HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-7-10, Page 5IT'S A FACT That there are a great num- ber who have not renewed their subscription to THE POST! KindlY your at Label To -day ! of Interesting News of the District GODERICH The liquor export business at the port at Goderich has created consid- erable local interest the past three weeks, but the shipments of liquor from this port have not been what might be termed brisk. 'It is just -Within recent weeks that several small rum -runners' boats made their appearance here., and it is reported that the craft have only made about six trips out of here with supplies which were cleared for American de- stinations. The boats get their clear- ance papers from local customs. The supplies are brought here by trucks and loaded directly on to the boats. BLUEVALE F. Black shipped a car of hogs and cattle to Toronto on Saturday. Joseph and Mrs. Smith spent Sun- day with Janes and Mrs. Kearney. Mrs. Gus. Gannett, of Hanover, is visiting relatives in and around Blue - vale. Hugh and Mrs. Johnston, of Bois-, sevnin, Man., are at present visiting with relatives around here. Mrs. George McCord, of New York is visiting at the hone of her brother, William Nicholson here. Several members from Knox Pres• byterian church choir attended the Ethel gulden party on Tuesday night and as listed in the program. Frank A. Scott, principal of the Queen Alexander School, Toronto, and Miss Janet Hogg, of Senforth, spent Wednesday with their uncle, F. 13. Scott. Mrs C. H. Gar'n:ss is in Wingham this geek taking electrical treatment for her rheumatism. Her friends hope that her suffering may be re- lieved. • Mrs. (Dr.) Toole, of Toronto, formerly of Iiluevale, called at the home of Mr's. R. F. Garniss on July 1. She was accompanied by Mrs. George Thompsgn, of Vancouver, B. C. and Mrs. Cleve Baeker, of Brussels. The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. of Knox Presbyterian church held a very pleasant and profitable meet- ing at the home. of Mrs. Walter Smillie on Thursday afternoon. The Ladies' Aid are busy making plans for a bazaar to he held in the Hall. The W. M. S. was presided over by the vice-president, Mrs. Walter Smillie, who conducted the devotion al exercises. The Scripture passage was read by Mrs. Cloine Higgins. Reports from the W. M. S. Presby terial held in Wingliam, were given by Mrs. C. Adams and Miss Olive 1Scott. 'The meeting closed with singing the hymn, "Jesus Saves." On Monday July 8th the Johnston families held a re -union and spent a very pleasant day at Kincardine, The following were present : Silas and Mrs. Johnston and three sons.of Walton '; Wm. and Mrs. Peacock and. two sons ; Ed. and Mrs. Johnston, two son and two daughters ; George and Mrs. blathers, Earl and Mrs. Mather- and daughter Wilbert and Mrs. Mather- and two daughters, of Guelph ; Cooper and Mrs. Nethery, of Belgrave ; Hugh and Mrs. Johns- ton, of Bolssevain, Man. ; and Rich- ard and Mrs, Johnston, son and dau- ghter. r. WINTHROP Over 500 former pupils of No. 2 McICillop Township and Roxboro School attended the first. reunion held Thursday on the grounds of the Seaforth Golf and Country Club on the farm of Thomas Dodds, a short distance from the town, Among those doming long distances were Mrs, (Dr) Broydone, Seattle, Wash.; James Scott, Victoria, B, C.; W. i Barr Dickson, Dickenson, N. D.; Jas, i T. Dodds, Swift Current, Sask. Jas. Hays acted as chairman, and the ad- dress of welcome was given by Wm. Black ex -M, P. Short addresses, old time recitations, readings, etc„ were given by former teachers Mrs. Garden and Mrs. Boyd, of Toronto; J. T. Dodds, Swift Current ; W. Barr Dickson, barrister, Dickenson, N. D, Mrs. John Govenlock, W. B. McLean and Miss Susanne Govenlock of Sea - forth. Three generations of the Scott and Hays clans supplied the music and song. It was the largest gathering ever held of the Hays Clan since the early days. North Da- kota, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and Minnesota were well represented by the Dodds, Dorrance, Govenlocks and Hays. Music was supplied by the Seaforth Pipe Band assisted by Jim- mie Pearson, of Embro and Earl Van egcnond, Seaforth; Scotch dancing by the Price