HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-7-17, Page 3. TVA N-1410$04144 ..P941
Curious Optical illusion
The Duchess of York, 20,000 -ton Cauadlan Pacific trans-Atlantic
strainer, is not going to crash the new bridge which, a few. days after
this picture was taken, was completed across the St, Lawrence to the
harbor of Montreal, although the odd result of the photographer's
work makes a stnasli-•uil seen almost inevitable. As a natter of
fact the bridge Is actually' 26 feet above the tip of the liner's fore-
figast 'which ures of thetself steelinworkerst oni thetthan. thbridge give funnel, another indicationget
the great height of the structure.
in, "The Battle of the Sexes" oreupl-
ed studio floor spots three hundred
and fifty feet long and One hundred
feet wide. It was approximately for-
ty feet high, this being necessary to
enable our cameras to photograph
from a great listener. Ott this set
we used one hundi•od and thirteen
. rotary and fixed carbon lumps for
our lighting.
Tho First Scripts
Twenty years ago the scenario for
a story was almost frequently an
idea jotted down hurriedly` on any
acrap of paper that happened to ly-
ing. about. Fifty feet was the length
of the first so-called stories, when
they developed into five hundred,
which was considered quite enough
film to tell any story in -even Ben
Hur. When one thousand feet was
reached (still the footage for one
reel of film to -day) the industry set-
tled down on business. Now the
scenario was quite a formidable af-
fair -it required sometimes two hun-
dred and fifty words to tell a story,
although more often .seventy-fivo
or one hundred words would do.
How Movies are ,de
by the Master 11,4aI er
ing a stage play or novel --4
separate and individual art.
Is 11
Brunettes Tan letter
Than Blondes
In fact, 'mine blondes can't ac•
quire a (mat of tan at all, a sad blow
for many, since a tanned complexion
has become so fashionable that drug-
stores now sell it in bottles,
According to a special "holiday
bulletin" issued by the Canadian
Social hygiene Council, in eo-opera•
tion with the Department of Public
Health of 'Toronto, {here are a num-
ber of "don'ts" acid "do's" which the
holidaying city or town dweller
should observe, If his constitution is
to stand the strain oz tare summer
rest period, and flags to -clay to welcome the Meals were served in the cafes and Star of Ethel, 406 ; Harmony, of
Don't scratch mosquito ult:s, don't large number of Orangemen attend, hotels by leaders of the Women's In. Blyth, 459 ; Clinton, 317 ; ILingarf,
.pink poison ivy, watch your milk and ing the North Perth Orange celebra- statutes• 1770 ; also Orange Hill, Fordwich
water supplies' and get plenty of sun iun held 'under the auspices of the were Il
An excellent program of rttcand ungaunon. The prizes wt
but not too much at once, are home Palmerston Loyal Orange Lodge, No, 'oa ryas Tito °I. Oldest Urangenral, Thanes eu'e -
of the admonitions. And here is an 605, with SSlodgo in attendance. i The following lodge: were pre, ens, Seafotlt, 94 year's ; largest turn
emergency medical kit that everyone A parade of 2,000 members of the sunt : out, Beigravc , loogest distance, Bid-
theThere was a cast of characters -for is advised to pack in a s u t ease Orange Order left the school Eruce West dnlph ; best dl, .sed lodge, New
most part of three principals 3 or 4 bandages, 2 or 3 inches wide ; grounds at 1 o'clock, led by King •vo 170, Kfugarf; 428, I:ack. dulnli best-dressedreelady Ne -
were sufficient• -heroine, - hero and raj pound of sterilized gens», 1 az of "Billie" on his white horse, and mar- now ; Ki ge f; No.765, Kik- Princess s Go edy ; lodge,best
villain ; if a mother or father were absorbent Cotten ; 1 or 2 ounces of ; ched through and around Palmers. o ; No. No. 7Ile Ie; No. ; No. in. Print -
and drum baud, Goderich ; best
thrown in or a hard -riding bunch of tincture of iodine, 1 .:nall speaking
to Lawrence Park, where the Tiverton ; No. 898, Kinloss; No, 978, fifer and drummer, Varma.
: i+peakinn and program were staged. Culross • No 104.1 !!:epic Grove ; 4==11:1--
Big Crowds Attend Orange Celebrations
epeaitete, all of whom spoke of the Blyth ; No. 1058,' Nile •; No. 1090,
!high ideals and aims of the Orange I.ukelet i No. 2511, Wroxeter,
i Order, were Rev. William Lowe, 01 , Huron South:
London, past grand chaplain ; No.' 24, Bayfield ; No, 115, God'.
