The Brussels Post, 1929-7-17, Page 8DNOS
7th, 10
Face Powder
Now comes in the new
Beach Tan Shade as well as
the other regular shades
Price 50c
Jonteel Talcum Powder 25c
Jonteel Comb Cream 50c
Jonteel Cold Cream 50c
Jonteel Soap 15c
Black lest Forty
After 1,•'m ur'a ' 'o et this
preparation fee =one time, the
have it in tock a„a:n.
Price 35 c
...Also the large size at $1.40
Season is here for applying
Paris Green
Sprayide-1 Ib. &. 1 Ib. pkgs.
Arsenate of Lead
lb..and 1 ib. pkgs.
Highest Quality and Strength
$wiar Caps
19c to $1.(:0 each
French Balms
The soothing think liquid
Cream that relieves the sore-
ness of being exposed to the
sun, also keeps the hands and
face soft and smooth.
French Balm 50 and 25e Bots.
Demand Snap Shots
of the fun.
Get a fresh supply of Eastman
Elms an 1 bring or eend thein
here to he dweloped and hint-
For Summer
All the leading Magazines
Papered Covered Books
20c each
High Class Fiction
Reprints 85c each
Druggist and Stationer
Brussels United Church
Sunday, July 21st
10 a m, --Sunday School Session.
11 a.m.---Public Worship.
Subject :
"Morning Mercies"
7 p.m.—Public Worship.
Theme :
"The Hands of Jesus"
Wednesday—Prayer Service
HAY FOR SALE— 30 Acrup of
Clover and Timothy. Apply to
James Fulton, Lot. 30, Con. 10,
Grey. Phone 29-17. 5-1
eteCLARY'S COOK Range, burns
either wood or coal. Apply at
The Post. 5-1
12 Good York Pigs foraSale,.,. About
ready to wean, Apply .?shone
4' -:), 5-1
FOUND—A Ladies' Gold Watch at
S. S. No. 1, School Reunion:
X Owner may have it by proving
property and paying for this advt.
el Jas. S. Armstrong, Phone 23-19.
t"u FOR SALE -25 Chunks, also a dozen
3s Suckers. John R. Dickson, Phone
25-28, Lot, 8, Con. 11, Grey. 4-2
FOR SAEL—About 30 acres of Hay
on West 'e Lot 6, 5th Line Morels
Township. Apply to D. E. Camp-
bell, 75 Indian Road, Toronto. I3-4
WORK Horses and Shorthorn Bull.
For Sale, Thos, Kerr, Henfryn,
2 Phone 359. 2-tf.
65 MASON & RISCH Piano, in good
eanixreteineemereenteeteee ;elmmeenteteGtetneeiniaotasneeenu neer nmaidratnanati rater rrg condition, for sale. Call Phone
13. 2-tf.
FOR SALE—Master Six McLaughlin
Car for sale. Cheap. This car in
best of repair. Alf. Baeker, Brus-
Local News Items
Attending Grand Lodge.
S. Wilton is away to Ottawa to
attend the `lasottic Grand Lodge
whirl., opens today.
Name Omitted
Miss Isabella M Ta_gart's name was
omitted last ase t from the list of
suece... ful ontranee pupil; who wrote
at Ethel at the recent exams.
Phone N.. Changed
011ie H. Walker's house phone has
been ehanged to 105x. Phone users
are reque.-t -d to mark this in their Recovered Watch,
phone book. _• ..Prov. o Constable Si' hi e -ides and
C. Constable Gundry, fir o C. derich
Another Sneak Thief were In town last•'lay and re -
A eneak thief, 'n the person of a ,x,10 red the s ,t..h .-mien, tit the Un -
girl., entered a house in town and ite1 Church, from T. M"Call's coat
stole a fox fur. which was hanging pocket. The chain is missing and the
near the front door. A stiff sentence ye:.nth fiat: promieeil to make good
will atop this light fingered work. t;,e lees.. He', a lucky boy at that.
