HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1929-6-26, Page 8WTDNE$DAY, TUNE 26th, 1929. Ti•IX. * R Y X POST GIIR atrilpWdttglelfgliiKtCKuitGMlasat ettleetttete IC<teat-Wittgt tete R The Stare Ex,aminatio n Supplies With the annual School Exams now in progress there will be needed. EXAMINATION PAPER EXAMINATION PADS, WATER COLORS ART BRUSHES CRAYONS COMPASSES RULERS DRAWING PAPER DRAWING PORTFOLIOS PEN POINTS ERASERS WATERMAN'S FOUNTAIN PENS Universal Caothes Cleaner REMOVES OIL AND GREASE SPOTS TAR, ETC. NON-inflamtble, it is much safer to use than any other' preparations for this purpose. 1 lb. Tins 50c. /HITE _ RIT will remove the color from colored goods. 150 Pkg. Water Glass Egg Preserver 1 Ih TITS 20c. This arteries s i- a1ft for doing about 9 doz. lullllll 11�1H1,�i��1i" For rtes$ Load with Kodak Film ---the kind in the yellow box ---Fresh supply .of all sizes in stock. FILMS DEVELOPED. AND PRINTED, To Keep Bose Bushes free uf Insects "BLACK LEAF FORTE" 35c, Bots. SULFO TOBACCO SOAP 20c. SULPHUR, HELLEBORE, &c. See the . Peder off vsalsa . ,' 1 in eOri hin- t ,:::. J,., t, ,.1 Cold Crnam F a e Powder at the SPECIAL PRICE OF 59c. E. R. SMITH ,�f•�as'vf2/X C,_, Store Druggist and Stationer , e5 Brussels United Church REV. A, W, BARKER. B. 0. MINISTER Sunday, dune 30th 10 aa',—Sunday School Session. 11 a,m,—Public Worship.. Rev, W. E, Hassard, of Toronto 7 p.m.—Public Worship. Theme : 'The Pharisee and the Publican' Solo : "The Publican" Wednesday—Prayer Service Friday --Choir Rehearsal 00 FOR SALE—A Bunch of Pigs Ready to wean. Phone 46-4. 2-1 +'I i FOR SALE -9 Chunks of Pigs. a- ll bout 65 pounds. Andrew Sloan, !c , Phone 27-12. 2-1 ; ! FOR SALE—Thoro' Bred Berkshire to , Son', doe to farrow, Aug, 3st. A I Melvin; Dennis, Ethel, R. R. 1. Phone 8-118. 2-1 f?' FOR SALE—Auto seat rubber tired Muggy and set of single harness. Also two good drivers S. Carter Brussels. 2-1 FIVE Pigs, ready to wean, For sale. jJ is Chester Rintoui, Phone 51-18. I21- Sas LOST—Ford Auto Tire on Rim, be- tween Brussels sels and lot 23 on 7th line Morris. Finder please notify AP. Amcnt, Phone taiX. 2-1 ani MASON & RISCH Piano, in good 0 condition, for- Aale. Call Phone 13, 2-tf. FOR SALE—One Morris Piano, cern ' paratively new; good condition; 16 also one light truck. Apply Mrs. Taus. , GibsonWroxeter, Admster •t. ri+ca raaeisiia.zatmatatnatialta;sataressisontat9rseassin2r imeasr2raz2:eas s:asaitaniataintprar2r�� J. K. Gibson Estate.2-1 "'�'"' n"` FOR SALE ---A Melotte Cream Sep. Local News Items Council Will Meet Tuesday. Owing to Monday being July 1st and a Public Holiday, Council will Tuesday evening. meet on T Y Many Went to Startford. Many from Brussels and vicinity were 'at Stratford on Monday at- tending the circus. Autumn Court Sittings. The autumn sittnigs of the !Egli Court are announced. November 5 is the date nn which jury anti non - jury sittings will be held in Goderich. Will Hold Picnic. The numbers of the United Church are planning, to hold a congregational picnic at Ethel inn Thursday, July 1. Keep this date 'cicear, and watch for : further announcement, Walter Kerr, C. N. 11. agent, andPast Noble (trend of Western Star Lodge, 1.0.0.F., attended the meet- ing of Grand Lodge held at Hamil- ton last week. Foot Ball Results. Brus,els won from Stratford on the home park by a score of 2 to 1. Winthrop won from Monkton 2 to 0. mune The only sr•heduled this week is Brussels at Stratfor" on Thursday evening. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. John Oliver an- nounce the engagement of their only •daughter. Fior• ntte Elizabeth, to Charles Graham McG:avin, son of Mr. and Mrs. William McGavin, of McKiiiop, marriage to take place the Iatter part of June. Melville Church Anniversary. Anniversary servicea in Melville Presbyterian choral!, l ru.aeIs, will be conducted on Sunday, July 140 at 11 aim. and 7 p.tn, by Rev, W. F. MsConuell, of Paris. Tuesday evening, July 16th, a garden party will be held on the Manse lawn, New Rector Appointed,• The Rev, F. G. ,Rickard I,. Th. of Waterford, has accepted the parish of St .John's Church Brussels, and SL George's Church, Walton, and takes charge Aug. 1st. Mr. Rickard conies highly recommended by the Bishop. W. C. T. U. Friday Afternoon. The W. C. '1'. 