George Spotten, M. P. , North Dur- erich ; No. 153, Ilemnillcr ; No, 182,
ham ; ltev. 0. Gallagher, Lucknow ; Gode ich ; No.793, Sertforth ; No.
S. Logan, county muster of Vv est 390, I'dgc wood , No. 1035 Varna ;
1 Merits• ; Herman Powe, county man- No, 219, Greenaway ; No. 493, 13id-.
ter, South Bruce, dulph ; No. 669, Lucan ; No. 710,
FINE WEATHER HELPS WING, , The parade through the streets Clinton ; No. 733, Heusa1l ; No. 813,
HAM AND PALMERSTON ON headed by the Citizen:' band, with Winthrop ; No. 1124, laxotor ; No.
THE 12th. • Bro. J. Taman leader and director. 1348, Cretliton, •--•
1n addition to the Citizens' band The following lady lodges were in
Palmerston Celebration. music W0. furnished by the Clinton the parade here on the 12th : Wal
Mita. band, Blyth Citizens' bane! and korton, L. 0. B. A., No; '750 ; Prin-
Palmerston, July 12 -The street,' the 1 11151ranr fire and drum band. cess Mary, of Goderich, 443; Blyth,
of I'uhneta.un w,:t , fol :ti, 1y dee Ladies' lodges also made a splendi' 671 ; Gerrie, 810 ; I3elgrave, 458 ;
orated with barn, x.,, tutored lights
showing • Victoria, of Walton, 470 ; Eastern
cowboys it was more in the nature roll of adhesive plaster ahem.. 1 int
of a grand gesture than because they wide, 1 ounce of horac it acid, 1 or 2
were really essential. ounces- of bicaubonate of soda ; A
Late actual scenario was a ually in hot water bottle ; 2 ounces of aro
Prominent among the speakers No. 1139, I:inlough; Na. 1226, Premier Speaks at Toronto.
was Right out Worshipful Sister, Mrs. F, Toronto, July 3 ' Addrr.Nsing
-- .. Hamilton, grand r,:.a..._..,, Bethel ; No. 122&. Ambe+.ly.
North Huron more than 10,000 members of the
twenty-five or so scenes. Stage to- math spirits of ammonia. ±of the Loyal Orange Benevolent As• 'vol 252, Walton ; Na. 3'2 i, Dungan_ Oran(`. As n, li::nn 1.shrhrtlon
clinic was followed. The entire -a0- "The last item is important in the aocaation of Ontario Nest, and Tright non ;Ivo. Orange Hill \u, (lel
Par' hex's yc tad y P:e:rior Fcrgu-
tion of the scene was played in what event of a collapse," the bulletin ed -1 Worshipful Brother W. M. Fitzerald, non ; . 575, Rnge ; No, No. son remarked amongother things
we now calla ``long shot", taking to vises. "From one-half to a teaspooll grand secrc tarn of Ontario 'Vest "1 de notthink:la that anyone will
L THE Motion pictures are, based on the entire set and all the nrtors. The fel of :entatic spirits •of ammonia in : Grand Lodges, •h oke •eepecaclly 766, Bluevalt No. 737,Corrin ; Na. mit the : a b:llln_ual
, pt
eek- tt Brussels No. 775, '-�ewbrid;ro; try to ..r
STORY OF THT MOVING things elemental - so is Youth,
PICTURE. Struggles, sex hope, despair, faith,
tears and smiles -Life.
Producer -Director D. W. Grif-
fith, whose latest pieture, "Thu
Battle of the Sexes," is coming to
the Grand Theatre on Monday,
gives below a short history of the
motion picture. The art which
gave to the world such masterpie•
ces as "The Birth of a Nation,"
"Intolerance," and "Orphans of
the Storm," is described from its
infancy to the present day by the
man who was responsible more
hen any other for its develop-
1'he history of the evolution of
"moving pietures" reads like a fairy
story.- Back in the dawn of the six-
teenths century Leonardo da Vinci,
intripid experimenter, was groping
for stark realism in pictures, puz
zling over the laws of perspective
with glass plates and image reflec-
ted through circular hopes cut in his pret the meaning of the internlin- treated with the juiee of the jewel : Wallace, Lest dressed Loyal True SUNDAY.
s. Trial and error, able mnthings, so worldly titles had weed, a plant growing two to four' Blue Lodge won by Listowel Lodge; I will give unto him that is athi
windtw shutter
h an imposing list of pioneers to be flashed on the screen, interrup- feet high, in marshy places, and pos- best :dressed Young Briton Lodge' of the fountain of the water of 1
throng p
our own Edison and his ting the action. In an attempt to re- sessing a juicy, semi-transluciont won1 by Listowel ; Best Loyal Orange freely. Rev. 21 : 6.
down to
ltinetoseopa. medy this glaring fault I first intro- stem, and with orange-cotored flow- .bodge, Wallace Lodge, .1.347. �
duccd what is called the "close-up" ers with broom spots. Either strong, A special prize for the oldest Or. MONDAY.
results were most un atisfltctory. a wine glass of water :t,•ts more pro.. on t- a rp tans ovrnee. t u.
