening.
Some beekeepers use a honey boars
with a single escape in the centre,,
in fact there are vizlious types of
escape boards, though they all work
on the principle of the one describ-
The escape boards are placed on
the hives below the lowest super
that is desired to remove. Care must
be taken that there be no brood in
Die supers placed above an escape.
The bees will not leave brood. Cara
must also be taken that there aro
no clunks or holes in the supers
hall the monarch of the greatest above an escape for, as the bees
Empire in history ;the tables loaded heave through the escapes, the supers
with costly gold and silver and become unprotected and robbing may
viands and drink, flowers and decor- start. An empty super is generally
ations, perhaps exceeding anything given when the escape is put on as
known to -day ; the great crowd the will become too crowded.
which a few minutes before had been I Only ' ripe honey should be put
in a bedlam of conversation, laugh-' above an escape. Unfinished combs
ter, song and riot now absolutely ! Should be left below to be finished
silent, listening in tense attention ' off by the bees.
to a foreigner, a Jew standing sober l If the weather is bright and the
and fearless, facing 'their monarch , !boss are active it should be possible
:from his face, pale, frightened, but to take off the supers within twenty -
the Icing Himself, all the light gond four or forty-eight 'hours after put-
ting en the
utttheescapes, and find no o a in them,
weed control ant.
"We always make sure that no
complaint is a spite ease by first
looking over the properkv of the
person complaining." Mr, Carroll
said. Then we site the farm that is
the subject of complaint and if ac-
tions necessary we war the farmer
In nearly all cases we can get him
to remove the 'weeds himself,"
April domestic lead shipments
67,168 short tons, agauni4 72,774
tons 10 March, according to Bureau
The area of .waste forest ianii is
as large as the combined states of
Pennyslvania, New York,;, New
Jersey, Delware and Itaryland