0. will hold a parlor Meeting at the home of Mrs. W. H. Maunders on Friday afternoon of this week, at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Coutts of Chicago, will give e a talk on tem- perance conditions in the United States. There will also be literary • and musical numbers. A cordial in- -at/tell=is extended to all. Will Hold Picnic. A grand picnic will he held at R. Davidson's grove on Thursday after- noon, July 4th, under auspices of the Men's Club of St. Johns Church, Brussels. They invite you, with all your children to come early .and bring your basket and have a jolly time, Softball, horseshoe -throwing, races and swings. Prizes given to Winners. There will be a booth an the grounds. Attended Grand Lodge. Bowling. At the Jitney held on Tuesday evening of this week, Rev. A. W. Barker was first; N. F. Gerry, second tins P. Stewart, third. Assistant Engaged. Bruisels School Board has engag- ed Fled E. Aherns, of Elmwood as a r•i-taut fur the Continuation school, 51r. Almens cant...: ;cell rectnrinrend- e 1. Annual Church Service. St. Johns Ledge A. F. & A. M. will attend divine service in inleviile eeerc n 00 Sunday evening, July 7th when _n Rev. I1t•e. F. G. bowler, will Foot Ball Standing. P WL D F AP M'lvarten ...4 3 0 1 12 3 7 Winthrop ., .0 3 2 1 8 11 7 Stratford ...5 3 2 0 1.4 6 6 Brussels ....1 1 2 1 2 3 8 Monkton ., .5 0 4 1 3 16 1 Held Picnic Friday. The Huron County Connell held their annual picnic Friday afternoon at Jewett': Grove, Bayfield. Due to the fine weather there was a larger attendance than usual. Sport- were indulged in until late in the after noon when a splendid supper was served by the ladies. A Sneak Thief. While m, nib.•rs of the United C'rnrch choir, were in their places in_the e choir loft on Sunday morning, a sneak thief went up into the choir room and extracted a watch and chain from the coat of rine of the singers. Co.Goner able Gundry was on tine warpath Monday and there i= liiueiy to be trouble. Should Have Many Supporters. Brussels Foot Ball team goes to Stratford on Thursday evening to play their league snatch, and there should be a goodly number of sup- porters go down to the C 1a: +ic City to see the game. If Lru-suis plays as good a attune down there as they did in Brussels, they should have n t trouble in winning Minor Locals. June ends on Sunday. Council will meet on Tuesday ev- ening. Entrance Exams are an the pro- gram. Holiday are here for the school ureter, will be sold cheap, A. James, Brussels. 2-1 WORK Horses and Shorthorn Bulls For Sale. Thos. Kerr, Henfryn, Phone 359. 2-tf. FOR SALE—Good Farm Wagon and flat rack. Apply to Edward Collis, Phone 35-7 53-2 FOR SALE -2 cows( one partly Jersey) 1 calf heifer, part Jersey, , '2 n o. aid 1 2 year olds, 2 steers Foot Ball. For the benefit of foot ball fol- lowers the Brussels dates in Group No. 2 of the W. F. A. are listed as follows: At Home— July 10---Monkton. Away— July 5—llilvertor, July 19—Monkton. June 27—Stratford Players, Pianos Organs Tuned and Repaired Satisfaction Assured J. C. Blackstone Orders' taken by Walker & Black D a 11 h isn't Win Trophy. A rink of Brussels Bowlers were t Blyth last week to attend the 1yth tournament, but did not bring ome the trophy this year. U h O w sual Holiday Hours at P. O. On July 1st the usual holiday ours will he observed at the Post t„1,4,4,4,444.44,4.4..,:„:,44,44 ffice. All other places of business ill be closed for the day, Celebrate 3 Glorious' • Twelfth *e IN t Palmerston z< North Perth Orange County and visiting Lodges are hold- t ing a Monster Celebration in Palmerston, on July 12th. 1. Speakers that are Leaders in Orange Order will be present 1. and other entertainments will 4 be, provided for all. All roads lead ...to Palmerston s on the Glorious Twelfth, 1929. 