Only a "Joy" Ride Postmaster'. Superannuation
Citizens were all 'het' up ", ednes- i A fortis of sunerenneution in which
day evening when they saw a couple, the I1 ,tmastr're and tteeietant I,ost-
all deeorat.''1 up with evergreens, ma:•ter:e in the romrtieeion post -
ribbons, and. a burdock, :ailing all tlu ,•',;-tout Canada will be given
around the streets of Brussels, that ! woven -merit aeeirtance in the pur-
e wedding was on the program, but chase of Canadian government an -
Willie Parks says that it was only a nultws to provide for their old age
The Ladies are Bowling
A.nun)ber of the Brussels u. els ladies
were on the bowling gran. on Mon-
day nfternoon and spent a pleasant
hour with the bowie. Coached by
Geo, Muldoon and R. J. McLaugh-
lin, the ladies quip kiy adepted them-
selve.. to the sport, t, and should a
club be formed, they will no doubt la trng over a pried of newly twen-
give a good account of the'm>elve.. tc' !tomtits, "Win'.;", P:lramount'.s
erne of the t 1 wire math... "Winne"
Fo' tball Results x ae the "per' ,,f the. Paramount
Winthrop won at hom=e from Mil- simile; it wee recognized as the
verton on Thursday night, and tied ittl,,at achievement, teat, would carry
up the group with Stratford. A win 1-' reeve, not only the name:, of Well -
for Milverton would have landed man and Hubbard, but ale,' the fea-
ahead of the group and to tie would lured players, Marl 1 ogr:rs and
have tied them wilt the cl r - ic' City Rieliard Arlen, who were a,:ociatnd
bunch, but Winthrop won and took .vilh Clara tra 1 o r end Jonyna Ralston
two points to tie with Stratford ''n ithe principal mics Wines" will
Winthrop lost at Stratford on Tun, be pleye,l at the usual popular prices
day night by a score of 5-0. Strut- -15c end 25c,
ford encored one in the first half ten Why This Unfairness?
11 penalty kick, and the last half tock 1'u_duy ;mime, :eaenty boys and
4 having Winthrop backed up in the i file ale .sitting in public schools
goal. The return game will he play• 1
ed in Winthrop Friday night.
Minor Locals
Half of July gone. '
Peter Stewart is having his barn
The next holiday will be the Civic
Holiday, August 5th.
"Wings" at Grand on Friday and
Monday's Jitney
At the weekly Jitney on Monday
evening N. F. Gerry - was let ; It.
Lowman, 2nd ; A. C. Ross, 3rd ;
Ed, Garton, •1th ; and Alex. Rut-
ledge, 5th.
Institute Meeting Cancelled
Owing to the hu.;y seaeon at pres-
ent there will be no W. I. meet-
ing hid this we:•k but preparation:.+
are tieing made for a picnic to be
held in the near future,
wilt be asked .1.01 1y, according to 0
reeoletion which ptteee l unaini-
enensly at a (;tee tire; of the Peet -
matore' A.eeo whil•h was held at
the city hall, Ottawa.
"Wings" at Grand
Friday and Saturday,
Only of 1 i f.ili tc'r'e
131"emparcticii al i Sisal prndul tiers
writing on what le 131(' Wn ns entre
atul' examinations, Boys and girls
all opus the province are doing the
same thing and it rustlers not how
hot is the ttirror3pinere, iiriw nervous
is the youngster, nor what see train-
ing and personal p1(parai on have
h".en, these boy:; and girls must write -
these ;ee examinations. A.'t the same
Saturday at usual prices. tinge thousands of boys and girls in
Brussels Ornngn Lodge celebrated5'l'onto are pursuing pleasure be -
1st W(nrham on the 12th. iewee they do not have to write en-
fieve pal rinks of the limo x) 1 ranee examinations and are pro -
benders took in a Jitney at Settfurth :noted on record. It seems to us
aha it is aleout time to eliminate this
last Friday evening.
