HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-7-10, Page 1VOL, 58 NO, 4
$2,00 per annum in advance
Anniversary Services
MelviUc Prcsbyterian Church
Sunday, July 14th
Rev. W, F. McConnell, of Paris, will preach
Services at 11 a. m, and 7 p. m. Special Music
Will be held an the
Garden Party MANSE LAWN
A First-class Variety Program
A Good Snpper and a Good Brass Band
Supper served from 5 to 8 o'clock
Neap this date in mind -- Tuesday, July 1lith Where ? Manse lawn
Admission 50 and 25 cents
The Surrounding District
tie«W Meeet.: e -tee tatattatela'M +letal"i++iii«l••..M eet00 -4-0 .0tlets+ «: : i Ira telel
Sunday services for July 14th :—
Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Preaching
service at 11a. tn. The preacher will
be Rev. J. Grieg, of Bluevale. Even-
ing service withdrawn on account
of Anniversary of Melville Church,
Miss Daisy Stocks is holidaying in
Ira McLean and Frank Earls spent
Misses Veleta and Minerva Hig-
gins are visiting relatives at Owen
Miss Ivy Lawrence, Ripley, is
a visitor at the home of Mrs, J.
Rev. Alex. Sanderson, Hamilton,
is spending two weeks vacation with
his parents, D. D. and Mrs, Sander-
Ashton Morrison, St. Catharines,
is visiting his mother, Mrs. John
Morrison, Whose health is much lar.
Sunday in Hamilton. Members of the Orange Lodge
Edward Gibson has taken a posi- with a number of visiting brethren
tion in the local bank here. attended service in the United
Alvin Wray, Toronto, is the guest
of his mother, Mrs. Jno. Wray.
Nelson Willis, Windsor, visited old
friends in the village last week.
Mies Beatrice Howe, Leamington
is holidaying ata her home here.
Leonard Brown is seriously ill et
the home of his daughter, Mrs. C.
Higgins, Trarnberry,
Wm. and Mrs. Greer, Pontiac,
Mich., were recent visitors with the
latter''s brother, Geo. Paulin.
Word was received here last week
of the death of S. I3. McKelvey,
Che ley, a former business inn of
this village.
Misses ELsie and Marion Gibson,
Winnipeg, are spending their sum-
mer vaention with their mother, Mrs
Thos. Gibson.
A sale of. lhe household effects of
the late T. V. Diekeoi was held Sat-
urday afternoon and in spite of the
wet weather attracted a Large crowd.
Church• Sunday morning when an
excellent address was given by the
Rev. H. Bolingbroke.
Samuel Burns McKelvie, former
well known merchant, of Walkerton,
Mildmay, and Wroxeter, and who
for the last four years has been re-
tired, living in Chesley, died last
night •tt the hone of his daughter,
Mrs. M. E. Appeal, 32 Trinity street;,
Stratford, where he had been on a
visit for the last week. On Monday
he suffered a stroke, following which
pneumonia developed, which proved
fatal. Born in Hanover•, Mr. Me-
Kelvie was in his 70th year and well-
known as the owner of woolen mills
at Walkerton, Mildmay and Wroxe-
ter. He was a member of the Church
of England and a former member of
the Canadian Order of Foresters. His
wife predeceased him 'by 16 years. I
Surviving is one son, L. C. McKel-
vie, Kitchener ; and four daughters,
Be Sure to Spend
July 12th
In Wingham
NDA when here be sure to
visit our Department Store.
Every section will have
outstanding values during the
full month, and we will show
many Extra Specials -for July
12th only.
All -the ''
he new styles in Women's
and Misses' Ready-to-wear Gar-
ments, Summer Dress Goods, Silk
Lingerie and Kayser Hosiery.
Men's 'and Boys' Clothing and
Furnishing Draperies, eries Curtains
and Floor oor Coverings.
NNW Adtertlaeotentr
Visit Winshan Fia, u 13 os
Will ran `tl,13 Chopping JIM
W edtontnol luwlshiputtirey.
Bladen twlna 13 1, ".P.hr 1o1
ennui for pulsates -Ualon trotted Ch.