1 I 4. Foot Ball Schedule June 27—Stratford vs. Brussels, July 3—Winthrop vs. Monkton July 3—Stratford vs. Milverton July 5-14lilverton vs. Brussels July 8—Milverton vs. Stratford July 10—Brussels vs, Monkton July 11—Winthrop vs. itiilvetron July 19—Monkton vs. Brussels. and 2 n ..let 5 yearlings, 3 steers and t heifers. Mrs. Char- lotte Thomson, Henfryn. 53-2 FOR SALE—Master Six McLaughlin Car for sale. Cheap. This ear in best of repair. Alf. Baeker, Brus- sels. 52-tf BABY CHiICKS—Barred Plymouth Rock, O. A. C. strain, June 14c each. Single Comb White Leg- horn, Harron strain, June 12c each; also dry summer wood for sale. Dan. McKinnon, Brussels, Phone 23-16. 43-tf HOUSE and Property for sale. Ap• ply to Miss Ella Woods, Brussels,. Phone 22x. 47-tf. Pictures Coming to The Grand. Following are a few of the pic- tures billed at the Grand Theatre for this corning month: June 28-29—Vanishing Pioneer. July 1, 2, 3—The Legion of the Con. tlemned. • 6 ---My Pest Girl. 8, 9—Two Lover;, 12, 13..—Steamboat Bill Jr. 15, 16 --The Rescue 111, 20—Wings 22, 23 ---The Battle of the Sexes. 26, 27—The, Magic Flame 29, 30—The Garden of Eden Birt Film Corning for Holiday. Characterized as the companion picture to "Wing,;" Paramount's great epic of the air, "The Legion of the Condemned," another story of the War from the standpoint of the ,tt.ator, comes to the Grand Theatre next Monday for a 3 days' run Here is a story that differs entirely in story content from the famous raad;hnw, but in color, romance. char acterizatian and downright thrills, "The legion of the. Condemned" has taken its place right up alongside the nroduetion which is ::till standing them up in the larger cities. Like "Willes" the tale is from the Pen of John Monk `Saunders, a member of the United States Air Corps during the war, and is directed by W illinm Wallman, who saw service with the Iafnyr•tfe Squadron and who is mer- ited with the direction of "Wings" children. The nitatnnlay dents with an unat- Next Monday is July lst—a public tucked flying unit at the 'French holiday. front, composed of men who, leseanae Usual holiday hours at the Post ' of their nark paste, wanted to die. Office on July let. Their daring exploits were the talk Many from brussels were at Wing- of the War, Nothing was tea hazard New Officers of St. Johns Lodge. The new officers were installed in St. John: Lodge last Monday even- ing as follows: I. P. M.—R. Bowman Masten --F. M. Wilmot S. W.—Alex. Sperling J. W. --Kenneth Ferguson Chaplin—Rev. P. G. Fowler Treasurer—M. Black Secretary—Wm.. Gillespie S. D.—Chas. Lockwood J. D.—N. S. Hoover 1), of C.—D. C. Matheson 1. G.—W. D. Jamieson. Tyler—Wm. Wilton S. S.—N. F. Gerry J. S.—N. Chapman. Tense Situations Featured in New Zane Grey Picture. Their very existence menaced by danger to their water rights, citizens of Happy Valley meet in mass gath- ering; to take steps to fight for their rights. They agree that any one of their number who sells his land and water rights shall be shot down on sight. That is one of the tense sit- uations in Zane Grey's "The Vanish- ing Pioneer," the Paramount picture featuring Jack Holt which comes to the Grand Theatre Friday night,' The mass meeting in the picture is held in the church which serves as the grs,eral gathering place fo; the pioneer community. This scene was aelually filmed in such a church in the pioneer settlement of Rockville, Utah, a little village near Zion Na- tional Park. It was there that the company from the Paramount stu- dio in Hollywood went on location to make the exterior scenes of the pic- ture. Eminent Blind Man at Cohbo,rne St. Monday's Brantford Expositor had the following reference to a well known Brussefite, under the above heading:—A most interesting service was held last night in Colborne St. United