Owingto poor Lighting and amateur- mptly than whisky or brandy, It as ere, were lit. AS01 Bro. C. M. Ca:- No. 794, Wingham ; No. 983, I,nn- h::o prociure, 011 C•: ole' 1 istogive
p de boyo ; No. 932, Auburn ; No, 963
ish photography the faces were fre- one, of the best stimulants we have," ria, dietriet grand •m• :t' •r, •and Vr'or. ea,. st child in 011tur'n u h training
quently hard to see plainly, there- Crus or bruises should be washed tiro. Bro. R. Mason, C. 11. - -
1 s •r ren Ln1c'1''1 speak -
f all 1 f expression with and water and carefully ' Addresses of welcome were Riven
ore pay 0' e. wt t soap
was lost On the painted with tincture of Iodine: Spl- l by Dr. H, B. Coleman, mayor of
stage, even if you are so far hack a inters should be removed with a m'-! Palmerston ; Wellington Hay, 11. P.
the house that you cannot see (Nees edle sterilized by being held for aloud J. D. Monteith, 1I. L.A.
clearly, you can hear the voice. few minutes in boiling water, and! Prizes for the best dressed Owners
An Innovation the injured place treated with 10- t Indies' lodge was won by the Maple
But there was no voice to Inter- dine. Poison ivy irritation should be Leaf Lodge, No, 522, L. 0. F. A., of Os
.® For This Week v.
Bibi, Thoughts memorized, will prove ,
priceless heritage,0 after years.
by -onto method as wiI enable him to
master English and to become au
English speaking citizen.
The pienticl pointed out that an
address given by him at Erin in 1911
had resulted in the appointment of
an investigating commission and the
susequent framing of regulation 1.7.
This regulation h,• said stipulated
ret that a Franth ell'•akinn pupil must
ife learn enough English to take tui-
tion in English before reaching the
second class in public school.
"What was the result of that reg -
Starting with my own entrance laundry soap, or frost lime -water is sngeman m the walk, went to John he
into motion pictures, and the mak- ec s Let us run with patience the Taco elation"." he asked. `T ,'sant was
By D. W. Griffith ing of moviesi in the year 1907- the camera is xnoved up to the a good substitute. !Holt, of Lodge No, 332, age 83 that is set before us, looking unto that the French people, rightly or
some :close este Avoid being overly zealous in, years. The oldest Orangeman on the J•, u Heb 12 :12. wrongly regarded it as an attempt to
one Would get if talking to another your efforts to get sunburned. Half grounds was John Dare, of Monkton 1 obliterate their birthright and to sup -
96 years of age, and a member for TUESDAY. press their native tongue. They re -
63 years, The best banter prize T telll cure them, and reveal unto fused to carry on or to co-operate
went to No. 1397, Wailare, first, and ! them the aboundance of peace and with the department of education."
No. 656 of Wallace, second. :troth. Jen 33 :6. Ir reply to questions from attend-
ants as to why he did not enforce co -
fluent. because a Itterally that is what it is
"13 everything
are the 'movies' made?" pictures had been moving for
subjeeC resulting in the same t
Like everything else that le elemen- time. The first experiment in run Person across a small table, say, an hour at a time is quite as long as
cal and primitive and progressiva-•- ning through the projection machine p But this method cut off the sub- .any part of the body not accustomed
by the trial and error method. Op- and creating the illusion of move- sets' las and upto this time only to exposure, should be subjected to
tilnistacttlly speaking, thorn are meat had been tried out on trained full length actors h ld been project the strong rays of the sun, for the
fewer errors to -day and more trials bears, famous dancers, contortion- d upon the screen Even e my can then fel y q
v days • then it will be qui I It is estimated that 11,000 people
than there were twenty yearsacrobats-anything
t t ago 1-t' and that was e p
when I first became interested in guaranteed to keep moving. Trains eraman objected ; it was unnatural safe to increase the time to an hour, visited Palmerston to -day. •I WEDNESDAY. operation, Ile. Ferguson said :
to show people without legs. I knew and after a fairly good coat of tan 1 �10a , Prepare ye the way of the Lord, : "There is only one compulsory ed.