1t't'11t thus+ --11 l3, alien
1 "w for xaltl^W, 1'• -canon
Was last -Olio 11attga
Coat lost-lis+ase l lsrndNiulty
iror sale -John pleases
Hay for sale -Wm. Apolr
aasrde orswanted-Ticspns'r
r0•r 'tt--Vert Lott
1MIrs. Charles Fleming, Sarnia ; Mrs.
T. A. Patterson, Shesley ; Mrs. it, J.
Parker; Buffalo, and Mrs. M. E. A,p-
McKelvie, Toronto, and two sisters,
Mrs. H. Harrod and Mrs. H. Fowler,
both of Toronto, survive,
— --•-
Council meets in Ethel on Satur-
Township Hall.
Mrs. Robert Forbes spent a week
with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Kearney
8th line,
Mrs. Robe. Scott, of Toronto, is
visiting with her daughter, Mrs.
Harvey McCueheon.
Miss Marguerite Bolger visited
with her sister, Mrs. Earl Watson,
McKilIop Boundary last week,
Miss Gloria and blaster Omar
Cunningham, are visiting at their
grand parents, Wm. and Mrs. Cun
nineteen, south gravel.
Frank and Mrs. Bryans and son
Billy, of Detroit, are visiting with
the former's brothers in Morris and
Miss Maude C. Bryans, in Brussels.
Bentley Re -union —Ideal wea-
ther again favoured the seventh an-
nual Bentley ,lee -union on July 1st.
it being held at the home of Earl and
Mrs. Bentley 7th line, Morris. There
being about 75 present from St.
Marys, Detroit,, Teeswater, Science
11'rll, leorrnosa, Parsley, Belgrave,
Blyth, and Westfield. After a hot
dinner being served the afternoon
was spent by the men in football and
baseball and +an enjoyable game of
soft ball by the girls, while their
elders enjoyed a social intercourse.
It was decided that the 1930 re-
union be held at the home of Mrs.
Thacker, Formosa. Shortly after the
evening repast the gathering began
to disperse and ,all went home feel-
ing that they had spent an enjoy-
able day.
The regular 'meeting of the Wom-
en's Institute will be held at the
home of Mrs. Norman Walsh. As-
sistants, Mrs. M. Grasby and Mrs. G.
Walsh. Roll call "Dolts for the kit-
chen". Topic "Kitchen equipment in
dollars and cents" by Mrs. J. Michie.
Miss Celia Couites convener for
music. The ladies are requested to
bring recipes for puddings and sau
fes, tarts, breads and biscuits,
A very interesting meeting of the
W. M. S. of the United Church was
held at the home of Mrs. A. Procter
on July 4th. The meeting was open-
ed with a chorus "It makes no Dif-
ference" by the C. G. h T.•girls.
Mrs, Jas. Anderson then read the
scripture lesson 1 Cor. 16 chapter.
The topic "Giving with out method"
was in charge of Mrs. Michie this
was followed by prayer by Mrs,
Wilkinson. Hymn 94 was then sang.
It was moved and adopted that a
baby band and a mission band be or-
ganized Mrs. Jas. Wightntan to have
ehat'ge of the baby band and Mrs.
Carl Procter as superintendent of -
mission band. An instrumental by
Miss Velma Wheeler was rendered
followed by a •vocal duet by :Hisses
I will again be handling the
U. F. 0. twine. It will be
the same good quality as
last year, made in Belfast,
Phone me your order early
so you can be sure of your
supply. All who used it last
year know the merits of this
Lot 15, Can, 10, Grey Phone 2810
Breen. bars Welland, of Wingham,
{ gave an excellent report of the Pres-
byterial held In Chatham after which
I Mrs, Burke, of Toronto, fevered us
with a solo. A$ this was the fourth
!anniver'sary of the missionary society
• since union, Mrs. Seobie gave a con -
else but encouraging report of the
work undertaken in the past and
'hoped for greater achievement iu
the future, Interest was than can-
• trail on Mrs, D. Geddes, a past mem-
ber, land now of Wingham when 3'Irs,
1J, Wheeler read an address an dMrs.