church, when the pastor, Rev, lloward L, Roberts, M.A., B,D,, had with him assisting in the service Al- bert Lott, B.A., of Brussels, Ont., it graduate of the Ontario School for ham last Thursday, ous it: an undertaking. Into this the Blind and also of 'Queen's versit and now In his last in Brussels Foot Ball team plays in rag, of men who welcomed death Y year P Y group Stratford Thursday night, sumer Gary Cooper as the young Emmanuel 'Theological Collage. Mr. Seaforth races attracted a few American newspaperman, betrayed last Wednesday afternoon. hv'his sweetheart. The high spot The big Liberal Rally at Grand shows Cooper forced to carry hit ex - Bend last Wednesday drew many sweetheart across the German lines from Tirussels and vicinity as a spy. Fay Wray, as the spy - Lott read the lesson Iron) the Draile Bible and afterward preached most effectively of "Practical Christianity" taking as his text faun James 1-22. "Be ye doers of the word and not Speeders should remember that sweetheart, and Cooper head the cast. hearers only, deceiving-, your own while there may, not be another car In the flying sequences are many oft selves. Christian life, the preacher within a mile, it only six feet in the famous pilots who participated said, needed to be more consistent. most cases to the ditch. People who in the making of "Wings." Charlie Hearing the Word, church attend. e the wind generally have cholla will also be sten in a two.,lonce, was not enough. One must do. noc d g Y P "The „I The Christian life was a practliisal not mach to do when they get there, ,reel comedy Floorwalker. thing, it expressed itself in action. Christ did the will of Flis Father in heaven; Christians must live their lives in the apirit of Jesus --He went about doing good. The motive must he pure and unselfish, giving help, encouragement to them who could give nothing in return. The service was largely attended and the inspir- ational address full of the spirit of optimism and cheerfulness was heard with much appreciation. Rede Licenses. uc A reduction in the cost of atuomo- bile licenses in the near future was forcatt by Hon. Geo. S. Henry to the Conservative Association of North York. "The principle is firmly estab- lished that the user should pay for the roads", said Mr. Henry, in era ;Staining why the gasoline tax was in- creased during the last session. . Honker Pests The Calgary Herald refers Editor- ially to "Honker Pests" of which Brussels has also a few :—'This city is afflicted with more than its fair share of auto idiots who are stricken with the honking disease. With some of them it is a case of trying to at- tract general attention to the fact that they are the possessor of an au- tomobile. With others it i$ a case of insufferable contempt for the rights and sensibilities of other people. They honk them when in a'traffrc I*acade, they honk them when travel- ling free of traffic and they honk them as a signal to obviate the exer- tion of calling at a door, It must be return boyhood when the blowing of a horn was a pleasure and thrill to the infantile mind, Brussels Wins From Stratford. Stratford Foot Ball team came up to Brussels last Wednesday evening so full of confidence that they only had to go through the motions and call the game a win, but after five minutes play Kiley slipped a fast one past the Stratford goalie and be- fore half time Doug Warwick got one that slipped through the goal keepers hands and legs, in fact the goalie never touched it. In the second per- iod Stratford got a goal, the ball twisting in Hoover's hands and slipped in. Early in the first period Flood, a Stratford player had his foot hurt and retired for the rest of the game. The Brussels team played well and kept their men well cover- ed. W. Bell wus referee and had a fairly easy time, as the game was free from rough stuff. Everybody was anxiously waiting for the Bea- con -Herald on Thursday evening, but the Sport Editor must have had the colic, after the game, and maybe "Winger" took a jump off the stone bridge when he got back to Strat- ford, as "Winger's" comments were missing and only this little paragraph DIE/0 OOI,It.