Don't forget the Post wants the loc- riescrimixation. Art Alliston kid is
al and news from your di trict. it is good as a Toronto kid; bot Ilhave
always welcome by the Editor. rains and both are being trained
Care, courtesy and common .ranee into rnan and women of individual
snake motor travel safer, especially value to the nation. Why make one
when the other fellow observes them. svelter in the heat and write men-
Weed inspectors ars out to severe- 'tally and at the same, time send the
ly check the weed menace this year. other out to play? Can the new in -
Vines from $20 to $50 for the fail- Spector, Mr. Carlton, throw any
urs to comply with the weed act may
be inttpossed. Troth rural and urban
properties are effected.
light on the very' unfair condition of
educational affairs. — Alliston Her-
Exchanges Pr-perty.
Wes. Yeo, of Winnipeg, while in
town last week, made an exchange of
,time Western property for the old
Revere Hotel property and farm
Suitably Remembered.
Before :coving 3 from Lyndon
Mount Forest, Rev. T. W .andllrs,
(. o .ens were mads recipients of two
upholstered walnut (hairs, a walnut
end table and a pie iins sil-
ver stand, accompanied by a com-
plimentary address from the congre-
gation and another from the Young
People's Society. 311'. and Mrs.
(towne were former residents of
Brussels. 0
Limit on Sales.
fly a circular letter from the
Ontario Liquor Control Board all
the vendors stores in Ontario have
been enjoined to hunt the sales to
tourists who have no settler place of
trrmpnrary abode but who are on
the move. The limit., set are rough-
ly as follows. 'rwo bottles of spirits
or 0 gallon of wine, or two eases. of
beer. if bought at the store only
half a dozen bottles of beer will be
-'old to such a tourist, but the larger
quantity inay be had at the brewery
,tar rhouee.
White Lines Have Meaning.
Broad white lines are being paint-
ed on ,rU(00es and on the brow of
1s , n ] w common
1 ti t hi r a, m om
1 y
with other scars. They are there
for t particular purpose, and drivers
ignoring tfvan will appear in pollee
-court, highway officers stated. Where
the white line, are, no car may
Jit s another as they are considered
'rat er spot:, where vision of autos
'Ilploacling in the opposite direction
i, obstructed, All driver: must keep
o the right of the white 11nee or
they will be charged with t
"The Battle of the Sexes."
The seine blending of artistry and
entertainment values which mrade
possible many of the scream's great"
r.: t pictures is again introduced by
U. W. Griffith when his latest picture
"The Battle of the Sexes" opens at
the Grand Theatre on Monday. The
picture's chief characturisti5s are
humor and pathos which are woven
into 't phasing story whose theme Le
the American home, wrecked by the
tnvtr•hinations of an unscrupulous
gold-digger, who gets her man re-
gardless of his strong family ties.
"The Battle of the Sexes" is appro-
priately titled. Griffith has made one
of the most entertaining and worth-
while photoplays of his career in this
now attraction which everyone should
see. The unmistakable Griffith touch
is to be found in the big moments of
the picture. In fact, so real has he
made .the relationship that oasts be-
tween husband and wife and parents
and children, that the introductory
scenes showing the happy family are
like a page from life. Teat's flow
freely when the wife, choked up
with emotion over the husband's
thoughtfulness on. her birthday, is
unable to find words with which to
thank him.
,�,... Jack is Twenty-one
� ° . '- To -day
i., 1 y4. ACK it twenty-one today. But
be has more than a mal'l's ycarS
to Itis credit, He has $1,000 in the bank,
It has grown with a .practical mother's love,
.from the initial deposit of one dollar on the
first Birthday twenty yt•tus ago.
Youth and age alike bear witness to the value1.1
of steadily :building a tiavings Bank Account.
Your 2111.111, as a depositor, will attain a higher
standing in the community, fatuity, or nlobt
important, in his own estimation. Open a say.
lugs account for the child.
w((A which ,s amalgamated
Melville Presbyterian Church
Hold Anniversary Services
The Anniversary services o£Metvil-
'e Preebytetian ()Much held lastSun-
day morning and evening were meek -
ed by hu colgregatiltis and iaspir-
(l1 utlehesses, Rev. W, F. McCort -
eel, of Paris, was the speaker for Ole
clay. Sabbath morning Rev. Mr, Mc-
Connell took ,t't his text 1 Samuel
7 : 12. "Then Samuel took a stone and
set it between A'lizpeh tied Shen, and
called the name at it .hbenezer, say-
aying, Hitherto Muth the Lord helpers
us.". l'hp Philestine5 had defeated the
army of Israel and were again touting
against them. Samuel willed 110011
the people to lemon lice their 51 IC ((md
snake the new covenant with Gnd.