C. Wilkinson on behalf of the ladies
presented Mrs. Geddes with a life
membership and Miss Mildred Seobie
representing the C. G. 1, T. girls read
an addresss and Miss 13. Breen pre -
Rented her with a Life Membership
pin. Mrs. Geddes who was then ts-
' ken very myth by surprise thanked
the ladies and girls for this fine to-
ken of their respect and expressed
appreciation for their kindness,
Hymn "Oh Master Let Me Walk
With Thee" was then rendered with
prayer. A social time was then -en-
joyed the hostess serving refresh-
ments and birthday cake in honor of
the event,
Council meets at the Clerks office
on Saturday of this week.
Rev. D. M. Guest, now of Arkona,
was back to assist at the funeral of
the late Mee, Spense last Friday af-
Sunday July 14th services at the
Presbyterian Church, Sunday eSehool
1 at 1.30 p. nt. Preaehing 2.30 p. in. by
'Rev. J. Grieg, of Blrevaie. No even-
ing service,
Harvey and Mrs. Dobson, Quest
and Mrs. Dobson and family., and
Roy .and Mrs, Hall and fainily were
visitors with Chas. and Mrs. Shieim,
at Wingham, on Sunday last.
Mrs, Jos. Ames had the misfor-
tune, a few days ago to sustain a bad
ly sprained ankle. Under the doc-
tor's care however she is making
speedy recovery, which her many
friends will be pleased to know.
Ethel Presbyterian Church Garden
Party last Tuesday evening was a
great success. The !Bluevale party
acquitted themselves well, their var-
ious items were frequently encored.
'Rev. Fowler and Guest brought greet
begs from their congregations. Rev,
Williams presided at the entertain.
ment with ability and tact.
Card of Thanks :—We wish to
thank our neighbors and many
' friends for the many kindnesses
shown and sympathies extended also
for the beautiful floral tributes at
the time of the sudden passingaway
of our clear mother. Those kind-
nesses were very mueh appreciated
and will never be forgotten.
Spence Family.
New Minister Inducted :--Last
Thursday evening at Ethel United
Church, Rev. C. E. Taylor, the new
pastor of Ethel Circuit was inducted
into his new charge, I.ev. Mr, Seobie
of Belgrave had charge of the service
which Rcv. Mr. Bobingbroke, of
Wroxeter, preached the sermon. Rev.
W. J. Maines, of Walton, addressed
the people and Rev. A. W. harken',
of Brussels spoke words of council
to the Minister. Following the ser.
vire, a social hour was spent in
meeting the Minister artd his good
wife and family. A hearty welcome
was extended to them by the congre-
Mulheron—Purvis :—A quiet wed
ding took place at St. Anne's Ciulrch,
Toronto. on Wednesday, July 3rd,
when Mr. P. 11. Mulheron, of Paris,
Ont. was married to Gertrude J.
Purvis of Ethel, Ont. Canon 'Skey
Officiated. The bride; roosted alarnt•-
ing in a gown of pale pink with hat
to match, and was supported by her
sister, Miss Constance Purvis, of
Toranto, who was dressed in orchid
taffeta Mr. W. G.a Mulheron, of
Regina was his brother's s best man.
The bride was given away by Iter
• father, :tar. J. S. Purvis Ethel, Ont.
The couple left immediately for Bur -
fate and other points in the Eastern
I States. On their return they all rie-
side in Paris, Ont.
1 The oldest and one of the most
highly esteemed residents of Ethel!
passed away on Wednesday morning
uly 3rd in
the person of Martha
Elizabeth Thompkins widow of the
late William Snenee in her 87th
year. The deet t•ed was born hi Fin -
den, Northamptonshire, England, on
July 2Uth 1541 She cans to Canada
v'ith her mother when eee years of
age, her father having preceded
then to Canada one year previous
ODA settled in vicinity of Toronto at
what was at that time known as Tod-
morden. She W,ts suited in marriage
to the late Mr. Spence in 1803, emu -
ill to Ethel in 1860 where she lived
ever since. The funeral took place
Eton the United Church, Ethel on
Friday, July 5th of which church the
deceased was the oldest member,
'I'ite funeral service was conducted -
by Rev. D. 11. Guest, assisted by Rev.