—In Llntowrl, on Nriday .trine 21st, Ntttinnt Ilenrq Cote, In hla 02th year. Auction Sale. NB1DAY, ,uTTNii2Rth—Nnrm,stock. Imnte• moats, Nurntte re fin, nt the Walton Raw M111, Unto unranervad nt 1 o'Maok sharp, totm Mnnonnld, Prop. ; Thee. Brown, Ana, Teacher Wanted Teacher with 11104 or Reeoi,d Clans terti- }lento wanted for s.8 No. O. Grey townahln, known no linrlcar's School. A.ppilatrttons, stout g minty and esnerletron, received by the undersigned up to ,rely 1511. next, Tilos 71.713Ntit1Lte 2.2 Ii 11.1, Etireh (1-g Af"-"*"7"""4"Lica GALLAGHER'S He i Household Remedies "FRONT THE (HEART OF NATURE" GALLAGHER'S GALLAGHER'S Blood Purifier Iidnoy Remedy An excellent Medicine for Kidney Troubles Pries - $1.25 A great System Builder . arid Tonic Pries $1.00 GALLAGHER'S Indian Lung Remedy This Herbal Remedy is recommended` especially for those who are subject to repeated colds. BATHING CAPS Soft Ball Accessories AND WATER BALLS SEE THEM Gloves Bats Official Balls Complete supply on hand LEAVE YOUR FILMS HERE. BORDER PRINTS *WILL NOT FADE Alien's Drug Store Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penstar Remedies Druggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox appeared:—Brussels, June 20—.Strat ford suffered its second defeat in the local W.F.A. group here last night when they wefe blanked by the Brus- sels eleven by a score of 2 to 0. Luck went against the visitors right at the start for Flood was seriously injured and had to have medical at- tendance with the result that Strat- ford played almost the entire game with ten players. Added to that they were not at full strength, Pugh, Zulauf and Thomas, three of their regulars, being among those absent, P Ott BOYS' RE -UNION 1 Shines' S. ISehoal Grey Twp. TUESDAY, JULY 9th PROGRAMME AFTERNOON Parade at 12.30 sharp Soft Ball Tournament Prizes $15,00 $1oou Mount $5.00 PARADE—Good prizes offered for Best Float ; Best Amateur Clown ; 0x Team ; Best Decorated Car or Buggy ; Best Character Imperson- ation; Oddest Means of Transpor- tation ; Best Ladies' Make-up ; Best Gents' Make-up. SPEECH Mr. Grant. SONG Mr. Evans. DRILL DANCE SONG.. ....."010 Grey Bonnet". SPEECHES Old Timers. COMICS Mr. Whittard anti Mr. Roe. RECI'11ATIONS Mr. Perry Forest Pipe Band Athletic Sports Boys race 9 to 12 years Boys race 12 to 15 years Girls race 9 to 12 years Fat man's race. Coat race Sack rase. Booster race. Girls race 12 to 15 years 12 Pound Shot Put Childrens race L!,yJ Vattlthrg, Young men's race Runnning broad jump. Ladies' race Running High Jump. Lady School teachers' race. Horse Shoe Pitching. PRIZES GIVEN FOR VARIOUS EVENTS EVENING Soft Ball einals and Grand Concert The Jessie McCreior Concert Co., Toronto MR. ELDER—Comedian MISS WHITNEY—Dancer MISS ANDERSON Reader KISS MURRAY, ,Soloist. MISS, J. McGREGOR—Saxaphone and Pians Don't miss this flare Treat 4 first-class Program, Clean and Entertaining Admission 50 and 25 cents Booth and Dancing Pavilion on the Grounds . Lunch Served at 5.30, See the Museum. COME ONE 1 COME ALL 1 JOHN GRANT, chairman. MASS TENA DICKSON, •Secretary. „ s.c It eek is Twenty-one Jy' g `. To -day g TACK is twenty-one to -clay. But "y' J be has more than a man's years #. to his credit. lie has $1,000 in, the hank, ' It # It has grown with a practical mother's love, dollar the it It from the initial deposit of one on ft` fl first Birthday twenty ytars ago. It Youth and age alike bear witness to the Nellie Boa Aeeouut. j # of steadily building a Favings depositor, will a higher R. # Your child, as a attain scantling in the community, tonally, or most # important, in his own estimation, Open's sal,-# # ings account for the child. !! 