juvenile trio. Mrs. R. A. Hays, of Lucknow, took the prize for the oldest returned girl scholar, and Michael Murdie, ex -clerk of NleKil- lop, for the oldest boy. Activity was shown when Robert Dodds, Sen., beat Johnny Scott to the wire in the race for men over 70 years. Following an excellent picnic supper, the men stacked their coats and went at the old-time dances, after which the plat- form was turned over to the young- er generation, who did not know how to dance a real dance., The success of the reunion was such that ether schools in the district will hold simi- lar affairs next year. BELGRAVE C. R. Coultes was' in Toronto on Tuesday. Ed. Armstrong is unloading a car of feed and oats. R. E. 1lIcICenzie unloaded a cat of shingles on Wednesday. Miss Belle Allison, of London, is visiting friends in Belgrave. Mrs. James Bone held a very successful auction sale on Friday afternoon. Miss Cela Coultas and Asil Coultas visited with their sister, Mrs: Mitchell at Rothsay. Miss Gotrie Armstrong left on Monday for Windsor where she heti secured a position. Miss Florence Scott ,s spending her vacation with her parents,J. S. and Mrs. Scott. Two' more carloads of squared timber have been shipped from hero during the week. Drive Straight to 1 C Supertest A Best in the Long Run ! Oils Tires Accessories ainiel7tathtai)zethiDipmeerreiDteimelPtht11Menetaatmninial a ieenniat•niLtiantPiare4,1 ,See our Radios noverce reieverNGaste mzetmetereterettemetemee tet telgt trectoter Robt. Patrick BRUSSELS FREE AIR FREE AIR TUX RLI$$CL$ 'POST WEDNESDAY, JULY 10th, John Perrin, of Toronto, visited relatives here fora eouple of days, 1i, E. and Mrs, McKenzie and Miss Louise Mama, were holiday vis• iter:- with friends in Windsor and Detroit, A huge number from here at- tended the reunion held at the Me. Govan school in least Wawanosh on Wednesday afternoon and evening•, Mn.sManna Rowland, of Brite' Columbia, and her dieter, Mrs, Mrs. T. Harris, from Washington State, are visiting with J. T. and Mrs. Cou1- tee, Wawanosh. Visa Janet Hood, of Blyth, was re. nerving old frionclships on the 5th of Morris and visiting at the home of James and Mrs. Michie, Mrs. Farquhar, Of Clinton, and Mervyn, of Detroit, have been vie - Ing with the lady's daughter, Aire. Clegg, They also visited Dray- ton friends, Master Jaelc and Mrs. Clegg accompanied them, Miss Roberta Bowe, of Flint, Mieli,, also Miss Eleanor Jackson were visitors over the week end with James and Mrs. Michie. Miss Jack- son who is attending school in Flint is a cousin of Mrs. Michie. Anniversary and Dedication ser- vices in connection with Knox Pres- byterian church, Belgrave, will be held on Sunday, July 14th, services being conducted 'by Rev. J. A, Mus- tard, B.A., of Toronto, at 11 a.m. end '7 p.m. Special music will he provided for the occasion, A cordial invitation is extended the public to attend these services. On Sunday last Communion was observed in Knox United Church. Pre paratory service last Wednesday evening was taken by Bev. Mr. Mc- Kenzie, of Ripley. The Sunday even- ing service was one of thanksgiving for the King's recovery. Appropriate hymns were sung. A duet Was sung entitled "Have Thine Own Way Lord" by Geo. Jordan and Jno. Coul- tes. WALTON Miss Berva Steiss is at o esent visiting relatives at Brodhagen. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, of God- erich called on Miss Jean Drager re- cently. Miss Mary ICeddy of Toronto, is at present visiting with Miss Janet Clark, Mrs. Harristou, of Montreal, Que., is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. Earl Habkirlc, Mr. and Mrs. Moon and family of Stevensville, spent the week end with relatives here. Bernard Kernick, of Kitchener•, spent the week -end at the home of John and Mrs Harris. Miss Helen Steiss, of Goderich, is spending. a few days with her par•- eite, Dan. and, Mrs. Steiss. Mrs. McGavin and three children, Jack, Leona, and Wilmot, are visit- ing Mrs. McGavin's parents, John and Mrs. Harris. Wallace Sholdice, of the Canadian Dank of Commerce staff, Stratford, spent the holiday with his father•, William Sholdice. Samuel and Mrs. Cudrriore and Miss Mildred Cudmore of. Seaforth, called on P. B. and