motion pictures, which is `the 112111 in motion, boys driving from a •
`what I wanted but the foods of pro- has been developed you are well pro- 6,000 at Wingham ;make 5tteight in the desert a high- ucational law in this province and
and satisfying proof that the fifth spring -board, a Chinaman chasing an tests had its effect ; perhaps 1 was netted against the dangers of sun- I Wingham, July 12. -The 12th of ;way for our God. Isa. 40:3. sthat is the law which compels every
burn. If you do not take these pre- • July celebration here to -day was the i� pamnt to see that his child get an
cautions your holiday will be spoiled largest in the history of the Orange ; THURSDAY education. The child can get that ed-
-painfully. I Order of the district. From early If any man will sin he shall know ucation in a public school or in a
regards the therapeutic value of the I
Furthermore, recent revelations as 1 morning till the commencement out of the doctrine. Jolts 7:17. private school. The only compulsory
the monster parade, Ora ngenmen and i:=1flaw is that the child must be educat-
chenucal rays of the sou have been 1 their families treked into the town,' FRIDAY. ed. " ' "'wi�
such as to make one feel that it l gayly decorated for the occasion. It I carte not that they may have 1 "The department cif education es -
theirbe ance.lt to over-estimate' was estimated 6,000 participated hi life, and may have it aboundantly,4tahlishes certain standards of equip -
their importance. Therefore, we re- I celebrating the Glorious Twelfth.John 10 : I0. Anent and tuition. But if a school
commend for small children the sun On arriving at the armouries mem- t= does not live up to those standards,
oriel of the order was welcomed by SATURDAY. ( the department of education has no
Mayor Thomas Fells. Bro. C. Ii. Honor thy father and mother,;more right to walk in and close it
Coulter, county master of Huron. which is the first commandment with I than it would have to close up a.
acted as chairman. Chief among the promise. Eph. 0 : 2, 1plaee of worship"
groat industry in the world is follow- unpaid hill had grown by a series of
ing the law of evolution. amazing leaps and bounds into regu-
Long before the printing press lour screen stories -fifty feet 'in len-
deluged the world with a Niagara of gth! The "studios" had "graduated
words, PICTURES were employed to down" from the roofs of tall build- subjects full length -in fact, they
record deeds deemed worthy of en- ings where everything depended up- seldom did.l It all -indepefact upone
dare for the instruction or entertain- on old Sol to spacious (by compari- whao they wantea to show. So T
uxent of future generations. We are son) floor space in rented buildings
more dependent upon our eyes than -some of them reformed barns,
upon any of the other senses, This The Early Days
wrong. I went up to the Metropolitan
Museum and studied paintings from
a new angle and with a new interest.
Painters did not always paint their
boldly wasted film on the expert•
anent -and, after a good deal of ar.
accounts for the universal appeal of A language of the studio had gement and objection, the picture
motion pictures ; also, it places upon sprung into being even at this early was allowed to be shown with limb -
those who produce motionictures date --the term "set" was used to less ladies and legless gentlemen -
heavy responsibility. p designate the two walls of compo- and immediately the "closeup" bo -
The Cinema Lure bom•d, gaily papered, with a door in came a popular innovation.
"Granted that motion pictures are one ands window in another, end- The "flash -back," which simply
still imperfect, as our manifold eri- ing abruptly about acven loot over- cutting from one scene to another to
'}fes delight in pointing out, can any head, which were all that was nec- get synchronized action, was sin
Af the gentlemen who dip their pens essary to create the cameraman was . other innovation which speedily be-
at acid su gest any other form of , careless and "shot" an inch beyond came popular. The "fade-out" help -
'entertainment or instruction that has 'this line. We still have `sets' but ed to get away, from long explana-
titles "most photography"
Rtade as tremendous strides forward they frequently consist of three walls toryled bring and a Bost photography"
tin the same time as measured by twenty-five feet above the entire hegoal of genuine motion pictures -
wears, I studio space ; for instance, one set PAINTING rather. In "Drums of
I- _ ._ ---- Love" we have conte closer than
..®„.e �aaa�am.®me.�m •_ ' I ever before to PAINTING WITH
i IiII'tlffililktrit•
There are a great many ways to do a ?ob of
printing ; but quality printing is only done one
way -THE BEST. We do printing of all kinds,
and no matter what your needs may be, from
name card to booklet, we do it the quality way.