44 it Itit THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCEit St ,fth witch es amalgamated It THE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA D Players, Pianos Organs Tuned and Repaired Satisfaction Assured J. C. Blackstone Orders' taken by Walker & Black D a 11 h isn't Win Trophy. A rink of Brussels Bowlers were t Blyth last week to attend the 1yth tournament, but did not bring ome the trophy this year. U h O w sual Holiday Hours at P. O. On July 1st the usual holiday ours will he observed at the Post t„1,4,4,4,444.44,4.4..,:„:,44,44 ffice. All other places of business ill be closed for the day, Celebrate 3 Glorious' • Twelfth *e IN t Palmerston z< North Perth Orange County and visiting Lodges are hold- t ing a Monster Celebration in Palmerston, on July 12th. 1. Speakers that are Leaders in Orange Order will be present 1. and other entertainments will 4 be, provided for all. All roads lead ...to Palmerston s on the Glorious Twelfth, 1929. 1 I 4. Foot Ball Schedule June 27—Stratford vs. Brussels, July 3—Winthrop vs. Monkton July 3—Stratford vs. Milverton July 5-14lilverton vs. Brussels July 8—Milverton vs. Stratford July 10—Brussels vs, Monkton July 11—Winthrop vs. itiilvetron July 19—Monkton vs. Brussels. and 2 n ..let 5 yearlings, 3 steers and t heifers. Mrs. Char- lotte Thomson, Henfryn. 53-2 FOR SALE—Master Six McLaughlin Car for sale. Cheap. This ear in best of repair. Alf. Baeker, Brus- sels. 52-tf BABY CHiICKS—Barred Plymouth Rock, O. A. C. strain, June 14c each. Single Comb White Leg- horn, Harron strain, June 12c each; also dry summer wood for sale. Dan. McKinnon, Brussels, Phone 23-16. 43-tf HOUSE and Property for sale. Ap• ply to Miss Ella Woods, Brussels,. Phone 22x. 47-tf. Pictures Coming to The Grand. Following are a few of the pic- tures billed at the Grand Theatre for this corning month: June 28-29—Vanishing Pioneer. July 1, 2, 3—The Legion of the Con. tlemned. • 6 ---My Pest Girl. 8, 9—Two Lover;, 12, 13..—Steamboat Bill Jr. 15, 16 --The Rescue 111, 20—Wings 22, 23 ---The Battle of the Sexes. 26, 27—The, Magic Flame 29, 30—The Garden of Eden Birt Film Corning for Holiday. Characterized as the companion picture to "Wing,;" Paramount's great epic of the air, "The Legion of the Condemned," another story of the War from the standpoint of the ,tt.ator, comes to the Grand Theatre next Monday for a 3 days' run Here is a story that differs entirely in story content from the famous raad;hnw, but in color, romance. char acterizatian and downright thrills, "The legion of the. Condemned" has taken its place right up alongside the nroduetion which is ::till standing them up in the larger cities. Like "Willes" the tale is from the Pen of John Monk `Saunders, a member of the United States Air Corps during the war, and is directed by W illinm Wallman, who saw service with the Iafnyr•tfe Squadron and who is mer- ited with the direction of "Wings" children. The nitatnnlay dents with an unat- Next Monday is July lst—a public tucked flying unit at the 'French holiday. front, composed of men who, leseanae Usual holiday hours at the Post ' of their nark paste, wanted to die. Office on July let. Their daring exploits were the talk Many from brussels were at Wing- of the War, Nothing was tea hazard New Officers of St. Johns Lodge. The new officers were installed in St. John: Lodge last Monday even- ing as follows: I. P. M.—R. Bowman Masten --F. M. Wilmot S. W.—Alex. Sperling J. W. --Kenneth Ferguson Chaplin—Rev. P. G. Fowler Treasurer—M. Black Secretary—Wm.. Gillespie S. D.—Chas. Lockwood J. D.—N. S. Hoover 1), of C.—D. C. Matheson 1. G.—W. D. Jamieson. Tyler—Wm. Wilton S. S.—N. F. Gerry J. S.