Mrs. Gardiner, recently, Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of Dungannon, vis- ited Mrs. Campbell's niece; Mrs. Thos, Hackrvell, recently. Jno. Kellar, Chicago, who spent his vacation visiting Hugh and Mrs. Campbell at Mrs. John McDonald's has returned to Chicago. George Wiltse and two daughters, Jaynes and Mrs. Oliver, of Preston, and their son, of Saskatchewan, vis- ited Oliver and Mrs. Turnbull re- cently. Edwin Miller is spending a few days with his parents, Fred and Mrs. Milier before leaving for Kingston, where he intends taing a course in the summer school there. Thomas and Mrs. Mose, of Milver- ton, spent the week -end with friends in Walton. Misses Ethel and Luella Mose, who have been spending the past week with relratives here re- turned with their parents. Mrs. Jno. Engel, of Hastings, Mich., accompanied by her grand- daughter are visiting with H. J. and iMlrs. Manning. The former is a sister to Mr. Manning and is here for the Old Boys r'enion in S. S. No, 1 Grey on Tuesday. Herb and Mrs. Manning and Miss Grace were recent visitors with J. H. and Mrs, McLaughlin, St, Thomas, and at other points. Miss Aileen McLaughlin returned with them and will spend a couple of weeks here. Week -end visitors at the home of Richard W, rand Mrs. Hoy were, 11. and Mrs.i Lost, and Mr. and Mrs<. McLean, of Sandwich, Gordon and Mrs, Taylor and Irwin Taylor, of Guelph,and Lawrence and Mrs. For- sythe and Mrs. Isabel Beaman, of Toronto. Miss Gertrude Miller is at present visiting with Dr. and Mrs. Waghorne of Brockville. Miss Miller was ;ac- companied by her brother, Edwin Miller who went as far as Kingston where he intends taking a course itt the summer school to complete his 13. A. degree. INGHAM Monumental w°'"WORKS Has a large and complete stook of Family Memorials in newest designs at very reasonable prices, Call and see us before plan- ing your order, R, A SPOTTON Phone Office 120 Moose 286 Wlegaam PoultryWa n t fir/ .. . HIGHEST PRICES FAR) FOR ALL KINDS OF POULTRY, R. o East I uron Ai1rrod'uc G'' ER7'1E7dhYldlii'1 Kenneth Rutledge is spending his vacation with relatives in Grafton. Noble Forbes of Flint, Mich., Is visiting his uncle •Samuel Forbes. Miss Viola Carter of Hamilton is at present visiting her parents, 'jos. and Mrs, Carter Bert Anderson of Listowel spent the week end with his parents Wm. and Mrs, Anderson here, - A, and Mrs. Sohier and son, Ken- neth, spent the week end with Geo. N. and Mrs, Clark at Listowel. Ben. and Mrs. Black, of Bay City Mich,, and Mrs, Black's sister, Miss Marjorie {Albright, of Saginaw, Mich called on William and Mrs. Clark recently. Miss Annie Ferguson of Seaforth, land her nephew, Master Russell Ferguson, of Toronto, spent a few days. with Mrs. William Neal, dur- ing the past week. The following is the report of ex• aminetions of Walton Public School. honors 75, Pass 50 (*) ,;,Failed in 1 subject, Sr. IV—*Grace Manning 02, (Spell.) ; *Horace Rutledge 60 (Spell. and Gran,), Jr. IV—Helen Smalldon 86'; Norma Steiss 78 ;Gor- don Shortz'eed 78 ; Kenneth Murray. 77; Marl Hoy 71 ; Margaret Murray 69 ; Gordon Ryan 69 ; *Helen Far- quharson 62 (Arith.). Chas. Sellers, Teacher, Jr, Room—Sr. 17111 --Lena Drage. 69 ; Allan McCall 67 ; Fred- die Rutlege 67;. Anna Ennis 60; Willie Farquharson 00; *Mary Bu- chanan 51; (Arith), Jr. III— Jack Murray 82; J, Drager 81; M. Hum- phries 74; D. Murray 00. Sr. II Ken- neth :Sohier 69 ; *Jack Smalldon 52 (Spell.). Jr, 11 ---Stewart Humphries 82 ; Andrew Sloan 63 ; Kathleen Farquharson 62 ; Mildred Sellers 61. ' Sr, I—Garnet Cummings, Barrie Marshall. Sr. Primer — E. Coutts, Bobby Smalldon, Ross Ben- nett, Frankie lllaz'shall, Margaret Murray, Viola Marks. Dora Holmes, Teacher.' GQRRIE A pretty wedding was solemnised nn Saturday lute 20th at 13laat• St. United Ohnrch, Toronto, when Mary Louise, youugeet daughter of Mrs, A MacCharles, of Powaesatr, Pot,, was united in marriage to Dz. Wm. J. Rose, of Kitchener, younger soli of Mee. M. Ross, of Gerrie, Ont. The eel mutiny was petf•ntned by 1)r. Plg eon of the Ucire- 6lhuteh. 