Mr. Williams turd Rev. Ilr. Taylor.
The bearers were. Ivie Campbell,
John Stephenson, J. H. Fear, George
Ecknmer, y Dobson obson and Chne
Meyer. The flower girls were, Miss
es Rhea MeI ellatd, Ella Pearson,
Ada Wardlaw and Edith Krauter.
The floral tributes were beautiful
and consisted of Pillows from the
family, Spray, Dr, and Mrs. Ward-
law ; Spiny, W. M. S. of L'nited
Church ; Spray, C. and Masa Ray -
nerd, Ethel ; spray, Dr. and Mrs.
Ferguson and Edith, Toronto ; spray,
Edith Kreuter. She leaves to mourn
Dan. c e
Wingham Arena
differ -noon and
g,Jitney Dancing
e994,11A tDr`OttnrablIVA2a81bR8 bt1i11Dt41"8abr`rti
The late Mrs. Wm. Spence who
died last Wednesday, was a resident
of Ethel for many years and was
highly respected by all..
Lee loss four daughters cad one son,
Mrs. J. :1, Het -worth of Central
Butte, Sask. ; airs. W. P. Davie.,
Grund Forks, North Dakota ; Mrs.J.
T Nieholson and Mr:, George Kreu-
ter, of Ethel, and t iia at home.
bliss Dona Stevene has been re-
engaged on our to citing staff at a
substantial increase n£ salary, Miss
Stevens is doing good work.
Miss Elizabeth Fear has resigned
as principal of the Ethel Public
School and has accepted n position
on the staff of the Southampton
Public School. She is at present at-
tending Summer school at Hamilton.
We wish her continued success.
Our townsman, James McClelland
arrived home Friday of last week af-
ter an enjoyable visit of several days
with relatives and friends in and
around Toronto. His chief objective
however in commencing his cation
was an Old Boys Reunion at Cherry
Hill school, Innisville Twp Simcoe
County, near the town of Bantle the
only public school Mr. 3I+:Cleliand
ever attended. Beside, showing his
old companions how to pitch horse-
shoer as it is didin Ethel, he was well
able when given the opportunity, to
entertain them with reminestc Hees of
his boyhood and school days, and
many incidents of the, intervening
years, containing frith and point,
humor and pathos. In the company
convened to welcome tris hone, "01'1
Briar" NSW not by any mans the
least conspicuous,
Coancil meets on iL)i:dny at the
day of this week,
Quest Dobson eth eon. is having
-his barn reehingled.
Lorne and Mrs. Addy, of Detroit, ;
are visiting cid trice is in Grey.
Rosa l'i,..1n. Mildmay, has been
secured as teacher of S. S. No. •I.
Many- will tale: in the 13th at •
Wingham and Palm reton on Friday.
Edgar Hollinger, of I)ttroit, spent
the eveek-end visiting friends in
S•nnuel and Mr;. A. -kin, of Strat-
• ford, :Mewled the reunion at Shinn:'
Many :attended the: funeral of Mre.
William Spence at Ethel on I'i'idae
John Grieve, of D-,trnit, formerly
of McKillop, Balled on friends on the
14th last. week.
R. J. Hoover. etIi con.. has'had hi.s
house reshingled and other improve-
mcnt made.
.Miss Cora Alcock It, N., 'Young--
towu Ohio, arrived here for the '
Sinn: Sehonl reunion,
Wes. :and 313=. Fete Winnipeg,
etre renewing old1: ,11tintances in
the township. They were here to
tend the reunion at No. 1.
Mrs. John Bayne, St. Peels, Minn.,
and Miszi Margaret McAllister, of
Toronto, visited with Ilobt, McAllis-
ter tat 1a.t
Miss Mary hranitcr, of Toronto, ,
end ,Liss Geace Keauter of Seafnrth,
visited at the, home of Jim and llrs.
McDonald, south gravel.
Union 'United' Church are asking
for tenders to have the interior of
the church painted, to be in by July
90t1t. See advt. in this issue.
Mr. Wan J. Eloy wishes to an-
nounce the engagement of his (laugh
ter, Evelyn Melissa, to Charles Fred-
crick McC'utcheon, son of air. and
Mrs. Jas. .1. McCutchnon, Grey.