—N. Chapman. Tense Situations Featured in New Zane Grey Picture. Their very existence menaced by danger to their water rights, citizens of Happy Valley meet in mass gath- ering; to take steps to fight for their rights. They agree that any one of their number who sells his land and water rights shall be shot down on sight. That is one of the tense sit- uations in Zane Grey's "The Vanish- ing Pioneer," the Paramount picture featuring Jack Holt which comes to the Grand Theatre Friday night,' The mass meeting in the picture is held in the church which serves as the grs,eral gathering place fo; the pioneer community. This scene was aelually filmed in such a church in the pioneer settlement of Rockville, Utah, a little village near Zion Na- tional Park. It was there that the company from the Paramount stu- dio in Hollywood went on location to make the exterior scenes of the pic- ture. Eminent Blind Man at Cohbo,rne St. Monday's Brantford Expositor had the following reference to a well known Brussefite, under the above heading:—A most interesting service was held last night in Colborne St. United church, when the pastor, Rev, lloward L, Roberts, M.A., B,D,, had with him assisting in the service Al- bert Lott, B.A., of Brussels, Ont., it graduate of the Ontario School for ham last Thursday, ous it: an undertaking. Into this the Blind and also of 'Queen's versit and now In his last in Brussels Foot Ball team plays in rag, of men who welcomed death Y year P Y group Stratford Thursday night, sumer Gary Cooper as the young Emmanuel 'Theological Collage. Mr. Seaforth races attracted a few American newspaperman, betrayed last Wednesday afternoon. hv'his sweetheart. The high spot The big Liberal Rally at Grand shows Cooper forced to carry hit ex - Bend last Wednesday drew many sweetheart across the German lines from Tirussels and vicinity as a spy. Fay Wray, as the spy - Lott read the lesson Iron) the Draile Bible and afterward preached most effectively of "Practical Christianity" taking as his text faun James 1-22. "Be ye doers of the word and not Speeders should remember that sweetheart, and Cooper head the cast. hearers only, deceiving-, your own while there may, not be another car In the flying sequences are many oft selves. Christian life, the preacher within a mile, it only six feet in the famous pilots who participated said, needed to be more consistent. most cases to the ditch. People who in the making of "Wings." Charlie Hearing the Word, church attend. e the wind generally have cholla will also be sten in a two.,lonce, was not enough. One must do. noc d g Y P "The „I The Christian life was a practliisal not mach to do when they get there, ,reel comedy Floorwalker. thing, it expressed itself in action. Christ did the will of Flis Father in heaven; Christians must live their lives in the apirit of Jesus --He went about doing good. The motive must he pure and unselfish, giving help, encouragement to them who could give nothing in return. The service was largely attended and the inspir- ational address full of the spirit of optimism and cheerfulness was heard with much appreciation. Rede Licenses. uc A reduction in the cost of atuomo- bile licenses in the near future was forcatt by Hon. Geo. S. Henry to the Conservative Association of North York. "The principle is firmly estab- lished that the user should pay for the roads", said Mr. Henry, in era ;Staining why the gasoline tax was in- creased during the last session. . Honker Pests The Calgary Herald refers Editor- ially to "Honker Pests" of which Brussels has also a few :—'This city is afflicted with more than its fair share of auto idiots who are stricken with the honking disease. With some of them it is a case of trying to at- tract general attention to the fact that they are the possessor of an au- tomobile. With others it i$ a case of insufferable contempt for the rights and sensibilities of other people. They honk them when in a'traffrc I*acade, they honk them when travel- ling free of traffic and they honk them as a signal to obviate the exer- tion of calling at a door, It must be return boyhood when the blowing of a horn was a pleasure and thrill to the infantile mind, Brussels Wins From Stratford. Stratford Foot Ball team came up to Brussels last Wednesday evening so full of confidence that they only had to go through