While they are doing this the Piffles -
tines came up, turd Gud ibundeeed
upon them and discomfited thein and
many were slain by the Israelites,
Samuel Look tt stone and set it be-
tween Mizpeh and She,i and called
upon the people of Israel to remember.
that 'nil het to God had helped them(.'
God had 115lned theta in all their Px•
pet•iences 1 In their wanderings and in
their fight against difficulties. (I)
We need the help of our Lord in our
early life, in youth and in the d«dlin.
ing years of life CVs need the help
of God in our Church and in out. na-
tion. (2) The help of our Lord is'auf-
ficient for our every need. The.Phil-
eseines realized the a.eleeallena of try-
ing to overcome those whom God
was helping. The help of God is
conditioned upon nn1 co-operation.
The children of Iereel were willing to
give no their idols and their sine and
,,eked Samuel to pray for thew
Pre yer is the power that will secure
the help of God in our churches. (3)
Divine help is conditioned ppm' self
help, .Asweathers church we tiyl et
no pewee all to the minister or setl'lion
nut eneh tuu,t Co his or het part. (4)
thyme 11,4) 14 eoitditioued on whole
h'urtett consecration 10 God., The
child! en if Tempi gave u[ their idols
and rrmmuoed their sins and cones.•
c1 etted theoselvee wholly to God, To -
.lay (55 have idols its real tie idols of
he Philestittea and the need to re-
nounce these and consecrate mm'aelves
-thew 10 God. Hitherto God has help-
ed Dur ihu1.01 and if it is to tin the
1501k fat 0liiclt it was intPIICed Part)
Wein 1151' 111 ala 1,1,18001M1' 111018141 or
11511,-11' 11115es to Gnd.
elhtbbath evening the other phut chee
of the village withdrew 111511 services
t0 atte(etl 11," adni5e1a1try serviePs.
Rev Mr. 51c.Connell's subj 01 wit)
Loving Kindness of Jesus" the
text being Matt. 12:20 "A inu'sed
reed shallhe not bleak and sni'kieg
flax shall he not quench." .A1 fiefs
of tem paint pictures i11 pair's. 1111(11r
text we 1111,5e two pictures, first a de-
solate landscape with a marsh in
which the reeds are bruised by beat-
ing with the wind ; the other an east-
ern poem with a tattle 171 the cent. 8 -
on which a smoking lamp site. The
speaker compared the 0h11501w to
thesulokimg lamp. The i(unp.-llurlis
as long ae it has a supply of oil, The
n'117'ietian needs a gond supply of the
grace of God to steep his light &hitt-
ing. It is tint enough to let our light
shine on specinl oc015inns suet) its
Sunday end on Conunnnion Sunday
but we should let it (him. on all the
Jaye of the week. (2) Cud allows (nen
"MI wninP11 to be bnlised but not. Mil-
ken. Sin (1(1neee us to be bruised hitt
the love of JPatla eon bring tie back to
(Ind. Irl all 0111' 01(1511 may P1' erPn
men and Wattle!) who 110.55 1)50,1 re•
rleeltled by the lave of (1111'1at anti
their livesq saved to he of service
10 Gnd. Christ gives 114 n glorious vis-
ion of the things prepared fm 11410
the next life and today w•e can (tome
to hien and find peace and happiness
in his love.
Rev. Mr. McCremell i1 no arranger
to the people of Melville church ns he
has On several F01'0151' oeeae10ne til•
,npied the pulpit of Melville chnrch
and ie always welcomed.
In the morning the choir 50 11Z Han
dot's "And the Glory of the Lord,"
while the male qua) tette rendered the
Negro Spiritual, "Steal Away."