Township, The marriage to take
place in the middle of July. •
Robert W. , ofL llreekc nridR e os.
Angeles, Cnl ie a visitor at present
with his :deter, Mrs. Cuthbert Hutch-
inson, 0th line. The visitor was a
former resident of Goderich, but
has ,pent the pleat 31 Fent, in the
U. S.
Struck By Car :--Tate Blyth Stan
dard refers to an accident nt of a for-
-met boy of the 10th con. Quite •j 1
^serious accident occurred on Queen !
street on Wednesday morning which ;
resulted in injuries to the head and
face of Walter Oster When he was
struck by William McDonald, of
Tecewater. It would appear that 1
Wa1Cor was running across the street
and appeared to run into the side of
the car. He was knocked down and
rendered unconscious,
Chopping Mill
Will run on
of each week until further
Fred Elliott, of Seattle, formerly
of Molesworth, called on many old
trends last week in Grey.
lI se Pearl Jacltlin returned to her
1t0sitlon in Toronto after a three
weeks' visit at her home on the 8th
-alt:;. Also. Ar-olstrmg and Ilia. Jas.
.McNair attended the funeral of the
1,t. alts. Crerar at Toronto last
Rr union—The Reanien held at
S.' S. No. 1, Grey on Tuesday flay of
this week was a 'hue suerees in spite
uf the showery weather. There was
a big crowd of old -b 1ys nndgiels and
ex -teacher present. Owing to press
day• The Post will have a eomplete
account of the reunion next weer
Wan. and Geo. Martin, of Cross
w 1l, .Mich., Jos. and Jas. Martin, of
D.tioit; ;41rs. S. Colwell, Tampa,
Florida; Mrs, Alex, Robertson, Yale,
-Bubo., all members of the Martin
falttiiy, former r, s.de•ttts of the 11
con„ Grey, farm now occupied by
Hugh Lamont, along with Mr, Col-
well and Robert Robertson, son of
Mrs. Al ex. I1obertson, were here to
attend the reunion at S. S No, 1.
Sudden Call --On •Sundiy evening
William T. Blake, 14th, suffered a
stroke from which he never rallied
and passed away on Tuesday even-
ing, He was 52 years of age. 'Tho
funeral will take place from St. Am-
bro•e R. C. Church, Brussels, on
Thursday morning at 10 o'clock
following Mass. Interment will be
made at the Brussels R. C. cemetery.
An obituary will be given next week.
The W, 11. S. of Roe's Church
held their June meeting at the home
of lits. Welsh with eleven membere
and four visitors present. Meeting
opened with the Doxoloey followed
by the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. James
Par -on read the Scripture lesson,
Psalm 23, and then Roll Call. 3lin-
atr•s and business. Vera Connor led
111 prayer Readily-, were given by
Mrs. Neahly .and Vera Connor. Mrs.
Me latish, r arse .alt., Jos. E. Jacklin
were appointed to prepare the pro-
' for the next meeting. TlTrs.
Grainger closed the meeting with
the benediction.
The lI eed Control Act:—Set'tion
T -Every occupant of land, or if
ethe land is unoccupied, the owner,
destroy all Creeds designated
nexious by .he reeulations. as often
t very year as is euflicient to pro-
ve teh ripening of these seeds.
r . i ,,trona --Tate following -hall be
deimel noxious tweeds within the.
ne nano_ of the .art:—Bladder Cam-
pion; Ox -eye Daisy; Sow Thistles;
White Cotkle; Wild Oats; Canada
T1 a. tle; Blue Weed Chi 'or y ; Docks
11.m -weed; Ribgras+ Russian thistle;
Stick seed; Stinkweed; Mustard;
Wad Carrot; Wild Barley; Cinque-
foils; Burdock:. Hawkweed; Field
Peppergr ass; Wild Lettuces,
Mrs, H. Weiland and two children
of Toronto. have been visiting with
Percy cy and firs. Little.
Leslie and Mts. Rapine and little
daughter, Elinor of Chicago,
are at present visiting Airs. Rapine's
amnia Mrs. Charles Drager, of Wal-
ton, and her parents, David and Mia
hegle of the 14th con., of McKillop.