the motions and call the game a win, but after five minutes play Kiley slipped a fast one past the Stratford goalie and be- fore half time Doug Warwick got one that slipped through the goal keepers hands and legs, in fact the goalie never touched it. In the second per- iod Stratford got a goal, the ball twisting in Hoover's hands and slipped in. Early in the first period Flood, a Stratford player had his foot hurt and retired for the rest of the game. The Brussels team played well and kept their men well cover- ed. W. Bell wus referee and had a fairly easy time, as the game was free from rough stuff. Everybody was anxiously waiting for the Bea- con -Herald on Thursday evening, but the Sport Editor must have had the colic, after the game, and maybe "Winger" took a jump off the stone bridge when he got back to Strat- ford, as "Winger's" comments were missing and only this little paragraph DIE/0 OOI,It.—In Llntowrl, on Nriday .trine 21st, Ntttinnt Ilenrq Cote, In hla 02th year. Auction Sale. NB1DAY, ,uTTNii2Rth—Nnrm,stock. Imnte• moats, Nurntte re fin, nt the Walton Raw M111, Unto unranervad nt 1 o'Maok sharp, totm Mnnonnld, Prop. ; Thee. Brown, Ana, Teacher Wanted Teacher with 11104 or Reeoi,d Clans terti- }lento wanted for s.8 No. O. Grey townahln, known no linrlcar's School. A.ppilatrttons, stout g minty and esnerletron, received by the undersigned up to ,rely 1511. next, Tilos 71.713Ntit1Lte 2.2 Ii 11.1, Etireh (1-g Af"-"*"7"""4"Lica GALLAGHER'S He i Household Remedies "FRONT THE (HEART OF NATURE" GALLAGHER'S GALLAGHER'S Blood Purifier Iidnoy Remedy An excellent Medicine for Kidney Troubles Pries - $1.25 A great System Builder . arid Tonic Pries $1.00 GALLAGHER'S Indian Lung Remedy This Herbal Remedy is recommended` especially for those who are subject to repeated colds. BATHING CAPS Soft Ball Accessories AND WATER BALLS SEE THEM Gloves Bats Official Balls Complete supply on hand LEAVE YOUR FILMS HERE. BORDER PRINTS *WILL NOT FADE Alien's Drug Store Exclusive Agent for Nyal and Penstar Remedies Druggist and Stationer Successor to James Fox appeared:—Brussels, June 20—.Strat ford suffered its second defeat in the local W.F.A. group here last night when they wefe blanked by the Brus- sels eleven by a score of 2 to 0. Luck went against the visitors right at the start for Flood was seriously injured and had to have medical at- tendance with the result that Strat- ford played almost the entire game with ten players. Added to that they were not at full strength, Pugh, Zulauf and Thomas, three of their regulars, being among those absent, P Ott BOYS' RE -UNION 1 Shines' S. ISehoal Grey Twp. TUESDAY, JULY 9th PROGRAMME AFTERNOON Parade at 12.30 sharp Soft Ball Tournament Prizes $15,00 $1oou Mount $5.00 PARADE—Good prizes offered for Best Float ; Best Amateur Clown ; 0x Team ; Best Decorated Car or Buggy ; Best Character Imperson- ation; Oddest Means of Transpor- tation ; Best Ladies' Make-up ; Best Gents' Make-up. SPEECH Mr. Grant. SONG Mr. Evans. DRILL DANCE SONG.. ....."010 Grey Bonnet". SPEECHES Old Timers. COMICS Mr. Whittard anti Mr. Roe. RECI'11ATIONS Mr. Perry Forest Pipe Band Athletic Sports Boys race 9 to 12 years Boys race 12 to 15 years Girls race 9 to 12 years Fat man's race. Coat race Sack rase. Booster race. Girls race 12 to 15 years 12 Pound Shot Put Childrens race L!,yJ Vattlthrg, Young men's race Runnning broad jump. Ladies' race Running High Jump. Lady School teachers' race. Horse Shoe Pitching. PRIZES GIVEN FOR VARIOUS EVENTS EVENING Soft Ball einals and Grand Concert The Jessie McCreior Concert Co., Toronto MR. ELDER—Comedian MISS WHITNEY—Dancer MISS ANDERSON Reader KISS MURRAY, ,Soloist. MISS, J. McGREGOR—Saxaphone and Pians Don't miss this flare Treat 4 first-class Program, Clean and Entertaining Admission 50 and 25 cents Booth and Dancing Pavilion on the Grounds . Lunch Served at 5.30, See the Museum. COME ONE 1 COME ALL 1 JOHN GRANT, chairman. MASS TENA DICKSON, •Secretary. „