In the evening the choir opened the
aerv)ee wit h an, old favorite "VVmldrus
Crnas." The offertory chorus nunlhot.
was another Handel selection, "Be.
hold t15 Lamb 01 arld " After the
sermon the choir sung "Nobody know..
the troahlc Poe seen." with lunch of
feet. Mrs. King's ot•gan n011l1)5(5
were (((1101, appreciated.
Tilcsdny evening ft VP7y suceeasful
Grtrdeo Party was held on the Manse
lawn, An Interesting pingranl of
enlns, duets. ehnruses. 55(5011one by
the male quartet to end into nlrnai,tnl.
00(1(1 rend'red. The Iitndhagen Band
was alert in ettcolnere Sapper was
served by the J.adieti Aid in their us..
eat capable manner nerd with the na
mal fthnndnnlre 0f good 1binge, (4, per
ings were brought by the netghbon ing
Tip to Insurance Salesmen.
insurance salesmen who are not
prompt in taking out their provincial
licenses for next year will be subject
to penalties that .mount on a sliding
-tale, according to the degree of de-
linquency, a new provincial order -in -
council rules. A fee of 33 le charged
:or the license, which is valid during
the calendar year. This year, under
the new order, all applications for
s agents' licensee
0'� i
. 0 renewal. of n
1, 3 t,
must be filed on o1 before October
31, 1929. Anyone filing after that
date it is decreed, must pay a fur-
ther fee of $1 for each month of de-
fault or fraction thereof.
Dominion Elections Act
The adoption of important amend-
ments to the Dominion Elections Act,
under which the federal elections
will be robbed of anp possibility of
political interference ryas ono of
achievement of the recent Ottawa
session which met with the approval
of all parties, The amended law
give, the Chief Electoral Officer of
the Dominion a status corresponding
to fact of a judge of the Supreme
C'oun't. He will have charge of the
federal elections and be free from
interference from the government
of the day. He will appoint return-
ing officer for each riding selecting
them, preferably, from the sheriff's,
registrars of deeds, and city clerks,
designating each by the title of his
office. These returning officers are
to direct the preparation of voters'
iist and no provincial lists are to
be used. The work is to be thorou-
ghly done on lines uniform in all
cases: I2)eetions are to occur within
two months of the issuance of the
writs. Whether there is to be a gen-
eral election or not, there is to be
publised in the Canada Gazette,
within the first twenty days of Jan-
uary in each and every year, a list
of the returning officers for all the
constituencies. The changes in the
Art are based upon the recommend
ation of Col- Biggar, former Chief
Hlectoral Officer, who retired two
years ago. They should contribute
to purity in elections.
Small U. S. Bill.
The new small U. S. currency bill.,
have already been through the hands
of several Brusselites and before long
will he as common as the old green-
backs. The bills are in denominat-
ions from $1 to $20 at present and
are about two-thirds the size of the
usual bill. This difference will make
the handling of paper money more
difficult owing to the difference in
size of Canada and the old and new
U. S. notes. There will be 11. differ -
GRAOA 111. -At his lute reeldence, 15 Alhea.
bra Avenne, 'rarer to, 011 Thursday morn
Mg, July Ilth willinm. Orabcm,
formerly of Brussels, in 1,)s Inst year
NICHOLSON. - ht )l010ttlop township-, on
Saturday, July 1dtb. ,losnpb Nlaholson,
aged 71 years, It minas an a days.'oBI,-In,Hse'lek township, on .101y
sty, 13eniomin Stafford, aged 74 years.
HEEWER—In loving memory of our deur
daughter and stater, 11118 1) firmer (nee
Isabella Gladys 'lowland) cit.. died two
years ago today, July 16th, Ise?.
Days of sadness still come o'er ns,
Tears In silence often flow,
For memory koope y0(1 ever (1050 ea
.hough t#ad oslled you two yours ego.
Friends may think that we forget you
When at lanes they 8(5 n5 spine,
But they l,ttle 'mow the sorrow
That the 81111100 }((158 011 1110 while,
55411 nd50ed by
MOTH 101.
B1tn7'nElle 11.51) HlMTEaa.
Farmers' Sons
Attention !