Mrs. Ch1istena Hartle. aged 85
tear passed away on Tuesday
toning; at the home of her daughter
l )o'
I1 David Crawford,14th con., t
'tlegillop. The body was taken via
t .P.R. W edne:day mornin3 to Can-
nineton for burial.
The annual garden patty of Duff's
United Church. Walton, held on
Wm. Woods' lawn on Friday Own -
mg, under the auspices of the Ladies
Aid. was one of the 1 u'gest ever
held, The proceeds for the evening
were in the neighborhood of 3550,
4.sumptuous supper w 1s served by
the ladies of the eotl negation. An
excellent program Wil given by
`Ye Old Tpme Village Quartette,"
of ar
T n o n
Y of and Tom Holltlltn a
well-known Scotch comedian, The
gnartette consisted of 3. A. C. Chap-
man, tenor; Marjorie Waters, so-'
piano; Betty Thompson MacKenzie,
r nntralto, :and F. J Carter, bnritotu'.
Mrs. A. ('. Chapt' ' accnmpe nie11
them on the piano "he Blyth Citt-
z n♦ Band was in aft.e .:tante. which
ft -
fot a newly organizedm--
i t
band ltd
ceedinely well. They rendered sev-
eral pleasing numbers. The mem
hers of the Mission Band took chat
of a booth whom. t
t t l t home made candy
and lemonade were sold Miss
Smilli.i had charge of another booth
where various sorts of refreshments
were served, All reported ported a moat
enjoyable time, mid expressed a de. -
sire to he entertained again next
year at, another such pleasing event.
L. KERR, Proprietor
Persona/ Paragraphs
Mrs. W Spefran (11(11 daughters (81'31
vieltillg 1n 1`.01.01110 for a 000310 e C
Mise Janet Miller, 0£ Detroit, spent
t. Ile weekend with Miss Dunalda Ilia.
Miss Laate Burgess returned to :Tor-
onto atter Iter vpoal101l at the parent-
al home.
Mise,F,va 13ryata, of Toronto, spent
bate seeek•eud with her mother sed
1)1. Margaret Calder was catling on
old friendsintnwu on AVeduesda, of
Ode week
Will. and Mrs. Stewart, of Fergus,
Mrs. ()eery,
were week -end viNittl's with N. I+` and
Miss Tessin SWit z,er, of Gland Bend,
' spent part of Theisday with Mrs.
Rohr. Dark.
1-h e•re and Mrs. snakes were called
Toronto owing to the death of Mee.
S R. the-rai-
Alisa el 11 y Davison to spending her
hid ideye with her aunt, 31rs, Stowe at
Port 1. Igin Beach.
Tile led. Bryens is spending the
enrnn er vaeatinn with her danghtei,
Alts. Den. Denman.
Ben 1)111k, 11 (,atl3, was here over
the week.al l aria took In the re -union
ar, S. R, N". 1, (;lee-.
Mises Annie. and Jean Brodie, of
Seaforth. errs the guests of their (mus-
h', 'Miss Mary Mollie.
Hoary end Mis. Kirkby and Mise
Batty, of Leyden, are visiting with
Joe and Mrs Qiietin,
tars 13 Cunningham has Leen run-
ner the doetot's rale with a severe at.
t.eelr ref the sulnnlet flu -
Ir, 13 and 11re. Minae, of Fere eve.
Ilene weie visitors with N. F. and
hI1's. (terry f or at few days.
Aliso Thelma Burgess, of Toronto. 18
spending her vacation with her par -
encs, Jas. and Ales. Burgess.
Jan Crerar was in Toronto Satnr•
day attending the funeral of ,tie sis-
' tmein-law, Alts, S. R. CI oral..
Miss Fln. Buchanan and niece, Miss
Ruth Strachan, leave this week for a
trin to the Western prnvivres.
' Jack and Mre Ballantyne, Detroit,
were holiday eisirnra with the for -
user's mother. 'tit,o fan. Rallnntyne.
Omar and Gloria Cunningham were
' the gjleete of Meir gear'dperents \ern.
and Mrs. Cunningham foe a few days
liter week.