'fete beide who le a graivate ,,rthe Western I3nspitul, Teraina WAS becomingly ale tired in a baste georgette crepe ensena• ble costume with bat and -lines to uaatoh tied curried a bouquet of Oplre• lia ennui, Sweet Pena and Midden Ilisir , Fergie. fete bridal couple wet'e ttri- attended. Following the.eerewouy a reception was held at the home of the bride's sister where a deiaty buf- fet luncheon was served. The bade"s table was decorated with sweet petite and roses and centred with a beautiful three -tiered wedding cake. Amid showers of confetti the happy couple left 011 411110t01. trip to Montreal, New York and other elt.lee On their re- turn they will reside in Kit. ehener•, The beet wishes of many blends go with pr. and. Mts. Boss, HURON COUNTY There ;lied suddenly in Toronto Ott Wednesday, Mary Isabella liaurta, wife of Robert Allen, Wingham who had been a resident of Wiugham all her life. She was a daughter of the late George and Mts, Hanna, of Winghain. Some time ago Mrs. Al- len sustained a broken hip from fat"-' log on the sidewalk. She recovere4 and was able to be around witittlzO Rid of ornellee. but the acoidnnt left her in poor ltetdtlr, She woe taken to Toronto In the early spring with the expectation that the change would` improve her condition, but there was no marked lrnpen ssntettt, Blyth Parish •-. felgi'ave, Anbut'si noel )31y1,1), held' a picnic at Menestung Park last i!riday afternoon, The trneteee of 9 14. No. 6. Tnrnber• t'y, have re-engaged Miss Jean Mc• Leutntt ae teacher for another veer tit a very subatauthif increase in eat - y. Mrs, Jatnee Beattie, of Seitforth, re- ceived the sad news on Tuesday of the death, by drowning, of bar lrro- ibex, Dr. Frank 13ugat n, of Rosebud, Texas, On J•uue 28th, Dr. Ruggin and some friends Itad gnll0 011 filo. iog 1; ip to 5 Lake at Marin, Iiq was at,atidiug iu -arca weals when Ile be- catue entangled and in attempting. to. free himself fell in it deep bele and be - 1 ng bold by iha c ]gowned before other moo:there could reach him, Dr. Buggin was a son of -Rev. Me. Regain, and attended school in Seafertlt for a number of years, where lee was well-known and popular. Af- ter teaching school be graduated from Philadelphia Dental College, and 25 yeat s ago perohased a practice in Texas, where he had beets very stte- easeful. I)r. Reggirr was in his 60th year aud is survived bIs his wife, one slaughter, Lois. He le also sarvived by t.wosisters and two brothers, Mrs, Noble, of Portland, Peeve; Mrs. 445. Beattie, of 'Seaforth ; Mr, William 13uggin, of Seattle, and Mr, Fred Reg- ain, of Edmonton, ! .Y 9 {i .�a .• ALL = ti, LLE .e Reduces Friction and Makes for Ease of Operation Drive it Yourself— there is no c Better Test Ford Car Features Choice of colours 55 to 65 ,macs an hour 40 -horse power engine Fust balloon tires Puny enclosed six -brake systen, 4 Houdaitic hgdrauiio shock absarbcra PO to .10of gasotino utites pct gallon Shettarproof glass wind.hictd Molt proof ignition lock Reliability and taw upkeep BRUSSELS i, TAVISH use of ball and roller bearings in the Ford car greatly j� reduce friction and contribute to easier operation and longer life of the car. Note the coasting ability of the Ford car as compared to any other automobile in its weight class. Examination of the chassis will at once show the advantages of these bearings. On. the rear axle pinion and differential all the taper roller bearings are held to such close limits that adjustment is unnecessary, pinion and ring gear always being held in proper mesh. Spiral roller bearings are used in the rear hub because of their large bearing surface and ability to carry heavy loads. One is also used on the drive shaft at the universal joint end, to assure perfect alignment. Taper roller bearings in the front wheels have a simple adjust- meat. Roller thrust bearings on the spindle bolts make for easy steering. Two bearings, one above and one below, take up the thrust on the steering worm. The fan shaft operates on a roller bearing. The generator, the transmission, the connection between the spline and drive shafts, the clutch, the flywheel— all these important parts are made more efficient and enduring through the use of ball and roller bearings. These bearings forth a striking illustration of the engineering skill and care used in building the Ford car. Arrange for your demonstration ride with the nearest Ford Dealer G. B. McIntyre • ONTARIO