.4 ay Baron County 1105 eontemnla ling et•
tend(ns the Centric, Agricultural college Por
either the Ammonite or Degree (louraa la sag'
(bin to 0nmpe1e for the ronnblead Huron (1nnn
ty and Massey trued Scholarship, Port.taulnrs
or Scholarehin may be found elsewhere in this
nelner Apnlla,u lotto should be srinrev'ed to
the bareuTh1ENT 010 AGRICULTUgo,
Clinton, 001.
Tenders for Painting
Tondere Will be receival by the undersigned
on to July telt), for the punditry rind (1000501.
Ingot the 111145(01 (5(3110 of Union Uc(ted
(,hnreh The towed or any tender not neaps-
1«,;..4.4.44,44;:t.,.-144:.4:4-4 4.04.400-0 + .1 if 1 e4f } } ii 1 , ,
For Tired
Aching Feet
Nyal Eas 'em
Nyal Foot Bath Salts
Gives instant relief.
Milk Magnesia
For sour stomach and
as a general antacid.
4thititeh tli
Liver Salts
A. mild and pleasant Liver
Celery Nervine
A valuable blood and
nerve tonic, effective in
the treatment of Nervous
PARIS GREEN (Bergey 15) A fresh supply '
on hand
fhlri5.tzlae;;;e:D:Dal ,—In.alp,mn r,; ivz—,==rrarD.,Dmaired..z221N- `ret aatagh.
Violet and Rose
Glycerine Soaps
Pkgs-41 Cakes for 25c
An excellent Toilet Soap
Pint size
49c each
Alien's Drug Store
Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penelar Remedies
Druggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox
ent types of bills. There will bo
only one type of 310 bill, where as
before we had five. To differentiate
the different bills there will be identi-
fying seals, in addition to the por-
traits and ornamentation. The red
!seal will be used on the front of the
United States treasury notes, brown
for national bank notes, green for
federal reserve bank notes, gold for
gold certificates and blue for silver
Friday & Saturday - July 19 & 20
The (High 1y,1,5(111 of war einem; the (+•'ude made into a
Picini e by 111511 1.110 Mete 111e1/04eivr& war tdttl5,
AI,•vpyti,y W11 11111 might have happened in y(•ur Ova
neighbnl h••ed.
The tin'illieg h welt de of aviation combined to a daring spec
thele, Breeldwny thrilled to it for (rime than a year.
Thousand.- H •eked tr, it durhlg 110 New York el owing at
big.hocv pis les. S(aeding 100111 sold oiltFur weeks in ad-
- van"P."d 011 1 500111 for long•rnu pier ut es showing
in New Y.0 k Viewed and praised by (101 tulips 1,11(1 experts
Ihp world 055r. 111.11 'a the gle(ltest the 50( P511 11110 pro•
(laced. All the thrills of the uii, made in the air, by air-
men. Wx,i1ingantirmoving representation. Realienl real•
lv (111U1• by 11100 tv}lu tisked 0'041'11505 to bring hoose to you
the "feel" of flying.
AT USUAL PRICES 25c and 15c
Monday& Tuesda . - July y 22 & 23
D. W. GRIFFITH presents
"The Eagle of the Sexes"
Nnt a tutu' picture but the evet'lelsttng conflict 1152tveen (pale
and female 1
The story of ynne neighbor or your neighbor's neigh bot'.-.
a drama of life that en. iltes every heart, every hear 111, anti
every home.
Friday and Saturday - July 26 - 27-
"The Magic dame"
New York CVi e 1(1 aety8 :—"Ons of the lnvelieat, most hri)-
fhutt pieces of dramatizing to leave Hollywood in a year,"
Nnoeitl-surprising--thrilling romance with the screen's
most r•omantie lovers amidst tn5 ss5irl of the circus ring and
the aplendot' 01 rl)''jnetht ePLtiligos
lie lone n clown -yet he 1 uled it nation. She was beautiful
and ruled him,
" Tom Mix and Tony "Rose of Picard ,i
comm I
,1 n If
Abie's Irish Rose Charlie Cha11� S eC a 5"
p P tl