P. S. -We also do it in a way to save you money.
" Z he Post
Publishing Rouse
Fighting for Ideals
It was while I was with Biograph
, that I made a picture in two thous-
and loot -just twice the length of
the usual feature filen. It was called
- "Eris Trust Fulfilled" and I could not
cut it clown to one th0u3illld feet
ewithout ruining it. Therm was some
stormy executive sessions and I fin-
ally refused to run i t at al if it had to
be cut to the thousand feet require-
ment. So we made arrangements
with the exhibitors to run one reel
one week and the second one the
week following. This Wes- the first
two -reel motion picture but in a very
short all the companies were mak-
ing them. •
The greatest stride forward in the
making of motion pictures has been
in the METHOD of telling the story,
suits which can be obtained in any
of the stores. These suits only pro-
tect the hips and upper parts of the
thighs and leave the balance of the
body ex -posed to the sun's rays.
It is well to bear in.mlind that in
order to get the therapeutic benefits
it is not absolutely necessary that
you be exposed to the direct rays of
the sun -there is the sky shine, or
reflected rays from the sky and
clouds. On a clear day you may lie
or sit on the shady side of the house,
with the blue dame above you, and
get from ont:-third to one-half of the
benefits of the rays of the sun that
you w'onld get by exposing yoursell
directly to thele.
For mosquitoes, three thing,
should be remembered --netting, li-
quid ammonia, and coal oil.
The netting shuts them out fre
quently neutralizes the poison anti
prevents subsequent itching, and the
coal oil puts an very small quantities
on top of the water in rain -hazels,
little panda, etc,, prevent the mos-
quito larvae front developing into
ntoscquitoes. Furthenmore,c'ertain ar-
omatic - preparations such as spirits
of camphor, menthol and oil of cit•
ranella, may be applied to exposed
parts of the body to keep these pests
Insist that your food be protected
from the filthy, disease spreading
house fly.
And do not be on the go all the
and that includes that very impor- time during your holidays. Make
Cant instrument with which it is tell :home reading matter with you and
-the motion picture omens, We spend part of the day, particularly
had just as good actors and actresses then 14410 of the day, in the shade of
twenty yeas ago as we have to -day ; the 4.00s, in your hammock, or in an
we had the sane priceless wealth. of easy chair, or lying on a rug on the
stories on which to draw, The crud- ground. Do not dance every night
ities of time first motion picturesduring your holidays and expect to
lay in the way in which the story was come horny, rested and refreshed for
transferred to the screen -in the the balance of the year:
way in which it was directed. The
error thele was in confusing a dis- Cuba is one of the landlords of
tinetly new' method of expression the United States : the Guantanamo
with old formas--- the motion -debit's area is leased from Cuna at an an -
is not merely another h'Sy of show- nual rental o£ $2000.
Canada's Co-operative Sugar Pool
The little village of Plessisville,
Que., east of Montreal on the
Canadian National Railways in
the very heart of the finest mapie
groves of old Quebec province,
has seen developed in recent years
Canada's first really big maple
sugar concentration, the co -o er-
attve organization known as "The
Maple Sugar Producers of Quebec,"
Incidentally it represents Canada's
latest successful effort in co-
operative marketing.
Some years ago the Quebec
Department of Agriculture began
seriously to give attention to the
maple sugar industry by en-
couraging and aiding the farmers
in the production of a high grade
maple syrup. Their efforts were
largely nullified by the fact that
the purchasers of the syrup gave
the farmer who produced the hest
quality syrup no better price than
the farmer who •produced poor
stuff. Then the Quebec Govern-
ment went one step further and
established in a small way a co-
operative plant. Today, at Plessis-
vtlle, this plant is operating full
shift 24 hours a day, employing
28 men, taking thousands of
gallons of syrup from the farmers,
and manufacturing and marketing
a high-grade maple sugar and
syrup at the rate of two million
pounds of maple sugar and 300,000
gallons of maple syrup yearly.
The products are marketed
under a special brand and have
-Maio Canadian NaNevn' T1d'a•,as
found a world market, though most
of tho product is market ed in
Canada and in the Eastern States.
Thousands of farm r,. now 11nelit
by the new maple auger -pool,"
and the maple sugar industry is
at last on a huge c•0nnnereial /male.
Further steps have been taken by
the Quebec Government to extend
the organization among the farm-
ers. The organization is operated
exactly as Canada's wheat pool,
the farmers obtaining full benefit
of top price.
The pictures show tanks in the
factory at Plessisville, and inset
u sixty -pound cake of maple sugar
packed ready for shipment.