Jiin MCArte1'• of Sarnia, and slater,
Miss Flr•renee 13 N. of St. Catharines,
were Cieitera this week with relatives
'in Lewis.
Bluth Standard :-Mies Irene Hoov-
er, of Lensing, Mich., is upending iter
vacation with her parents, J H. and
Mrs Hnnvet'.
(, N. and AT's, Edwards and fainily
of Lend:1n, were week enol visitors
with the fernier's patents, Geo. and
MI's Rd wards
J. W. and 5.11R. Rat hweil and three
friends cf \lamina, spent part of
'I'nesdnv with Mr-, Rathwell'e cousin,
Sire. Rein, Dark.
Renald Rv'rlay, of Chicago, and
Edwin Barclay, of Toronto, worn re.
renewing old friendships in J3russeis
hair Sarcrlday evening.
Mrs, lie J. MeT;inehlinreturnedLest
Friday evening from her visit at New
Liskeard. Shins Lookout and Win-
nipeg, The visitor hada vety enjoy-
able tithe.
Mrs. George Baeker. who has been
staying with her dltnghters in Win-
nipeg, is spending the summer at
G1trf. Baeker's eottrtge,"Maple Grove"
on Reilly Lake,
Mrs. Edward Flen,ly, Miss Olive
Fl"ody arid Master Wallace Floody.
of Toronto, and Mrs. David Floody, of
Blyth, called on Mrs. J. L. Kerr last
Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. las. Dittman, of Atwood, was
calling 00 friends in Brussels and
locality during the past week. She
prepasee leaving for Est even, Sask.,
Next eveek whet*, she will spend the
summer with friends,
3iaseer Billy Dark, of Ircgnnis, is
visiting at his etmediat:We. Win.
Dark, Billy's daddy, '.Corn Dark, of
13 linemen, event down for him last
tveelt and htought frim up for his filet:
visit to Btnssets.
Alf. Denny, of Buffalo, N. Ye is
13 1101110 his holidays in Brussels.
's Carson Geo. and Mrs, lt.. Car.nu told the letter's
mother, Airs, Cummings, accompanied
hila on the sip over and spent several
days in this lneelity.
Andrew llr(iatva, of Clinton, Mee.
(.raha 1 and sol and is
1 Miss Agnes
Wallace,t1, , f Toledo, lade (hen were mal!t
i >
o1 J. 1, and lire. Kett. on Sant: day.
111 r. 111rGarea and mint, Mi,+s \Yallaee,
Were neighbors of the Ketrs at Cline
Mee, Degge, of Chatham, and bet ter
known to the older citizeus as lade
Stratton, was (3 3(4(11110 the other Sun-
day al tit. John's ants ch, a position
elle heli some 50 years ago. MIN. WV.
h' Sire(t.on will take Oa organ for the
month of Jnly.
Andrew and Mrs. Burgess and sons
Hu141 Mid Bernard, and daughter,
Alias le'Inrenoe, of l8,h'nuelt, Texas, are
visiting at the home or the foriner'a
b other, Jas, and 'Mrs, ROrgess, Mr.
Burgess lira Illny for roue
fat l y years and anent over 2,1 years iu
Aienitnhaanti later going t)Pexas,
'Phe 31.1 tnl•N made the trill by Motor.
W. 13, Dickson, wife and daughter
leave town on I*riday an their vet ern
trip the Oi+khl4ntl, N. 0., after a hap-
py teunio11 with old friends in and
at'(111113 BI'nleaeia They ni talo their
i 1
1 eat t entale at the o home of e
Pe t'
and Mrs. yenta, old time fthe: defer the
"Dirlcsan" and ' Oormaek" fnroi1ies.
Word was reraiv111 here of tate
death of Mrs. Will Lawrence,
to ia, 13. 0., who died of a stroke.
Airs, Lawrence was the eldest daughe
ter of the late 4001. Grant, the fleet
Postmaster when Brussels' eras Aia-
leyville and Dingle P. 0 ,t shout
1800 She leavee her httehrtltd in Vac.
torte end two sons and two daughter*
in Vancouver, 13.'0,